Kara looked around the science lab, her eyes narrowing as she took in the familiar shape of the Probability Portal.
“I take it you recognize that?” Xavier inquired, seeing the tightening of her expression.
It had taken mere minutes for both Kara and Rogue to show up at the school after the near lifeless body of Frost was found in the Main Science Lab.
Though unable to save the girl’s life, Jean Grey had been able to probe quickly enough to discover exactly what had occurred. At which point an urgent call had gone out to Superwoman and Andromeda: Kara and Rogue!
It was one crisis after another.
It had taken only a matter of hours after Tony Stark began to publicly push the notion of re-electing Lex Luthor to the Presidency of the UEG, something that was not going to be over looked by President Golder or her new right hand man; Wilson Fisk, before Golder rescinded her executive orders concerning both the abolishment of Sec-Pol and the control of Superwoman and Rogue (though she most notably did not rescind the special law-enforcement powers granted by the legislature). Tony, despite objections from Lex, did not back down and continued to rally support for Lex’s re-election.
It was not long afterwards that Kara and Rogue received an urgent summons from Reed Richards.
Stephanie Strange had, it seemed, vanished. Though her apartment appeared to have been ransacked, there was no real clue as to what had happened to the Doctor who, in partnership with Reed, was in charge of monitoring the health of two Kryptonians, two Kryptonian/Coluan half-breed girls, a Gamma-radiated human champion of the Starheart, a Daxamite, and an unborn child of the latter two that now floated in stasis in an artificial womb within the Antarctic Fortress of Solitude.
It was in the course of a weekly check on the baby that Reed discovered Stephanie missing.
And now this.
“Kara?” Xavier prompted when she did not answer.
“Yes. I recognize it.” Kara nodded sharply. “It is a probability broach. A portal. The twins built one in our fortress. But only after they built one in the world where they attended another Xavier’s school!”
Xavier raised his eyebrows at this but said nothing.
“That one ended with them accidentally teleporting themselves to another world…and I had to go after them.” Kara recalled. “They had to build a portal over there to return.” She smiled in spite of the seriousness of the situation, recalling the stir they had caused, first by beating up some clone of Superman named Kon-El and then dumping Guy Gardner in the ocean…after taking his ring.
“Why?” Rogue shook her head. “Why would they build another one? Those damned things have been nothing but trouble!”
“Could it be that they are trying to find a way home?”
Both Kara and Rogue turned to look at Jean.
“Their homes don’t exist anymore, Jean.” Kara spoke softly. “They were lucky to be removed from those timelines before they ceased to exist.”
“And I am sure they understand that…here.” Jean touched her head. She then brought her hand down to her chest. “But what about here? They are naturally curious…and they will constantly push the limits…but could it be possible that they don’t really know?”
Xavier thought for a moment.
“You don’t have to answer if you do not wish to…but it might be helpful…tell me…did either girl truly mourn?” He asked.
“Mourn?” Rogue looked at him, frowning. Kara, however, shook her head.
“No…they haven’t.” She responded. “Not really. I think they have buried it. And since I am probably so much like their real mothers…it is easy for them to pretend that I truly am their mother and not deal with the pain.” She sighed. “Oh, they know the truth. But knowing and feeling are not always the same. As Jean just pointed out.”
“No they aren’t.” Xavier agreed. “It might be something to consider.” Kara examined the portal carefully and finally stepped back, shaking her head.
“I can figure out most of it.” She admitted, causing both Jean and Xavier to raise their eyebrows. Though they had heard that the twins were exceptionally intelligent, and knew of their fathers, nothing they had learned so far had given them any reason to suspect that Kara was so highly intelligent herself. Seeing their looks, she forced a smile. “I was raised in a high tech society.” She explained. “And both my parents are top scientists in their own rights.”
Rogue looked as if she were about to make a comment, but before she could, the amusement faded from her eyes.
“What about the girl?” She asked, instead.
“We had her body moved to the Quarantine unit until her parents can be notified.” Jean explained as she escorted the two women into the medical section of the school. She paused at the door and looked back at the Kryptonians. “She was still alive when we discovered her.” She explained. “That’s how we knew what had happened. She died not long after I arrived. Thankfully I was able to get the information from her mind and get out before she passed.” She frowned and led them into the room.
“Oh Rao!” Kara swallowed reflexively, closing her eyes briefly.
Rogue, on the other hand, moved to the bedside and began to examine the girl closely.
“Is this bluish coloring natural?” She demanded, glancing up at Jean.
“Yes.” Jean nodded. “Her mutant ability involved extreme cold.”
Rogue nodded and went back to the examination. The body lay on the bed, twisted into a fetal position. The visible skin of the face, neck, and arms was dry to the touch and wrinkled in a way that made one thing of someone of extreme age.
“Almost all of her life force had been drained.” Jean explained. “The fact that she had any remaining tells us that the person that did this either could not drain her completely or dared not drain her!”
“Explain!” Rogue snapped, not stopping her examination.
“She dared not drain any more.” It was Kara that answered, causing both Jean and Rogue to look at her in surprise. This was something she had seen before! Instantly Rogue accessed those memories that she had accidentally stolen from Kara so long ago and tried to find a match to what she was seeing. It was not a long search.
