Sean adjourned the meeting, hustling his three advisors from the room.
When they were gone, he stood at the closed door, turning to look at Corina and Mey Ling.
Corina, who had once again been in contact with her people, slipped her AI Unit back into its holster and regarded him in return.
“I should probably tell you that I have detailed Third Platoon’s First squad to your residence.” She said when the silence grew uncomfortable. “I believe Captain Horton is leading them personally. I don’t believe there is a threat towards your daughter, but I’m not willing to take any chances at this time.”
“Well thank you for that.” Sean responded, scowling. He started to open his mouth again and then drew himself up, looking at Mey Ling. “Dr. Ling, I would like to speak with your Colonel privately, if I may.”
Mey Ling looked towards Corina.
“Go ahead.” Corina nodded. “See to your people and see if you can expedite the anti-nausea meds to Sarah.”
“Yes ma’am.” Mey Ling nodded to Sean and headed out the door.
Finally alone, Corina waited for Sean to speak. She didn’t wait long.
“Okay Colonel. Perhaps you tell me what the hell is going on?” He demanded.
“Once you indicated the presence of USI agents among the crew of the Striker, it became clear that General Hemmer’s concerns were valid.” Corina answered.
“And what concerns might those be?”
“General Hemmer believed that he had a spy on his staff and, as you pointed out earlier, it is obvious that the Captain and crew of the Striker knew something was up, I am certain that the spy was able to get something out to the EG.” Sean smiled slightly as Corina used the Fargone term for the US but motioned for her to continue.
“I don’t believe the spy was able to give them everything, but he obviously gave them enough to know that something was going on here that warranted subtle investigation.”
“And your General’s request for transportation gave them an excuse to send some one out, some one meaning at least one USI operative concealed within the crew.” Sean shook his head
“I am sure of it.” Corina nodded. “Governor, if they had not known there was something up here, since they knew what we were, then they would have snatched us up before we even left the surface of Mars.”
“Damnit.” Sean closed his eyes. “And I thought you said your people didn’t know what was going on here.”
“They don’t sir.” Corina assured him. “I need your permission to brief them and, as yet, you have not given that permission. My people have strict orders not to enter the blocked area of the Access Bay. They simply stopped the EG Marines from entering as well and are guarding all avenues into and out of that portion of the Bay.”
“Why, Colonel?” Sean demanded. “DO you realize what will happen now? Do you think the EG will just let this pass? If we let the Striker go, they will return with a lot more help. If we don’t then the EG will send a force anyway to check up on them!”
“I see.” Corina nodded, standing. “With your permission, I will call my people and order them to return to the barracks. Or would you rather I simply have them surrender to the Marines aboard the Striker?”
“God-damnit Colonel, this isn’t the time for…”
“For what, Governor?” Corina put her hands on the table and leaned forward as she cut him off. “You were correct earlier when you said that I was just a soldier. It is what I was born and trained for.” She drew herself up. “And you are correct now. I had no business taking the actions I have taken without express orders from you.”
“Colonel.” Sean gritted his teeth. “I really dislike having some one hovering over me. Will you please put your ass back in that seat?”
Corina sat, her back straight, her eyes focused on a point just above the Governor’s right shoulder, her hands folded in her lap.
“I need to know one thing, Colonel.” Sean continued after a moment. “Why?”
“Oh come off it, Colonel.” Sean slapped a hand on the table. “We both know that you could easily have sided with the EG here. You and your ladies could have taken this whole damned Habitat on the first day and handed it over to the EG on a silver platter. They might have appointed a new Governor, but don’t you think they would have left you and your people alone after what you could have given them?”
“Sir, with all due respect, I wouldn’t take a drink of water from the EG if I were in the deepest pit of hell.” Corina snapped, her eyes smoldering. “They and the Martian Government have decided that we are less than human. They made us what we are, but now…now the Valkyries are a problem. A problem to be rounded up, caged in concentration camps and, most likely, eventually destroyed like rabid animals.” She paused to take a breath. “I told you not an hour ago that loyalty goes two ways.”
“I recall.” Sean nodded. “I also recall Dr.Ling talking about children and lack of attachment.”
“Yes.” Corina slumped back. “Governor, I am not good at playing politics. I told you it would be too easy for me to simply claim our loyalty to you and Fargone, but I can’t do that.”
“Because you don’t know what you would get in return.” Sean surmised, looking at her.
“Yes sir.” Corina nodded. “Right now, all I know is that I have to do what ever I can to take care of my people. That does not mean, however, that I have to meekly hand them over to a system that has already condemned them, not for who they are, but for what they are, even if they had no choice in that.” She paused again. “General Hemmers did not break faith with the Valkyries, sir. The Martian government, at the orders of the US, did that. His final orders to me put me under the direct command of the Governor of Fargone but I cannot, will not, ask my people to put themselves into harms way for anyone that will not return that loyalty. I can’t ask them to fight for a group of people that consider them less than equals, less than humans.”
“So what will you do?” Sean demanded.
“Do?” Corina snorted. “What can I do?” She took a deep breath and pulled her AI unit out. “I will contact my officers and order them to surrender themselves to the crew and Marines of the Striker. I will take full responsibility for our actions, showing that they were made with out direct order from you or your staff and without your knowledge.” She keyed the unit and spoke. “Major Hilien, this is Colonel Twillian.”
