![]() Revelations: Part IV by Bob Young and Chip Caroon special thanks to Paul Hahn |
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Clark had been wandering around the mansion, alternating brooding and snapping at the other X-Men. He didn't want to talk to Jean about his strange behavior. In fact, he was barely speaking to her at all. She tried to use her telepathic abilities to discern the cause of his strange actions, but all she could sense in him was wild mood swings, especially an irrational anger. It was towards no one in particular, but it was there and it was intense.
The visit from his fellow Kryptonian - Zod - was heavily on his thoughts and Jean assumed that this was the reason for his odd moods. What he learned from Zod was certainly traumatic, and even a levelheaded, strong-willed man like Clark could be rattled by such news. But he was taking it too far, Jean felt. His manic mood swings were just not right. Something was definitely askew here.
Clark stormed into the lab, ready to demand answers from Hank. But he found the lab empty. Clark was irate. "Where the hell is he?" Clark muttered, wondering why Hank wasn't here studying the Kryptonian rock.
Clark approached the red rock, which lay in a metal tray on a counter top. He stared at it, stroking it as if it were a pet. "What are you?" he whispered.
Suddenly, a spasm of pain overcame the mighty man from Krypton. He doubled over, suffering some sort of massive abdominal cramp. This was followed by a moment of dizziness and disorientation. Just as quickly as it struck, the effects of the strange ailment passed. Clark wondered about the cause of these mystery spasms, which he had suffered several times in the past few days. He was virtually indestructible. He wasn't accustomed to feeling pain. What was happening to him?
Whatever it was, he wasn't going to tell anyone else. He didn't need them fussing over him, or worse, telling him he was sick. He could handle his own problems. He didn't need anyone.
He was Superman!
He needed to be alone, amongst the sights and smells and little creatures of nature. He needed to compose his thoughts. This was going to be a big adjustment. He wondered if there were a scientific way to reverse the transformation.
Moreover, he wondered what had triggered it. Was it the mysterious red stone from space that Superman had become so fascinated with? One might even say obsessed! What was the secret of this little rock?
"What's the deal, Jeannie?" Wolverine asked.
"I'm worried about Clark," she said. "Have the rest of you noticed that he's been a little . . . "
"Nuts?" Iceman suggested.
"Bobby!" Jean chastised.
"He's not far off, Jeannie?" Wolverine said.
"I have to agree," Angel stated. "Clark is definitely entering the realms of abnormal behavior."
"Whatever abnormal is for a guy from space," Wolverine added.
"Put a lid on that sort of talk!" Jean insisted. "But we're all agreed that Clark is not himself at the moment."
"Totally agreed," Angel said. "But couldn't this all be connected with his visit from that Zod guy?"
"I thought that at first, too," Jean said. "But . . . "
Suddenly, the entire estate shook as if an explosion occurred nearby. A booming crash echoed throughout the mansion.
"What the . . . ?" Wolverine hissed.
"Kal-El!" a bellowing voice called from outside. "Come out, Kal-El!"
"Everyone outside!" Jean shouted.
The four X-Men exited the building and found the sinister figure of Zod standing outside in a pit where his point of impact had been. Zod smiled at the mutants.
"Ah, the indigenous inhabitants of this little mudball," Zod said. "I mercifully allow you a few seconds to flee. I promise that I will not pursue if you run now."
"Well, gee, thanks a whole friggin bunch," Wolverine said, extending his claws. "You're a prince of a guy!"
"Yeah," Iceman said. "We'll remember you at Christmas."
"Earth humor," Zod said. "How droll. I do not know what a 'Christmas' is, nor do I care. I gave you a fair chance to flee. Now, it seems, I must kill you. Bothersome, but if that's how it is, so be it."
Before Zod could move, a blast of energy struck near his feet. Zod barely reacted to the incident. He grinned, not needing to look up to see whom his attacker was. "Hello, Kal-El."
Superman floated above the other X-Men, glaring angrily at his fellow Kryptonian. "Get out of here, Zod!"
"Not until you give me an answer," Zod said. "Remember my generous offer? We left things unsettled. Will you align yourself with the great Brainiac, or will you continue to be a fool?"
"Don't call me a fool!" Superman shouted, enraged.