“Glorith.” She announced, looking up and catching Kara’s eyes.
“Would you care to explain?”
Kara and Rogue now sat in Xavier’s office with Jean, Lex and Mercy, their faces grim. They had left the infirmary soon after their revelation and had contacted Lex.
“Glorith.” Kara shook her head. “Glorith is hard to describe. First of all, she is not from this time period. She is from the 31st century, I believe. Or at least the Glorith I recall was.” She took a breath. “She was a major thorn in the side of the Legion of Super-heroes, working first with a being called the Time Trapper and then with….” She paused, looking straight at Lex. “…Mordru!”
“Both were her teachers.” Rogue went on, tapping those stolen memories. “Though she was not above working on her own.”
“Correct.” Kara confirmed. “Glorith was an opportunist. And she was a skilled student of Mordru.” She jerked her head towards the office door. “That girl was drained with magic. Glorith would do that if she were running low of life energy to power her magic. The downside of it was that she had to take care. If Glorith stayed connected with the victim as he or she died, then she would die as well. So she would drain them just to the limit and then release them, knowing that they had been drained too much to recover.” She shook her head. “That was not something that was common knowledge. She was very careful about hiding that. That she would do this to a girl…and just leave her to be found by anyone…shows that she was either desperate or in a hurry…or both.”
“So what would this…Glorith want?” Lex demanded.
“What she could never have…at least in the reality that I came from.” Kara responded instantly. “Glorith was obsessed with power. That was her first priority. But second was her obsession to have the one man that rejected her…again and again. Lar Gand!”
“So we have a love-crazed mage running loose!” Mercy shook her head.
“We have a more pressing problem.” Rogue had had enough. “In case you have all forgotten…our daughters are missing!”
Jean had shared with them all the final images she had been able to pull from Frost’s mind before she died. They now all knew that the girls had been pulled into the portal…they had not gone willingly…and that Glorith had then stepped out of the portal.
“We have not forgotten, Rogue.” Xavier tried to sooth her. “But it is appears that it may be necessary to find this…Glorith…in order to discover from her where your daughters might be!”
“Perhaps.” Kara mused, her eyes taking a far away look. “And then again, perhaps not.”
With the exception of Rogue, who began to show what could only be described as an evil grin, the others in the room looked on mystified as Kara produced what appeared to be an oversized playing card and began to concentrate!
“Next time you make sure those nieces of mine add some safeguards!”
Kara held her tongue at the statement, though she obviously wanted to just snap out.
“Well?” Rogue was not so restrained.
Zal-El, Lex, Reed, and Ian stopped their studies and looked over at the ex-mutant.
It had been rather interesting…that first meeting between Lex Luthor and the Otherverse Superman…Zal-El.
The young blonde Kryptonian had to be restrained by both Kara and Rogue until he gave his word that he would hear them out before tearing off the head of his archenemy.
Ian, used to the differences within various shadows, as he called alternate timelines, took it all in stride. That a Lex Luthor could be one of the good guys was no big surprise to him at all.
Though still not thoroughly convinced, Zal had finally agreed to work with the man…if only to find out where his nieces where and how to get them back.
So far, they had been able to determine where Glorith had come from and, after Ian had entered the portal to investigate and returned, had determined that the sorceress had not simply switched places with them, stranding them at the Citadel at the End of Time.
“This is not going to be easy, Rogue.” Zal started, stopping as Ian put a hand on his arm.
“Even with Celia,” Ian held up an arm so that the bracelet he wore could be observed. An uncharacteristic act on his part: Ian was not usually so…forthcoming…with his little secrets…and Celia was one such secret. “It will take us time.”
Kara had never been able to determine if Celia was a super advanced computer system, indistinguishable from a living entity, or a new life form altogether.
She did know, however, that Celia considered other computers her personal playgrounds…with or with out the permission of the computer’s owner.
Ian looked around at those gathered.
“I know that you are aware that this Earth, this MVE-1 as you call it, is but one of three sister worlds in three different universes.” He began. “Do you also realize that those three universes, all created by that device seventeen years ago, are but a small part of a complete vast Multiverse? Are you also aware that this Multiverse is but a small fraction of other…realities and groupings of realities within this vast Continuum?” He paused and looked back at the portal.
“It will take time for even Celia to sort through just a fraction of those realities.” He mused. “But perhaps there is a way to…accelerate…the search.”
“How?” Reed demanded. He shook his head. Too much was going on at once. The girls missing, Stephanie missing...
“By using the very equipment that this…Glorith…abandoned to come here!”
“Use the Citadel at the End of Time?” Kara was appalled. For as long as she could remember, the Citadel, the fortress of the nefarious Time Trapper, had been a place of ill omen. A place that should be destroyed, not used.
