![]() ![]() Aftermath: Whose Power . . . ? by Paul Hahn and Chip Caroon |
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This recently built mansion is the home of the mutant super-team called the X-Men. But the team is still fairly new and inexperienced, and just went through the greatest battle of their lives.
It was not glorious.
They fought for the survival of a group of mutants who lived underground, named the Morlocks. Another group of mutant killers, called the Marauders, entered the underground tunnels with one purpose: to massacre.
The X-Men responded . . . too late. Nearly all the Morlocks were killed. The Marauders were very thorough. The X-Men lost two of their own: Sarah Da'Part and Morph. But in the end, they did manage to defeat the villains.
Clark Kent, a.k.a. Superman, got off without a scratch. Mostly due to the fact that he's invulnerable. Jean Grey, a telekinetic and telepath also made it out with only minor injuries, same as Henry McCoy, the Beast. Bobby Drake, Iceman, took a beating, but was healing. Warren, the high-flying Angel, took some of the worst damage. He was beaten around, and nearly had his wings torn off. As it is, he's still very weak. He will live . . . that's for sure. But they don't know if he'll be able to keep the wings.
The mysterious man named Logan, also called Wolverine, saw some of the toughest fights. However, due to an Adamantium-laced skeleton and a healing factor, he was left unscathed. He even managed to bring back a prisoner, the leader of the Marauders: Random. A shape-shifting mutant who also has some connection to Weapon X, a program Logan was once a part of.
And finally, Betsy Braddock, the telepathic mutant Psylocke. She was a member of the Visionaries, but quit during the massacre. She is a friend, and is helping with the vast amount of injured and surviving Morlocks currently staying at the mansion.
A sudden crash burst through the air. A medical tray had been flung over, its instruments clashing on the hard tile floor. The Morlock named Callisto was throwing another fit.
Betsy couldn't really blame her. After all, she was the leader of the Morlocks. It was her job to look out for them . . . and she failed. Callisto cursed.
"Please calm down," Betsy frowned, looking over at her. Callisto ignored her. The two stood in the basement, which had been converted into a medical center to handle the massive amount of people. Those that they could, the X-Men past on to be treated in real hospitals. Most, though, had to remain to be taken care of for fear of mutant hatred.
"They did this to us . . . and Superman keeps their leader locked up all nice and cozy in this very mansion!" Callisto exclaimed.
"He won't break free," Psylocke shrugged.
"If he does, I'll kill him," Callisto growled.
"There's been enough blood shed lately, I'd say," Betsy answered.
"Every one of them must pay!" Callisto yelled, storming out.
Betsy shrugged. There was nothing more for her to do in the med-lab, and decided to go upstairs.
It's an interesting bunch here. All mutants, near as I can tell. They know the world hates and fears them, just for being different. Yet they are still more than willing to risk their lives to protect that very same world. It's either very admirable . . . or very foolish. I hope for the former, rather than the latter.
She sighed and made a turn. And it's definitely been an interesting few days. I had assumed Clea would try to bring me back into the Visionaries . . . but there hasn't been so much of a peep. I'm glad. She's insane . . . and I'd like to have nothing to do with her. Superman has offered for me to stay as long as I like or need. I even believe he's offered me a spot with the X-Men.
I'm not sure I really belong here. I mean, being a mystic seer is one thing . . . but an adventurer? A hero? Doesn't sound like me.
She stopped in front of the door she was looking for.
Ah, the Danger Room. Heard plenty about it. It's supposed to be their training room . . . creates believable holographic surroundings . . . falsified environments and people so that they can hone their various skills in actual combat scenarios.
Of course, at the moment, its only use is to house their prisoner, Random. Jean Grey has tried to pull information from his mind on several occasions . . . but has failed. I doubt that it's her fault, however. She's got more power than I can dream of. I think it's something to do with him being a shape-shifter. And truly, I don't mind that Jean's failed. It's allowing Logan to try the more direct approach.
She stepped into the control room and looked down upon the grey-skinned Random who was chained to a wall. Wolverine was the only person down there. He slammed a fist into Random's stomach.
"You've told me about the Marauders . . . who all was involved, what happened to 'em, your reason for going into the tunnels," Logan said through gritted teeth. "But you won't tell me who sent you."
"You needn't worry about who sent us," Random frowned. "It's of no concern."
Wolverine punched again. Adamantium laced bones packed quiet the punch.
Random coughed. "What you're really after is Weapon X. You know it . . . I know it . . . "
Another punch, this time in the face. "Sooner or later we're gonna turn you over to the proper authorities. Trust me . . . they hate mutants enough as it is. When we provide the proof of your murders--"
"I'll be a public hero," Random grinned. "Personally ended the lives of over two dozen muties, and led a bunch to slaughter hundreds."
Wolverine kicked the man's groin.
Ouch, Psylocke observed. Logan's quite the angry little man. But perhaps, while he's distracted by the beating, I can obtain the information we all want from his mind . . .
Psylocke went to work, scanning Random's elusive mind.
Wolverine punched again. Then he popped his claws. And then he went to work.
It's so hard to get anything . . . almost as if there's nothing solid to lock on to! Psylocke's thoughts were frustrated. Wait . . . got something . . . Weapon X? That's what Wolverine wants to know . . . can't get anything solid . . . images flashing by . . . shouts . . . Salluit, Quebec? What does that mean?
"Ease off him, Logan," Clark Kent had entered the Danger Room.
Wolverine was breathing heavily, and turned sharply to see Superman. "Back of, Supes . . . this is how I do things."
"The man's had enough," Clark frowned.
"Even after all he did to the Morlocks?"
"When we resort to his methods, drop to his level, we're no better than he."
