The Continuum War 2 |
They knew the enemies of Earth would find the burned body of Daria Lane Scott, wife of the deceased Green Lantern. But Sam Lane could not stop to honor her memory. First, he had to protect his sister’s greatest secret, carefully hidden in his wife Ella’s arms.
“I’ve seen blue skin on babies before,” Ella remarked as they moved away from Daria’s funeral pyre. “That usually means they have been starved for oxygen. But Molly seems perfectly fine.”
“She’s the Green Lantern’s daughter,” Sam gazed down at the child. “Who knows what the lantern did to his genetics or Molly’s.”
“It doesn’t really matter now,” Ella commented. “We’ll remember their sacrifices. But first we have to find a way to feed Molly.”
“Why don’t I look like the other children?” Molly stepped into the small cave where she lived with the Lanes. A pretty girl, her blue skin and black hair gave her an exotic appearance. But it made her hard to conceal. And she had to be concealed to keep her safe. Ella gazed the young girl, uncertain of what to tell Molly.
“Sometimes,” Molly related, “I think the other children are making fun of me because I’m different. Other times, it’s like they see right through me.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Ella refuted. “They don’t ignore you; you’re a very pretty little girl.”
“I just feel so…” Molly let it drop.
“I don’t know, Sam,” Ella and Sam, chatted while they watched the almost teen-aged children of the Resistance get together in an abandoned park. “Molly seems bright enough, but she is just so shy. Nothing seems to bring her out of her shell. She is so focused on the color of her skin it is frightening.”
“She’s have more to fear if her skin was dark brown,” Sam commented. “I don’t know who was harder on the poor negroes: the Kayzik Swarm or their fellow human beings. Maybe that’s part of it; Molly doesn’t see herself looking like us and she feels alien.”
“Well,” Ella mused, “at least Anna and Lois have done their best to make Molly feel welcome, even if she is just a bit younger than our girls.” She glanced towards Lois and Anna. “There’s that Luthor boy with Lois again,” Ella groused, “not sure I like him much.”
“Someday that won’t be our choice,” Sam returned. “Your folks didn’t like me either. If it weren’t for the Kayzik Swarm, your Dad would still be chasing after me for running off with you.”
“Hmmm,” Ella commented as they watched the children, “Molly seems to have made a friend.” She observed as a little boy brought Molly a cup of water, speaking to her.
“Eddie Kyle,” Sam remarked. “His father is either a mystic or a crackpot; take your pick. Eddie’s always seemed pretty well grounded, though. Takes after his Mom.”
Always double date with another couple: standard procedure for children of the Resistance on a world where Kayzik necromancers could be anywhere. Lois Lane walked with her latest boyfriend, Lex Luthor, while Molly and Edmund Kyle brought up the rear.
“You sure were watching that Mabel Murford real close last night,” Molly accused Edmund. “That porcelain skin too much for you to ignore?”
“Come off it, Molly,” Edmund retorted. “I didn’t do nothing to earn your wrath. I just looked, that’s all.”
“You looked and you looked and you looked,” Molly accused while Lois and Lex pretended not to hear.
“Enough,” Edmund argued. “Either you trust me or you don’t. Looking don’t mean nothin’.”
“Looking doesn’t mean anything?” Molly’s jealous anger grew. “Looking leads to talking leads to touching leads to…”
“Leads to you driving me away from you,” Edmund walked away from Molly. “I can’t take this no more. I’ve always been faithful to you. I’ve always believed in you. But you think I’m a joke.”
He walked down a trail that would take him home. They were in an area of scattered trees and tall grass; they would be able to see him most of his way home.
“Molly,” Lois motioned to her date to remain silent, “what the hell was that all about?”
“I’m just too strange!” Molly complained, “I’ll never find…”
“What’s happened to Edmund?” Lex interrupted. “He’s not moving.”
“Eddie!” Molly’s frightened eyes watched a motionless Edmund further down the trail.
“Kayzik Necromancer,” Lois whispered, “behind the tree…”
“It’s too late!” Lois warned, grabbing her cousin. “You can’t help him.” But Lois’s hand passed through Molly, who vanished from view. “Molly! Where are you?” Lois and Lex frantically searched for Molly, but knew they could not move towards Edmund lest they also fall under the Necromancer’s glamour.