“Of course.” Ian raised an eyebrow, as if surprised that Kara had not herself seen the benefits. “Kara, I understand your feelings on the place, but surely you are not among those that equate objects with evil or good? A gun is neither. It is merely a tool that can be used for either, depending upon the person using that tool. So it will be with the Citadel. For whatever purpose it was constructed, and I assure you that I do not believe your…Time Trapper, as you call him…capable of such a feat, it can be turned to be used to our advantage…and the advantage of countless other people. Indeed, the Keeper of the Citadel might even be considered…a Continuum Oracle!” He gave one of his rare smiles and turned his attention back to the topic. “I am confident Celia and I can tap into the Citadel’s operating system. Through that, we might be able to trace exactly where Glorith sent the girls.”
“In other words, Shut up and let us do our work.” Rogue translated.
“I am sure I would never put it so crudely, but essentially, that is correct, yes.” Ian nodded. He then paused and looked back to Kara. “And do not forget, Fang and Pantha are tracking the girls as we speak. I am sure of it…it is in their nature. It is highly probable that they will discover their location before we even come close.”
“What do we do with…this…in the meantime?” Jean Gray asked, gesturing towards the portal.
“We leave it alone for now.” Zal answered before anyone else could. “We don’t want to tamper with it too much until after we have located the girls and make sure they do not need it to return. After that, I suggest we move it to Kara’s Antarctic Fortress and reassemble it. There it can be tied in to Kandor and Zor can take care of regulating its use.”
If Lex noticed the slight Zal gave him for naming the Antarctic Fortress as Kara’s, he gave no notice.
“I think that is an excellent notion.” He agreed, instead. He then stepped up and, tempting fate, put a hand on the young blond Superman’s shoulder. “Perhaps you would be willing to help us in the reassembly. I would be more than happy to show you around and let you see what our Kal was like. If you’re half what Kara says you are, then I am sure he would have been as proud of you as she is!”
Despite the circumstances, both Kara and Rogue had to turn away so that the bemused Zal could not see the laughter in their faces. Lex was laying it on thick!
When they finally got themselves together, Rogue opened her mouth to speak. She was cut off as Ian straightened suddenly from the study he had resumed.
“Ian?” She saw the concentration in his eyes and knew that what ever it was, it was serious.
“I think Glorith, in the long run, will be the least of your
worries.” He spoke in a near whisper. His eyes were unfocused, as if he were
looking at something in a plane none of the others present could see. Finally he turned and looked directly at
Kara. “Do not worry about Glorith. I will deal with her myself.” He paused and then nodded. “You should leave now. I believe you will find that you are needed
off the coast of
It was a credit to the trust both Kara and Rogue had in Ian that they did not pause to question. Instead, the seemingly vanished, moving at super speed.
Zal made as if to follow, stopping when Lex once again touched his arm.
“No.” The bald scientist and ex president shook his head. “I know you wish to help them, but I am afraid your appearance would cause more harm than good. Kara and Rogue have to work to get this world to trust them…and with the President trying to control them…it will not be easy.”
Zal watched his ‘sisters’ with his x-ray vision as they flew off and then nodded reluctantly. Finally he turned and looked at this Lex Luthor that was talking to him as if to a friend.
In his own worlds, Lex Thorul had been the younger brother of Lena Luthor, his cousin’s arch nemesis. If that Lex had been as good as his sister was evil, why was it so hard to accept that this Lex was also one of the good guys?
Because I have been
hurt too often by the Lex of Otherverse.
He admitted to himself. The self-proclaimed…no, he was not
self-proclaimed. He was elected, no
matter how rigged the elections were, President of the
Yet here was a Lex that was, if he understood correctly, bitterly resisting the urging of his closest friends to once again take up the Presidency of his world…a position he had earned and then gladly stepped down from after serving his…sentence, as he called it.
Here was a Lex that not only knew Kal-El…but had grown up with him…had called him brother!
He had been the best man at the wedding between Lois and Clark.
Zal shook his head. He did not believe that he would ever be able to call this man friend…but perhaps he could learn to…accept!
“Aren’t you pushing this rather hard?” Barbara Gordon reclined in a seat in Tony’s office, watching as the multi-billionaire industrialist did what he did best…manage.
“I don’t think so.” Tony looked up from the computer screen, smiling as he always did when he looked at her…no matter what problems he was handling. “Things have been sliding back into chaos for some time now. I was one of those who believed Lex gave up the presidency too soon. If we can get him back into power, get the people to rally behind him, we might have a chance to pull the fat out of the fire…so to speak.”
“Tony, from what I understand, this UEG is a basic Democracy…even a…”
“Wrong.” Tony cut her off. “The UEG was never set up to be a Democracy.” He stood and began to pace. “Democracy is a nice concept, Barbara,” Despite her best efforts, Babs had not yet been able to convince Tony to call her anything other than Barbara…or Barb, “but it is virtually unworkable in practice. Lex recognized that from the beginning. In a Democracy, everyone has a vote.”
“As it should be.” Babs frowned.
“Really?” Tony sat on the edge of his desk, looking more like a college professor than an industrial tycoon at the moment. “What about Joe Blow on the street with an IQ of 5? What about people who have never worked a day in their lives, relying instead on welfare to get by…and even become rich?” Tony shook his head. “No. Voting should not be a right, Barbara, but a privilege that must be earned!”
“And who exactly determines who has earned that…privilege?” Babs demanded.