Superman lunged at Zod, but Zod evaded the clumsy assault. Superman threw a few punches, but Zod either ducked under them or blocked them. All the while, Zod inwardly celebrated a triumph. It was clear to him that the red kryptonite was affecting Superman, as it was meant to. Superman was fighting like a thoughtless barbarian. No skill or thought was put into his impulsive attack. This is just what Zod wanted. He had seen all he needed to see.
"Enough!" Zod said, backing away from Superman.
Superman was still itching for a fight. "Give up, Zod, or do you want some more?"
Zod suppressed a smile. "I see no further reason to remain. I'm going, Kal-El. Goodbye, my Kryptonian brother, until we meet again."
Superman watched Zod glide off casually. Superman sneered at him, but puffed out his chest in a gesture of triumph. "No one messes with me!" Superman cried, victoriously.
Jean didn't like it. I was too easy. Why did Zod leave? Superman was fighting like a madman and Zod could conceivably have defeated him. So why run?
Wolverine had his own concern. "What the hell were you thinking, Kent? Why did you let him go? You know he ain't done yet! Now we're gonna have to be watching our backs, waiting for him to stick it to us!"
"It's not just us," Angel said. "His agenda could affect the whole world."
"And you let him go!" Iceman added.
Wolverine poked Superman in the chest with a finger, accusingly. "Ain't you got nothin' to say for yourself, Supes?"
Superman, easily moved to anger under the influence of Red Kryptonite, was incensed by the accusations. Unexpectedly, he slapped Wolverine away. Wolverine was sent flying across the lawn, and crashed into the wall of the mansion. Only his adamantium skeleton and healing powers kept him from receiving a serious injury.
"Clark!" Jean yelled. "Have you gone crazy? Stop this!"
"Shut up!" Superman yelled. "I'm tired of all of you yammering at me! If I don't get some quiet time away from you, I just might do something you won't like!"
Superman jetted off into the sky at incredible speed.
"Clark, come back!" Jean yelled. She knew his super-hearing could pick up every word she said, but he was ignoring her. She tried to use her telepathic abilities, but he was in such an irrational state of mind, reaching his thoughts was like trekking through a dense thicket with weights tied to her legs. She couldn't even tell if he was picking up her message, or if he were capable of understanding it.
"We have to go after him," Angel said. "In his state of mind, he could be dangerous to anyone he comes across."
Wolverine limped back to the others, recovering quickly from the powerful impact.
"You okay, Logan?" Jean asked.
"I'll live, Jeannie girl," Wolverine said. "But the way I feel right now, it's a good thing Superguy took a powder. I'm in a real bad mood!"
"How do we find Clark?" Iceman asked.
"Maybe Hank can come up with something," Angel suggested.
"I hate to bother him now, but we have no choice," Jean said. "We have to bring Clark back."
"What if he doesn't want to be brought back?" the Iceman suggested.
Wolverine extended his claws again. "I'll just have to say 'Please'!"
"We're not trying to kill him!" Jean insisted. "There's something wrong with him, and we're going to help him! You three go and find Hank. I'm going to try one more time to reach his mind."
Angel, Iceman, and Wolverine acknowledged the order and went off to look for the Beast. Jean stayed in the center of the lawn, looking upwards, hoping to see the sight of Clark returning to her. Her heart beat faster when she saw a figure descending from the sky. Was he returning? It must be him, she thought.
But it wasn't him. She gasped when she realized that Zod had returned. He was upon her so quickly that she barely had time to send out a mental SOS.
The other X-Men nearby felt the telepathic call for help, and ran to her assistance. Even the Beast, who was absorbed in his own dilemma, immediately answered the call.
Soon, Beast, Wolverine, Iceman, and Angel were standing on the front lawn of the mansion, staring at a message burned into the ground by Zod's heat vision. It said, 'Kal-El for the Girl'.
"I knew we hadn't heard the last of that slimeball," Wolverine said.
"Is anyone hearing a message from Jean?" Angel asked.
"Nope, not me," Iceman said.
"She may be unconscious," Beast suggested.
"How do we find them?" Iceman asked.
"I have a theory about how to trace Superman," Beast said. "It involves tracking his particular kinetic frequency. If I knew Zod's, I could find him, as well."
"Well, we don't, so that don't help us much!" Wolverine said.
"I don't hear you coming up with any better ideas," Iceman said.
"Bite me, junior!" Wolverine snapped.
"Enough adolescent bickering," Beast said. "We need to devise a strategy."
