The pendulum swung, ever so slowly. Rogue had timed it as well as she could, getting a feel for the rhythm of its swing. It would be a one shot deal. She wouldn’t get a second chance if she wasn’t successful the first time.
She had laid her plan carefully. She would have to strike the mechanism on the ceiling from which the metal rod protruded rather than the bar itself. Her objective would be to halt the swing when the green K reached its far zenith before it could begin the back swing towards her. Once stopped, she could only hope that her strength would return before her captors decided to check on her. She had also determined that she would have to strike just after once such visit. They had fallen into an old error by being predictable. Rather than checking on her at irregular times, they had stayed to a schedule. Now she knew exactly how much time she would have before they returned. Usually there were no words exchanged. A suited figure would simply open the room’s only door and poke their head in, look at her, and then close the door.
Even as she thought about it, it happened. The door opened ever so slightly, a head popped in, glanced around quickly, and then withdrew. The door shut. She readied herself as the pendulum finished its near arc and began to swing away. She squinted her eyes and, when the pendulum had reached the far arc, she let loose with an intense, wide beam of heat vision. It had to be a wide beam. A narrow beam would simply shear the rod in half, allowing the green K to fall and bounce who knew where. By using a wide beam, however, she could melt the assembly at the ceiling, effectively trapping the pendulum at its furthest point from her. The metal turned first red and then white as it heated and soon it softened. She shut off the beam and then, with the last of her strength, fired a blast of super cold breath. The metal solidified and, with a grinding crunch, the pendulum stopped. A trickle of smoke escaped from the overworked motor on the ceiling as it strained to move the rod.
Rogue sagged back against the wall and let her eyes close. Already she could feel her strength returning. It would not be long now. She allowed her lips to stretch into a feral grin. Her captors had a nasty surprise coming.
To Discover a World
Phase one was completed. Hal Jordon allowed his energy to subside and glanced around at the workers near him. To a person, they all seemed to shrink away from him. Well, why shouldn’t they? They had just seen him fly in, consult for a moment with Zor El, and then complete the work on the city. It was as if a green whirlwind had settled over the small valley in which the city was being built. Green energy pulsed and the workers could see, through the green haze, the city taking final shape. There was no sensation of anyone moving at super speed, like Rogue had done when she was working on the buildings. Rather it was as if the buildings were springing into existence from nothing at all. One moment, there was nothing, and then…. a new city.
“Finished.” Hal turned to a speechless Zor El. “Now, if you would be so kind as to show me where Rogue was last seen.” He turned to one of the foremen of the shaken workers. “You can get people started right away. From what I am given to understand, you don’t have much time.”
Yes sir!” The foreman nearly stumbled over his own feet in his haste to get away.
“I wouldn’t let it bother you.” Zor El whispered. “You have to admit that, if you’ve never seen anything like that before, it is pretty awe inspiring.”
“You were in awe.” Hal retorted. “Yet you do not act like the others.”
“Ah, but remember who my daughter is and who my nephew was.” Zor smiled. “I guess you could say that I got used to seeing the impossible.”
“Especially if you’ve happened to have had the opportunity to do the impossible yourself?” Hal lifted an eyebrow. Zor shrugged.
“It’s true that Mara and I did not have to join the Kandorians.” He said. “We could have remained on earth as two more super powered beings. But it was not us.” He shook his head. “We’re scientists, not heroes. We leave that to those better qualified for it.”
“Like Supergirl.” Hal nodded. He was still unused to calling her by her given name. He may have been on a first name basis with Kal, but Kara was a different matter altogether.
“Like Kara.” Zor agreed. He straightened his shoulders. “And like yourself, Green Lantern.” He smiled. “Call yourself whatever you like. But you were Green Lantern when we left Earth and I would not forget that.”
Hal looked at him for a long moment, wondering how this man, the father of one of the mightiest heroes in history, would react if he knew all that had happened…all the pain and suffering his insanity had caused. Finally, he turned away.
“Let’s go find Rogue.” His voice caught and it came out a bit rougher than he intended. Zor gave him a puzzled look and then nodded.