“That is the easy part.” Tony smiled again. “A simple requirement of all people who wish to vote: a job and a basic test to show that the person at least has some concept of what the issues are!”
Babs thought for a moment and finally had to be honest with herself. In the old days, in her original reality, she had often wished that there had been more requirements that needed to be met to vote other than having reached a particular age. Some people, those that were truly incapable of understanding the true issues…or those that wished only to vote themselves more bread and circuses…had no business walking into a voting booth and having their voice heard alongside that of a person that worked hard to support themselves, their families, and their country…and took time to discover for themselves what the issues were rather than listening to the media.
And, as usual, she had to admit that a majority of the hard working, informed people often ended up on the conservative side…while the others ended up voting the ‘bread and circuses’ liberal ticket.
“And now I have forgotten the point I was going to raise.” She admitted with a wry smile.
“Good.” Tony walked back around his desk. “Because I am just about done here and there is something I want you to see.”
Babs waited until Tony finished and then followed him out of his office. She observed immediately that his secretary was missing from her desk, as were the other office workers in the outer offices beyond her office.
Mystified, she followed Tony down a familiar hallway towards the main auditorium area where he occasionally threw parties for his workers or arranged for learning seminars.
He held the double doors open for her and she paused, looking into the darkness beyond.
‘Tony?” She asked. He smiled and put a finger to his lips. She entered and waited as he allowed the doors to close and, following a small light near the stage, led her by the hand up the small stair case.
“Anthony Stark, what is going on?” She demanded when he came to a stop in what she assumed was the middle of the stage.
“This.” Tony smiled again as the lights came up, revealing the entire office compliment and a few other friends.
Babs’s eyebrows rose when she noticed Dick Grayson in the crowd, smiling at her.
“Tony?” She froze as Tony turned her to face him and then dropped to one knee. He held out a small box with one hand and deftly flipped the lid to reveal the most gorgeous diamond ring she had ever seen.
“Babs,” Tony began, surprising her with the use of the nickname. His voice, she could not help but notice, trembled. “I know this is rather sudden…But I would be honored if you would be my wife. Barbara Gordon…will you marry me?”
Rather than returning to Metropolis and Xavier’s school…and getting in the way…they had elected to return to the Danvers Ranch.
As they neared their destination they increased their speed until they were zipping through the sky fast enough to avoid detection unless a trained observer on the ground just happened to spot them in time to follow their progress.
They came in low, and, thanks to the massive tree cover, were able to duck down below the visible level from the air and escape any radar aimed in their direction.
By-passing the ranch, they elected to dive completely out of sight on the east side of the massive mountain lake. Deep and wide, the extinct volcano provided a perfect method of entering the Fortress/Ranch undetected.
“You would think they would at least keep us informed.” Kara fumed as she flew out of the pool at the bottom of the entrance cave that led to the unsecured portion of the Fortress. She spun in place at super-speed, quickly drying herself. Rogue, doing likewise, waited until she was finished. As she opened her mouth to respond…the green rings both she and Kara wore sprang to life…Jenny was calling! (see MV1-9: Refugees part 2)
When they signed off, Kara had a curious look in her eyes.
“What are you thinking?” Rogue demanded, knowing that look meant trouble…but this time she did not mind. If it kept Kara’s mind, and her own, off the twins…it was bound to be good.
“This new…Sentinel from MV Earth-2.” Kara mused. “I know what Jenny and Lar said…but there is something more there. I don’t think they see the whole picture yet.”
“Meaning I think the Starheart has plans for the three of them. I don’t think this new Arisia will be going back to Earth-2 anytime soon.”
“Well, you heard what Jenny said.” Rogue shrugged. “The refugees of Graxos IV are going to find it hard to accept her. They just buried their own Arisia…to them, this new Arisia will be an imposter.”
“And I think the Starheart knows this.” Kara shook her head. “I should have paid more attention to the Alterverse Alan Scott.” She shook her head. “No…I think something is about to happen around here…and the Starheart is trying to get its players ready!”
Rogue would have replied had she not suddenly found herself fending off an extremely joyous Fang…jumping up and licking her face before scuttling over to Kara and repeating the process.
Rogue noted that Pantha had appeared as well, sitting off to the side, in true cat fashion, watching the antics of her brother/mate.
It was only then that Rogue noticed the blood!
“Kara!” She called out, crossing quickly to kneel down by Pantha, rubbing her hands through the feline’s fur. “They’re covered in blood.”
Though a slight exaggeration, the fur on the paws and muzzles of both animals were sticky with dried blood.
Kara pushed the canine back and looked closely at his muzzle and examined his paws.
“Fang?” She talked urgently. “Fang, where is Carrie? Fang!”
“It isn’t their own blood.” Rogue noted after a similar examination of Pantha. She ran her hands around the feline’s neck, checking under the collar… “Kara!” She pulled the hastily written note out and quickly unfolded it, careful not to rip it in her suddenly trembling hands.
“Well at least we know they are safe!” Xavier gave a sigh of relief after reading the note.
Kara had wasted no time in speeding to Metropolis, Rogue on her heels.
Now, once again in the Lab where Zal and Lex continued to work on tracing the girls, questions still remained.