"Beast is right," Angel said. "We . . . "
The group was surprised when Superman descended into their ranks. "What's happened here?" he demanded to know. "I thought I felt a message from Jean. Like she was in trouble or something?"
"You did indeed," Beast said. "Zod has taken her."
Superman's face twisted into a mask of hatred and his fists clenched tightly. "Zod," he whispered, almost inaudibly. And then, like thunder, he screamed out the name "Zod!" again, with so much force that he almost damaged the eardrums of his teammates.
"I know you're upset," Angel said. "But you have to get a grip on yourself. You . . . "
"Don't tell me what to do!" Superman shouted. "I don't need you're advice and I don't need your help! I'll get Jean back and God help anyone who gets in my way! I'll tear this whole planet apart if I have to!"
Superman streaked off like a rocket, rage filling his thoughts. All he wanted was to tear Zod apart. The other X-Men watched him go.
"I don't like this!" Angel said.
"We have to go after him," Beast added.
"What about Jeannie?" Wolverine asked.
"We don't know how to find her," Beast said. "While I think up a strategy, I suggest that our time is best spent stopping Clark from injuring anyone."
"I agree," Angel said.
"Me too," Iceman added.
Wolverine hesitated and then finally nodded his agreement.
"I'm worried about what's going to happen when we catch up to him," Angel said. "He may not want to come with us."
"Good," Wolverine said. "I'm looking for an argument!"
"I don't remember the last time we tried to fight Clark too clearly," Iceman said. "But I know we got our clocks cleaned!"*
*(Wonder Woman #20)
"Perhaps we should summon some assistance," Beast said. "The JLA, perhaps? They know us already, so there is little risk of exposure. And they have some powerful members, like Thor and Wonder Woman. We can use their help."
"Good idea," Angel said. "I'll contact them right away."
Superman crashed into the mountain with incredible force, shattering part of the large mountainside. Inside, Superman did not find Zod or a secret hideout. He found a typical mine. Miners ran and screamed in panic as the mine caved in on them. Some of them were buried alive and others were trapped deep in the mine. Superman disregarded them. He had no time for these humans. He needed to find his enemy. He flew off, leaving the miners in peril.
When he burst out of the mine, he saw the X-Jet approaching. "What the hell do they want?" he wondered, annoyed.
Inside the jet, the X-Men witnessed Superman's act of destruction. "He just clobbered a mountain!" Iceman said.
"It may be worse than that," Beast commented. "My observation of the collapse tells me that the mountain is, in part, hollowed out, meaning that there is a mine therein."
"So there may be miners trapped inside!" Angel exclaimed.
Beast hit the button for the loud speaker. "Clark, this is Hank," he said, over the PA. "Listen to me. You are not yourself. You're not well. You must come with us. You . . . "
Superman spitefully rammed into the jet, knocking a hole in it. The jet careened out of control.
"We're going down!" Beast said. "Everybody bail out!"
Angel grabbed Beast and Wolverine and carried them out through the hole in the plane. Iceman escaped via his self-created slide, and skied to safety. Angel alighted on the mountaintop with his passengers. They all watched as the jet crashed, exploding in a blast of fire and smoke.
Superman looked unmoved. "I told you not to follow me. Now go away, before I really get mad!"
"We can't do that," Beast said. "You're ill, Clark. You're a danger to the world. We . . . "
Superman took a breath and released it. He blew the four mutants off the mountaintop. They rolled down the hillside. They landed a ledge several dozen yards below. The Angel flew back to face off with Superman, while the others ascended the mountain.
"Don't make us fight you, Clark!" he said.
"As if you could," Superman said, with confident superiority. "What are you going to do? Flutter your feathers in my face?"
Angel tried to take advantage of Superman's overconfidence to home in on the man of steel's center of balance. He hoped he could throw the Kryptonian completely off balance, giving the other X-Men a chance to regroup.
He failed. Superman was too fast for him. Faster than a speeding bullet. He grabbed Angel by the ankle, spun him around and threw him far away. Even with his wings, it took Angel a long time to retard his speed and come to a stop. He was miles away by then.
Beast made an unsuccessful attempt to stop Superman by raking Clark's eyes with his new claw-like nails. He didn't make a scratch. Beast was body-slammed into the mountaintop. He was injured. Had he been a little less durable or had Superman slammed him a bit harder, Beast might have died. As it was, he couldn't stand up.
