Multiverse Earth 1

Chapter 6

Team Sentinel


Part 1


© Dylan Clearbrook


Sector 2815
(Soon after the return from Alterverse)*
(See the MV/AV Crossover: Continuum 2)

“What a mess!”

Jennifer Walters-Gand, the new Sentinel of this Multiverse, floating alongside her husband in space, looking over the carnage, could only agree with his assessment.

Several thousand vessels, of all shapes and sizes; in various stages of operational capability, were spread out as far as the eye could see.

“This is all that is left of sectors 2828 and 2815.”  Lar Gand, otherwise known as Valor, shook his head.

Unlike his wife, Lar had a background in space travel and had, before coming to Earth to be placed in the Phantom Zone, traveled extensively.

“So many deaths…for what?”  He clenched his fist in impotent fury at that which he could not change.  He forced himself to relax and glanced over at his wife.

It was her power that sustained them both at the moment.  The Cosmic power she generated within her body, an after effect of absorbing the Shard in Otherverse, kept an environmental field around the both of them.  Unlike the Daxamites and Kryptonians of Alterverse, Lar could not go indefinitely without breathing.  Like Kara, Rogue, and the twins, he could go for extremely long times (though not as long as they) but like the Terran whales that could submerge for hours, he eventually had to come up for air.

As for Jenny, she had no such concerns.  It was automatic.  She could not tell you how the power within her knew to throw an environmental shield up; it just did it.

And for that, Jenny was grateful. 

Leaving Earth soon after they awakened within this particular Probability of this new Multiverse, Jenny and Lar had followed the suggestion of the Starheart and traveled to Oa where they submitted themselves to the Guardians for training.  (It was only recently that Jenny had learned that she, despite the fact that she was not a true Green Lantern, had been awarded an honorary membership…indeed, she was now mentioned not only in the Multiverse Book of Oa, but in the Alterverse version as well!)

“Well, I wanted to test my power levels.”  Jenny now spoke in a glum voice.

When they had entered this Probability, the Multiverse Starheart, an entity Jenny still did not understand, had decreased her power levels, capping her at a specific level except for extreme emergencies.

Since she generated much of her own power, she knew that meant the Starheart was siphoning off much of that energy continuously.

A good thing, she had discovered soon after arriving at Oa.

There she, with the help of the Guardians…especially the Guardian named Ganthet…had determined that, prior to leaving Otherverse, her power had been siphoned off by the Great Battery she had constructed out of the shard!

By pulling all that power into herself, filtering it, and then releasing it back into the newly made Battery, she had forged a link.  That link had been severed when the Ripple yanked them out of Otherverse and dropped them in this Multiverse.

With no place to go, that energy within her would have continued to increase.  Eventually, she would be holding more power than any sane mortal could hope to grasp.  She didn’t have to consult her ring and access the story of Parallax again to know what that would bring.  She also realized that, no matter what came next…she was effectively stuck in this Multiverse. She might leave for extended periods, but eventually, she would have to return.  She was tied, for her own sanity, to this Starheart…an entity about which she knew next to nothing.

After returning from Alterverse, the Guardians had dispatched a sizable portion of the Green Lantern Corps to both of the devastated sectors. They flew sweeps through system after system, mopping up any remaining Kayzik (not many and without the Queen hardly a menace) and looking for any more survivors (so far there was no good news).

Admittedly, the Guardians were more concerned with Sector 2828.  It was from there, in the past, many threats to galactic peace had come.   The Psions…a threat of the Guardians on making, deep in the depths of history, the Citadel, the Gordanians…The Guardians wanted assurance that no more threats would be forthcoming…at least within the foreseeable future.  Lar, familiar with the unsavory reputation of that sector within his home universe…most notably the Vegan Star System…tended to agree that it warranted a very close inspection.

Jenny and Lar, with the aid and guidance of Tomar-Re of Xudar, the Green Lantern of Sector 2813, and Katma Tui of Korugar, the Green Lantern of Sector 1417, were dispatched to rendezvous with the GL from Sector 2815 and the refugees she had attempted to lead out of her sector.

“Where in the name of Dax do we even begin?”  Lar mused.

Tomar started to speak but was silenced as Jenny answered.

“We start with them!”  She pointed at two figures that were blazing through space towards them.  One left a fiery red trail behind while the other left the tell-tale trail of a Green Lantern.

“If that is Arisia, she gambles much.”  Katma remarked.  “According to the reports of your friends, Kara and Rogue, Arisia was badly injured in the battle.”(see the MV story Continuum 1)

“Her ring is sustaining her.”  Tomar remarked, his tone grim.  “That is the heart of a warrior...but even a warrior can push herself beyond her endurance.  Her ring cannot keep her active and begin healing at the same time.”

“The rings heal?”  Lar raised an eyebrow.  This was something he had not heard before.

“In a manner of speaking.”  Katma responded.  “Though it is not instant.”

“The power of the ring aids the body in healing itself.”  Tomar took up the explanation. “It speeds the process, giving the body the energy it needs…but it does not perform actual healing.”

“It is possible that it could.”  Katma noted.  “But that is one of the things that is forbidden.  And for good reason.”

“It prevents a ring wielder from getting the notion he or she can play god!”  Jenny put in, her voice barely above a whisper as she considered her own past.  Hal Jordon…Parallax…had used his energy to heal her.  Instantly.  The result, however, was the infusion of power that had changed her from mere She-Hulk to…whatever she was!

“Exactly.”  Tomar nodded approvingly.  He may have added more, but closed his beak when Lar motioned towards the other figure flying alongside Arisia.

“I take it that is Princess Koriand’r?”

“Indeed it is.”  Tomar answered grimly.  “From Sector 2828.  They refused to allow the Guardians to station a Green Lantern in their sector.  If they had, perhaps the Princess would not have had such a hard life…and perhaps we could have stopped the Kayzik there!”

“Hard life?”  Jenny turned to look at the bird-man.

“Princess Koriand’r of the planet Tamaran was given up to slavery in order to keep her world free.”  Tomar spat, showing his distaste.  “To the Psions.  In an experiment at their hands, she gained the ability to absorb energy and project it in destructive ‘starbolts.’ Added to her natural flight ability and near invulnerability and she made an excellent addition to the Psion battle arenas.”  He shook his head.  “She escaped…only to lead a ragtag fleet of refugees out of her sector into sector 2815…barely one step ahead of the Kayzik.”  He scowled and rubbed a finger across his beak.  “I wonder if her sister, Komand’rBlackfire…survived!”

