![]() #3 March 2001 ![]() |
![]() Registration Part Three: The Mutant Menace by Chip Caroon and Ritchie Filippi |
One of them pulled out a small device and laid it on the ground. A special hologram appeared. It was a map of the complex. As he brought his hand back up, he turned into ice.
Iceman looked around at his group. Alex was on his right, with Rogue to his right, Quicksilver across from Iceman, and Maggott standing beside him. Iceman glanced at the slugs resting on Maggott's shoulders and groaned a bit. He pointed to a red dot on the hologram.
"This is where we have to go, guys," he said. "That's where the Registration Act files are that Magneto wants us to get."
"How are we getting in, Bobby?" Alex asked.
The hologram changed shape. "I'll get us past the fence. Then, we split up into teams. Alex, you and Rogue will go straight in this door right here." He pointed to the main door at ground level. Then, he moved his finger to point out an entrance on the roof. "Maggott and I will come through the top. Quicksilver, you are going to run around the perimeter and take out as many guards as you can. Meet up with Alex and Rogue when you are done."
"Stealth?" Alex asked.
Iceman shrugged. "Try not to be noticed at first. However, if our cover gets blown at all, don't worry. Just blast your way to those files. Try not to hurt them, though."
"How do we get to the files room from our entrance?" Quicksilver inquired.
The hologram shifted again. "Alex and Rogue, you'll be able to charge straight in, down a hall, and into an elevator. Go down five floors, and you'll be in a large room. We haven't figured out what that room is. Run to the end of the room, and get on the other elevator, going up six floors."
"Why can't we jus' go up the elevator one floor?" Rogue asked.
"Because that part of the building is hidden. You can't simply go in like that. Maggott and I will come from the top."
"How do we get there, maat?"
"Don't worry, bud. I know where to go," Iceman said, picking up the device. "Everyone set?"
The members of the Brotherhood nodded.
"All right," Iceman said. "Let's go."
The quintet ran toward the chainlink fence surrounding the government complex. Iceman chilled the air, creating a mist which allowed them to see any infrared beams. Naturally, they were there, surrounding the fence. Bobby created an ice shield, which allowed the infrared beams to bounce off of it, forming a hole in which the Brotherhood could move through with ease.
As soon as they were on the other side of the fence, Bobby ordered, "Run!"
Classes were in session; both mutants and normal students lined the hallways. Clark watched as normal children passed by; it’s still strange to him every time he thinks of how things were when he was first here. A class of only five students, all mutants… But now, there are at least a hundred or so children, mutants and humans alike. Xavier said that letting normal students in was the only sure cover to protect the young mutants that learn to control their powers in these very halls. If the Government or anyone else knew the truth, everything would be lost; just how the “New Mutants” project set up by Xavier failed. The “New Mutants”, a project set up by Xavier a while ago, it involved a select few mutants to be taken out into the public, to use their powers as heroes. The test was to see if they would be accepted, but the test failed. The “New Mutants” disbanded, and Xavier vowed to never put the children in risk like that again. Now, the world seems to get madder everyday. Mutant Registration… How can they…? This doesn’t seem real.
The bell rang and Clark watched as the children entered their respective classes, he than entered his own class, shutting the door behind himself. Less than a second later, there were knocks at the door. Behind the doorway was Jubilee, she popped a bubble as she entered the class, books filling up each hand.
“Sorry I’m late!” she said as she sat down into her seat, one seat over from Frances.
“It is quite alright Ms. Lee,” Clark said, “Now, I want everyone to turn to Chapter Twelve and outline the Holocaust. Midterms will be coming up soon enough, so I want all you guys to be ready…”
Clark sat in his chair as the class started to work on their outlines. Strange . . . he thought. How the world keeps repeating itself.
The Brotherhood charged forward. Quicksilver ran ahead of the group, since his mutant ability increased his natural speed. In a matter of seconds, he had taken out most of the armed guards. However, at least one of them was able to set off the general alarm.
"Okay, guys!" Iceman ordered. "They know we're here! No sense staying hidden."
A whole army of guards came running out of the building. Iceman created an ice ramp and ascended to the roof of the building. Maggott jumpped on and ran up. Several guards got the same idea. Maggott allowed his maggots to slide off his shoulders.
"Go on, Eeny and Meeny. Show 'em what you c'n do!" he exclaimed.
The two maggots slid down the ramp, colliding with the guards. Iceman saw them tear into them and winced. No matter how many times he'd seen it before, he just couldn't stand the sight of those maggots.