Iceman tried to trap Superman in a block of ice but the man of steel easily shattered the ice with a flex of his muscles. He fired his heat vision at the icy mutant. Iceman screamed as steam rose from his frozen body. He tumbled back and rolled down the mountain.
Wolverine crept up behind the Kryptonian, and leapt, adamantium claws extended. Shiny metal claws racked against the man of steel's back. Sparks and the sound of metal-against-metal were the result as the claws scratched against indestructible skin. Had Wolverine a better recollection of his last battle with Superman, he might not have been so confident in his ability to pierce the alien heroes' body. Not even Wolverine's adamantium claws could tear that invulnerable flesh.
Superman burned Wolverine with his heat vision. Wolverine fell, wailing in pain, as his skin burnt. But the Canadian mutant did not pass out. Instead, he merely scowled at Superman. His injuries healed almost immediately. He charged Superman again. Superman met his charge. They collided. Wolverine was sent tumbling down the mountain. Were he not filled with adamantium, he might have been crushed by the impact. Still, it would take him a few minutes to recover from this.
"Who's next?" Superman asked, to no one in particular.
"I am!" a new, strong voice said.
Superman looked up, and saw the new arrival. He was a big, muscular man in a red costume, floating in the air. He had a white cape, yellow boots and a lightning bolt on his chest. His black hair was slicked back.
"Captain Marvel!" Superman said, recognizing the newcomer. "What do you want?"
"To stop you!" Captain Marvel said. "It doesn't take the Wisdom of Solomon to see that Angel didn't exaggerate when he called me. What's gotten into you, Superman? This isn't like you!"
"Stay out of my way!" Superman yelled.
"Don't make this hard!" Captain Marvel said. "I don't want to fight you. Just come quietly and I won't have to hurt you."
"Shut up and fight!" Superman said, and launched himself at Captain Marvel.
The two powerful beings collided with an impact that shook the entire mountain range. They exchanged blows that could shatter those same mountains. They held nothing back. Both were surprised by the power of the other. They had rarely encountered anyone who could match them blow-for-blow.
"Damn it, snap out of it, Superman!" Captain Marvel said. "You need help! Don't do this!"
Distracted by his own attempts at peacemaking, Marvel allowed Superman to slip a strong right cross past his guard and smash him in the face. Marvel was sent flying backwards, crashing into a mountain. He quickly recovered and returned to the fray.
"Quite a challenge!" Superman said. "Round two!"
They locked up again. Captain Marvel realized what he was up against. Although he was as strong as Hercules, Superman was even stronger. Although he was as fast as Mercury, Superman was faster. The only advantage that Captain Marvel had was that Superman was fighting like a wild animal. Captain Marvel had the Wisdom of Solomon to fall back on. He needed to outthink his opponent.
Captain Marvel wondered how Superman would stand up to a mystical attack. Perhaps a zap of magic lightning would harm the indestructible X-Man. He didn't know for sure, but he hoped that Superman might be vulnerable to a magic attack.
Superman surprised Captain Marvel by blasting him in the face with a burst of heat vision. While Marvel was stunned, Superman followed up his attack with a flurry of savage blows. Marvel grabbed Superman's arm and flipped him. Superman was sent a half-mile away and slammed into a mountain. Superman roared and returned to the battle. Captain Marvel prepared his strategy. He waited for Superman to get closer.
"Shazam!" Captain Marvel yelled, summoning the magic lightning that usually transformed him back to his human form. But that was only if the lightning hit him. This time, it would not.
Captain Marvel retreated at the speed of Mercury, getting some distance between himself and Superman, and evading the lighting. Superman reached the spot where Marvel had just been. He was there when the magic lightning struck. Superman was hit by the lightning. He jerked spasmodically. Marvel had guessed right. Magic had a devastating effect on Superman's body. Superman fell to a mountaintop, stunned.
Captain Marvel landed. Seeing that Superman was still conscious, Captain Marvel took a defensive stance, ready for anything. If Superman still wanted to fight, Captain Marvel would oblige.
Superman looked up at Marvel, but the blind rage was gone. His eyes were soft, and remorseful. Guilty. The Wisdom of Solomon told Captain Marvel that this was not an act.
"Are you all right?" Captain Marvel asked.
Superman nodded. "I don't know what that lightning did to me, but I'm myself again. Whatever was affecting me is gone. Thank you."