Komand’r was known to hate her younger sister and was branded a traitor when she enlisted with the Citadel against Tamaran.”  Katma explained.  She gave Jenny a sly wink.  “While the Corps might not have been allowed within that sector, that did not stop us from…gaining information.”

Jenny wondered where the Princess had been during the final battle, since neither Kara nor Rogue had mentioned her.  As the pair grew closer, Jenny saw the bruises and gashes, the cuts and scrapes and burn marks that literally covered the two and realized that, most likely, the Princess had been aboard a craft, placed there by Arisia before she, too, was overcome.  They had both seen their share of battle…and, by the looks of them, were both bone-weary.

“That is not a happy woman.”  Lar remarked, seeing the look of anger that battled with weariness on the face of the blond haired, golden skinned Green Lantern that approached.  Her companion, her skin only a shade darker, looked no happier.  Lar glanced over at Katma.  “The Guardians did inform them of what happened, didn’t they?”

“No.”  The red skinned woman shook her head.  “They attempted to, but Arisia’s ring might be damaged.  They could not get through to her.”

“So why didn’t one of the little blue guys just pop over here and tell her in person?”  Lar demanded, frowning.  Tomar actually appeared scandalized by the suggestion.

“Preposterous!”  He blustered; making Jenny wonder why it always seemed aliens and translators seemed to speak the English language with a distinctive British flair…as if they had all gone to Oxford!  Why couldn’t they pick some Mid-western US accent…or even the heavy accent of some one from the Australian Outback?  “The Guardians are much too busy with more important matters. The Green Lantern of Sector 2815 was hardly of high enough rank to warrant such expenditure!  Besides, there are many that are convinced that Arisia should be stripped of her ring!  After all, she did disobey strict orders seventeen of your years ago when she went to the aid of Earth.  Sector 2814 has yet to be added to our sphere of influence.  She had no clue as to what political damage she could have done by interfering before the Guardians approved. And now she has lost an entire Sector!”

“You have got to be kidding me!”  Jenny glared at the bird man and raised a hand.  Green energy poured out and streamed towards the two approaching women, enveloping them within a large emerald sphere. “High ranking or not, those two woman have probably done more to save lives than most Green Lanterns will in an entire career.”

Both Katma and Tomar gaped as Jenny’s energy stream melded with the energy Arisia was expending to keep up life support and took that function over.

Jenny held the connection and, as if her beam of energy were a tractor beam, drew the two women closer.

Soon they were close enough for those with out Lar’s telescopic vision to see the confusing array of emotions that traveled across the faces of both women.

Both were gazing at Jenny and Lar in pure amazement.  They noticed Arisia’s eyes widen as she took in the small S emblems on the two large yellow buttons that held the Daxamite’s cape in place.

Their wonderment was not strong enough, however, to drown out the anger and frustration and pure exhaustion the battle weary women were feeling and finally Arisia gave into it…

“Where the hell were you?”

The golden skinned Green Lantern demanded of Tomar.  Jenny knew that what she was hearing were not the woman’s exact words, but a translation…courtesy of the ring she wore.

“We called and called!”  Arisia’s fists were clenched.  “Where was the Green Lantern Corps?  Why didn’t the Guardians respond?”

“Silence.”  Tomar pulled himself up and glared at the woman…and never in her life had Jenny wanted to strangle some one so much.  “Yours is not to question the Guardians…”

His voice cut off as a second bubble of energy from Jenny surrounded him.

Katma and Arisia…looked at the bird man…and then to Jenny.

“What he MEANT to say.”  Jenny glared at the bird man.  Member of the Elite Corps or not, there was a time for polish…and this was not it.  She turned to Arisia, making sure she had the woman’s attention.  “The Guardians did not receive your mayday until I arrived on Oa.”

“And who are you, stranger?”  She looked pointedly at Lar and the emblems.

Jenny noted that The Princess was eyeing Lar as well…as if he were a possible new conquest.  Time to squash that here and now.

“I am the new Champion of the Starheart.  The Sentinel.”  Jenny hoped she was saying it right.  This whole Starheart thing was still too new to her.  “Jennifer Gand of Earth.”  She nodded as Arisia’s gaze jerked back to her. “And this is my husband.”  She stressed the relationship…looking at the Princess.  “Lar Gand.  You have, I believe, seen, if not met, our friends, Kara and Rogue.”

Arisia made as if to respond but Jenny cut her off.

“Look, I know you are full of questions…but they can wait.”  She indicated the gaggle of ships spread out before them.  “Let’s see if we can’t get some order here and make sure everyone’s okay…then we can sit down and discuss what to do next.”

Jenny released Tomar and then took off in the direction of the mass of ships…the last remnants of two complete sectors.  Arisia tossed a glance at the other two green Lanterns and then, with Princess Koriand’r at her side, flew after the Sentinel.  Katma gave a sly smirk and took off after them.

Tomar began to bluster up was cut short again.  This time by an angry Daxamite poking a finger in his chest.

“How dare you?”  Lar hissed. “Of anyone…of any Green Lantern, you should know better!”

“What…”  Tomar began…but Lar was not finished.

“You are the Green Lantern of Sector 2813.  In the reality I came from…Tomar-Re never got over the guilt…the guilt of not being able to prevent the destruction of a single world…Krypton!”

Tomar reacted as if Lar had sucker punched him…and in a way, he had.

“I could not get there….”  He whispered.

“So you lost a world.”  Lar growled.  “A single world!”  He threw an arm up to point toward the women as they flew toward the ships.  “She has lost an entire sector!  And not because She didn’t try…but because she had no hope of doing it alone.  None.  And what happens when she calls upon the Corps for help?  Help she not only BELIEVES will come…but help she has every right to expect?  Nothing!  No acknowledgement.  No nothing.”

“IF we had gotten such a call…we would have been here…In force!”  Tomar retorted.

“If.”  Lar shook his head.  “You don’t get it, do you?  There’s no way she could have known that her calls for help were not being received.  But did your precious Guardians think to contact her…once the communication lines were up again?  No.  She was not important enough.”

“We don’t question…”

“Then maybe you should!”  Lar poked again.  “Ask Jenny to tell you the story of a man called Parallax some day.  Better, yet, borrow her ring and get the story first hand.  Then maybe you’ll understand that sometimes it is not wrong to question…but wrong NOT to question.  Loyalty is not a one way street!”

Lar then flipped over, speeding after the women, leaving a speechless Tomar-Re behind.

