The Rebirth

 A New Beginning

©Dylan Clearbrook

 Chapter 2

Pier Four

 Kara winced at the faint sound of screaming.  No one else in the room, she was sure, could hear the wrenching screams that caused her stomach to tighten and churn.  Sometimes, super-hearing could be a real disadvantage.

 She paced the length of the room that Sue Richards had converted to a waiting room while her husband and Dr. Strange worked with Rogue.  At a table Sue and Jenny talked in hushed tones.  Jenny, Kara had learned, had been, at one time, a member of the Fantastic Four and was still carried on the rosters as an honorary and reserve member.   Once Jenny had mentioned that, she had gone on to explain just who the Fantastic Four were.

 Reed Richards, in addition to being one of the world’s foremost scientists, was the leader of the FF, often called Mr. Fantastic.  His unique ability: a super elasticity.  The ability to stretch his body into tremendous lengths and widths.  Sue Richards’ powers were a bit more difficult to categorize.  While she was often called Invisible Woman, she had more than just the ability to turn her body transparent.  She could form a force field or deliver a physical blow using the strange energy that coursed through her body.  A third member of the FF was Sue’s brother, Johnny Storm.  The Human Torch.  Johnny could become a living, man shaped flame.  While flaming, he could fly, generate tremendous heat, or shoot blasts of flame varying in strength from a match to an atomic blast.

 With one exception, the radiation that had bathed the four original members of the Fantastic Four had simply endowed them with powers beyond their imaginations, leaving them, if they so chose, with a normal appearance.  The exception was Ben Grim.

 Grim, or the Thing, as he was called, suffered most from the radiation.  He was given strength that, according to Jenny, rivaled that of her cousin, the Hulk.  Unlike the others, however, Grim’s appearance was hideously changed, his skin replaced with a bright orange rocky substance.  Though the new covering made him virtually invulnerable, it also made living a normal life all but impossible for the Thing.   Over the years, Reed had successfully, countered the radiation in Grim’s system, allowing him to regain his natural form and appearance.  The cures, however, would only last for short periods of time.  Though the time would vary, he would always revert back into The Thing. 

 It was the equipment that Reed used to restrain The Thing when, as had happened, his changes produced temporary, violent, reactions, that he now used to restrain Rogue. 

 Both Strange and Reed had tried to explain to her what they were going to do, but it took Sue to put it into terminology that she could understand.

 “Reed has developed a modification of your mutant gene that would, over a period of time, replace the original gene. He is going to introduce the modified gene and Stephen is going to use his magic to dramatically speed up the progress.”  She shuddered.  “It is not going to be pleasant.  I imagine that once it is started, you will decide against it.  That is the catch, however.  Once started, the process HAS to be completed.  Once that process is complete, both Reed and Stephen will basically rewire you voluntary system.  They will not touch anything already there, but they will have to open new pathways and…” she shook her head and smiled.  “Beyond that it’s tech talk.  Put it simply, they are going to allow you to walk out of here able to control the absorbtion rather than let you develop control over a period of time.”

 Turning her back to the two talking women, Kara sighed and seemingly stared at a blank wall.  Rogue had agreed to the procedure and, as Kara’s hearing could testify, Sue had been correct.  It wasn’t a pleasant experience Rogue was having.

For reasons she could not put her finger on, she felt that a bond had been forged between her and Rogue and hearing her go through this was grating on her nerves.  Perhaps Rogue had filled a void left in her life that had once been filled by Kal.  She smiled as she recalled the past few weeks.

 For hours on end her and Rogue would talk and gossip and were, for all practical purposes, inseparable.  That would end soon.   Soon she would be out on her own and Rogue would return to being a full active member of the X-men.   Kara chuckled to herself at a memory that popped up.  One member of the X-men that Rogue had introduced as Gambit had made a snide comment about Kara being Rogue’s new lover.  Rogue had played it up until Gambit, his face red with anger, embarrassment, or both, had stalked off.  Only then had Rogue confided that Gambit was an ex-lover.  Or rather, he had been the closest thing she could have as a lover with her inability to touch.  As for the accusation, Kara had discovered that there was no revulsion to the idea but neither was there any inclination to test the waters, so to speak.  She was no where near ready for such emotional entanglements, whether they be with a man or a woman..