Meanwhile, down on the ground, Alex and Rogue were fighting their own way past the guards. For every one they knocked down, another three came charging from within the complex.
"This is it," Alex said. "I can't hold back. We need to get it."
His hands began glowing, and the pain inside of him returned. Alex ignored it. This mission came first. He aimed at the doors, and let loose. An uncountable number of guards fell to the ground.
"'Lex," Rogue asked, "did ya hurt them?"
Alex grabbed her hand, running into the complex. "Don't know, don't care. Come on! We gotta find that elevator!"
Iceman and Maggott reached the roof. Maggott shattered the ramp as soon as he had reached the top.
"What about your . . . 'friends'?" Bobby asked.
"They'll get to me," Maggott replied.
"If you say so."
Just then, a door flew open, and about ten armed guards came running out.
"Freeze!" one of them shouted.
"What a great idea!" Iceman replied, blasting them with ice, sending them flying off of the building. "Sheesh! Where do all of these guards come from? They're coming out of the woodwork."
Iceman and Maggott ran through the now open door and began their descent to the file room.
Down below, Quicksilver was still running around the building, stealing and disassembling weapons as fast as he could. He was averaging about three and a half each cycle. However, about twenty men were coming out each time he made a complete circle of the building. Finally realizing that he only had one choice, he ran inside the complex.
Alex and Rogue had already reached the interior. They ran straight for the elevator, which was straight ahead of them. Alex was just blasting away. Finally, they reached the door. Rogue pressed the button.
"It's at the top," she said.
"We don't have time for this," Alex said as he blasted the doors, leaving a gaping hole. "Fly us down there."
Rogue began levitating, and grabbed Alex's arms. She flew into the elevator shaft and began going down. She heard something metal moving.
"Rogue, look out!" Alex shouted.
Rogue flew down as fast as she could to the fifth level down. Alex blasted that set of elevator doors, and Rogue tossed him in as fast as possible before darting in herself. The elevator came crashing down behind them, creating a large cloud of dust.
The two mutants turned the corner and found themselves in a large empty room. Just the two of them, with about fifty armed guards.
'Here we go again!' Alex thought.
"Hey, guys. Got it open yet?"
"No," Iceman said, putting his index finger to the doorknob. He inserted a small amount of ice, and allowed it to take the shape of the keyhole. He turned his icekey and opened the door. The three walked in, and Iceman closed the door, but left it slightly ajar for Alex and Rogue to get in.
File cabinets covered two walls of the room. A computer sat in the middle. Quicksilver ran to that.
"You want me to delete the files?" he asked.
Bobby nodded. "They probably have back up files somewhere else though. However, the fewer copies they have, the better."
Just then, Alex and Rogue entered. "Iceman! Cover the door! The guards are right behind us." He fired a blast, knocking several down before rushing in. He closed the door. Iceman blasted it with ice, covering it with a layer of ice several inches thick.
"Rogue, hold it! Alex, help get files."
Iceman, Alex, and Maggott ransacked the files, and grabbed as many as they could. Maggot was able to grab a lot, since he was wearing an overcoat. Meanwhile, Quicksilver's fingers flew over the computer keyboard, typing in the commands to erase the machine. He stood up.
"Done?" Maggott asked.
"I am. The computer's not."
Quicksilver began helping take out files.
"Quickie!" Iceman ordered. "See that middle cabinet? Destroy all of the files in there."
"What if Magneto wants them?"
"He won't. He told me exactly which one he wants to have destroyed, and those are it."
Quicksilver began ripping through the files, leaving a pile of shredded paper on the floor. Iceman picked up a huge stack of folders, and grabbed a case of disks. He created a special icebox and placed everything in it.
"Bobby!" Rogue shouted. "Hurry! They're comin' through!"
Iceman looked at the computer. 'It's too slow,' he thought. He lifted his left arm and shot a piece of ice at it. "Quicksilver, disassemble the CPU. Rest of you, let's go. Maggott and I will take most of the files. The rest of you cover us as you retreat. Our mission is done. Is it getting hotter in here?"
"I kinda started a small fire on the way here," Alex replied.
"Rogue, stand back," Iceman ordered. He shot a massive blast of ice, and knocked down the door. Quickly, he and Maggott were shooting down the hall with the files, going down the predetermined escape route. The other members of the Brotherhood followed, Alex blasting like crazy, causing the fire to spread faster.
When they got outside, each of them grabbed a set of files and began running. Rogue flew instead. As they neared the fence, the building blew.