Team Sentinel

The next several hours were spent rounding up ships, using extreme care.  Relying on Lar’s expertise, Jenny let him be the judge of the space worthiness of each ship and then, again under his direction, helping to make repairs when possible or evacuating the vessel altogether if not.

Those ships that had to be abandoned were quickly scavenged to repair others less damaged.

Every now and then, as they worked, Jenny would catch a glimpse of a face or two pressed against the ports of some of the vessels. 

Though the faces were alien, Jenny recognized a look she had seen before on her world during the many wars that raged off and on around the globe.  The faces of resignation…of despair.  The faces of refugees.

And through it all, despite the thousands of ships….Jenny and Lar both came back to the same thought…so few.  These pitiful refugees were all that remained of the civilized worlds of two sectors.  Supposedly.

They had received word halfway through the project that the teams sent to investigate Sector 2828 had made a startling discovery.  The Psion systems were gone!

Not destroyed…not over run…simply gone.   Nothing remained in the areas of space the Psion systems had occupied.  Nothing.  No asteroids, no comets, no planets…no suns!  Nothing.

Neighboring systems, however, revealed something even more startling.  Khund technology!

“You do not understand.”  Katma shook her head, reminding herself that, for all her power, this new Champion of the Starheart, this new Sentinel, was dreadfully ignorant of this universe.  “The Khund do not come from that area of space.  They come from the same arm of the Galaxy your sector…2814… lies in.  But further out.  They could not have reached sector 2828 without first going through your sector and sector 2815…this sector.”

“And this surprises you?”  Jenny asked, perplexed.  “From what I understand the Khunds attacked Earth seventeen years ago and have been observed occasionally since then.”

“Why has this not been brought to the attention of the Guardians?”  Tomar demanded.

“Probably because your precious Guardians have not seen fit to extend their sphere of influence into Sector 2814 yet.”  Lar remarked, dryly.

“The Guardians were made aware.”  Arisia managed to answer in a near civil tone.  “They were made aware when the first Khund scouts entered sector 2815 and I followed them back to discover the attack on Earth in sector 2814.”  She gave Tomar a glare.  “I made a report then…and reported that the Khunds were not confining themselves to sector 2814.  And in return, I was reprimanded for taking unauthorized action outside my sector.”

The blonde Green Lantern then flew back to work without a backward glance.

While Tomar was busy trying to decide whether to be embarrassed or indignant, Jenny and Lar exchanged worried glances.  By unspoken agreement, they decided to hold off on discussing the matter until they were alone.

When they reached the point where the Green Lanterns were required to recharge their Rings, Lar called a rest period and, after singling out the largest of the refugee ships, a conference.

The ship, a hastily converted luxury liner from the Graxos system, soon became a beehive of activity as the Green Lanterns, the Princess Koriand’r, Lar, and Jenny made their way through the airlocks and started calling for a meeting with the representatives of the various Refugee groups.

What had once been a ballroom designed for the entertainment of the Graxos wealthy and elite soon found new purpose as it was turned into a meeting hall.

“First things first.”  Jenny stood before the assembled beings, noting the various different races that were represented.  All, however, were humanoid.  Those aliens that were non humanoid had, for the most part, radically different environmental requirements.  That being the case, there were sadly few non-humanoids amongst the refugees.

“I am the New Sentinel.”  Jenny pulled no punches.  These people knew who and what the Sentinel represented.  And they knew that there had not been a sentinel for close to seventeen earth years.

“Why did the Green Lantern Corps not come to our aid?”  One representative yelled out, Jenny’s ring rendering the translation.

“The Guardians did not receive the call for aid.”  Jenny answered bluntly, turning slightly to glare at Tomar…daring him to say a word.  “We are still not sure what happened, but something the Kayzik did …those creatures that attacked your worlds…blocked the communications between any Green Lantern in their vicinity and Oa.  The Guardians were not aware of your circumstances until I arrived and Oa and was able to receive your Lantern’s call for aid and pass it on.”  Jenny paused and took a breath. “We did not wait to gather a Green Lantern strike force.  Knowing your peril, we were able to enlist the aid of heroes from the Planet Earth in the neighboring sector….”

Jenny trailed off at the babble of voices that rose.  She caught the gist of much of it and had to smile.  She raised a hand.

“No, they did not die.  The destruction of the Queen’s ship merely transported them…someplace else.  Both Rogue and Superwoman are safely back on Earth.”  She lowered her arm and allowed the smile to fade.  “Even now teams of Green Lanterns are combing through both affected sectors, looking for survivors and determining when…or if…you can return to your homes.”  She shook her head.  “The Prospects do not look good.  The Kayzik did not leave a single world capable of supporting life behind them.”

She paused and then turned to Lar.

Lar stood and walked to the podium, looking over the representatives.

“Soon we will get back to work.  We have, we believe, taken care of any life threatening issues.  But we still have to finish getting this…fleet…back together and get it moving.  And that is the question…  Where do we move you to?”

There was general discussion for a moment as the various representatives shouted first once suggestion and then another.

“I believe the answer is quite clear.”  Tomar spoke up, causing both Jenny and Lar to bristle.  “The fleet should remain here until the Guardians decide which systems in which sectors the refugees should be dispersed to.”

There was stunned silence and Katma made a heavy sigh, looking at the bird man as if she could not believe his audacity.

“NO!”  All heads turned as Princess Koriand’r stomped to the front of the large room to stand beneath the podium…looking up on the stage that had, at one time, housed musicians that had played for the amusement of the paying passengers of the liner.  “We will not wait on the will of the Guardians.”

Surprisingly, Arisia left her place beside Katma, and clambered down to stand beside The Princess.

“Princess Koriand’r is correct.”  She announced.  “With no disrespect to the Guardians,” her tone said that the respect was only grudgingly given at this time, “but these people cannot wait for the Guardians to pick and choose…and then scatter them.  We are all that is left of two sectors.”  She turned and indicated the various races.  “Many of our races will not live to see another generation.  Many have been cut so far that they are no longer genetically viable.” She pointed out the ambassadors from Tamaran and Graxos 4.  “Some, with a little help from our geneticists, may hope to merge their races together to form a new race, and thus survive.”  She turned back and glared up at Tomar.  “Splitting them up, scattering them to the four corners of the galaxy, would put an end to such hope.  It would spell the doom of many of these people and their races!”

“There are hardly enough to settle two worlds.”  Koriand’r spoke up again.  “And you wish to disperse them even further?  Arisia has the right of it.  This I will not allow!”