And then Edmund vanished. The alien creature walked towards the space where Edmund had stood, examined the spot, and then slowly ambled away. Lois and Lex waited until the creature departed, then slowly walked towards the spot where Edmund had vanished, stopping as Edmund and Molly materialized before them. Molly appeared to be floating several inches above the ground, holding on to a confused Edmund for dear life.
“I’m so sorry, Eddie…please don’t leave me, Eddie…please…”
“Dad, I didn’t know what to do, so I brought her here,” Edmund explained to his father, Anthony Kyle, as he held the very confused Molly in his father’s cavern study.
“I didn’t mean anything,” Molly exclaimed, “I just didn’t want…”
“Molly,” Edmund gazed into her eyes, radiating certainty, “it’s all right. You did what you had to do. You were magnificent! And because you acted, we’re both safe.”
“If anyone can be safe,” Anthony muttered beneath his breath before stepping towards Molly, sensing her. He took a deep breath, holding a treat in one hand, then holding a board in front of her. “If you can snatch the treat, it’s yours. It’s Eddie’s favorite.”
She gazed at Edmund, his look confirming that it was his favorite treat. Without hesitation, Mollie turned to the board, thrusting her hand through the board without harming it and snatched the treat to toss to Edmund.
“Thanks!” Edmund bit into the treat as Molly blushed, floating off the floor as she turned slightly transparent. “See! You’re every bit as special as I’ve been telling you that you are. Porcelain skin…bah.” She reappeared behind him, holding him tightly.
“I don’t really know how to tell you this,” Anthony Kyle wheezed as his sons Edmund and Richard sat at his bedside. Molly floated in the doorway, her expression radiating her concern. “Your grandfather made many enemies and he did many extraordinary things. Almost as extraordinary as lucking into Molly,” he patted Edmund’s hand.
“You’ve told us all that before,” Richard pressed his father. “Something about a cosmic key?”
“Which the two of you are about to inherit,” Anthony wheezed again. “And when you do, you need to separate so that you’ll never be together.”
“What? Why?” Edmund retorted. “I can’t ask Molly to leave…”
“I got this, big bro,” Richard replied calmly. “I have someone I’m real interested in, and she’s headed to the Resistance on the other side of the country. Besides, the two of you can’t completely drop out of sight; the work you do for the Resistance is just too critical, even if it isn’t fully acknowledged.”
Edmund slowly nodded before looking back at Molly.
“Porcelain skin…Bah.”
“Flatterer,” Molly acknowledged with a slight smile.
“There is a key to a Hell dimension,” Anthony wheezed, “my father was charged by what was left of the gods to protect it, to keep it from Ares. He hid it by placing it in me.”
“Does it hurt?” Richard asked.
“Not that kind of key,” Anthony grinned. “It’s immaterial. I should better have said it is anchored to me.” His expression grew more determined. “When I die, the two halves will pass to the two of you. Each half is useless by itself. Only when they recombine will they be able to do anything.”
“What do we do with it?” Edmund asked. “How do we keep it safe?”
“Stay away from each other,” Anthony explained to his sons. “When you die, it will pass to your youngest children and then it will pass to theirs. So be fruitful and multiply.” He chuckled. “I’ll be watching from somewhere, probably down there,” he pointed downward towards the realms of Hades.”
“She looks just like you,” Edmund held the watchful Alanna in his arms as Molly looked on. “She’s inherited your beauty and likely inherited your powers; she will need them if she remains my youngest child.”
“We’ll find an answer to this,” Molly reached for Alanna, pulling the infant to her breast and feeling her suckle. We have to. Alanna deserves a chance at a life.”
“You’ve sure made your share of contributions,” Edmund offered, caressing Molly’s hair. “I wonder why the Shantar have never taken you up on any off-planet missions?”
“I don’t think they take me seriously.”