To Discover A World
“This is it.” Zor glared around at the empty room. “This is where we traced her and where we found traces of Kryptonite radiation.” He shuddered. “Not enough to harm anyone, but enough to register on our equipment.”
“Which means that there had been a harmful amount present at one time.” Hal concluded. He looked around the room and then raised a hand. A soft glow sprang forth as he turned in a circle. Then, to everyone’s surprise, the glow flared and a tendril sprang forth and zipped through the air, following a trail that no one else could see, traveling through the room before snaking out the door and down a deserted street.
“Neat little trick.” Zor deadpanned. Hal glanced at him and, for the first time since he had made planet fall, truly smiled.
“Yes. It is.” He lowered his hand, but the trail remained. ‘Let Su…Kara know that I’m following a lead. I’ll get back to her if I find anything.”
“Will do.” Zor replied, but he was talking to empty air.
To Discover A World
“What ever it is, it’s moving fast.”
The three men leaned over the scanner, their faces showing their concern.
“It can’t be her.” One tried to reassure the others. “Our latest reports say she is still off planet. Besides, she would not be able to find us.” He started to add something else when one of the men grasped his arm.
“I don’t know what it is but look what it is doing.” That man gasped. “It’s following our exact course. It’s tracking us.”
The third man stood.
“Then it’s time to move. Quickly before whatever it is gets here.” He commanded. He turned to the first man. “You, go get our vehicle ready.” He took the other man by the arm. “We shall go get our…guest.” Before any of them could move, the ground beneath their feet began to shake violently.
“Ground quake!” The first man yelped. The third man paled as he looked at the floor.
“I think it’s much worse than that.” He whispered. All three stumbled backwards as the ground heaved and then buckled upwards. Debris flew up and out as first a hand then a head emerged through the freshly torn hole in the floor. They gaped in fear as the head turned to them, the white lock of hair falling forward to obscure one eye. The other eye was clear and the rage that burned within that eye caused all three to scramble away.
“Oh it’s worse than a quake.” Rogue purred as she catapulted herself out of her self-made opening. “Much worse.”
To Discover A World
Later, she would remember that she dreamed, but could never recall exactly what it was she dreamed.
When she awoke, there was no sense of disorientation, no wondering where she was or how she had gotten there. She knew that she was in the infirmary aboard one of the Fantastic Four’s cruisers. She knew that it was Kara that had placed her in the care of the auto-doc. And she knew with certainty that it was not the auto-doc that had healed her. It had directed the healing process, but it was the strange energy that still coursed through her body that had done the actual work of repairing torn tissues and broken bones.
She moved carefully, waiting for some indication that she was not quite as healed as she felt. There were no stabs of pain, no telltale tingling to indicate that she had ever been hurt as she sat up and swung her legs to the floor. She was, of course, nude. A quick glance around showed her only the rags that Kara had ripped from her before placing her in the auto-doc.
“Okay, girl, we need clothes.” She sighed. Standing, she moved to the infirmary’s only exit and, as the door slide aside, poked her head out. There was no one in the hallway. So, most probably, Kara was on the bridge with the man that had brought her here.
Though she was only an auxiliary member, Jenny was sure that one of the cabins aboard the cruiser would contain extra sets of clothes for her as they did for each member of the FF. There was only one catch. She had no idea where that cabin might be located.
“Dammit, I need clothes!” She snapped as she steeled herself to step out into the hall and go searching as she was. Barely had the thought formed in her mind and passed through her lips before she was enveloped in a bright green glow that flared and then faded, almost instantly.
“What the….” Her eyes widened as she looked down at herself. She was completely dressed! More, she was dressed in the style in which she preferred. Just not in colors that she would have normally chosen. The costume she wore was similar in design to the Fantastic Four outfit she wore, yet, where the FF outfit was blue and white, this outfit was a dark green, black and white. And the FF emblem emblazoned on the chest had been replaced by a dark green shape of a lantern nestled within a circle of bright green.