As Koriand’r spoke, Jenny’s eyebrows rose and a hush settled over the vast room as a dark green sphere formed around her and Lar, obscuring them from sight!

“Tomar, you are perhaps one of the best Green Lantern’s ever to wear a ring.”  Katma whispered to the bird man while everyone’s attention was on the green globe that hid Jenny and Lar.  “But sometimes I think you missed a course in basic diplomacy.”

“I do not understand!”  Tomar seemed truly perplexed.  “Were this my sector…my people, it would not be a problem.”

“Your sector…your people, and mine for that matter,” Katma told him.  “Have a much different mind set.  We have relied on the Guardians of Oa for thousands of years.  Sector 2815 is fairly new.  Arisia is its first Green Lantern.  Sector 2828?  They have ever been suspicious of the Guardians!  Recall that they would not even consider allowing the Guardians to incorporate their sector into our sphere of influence!  Much less station a Green Lantern there!”

Tomar thought a moment and then nodded.

“Perhaps you are right.”  He indicated the Refugees by pointing his beak. “There is just so much suffering.  I wish to help but I forget that they are much more…independent than those that inhabit my sector.  The only planet there the exhibited such individualistic tendencies….”  He paused and looked at the globe…wonder reaching his eyes.  “Was Krypton!”

“Only because Krypton was colonized by Daxam!”  Katma retorted.  “And if ever there was an individualistic people…it was the Daxamites!”

If Tomar had thought of a response, it was left unsaid as the globe around Jenny and Lar began to dissipate.

There was a general gasp throughout the room as the globe dissolved to show not just the two individuals that had been enclosed…but two other figures as well.

One was clearly a hologram…a greenish tinged balding man…of a species similar to that of the white skinned, dark haired Daxamite that stood beside the Sentinel.

There was no doubting the identity of the second new comer.  His red robes, short stature, and blue skin marked him readily as one of the Guardians of Oa.  The Green Lanterns were able to identify him even further…Ganthet!  The somewhat roguish Guardian placed in charge of the Sentinel’s training.

It was the Hologram that spoke first.

Looking out over the assembled races, clearly as surprised as they, the figure hesitated, took a deep breath, and took the plunge.

“Gentle…beings.  I am Lex Luthor of the planet Earth.”  The hologram spoke.  “Je….the Sentinel…has informed me of your plight and made a request of me.  A request that I was more than happy to pass on to our government.”  The hologram looked towards Jenny and nodded.

Jenny raised a hand and, above the heads of the assembled representatives, a scaled down rendition of the Sol System, green of course, sprang into existence above their heads.

“This is our solar system.” Lex continued. “We inhabit the third planet from the sun.  We are, even as I speak, working to terraform the second and fourth worlds.”  Eyes studied the system and then turned back to the hologram when he stopped speaking.  When he once again had their attention, Lex continued.  “Neither planet can, at this point in time, support live outside bio domes.  We are working to change that, yet our level of technology well not allow a speedy conclusion of either project.”  He turned and nodded to Jenny again and this time the solar system vanished.

“Neither place is a paradise.”  He went on.  “Nevertheless, I have been authorized to invite any and all of the refugees to settle on those worlds.  We will not cede the worlds to you.  Rather, we would hope that you will join with us to form the foundation of what could some day become a federation of Planets.  We ask that you become citizens of the Sol System, with all the rights and privileges…and responsibilities that entails.”  He motioned towards Jenny and Lar and Ganthet.  “I have already given these three all the details so that, should you have any questions, they can be quickly answered.”  He nodded his head and then, with a slight wave, vanished.

All eyes then turned to Ganthet.

“The Guardians approve of this course of action.”  The Oan announced.  “And have decided to incorporate Sector 2814…with the permission of the Sentinel.”  A gesture towards Jenny that was not lost on the assembled representatives…or the Green Lanterns.  Ganthet then turned specifically towards Arisia. “We will talk soon, Green Lantern of Sector 2815.”  He told her.  “Now is not the time.  However, understand that the Guardians are aware of the pain and loss you feel…and are aware of the unintentional slight given you.  For that…we apologize.”  The general gasp in the room was echoed by Tomar…as his beak opened in total shock and surprise.  “Time however, is of the essence.  You are, therefore, instructed to lead these Refugees…if it is their wish, into Sector 2814 and to the Sol System therein.  There you will be joined by other members of the Corps who will work to expedite the terraforming of both worlds.  There you will relinquish the title of Green Lantern of Sector 2815.”

Arisia started to close her eyes in pain and acknowledgement as Ganthet turned his attention to Princess Koriand’r

“You are to be commended as well, Princess Koriand’r.  Were it not for you and your brother, there is little doubt the losses, as painful and plentiful as they were, would have been worse.  Those that survive be they of Tamaran, Okaarans, or others that dwelt within your sector of space, owe their survival to your swift actions and determination.  It is hoped, if it be the will of your people, that you will join with the heroes of the Sol System in sector 2814 and aid them in their endeavors. It is quite possible your aid may be sorely needed in the near future.” 

Jenny frowned at the Guardians choice of words but was given no time to dwell on it as Ganthet turned his attention once again to Arisia.

“For you, I am afraid, there is no choice.  For though you will no longer the known as the Green Lantern of Sector 2815, you are not dismissed from the service of the corps.  You, even should your people decided against it, must travel to the Sol System.  It must be so…if you are to take up the mantle of Green Lantern…for Sector 2814.”

Team Sentinel

“That Ganthet is one smart cookie!”  Jenny remarked as the representatives filed out of the room.

The discussion had gone on and on for what seemed like hours before it was finally decided that the fleet would split.

It had not been an easy decision…and Jenny had made it that much more difficult…by transmitting the entire session, including the speeches given by Lex Luthor and Ganthet, to every ship in the rag tag fleet.

The result of that had been near chaos.  Several ships began signaling frantically when their “representatives” began voting contrary to the overwhelming desires of their vessels.

In the end, however, it was decided.

The humanoid Tamarans, led by Koriand’r’s brother Ryand’r, and Graxosians, easily the two largest groups of the refugee population, along with a smattering of smaller groups, would make their way to the Sol system.  The remainder, a pitifully small bunch, had opted to strike out on their own, seeking for their own spaces.

“How so?”  Lar lifted an eyebrow and looked at his wife.

“Easy.”  Jenny indicated the departing representatives.  “He made sure to praise both Arisia and the Princess in front of their people.  He directed most of his comments towards them…persuade them…and the people will mostly follow.”