 “Dammit, how long is this going to take?”  She startled herself with her out burst and turned to see a stunned Sue and Jenny looking at her. She waved them back as they started to rise.  “Never mind me.”  She told them.  “I think I just need a breath of fresh air.”  She started out the door.  “I’ll be back in a bit.”  Before either woman could protest, she was gone.

 Now this is what she needed. 

 Kara stood on the end of the pier and took in some deep breaths, letting the sounds of the waves and the sea smells envelop her.  Around her others took in the sites.  Couples, families, and singles all walking along, taking in the view and, occasionally, gawking up at the tremendous Fantastic Four headquarters.  Nearby, a little boy, dressed in a blue jumpsuit with a stylized Fantastic Four symbol on the breast pocket, pointed up a blazing trail that had materialized above the headquarters, heading east.

 “I wanna be just like Johnny Storm when I grow up.”  The boy exclaimed, looking up at his mother with excitement dancing in his eyes.

 Looking around, Kara noticed other things.  A teenage girl with her hair dyed green and a T-shirt with a picture of Jenny on the front, a young man with a baseball cap sporting the Fantastic Four logo.

 “Pretty disgusting, ain’t it?”

 Kara turned to see a young blond man, with somewhat of a yuppie appearance.  On the breast pocket of his sports shirt were the bold letters: FOH.

 “Disgusting?”  She prompted.

 “These people.”  The man indicated.  “All a gaga over those freaks.”  He jerked his thumb back towards the FF HQ.  Kara finally put the letters on his shirt with something Prof. Xavier had told her. 

 “You’re with Friends of Humanity.”  She stated.  The young man nodded.  “I thought the Friends were anti mutant.  The Fantastic Four aren’t mutants.”

 “Actually, the FOH direct much of their activities towards spreading the truth about the mutant infestation, but we also concern ourselves with the possible contamination of the human race from other sources.”  The young man was warming to his subject.  “Through no fault of their own, the Fantastic Four have been altered, their very genetic structure changed.  What would happen if they were to mate with pure humans?  Would their offspring inherit the changed genes?”  Kara looked at the young man, her hands on her hips.

 “Aren’t you out of uniform?”  She finally drawled.  “Shouldn’t you be wearing white sheets or a Gestapo arm band and clicking your heals together?”

 “What are you? A mutie lover or something?”  The man snarled, his face twisted in sudden hatred.

 “Or something.”  Kara replied, turning her back to the man.

 “Oh you must be sleeping with one of them.  Are they good?”  The man sneered, not knowing when to let things drop.  Kara turned back to him, smiling.

 “I think you need to cool off, a little swim will do you wonders.”  She took a deep breath and let loose with a focused blast of super breath.  To any looking, it would appear as if the man suddenly sailed, under his own power, up and over the rail on the edge of the pier and into the waves below.

 “HELP!”  The man screamed as he hit the water, thrashing.  “I can’t swim!”  Kara sighed and launched herself over the rail.  She grabbed the FOH man’s shirt as he was going under and hauled him up.  Holding him in mid air, before dozens of watchers, as he hacked and coughed.

 “You’re a damned mutie!”  He accused, spitting up more swallowed seawater as she deposited him back on the pier.

 “Actually, I’m not.”  Kara answered, matter-of-factly.  “I’m just from a different planet.”  She spun him around and poked him in the chest. “Now carry your butt on before I regret hauling you out.” 

 The man scurried away, waiting until he was some distance before raising a fist towards her.

 “I’ll remember you.  We’ll get you and your mutie friends.”  He shouted.  Kara ignored him and turned, facing a wall of stunned spectators.

 “Miss?” a young blonde girl stepped forward.  “Who are you?”

 “Me?”  Kara smiled.  Of course these people wouldn’t know her.   She took the girls hand and shook it. “The name is Supergirl.”  She took a step back and, bunching her muscles, grabbed sky, soaring up and over to the landing pad on top of the FF HQ.