“No…you’ve done what you had to…” Anna Lane comforted Molly. “It’s been an horrible burden for you to bear; going into hiding to make sure your pregnancy was a secret while watching Eddie waste away. But we’ve hidden Linda with a family that can keep her safe; neither she nor they will ever know she carries the Cosmic Key. And Alanna really shouldn’t know. If she doesn’t know about the key, she won’t arouse suspicions of those who seek the key.”
“I miss Eddie so much…and I’ll never get to hold Linda again…I don’t know how I can bear it…”
Anna Lane gazed down at Molly as she slept. Anna knew the end was near; Molly’s very hard years had finally caught up to her. Anna had not had the heart to tell Molly that the Danvers had gone missing with Linda; that was probably for the best.
Such a hard life, Anna mused. She recalled the so many, oh so many, lives Molly had saved during her time on Earth. Molly had endured such hardship and had done so much for so many others who would never know. Fortunately, Alanna had remained with them, the only remaining light in Molly’s life.
“Anna! He’s here! He came! My father is here!” Molly awoke with a start, bellowing at the top of her lungs.
“Hush Molly!” Anna heard footsteps. A young man approached, followed by an exotic female she’d seen before: Elise, the Shantar Command Assassin.
Anna recognized Alan Scott from her parents’ photos. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, had returned just in time to bury his daughter.
She pitied him; he would never know the extraordinary person that Anna had known all her life, a hero whose true courage would never be known to more than a few. But at least Alan Scott would be there for Alanna, who would need him more than Anna could ever say.
Why did Anna have the strange feeling that Molly’s story had many more chapters remaining? That even in the afterworld, Molly would find a way to help the living? That strange feeling brought Anna more than a bit of comfort.
“I don’t know what you want from me!” Linda Kyle retorted to Molly Scott.
The dark-blue-skinned Molly floated above Linda as the younger woman did her chores, heading towards the farm animals in the fields. Molly watched Linda move on, walking west towards cows escaping the mid-day sun under a grove of trees.
Molly sighed as she continued to follow Linda. Neither Molly nor her husband Edmund Kyle seemed to be able to reach the younger daughter they had never known. She and Edmund had almost wasted away in the afterlife, preparing to move on to the next turn of the wheel of life when they had made a deliberate choice to aid an Operation Alterverse taskforce in Nekron’s domain.
During the mission, both she and Edmund had been touched by Lyla, a Kryptonian known to have the gift of healing in the world of the living. But Lyla’s touch in the world beyond had a more powerful effect: returning the dead to life when they exited Nekron’s domain. So she and Edmund had returned to Alterverse years after their respective deaths only to find that the world they knew had changed beyond their wildest imaginings. The Cosmic Key had long since been dealt with and Ares had been removed from Earth.
Operation Alterverse destroyed the Kayzik Swarm, freeing the universe from its eternal war. Alterverse Earth had begun to rebuild with a vengeance. Edmund’s niece, Selina Kyle, and her husband, Bruce Wayne, were key drivers of the industrialization of Earth.
And the influence of Earth’s metas and Allies meant that Earth had a place at the table in the Intergalactic community, which kept the Sentinel’s Lair busy protecting the rights of Earth. The universe would not forget that Alan had been the task force commander who had severed the Kayzik Queen’s solar system from the rest of the universe, freeing the universe from the swarm and setting up the Queen’s execution.
But all those changes had ended the universe as Molly and Edmund knew it.
Molly had never known that Elise Zoldar, the Shantar commander, had possession of the soul of her mother, Daria Scott. Neither had the Commander, until much later. But the integration of Elise and Daria Scott into a single person during Operation Alterverse produced a woman who could take either form and had known Molly for many years. The conversations between Molly and Elise/Daria were odd at times, but always warm. Molly had been grateful for her acceptance and Alan had been just as generous. When Elise/Daria had recently given birth, Molly had inherited a sibling. Elise/Daria had the long lifespan of the Shantar…that would take getting used to. What would young Dylan Scott’s life bring?
Molly wished that Lannie, her husband Wally, and their daughter Lois spent more time in Alterverse. Molly could cross over to the Inheritors’ universe under her own power, but Edmund could not. Still, Lannie loved her and had always been kind. Lannie’s new set of powers took getting used to, but those powers had their own extreme advantages and allowed Lannie to appear as a fully normal human when she wanted to, something Molly with her blue skin would never be able to do.