“Hmmm.”  Lar shrugged and then grew thoughtful.  “Something about this stinks.”  He rubbed his chin in what Jenny had come to recognize as an unconscious habit her husband had when in deep thought.  “According to the reports we are getting, there were absolutely no sign of the Citadel worlds of the Vegan system.   Nor could anyone find the Psion worlds…which should be in a neighboring system…Hell, they couldn’t find the system.”  He paused and shook his head.  “The Guardians put the Psions in that system…how could they lose it?”

Jenny remained quiet, allowing Lar to work it out.  This interstellar thing was still much too new to her.

“And how…HOW…do you let two entire sectors get wiped out…without anyone knowing about it?  And how was it accomplished so quickly?”

“You don’t think it was the Kayzik…do you?”  Jenny ventured.

“I don’t know what to think.”  Lar turned his attention back to her.  “But I will tell you this…that force that Kara reported…the one she and Rogue destroyed.  It may have been big…but nowhere near big enough to completely wipe out two full sectors in a matter of weeks!  Hell, it wasn’t big enough to do it in a matter of years!”

“What are you suggesting?”  Jenny crossed her arms and frowned.  She might not have the experience Lar did, but something within her was telling her that her husband was on to something…A little voice that indicated that the Starheart was in complete agreement.

“Nothing.”  Lar sighed and again shook his head. “Not yet at any rate.”  He glanced around, making sure neither Tomar nor Katma was nearby. “But understand this.  There is absolutely no logical reason that Arisia’s call for help should not have been received by the Corps or the Guardians!”

“Something interfered with the broadcast…jamming them…”  Jenny suggested, trailing off as Lar shook his head.

“Anything that could possibly have jammed the GL’s, if they worked that way, which they don’t, should have jammed you as well.”  He paused and his face took on a stern expression. “Some one is playing games.  And I think the Guardians have been caught with their pants down.”

“The Guardian’s don’t wear pants.”  Jenny commented, thoughtful now herself.

“And how would you know?”  Lar tried to shake off the mood.  “Have you looked under those robes?”

“Oh god no!” Jenny sputtered, “Lar Gand!  You are….”  She sighed and shook her head.  “I think the Starheart agrees with you.”

“Well that’s nice to know.”  Lar remarked.  “I don’t suppose it has any useful information to pass our way?”

Jenny frowned and shook her head.

“I am beginning to think it doesn’t work that way.”  She mused.  “One moment, it feels almost human…the next…it is more alien than I have ever felt.  It doesn’t think like we do…and it doesn’t play by the same rules we do.”

Which means…there are things it can and can’t tell us.”  Lar grumbled. “Understandable.  It isn’t a god…just the embodiment of the Creative force behind this screwy Multiverse…right.”

“It’s not a god.”  Jenny reinforced. “It may be extremely powerful…and may be the protector of this Multiverse…but there are things that even it can’t do!  And one of those is interfere with the destiny of us lesser beings.   Or rather, it can only rarely intervene directly.  The Starheart can give us the power to deal with the situation…but it can’t lead us by the nose and tell us exactly how to deal with it!”

Which gets us no closer to an answer.”  Lar brought the conversation back around.  He grew thoughtful again and his eyebrows rose as a theory began to formulate. “Someone is playing games.”  He repeated.  “And I think that, whatever else is happening, we are going to discover that Earth is right in the middle of it!”

Sector 2814
Earth, Sol System
Geneva, UEG Capital

“Damn that man!”

As President of the United Earth Government, Elizabeth Golder was supposedly the most powerful person on the planet.  This did not make those people around her very comfortable when she decided to go on one of her private little temper tantrums.

Nothing the public could see, naturally. In the public eye, President Golder was the epitome of coolness.  Nothing ever seemed to rattle her and she made sure, in that politicians way of hers, to let the ‘little people’ know that she was on their side!

The woman had a perfectly honorable record. From her time serving with a no-account lawyer turned politician in Arkansas, in the United States, to working for herself in the US Senate (after someone had finally put that damned sax playing idiot out of everyone else’s misery).  And she had a sensational record of activities during and after the invasion!  Of course, most of it had originated in her own mind after the facts, but who was there that could dispute her claims?

She had bided her time during that damned man’s first two terms…and then been cheated out of her rightful office for two more terms by Luthor’s immediate successor.

But she had attained her goal.  She was now the President of the United Earth Government.

And that damned Luthor was still making her life miserable!

“The Legislators accepted President Luthor’s proposal by a 3 to 1 margin.”  Her personal aide cringed even as the words came out of his mouth.

“He is NOT the President!”  Elizabeth shouted, her face a beet red.  “I am!  You hear me?  I am!”

“Yes Ma’am.”  The aide swallowed and tried to still the shaking of his hands as he glanced back at his notes. “By the looks of it, he did nothing illegal in by-passing your office and going straight to the Legislative body.”  He hurried on.  “In fact, he made it a point to show that he was in complete compliance with Article 23 paragraph 16a of the UEG Constitution.  The Constitution, he reminded the Legislative Body, he helped draft.”

“And?”  Elizabeth rounded on the hapless aide.

“We researched the applicable paragraph…and he was quite correct, ma’am.”  The aide admitted.  “It is stated in straight forward language that any private citizen can, after showing good cause, address the Legislative body and demand action without the involvement of the Administrative body.  Upon such a demand, the Legislative body can, again with out the involvement, agreement, or disagreement of the Administrative body, vote upon and implement a course of action that is binding upon the United Earth Government.  And upon the Administrative body.”

“Damn him.”

Elizabeth was not upset about the Refugees that the Legislative Body had agreed to allow to colonize Mars and Venus.  She was simply enraged that it was Lex Luthor that had brought this to the attention of the Legislative body…and to the world!

It wasn’t enough that she had to work daily to overcome the obstacles of trying to eradicate the Legend he had left when he left office. 

She had finally began to make progress, pulling more and more of the political power into her own hands…for the good of the people, of course…then he goes and ruins it all…by introducing those blasted Kryptonians…Superwoman and Rogue.

And her propaganda department was getting nowhere fast with that one. They had, subtly of course, tried to get people to question the goodness of these women.  They had never said anything overtly negative about these women…but neither had they mentioned them…without trying to bring the minds of the peoples back to those days of Terror…by naming the three female Kryptonians that had escaped from the Phantom Zone.  They had even hinted that these women had come from another reality….similar to escaping from the Zone.

Nothing seemed to work.

Barely three weeks after their introduction, Superwoman…Kara Zor-El, and Rogue In-Zee were household names.

And somewhere…some one had started using another name for Rogue.  No one yet could figure out where it had originated, but many people were now calling her Andromeda!