"Do you really think we can trust one of Xavier's students, one of his friends, to head this attack?" Mystique asked.
"I was once a friend of Xavier's. We were like brothers," Magneto replied. "Besides, Iceman can be very useful in locating Xavier. I haven't told him anything I don't want him to know."
Mystique grunted.
Still watching the blaze, Magneto used his power to lift one of the steel beams beside Mystique. It was placed there for future construction. It lifted in the air, and then was twisted into a knot. "Trust me," Magneto said.
"Mr. Luthor!" he cried, holding a videotape.
"Happersen!" Luthor bellowed. "How many times have I told you NOT TO COME IN HERE UNANNOUNCED?"
"I'm sorry, sir," Happersen replied. "But we just got this tape, and I thought you might be interested."
Luthor put out his hand. "Give it to me. This better be good, or you'll be looking for another job."
Happersen handled the tape to Luthor, who put into the VCR in his lowest desk drawer. An image popped up on his desk monitor. It was a scene of the government complex that the Brotherhood had just destroyed.
"Consider yourself lucky, Happersen," Luthor said. "Who did this?"
"A mutant group that calls themselves the 'Brotherhood.'"
"Yes, sir."
Luthor pressed the intercom button. His secretary answered. "Yes, Mr. Luthor?"
"Get me Senator Kelly on the phone immediately."
"Yes, Mr. Luthor."
"Senator Kelly, Mr. Gyrich, I assume that you have heard about the mutant attack on a government complex."
"Yes, I have," Kelly replied. "However, I am interested in how you found out."
"Kelly, I make it my business to keep tabs on my . . . projects. I wish to know what will be done about it? This attack proves that mutants are dangerous to the safety of the American people."
"Actually, that's where I come in, Mr. Luthor," Gyrich said. "I have been in contact with several meta-humans . . . and aliens, I guess. It seems as if we can create our own supergroup to combat this mutant menace."
"And what exactly is this supergroup?" Luthor asked. "I want details."
"Actually, it is a supergroup that has existed before. It broke up a few years back, for some rather mysterious circumstances," Gyrich replied.
"You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Avengers League, would you?" Luthor inquired.
Gyrich nodded. "As a matter of fact, I would. I've already contacted the one called Martain Manhunter. He has agreed to talk to me."
"I want to be there," Luthor said.
"As do I," Kelly added.
"Very well," Gyrich replied. "I shall be meeting with this 'Martain Manhunter' early tomorrow. Can you fly down to Washington?"
Luthor smiled. "I'll be on a plane within the hour."
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Clark dismissed his last class a few minutes early and made his way to the Danger Room. Hank and Morph were already there, engaged a duel, using their mutant powers. Jean and Sarah were standing in the Control Room, watching and manning the controls. Clark entered, taking off his dress shirt revealing a black uniform with redlined buckles. Clark signaled to the girls who then opened the door to the Danger Room. Clark flew in at great speed and caught both Hank and Morph off guard, knocking them off their feet.
“Can one more join in on this fight?” Clark asked as they got to their feet.
“Okay, you better be prepared for a beating!” Morph said as he turned into a giant ape and jumped at Clark.
“Hey, and I thought that I was the beast type guy?” Hank said with a laugh as he joined in.
In the control room, Jean and Sarah talked.
"Looks like things are really changing," Jean said.
"Not really," Sarah replied. "Sure, I've been pulled back into the ‘business’, but it's nothing that’s radical. It's only been a few years since I left." She looked down into the Danger Room, and watched the guys. She chuckled. "They all still have their testosterone battles," she commented. "Like I said, nothing much changes. Although I am surprised that you and Clark aren't together yet."
Jean hesitated. "Well . . . I've been thinking about it. But, we're just friends… That's all."
Sarah nodded. "Sure," she said softly, "for now."
He turned and walked out of the meeting room. Mystique was waiting for him in his office.
"They'll hate you for the truth behind your plans," she said.
Magneto walked over to his chair. "And that is why only you have knowledge of what will be transpiring."
"This is Iceman. Magneto will be leading the brotherhood on a full-scale assault on the Congress meeting tomorrow morning. I think that the Mutant Registration act will be announced to the public and voted on."
"Good work, Iceman," the voice on the other end said.
"Iceman out."
Bobby stood up, pocketed the device, and walked out of the corner.
{Clark, Jean, Hank, Morph, Sarah . . . There is an emergency. I fear that it is time for you to go into action . . . }