![]() Revelations: Part III co-plot and script by Chip Caroon co-plot by Paul Hahn and Bob Young |
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"Bobby, tell me that wasn't a teddy bear that threw a grenade at us!" Warren exclaimed.
"I wish I could," Bobby replied, icing up. "I'll check the front, you check the back."
Iceman glided up to the side of the van, and peered in the passenger's window. He saw no one - except for a small stuffed bear.
"Schott!" Iceman called out. "Where are you?"
As if on cue, the back doors of the van swung out, and a giant robot-like creature came out, towards Angel.
"You have to be kidding!" Angel shouted. He flew up, trying to draw the robot's attention from the van.
Iceman glided back to help, and sent a shard of ice flying toward the robot's midsection. It did little to slow the robot down.
Meanwhile, the van took off.
"Oh, no you don't," Iceman said, gliding until he was in the back. He lay on the floor of the van, and leaned out the open back. He grabbed ahold of the rear wheel axle, and held on as tight as he could as the entire axle, along with some other components of the van, froze over. At the speed the van was going, any size bump would cause the axle to break.
Sure enough, the van hit a bump, and the frozen axle broke.
Iceman was almost at the driver's door immediately. He reached in and grabbed Schott by the throat and yanked him out.
"You're coming with me," he said.
Angel flew in. "I'll handle Toyman here."
"What took you?" Iceman asked, handing the Toyman, with his hands and feet incased in blocks of ice, to Angel.
"Had to stop that robot. Your ice shard didn't really help."
"How'd it go?"
"Well, the sports car was totaled anyway, so I sacrificed what was left for the greater good."
Iceman was confused. "How, exactly?"
"Didn't you see that explosion?"
"Guess not. I was too busy stopping the van."
"You get back to Westchester. I'll deal with this bad Santa wannabe."
He walked to the lab, figuring Hank was around, and might know where everyone was.
Turns out, Bobby didn't even have to ask. As soon as he entered the lab, he saw Clark and Jean standing behind Hank, who was examining . . . something.
"Bobby," Clark said. "How've you been?"
"Okay, I guess," Bobby answered, walking closer. "Warren and I chased down some freak who could bring toys to life and have them throw grenades at people, but Warren's turning him over now. And you?" Bobby figured their morning could not have been any crazier than his.
"Well, we got another package in the mail from our mysterious 'friend', with another rock, and then Hank and I were attacked by this strange creature from another planet. Then, I went on a quick trip to Kansas."
Bobby looked at the telepathic hound on the table, and then back at Clark. "Okay, you win. You had the more interesting morning."
Hank put down his tools and looked up. "That's it, I give up. There's absolutely nothing more I can learn from this hound."
"What have you learned?" Bobby asked.
"Nothing other than what Clark knew about it when it attacked us."
"But there's no homing beacon or something?" Jean asked.
"I don't see any," Hank observed. "But that's not to say that the creature's owner or master doesn't have some sort of connection with it." He looked at Clark. "Any help?"
Clark shook his head. "That ship only had so much programmed into it."
"Speaking of the ship, I never did ask you what you found out in Smallville."
"Not much. The ship was taken away before anyone had a chance to study it. I assume it was the Professor's doing, but I have no clue how he possibly got the ship from there to here."
"He was mysterious like that," Jean said. "But there was nothing useful. Soil samples?"
"Not reliable enough," Beast interjected. "It's been far too long for there to be any residual in the dirt."
"So, the trip was a bust?" Iceman wondered.
"I got some of the locals estimates on where it could have come from, based on the force of the landing and angle of impact."
"Can I see them?" Hank asked.
"I left them in my bedroom. I can go get them."
"Later," Hank replied. "I've been studying this for far too long."
"Hey," Bobby said, opening the refrigerator.
Logan grunted.
"How's your morning been?"
"Took the girl to town," Logan replied. "Glad we didn't have enough cash to buy everything she wanted."
"A lot, huh?" Bobby asked, pulling out the various meats that had been saved for sandwiches, and setting everything on the counter.
Logan widened his eyes for a second. "Unbelievable how many different outfits females think they need."
"No action, though?"
"Nothin' like what happened at th' home front. You?"
"Warren and I followed an old bald man who controlled toys. He had a teddy bear that through a grenade at us."
Logan looked at Bobby, wondering if everything was right in his head.
"It only got stranger from there."
