Nightwing: He's broken away from Batman to become his own independent hero, but Chuck Barnes lived for years under Batman's guidance. He's an incredible detective and trained in several different fighting styles. Armed with several gadgets and a bo-staff, Nightwing's an ordinary human pushed to peak physical conditions. |

Superboy: Kon-El's power of tactile telekinesis give him the abilities of flight, super strength and invulnerability. His photonic shield is an homage to his apparent idol, Captain America. |

Arrowette: Cissie King-Jones is yet another descendant of a whole family of masked, bowmen heroes, the first female of the line. She has, quite possibly, one of the most accurate eyes in the world. Armed with a whole assortment of trick arrows, she proves that she doesn't need any super powers. |

| Impulse: Despite an early attempt at a solo career, Bart Allen joined up with the youths in Young Justice and has stayed with the team. His top speed appears to be near the speed of light, and he appears to think only after he acts, if ever. |

Jolt: Hallie Takahama's body can absorb any ambient energy and give her super-fast reflexes and armed her with a 'jolt' shock-punch. Jolt joined after being rescued from Armin Zola's castle. |

Rebel: Nothing is known about this strange, Asian girl. She appears to be
almost mute, knowing maybe ten words at most. But the other members have
theorized that, though she cannot speak, she can read body language and knows
an opponent's moves before he or she makes one, making her an extremely
dangerous fighter. |

Empress: Anita Fite comes from a family that had a long tradition of
practicing what white people call 'Voodoo'. When she was born, her
grandmother cast a protection spell over young Anita...a spell which granted
her mysterious powers. At a young age she was already extremely athletic,
and as time went on, she discovered she could teleport in a cloud of smoke! |

Phoenix: Linda Danvers is a powerful woman. Long had she been fighting off
the power inside her, but since accepting it, she is nearly unstoppable. She
flies when a bird of fire appears behind her, and has newly discovered
telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Jade: As her skin, eyes, and hair are green, Jennifer Lynn Haden could not hide her name or her abilities from the public. Her force of will allows her to create anything and sustain it as long as she wished. The objects were often used to fight crime, something she became good at. She also appears to have the ability to fly. However, she was adopted and her family history is completely unknown. |

Cannonball: Sam Guthrie was a founding member of the New Mutants, believed to be a training group for the outlaw X-Men. His mutant powers allow him to rocket through the sky at incredible speeds. He is then protected by a blast field that makes him virtually invulnerable. It is rumored that he is immortal and part of a group of mutants called the Externals, but it has not been confirmed. |

Magik: A Russian mutant and another founding member of the New Mutants, Illyana Rasputin can open portals from one spot to another. However, when travelling, she must stop somewhere else between point A and point B. That place is also known as Limbo, and is responsible for her apparent ability to create a sword and body armor out of midair whenever she gets involved in a battle. |

Wonder Girl: It is not quite certain where Cassie Sandsmark obtained the powers which transformed her into Wonder Girl. Originally, it was thought that they were granted by the King of the Norse Gods, Odin. However, recent changes in her powers have contradicted that. She appears to be a very young teenage girl, weak and even scrawny at first glance. Yet, she has powers similar to those of Superboy, only without the telekinesis. She has the abilities of flight, super strength, and invulnerability. She recently returned to the team after being thought dead. |

Black Cat: Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a fairly infamous jewel thief. When she learned of her
heritage, and who her father was, she felt compelled to follow in his
footsteps. For a time, Felicia pursued a career as a
successful jewel thief. However, she soon
learned the err of her ways and was given a chance to redeem herself as a
hero in Young Justice.

Hornet: Eddie McDonough was born with a Palsied right arm, making it crippled and fairly useless, causing him many insecurities. To cover
for this, Eddie buried himself in books, and became something of a genius. He continued adapting the technology of robotics and cybernetics through his early high school years, eventually designing a fully sealed suit
that would give him control over his arm and flight. As the Hornet, he soon
found himself actually fighting crime! |

Marvel Boy: Freddy Freeman and his sister, Mary, were on a plane with their parents, heading
for a vacation, when tragedy struck. The plane went down, and his parents
were killed. Lost and alone, the two eventually found their way into a cave
and met an old wizard named Shazam. The wizard saw the good and innocence in
those two children, and he bestowed upon them a great gift and great power,
before helping them get back to their homes. Now, whenever Freedy yells "Shazam" he is instantly transformed into Marvel Boy!

| Marvel Girl: Mary Freeman and her brother, Freddy, were on a plane with their parents, heading
for a vacation, when tragedy struck. The plane went down, and his parents
were killed. Lost and alone, the two eventually found their way into a cave
and met an old wizard named Shazam. The wizard saw the good and innocence in
those two children, and he bestowed upon them a great gift and great power,
before helping them get back to their homes. Now, whenever Mary yells "Shazam" she is instantly transformed into Marvel Girl! |

The Ray: Raymond Terrill's grandfather was the original Ray, a super hero during World War II.
He absorbs sunlight and rechannels it for
many uses, including flight, super speed, super strength, invulnerability,
and the ability to fire blasts of heat and/or light energy.
He is the oldest member of the team, currently enrolled at Empire State
University. He had enjoyed a brief solo career, but eventually helped form,
and lead, the new Young Justice.

Ricochet: Johnny Gallo wants to forget his homelife in Brooklyn. When he was eight years old, his
mother was killed, and his father, taking it very hard, drank heavily. Ricochet is extremely agile and can jump very high. He also has a sort
of sixth-sense that warns him of danger. His main ability though, is his
uncanny aim. Ricochet uses bouncing disks that he can place with amazing
accuracy to rebound and strike specific targets. What Captain America does
with a big shield, Johnny does with small disks. He has regular disks, as
well as a few explosive ones in his arsenal. |

Virago: Sarah Raimes grew up in Philadelphia. Her father walked out on the
family when she was four. She was typically
an outcast. But she preferred special. She wanted to
make a difference out there in the world, and trained herself to be stronger
and smarter than everyone she knew, all the people who weren't her friends.
It had never really occurred to her to be a super-hero . . . that is, until she
had her first vision. She doesn't know where they come from, but she knows
they're real, and that they hurt her head a lot. It's always of someone in
danger, someone who needs help. It was a great responsibility that
accompanied that power, and she was determined to live up to it.

XS: Jenny Ognats lived a normal life with her mother and father. She went to
school, had friends, had a social life - and then, one day - she had super
speed. She does not yet know how or why she has powers. It is possible that
she is a mutant. Either way, she is quite possibly the fastest woman alive. |

Buckeye: Alexander started fighting crime in Ohio as a young adult in college. He
was a former highschool football player who was going on to be a PE teacher
and hopefully, one day, a coach. Wishing to stay physically on top of his
game was what got him into the hero gig; the added sense of responsibility is
what kept him in. As Buckeye, he uses an armored suit and a billy club in
order to bring criminals to justice. |