Her hands were covered, as with the FF outfit, elbow length white gloves. The only difference being the small lantern-in-a-circle emblems that adorned the glove sleeves and the strange, green ring that decorated the middle finger of her right hand. A pair of knee high dark green boots completed the costume.
For an instant, Jenny wondered if she should return to the auto-doc. She took a deep breath and thought things through. She had needed clothes and had made the desire known. The energy that still pulsed within her had flared and, presto, instant wardrobe.
“It works according to your will.”
She spun around towards where she thought the voice had originated but saw no one. It had been HIS voice.
“I’m on the planet surface.” The slightly amused reply came to her. “Closing in on Rogue’s captors, I believe. I felt you awaken and use the energy of the Lantern that I placed within you.”
“The what?”
“A long story. Perhaps you will hear it later. For now, all you need to know is that the energy you feel will be with you from now on. There is no reversing what I had to do to insure your recovery.”
“And what exactly was that?” She felt strange talking to the thin air like this.
“To put it simply, I gifted you with a portion of my own power.” The tone was amused now. “You are now much more powerful than I was before I became Parallax. Fortunately, you will not need to recharge that energy every twenty-four hours like I did. Also fortunately, since you received your power from me rather than from the Great Battery, you will not have the weakness against things colored yellow as I did. I filtered out the impurity.”
“I have no idea what your are talking about.” Jenny was getting frustrated now.
“I know. But things will be made clearer in time. But for now, you need to get to the bridge. Things are coming to a head. Tell Kara that she will need to get her father to your ship to activate the equipment. Her power, and yours, will be needed here on the surface.”
With out knowing how, Jenny knew that the communication had ended. She checked with a ship’s directory to get directions and raced for the bridge.
To Discover A World
“Okay, I think that’s got it.” Kara stepped back from the equipment she had been working on and glanced at the vid-screen. “Finished.” She told the image of her father.
“Great.” Zor El nodded and squared his shoulders. “Let’s go over it one more time.”
“Dad, we’ve gone over it six times. There is no change.” Kara instantly regretted the sharpness of her tone but did not back down. “Going over it again won’t do any good. We need to start getting the people gathered and ready.”
“You’re probably right.” Zor agreed. Then he smiled wryly. “One of the drawbacks of being a scientist.” He quipped. “We tend to test things to distraction.”
“Wow, you sound just like Reed Richards!”
Kara’s face brightened at the sound of Jenny’s voice cutting into the conversation and she spun around. She stopped, her face now registering shock and recognition.
“Jenny? What…. Where…?” She was staring at the costume.
Jenny smiled, held her arms out and twisted around.
“You like?” She asked. “I have to admit that, at first, I was a bit skeptical. I guess it grows on you.”
“Do you have any idea what that costume represents?” Kara asked. Zor, at first unable to see since Jenny was out of the pickup range of the vid-screen, gasped as she came into view.
“I have no idea.” Jenny shrugged. “I just needed something to wear and this appeared.” She took a breath. “It’s strange, Kara, but now is not the time to try to figure it out.” She strode over and looked through the forward view screen. “The guy that brought me in was able to contact me. He said that our time is running out and that you and I are needed on the surface.” She turned back around to face Kara. “He said that you should get your father up here to run the equipment.”
“Not possible.” Kara shook her head. “Dad has to stay on the surface so that he can be miniaturized along with everyone else.” She looked thoughtful for a moment then made a few adjustments to the equipment before turning back to the vid. “Dad, I have just transferred control to you. You can run it all from there by remote.”
“Got it, Kara.” Zor looked off screen then nodded. “Yes, it seems to be in working order. I’ll wait for word from you before starting the sequence. Zor out.”
The vid screen blanked and Kara stood for a moment looking at Jenny.
“Damn it’s good to see you up and around.” She said. “Though I haven’t the faintest idea of how or why. By all rights, you should be stuck in that auto-doc for a couple of weeks.”
Jenny smiled, stepped close, and hugged Kara to her.
“I’m not sure I understand it myself.” She said. “But I’ll tell you all I know on the way. Let’s get going.”