“Then where are they?” Kara demanded. She had been relieved to see the portal was still activated—she had no clue what would happen if someone tried to enter through a portal that was shut down…nor did she want to experiment with her daughters.
Zal and Lex went over the coordinates that had been written on the note, comparing it again and again to the coordinates of the portal. Finally Zal stepped back, laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Rogue demanded.
“First…using a Boom tube…the girls would not have come through the portal.” Zal explained. “They would have just appeared.” He held up the note. “Second, if they went to these coordinates, they would not have shown up here in any case.”
“Then where are they?” Kara demanded.
“In Otherverse!” Zal laughed. “To be precise, almost five hundred years in the future of Otherverse!”
“I can’t see how Carrie or Karen could make such a mistake.” Kara shook her head.
“You might not.” Rogue had to laugh now. “But then, you aren’t a teenager running from a bunch of Darkseid’s goons.”
The mention of Darkseid instantly cut through the laughter…Rogue’s first of all. She shook her head.
“It can wait…first we get the twins home.”
“And Kira.” Kara smiled again. “I knew there was something about that girl I liked. A bit unsure…a bit rebellious…and hard headed…she reminds me of…you!” She laughed again, Darkseid pushed to the back of her mind as she pointed at Rogue.
“Very funny.” Rogue smiled. Her smiled dipped as she noticed Zal in deep thought. Finally he, too, smiled and pointed towards the portal.
“I know what I have to do when I get home.” He said. “And if I am right we should be seeing something right about….”
The opening of the portal swirled, the gap becoming smoky. And then, one at a time, Carrie, Karen, and Kira Jor-El stepped through.
“How…” Rogue looked at Zal.
“Easy.” Zal looked at the twins. “I figured the first thing they would do would be to try to use the Fortress Portal. I could only hope that it would be standing five hundred years from now. So when I return home, I will make sure it is on a constant setting to return to this exact time.”
“Obviously it is still there in the future.” Rogue sighed, watching Kara hug the girls to her…Kira included.
“What are you standing there for?”
“Huh?” Rogue turned to see Jean looking at her with a smile.
“You belong up there too…now go…make sure your daughters are okay.”
“My…” Rogue was stunned…and then she smiled and nodded, bounding across the floor to join in the family hug fest.
They were not allowed much time for the impromptu family reunion.
After disentangling herself from the gaggle, Kara used Ian’s Trump to inform him of the return of the Twins. He was, she learned, deep inside the inner workings of the Citadel, still attempting to trace Glorith.
“I believe I have discovered something.” He told her. Through the contact she felt his stern look. “Kara, you are not to try to confront her.” He ordered. “Magic is your weakness…but perhaps, in me, Glorith will meet her match. She will not reach Lar…this I promise!”
She had barely signed off when a student burst into the lab, huffing and puffing, out of breath. Unable to speak, he sent a pleading look to Jean.
“They’re here!” Jean gasped, catching the thought the student sent in her direction.
“Who’s here?” Kara demanded, causing the Trump to vanish. Zal frowned…Kara’s new uniform did not appear to have any pockets…so where did the card go?
“The refugees!” Jean exclaimed, heading for the door. “The Refugee fleet has arrived and is taking up orbiting positions over Mars and Venus!”
“Impossible!” Kara shook her head. “We just talked to Jenny a few hours ago. There is no way that fleet could have crossed such a distance in that time!”
“Kara.” Rogue tapped her on the shoulder, pointing with her chin. “I think that answers that puzzle.”
Kara turned and gasped.
Standing there, observing everything, was a little blue…woman?
“Indeed, Kara Zor-El.” The blue woman smiled. “I am a Guardian, even though I am given to understand that female Guardians did not exist in your home reality.”
In contrast to the stuffed shirt Guardians Kara had known in the past, the woman stepped forward and, though a bit awkwardly, held out her hand in a Terran greeting.
“You may call me Shandra.” The woman said as she shook hands. She did not let go of Kara’s hand as she looked around. “There are more of you than I was given to understand. No matter, you will all be needed.”
Charles Xavier gripped the arms of his wheel chair as green light flared out. When it faded, he, Jean, and Lex Luthor were alone in the Lab.
“You made good time.” Rogue quipped.
She, like the others, had been taken by surprise by the actions of the Guardian Shandra. Yet she was the first to recover when they found themselves in what appeared to be an oversized stateroom aboard a massive starliner.
She was not really surprised to see Jenny, Lar, Arisia, and the two Green Lanterns; Katma and Tomar waiting for them. What did surprise her were the six other Guardians and the sudden appearance of Fang and Pantha.
“They are not going to let the girls separate from them for a while, I would think.” Zal remarked. He was still trying to take it all in and had elected to focus on the familiar.
“Blame them.” Jenny jerked a thumb at the gathered Guardians. “We had barely launched Arisia’s funeral capsule when they informed us that we did not have time to go the slow route.”
“If they could do that…why…” Rogue began…trailing off as the Guardian Ganthet shook his head.
“It is not that simple.” He spoke up. “It was a massive expenditure of energy…even for us together.” He gestured to his companions. “It is not something we would do lightly…nor could we do it again…not for some time.”