“Hilien here, Ma’am.” Sarah’s voice came back. Even distorted as her voice was coming through the small unit, Sean could hear the sudden concern in the Major’s tone.
“Major, I want…” Corina began, stopping when Sean’s voice over rode hers.
“Major, this is Governor Durick.” He spoke loudly, insuring that his voice would be transmitted to the Major. “I had Colonel Twillian contact you so I could alter her orders. I want you to maintain your guard over the Striker, and I want you to continue jamming her communications. I also want you to prepare yourselves to board the Striker if necessary. Can you do that?”
Sean’s eyes were locked with Corina’s as he spoke.
“Uh…Colonel?” Sarah’s hesitant voice came back.
“Major, the Governor asked you a question, you will answer!” Corina snapped.
“Yes, Ma’am. Yes sir, though I won’t be able to promise that we will be able to take the Striker at this point without taking serious casualties. Had we boarded before we sent the Marines back aboard, it would have no problem, but by now they have probably gotten themselves into position to repel boarders.”
“Understood, Major. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but I would feel better if you were prepared, just in case.”
“Yes sir, I’ll make sure we’re ready, sir.”
“Thank you, Governor Durick out.” Sean leaned back in his seat and waited for Corina’s reaction as she slowly returned Andy to her carrying case.
A slight buzz on the table before him brought Sean back up in his seat.
“Durick here.” He snapped, accepting the call.
As the Governor conversed with whoever had called, Corina closed her eyes and tried to figure out how much of a mess of things she had made. She looked up as the Governor finished his call and stood.
“That was Jarred.” He informed her. “He is on his way here with a very irate Captain Allison and Major Stilwick. I want you to let me do all the talking, but if it comes down to it, I want to know that you will back me up.”
“Governor, I…”
“Look, we can continue this discussion later.” Sean hissed. “I just backed up your play, now I need to know that you will back up mine. Loyalty implies trust, Colonel. I think we are both people that believe that trust has to be earned, so let’s start earning it.”
Corina nodded, straightened her uniform and moved to stand behind one of the seats to the right of the one Sean now stood before and waited.
They did not have to wait long before the door to the conference room slid open, admitting Jarred and, right behind him, the Captain of the Striker and the Major of her Marine contingent. All three came to an abrupt halt when they noticed that the Governor was not alone.
Drawing himself up, Jarred stepped forward.
“Colonel Twillian, These gentle men would like to converse with the Governor. If you like I will have some one show you back to your quarters.” He said without even looking at Sean.
Corina merely looked at him and waited to see how Sean would handle this.
“That won’t be necessary, Jarred.” Though Sean spoke softly, the aide reacted as if he had been slapped, jerking his head towards the Governor.
“Sir, this is highly irregular.” He began. “I am sure you do not wish to appear rude…”
“Correct me if I am wrong, Jarred.” Sean still spoke softly, “But last I checked, you work for me, not the other way around.” Jarred flinched but Sean did not give him time to respond. “Colonel Twillian is here at my orders and will remain.”
Sean now turned his attention to the Captain and the Major.
“Gentlemen, welcome to Fargone. Will you have a seat?” He motioned towards the seats that, until recently, had been occupied by Corina and Mey Ling. He did not wait for the guests to acknowledge before he seated himself. Corina remained, standing, moving to place herself slightly behind the governor.
“I want to know what the hell you think you’re playing at, Durick.” Captain Allison began, his face red with barely suppressed rage. “These…women have jammed communications with my ship and are not allowing anyone near her. I demand…”
“This is not US territory, Captain Allison.” Sean barked, breaking into the Captain’s tirade. “Your demands mean nothing here. Fargone is an independent entity and you are guests here, I suggest you remember that.”
“This is the way you treat guests?” Captain Allison snorted.
“It is when those guests unleash Battle Armored Marines in my Access Bay.” Sean countered, looking now at Major Stilwick. “Would either of you gentlemen care to explain that?” Before either could respond, he once again gestured towards the seats on the opposite side of the table. “And gentlemen, I won’t ask again. Will you please take a seat?”
For a moment, Corina thought the Captain would continue to defy the governor, but after a moment of glaring daggers, he yanked out a seat and all but threw himself into it. The Major took a seat to his right and Corina was not surprised when Jarred took one to his left.
“Governor, Captain. Perhaps…” Jarred began only to be cut off once again.
“The Captain and the Major can speak for themselves, Jarred.” Sean said, his narrowed eyes never leaving those of the red faced Captain. “I believe I asked a question. What were Battle Armored Marines doing in my Access Bay?”
“A routine training exercise.” Major Stilwick responded at a curt nod from the Captain. “We don’t get the opportunity to fully train aboard the Striker. We did clear it with Mr. Aimes.”
“Indeed?” Sean leaned back.
“Yes, sir.” The Major nodded. “My people were not prepared, however, to be attacked by Genies.” This last was said with a glare cast in Corina’s direction.
“I see.” Sean responded. “I assume that it was purely accidental that your people decided to hold this exercise in an area that is clearly posted as being off limits?”
“Yes sir.” Major Stilwick nodded once again. “My people have never been on Fargone and got their directions mixed up.”
“Really. And how, Major, were you able to discover this?” Sean leaned forward. “I believe that would be difficult if, as the Captain claims, we are jamming communications with the Striker and not allowing anyone in or out of her.”