“Right.” Kara blinked back tears and stepped back. “Let’s do it.”
“I’ll need an environmental suit.” Jenny exclaimed, as if the thought had just struck her. “And I’ll bet you don’t have any on board that’ll fit me.”
“Actually, we do.” Kara answered. Reed Richards kept this cruiser well stocked. That includes extra clothes for FF members, one of which is you. But I don’t think it’ll be necessary.” She indicated the clothes Jenny was wearing. “The same energy that provided that should be able to sustain you even in the depths of space. Watch.”
She pushed Jenny into the airlock and allowed the inner door to close behind them. As the air was pumped back into the body of the ship, both women noticed a slight green glow spring up to surround Jenny’s frame.
“It seems I can carry my environment with me.” Jenny said, clearly impressed.
“Of course.” Kara whispered. “What Green Lantern can’t?” Jenny gave her a puzzled glance as the outer door of the air lock opened to the vastness of space.
Within seconds, two figures were streaking down towards the surface, one a bright green blur the other a blue and red blur.
To Discover A World
Hal had pinpointed the structure that, presumably, housed Rogue and her captors. He surveyed the area for a moment and then decided that a direct frontal assault would, in this case, be called for. He smiled grimly, wondering when the last time he had used his powers for such a mundane purpose as he angled his flight down towards the roof. He halted his descent in surprise as the roof exploded upwards. A single humanoid female, her face a mask of fury, rocketed upwards. Three squalling males trailed her, tied securely in some sort of wire.
“Rogue?” Hal called out, bringing the female’s attention to him. She halted her upward surge and turned to face him, visibly bristling as if confronting yet another antagonist. The squalling men spotted him at the same time and, though they might have been confused by his costume, they recognized him for what he had once been.
“Lantern!” One had the gall to call out. “Help!”
Hal did not even deign to notice him. Instead he held up a hand, palm out.
“I’m a…friend…of Kara.” He called to Rogue. “She asked me to find you and offer whatever assistance you might need.” He finally seemed to take notice of the men and the ruined structure beneath them. “Though it appears that you have things well in hand.”
The men, sensing the way things were going began to curse and squall even louder. Rogue, frowning, heaved once on the wire and jolted them into silence.
“Where is Kara?” She demanded, somewhat suspiciously. Hal nodded approval. Kara had chosen well in this one. She was not about to take his word for anything without first checking it out.
“At the moment, she and Jennifer Walters are in route to the planet’s surface. They are going to the new city.” He informed her. He indicated the men dangling from the wire. From their bruised and battered appearance, Rogue had vented some of her anger on them before bundling them up. “What do you intend to do with them?” He asked.
Rogue eyed him thoughtfully before answering.
“I had not really given it much thought.” She finally responded. “I guess taking them to the authorities would be a waste of time.” She jerked the wire again, eliciting a series of sharp cries. “Especially since they all admit to being in the hire of the Council in general and Nar Ur in particular.” The references were lost on Hal so he said nothing.
“I suppose I should just let them go.” Rogue finally considered. “It’s not like they have much longer to live anyways.”
“Lies!” One of the men shouted. Being beaten and trussed up had done nothing to quench his fanatical devotion to the Council. “All lies. You just want to enslave the people of Kandor again!” Rogue shook her head and released the wire. All three men screamed as they began to plummet earthward. Hal watched, forcing himself not to interfere.
Rogue waited until almost the last instant before moving. Then, with a bust of super-speed, she swooped down to catch the wire, stopping the downward plummet with a savage jerk that left all three men unconscious. She then settled them easily to the ground and, with a bust of heat vision, cut the wire that bound them.
“They will be okay. They should awaken soon.” She snarled. “But not a one of them better show his nose anywhere near the new city. They want to stay with this planet…let them.” With that, she angled up and banked sharply to head back to the city. Hal hesitated for a moment, letting his energy play over the men on the ground. Two, at least would face the end of the planet. The third was lucky. He had suffered a heart attack. He would be spared the horror his two companions would soon face…if they awoke in time.
