Going Forward

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Clay Clearbrook
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Joined: Mon May 01, 2023 2:48 pm

Going Forward

Post by Clay Clearbrook »

Dylan glared at the unapologetic door that had, as yet, resisted all of his attempts to open it. Including the latest attempt which had started with a mighty rush and slamming of shoulder against wood...and ended with him on his butt...and the door still closed.
He transferred his glare to Hip as she sauntered by, a large ring of keys in her hand. Without even glancing at him...or the ring of keys, she selected one, inserted it into the door lock and gently eased the door open before continuing on her merry way.
"Show off!" Dylan muttered as he clambered back to his feet.
He stepped into the area he had claimed as his personal office so long ago and looked around with dismay. Time had not been kind to this room.
Dust was everywhere and cobwebs clogged every corner.
"You let any of those spiders into my kitchen and we are going to have words, Clearbrook!" came the warning from down the hall.
"Spiders...right." Dylan shook his head. He held up a hand and sighed when there was barely a sparkle. It would take time for the old energies to fully return...if they ever did. but he wasn't giving up. He had given up once....and...He shook his head...not going there.
"There you are!"
Dylan spun around at the sound of that voice...a voice he had not heard in so long...but a voice he would never forget.
"Oh, so you DO remember me." The blonde woman in the doorway scowled at him as she stood there, hands on her hips.
"Of course I remember you." Dylan shot back...waving a hand in the air. "You inspired all of this!"
"I do hope you are not referring to the mess you all left behind when you all vanished!" Kara Zor-El retorted as she stepped into the office. Dylan wasn't really surprised to find Rogue stepping in right behind her.
"What are you two doing here?" Dylan demanded. "You're supposed to be enjoying a less stressful life on Probability One!"
"And we are." Rogue was the one that answered. "But we got a visit from a certain green elf that said this place might be reopening...so we thought we would check it out."
"Since we're spread out so much, we don't get to see others very often. Rogue suggested we check the place out and see if we might be able to use it as a meeting place." Kara explained, her eyes taking in the total disarray of the small office. She shook her head and then hooked a thumb towards the door. "Okay...you...out. Rogue and I will take care of this...mess."
Somewhat bewildered, Dylan found himself standing outside of his own office, once again looking at a closed door!
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Joined: Mon May 01, 2023 3:07 pm

Re: Going Forward

Post by Ella »

Dylan heard a stifled chuckle as he glanced out. There she was; Linda Danvers, who had once been part of the Matrix Supergirl and now was just Linda, although with all of her Supergirl powers. He considered how utterly complex the woman was: once almost a demon, then a superhero, then an angel, then almost a demon and now, finally, just herself.

"Great," he pretended a growl, "now I have every kind of Supergirl harassing me!"

She did not even pretend to hide her laughter after that.

"Just fulfilling my role as professional muse, Dear!" She teased while shaking her head, a smile lingering on her lips. "After all, I'm the muse of second chances." She gave him another bemused chuckle. "It is good to see them, again, isn't it?"

"it is, indeed," he finally allowed himself to smile, "but by the time they are done, I won't recognize the place!"

"Frilly curtains!" She teased, "flowers! And so many pillows on every available seat that no one will ever be able to sit down!" She giggled as fear emanated from his expression. "Televisions playing 'Sex and the City' episodes every hour of every day!" She grinned at him. "Cute little doilies...and think how mad they'll get if you spill beer on them!"

"They wouldn't..." Dylan's eyes widened as far as they could go.

"Well," Linda assured him, "maybe they wouldn't.If they can resist the temptation!"

Approaching footsteps diverted Dylan from his immediate response. Jake approached, carrying a huge box on each shoulder.

"Hey Boss Man!" Jake came to a stop in front of him. "Linda said you might want these boxes of doilies for your office."

"She didn't..." Dylan reacted with surprise, realizing Linda was nowhere in sight. Then he saw her approaching with the elf, both of them carrying a tray of glasses with ice. And the doors to the kitchen and Dylan's workroom had cracked open. And he thought he saw the door open to the DCM annex, where a mysterious hermit frequently hid.

"I've been had..." Dylan grumbled. "I don't know how, but I've been had."

"I would say so," Jake guffawed as the others approached. The boxes made a slight clinking sound as Jake put them down on the table. The sound bottles of expensive liquor might make if they had been protected by...

Jake opened the box, his hand extending into it bringing out a bottle of Arcturian Brandy, wrapped in doilies.

"We originally christened the Cafe with this," Dylan smiled warmly, before glancing at the elf. "I remember."

"You do, indeed!" Ella smiled knowingly.

Jake filled the glasses as Hipkarma strode towards them. Kara and Rogue followed, trailed by the mysterious occupant of the DCM office. As the glasses filled, Hipkarma raised hers upwards.

"To new beginnings," she proclaimed, "and our return to the Continuum Cafe!"
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