Stilwick, unable to answer, sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. Sean smirked and turned his attention back to the Captain.
“Now Captain Allison, I am quite surprised that you only brought Major Stilwick with you. I would think you would have brought Major Meesner with you as well.”
“How….” Captain Allison started and then, if some what lamely. “There’s no Major Meesner aboard the Striker.”
“Captain, let’s cut the shit.” Sean snapped. “We know that you have at least one USI Operative in your crew. Major Avery Meesner was identified as he debarked, right behind you, I might add. I am not going to play games with you gentlemen. I want to know what the hell you are doing on Fargone, and I damned well know it was not just to transport Colonel Twillian and her people.”
As Sean spoke, Corina had watched all three men closely. When Sean mentioned the USI, she gave a mental nod. Her right hand had been resting on the carrying case holding Andy and now her fingers began a subtle tapping. She had schooled her face into a look of indifference as she continued her seemingly silent vigil behind the Governor.
“Well? I’m waiting.” Sean snapped when neither the Captain nor the Major appeared ready to speak. Jarred glanced at the other two and then cleared his throat.
“Actually, Governor, I have spoken to both Captain Allison and Major Stilwick at length.” Jarred began, causing Sean to jerk his eyes to him. When the Governor didn’t cut him off, he continued. “I believe that they were not only ordered to transport the Valkyries but to keep an eye on them as well.”
“Valkyries.” Sean sat back. “How do you know they are Valkyries, Jarred?”
“I believe that we may have mentioned it to him.” Captain Allison was visibly reigning in his temper. “We were ordered to transport a company of renegade Valkyries to Fargone, but we were not supposed to let on that we knew they were Valkryies.” He shrugged. “We passed that information to Mr. Aimes this morning, hoping he would be able to get it to you, but events seem to have overtaken us.”
“Valkyries.” Sean shook his eyes and pushed his chair so he could turn slightly and look up at Corina. “She doesn’t look like a Genie.”
“Uh, Valkyries don’t look like other Genies, Sir.” Major Stilwick spoke up. Corina smiled slightly as she noticed a slight line of sweat dotting his hairline. “They only way you can tell is by watching them in action or by the tattoos.”
“Tattoo? What tattoo?”
“We believe they had them removed before boarding the Striker.” Captain Allison commented.
“Interesting.” Sean drawled, becoming bored with his game as he spun back around. “Whether they are Valkyries or not is a moot issue, gentlemen. As I have pointed out, this is not US territory and Fargone does not have any laws proscribing Augments of any kind.”
“They are Martian Marines, Governor.” Jarred spoke up. “That puts them under the US jurisdiction.”
“Really?” Sean turned once again to his aide. “Then why, Jarred, would EG go to the trouble of transporting them all the way out here, only to turn around and take them back?”
All three men grimaced at Sean’s usage of the slang term for the United Systems but Sean did not give them time to respond.
“I should point out that Colonel Twillian and her people have all received orders, separating them from the Martian Marines and assigning them to Fargone on a probationary basis for the next ninety days after which each Marine will be given the choice of voluntarily re-enlisting, joining the Fargone Community as a civilian, or requesting transportation back to Mars on the next available vessel.”
Corina gave no indication that Sean’s announcement startled her every bit as much as it did the men facing them.
“That means they are under the Jurisdiction of Fargone.” Sean finished, still looking at his aide. “Not the EG.” He let his eyes go from one man to another finally resting them Jarred. “As I said earlier, let’s cut the shit. They were just an excuse.”
“Enough, Damnit.” Jarred jumped to his feet, his fists clenched. “You and your idealistic rebels are going to get us destroyed! You can’t hope to keep this to yourselves!”
“Rebels, Jarred?” Sean cocked his head to one side. “I suppose you mean rebels against the EG? How can that be if we are not now nor have we ever been part of the EG?”
Corina understood that this last was not said for Jarred’s benefit but for the benefit of the two other men. But Sean did not give Jarred time to respond.
“But of course that would not matter to you, so you decided to contact the EG on your own. Isn’t that right Jarred?” Sean demanded, his eyes narrowing even further.
Though she had turned her face to watch Jarred, Corina did not ignore the other two men. She tensed when she saw Captain Allison slide one of his hands off the table and under it. He had not appeared to have been armed when he entered the room, but he could have hidden a weapon.
“The United System, Sean, not the EG.” Jarred yelled back. “So they aren’t perfect. No government is. But they are the best chance this system has to break the constant cycle of conflict!”
“At what cost, Jarred?” Sean demanded, his fingers curling into fists on the table before him.
“At any cost, damn you.” Jarred hissed. “Don’t you even see what is happening out there? They are talking war again. We can’t afford that again. I’d pay any price to stop that.” He flung a hand in what Corina supposed was the direction of the Hub. “What we have there may damned well open up the stars to us, but we have to be united first. We have to…”
“Damn you, Jarred.” Sean was standing now. When the Captain and the Major made as if to stand Corina stabbed them with a look that lowered them back into their seats.
“He’s USI, Governor.” Corina broke in. “Either that or he’s working for some one that is.”
“Shut the fuck up, you damned Genie.” Jarred snarled before turning back to Sean. “Damnit Sean, I told you we should have brought the US in on this from the beginning! We had no right to keep this to ourselves.”
Sean had grown still at Corina’s words.