“They are like me.” Jenny explained. “They generate their own energy. The Starheart started them off…but since they have been basically on their own.”
“Are you saying that you are like a Guardian?” Kara raised an eyebrow, as if she were truly beginning to understand exactly how powerful her friend was.
“No.” Jenny shook her head. “The Guardians are…made…to be able to handle the power. I’m not. My gamma radiated body makes it easier, but I could not hold a tenth of the power a Guardian holds without going insane or burning up…or both.”
“Which is why the Starheart draws the excess energy off.” Lar took up the explanation.
Rogue noted the way that he stood close to both Arisia and Jenny but made no comment.
For her own part, the new Sentinel seemed to be uncomfortable, but made certain that she did not stray far from either Jenny or Lar. And she studied Kara carefully!
“So why are we here?” Kara demanded, looking back and forth between Shandra and Ganthet.
“The enemy is coming.” Shandra answered, honestly. “And the Green Lantern Corps is…non-functional.”
“She means that they are incapable of fighting.” Lar clarified. “Jenny believes the Great Battery has been sabotaged.”
Kara looked towards Katma and Tomar.
Tomar, for his part, showed great interest in these…Kryptonians. Krypton had been one of his charges…a charge that he felt he had failed.
“They are being powered by me…for the moment.” Jenny explained. “If they were to attempt to recharge at the
“What enemy?” Zal demanded, his eyes narrowing. This was not his world…but Kara and Rogue and the twins were, for all practical purposes, family.
It was Rogue that answered, not the Guardians…though Shandra nodded.
“Apokolips is usually located deep within an unreachable pocket of space.” She said, turning to look at the Princess Koriand’r. “But recently, it has been spotted in sector 2828.”
“I have known of this.” Koriand’r admitted. “And my father sought to warn the Guardians, even if our Sector is…was…off limits to the Guardians. It was for that reason that our system…our sector…was destroyed.”
“But the sector was reported as empty…nothing.” Tomar shook his head.
“By Green Lanterns that are using tainted energy.” Jenny explained. “It would probably not be hard for Darkseid to maintain a cover from them.”
“That’s the second time ‘taint’ has been mentioned.” Rogue cut in. “What exactly is it and how could it…infect…the Great Battery?” She was accessing Kara’s memories, digging up anything and everything she could on the Guardians and the Great Battery of Power.
“We…do not know.” Ganthet admitted, though it did not appear to be an easy thing for him to do. “That is why, after we have finished here, we wish the Sentinel…Sentinels, rather…to come to Oa…to help us discover the cause and, if possible, a cure.”
“Can you do that?” Kara demanded of Jenny.
“I’m not sure.” Jenny thought…her eyes, however, were on Kira. “But I think I know someone who might be able to help!”
“You said finish up here…” Zal prompted.
“The refugees must be taken to the planets.” Shandra answered. “In space, they will be easy targets for Darkseid’s warships.”
“But the planets are not ready for them yet.” Kara protested.
“Don’t worry about that.” Jenny answered, her voice dull. “They will be ready. All of you, however, must work on getting the refugees planet-side.”
Kara considered and, though she did not fully understand, nodded.
“Okay. We can get this done…and then we get ready to meet Darkseid’s fleet. But…” She turned and faced Kira. “After we take care of the refugees, you go home!”
“I want to help, Kara!” Kira demanded. “I can…”
“You can go home!” Kara took one of Kira’s hands in her own. “Kira, You were pulled into this. For that I am sorry. And I will gladly accept your help with the refugees. But Darkseid…” She shook her head. “I can’t allow that, Kira. Darkseid is a threat that I have faced before and you haven’t. I will have problems enough keeping the girls away as it is. If you stay, they will find a way to convince you to enter the battle with them, and I can’t take that chance.”
“Kira, it’s like this: you are smart, competent, and completely out of your element. I promise that if we need you and the Alterverse team, we will come find you. You are a skilled martial artist—what does your training tell you?”
Though she was obviously not happy about it, Kira saw Kara’s logic and nodded.
“And my mother and brother must be frantic by now.”
“Hey…we can take her home!” Carrie announced, smiling.
“I don’t think so.” “Excuse me?” “Absolutely not!”
Kira could not help laughing as Kara, Rogue, and Zal answered at the same time.
“I think maybe they are still a bit mad at us, Carrie.” Karen ventured, somewhat timidly.
“I think you’re right.” Kira answered before Carrie could. “And more than a little concerned.” She glanced at Kara and then went on. “But I think you can handle it. I think we’ve all learned a lesson about being responsible for our actions….haven’t we?”
“You can say that again.” Carrie responded…somewhat glumly.
“Okay. We’re on a tight schedule, people.” Kara clapped her hands together. “Or at least that is what I am led to believe. So the sooner we get this taken care of…the better.” She turned to Shandra. “Where do we start?”
“You will know.” Shandra answered. Instantly she, the other Guardians, Jenny, and Arisia vanished.
“Koriand’r!” Lar’s voice was husky as he turned to the startled princess. “You get it set up! I want every one of these people to see what is happening! Every one of them!”
Koriand’r nodded wordlessly and sped out of the room.