News reporters everywhere were getting interviews, learning all they could about these mysterious women.  And yet her intelligence agency, the UIA, could learn absolutely nothing of real worth.

Oh, they had learned about the relationship between the two women…but her propaganda people had warned against trying to use that against them.  In this day and age, it would only make her look foolish and prudish…not an image healthy for a politician running for re-election.

“Yes, it is rather depressing.”

Elizabeth turned and glared at the third person in her office.

A portly man, dressed entirely in white.

Wilson Fisk pulled a genuine Havana from his coat pocket and, ignoring the look of disgust on the president’s face, took the time to light the stogie, finally exhaling a noxious cloud of smoke before continuing.

“Put that damned cigar out!”  Elizabeth hissed, her eyes narrowing.

Fisk affected surprise, glancing down at the offensive cigar in his pudgy hands.

“I am dreadfully sorry.”  He exclaimed.  He then looked up as he ground the lit end into the palm of his other hand.  “Habits.”  He stuck the cigar back in his coat and wiped his hands together.

“You are quite right, though.”  He went on.  “It is a very depressing turn of events.  And I must apologize.  UIA has not been up to its normal high standards since the bombing incident.”

Elizabeth gave the Fisk a frown and then nodded ever so slightly.

“Understandable.”  She said.  “Though I cannot say your predecessor would have been any more helpful.”

“Indeed?”  Fisk shrugged his broad shoulders, looking more like a mountain trembling.  “He was a good Controller.  But perhaps he was not so well versed in…the politics of certain situations.”

“And you are?”

“I try, Ms. President.  I try.”  Fisk stood, his massive frame rising easily from the strained chair in which he had sat, belying the muscles hidden within what seemed to be a mountain of fat.  “Yes, it is depressing, as I said.  It appears that your authority is being undercut in every direction.”

The aide, hearing this, trembled…waiting for the President to explode.  She didn’t.

“I believe you are correct.”  She replied, instead, her voice deathly calm.

“First Lex Luthor himself, and then, though I hate to point the finger at another agency, SecPol.  After all, they were founded by Lex Luthor’s bodyguard…wife, I should say.  Then these new Kryptonians…and now this.” 

There was no need to expound on that last statement.  The eagerness of the Legislative body, at Luthor’s bidding, to circumvent her office in order to bequeath colonization rights of Mars and Venus to the refugees had been a slap in her face.  Just as the acceptance they had showered on Superwoman and…Andromeda, against her vocal protestations, had been in complete defiance of her wishes.

“More damned aliens!”  She growled.

“As if we did not have enough aliens, mutants, and metas as it is.”  Fisk agreed, watching the President closely.  “And of course, people will now start to look to this New Superwoman and Andromeda for answers to their problems…rather than looking where they should look.”

“To me!”  Elizabeth slammed a hand down on her desk.  “And there is not a damned thing I can do about it!”

“That may not be…entirely true, Madam President.”  Fisk settled himself back in his seat and crossed his arm over his massive chest and belly.  “There are…avenues…that could be explored.”

“Avenues?”  Elizabeth shot the fat man a look.  “What kind of avenues?”

Rather than answer right away, Fisk glanced toward the still cringing aide and made sure the President saw.

“Out!”  Elizabeth yelled, turning towards the aide.  “Get out!  I’ll call you when I need you again!”

The aide scrambled towards the door, only too happy to comply with her order.

Elizabeth had already dismissed him from her mind as the door closed behind him and she turned back to Fisk.

“Now, what kind of avenues?”


Deep Space
Sector 2815

It had taken time, but they had finally gotten the ragged fleet of mismatched ships moving.

Those not wishing to join the majority in their journey to the Sol System had already departed.  The number of vessels taking this course had dwindled as preparations were completed and once it became known that no Green Lantern would be dispatched to shepherd them. 

The Corps was already spread too thin as teams continued to comb through the two devastated sectors in an effort to discover the true scope of the destruction…and any clues that might help them to understand exactly what had happened.

Underway at last, the now six man team took turns riding shotgun. At the moment, Tomar-Re and Katma were doing sweeping patrols along the path the fleet would take ,while Jenny, Lar, Arisia, and Koriand’r relaxed.

Despite their battered states, both Koriand’r and Arisia had insisted on doing what they considered their fair share.

For the moment however, they were content to take it easy in one of the ex-luxury liner’s staterooms, getting to know more about this new Sentinel and her mate.  And to pump them for information about their destination…and about the two mysterious women that had virtually saved them from extinction at the hands of the Kayzik fleet.

Arisia, for her part, already knew a little about the Sol System…especially Earth.

Though she looked, in Jenny’s opinion, no older than an earth girl in her early twenties, Arisia had willingly shared her memories of the battle for Earth seventeen years earlier.

Upon learning that the women that had saved her people…not to mention herself…had been Kryptonians, she had shaken her head in disbelief.

Superman had been the only survivor of Krypton other than those in the Phantom Zone.  At least that had been the popular belief.  Now here was Kara and Rogue…and two teenage girls if this new Sentinel was to be believed.  And her husband!  He himself was an impossibility.  A Daxamite!  Yet it was well known, amongst the Lanterns at least, that Daxam had bombed itself into extinction thousands of years ago!

Before either Jenny or Lar could explain, however, the intership intercom began to squawk.

A strained voice, speaking in the native language of Tamaran, was shouting.  Thanks to her ring, Jenny was able to hear an instant translation.

The ship’s captain was reporting that the fleet was under attack!

As if to underscore his frantic announcement, the ship bounced and buckled under their feet.

Lar, activating his x-ray vision, looked through the hull of the ship and frowned.

“Several small fighter craft.”  He reported, his face grim.  “Most appear to be Khunds…but there are some that I don’t recognize.”  He paused.  “This is just the first wave. There are several battleships and destroyers closing in behind the fighters.  Damn!”  He turned to Jenny.  “They’ve just launched a wave of missiles.”  He started towards the room’s exit, intent on getting to the nearest airlock.

“No time for that, sweetheart.” Jenny hauled him back with a green energy tendril and then pulled him, along with Arisia and Koriand’r, who had already donned a face mask for oxygen, into a large energy bubble.  “We’re taking the express route.”

So saying, she tried something she had only practiced so far.   Using her energy, she phased through the hull of the ship, pulling her passengers within her.

Once they were clear of the ship, Jenny released the hold and the four of them spread out.

“Arisia!”  Jenny called out, know that her words would be broadcast to the GL through her ring.  “Find out where Tomar and Katma are!”