“Is it true, Jarred?” He demanded. “Are you working for the EG?”
“What choice did you leave me?” Jarred countered. “You and your precious independence. Can’t you see that this is bigger than that? Can’t you see that this is more important all your ideological bullshit?”
“More important than twenty-eight people on a construction shack, Jarred?” Sean’s eyes were locked with Jarred’s. “More important than Marissa? More important than your sister?”
This time Corina did react, her head snapping back and forth between the two before she steeled herself and locked her attention back on the two seated men. Jarred was not only Sean’s aide, he was also his brother-in-law. She moved slightly so that she was now close enough to the table to rest one hand on it in a seemingly casual manner.
“Yes, goddamnit.” There were no tears in Jarred’s eyes, only wild fanaticism. “She shouldn’t have been there. You and your damned…”
With a flick of her on a switch on the table, Corina opened the door of the room, allowing five armed Valkyries, led by Corporal Andrea Clavers, to enter.
“What the hell is this?” Captain Allison demanded, standing. Corina ignored him.
“Corporal Clavers, this man,” she indicated Jarred, “is under arrest for murder. Please remove him and hold him in the outer office until Governor Durick gives you further instructions. Oh, and be sure to search him thoroughly for weapons or communication devices.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” The corporal saluted and then turned to render a salute to Sean, holding it until he nodded his head in her direction.
Jarred, quiet now, was led from the room and Sean, after a moment, reseated himself. Though she didn’t really know this man, she could tell that he was holding himself together only by a supreme effort of will.
As the Governor composed himself, Corina turned back to the remaining two men.
“Captain Allison, please retake your seat.” She ordered in a calm voice.
“I don’t take orders from a damned Genie.” The Captain snarled at her.
“Captain, if you really want to piss her off, be my guest.” Sean said, his eyes burning with anger. “I would be more than happy to leave this room and let the three of you work it out.”
The Captain looked at Sean and then back at Corina. When he saw the small predatory smile that came to her lips, he blanched and quickly took his seat.
“Thank you, Captain.” Sean said.
“What is going to happen with Mr. Aimes?” Major Stilwick wanted to know. “I must warn you that we have promised him the protection of the US.”
“He will be tried for murder according to our laws.” Sean responded. “But that is no longer any concern of yours…”
Andy chose that moment to emit a loud squeal.
“Unauthorized transmission.” The AI announced. “The Captain has a device that is transmitting a signal.”
The Captain made as if to rise but faltered as Corina leapt over the table to land behind him and hold him in place with a grip of iron. Both the Governor and the Major simple gaped at her in shock at this simple display of her abilities.
“Can you trace the signal to its destination, Andy?” she demanded.
“There is heavy interference, but it appears that the signal terminates in the Access Bay.” The AI responded.
“The Striker?” Sean had risen now.
“Negative.” Sean started as the display before him came to life with a schematic of the Access Bay. A highlighted area showed the likely termination point. Sean side and looked up at Corina.
“The Enceladus Project.” He said.
“Andy, terminate the signal.” Corina ordered, shoving the Captain back into his seat. The AI emitted a short squeal and the Captain yelped, pulling a small, smoking device from his pants pocket.
“Andy, scan for any more such devices and fry them.” Corina ordered, looking now at the Major. With a sigh, Major Stilwick reached into a pocket and placed a similar device on the table, watching with a bemused grin of resignation as it began to sizzle and smoke.
“Andy, signal Corporal Clavers and have her and her team escort their prisoner back in here.” She then commanded.
Almost instantly, the door opened and Corporal Clavers led her team and Jarred back into the room. Corina motioned for them to seat Jarred next to the Captain.
“These three individuals are to remain here.” She told the Corporal. “No one else is to enter or leave this room until you hear from me or the Governor. Understood?”
The Corporal nodded and positioned one of her people on either side of the door while she and the remaining two took up positions so that they could keep an eye on the three men.
Sean tapped a few commands into his work station and motioned the corporal to him.
“I have disabled all the workstations in this room.” He told her. “You’ll have to rely on your AI’s for communications.”
“Not a problem, Sir.” Andrea tapped her holstered unit.
Sean nodded and motioned Corina towards the door.
Once out of the office, Corina let the Governor take the lead, trusting that his familiarity with the habitat’s layout would be able to get them to their destination as quickly as possible.
Though no words were spoken as they raced through corridors to the elevators that would take them to the Hub, Corina studied the man that was now her boss.
It was obvious that his emotions were in a whirl. It could not have been easy to learn that a person he had called a friend, a brother-in-law, was not only a traitor, but directly responsible for the death of his wife. And yet he was pushing those emotions aside. Not letting them get in the way of his duty to the people of Fargone.
Reaching the elevators, Sean snagged a pair of velcro shoe attachments and tossed them to Corina.
He tapped in their destination as she applied the attachments to her boots.
Their silence continued until they reached the Hub and continued towards the area that had been marked as off-limits. Communicating through Andy, Corina ordered Sarah to have a portion of the Valkyries she had at the Striker boarding tube meet her at the first check point that led into the area set aside for the Enceladus project. There, she reinforced her orders to the Valkyries of Third Platoon. No one was to enter or leave without the express permission of the Governor or herself. Twenty-six Valkyries, sent by Sarah, joined them and Corina broke them up in pairs. She handed Sean her AI and, after explaining what she wanted, turned back to the other Valkyries.