The Rebirth

 “Well, it’s done.”  A very weary looking Reed Richards leaned in the doorway, smiling faintly first at Sue and then at Kara.  “Everything went as expected.  Now she needs to rest.”  He passed a hand across his eyes.  “That young girl is strong.”  He glanced over at Sue.  “I never realized that Carol was that strong.”

 “Carol?”  Kara glanced from Sue to Reed.

 “Carol Danvers.  The former Miss Marvel.”  Sue explained.  “Rogue absorbed her powers, yet, because they were in contact for so long, the transference was permanent.”  She smiled a bit sadly.  “Rogue was not always one of the good guys.”

 “So what happens now?”  Jenny asked, bringing the conversation back to the present.

 “Now she rests for a bit.” Dr. Strange spoke up as he entered behind Reed.  “She will probably sleep for the rest of the day.  After that, I suggest she start retraining.” He looked over at Kara and answered the question in her eyes. “Though she has gotten used to using her strength, invulnerability and ability to fly, she still used her absorbtion ability from time to time.  Now, instead of just removing a glove and touching her bare skin to the skin of another, she will have to consciously activate the absorbtion ability.”

The Rebirth

 “I never want to go through anything like that again!”  Rogue declared.  She and Kara were soaring up and away from Pier Four, heading back to Xavier’s school.  Strange’s prediction that Rogue would sleep the rest of the day had proved accurate.  Yet when she had woken, Kara had been there at her side, holding her hand.  HER HAND!  With NO glove! 

 “I felt like my insides were on fire!”  She exclaimed as they flew through the sky. “I thought it had gotten as bad as it was going to get, and then the fire reached my head.”  She shivered, unable to continue with a description.

 “Was it worth it?”  Kara asked, somewhat timidly.

 “Oh yes.  YES.”  Rogue insisted.  “To be able to touch again!”   Kara started to comment then shifted her attention to something below.

 “What’s going on down there?”  Without waiting for a reply, she dove.  Using her telescopic vision, she focused in on a confrontation between what appeared to be several police officers and a single, huge figure in a strange costume.

 “Out of my way, puny ones!”  The figure bellowed, charging forward.  Bullets seemly bounced off the figure as he waded in, police cars scattering away like matchbox cars from the swiping hand of a child.  Police officers dove away from the carnage, abandoning their efforts.

 Kara took in the situation and touched down in the figures path, hands on her hips.

 “Okay, Yo-yo.”  She called.  “If you can’t play nice, then you can’t play at all.”

 The figure stopped, eyes behind a domed helmet widening.  She was not, however, expecting the booming laughter that issued from within the helmet.

 “You think to stop the Juggernaut, girl?”  The voice bellowed, clearly amused.

 Rogue paled as she closed in.  Kara’s departure had caught her unprepared and it was obvious Kara could move faster.

 “Kara!” She screamed as the Juggernaut began to move forward.  Kara was strong, but she had a weakness.  And the Juggernaut’s helmet was “MAGIC!”

 Kara looked up at Rogue’s shouted warning.  By the time it had sunk in and she had turned her attention back, the Juggernaut was on her.

 “Uh-oh.”  She felt the impact and felt herself lifted and thrown.

 “Damn!”  Rogue redoubled her efforts.  Coming in fast, she hammered with both fists down on the top of the Juggernaut’s helmet.  Though it wouldn’t stop him, it would stun him for a second or two.  Long enough for her to activate her absorption ability.  As the ability was activated, she felt a massive hand grasp her by the ankle  “NO!”  She yelled as she felt her self spun and tossed aside.  She instinctively put up her hands as she flew out of control, straight towards Kara!

 Kara gained her feet and shook her head.

 “Now that was stupid.”  She muttered.  She looked up to see Rogue flying at her, out of control.  “Damn.”  Without thinking, she reached out and grabbed her by the hands, intending to pull them both up and away from the Juggernaut.  Her scream joined with Rogue’s horrified scream and then blackness enveloped them both.