“And find out why they didn’t spot these bastards!”  Lar was hooked in via a ring, similar to the ones Jenny had created for Kara, Rogue, and the twins.  It allowed him to communicate while in deep space as well as furnished him with a constantly replenishing air supply.

There was no more time for thought as green beams, red flares, and heat vision stabbed outward to intercept the missiles

Lar was happy to see that space battles had not changed much in this new universe from what he had known in his own.  Ships would often send out waves of missiles, thousands in each wave, to soften up the enemy fleets before closing in to use their energy weapons.

With this fleet of refugees, however, the softening blow could well have been the death blow.  Very few of the ships were of military nature, which meant that few would have the shield strengths needed to withstand the onslaught of destruction.

“This is too slow!”  Lar called out as his heat vision seared a path through the horde of on coming missiles.  For ever missile he destroyed, there were a hundred more he knew he would never get in time.  “Jenny, you, Arisia, and Koriand’r concentrate on the fighters, I’ll take the missiles.”

Without waiting for a response, Lar kicked it into high gear, flying at super-speed to meet the oncoming missiles head on.

Jenny cast a worried glance in his direction and then did as directed.

As powerful as she knew herself to be, she knew there were limits to what she could do on her own.

There were those that mistakenly believed that she could do anything so long as she had the will.  Sometimes will was not enough.  Sometimes it was a matter of simple ability.  She could not put up a shield around the entire fleet.  Such a task would require more concentration than she could spare…and more energy than she held…or rather, more energy than the Starheart allowed her to keep.

Nor could she simply sweep the thousands of missiles out of existence.  Again, a matter of scope.  Given time, she could have handled it…but there was no time.  Before she would have been able to destroy even half of the ordnance, the other half would be ripping into the virtually unprotected hulls of the ships…each over crowded with refugees.

And so she trusted to Lar.  He could, she hoped, use his super-speed to accomplish what she would not be able to…or at least accomplish enough so that she, with Arisia and Koriand’r, would be able to finish up.

With that thought, she turned and let her energies join with those of Arisia and Koriand’r as they tried to stave off the swarming fighters.

Lar redoubled his speed, stopping just short of light-speed, as he waded into the mass of destruction headed for the refugee fleet.

Back and forth he sped, his heat vision flaring out to slash through scores of missiles while his hands and arms moved like whirlwinds, slapping, punching and nudging hundreds more.

Some would get through…of that he was certain.  But he could not allow that to deter him.  If he tried to chase down every missile that got by him, hundreds more would speed on, unopposed.  And this, he realized with a sinking feeling, was only the first volley!

It was quite obvious from the reaction of the fighters and their sudden erratic flight paths, that they had not expected to meet any resistance…much less resistance in the form of three very pissed off women…two of which seemed to wield the power of the green flame and one that seemed to have harnessed the power of a sun!

While Jenny, at first, tried to merely incapacitate the fighters she tackled, neither Arisia nor Koriand’r was being so civil.  Nor were they interested in form or style.

Blast after blast seared through fighter after fighter, sending each one expanding through space as clouds of hot dust.

Eventually, Jenny had to abandon niceties. It took far too long to target a fighter’s engines and then execute a precise blast that would knock those engines out without harming the pilot.  It was a futile gesture in any case.  Each and every fighter she stopped in this manner, self destructed…instantly!

Before long she was gritting her teeth in anger and frustration as she realized the necessity of stopping the fighters, in any manner possible, before they could do any more damage to the fleet.

Even as she thought this, her thoughts were underscored by a great flare of a refugee ship exploding…taking with it who knew how many innocent victims.

The missiles were thinning!  Lar finished one more round and was about to make sure Jenny and the others knew to watch for missiles he knew he had missed, when he noticed green flares flashing on and off between him and the refugee fleet.  Tomar and Katma!  The two Green Lanterns had returned from their forward patrol in time to intercept the missiles he had missed.

Leaving them to it, Lar turned his attention towards the still advancing fleet.  Any second now their sensors would be telling them their missiles had failed to reach the targets and they would launch another salvo. 

Lar poured on the speed, racing towards the fleet as fast as he could.  He had to be there before that second salvo was launched.

Around the refugee fleet, the fighters were beginning to thin out.  Many had turned tail and were already accelerating away, presumably back to the massive carriers that probably lay in wait somewhere behind the advancing fleet of destroyers and battleships.

Leaving Arisia and Koriand’r to mop up, Jenny did a quick fly by down through the fleet of ships…looking for any fighters that might be hiding or damaged ships that would need instant attention.

Seeing neither, the fighters were retreating and the those ships that had taken very many hits were now mere clouds of expanding incandescent gas, she looped back over and settled between Koriand’r and Arisia just as Tomar and Katma joined them.

No words were spoken, but the looks on the faces of Koriand’r and Arisia were cold.

Finally Jenny broke the silence.

“Where is Lar?”  She demanded, looking around.

“He stopped most of the missiles, and then sped towards the enemy fleet.”  Tomar reported.

“Alone?”  Jenny gave the bird man an incredulous look.  “What is it with you people?”

She left the group floating there and sped outwards, hoping to catch her husband before he could intercept the fleet.  She had not gone far before Arisia and Koriand’r joined her, on either side.

“One of you should stay with the Refugees.”  Jenny admonished, though she was touched that they had thought to help her.

“Tomar and Katma can handle that.”  Arisia argued.

“You and your mate may need our help.”  Koriand’r added.

“Besides, out here we can talk.”  Arisia added in an almost conspiratorial tone.  “Something is not right, Jennifer Gand.”

“What do you mean?”  Jenny never faltered in here flight, yet she had a feeling she knew what Arisia was going to say.

“Tomar-Re…and to a lesser degree Katma.”  Arisia explained. “They are both members of the Elite Guard.  This…incompetence…is not like them.”

“Not like them how?” Jenny demanded.

“They seem…disoriented.  As if their thoughts are cloudy.”  Arisia went on.  “And yet…it does not seem to affect their thought process.  They are themselves…until action…”  She paused in her flight, causing Jenny and Koriand’r to pause as well.  Jenny cast a worried glance in the direction of the enemy fleet…and not for the last time wished she had Lar’s telescopic vision…so she could see what the blasted man was getting himself into.

She gathered herself together, however, and turned to Arisia.  Something was up here and it might be important…to all of them.

“Yes?”  She prompted when Arisia remained silent…staring at her ring.