“We’re going to sweep the entire area.” She told them. “We’re looking for one or more persons that shouldn’t be here. You will detain and identify everyone. Governor Durick is giving Andy access to the personnel records of those that have access to this area right now. When he is done, Andy will link with your AIs so that you will be able to make positive identifications. If you cannot identify a person or see that they should not have access, you are to detain that person, escort them here, and leave them in the custody of Third Platoon and then continue your sweep.” She turned to the sergeant that commanded this squad of Third Platoon. “You are to hold anyone that is brought to you or tries to leave or gain access until either the Governor or I arrive. Understood?”
Both groups nodded and, once Sean returned Andy to her, she had the AI link into the other units.
“Okay, let’s get to it.” She started to head in when the sergeant stopped her.
“Begging your pardon, ma’am.” She said, looking at the Governor. “I notice that you divided Second Platoon into two-man teams. Would you like me to assign some one to you as your second?”
Sean scowled and Corina fought an urge to smile.
“No thank you, Sergeant. I think the Governor and I can handle anything we come across.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The Sergeant replied, without much conviction. Nevertheless, she stepped out of the way and allowed them to continue.
“What the hell was that?” Sean demanded when they were out of earshot of the check point. “Does she have a thing against Normals?”
“Not really.” Corina tried not to laugh. “To Sergeant Sealy, the simple fact that you are male would be enough to cause doubt. I wouldn’t call her a man hater, but she most definitely has little use for them.”
Sean’s face reddened as a few of the Valkyries following them overheard and tried to suppress snickers of amusement. He was saved from further comment as they approached the final access hatch that would take them into the barricaded portion.
“What I want to know,” He said as he approached the panel beside the hatch to enter the code that would allow them access, “is how anyone got past your Valkyries.”
“He or they probably didn’t.” Corina shook her head. “I would say it would be more likely that, whoever it is, got here before they did. Think about it. Would those Marines have tried to storm the area without knowing exactly what was here? It’s my guess we’ll find Major Meesner, or one of his people, in here.”
“Why not one of our people?” Sean demanded in a sour tone. “You know as well as I that Jarred could not have acted alone.”
“You probably do have EG sympathizers in here as well.” Corina nodded. “But I don’t believe that either Captain Allison or Major Stilwick would have authorized that assault before they got one of their own people in here to make sure it was justified.”
“Good point.” Sean nodded but all further discussion came to a halt as they passed through the hatch into a hanger boarding chamber and got their first look at the Enceladus project.
“My god.” Corina breathed as she approached the floor to ceiling windows that gave a complete view of the…object…that took up a most of the space in the open area of this half of the Access Bay. “It’s huge!”
“To big to fit even in one of the slip docks.” Sean stepped up beside her. He pointed out the scaffolding and support struts. “We had to move it in with tugs and then build all that around it so that we could hold it there and continue our work.”
“That’s the engine of the ship you found?”
“One of them.” Sean nodded.
“Ma’am? You knew about this?” one of the Valkyries asked in a strangely subdued voice.
“The barest of details.” Corina nodded though she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the object. “That is from a ship these people found on the moon Enceladus.” She finally turned to Sean. “You said it was one of them. How big was that ship?”
“Bigger than Fargone.” Sean shrugged. “From what we’ve been able to tell, it had four more drives like that one.”
“Drives?” Corina looked back at the engine.
“According to Terry Walers, it’s a type of Alcubierre drive.” Sean said. “A concept developed by a 20th century physicist named Miguel Aclubierre. According to this physicist, the drive he envisioned would stretch space in a wave which would in theory cause the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand. The ship would ride this wave inside a region known as a warp bubble of flat space.” He smiled and shrugged. “Her words, not mine. She lost me at the stretching part.”
“I understand it, sir.” One of the Valkyries behind them spoke up. “In short, it’s a way of getting around the limitations of the speed of light.” She pointed at the object. “A ship with a drive like that could travel to other star systems in a fraction of the time it would take even if we were able to get a vessel moving close to the speed of light.”
Sean nodded, surprised.
“That’s what Dr. Walers said when I demanded a simple explanation.” He said, giving Corina a confused look.
“Hey, we might be Valkyries, but we’re not just dumb cannon fodder.” She told him with a smile. “Actually, physics is PFC Jensen’s hobby.”
“Are all of your people like her?” Sean demanded.
“Of course not.” Corina told him. “We all have our own interests. Just like any normal.”
“Right.” Sean gave her a look that promised further discussion but let it drop for the time. Instead he pointed to another hatch. “Through there are EVA suits for those people working in the vacuum areas. Beyond that is an airlock. There should be a few sleds out there that will allow you to move around the area and check out those working out there.”
Corina pointed out three teams and motioned for them to get going. Once the hatch Sean had indicated slid shut behind them, she turned back to him. And he led the way to a second hatch.
“This leads to the labs and control areas, all under atmosphere.” He pointed to the firearms each of the Valkyries carried. “Be careful with those.” He warned. “Your colonel informs me that you have special ammunition that won’t punch through our hulls, but a lot of the bulkheads in this area were thrown together. They might be easier to rupture and we really don’t need to worry about explosive decompression on top of everything else.”
He and Corina were the last to cycle through the hatch and the teams split-up to scour the area.