Still, Molly had returned decades younger than her age at death, still in her prime. Her shadow powers had manifested at their peak and she had never suffered the problems with the Shadow powers that had almost killed Lannie. She wondered if there were more to her own powers than she suspected. But now, her focus was on her youngest daughter.
“Ever since you got back,” Linda glared at her mother, “it’s been Linda, why don’t you do this, why don’t you do that. Why aren’t you the kinda girl you shoulda been?”
“Linda, I never meant…” Molly drew back.
“I don’ wanna go home with you,” Linda glared, “not back to your little cave, not back to the Lair. This is my home. This is where Aunt Mary and Uncle John took me in and raised me. Not because they had to, not because they had decided that I was going to grow up and take on their battles, but because they cared about me and had room in their hearts for me. This is where I come when the Universes beat the crap out of me and I can’t take it no more…”
“Linda, I’m your mother and I want what’s best for you,” Molly tried to assure her daughter.
“No,” Linda replied, “you’re not. You’re the cowbird who dumped me into the wrong nest and didn’t keep tabs on me. You deserted me for the ‘greater good’. An’ I suffered for it.” She turned her back on her mother, checking the teeth of one of the cows. “Good…no problem chewing,” she mumbled to herself.
“The people I love,” Linda turned to look back at her mother, “the people I trust, are people who keep proving themselves to me, people who do for me no matter what. Gramps & Gram, Uncle John & Aunt Mary, Lannie, Lyla, Diana, Faith, my buddies in the Sorority…”
“Linda…” Molly tried to interrupt as Linda took a deep breath.
“I can’t be a good little girl for you!” Linda protested. “I got enough power to move or destroy worlds and that power isn’t going away. I got responsibilities that span known and unknown space. I gotta be responsible for the good or harm I do—that’s all on me. I can’t be anybody other than who I am…a young woman who talks a little funny, but tries really, really hard.”
Speechless, Molly floated in front of Linda. Finally, she spoke.
“What would you suggest?”
“I got lotsa issues,” Linda admitted. “You wanna place in my life? Find a way to be my friend…cause that’s all I got to give. Now, ya gotta let me go, ‘cause I’m running late.”
“Eddie, I don’t know how to reach her,” Molly complained to her husband, Edmund Kyle as he worked to clean up his old hidden underground library. He bore the same coloring as Linda, auburn hair and eyes. Despite Linda’s strong resemblance to the Scotts, there was no doubting her paternal ancestry.
“I’ve had less success than you,” Edmund echoed her frustration. “We’ve managed to return to a world that no longer has a place for us and we don’t fit anymore. Others have finished the battles we started and now we just…”
“So, should we just admit that returning was a mistake and…”
“Oh, Hell no!” Edmund laughed easily. “We’re both healthy and what killed me the last time isn’t coming back. We have each other and that’s a lot.”
“You sure seem to be in a good mood, considering…” Molly prodded.
“Well, I had an interesting conversation with Lyla Lerrol and I’ve had time to think about what she said.”
“Lyla,” Molly fumed, “she’s the reason we’re here.” Edmund chose not to respond, gathering tools while Molly continued. “So what did the big-boobed Kryptonian have to say? Stick around, you might get lucky?”
Edmund glared at Molly, speaking slowly.
“I didn’t deserve that,” he began as Molly looked away.
“No, probably not,” Molly breathed in deeply. “I’m just feeling a little blue.” She shrugged as Edmund rolled his eyes at the bad joke.
“Lyla explained to me that she chose to bring us back because she knew exactly who and what we were from Lannie’s recollections of us.” Edmund added as he reached for Molly’s hand, already reaching for his. “It wasn’t accidental in the least.”
“That sure puts a different spin on everything,” Molly’s eyes widened. “Why…”
“Lyla also has some of Linda’s memories…she knew there would be problems,” Edmund related, “returning would not be easy for us.”
“There’s an understatement…” Molly noted.