To Discover A World
“Now perhaps you can tell me who you are and what Jenny is doing here.” Rogue asked, in a demanding manner, as they flew towards the new city. “Those men seemed to recognize you and called you Lantern. That means you must be from the Reality they came from.”
“They did not recognize me personally.” Hal corrected. “They recognized me, or thought they did, as being a member of the Green Lantern Corps.”
Rogue did a double take.
“I have seen the Green Lantern of the other reality.” She said slowly. “In fact, he helped out with putting the finishing touches on our Fortress. Of course, from what Kara has told me, that was not the Green Lantern she remembered.”
“That would have been me.” Hal confirmed. “I was Green Lantern at the time that Supergirl was killed.”
Rogue halted her flight and hovered.
“Now wait a minute. No one over there even remembers that Kara existed.” She was clearly puzzled and it was apparent that once again her suspicions were growing.
“They don’t.” Hal agreed. “Nor did I while I was still Green Lantern. Yet…events transpired later that changed me.” He faltered a bit and Rogue suspected that it was not a subject he was comfortable with. “My power was increased to a cosmic level. And I became aware of changes that had been made to history…”
Rogue shuddered at the haunted look in Hal’s eyes and slowly began to fly once again towards the city.
“In any case,” Hal continued, matching her speed. “I was no longer part of the Green Lantern Corps. Indeed, the Corps no longer existed. So I took a new name.” He turned to look at Rogue. “You can call me Parallax.”
He looked as if he might say more when something caught his attention. He looked downward and drew in a sharp breath.
“We must hurry.” He said. “It’s started.” Rogue looked first at him and then down.
They were passing over a portion of the old city at the moment and, though the Kandorians had built short, wide building rather than tall ones, it was obvious from the way many of them were cracking and crumbling that the ground beneath them was heaving violently.
“The new city!” She exclaimed, alarmed.
“Will not suffer any damage.” Hal assured her. “My energy is maintaining it.” He frowned. “But we must hurry. I can hold this planet together for only a short time.”
“Hold the….” Rogue’s voice trailed off as she stared wide-eyed at this strange, powerful man.
“For a short time.” Hal went on. “Soon another convergence wave will sweep through this area. When that happens, both this planet and I will cease to exist. “ He fixed his gaze on Rogue. “You must get the people into the new city. You have run out of time.”
“What are you talking about?” Rogue shouted at him. He shook his head.
“There is no time.” He waved a hand at her and green energy washed over her.
“What…” again her voice trailed off. She was still in the air, but Parallax was nowhere in sight. Instead, she was hovering above the center of the new city and, above her; two figures were streaking down from the upper atmosphere. Her emotions ran the gamut of surprise and awe to relief and puzzlement when the two figures drew close enough to identify without the use of telescopic vision. It was, she saw, Kara and Jenny. And Jenny was flying! Surrounded by the same green glow that had surrounded Parallax!
The look on Jenny’s face showed that she was waging a war of emotions herself as the three friends gathered. One emotion was concern for the people of Rokyn. The other was obvious joy at the freedom of being able to fly!
“Rogue!” Kara spared a moment to hug Rogue to her, her eyes brimming with tears of relief. Then she pushed her back and gathered her and Jenny in close. “We need to get the people into the city and we have to do it now.”
“Only a part.” Rogue corrected. “Some were moving in even as portions of the city were being completed. We only have to get about half the population. “ She started to say more then snapped her mouth shut as a giant head appeared in the skies above her. It was Parallax!
“Citizens of Rokyn!’ The figure spoke and the three friends knew that every individual in the old city was hearing what they were hearing. “It is urgent that you prepare to move to the new city. It is complete and ready for you. Soon Kara Zor-El and her friends will be moving among you aiding in the moving of equipment that must be moved, however, it is imperative that you move yourselves to the new city or to an arranged transportation area.”
“Well, let’s get to it, shall we?” Like a three-pointed star the three friends spread out, each heading towards a section of the old city.