Feeling some what at a loss, Corina tagged along behind Sean as he made his way purposely through the area, stopping every person they come across.
For the most part, those accosted were more surprised to see Sean in the company of a person whose uniform identified her only as a colonel of the Martian Marine Corps than they were annoyed at being stopped identified.
“We’re going to have to do something about that.” Sean remarked as they continued on. When Corina raised an eyebrow, he indicated the patches on her uniform. “Can’t very well let people keep thinking of you as Martians.”
They continued through the area, occasionally coming across one of the other teams as they floated or walked through.
“Oh no.” Corina stopped as they started to enter the area Sean identified as the project HQ.
Sean, halted and turned to see her standing stiff, her eyes closed and a hand pressed to her mouth. She was already turning a sickly shade of green.
“Oh shit.” He muttered. He reached down and snagged her AI from the holster. “How the hell do you activate this damn thing?”
“This damn thing has a name, Governor. It is Andy.”
Sean nearly dropped the unit in surprise but quickly regained his composure.
“I apologize, Andy.” He tried to speak in soothing tones. “I really need to get a hold of Major Mey Ling.”
“Major Ling.” Mey Ling’s voice instantly responded.
“Major, this is Governor Durick. I am in the Access Hub with your Colonel and I think we are going to need you here.”
“The Hub?” Mey Ling sounded surprised. “Damn, she’s space sick again, isn’t she?”
“It would appear so.” Sean could not help his grin.
“snot funny.” Corina glared at him as she mumbled through her hand. She gave a low moan and closed her eyes again.
“Of course.” Mey Ling grumbled. “I make sure everyone that would even possibly have a reason for being there was taken care of. What the hell is she doing there? Nevermind, I will be there in a moment.”
Sean remembered to call the Valkyries guarding the access and told them to admit the Major, and then had Andy contact the closest search team to them to guide the major.
He placed the AI unit back in Corina’s holster and started to comment when his attention was drawn by shouting from the other side of the door they had been about to enter. He started forward, jerking to a halt when the shouting ended in a single gun shot.
He started forward again, only to be stopped by a hand on his arm, jerking him out of the way.
“M’ job.” Corina mumbled.
“Like hell.” Sean snarled. “You can barely stand.” He was saved from having to push her aside as a team of Valkyries came fumbling down the corridor.
Sean grimaced. Powerful they might be, but these women were damned near useless in zero-g.
“We heard a gun-shot, sir.” One of the Valkyries announced as they drew even with them.
“In there.” Sean confirmed, jerking a thumb towards the door. He noticed both of the women were wearing the velcro attachments and he moved towards them, grabbing their legs and planting them on the floor. “Keep one foot on the floor at all times. Slower moving, but it keeps you steady.” He told them. He then turned and, before she could stop him, drew the pistol Corina carried in a holster on her left hip.
“Your Colonel is Space Sick.” He told the Valkyries. “Major Ling is on her way but I need one of you to stay with her and keep her out here.”
“No.” Corina shook her head and then gulped.
“Shut up.” Sean told her. He pointed at one of the Valkyries. “You. Stay with her until Major Ling gets here.” He pointed at the other, “You’re with me but for god’s sake, don’t shoot anyone unless I say so, got it?”
“Yes, Sir!” Both women barked, drawing themselves up. One then took Corina by the arm.
“C’mon, Colonel.” She said as she drew her aside. “You’d be no good in there anyway. Why’d the medics let you get down here without taking anything?”
Convinced that Corina was going to stay put, Sean took a breath and nodded to the remaining Valkyrie before turning towards the door. He was a bit surprised when the Valkyries gently moved him out of the way. She smiled at him and then took the pistol from him.
She held it up so he could see what she was doing as she clicked the safety to the off position and handed it back. Sean reddened and motioned for her to go ahead.
The Valkyrie palmed the door and dove through.
Sean groaned, seeing disaster, but the Valkyrie surprised him. She had dove low to the ground and somehow came to a rest crouched in the center of the room, her feet firmly connected to the floor, her weapon swaying as she scanned the area.
“Clear.” She called. “We have a civilian down!”
Sean clicked on the safety of the pistol, stuffed it in his belt and launched himself into the room.
Used to the zero gravity, he was able to maneuver easily and was quickly making his way towards the figure floating motionless in the middle of the room, globules of blood floating nearby. He didn’t have to see the face. The longish dark hair, streaked here and there with grey was enough.
“Terry!” He pulled the woman around and was relieved to see her eyes flutter. She was still alive.
He floated away as the Valkyrie pushed him aside and began pulling at the scientists clothes until she found the wound in her left side.
“No exit wound.” She called out. “Who ever shot her is using low power rounds. Smart.” She dug through a pouch on her side and produced a compress. This she slapped on the wound and began to apply pressure to stop the bleeding.
“I’ve contacted Major Ling, Governor.” A voice said from behind him. He turned to see the other Valkyrie, still supporting Corina, standing in the doorway. “She’s passed the check point and is almost here. She’s ordered additional medics but they will need your okay to get through the check point.”
Sean nodded and moved towards them, once again taking Andy from her carrying case. He issued the necessary orders to the access guards and then, instead of returning the AI to Corina, stuffed the unit in his shirt pocket. He’d return it when Corina was back to herself.
While they waited for Mey Ling to arrive, he busied himself looking around the room.
