![]() #2 February 2001 |
![]() Registration Part Two: New Recruits Plot and co-script by Ritchie Filippi Script by Chip Caroon |
{Kitty,} the professor said. {Please, come to my office. I must talk to you.}
Just a few steps was all it took for Kitty to phase between her room, and Professor Xavier's study. She knocked on the door.
"You may enter, Kitty."
Kitty phased through the door.
"Please, sit down."
Kitty walked over to the chair in front of the professor. She looked around at his desk. Remarkably, it was mostly clear, unlike the desks of many professors she knew, or had seen.
"Kitty, do you know the real reason you are here?" Xavier asked.
Kitty nodded. "Of course. I'm here because I'm a mutant, and people are scared of me. So I was put here so I wouldn't disturb anyone."
Xavier shook his head. "No, child. That has nothing to do with it. You are here because you have a special gift - a power that no one else possesses, and a gene that very few are born with. Yes, you are a mutant, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing."
"What are you trying to get at, Professor?" Kitty asked, getting slightly upset. "Are you trying to say that the school is a cover?"
"Not exactly. This school does teach 'gifted youngsters.' However, it is much more than a place for mutants to be sheltered from the world and learn from books. No, this is where they can learn to use their powers for the betterment of mankind. In fact, I bet you don't can't guess why the former students have stayed to become teachers."
Kitty sighed. "Because they're too scared to go out into the real world?"
Xavier shook his head and smiled. "No, it's because after all those years of learning to use their powers, they are using them." The professor turned and gestured to a picture hanging just above him on the wall. In it, Kitty noticed Clark and Jean, which three other kids, dressed in some unusual outfits. "Do you know who they are?"
"I know Clark and Jean, but why are they dressed so crazy? Fashion wasn't that bad a decade ago."
Xavier smiled again. "Kitty, this is a picture of the first graduating class of the Institute. After learning to use their powers, they reached out to others. The ‘funky’ fashion sense was caused by two main reasons; the first being the myth of the JSA… Super-powered heroes who fought in colorful costumes. The second was to keep their identities secret while they used their powers in public to help others… Mutant and normal alike."
"Okay," Kitty said. "What does this have to do with little ol' me?"
"Kitty," Xavier asked, "would you like to learn how to use your powers to benefit the world?"
At the same time that Kitty Pryde was talking to Xavier, several of her classmates were using a special room - the "Danger Room" - to train. Among them are Julio Esteban Richter, Everett Thomas, Frances Kane, Adam Berman, Doug Ramsey, and Jubilee, all of whom Kitty had met the day before.
"Jubilee seems to be gaining more control over her 'PAFS,'" Clark said in the control room. He was standing behind Jean, who was sitting in a chair, manning the control panel. Sitting beside her was Hank McCoy, another of the original X-Men. His main job was to create the simulation, based on the readings that Jean would give him. Standing in the back of the control booth were two recent arrivals. In fact, they had only knocked on the front door less than four hours ago. One was only known as Morph, the other was Sarah Jacobs. Both were past graduates, but neither was of the original group. They came a couple of years after the original five. Sarah's x-factor allowed her to turn her body into fire, and create fire blasts. Of course, those powers also enabled her to fly. Morph was a shape shifter, with the ability to assume almost any form he wanted.
"I'm really glad to see how Doug is able to handle himself in combat," Jean replied. "His powers are fairly noncombatant."
"He has been working out in the Danger Room quite a bit recently," Clark said. "I think he is trying to put his body in peak physical shape."
"Makes sense," Hank added. "Why be a hindrance to your team when your only worth is the fact that you can comprehend and translate any and every language known to man? I commend him."
In the back, Morph and Sarah were hardly listening to the conversation. Instead, they were talking to each other, in quiet voices.
"Morph," Sarah asked, "don't you feel a little uneasy dropping everything to come back to help the professor?"
Morph shook his head. "Of course not. Professor Xavier practically saved my life. Without him, and the Institute, I doubt I would be anywhere near the person I am. Why do you ask? Are you feeling uneasy?"
Sarah turned back to watch out the control window. "No," she said softly.
Down in the Danger Room, a panel opened from one of the walls, and a large, spiked ball started rolling. Most of the mutant kids were busy with their own distractions. However, Jubilee noticed that it was rolling right towards Everett.
"Ev! Watch out!" she cried.
Julio Richter turned his head and saw the ball. He was able to hold back his obstacle long enough to sent a blast from his left hand. Richter hoped to slow down the ball with his vibratory powers. "It's not working!" he shouted.
Doug Ramsey ran over, and tried pushing it back, with sheer will and determination.