“They are themselves…until they have to draw heavily upon the power of their rings!”  The golden skinned Green Lantern continued to stare at her ring.  Finally she looked towards Koriand’r, the worried look in her face asking the question without words.

“Since we entered your sector, you have not acted in what I would call a disoriented fashion.”  The Princess reassured her.

“The power of their rings.”  Jenny thought hard and fast.  She had not noted either of the Green Lantern’s, or any of the others, acting as erratically as they had been…until after their return from Alterverse.

Jenny dismissed any notion that perhaps the journey to the alternate universe had anything to do with it.  She couldn’t completely rule it out, of course, but the likelihood was infinitesimally small.

So what had occurred since then?  And what could affect them…and yet not affect Arisia?

Jenny thought it through, running over her mind everything that had occurred since they had returned from Alterverse.

They had returned, the Guardians had dispatched the teams to search the two sectors…and then dispatched them to aid the refugees.

No.  Jenny frowned.  “The Great Battery.”  She looked at Arisia.  “Have you had any problem with your battery?”

“Yes.”  Arisia nodded, perplexed. “It has not been able to draw fully on the Great Battery.  My charges are less than twelve hours now.”  She shrugged.  “I thought maybe it had been damaged and would need to be taken to Oa for repairs.”

“Those things can’t be damaged…and still work.”  Jenny voiced her thoughts.  “At least that is my understanding.”  She gave the two women a quick run down on the recent adventure and ended with the last gathering on Oa.  “Before the teams set out, they all charged their rings…directly from the Great Battery!”

“You are suggesting that something is wrong with the Great Battery?”  Arisia shook her head.  “It cannot be.  The Guardians would not allow it.”

“The Guardians don’t draw on the Great Battery.”  Jenny reminded her. “They feed it!  Like me, they generate their own power…and while the Starheart draws off my excess, they feed theirs into the Battery!”

While Arisia wrestled with it, Koriand’r put two and two together.  Not being a Green Lantern, she could look at the problem from a less biased view.

“The power is being tainted!”  She exclaimed.  She grasped Arisia’s arm. “And your battery is filtering out that taint!  That is why you are not able to get a full charge.”

“That does not make sense.”  Arisia shook her head.  “The individual batteries are not meant to filter.  There would be no way of knowing that such a function would be needed!”

“I think you underestimate the forethought of the Guardians.”  Jenny mused.  “People that have lived so long realize that nothing…nothing…is infallible. I would venture to wager they built in filters…not thinking they would ever be needed, but preparing…just in case.”  She glanced at the GL and frowned.  “But sooner or later those filters will fail”

“And you will draw upon the tainted power!”  Koriand’r finished.

“This is just supposition!”  Arisia countered, clearly worried.  “But even so, I have no choice…I have to draw on the power…if I am to be any use at all.”

“Not…necessarily.”  Jenny responded, rather slowly.  She closed her eyes and then reopened them, causing both Arisia and Koriand’r to gasp.

Jenny’s eyes now glowed a brighter green than the glow that normally surrounded the one time She-Hulk while she was in the depths of space.

She looked at Arisia and energy poured from her eyes to engulf the startled GL.

As quickly as it began it ended and the bright glow faded.

“That should do you for a few days, at least.”  Jenny explained.

“I…my ring is charged!”  Arisia exclaimed.  “For days?”

“Not permanently.”  Jenny cautioned. “That is beyond my ability.  But I can give you temporary charges…that will last three to four days.  Don’t recharge from your Battery.  As you said, this is all supposition, but until we clear this up, let’s play it safe.  If we have not gotten to the bottom of this, or at least determined that there is nothing wrong with the Great Battery, come to me when you need a recharge.”

“So much power!” Arisia marveled.

“Don’t let it get to you.”  Jenny forced a laugh.  “I really don’t have that much more power than any other Green Lantern.  I just don’t have to go through the Great Battery, like you do.”

“If you say so.”  Arisia responded, the doubt obvious in her voice.

“I say so.”  Jenny smiled and then turned her attention back to the mission at hand. “Now let’s go find that man of mine.”

Lar, for his part, was counting his lucky stars.  He had reached the battle-line of the enemy fleet well before they began to launch their second salvo of missiles.

The Battleships and destroyers, all with their broadsides towards the distant refugee fleet, floated silently in the void, waiting for their sensors to let them know what, if any, damage had been done by their first salvo.

Lar could almost imagine the scene aboard which ever ship was the flag.  As the Admiral, or what ever the Khund…Lar’s eyes narrowed.  Those were not ALL Khund vessels!  Some where similar in design to those of the refugee fleet that had fled from Vegan System!

“By Dax.”  Lar unconsciously called upon the Daxamite version of Rao.  Some of these vessels HAD to be from the Citadel!

A closer look with telescopic vision revealed another interesting item.  Each of the ships was painted black as space.  Yet each appeared to have hastily added some form of emblem below the white stenciled ship names (Lar assumed they were ship names, each was written, he supposed, in the native language of the ships’ crew.).  And each emblem was some variation of the same theme…Crossed Lightning bolts!

He was given no more time for observation as the ships’ shields flickered and died.  They were preparing to launch their second salvo!

Lar readied himself and, even as the first ship began to launch, he made his attack run.

Flying the length of the battle line, Lar cut loose with his heat vision, stabbing inwards towards the ships, striking the missiles as they began to emerge from their launch tubes!

The result was spectacular…and deadly.

Ship after ship exploded as the missiles were detonated, blasting backward into the launch tubes and igniting the remaining ordnance…and sometime blasting clear through to the power cores!

Dozens of ships flared briefly and silently in the emptiness of space before cooling to reveal blasted, lifeless hulks.

Not one single missile escaped Lar’s heat vision and, in a matter of seconds, the remaining ships…all heavily damaged, signaled that they had had enough by turning away.

Lar resisted the temptation to follow and finish them off.  Instead, he let them go.  Killing needlessly had never been his style…and killing, even when unavoidable, was not something he took lightly.

As the last of the massive vessels turned to limp away, Lar flipped and headed back towards the refugee fleet.  He had a lot of questions…and no answers.  But he intended to find them.

The refugees came first however.  They….

Lar stopped.

Why would such a large fleet even bother with a ragtag fleet of refugees?  Because it was not the refugees they were trying to kill….but rather some one among the refugees.  Someone that possibly had answers the masters of those ships did not want known?

He put on a burst of speed…and the universe exploded in his face!

End of Refugees, part 1


-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by Dylan Clearbrook

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.

-- Otherverse and The Multiverse, as depicted in the

-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.