“Lar?” Kara moved closer to the Daxamite as he focused his attention beyond the bulkheads and the ship’s hull.
“Watch, Kara.” He told her, speaking in a faint, worried whisper. “Just watch.”
Six sets of x-ray and telescopic vision turned outward, focusing on the green glow that had appeared above the second world of the system. The world the inhabitants of Earth called Venus!
“Venus will be the most difficult…so they chose to tackle it first.” Lar explained.
Kara, frowning, watched as the seven Guardians formed a ring around Jenny and Arisia. She then watched as Jenny and Arisia nodded to each other and…clasped hands.
What happened next was far beyond anything Kara had conceived as the two Sentinels began to merge to form…Senturia!
“Together they can channel more energy than either can alone.” Lar explained, as if someone had asked.
Then came the sound. Broadcast, Kara realized, through the rings she, Rogue, Lar, and the Green Lanterns wore.
“Now!” The twin voices that came from Senturia were easily identifiable as belonging to Jenny and Arisia.
Silence held the room in its grip as, above the cloud covered hell that was Venus, the seven Guardians unleashed their massive stores of power.
Not upon the planet…but upon Senturia.
For what seemed to be an eternity to those watching, Senturia floated as if anchored in space, soaking up the energy before she, in turn, began to unleash the power, focusing everything on the planet below.
At first there seemed to be no effect and then…
“The cloud cover!” Carrie voiced exclamation as the massive atmosphere of the hellish planet began to break apart
“Lar…what are they doing?” Rogue demanded, her voice leaving little doubt that she would accept an order to watch.
“Instant terraforming.” The Daxamite replied. “They are reducing the cloud cover of Venus, allowing the heat trapped below to escape. When they are finished, Venus will have an atmosphere comparable to that of Earth. The colonists will have to move quickly, however to get vegetation started that can regenerate the oxygen that the colonists will breathe. It will not take long. Though they cannot do it all…by the time they are finished, both Mars and Venus will be extremely fertile worlds. They will be virtually lifeless to begin with…but able to take plant and animal transplants easily. The colonists will also discover that the soil will, for some time to come, accelerate the growth of crops and air plants.”
Lar’s voice droned on as the green energy blasting at Venus ceased…and the group floating above the world vanished.
“Where….” Karen began.
“Mars!” It was Kira who answered, swinging her gaze towards the fourth planet.
Kara quickly swung her sight in that direction, frowning. Something seemed different.
The Guardians again flared up, feeding their energy into the Jenny/Arisia composite that Lar called Senturia. And once again Senturia focused that energy and her own toward the planet below.
Unlike Venus, Mars did not have the massive atmosphere that had caused such a run away green-house effect on the second planet. In fact, Mars sported a very thin atmosphere at best.
“Ice.” Lar spoke up again, his voice sounding, if possible, even bleaker. “There are massive ice deposits below the surface, mostly at the poles. They are releasing it, melting it and evaporating it.”
“Releasing the oxygen to form a thicker atmosphere.” Carrie caught on.
It was only then that Kara noticed another difference…and the sudden gasp from Rogue indicated that she, too, had noticed.
There were only four bright spots in the ring around Senturia. Three of the Guardians were gone!
As Kara watched, another bright spot faded and winked out. She kicked her telescopic vision up a notch and gasped as the full enormity of what was happening came to her.
The vanishing bright spot had been a Guardian. The Guardian was not, however, gone. His lifeless body floated in space, slowly moving away from those that still fed energy into Senturia.
She turned back to Venus and, after a bit of searching, found the three bodies of the other missing Guardians. She resisted the urge to take a closer look to find out which Guardians they were.
“Lar…no…” She shook her head, shutting off both x-ray and telescopic vision…she did not want to see anymore.
“There was no other way, Kara Zor-El.”
She turned and saw Katma watching her, tears running freely down her cheeks.
“Jenny and Arisia could not do this alone…even as Senturia.” The red skinned humanoid spoke softly. “It was their wish to do this, Kara. The Guardians feel…ashamed. This is their way to try to attain at least partial atonement.”
“For Rao’s sake, this is idiocy!” Kara felt like shouting. As it was her voice was raised higher than normal. “What do they have to feel ashamed for? None of this was their doing!”
“In a way, it was.” Lar surprised her by cutting in. His vision was still glued to the scene around Mars, yet that did not stop him from taking part in the conversation. “And it started seventeen years ago!”
“The Khund/Kryptonian invasion.”
“Yes.” Lar nodded slightly. “Arisia did not understand the full implications of what was occurring, but she knew that she had to act…even if the Guardians would not acknowledge that they had a responsibility in this sector. It was a power play.”
“I don’t understand.” Rogue enjoined. “What kind of power play?”
“The previous Sentinel was from Earth.” Lar answered when neither Green Lantern chose
to. “His name was Hal
“Why am I not surprised?” Kara sighed.
“Perhaps this will surprise you. Even though the Green Lantern Corps would not acknowledge a direct responsibility for this sector…they should have responded…had Hal demanded it.”
“Excuse me?”