Control panels and view screens lined the walls. He would not have been able to tell the functions of most of the panels but Terry had made sure that he, Mike, and Steven were all aware of the Master Panel. He moved towards that panel now, dredging up everything he could remember about it. This panel controlled how much power flowed into the Enceladus drive, as Terry called it.
“My god.” He whispered. Normally, only a trickle of energy was supposed to be fed into the drive. Just enough to allow the scientists to run their tests. But according to the readings on the panel, that thing out in the bay was drawing every bit of energy it could. Some one had removed the safeties and the Enceladus drive was powering up!
He turned just as Mey Ling floated into the room, followed by two more Valkyries.
The Major barely spared Corina a glance as she launched herself towards him and slapped a hypo spray into his hand.
“Give her this.” She ordered. “She’ll come around in a few minutes.” She started to move towards Terry but stopped when Sean laid a hand on her arm.
“Major, I need that woman awake. Like right now.” He told her.
“I can’t promise that, Governor.” Mey Ling bristled like any other doctor would.
“Major, that isn’t a request.” Sean gave her a stern look. “We have a major problem here that could endanger the entire Habitat and she is the only one here with the knowledge of what we might be able to do about it. I’ll try to get some one else in here, but I need to know what happened in here and what I can do to power that damned thing down!” He pointed to the view screens that displayed the Enceladus Drive.
“I’ll do what I can, Governor.” Mey Ling grimaced. “That is all I can promise.”
He nodded, let her go, and pushed himself towards Corina.
He held up the hypo spray tossed a questioning look towards the Valkyrie supporting her.
The Valkyrie nodded, took the hypo and pressed it against Corina’s neck.
Corina stiffened slightly and then relaxed.
Sean watched her for a moment and then moved away, taking Andy from his shirt pocket.
“Andy, access Habitat Communications. I need you to connect me with Steven Barnes.”
There was only the briefest of delays before Steven’s voice came back.
“Steven here. What’s up, Sean?”
“Steven, I need you to locate Terry’s second and have him meet me here in Terry’s Control room.” Sean ordered. He paused for a moment. “Then I need you to sound an emergency. Evacuate Three.”
“Evacuate… Sean, what the hell is going on?” Steven demanded.
“I’m sorry, Steven. I haven’t got time to explain. Just find Terry’s second and get as many people as you can out of Three.” Sean shouted. “Sean out.”
“I can send some of my people to help out, if you need them.”
Sean turned to see a somewhat recovered Corina moving slowly towards him. He thought for a moment and then nodded, handing her the AI.
“Have them report to Steven Barnes, he’ll know where they can best be used.” He told her.
She transmitted the orders to Sarah and then slipped Andy back into her pouch.
“Mey Ling?” She asked, moving closer to where the doctor was working on Dr. Walers.
“She’ll live.” The Valkyrie doctor sighed. “She hasn’t lost as much blood as she would have had she been in gravity and that is probably what saved her life.” She looked away from her patient long enough to glare at Sean. “I don’t dare give her a stimulant to bring her around. I don’t believe her heart could handle it.” She shook her head as Sean started to reply. “If I give her a stimulant, it would most likely kill her before she came around enough for you to get any information from her.”
“What’s the problem?” Corina placed her hand on Sean’s arm and drew him away from the Doctor. “Why are you evacuating Ring Three?”
“That thing is powering up.” Sean pointed to the viewscreens. “I have no idea what that means. It could be nothing, but if something does happen, Rings One and Two have more support and shielding than Three.” He gave a sour laugh. “But if that damned thing blows up in the Access Hub, we can all kiss our asses’ good-bye.”
“Is that possible?”
“I really don’t know. Terry assured me that it wasn’t but…” he shrugged.
“Then trust what she told you.” Corina said. “If she was wrong and it blows, there’s nothing we can do about it anyway.”
“I could if I knew what the hell I was doing.” Sean snarled, smacking his fist on the control panel. That action tore him loose from the floor and caused him to float away. Corina grabbed his leg and brought him back down until he connected with the floor.
“The medics are here and some one claiming they were ordered here by a Mr. Barnes.” The Valkyrie by the door called out.
The medics, carrying a stretcher entered and moved directly to Mey Ling. The white coated individual following them looked around uncertainly until he spotted the Governor and then moved towards them.
“Jerry Scott, Governor.” He introduced himself. “I’m Dr. Walers Assistant.” He looked over at the medics, obviously concerned. “What happened here? Is she going to be okay?”
“We don’t know, Jerry.” Sean grabbed the man’s arm and guided him to the master control panel. “Explanations are going to have to wait. I need you to tell me what the hell is going on here.”
The assistant looked at the medics one last time and then looked at the panel. His eyes grew wide.
“Oh jesus fucking Christ!” He yelped. His hands flew to the panel, keying in commands. “Some one’s removed the safeties and is trying to overload the drive.” He blurted. His fingers paused and he looked closer. “Whoever did this knew what they were doing, but they didn’t finish. It looks like they were trying to divert as much energy as they could in the shortest amount of time possible into the drive. It looks like they weren’t able to finish what they were doing.”
“Dr. Walers probably interrupted them in the process.” Corina said and scowled. “If that damned space sickness would not have hit me, we would have gotten in here before she did. She had noticed that there were other entrances into the room and realized that Dr. Walers must have entered through one of them to surprise the saboteur.