Soon, Wolverine, Angel, and Iceman joined the powerful duo. They all stood around the injured Beast who lay on the ground, still unable to rise.
"I'm so sorry, Hank," Superman said. "I don't know what came over me. It felt like I was possessed."
Everyone was relieved, except Wolverine, who eyed Superman suspiciously. He was ready for another mood swing. He still didn't trust Clark's recovery.
"We have to get Hank some medical attention," Angel said.
"We'll take him to the Hall of Justice," Captain Marvel said. "We have some fine minds there. I think they can help him."
"First, I'm going to rescue those miners," Superman said. "Then I have to find Jean."
"Maybe the JLA can help you with that, too," Captain Marvel said. "Jean is a telepath, isn't she? Maybe J'Onn can help to track her down mentally."
"I'd appreciate it," Superman said. "Thank you!"
"You're awake," she heard Zod's voice say.
She looked up and saw Zod floating down to Earth. "I was hoping I hadn't injured you too much. I still have need of you. And if you are trying to contact your fellow X-Men telepathically, don't bother. I picked my location carefully. The materials and formation of this valley are not conducive to telepathy. You are blocked by natural forces. No one will hear you."
"What do you want with me, Zod?" she asked.
"To push Kal-El completely over the edge," Zod said. "To drive him mad! I could have killed you, but I may want to use you again later."
"You're somehow responsible for his bizarre behavior lately, aren't you?" she asked. "Is it connected to that red rock?"
"Very good guess, for a primitive," Zod answered. "Yes, you're quite right. The rock is a fragment of Red Kryptonite. It has an . . . unfortunate affect on us Kryptonians."
"It makes you act crazy," Jean concluded. "But what's the point? Why do it?"
"To drive a wedge between Kal-El and the puny inhabitants of this pathetic planet," Zod said. "If I make him go insane, he will lay waste to this world. The people of your planet will hate and despise him. Even after the effect of the Red Kryptonite wears off, it will be too late for him. They will never forgive him. He will either have to destroy them to defend himself or flee the planet completely. Ether way, I will arrive as his ally. I will either help him destroy this planet or be his only friend when he exiles himself to space. Either way, he will eventually be bent to my will. I will make the son of Jor-El a servant of Brainiac."
Zod reached out to crush Jean's skull. She uttered a silent prayer and sent out one last mental SOS. To her amazement and relief, her last prayer was answered.
Superman arrived. He rammed into Zod like a meteor. Zod was knocked across the field and through a bunch of trees. Superman quickly unbound Jean. "Are you all right, honey?"
"I'll live," Jean smiled. "But do me a favor. Kick this guy's ass from here to Krypton!"
"Done!" Superman said and chased Zod.
Superman scanned the forest with his X-ray vision, trying to find where he had knocked Zod to. Zod, however, ambushed him, swinging a tree at him like a bat. Although Superman was indestructible, Zod swung the big tree with such force that even Superman was stunned.
"So, this is the final act of our little play!" Zod said. "I had hoped to make you an ally, but now I have no options accept to kill you!"
Zod attacked Superman, but the man of steel had recovered, punching Zod away. Zod landed in the lake. Superman dived in after him, and they fought under water, causing massive waves to wash up on shore. Zod tried to bury Superman in the slime at the bottom of the lake. Superman stuck his thumbs in Zod's eyes, momentarily disorienting his foe. Grabbing Zod, he dragged his enemy to the surface. Once outside the water, he stunned Zod with heat vision.
"Let's take this back to dry land, shall we?" Superman said.
He punched Zod back to the shore. He dived toward the seemingly senseless Zod, but the villain was playing possum. Zod kicked out and deflected Superman back, knocking him through a tree. Zod grabbed a bolder and tossed it at Superman, shattering it against his indestructible skin. Superman was dazed. Zod grabbed him and started pounding on Superman's face. Superman took a breath and blew out, using his cold breath to form a layer of ice over Zod's face. Zod used his heat vision to melt it. But this tactic gave Superman time to recover and he landed a haymaker right hand on Zod. Zod was drilled though a half-mile of trees, coming down in a pit where a natural gas spring was.
Superman used his keen nose to detect the gas. Using his heat vision, he caused the gas spring to explode, enveloping Zod in its flames. Zod roared, stung by the blast, but not stopped. He renewed his attack with enraged vigor. He hooked up with Superman again, and they exchanged massive blows.
