The Rebirth
Of Kara Zor-El
The Otherverse
The Realm
Rising Starr
Continuum Wars
Guest Worlds
Chapters: 1 - 10
1. Terra's Revenge 1
2. Terra's Revenge 2
3. Terra's Revenge 3
4. Terra's Revenge 4
5. Terra's Revenge 5
6. Terra's Revenge 6
7. Terra's Revenge 7
8. Terra's Revenge 8
9. Terra's Revenge 9
10: Funeral for a Friend - Part 1
Chapters: 11 - 20
11: Interlude 1 - Of Ancient Enemies
12: Funeral for a Friend - Part 2
13: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 1
14: Interlude 2 - Fire
15: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 2
16: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 3
17: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 4
18: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 5
19: The Order of Oa - Chapter 1
20: The Order of Oa - Chapter 2
Chapters: 21 - 30
21: The Order of Oa - Chapter 2
22: Interlude 3 - Winter Vacation
23: The Order of Oa: Chapter 5
24: 24. The Order of Oa: Chapter 5
25: The Search for Kal El: Chapter 1
26: Interlude 4: The Birthday Present
27: Birds of Prey: Chapter 1
28: Interlude 5: Once Upon a Snowstorm
29: Alterverse/Multiverse Crossover
1: Continuum Chapter 1 (Multiverse)
2: Continuum Chapter 2 (Alterverse)
30: Decisions of the Warrior
Chapters 31-40
31: The Imperium Chapter 1: The Friends of Kiragee Tennan
32: The Imperium Chapter 2: Maelstrom
33: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 2: Children of the Bat
34: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 3: The Hidden Hands
35: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 4: Krystal Clear: The Compass
36: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 5: Star Light, Star Bright
37: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 6: The House of El
38: The Search for Kal-El Chapter 7: Conclusion: Starchild's Revenge
39: The Search for Kal-El Epilogue: Generations - Born to Run
40: The Sentinel War Prologue: Part 1 The Starchild's Gift, Part 1 (Inheritors crossover)
Chapters 41-48
41: The Sentinel War Prologue: Part 2 The Starchild's Gift, Part 2 (Inheritors crossover)
42: Background Info: The Scott/Batson/Kyle and House of El Family Trees
43: The Sentinel War, Chapter 1: Rules of Engagement
44: The Sentinel War, Chapter 2: Who Is Kara Zor-El??
45: The Sentinel War, Chapter 3: Blood War
46 & 47: Alterverse / Inheritors Crossover: Shadow Crossing
46: Shadow Crossing, Part 1: Anomalies
47: Shadow Crossing, Part 2: The Crossing
48: The Sentinel War, Chapter 4 Requiem for a Shadow
The 1st Continuum War
1. Chapter 1 - Calm Before the Storm
2. Chapter 2 - Return to Yesterday
3. Chapter 3 (These 3 chapters occur concurrently)
3A - Removing a Pebble
3B - Once More, Unto the Breach
3C - Requiem for a Starheart
4. Epilogue - Coming Together
Chapters 49-52
49: Alterverse/The Inheritors: After the Final Night
50: The Sentinel War, Chapter 5 Once Upon an Adamantium Claw
51: The Sentinel War, Chapter 6 Freedom Force Chapter 1: The Gathering
52: The Sentinel War, Chapter 7 Freedom Force Chapter 2: The Commissioning
As of Chapter 52 the Alterverse was merged with the Inheritors storyline, beginning with Inheritors 31.
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Chip Caroon's DCM - The Merging
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