“The Sentinel, traditionally, has the authority to command the Green Lanterns during a time of crisis.” Tomar spoke up. “But Hal did not…”
“Stop it!” Katma snapped at the birdlike humanoid. “The Sentinel was under attack…the Sentinel died…because the Green Lantern Corps did not respond to his request.” She turned and faced Kara. “And they did not respond because it was not put through proper channels. Politics!”
“One Green Lantern did respond.” Lar noted. “Arisia of Graxos IV.”
“Okay…I am now officially confused.” Rogue shook her head. “Which Arisia are we talking about…the one out there fused with Jenny or the one you gave a space burial to?”
“At that time, they were one and the same.” Lar answered. His eyes blinked and he refocused, turning to Kara.
As he did, Kara noticed that his eyes seemed distant and had an unearthly green glow to them. His lips quirked in an awkward smile, as if he were a mere puppet whose strings were being pulled by some far off puppet master.
This was Lar’s body…but it was no longer Lar that controlled it!
“What…?” Rogue had noticed as well and took a step forward, stopping when Kara blocked her.
“If I am right, the Starheart speaks.” Kara announced.
Both Green Lanterns reacted with surprise and turned to face the Daxamite.
For his part, Lar’s attention never wavered from Kara.
“Very astute, Kara Zor-El.” It was Lar’s voice, his accent, his way of talking…but it was not Lar. “The Daxamite is not my Champion. But he is the chosen of her…and thus, connected to me.”
Lar looked around, taking in everyone around him, stopping for an extended gaze of Kira. Finally he returned his attention to Kara.
“I have done nothing that Lar Gand has not agreed to.” He spoke again. “When my Champions are not available, I may speak through him. Indeed, I find it far easier to speak through the Daxamite. Though he is not capable of wielding the Green Flame, he can, for short times, be used as a conduit for communication.”
He paused, as if thinking, and then nodded.
“I am to inform you that Lar is aware of all that occurs now, Kara. He is, understandably, preoccupied with the well being of his…mates.”
“Mates?” Rogue demanded, looking to Kara. “I heard right? He did say ‘mates’? Plural?”
Kara ignored her and spoke directly to Lar.
“Look, I am not good with talking to gods…I just want to know what in Rao’s name is going on!”
“I am…the Starheart…is not a god…not in that sense.” Lar’s voice denied the accusation. “But listen well, Kara Zor-El, for events are soon to occur that will force you to make difficult choices.” He paused and then went on before anyone else could jump into the silence. “Seventeen years ago, as the inhabitants of Earth measure time, the Guardians of Oa and the Green Lantern Corps chose to ignore a call for aid from my Sentinel. It is an act of negligence that they shall not repeat…for the effects of that negligence are felt today…and shall be felt far into the future.”
“Seventeen years ago, a device created by a race called the Maltusians was activated on Earth.”
“The Probability Device.” Kara nodded. “Lex Luthor showed it to me…a burnt out husk.”
“The…Probability Device. Yes. As good a name as any other.” Lar nodded. “This device was created by a Maltusian named Krona. Billions of your years ago. A plaything. A model for students…a toy for children.”
“Wait a minute.” Kara’s mind worked furiously…reaching deep into her memory to find… “The Maltusians! They were the original race that eventually became the Guardians of Oa!”
“Indeed.” Lar nodded. “Some did. And some, wishing only for more power…wishing to find a way to harness the power of the Starheart…rebelled. Krona was their leader.”
Kara felt a chill run up her spine and she knew her sudden shivering was visible as Rogue putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Krona tried to view the Beginning of Time.” She whispered. “It was that act that either created the Multiverse of my own reality. It also created Qward…and the Anti-Monitor.”
“His act could not create what already existed.” Lar stated. “The Multiverse existed before Krona. But Qward did not…nor did the Anti-Monitor. They exist now.” Lar’s eyes grew hard. “But that is only part of it. The Anti-Monitor exists….but there is no opposite of him. No Monitor.”
“That’s impossible!”
“No, it is possible. And for reasons that will be made clear in their proper time.” Lar seemed to wilt a bit.
“The Daxamite cannot contain my presence much longer, Kara Zor-El.” He said. “Understand this. Arisia comes from your future…in the proper time, my Sentinels and Lar must seek out a Champion reborn. The flameling: daughter of the mountain cat. Then all things will be made clear.”
Even as the last word passed his through his lips, Lar slumped to the ground.
“Flameling, daughter of the mountain cat??” Rogue demanded. She started forward to help Kara as she tried to revive the Daxamite…stopping when she caught sight of Kira. The Alterverse Supergirl was standing far too still…too… “Kira?”
“Huh? Wha…” The young woman shook her head, blinking her eyes, and seemed to sway. Rogue put a steadying hand on her shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Rogue asked: her concern clear.
“Yeah…Must be an after-effect. Odd, but I guess I’m just tired. Must of zoned out for a bit.” She shook her head again and then noticed Kara helping the groggy Lar to his feet. “What happened?” She looked at Rogue, her confusion apparent. “What did I miss?”
“Nothing you weren’t supposed to, I think.” Rogue answered, confusing the young woman even more.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by Dylan Clearbrook
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and
-- and Supergirl’s Multiverse, as depicted in the
-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of
-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.