"Doug!" Adam shouted, coming free of his trap. "Let it go! You can't handle it on your own!" Adam began running toward Francis.
"What are you doing?" she shouted. "Go help Everett!"
Suddenly, a huge beam fell near Doug. It caused him to lose his concentration, and he jumped out of the way before the ball could turn him into a human pancake. He had used up too much energy, and would be wasted for the rest of the exercise.
"Fran, you have magnetic powers, you can stop the ball!" Adam said, lifting Frances to the side, and then punching the metal device which she had been fighting. It short-circuited, and died.
"Oh, yeah. That's right!" Frances realized. She put her hands out, and used her magnetic powers to pull the ball back. At first, it didn't seem like it was working, but finally, she could feel it slowing down.
"Hey, people!" Everett shouted. "Some help here!"
At that moment, everyone in the Danger Room realized that Everett had been tied to the wall.
Adam quickly jumped down to the bottom of the room, and tried running around the spiked ball, hoping to get to Everett before it did.
Finally, everyone heard a big metal scrape as the ball stopped. Frances relaxed.
"About time," Everett said to Adam, who had gotten to him just as the ball stopped.
"Okay, kids," Jean said over the intercom, "that's it for this simulation. Get ready for the next one."
In the control booth, Hank turned to Jean. "Well, that went well. They certainly have improved since the last time I was here."
"The threats have gotten bigger, the risks are greater," Clark replied.
Suddenly, Professor Xavier's thoughts interrupted. {Clark.}
{Yes, professor?} Clark replied.
{Please, come to my study. Bring Jean.}
{Yes, sir.}
"Jean, the professor wants us. Hank, take over. Sarah, Morph, take Hank's place."
"Clark, Jean, I called you in here for a reason. I need you to do something for me."
"Like what, sir?"
"Cerebro has brought to my attention a young homeless boy who is showing high power levels," Xavier replied. "He is currently walking the streets of New York City. I need you two to find him for me."
"What are his powers?" Jean asked.
"It seems that he can destroy things by touch."
"That seems like a dangerous power," Jean said.
"And to the wrong people, a very useful power to have," Clark added. "Am I right, professor?"
"Well," the professor said, "I'm not sure, but I think it would be a good idea to find him before the 'wrong people' find him." "We're on it," Clark said standing up. "We'll be gone as soon as we grab some of the portable Cerebro units."
"Just in case," he said, closing the door.
"Are we taking the Blackbird?" Jean asked.
Clark put his arm around Jean's waist and began levitating. "I doubt it," he said. "I can get us there faster." Jean smiled as Clark began flying through the building, towards the exit.
"Alex, Rogue," Mystique began. "There is a young boy loose on the streets of New York City. He may very useful to us. He can destroy things with his touch."
'Kinda like me,' Rogue thought.
"I would go myself," Mystique continued, "but I have some personal business to attend to." She handed Alex a small photograph. "This is the boy. Beware. There might be some other people looking for him."
Mystique stood and walked away.
"Ah'm goin' to get ready," Rogue said, walking out. "Meet ya in the car in five?"
"Yeah, sure," Alex replied. 'You know I don't give a rat's ass about this "Brotherhood" or your little missions, Mystique. I'm just doing it because Magneto saved my life and I owe him. Once that debt is paid, I'm gone. Unless Rogue stays that is. Heck, I'll take her with me.' He glanced at the photo once more. 'Man, this kid doesn't know what he's getting into. Glad I'm not him.'
"Yes, Doug, please come in."
Doug walked in and sat in one of the two chairs that sat in front of Xavier's desk. 'Quite a bit of use today,' Xavier thought to himself. 'But times are changing. We must be best prepared.'
"Sir, you mentioned something about a different kinda training?" Doug asked.
"Yes, Doug," Xavier replied. "As you know, you're powers aren't much help if the team ever gets attacked. I'm sure you learned that in training."
"Today, actually."
"Well, I have spoken with some people, and we've decided that it might be best if we let you travel to Europe to train there. It will actually let your powers develop quicker than they could here. Do you want to go?"
Doug thought for a moment. "Sure, if it'll help my powers. Plus, I don't like the thought of putting my friends at risk."
"Good," Xavier smiled. "You may leave, and tell your friends. You will be leaving tomorrow morning."
“Yes, Robert?” Mystique asked.
“Magneto wants to know where you’re off to in such a hurry? Aren’t you supposed to be searching for that young mutant…? He could be useful to our… 'Cause'.”
“I sent Alex and Rogue… Time for them to start to show their usefulness to our ‘cause,’” she said as she knocked his hand off her arm. “And where I am going is my business and my business alone!”
With that, Mystique left, leaving the mutant known as Robert Drake, one of Xavier’s original students - but recently turned to the side of the Brotherhood - alone.