To Discover A World
Kandorians, due to their history, were not given much to panicking. Though they had missed the violent destruction of Krypton, they had survived through many mishaps and near misses that would have left most people with nervous breakdowns. Kandorians, however, simply buckled down to the task at hand.
Those that had decided to stay on the planet and take their chances watched sullenly, and sometimes fearfully, as their friends and neighbors and loved ones directed the moving of belongings and materials that would be needed in the new city. Often they would stop and, once again try to convince the stubborn ones to join them. With the coming of the ground quakes, some decided to throw their lot with those returning to the miniaturized state. However, many clung stubbornly to the belief that the Council would come up with a method of saving them. Still others grumbled that if Supergirl wanted to, she could have saved them planet and all.
From the vantage point Parallax had taken in the upper atmosphere, he touched upon the thoughts of these individuals and shook his head. No, Kara couldn’t. He could, though. It would not take much power. Hardly more than what he used now to hold the planet together. Kara and her father had been mistaken in their calculations. They had not taken into account the Cosmic Union: the Convergence of realities that was even now sweeping through space and time. Had not one such convergence brought him here, this planet would even now be a cloud of dust and Kara would be looking down from her vessel on failure.
And now another convergence approached. Much like the wave of an ocean rolls in and breaks on the shore, so this convergence would soon roll over them. When that happened, Hall was certain, his time in this reality would be ended. It would not, he knew, be the end of his story. He knew already what lay in store in the future. But it would be the end as far as Kara and this reality were concerned.
He left a minute portion of his attention on the energy needed to maintain the new city and the planet and turned his attention on the three girls.
Here Kara supported a structure while emergency crews evacuated it and cleaned out all useful equipment. There Jennifer Walters was using a mixture of her gamma radiation induced strength and her new powers to herd and transport livestock to the new city…huge glowing green pods filled with farm animals. And over there Rogue used her super breath to snuff a fire caused by the quakes and then moved at super speed to gather materials that would be needed in the future. The three moved with urgency yet always mindful of the need to maintain a calm appearance. Stopping now and again to reassure citizens or to lend a helping hand when no others were near. The green giantess enamored several Kandorians as she moved among them. Many times laughing good naturedly as she would try something with her new powers. The laughter was shaky, however, when she slipped while lifting a 30-ton generator and had lunged to catch it with her hands.
“Hmmmm. Obviously this is harder than it looks.” She had muttered to herself as she balanced the generator with one hand while looking for a good spot to put it.
For hours the trio worked non-stop, moving people, equipment, and materials to the new city. Nor were they alone. Citizens did not wait for a super powered being to move them. Many moved themselves or aided in moving others. Soon, New Kandor, as the new city was being called, was teaming with life as people stored food, water, and everything else they would need to make a new life in a bottle. When they had been taken the first time, snatched from the surface of Krypton, they had not been prepared, having to make due with what they had on hand. This time, they would be better prepared. This time they made sure they had plenty of seed for crops, enough livestock to ensure steady supplies of meat and dairy products, enough medical supplies to last until more could be produced, etc.
Hal withdrew his attention from the activity on the planet and let his mind range outward. The next convergence wave was almost upon them. He had little hope that it would help, but still he had to try. Expending his energy to the max, he placed a shield around the planet. It would hold as long as he did. However long that would be. When that wave hit, it would return him to where he belonged and the only part left of his energy here would be that portion he had placed within Jennifer Walters.
To Discover A World
“We’ve run out of time!” Jenny made the announcement when all three had gathered at New Kandor. It was really the first time that any had seen each other since they had begun their various tasks.
“How do you know?” Rogue asked. She was still curious about the sudden appearance of powers in Jenny that were so like the powers that Parallax had displayed. She promised herself to get the whole story later since now was neither the time nor the place for in-depth conversations.
“Parallax!” Jenny answered. “We have to finish up.”
“Right.” Kara nodded. “Concentrate on the people now. Get them into the city.”
“No.” Jenny shook her head, her look haunted. “There is no time. Everyone that is going is already there or they are too late.” She hugged herself and shivered. “We have to get back to the ship.” She looked down from the hovering position the three had taken over the new city to see the bustling activity. Workers were busily arranging and storing the last loads of materials that the three super heroines had flown in.