“Okay, they weren’t able to finish. What does that mean?” Sean demanded. “I need to know if that damned thing is going to blow up in my Access Bay!”
“No.” Jerry shook his head. “That isn’t possible.” His fingers continued to fly. “It would have simply melted down.” He looked up. “Frankly, we would have been in a better shape if they had finished what they were doing.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means, Governor, that if I can’t get that think powered down, we’re screwed. It won’t blow up, but it will activate.” Jerry’s fingers paused and he slumped over the panel. “Damn.” He looked up again. “I can’t disengage. Governor, you’ve got to evacuate the Bay. Now!”
Sean wasted no time by demanded more explanations. Once again using Andy, he issued the necessary orders.
Corina got Mey Ling, her medics and patient on the way and then turned to the four Valkyries now waiting by the door.
“Transmit to the other search teams. We are now evacuating everyone.” She paused and turned to Sean. “The Striker?”
Sean looked to Jerry who shook his head.
“Not enough time for them to power up and get underway.” The assistant said. “Just get them out of the Access. Once in the Hub proper, they should be okay. But if that thing does activate, it will probably fry anyone in the Access Bay.”
“Andy, connect me with Corporal Clavers and get ready to patch in who ever is in control on the Striker.”
“Corporal Clavers, This is Governor Durick, I need you to let Captain Allison and Major Stilwick hear this.” Sean all but shouted when the Corporal left in charge of the prisoners in the conference room answered.
“Done, sir.” Came the instant reply.
“Durick, what are you playing at?” Came Captain Allison’s voice.
“Shut the fuck up, Allison.” Durick snapped. “We haven’t got time for that. I am going to patch you into the Striker and I need you to order everyone on board off and out of the Access Bay.”
“And why would I do that? Durick you must be mad if you think I am going to surrender my ship to you.”
“Governor, you have 20 minutes to get everyone out.” Jerry called out from the Master Panel where he continued to try to shut things down.
“Twenty minutes, Allison.” Durick growled. “If your people are not off that ship and out of the Access in that time, they are dead men.”
“Andy, Patch in Major Hilien.” Corina ordered.
“Hilien here.”
“Major, you will stand down and move your people out of the Access. Staring right now. You have less than twenty minutes to get everyone, including those guarding the entrances into the Enceladus Project, completely out of the Access and into the shielded portions of the hub. Do not, repeat, do not attempt to return to the barracks. Simply get into the hub and get braced as best you can. Twillian out.”
“Governor, what the hell is going on?” It was Major Stilwick talking now.
“Sabotage, Major. Ask your boss what Major Meesner was up to. He probably knows more than we do. All I can tell you is that if you don’t get those men out of the Striker and into the shielded Hub within, nineteen minutes now, they will be dead. You do what you want. Major. I haven’t got time to play with you. Durick out.”
Sean handed the unit back to Corina and started to turn back towards the Master panel. He had not taken two steps before his arms were pinned to his side and he felt himself lifted from the ground.
The Valkyrie gripping him turned and he saw two more had an outraged Corina’s arms.
“Sorry Ma’am, sir.” The Valkyrie holding him said, sounding anything but sorrowful. “Orders from Major Hilien and Major Ling. We’re to escort both of you out of the Access right now.”
The fourth Valkyrie started towards Jerry but he waved her away.
“Get them out of here.” He said. “I have got to stay and see if I can stop it.” He looked up. “I don’t think I can, I don’t think Dr. Walers could, but I have to try. I have to.”
The Valkyrie nodded her understanding and started to turn. She then stopped and walked back to him.
“What else can you try?” She asked, standing close.
“Nothing.” Jerry sighed. “I keep trying to come up with ways to shunt the power, to divert it or even drain what is already there…but nothing works.”
“You have tried everything?” The Valkyrie asked.
“Everything that I can think of.” Jerry nodded.
“Then you can do no more.” She grabbed him, slinging him over her shoulder, and followed the Valkyries escorting the Governor and the Colonel out the door.
“It was brave of you to want to stay, but useless.” She told him when he finished squawking. “My name is Private Lorie Laffoon. Just in case you wish to report me later.”
“I think she likes him.” The Valkyrie holding Sean whispered to one of those holding Corina.
“How long do we have?” Corina demanded sourly once they had been escorted out of the Access Bay.
“Eight minutes, twenty-four seconds.” Andy replied, as if the question had been addressed to her. “Colonel, Major Hilien reports that the Marines aboard the Striker have disembarked and are now secure within the Hub. Steven Barnes is fzzts grrrge sppplis…”
“Andy?” Corina snatched at the AI’s pouch as the unit went quiet. “Andy, what the…” She swayed as a wave of dizziness washed over her.
“Jerry, disarm them!” She heard Sean’s voice, though for some reason it seemed as if from far away. “Something is wrong with them.”
She watched, her head spinning, as the two men removed the slung weapons from their escort.
“What….” Her voice sounded thick. She tried to move and felt as if she were in slow motion.
“Be still.” She heard Sean and tried to turn her head to see him. “Jerry thinks the drive is building up to activate. The energy is obviously screwing with your nanites, just like it did with Andy.”
“Damnit.” She heard Jerry yelling. “Lorie is going into convulsions.”
“My….” Blackness.
To be Continued……..
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2014 by Clay Clearbrook
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.