"No matter how many times we do that, it always surprises me," Jean remarked.
"You mean flying?"
"Duh! At least no one saw us in the air."
Clark looked around. "You know, New York is a big city. Maybe we should split up."
"Of course," Jean replied. "We can keep in contact with my telepathy."
"Or this handy little X-Men communication badge that is sewn into our jackets," Clark said with a smile.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll meet you at 387 Park Avenue South in an hour. That is, if we haven't found anything."
"What's 387 Park Avenue South?"
"Oh, just some publishing company. I just picked it because I thought it was a good enough distance," Jean said, walking off. "See ya!"
"Yeah, see you later." Clark heard two people coming up. "I don't believe it," one of them said. Clark turned around to see a face he thought he would never see, a face he hadn't seen in nearly fifteen years.
The two came up and shook hands. "Clark!" Alex said. "I thought you were dead. Back when I burnt down the orphanage."
Clark shook his head. "No, I was the only survivor... Things were never really the same though. I got moved around a lot more after that, and I had lost my only real friend. But than I was adopted sort-of and was able to get my life on track. Now, I have a reason to be."
"Ah yeah, the same thing over here… Sorry about that whole thing, I had no idea what I was…"
"Hey, man, it wasn't really your fault. It was an accident."
'Yeah, just like my birth,' Alex thought.
"So who is this?" Clark asked.
"This is Rogue," Alex replied. "She is a . . . an associate of mine."
"So, what brings you into the city? You live here…" Clark asked.
"Oh, we're just looking for something. How about you?"
"I'm . . . looking for a friend."
'Can’t believe this, seems like he has had it good since the days o hell,' Alex thought. 'How could he have survived, unless he is… Like me… Like us…Maybe…'
Clark was thinking similar, 'Maybe I should bring Alex back to the Institute… He would like it there, would maybe even fit in…'
Than Alex’s thoughts shifted. ‘Wait… He seems too together… He couldn’t be what that she-devil warned me about, could he…?’
Than, the small device in Clark’s hand started to beep. ‘No way… The girl, she is also one of “us”… No…!’
Before Clark knew it, Alex pushed Rogue behind himself and got into Clark’s face.
"Clark, we're going to get the boy," Alex said.
Clark paused before answering.
"No, you're not. You're just going to brainwash him into serving you and your little master."
"You have the Brotherhood confused with your goody goody friends and your brainwashing ‘Father,’ Xavier."
"You little . . . "
"Alex," Rogue said.
Both men turned their heads. They spotted a boy walking by.
"It's him!" they both said simultaneously, beginning to run towards him. Alex released a small blast, knocking Clark off his feet.
{Jean, come now!} Clark shouted in his head.
The boy freaked. He tapped the brick wall beside him, which allowed some bricks to come down, enough of a distraction to allow himself to get lost in the smoke which filled the air.
Clark stood up. "Alex, it doesn't have to be like this. Come with me. You can be free. Xavier is not a controlling freak."
Alex grabbed Rogue's hand and they began running. "Goodbye, Clark," Alex said. "This time, I hope it's for good, for your sake that is."
Jean came back at that moment, and saw Alex and Rogue running away. She turned to Clark, who was getting to his feet. "Who are they?"
" . . . "
"Clark, what's wrong?"
"Jean, it's gotten harder than we thought. Things just got a whole lot more complicated…"
Frances, Jubilee, and Kitty sat on the sideline, watching the game.
"I'm kinda sad to see him go,' Frances said.
"We all are," Jubilee replied.
"But, I think he kinda liked me." She smiled as Doug looked over.
'Oh, man,' Doug said. 'That's one thing I will miss. Frances, why couldn't we ever get together?' Just then, he called "Hike!" because he was the quarterback.
He ran back a few steps, and then released the ball. Unfortunately, it was intercepted by Everett.
"And Team Gold wins!" Hank McCoy shouted.
Team Blue - Doug's team - moaned, while Team Gold cheered. They all gathered in the middle to say goodbye to Doug.
"Yes, I'll miss you," he said. "I'll be sure to call or write."
Xavier was in his study, looking out at the get-together. He sighed as he continued his phone conversation.
“Moira, yeah, everything is set for Doug’s departure. He should be landing on Muir Island about noon. Times are changing and we must be prepared for anything. You know what to do right… Good, is everything set… Very good. I’m sorry about this, but you know how bad things are now. Yeah, take care… And keep me updated.”
With that, Xavier placed the phone back onto it’s receiver and looked back out over the playing field. He breathed a deep breath as he enjoyed the moment of peace, maybe one of the last few of these kinds of moments.