“She was born on another world,” Edmund continued. “She explained how hard it was to start life on a new world after the world of her birth was destroyed. She knew how hard it would be to start a new life in a world that did not seem to have a place for us.”
“So what was her advice?” Molly asked, genuinely interested.
“Make a new one,” Edmund added, “and do something that matters. Don’t make the mistake of trying to re-live the last life.”
“And did she have any suggestions?”
“Alan is going to take us to meet Kent Nelson,” Edmund replied. “Our friendly, neighborhood Shazam Wizard is chomping at the bit to speak to us. And Lyla wanted to make sure that you know that Kent is not being altruistic. His responsibilities span the Continuum. He’s after my skills and your power.”
“My power?” Molly chuckled.
“The shadow creatures have always operated in his blind spot,” Edmund explained. “You’ve mastered the power and, unlike Alanna, you are not vulnerable to it.”
Molly slowly nodded her assent.
“We have to prove ourselves again,” Molly answered with a slight smile. “Funny, I think that’s what Linda was trying to tell me.”
“We will,” Edmund assured. “We’ve done it before. And we know why we’re doing what we’re doing.”
“Still hard for me to believe that Mama Krypton has enough circulation for those boobs and that brain,” Molly teased. “That must be her most important super-power.”
“Not taking the bait,” Edmund retorted.
“I know I’m just being catty,” Molly admitted. “I’ve underestimated her and that’s not like me. Besides, I understand she only likes little green men from Colu.”
“There is that…”
“And besides,” Molly added, “little blue girls from Earth only like you. I won’t lose you again, Eddie. Not even Hell can keep us apart!”
“Sure didn’t manage to the last time, did it?” Edmund’s good humor sparkled in his eyes, a good humor that Molly had never been able to resist.
“…can’t tell you how happy I am that you are here,” Kent Nelson greeted Molly and Edmund as Alan Scott cast a look of disbelief.
“Don’t look so shocked, Alan,” Kent continued. “They couldn’t have come at a better time.”
“I’ve never gotten this kind of reaction out of him,” Alan shook his head, “never.”
“I need help, Alan,” Kent acknowledged. “And I don’t need another young Sentinel landing on my doorstep telling me what I have to do next. I need mature people who understand that sometimes there isn’t a right or wrong, only how to make the best of the limited options we have available.”
“I’m not sure why you are so anxious to see me,” Edmund suggested sheepishly. “I’m just a minor sorcerer.”
“…who managed to die on Mt. Olympus after convincing the Phoenix to save your unborn daughter’s life,” Kent rolled his eyes. “Minor, indeed. You have a steep learning curve ahead of you, but I need you to help me monitor the Cosmos.”
“So much for early retirement and playing with the grandkids,” Edmund smiled mischievously.
“Somehow,” Molly offered, “I suspect I won’t be doing much of that either.”
“No,” Kent admitted. “Molly, I have a major problem. I am seeing what appear to be shadow creatures coming out of a group of probabilities we call Qward. It is a really nasty place. I need to find out where the shadow creatures are coming from.”
“Is that something new?” Alan asked.
“Not really,” Kent replied as he lit up a hologram. “We’re seeing more activity than usual from them in some of the other Continuverses. Worse, I can’t even get in to the Multiverse.”
“I’d heard that,” Alan nodded as the pointed at the hologram. “Linda said the Great Portal won’t open there.”
“The interference seems to be dimming,” Kent explained. “Hopefully, soon, I’ll be able to poke a hole into it.”
“The sooner the better,” Alan offered. “If you need me, I’m ready to help.”
“I’ll let you know when I need you,” Kent confirmed, nodding. “I have other players on the board at the moment. I hope to put Sorority to work soon, with the exception of Linda. I plan to make her squeal with indignity before I send her off on her next mission.”
“Better you than me, old man,” Alan chuckled. “I’m headed out; I have to ensure my plausible deniability.” He vanished in a flash of green.
“Your powers derive from the Seltan of the Great Portal Universe,” Kent explained to Molly. “They were the ones who mucked with your DNA and damaged Lannie’s DNA.”
“I understand that Lannie had powers that I don’t,” Molly related, waving her hands. “I never had any kind of Dark Force blasting capability and I never did Hyperspace travel.”