Logan looked down at Bobby's sandwich, which was piled high with plenty of different meats and lots of condiments. "Healthy," he said.
"Coming from the beer drinker."
Logan held his bottle up. "Low carb."
Bobby just looked at Logan, with a look of amazement. Then, they both let out a nice laugh.
What the hell is up with this itch? he wondered.
He reached over to scratch his arm, and felt a lot of hair. Putting the book down, he looked at his arm.
"Oh my stars and garters!" he exclaimed, seeing blue fur growing out of his skin. Then, he felt his body changing.
He let out a massive scream, falling to the ground, grabbing his head.
Jean was the first one to arrive. She rushed in, and knelt beside him.
"Jean . . . " Hank said, turning to face her.
"Hank?" Jean asked, startled at her friend's new appearance. His face looked less human, and more beast-like, appropriate to his name.
Clark, Bobby, and Warren rushed in.
"Hank . . . " Clark said.
"The kryptonite. The red one . . . must have done this," Beast said, before passing out.
He got out of bed, and put his jeans and a t-shirt on. Moments later, he was outside.
It usually worked to clear his head. Get a new perspective on things.
It didn't work this time. There was too much. The Weapon X incident. The mysterious packages. The hound. And now, Hank.
The more he thought about it, the more he believed there had to be another survivor.
Someone had to have sent him the Kryptonite. Someone had to have set the hound on him.
"So, we finally meet, Kal-El."
Clark looked up, and saw a man dressed all in red. His apparel looked military and regal all at the same time.
"Who are you?" Clark asked.
"I am Zod."
"You're Kryptonian, right?"
"You are correct."
"Do you have any answers?"
"I have answers. I cannot guarantee they are what you wish to hear."
"Tell me. Why am I here?"
"Did you not learn this from the birthing matrix?"
"I know the basics. Krypton blew up. But why here?"
"Krypton has a long and glorious history. Such a shame that the last survivor has no recollection of it. Prepare yourself, Kal-El . . . "
The world faded to white.
Then, images of another world faded in.
Then, Brainiac took over. No one is quite sure where he had come from, but a group of scientists always blamed themselves for his creation. The commonly accepted theory is that he evolved from the advanced technology.
He was a product of the science the Kryptonians so desperately worshipped.
Gradually, he changed Krypton from a peaceloving, scientific planet, to one of militaristic aggression.
As head of Krypton's military, I soon befriended Brainiac, and he and I ruled the planet together.
Brainiac had conducted many experiments and calculations, and found that the red sun that our planet revolved around limited our potential.
We needed a yellow sun to be truly great. Powerful. Brainiac implemented a plan to send children to systems with yellow suns.
Three ships were sent out. One was lost, and the other two were destroyed before they got beyond Krypton's gravitational field.
"So, where do I fit in with that?"
"Your father, Jor-El, was convinced that Krypton was unstable, and ready to explode. By that time, however, the scientists had abandoned most of their rationale, and followed Brainiac and myself blindly."
"So, no one believed him?"
"Only myself and Brainiac. We knew the truth, but we kept it hidden."
"Having taken over the world, there was no challenge. We were bored. The excitement came from conquering."
"And then, my father sent me to Earth. That's what Death meant by 'one of four'."*
*(#6-7, Annual #1)
Zod seemed shocked by this. "Death? You encountered Death?"
"Yeah. Who is he?"
"Does he live?"
"No. But he said Rao wanted me to live."
"He lies."
"So, Rao wants me dead?"
"Rao has nothing to do with this!" Zod screamed.
"Look. Here's what I know. My planet blew up, and my father sent me here, knowing I'd be a champion, helping people. He wanted me to live!"
"You fool!" Zod bellowed. "You know nothing! Kneel before Zod!"
"No!" Clark exclaimed.
Zod clenched his fist. "This is not the time to fight . . . "
She saw a red streak fall from the sky, and land in the backyard of the mansion. She ran over to find Clark embedded several inches in the ground. His face was bloodied.
"Clark?" she asked, trying to hold back the tears.
"It was Zod . . . I don't know anymore . . . "
Clark leaned back, thinking of Zod's final words to him.
This is not the time to fight. You must first face your destiny, and embrace it. You have powers far beyond the mortal man. Even beyond these so-called 'mutants' you surround yourself with.
You were not sent to be a hero for Earth.
You were sent to conquer it.