"You won't win this!" Superman said. "I won't let you win!"
"You can't stop me!" Zod yelled. "I am a warrior beyond your ken. I have forgotten more about combat than you are ever likely to know! I will not be stopped by a fool such as you! You and this planet of yours shall die, in the name of Brainiac!"
They continued to go blow-for-blow, dragging the fight out for twenty minutes. Zod ducked under a solid swing from Superman and caught him with an uppercut and followed up with a heat-vision blast. He took advantage of Superman's stunned condition to let loose with some devastating kicks. Superman fell into a rock-bed.
As Superman recovered, Zod grabbed the remains of a private airplane he had destroyed earlier, to protect his hiding place. He tossed the plane at Superman. Superman melted the plane with his super vision, but the white-hot liquid spilled all over him. Zod blew on it with super cold breath, causing the liquid to harden and encase Superman in a metal cage.
Superman burst out of the metal prison. He was getting upset. He and Zod were so evenly matched that there seemed no way for either of them to win. How long would this fight go on? How could he win?
{Clark!} Jean said, telepathically. {Listen to me. Don't give up hope. I sense that Zod does not have your courage. If you're having doubts then he is terrified. He will lose confidence before you will. You'll beat him in spirit and then you'll beat him in body. Trust me, darling, I know you can do it! I have faith in you. Win for me, my love. I know you can!}
Superman was inspired and renewed by Jean's words. Invigorated, he attacked with such recharged energy and confidence that he shook Zod to the core. As Jean had sensed, Zod did not have Superman's reserves of courage. He was already shaken by Superman's performance, and now was totally rattled. He began to get desperate, fighting with an almost panicky wildness. This did not help him. Superman was cool and collected, taking the measure of his opponent.
When he realized that Zod was falling apart, he opened up his attack. He began to batter Zod with hundreds, even thousands of powerful, super-speed blows. Zod was rocked by the devastating attack. Zod felt a chill of fear. No matter what he tried, he couldn't seem to beat Superman. He was getting battered. Despite his indestructible skin, he was being hurt. He had not felt pain in a long time. Or fear. Now he was getting plenty of both. He had not seen his own blood since he gained his powers. And he couldn't handle it. He panicked.
"Stop!" the bloodied Zod cried. "No more! This is pointless!"
Superman paused. "I don't trust you, Zod! What are you up to?"
"Only a fool fights a useless battle!" Zod pleaded. "I have nothing to gain from this!"
Superman hesitated. Then he heard Jean in his head. "He means it, Clark. He's afraid. He'll do anything to get off this planet alive!"
Superman mentally acknowledged this news and then addressed Zod. "I should kill you, but I won't. All right Zod, I'll give you more of a chance than you deserve. Get off my planet and stay off. Tell Brainiac that Earth is not up for grabs. Go, and don't let me see you again!"
Zod reluctantly nodded, relieved to be off the hook, but angry at his failure to defeat Superman. "I'll go," he took to the air, flying away quickly. He looked back at Superman and yelled. "But don't think this is over. Brainiac will not accept this. Soon, very soon, the master will deal with you personally! Brainiac will come for you!"
Zod left the planet in a hurry, leaving Superman to think about things. Maybe he should have killed Zod, but Superman did not like to kill. Besides, he and Zod were the last of a dead race. How could he kill the other remaining son of Krypton?
Superman retrieved Jean and returned with her to Westchester. The adventure with Zod had left him with a lot to think about. He had some tough decisions to make.
So peaceful, he thought. So beautiful. He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.
She rolled a bit and started opening her eyes. Clark rushed out of the room in a blur.
"Hn?" Jean groaned. "Clark?"
Looking at the pillow beside her, she saw a small note, folded at the top with her name written on the front. She quickly read it.
Matrix. Just touch it, and you will know.
Confused, she got up, and put her robe on, and telekinetically floated downstairs, and out to the shed where Clark's birthing matrix was kept. Doing as the note told her, she placed her hand on the matrix. Suddenly, the world faded to white and Clark appeared.
"Clark," she whispered.
"Jean," Clark said. "I'm sorry. I wish I could do this face to face, but you'd probably talk me out of it, and this is something I need to do."
Jean was trying to hold back the inevitable tears.
Clark continued. "When Zod first attacked me, he didn't just expose me to red kryptonite. He told me things, about my past. About myself.