“You never had a reason to go into Hyperspace,” Kent remarked. “You possess the capability and we’ll ensure you can use it. You are also a bit stronger than Lannie; you can carry more. As far as Dark Force, I don’t know. Lannie’s showed up under extreme stress.”
“All right, Mama,” Lannie floated with her mother in the space above Alterverse Earth, holding the older woman’s hand and making sure their auras would overlap so that they could talk, “here’s what you have to do to jump into Hyperspace. Follow me exactly…when I get going real fast, you’ll see me do something funny. Do the same thing. Don’t drop out of shadow form or you’ll lose your shielding—that’s the most important thing to remember.”
“I’ll do my best,” Molly promised.
“And when we’re done with that, I’ll teach you how to jump universes and how to find threads across universes to those you love. I had those powers before I became the Seeker.”
“Jump Universes?” Molly puzzled. “I’ve never done that, but I know you did that during your ‘Final Night’ adventure.”
“It’s not as hard as it seems,” Lannie explained. “You have to know where you are going…you’ll always be able to find your way back here, though. My navigation skills have improved significantly as the Seeker, but I’ve always been pretty capable in that department.”
“Well, let’s just hope your old Mom can learn new tricks,” Molly sighed.
“You’ll be fine, Mama,” Lannie’s confidence increased her brilliant white glow as she moved her wings to stead herself. Her six-fingered hand squeezed her mother’s. “Showtime!”
“Busy day?” Molly found Edmund in Kent’s kitchen. He smiled warmly as he handed her a plate of food and a cup of tea.
“Eat!” Edmund chided gently, “If you’re half as exhausted and hungry as I am…”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Molly stabbed a piece of meat. “I’ve been to five different universes and halfway across ours. I had no idea I had that kind of power!”
“Porcelain skin…Bah,” Edmund teased with their private joke, leading Molly to blush slightly. “I’ve been learning to watch other universes. Kent wasn’t wrong…there are shadow creatures showing up all over the place and they don’t seem to be related to the Seltan.”
“Has he told you much else about them?”
“You asked to see me, Kent?” Linda Kyle stepped into Kent’s study, the young Sentinel still glowing from her flight to the Rock.
“Yes, I did,” Kent confirmed as he turned towards her. “I have a mission for you. I’m sending your mother out to track down the Shadow creatures and you’re going with her.”
“Like hell I am!” Linda protested. “She got nothin’ but criticism for me.”
“Consult your sense of right and wrong,” Kent suggested. “Is it the right thing to do?”
Linda’s eyes narrowed to slits; Kent knew she was absolutely furious. But he knew how her power worked. Not going would be wrong and Linda knew it. And she was bound by her sense of right and wrong.
“Why me?” She finally asked, suspicious.
“You’re tiny,” Kent explained. “Molly can easily carry you and hide your power; she’s stronger than Lannie was, so you’ll be even less of a burden for her. You can project Hell-fire if you want to hide your Sentinel aspect. And you can guide Molly through the universes you know.”
“Send Faith,” Linda groused.
“Too big,” Kent counseled, “can’t be hidden as well as you, and even more busy than you.”
“Too big?” Linda shifted to her seven-foot tall demonic aspect, “let’s see her pick me up now!”
“Molly certainly won’t be spanking you, now,” Kent teased, “even if she should.”
Despite herself, Linda began to laugh, flicking her tail.
“Hate it when you use my own power against me…”
“That’s how your friendly old Shazam Wizard lived long enough to get old,” Kent wiggled his eyebrows.
“Sometimes, you really suck.”
“I know.”
End—Continuum Wars II Prologue: Return of the Shadow
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2014 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric and Jake H.
-- Primalverse, Multiverse, Otherverse, and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes,
-- as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse, The Inheritors, and Rising Starr, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- Wasteland and Otherverse 2.0, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original
-- creations of Nomad (Jake H.).
-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.
-- DCM: The Merging, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- is an original creation of Chip Caroon and the stories therein remain
-- the property of the respective writers.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.
--The Highlander is property of Davis-Panzer Productions