Logan frowned. He retracted the claws. "Fine. You got somethin' outta him."
Logan turned and walked out of the danger room. Clark frowned. Psylocke turned out from the control room and jogged after Logan.
"Logan, wait!" Psylocke exclaimed.
"Later, girl," Wolverine replied harshly. He stormed out of the mansion.
Clea sat alone in her room. Her powers allowed her to observe Psylocke from a distance.
Good girl, she thought. You have gotten their friendship. It makes it all the more easier to take them out when I finally get you back on my side.
There was a knock on the door. Clea waved her hand, and the image of Psylocke disappeared. "Enter," she said.
Rift walked into the room. He noticed the disappear magic that had allowed Clea to keep an eye on the former Visionary. "You were watching Psylocke."
"So what if I was?"
"Will we be retrieving her?"
Clea shook her head. "No. No, we have more pressing issues. When the time comes though, when the time comes . . . "
Henry McCoy was a genius. But he couldn't do anything to save Morph or Sarah. Iceman was still healing, and Warren was bedridden for the time being . . . and heavily drugged on painkillers.
"Warren, I just don't know," Hank frowned. "I can only pray that the wings will be fine . . . that they'll heal. At least the bleeding has stopped . . . "
"You've done all you can," Bobby said. They both stood over Warren's sleeping body. "More than any of us can do."
"But I don't know if that will be enough," Hank sighed. "The X-Rays are hard to tell . . . I know some bones are broken or fractured . . . some are still intact . . . it's just a matter of whether or not his body will repair the wings . . . if his mutant physiology will work with medical science or not . . . "
"If it helps . . . I'll pray for him."
"Pray for an Angel," Hank smiled.
Logan walked over into a small forest area on the property. He popped his claws and tore away at trunks, knocking over trees, slicing up bushes and tearing apart flowers. He was mad.
"You teach those innocent plants a lesson."
Logan looked up quickly. "Jeannie."
Jean Grey lowered herself to the ground using her telekinetics. "The gardener's gonna hate you."
"What can I say? Never been too good at makin' friends."
"You don't have to be alone all the time," Jean frowned.
"Sometimes I do," he continued. "Sometimes I can get a little . . . out of hand. I get into a kind of berserker rage . . . and when I do that, well . . . trust me: you don't wanna be around."
"I can help you with your rage," Jean said. "If you'd just let me inside your mind . . . "
"It's no place for a lady," Logan said. "Even a tough girl like you."
"Still," Jean shrugged. "I could do something . . . "
"You shouldn't," Logan frowned. "Jeannie . . . it's probably better if you stay away from me."
"Because . . . sooner or later I'll do something that's gonna piss Clark off royally."
Jean couldn't help but smirk. She forced it away. "Come back inside, Logan. In the company of friends."
Logan sighed, putting his claws away. He followed her in.
"I've made up my mind," Callisto frowned. "No use trying to talk me out of it."
"It's not safe!" Hank exclaimed. "It's too soon!"
"Be reasonable," Clark frowned. "Think of your people . . . "
"That's exactly what I'm thinking of," Callisto frowned. "Exactly why I've made this decision."
"What decision?" Jean asked as she and Logan walked back in.
"Callisto's decided it's time for her and the Morlocks to go back to their tunnels," Clark frowned.
"Not a good idea," Jean frowned as well.
"Why not?" Logan asked. "The place was swept clean . . . the Marauders are gone . . . their job, for the most part, was a success. There's nothing to fear in the tunnels . . . not anymore. If they wanna go, they should be able to go. They're not our prisoners."
The other X-Men looked at Logan with a confused look.
"I'm afraid I'll agree with him," Psylocke said as she walked in alongside Iceman. "Those that are relatively healthy and able to function should be free to move on."
"And those that aren't, Healer will help," Callisto said. "I know there are more of my Morlocks out there . . . and I intend to find them and reclaim our home."
"I still stand strongly against that," Clark frowned.
"Then I guess it's a good thing it's not your decision?" Callisto replied angrily. She turned and walked away.
"She's so wonderfully grateful," Hank frowned.
"I'll at least see to it that they stock up on supplies before heading out," Jean said.
"I'll go and make sure everyone that leaves is medically able to do so," Hank sighed.
"I'll lend a hand," Bobby nodded. The three headed out.
"I'm afraid I'll be leaving, too," Betsy said.
"You are?" Clark asked. "I thought you wanted sanctuary."
"I did," she said. "And I am grateful for it. I do appreciate all your help. But I don't belong here. I can't see myself as being much of a team player. And besides that . . . now that I've left the Visionaries, there's a lot of catching up I need to do. I've got a brother out there . . . and there's a lot I don't know about myself."
"Yourself?" Clark asked.
"Right," she said. "See me? I look Asian. I was born in England . . . and I am one-hundred percent a British woman. I wasn't born Asian. And I'm not sure how I wound up this way."
"Well, that's interesting," Logan said.
"Indeed," she said. "So I'll be leaving for the UK first."
"Well, I wish you good luck," Clark said. "And know that you've always got a friend with the X-Men."
Betsy nodded, then simply turned and walked out the front door. As she was leaving, she called to Logan telepathically. He turned towards her and walked out after her.
"You rang?" Logan asked.
"Yes," Psylocke said. "While you were . . . interrogating your prisoner, I conducted a mind-scan. I didn't learn much . . . but I figured you were entitled to what I did."
In the blink of an eye, Psylocke created a psi-blade, the strongest manifestation of her power. She plunged it into Logan's head. To a normal man, this might cause serious damage. Logan it merely shocks.
The images run through his head. He knows it all: Weapon X. And now he knows . . . Canada . . . Quebec . . . Salluit. Where he'll find answers.