"He said I was sent to Earth not to help, but to conquer.
"I can't do that. I can't believe that. I believe I am a product of the people who raised and influenced me. The Kents. Professor Xavier. The X-Men. You.
"But there is much about Krypton that I don't know. And while I want to believe that I will never conquer Earth on my own free will, I don't know exactly how my genetics are encoded. And I simply cannot find the answers on Earth. Zod said Brainiac will come for me. I can't put the planet in that danger again. I need to find the answers to these questions I have. And staying on Earth will not provide them. If I try to find them, I'll probably end up on some lab table.
"So, I'm leaving. A self imposed exile. I don't know when I'll return, if ever. I love you, Jean. I hope you will understand.
"But don't wait for me . . . " The image faded away.
Jean gave up on holding back the tears. She let them come out, even making audible sobs. "Clark, no!" she yelled, falling to her knees.
Beast came in, having been looking for Jean to invite her to breakfast. He saw her on the ground. He rushed over, and knelt beside her.
"He's gone," Jean said.
"Who? Clark?"
Jean nodded.
"He'll be back."
Beast just looked at the reaction on Jean's face, and realized that for once, he might have been wrong. He put his arm around Jean.
"It's all in the matrix," Jean said. "Touch it."
Beast held his hand out, and touched the matrix, hoping to reactivate the message. Instead, sparks flew from the matrix where Beast touched it. Beast drew his hand back, mildly shocked, but not severely injured. Meanwhile, a shell started developing over the matrix, as it floated in the air. Beast shielded his and Jean's eyes as the matrix set itself down in the corner of the shed.
Beast got and and walked over to the matrix. It was completely covered, unable to be studied. "Damn it! He must have figured out how to reprogram it to . . . retreat whenever someone touched it." He turned back to Jean. "What did he say?"
Jean was standing up now, and she walked to Hank. "He said he needed answers that he couldn't find on Earth. And he didn't want to put the Earth in danger when Brainiac comes looking for him. He might not be back. He told me not to wait . . . "
Hank embraced his friend. "It's okay, Jean. You still have the rest of us."
Jean did not reply. Hank started walking back to the mansion with Jean. "Come on," he said. "Let's get some breakfast."
As I did for Spider-Man #25, here is a special behind the scenes section. X-Men has been one of the more difficult series to write here, mainly with the collaboration, and people always changing. Schedules were constantly changing. Plus, after Paul and I decided to change the direction from what was established in the first seven issues, it took a while to get the book in the direction we ultimately wanted it. In fact, that direction won't be fully realized until the series relaunches.
-Originally, Ritchie Filippi wanted the government to be really overbearing, and the mutants would be on the run a lot. He was also setting up a storyline featuring Apocalypse to culminate around #12. He left after #7, though, due to lack of time. The Apocalypse story was dropped, as Paul and I had other plans involving the character.
-When Ritchie left, and Paul came on board, we were discussing the direction we wanted to go in, which was vastly different from Ritchie's. Since I scripted #7 over Ritchie's plot, I was able to change a lot about Death so we could have room to make it something other than Wolverine. So, yes, it was originally Wolverine (even written that way in #6), but we pulled a last minute switch.
-Superman joining the X-Men was one of the wild ideas Ritchie came up with at the beginning. It was part of the "similiar, but different" philosophy we had when the site first started. However, I started having second thoughts, especially seeing how this series basically screwed over the #1 characters of both companies (Bob Young later 'fixed' the FF).
-Gary Wilbur's portion of X-Men #23 was originally written as part of a Superman mini-series. However, the first issue of that mini didn't fit with the continuity that was going on. Due to other committments, and trying to start a new Superman fanfic group, we agreed to drop that series for now.
-There weren't as many changes to the overall plan for this series, since we had the basic idea of where we wanted to go up to this issue. Instead, the plans after this issue have been all over the place. Originally, a second X-Men series was to start concurrently to #26, and there would be two different X-Men teams. The other series would also feature stories of other mutants in the DCM Universe, who may or may not be associated with the X. Instead, we are waiting for some free time, and relaunching this series later on. Perhaps by then, we will be able to start the spinoff as well.
I'll be writing a new X-Men series sometime soon, and hopefully, Paul will have his own as well. Next time you see the X-Men, though, time will have passed, and things will be different.
-Chip Caroon