“She is right, Supergirl.” All three turned to see the semi-transparent apparition that had materialized near them. Parallax, though not there physically, seemed to look at each of them in turn. “There is nothing more you can do. Your powers can’t stop what will happen here. Your staying now would only endanger those that are ready.”
“What about your powers?” Supergirl demanded.
“My powers, along with me, will be gone when this wave hits.” His voice was devoid of any emotion, as if he were merely discussing a rapid change in the weather. “And the power that I have bequeathed to Jennifer Walters will not be enough to stop what must happen here.”
For a long moment Kara considered her options and finally, her lips pressed into a thin line of defiance, she shook her head. Her hair bellowed around her in stray strands.
“No.” Her voice was firm, defiant. “I won’t accept that. We may not be able to save the planet, but I will not abandon any that wish to leave.” She fixed Jennifer with a glare. “I know what the power of a Green Lantern can do.” She pointed at the apparition that floated near them. “Can you repeat what he did earlier?”
“What? Broadcast an image of you in the sky and amplify your voice?” Jenny frowned and then shrugged. “Kara, I’ve had these powers for a matter of hours.” Her face, full of anguish, belied the calmness of her stance and voice. “I don’t know what I can do yet.”
“She will learn, in time.” Hal’s proxy spoke. “Even I did not learn to be a Lantern in a matter of hours.” It’s mouth quirked upwards in a grim smile. “What is it you wish, Kara? I can expend the energy.”
To Discover A World
Those left in the old city, whether working to move materials or belongings or those that planned to stay, all stopped whatever they were doing when the blond visage appeared in the sky.
“People of Kandor.” Each and every person stared open mouthed as Kara’s voice sounded. “Our time has run out. If you are working to bring materials to the New city, please stop and gather in the nearest open space. You will be transported to the New City. If you are in New Kandor, please remain where you are. Do not attempt to leave the areas marked out as the boundaries. If you are in route to the City, make the best speed you can to cross those boundaries. If you know of others that are having difficulties, we ask that you help them to the nearest open space….” The visage continued to repeat instructions even as the three friends leapt into action. Kara and Rogue ranging outward from the city to find stragglers and lift them individually to the city, dumping them without ceremony within the boundaries before jetting off at super speed to find more. Jennifer dealt with groups pointed out by Hal. She would form a green platform beneath their feet and, with a word of caution, lift them to the city. Those in the new city already that tried, despite the warnings, to leave and gather more materials or some cherished belongings were stopped at the boundaries by a green glowing wall; courtesy of Hal.
“This is your last chance.” Kara stood, side by side with Rogue and Jenny, facing those of the Kandorian Council that had elected to stay with the planet. Despite earlier bravado, the number that had actually decided to remain was much smaller than Kara expected.
“We will not be enslaved!” Nar Ur shouted. He blanched and backed up a step as Rogue stepped closer to him.
“You ass!” She looked as if she would like nothing better than to wring his neck “How dare you even speak after what you hired those goons to do to me!”
“You have no proof I had anything to do with that!” He spoke a little too loudly, as if the volume of his voice would encourage others to believe his professed innocence.
“Rogue.” Kara laid a hand on her friend’s arm as she started forward. Nar Ur’s face, already pale, grew whiter still. Kara turned her attention to him. “You are not worth the effort, Nar Ur.” She told him. “But think on this before the planet crumbles around you. For the rest of time, the Family Ur will be a black spot on Kryptonian history. Think on this also… Jax at least had more guts.” She turned back to the others and saw, in their eyes, that there was no chance of them changing their minds. “You are fools, but you are free to be fools. C’mon.” This last was to Rogue and Jenny as she turned away. Jenny followed immediately but Rogue hesitated. For a long moment she merely looked out Nar Ur. Then, with a smile any other predator would recognize, she reached out and grabbed the front of his tunic, lifting him off the floor and dragging his face inches from her own.
“I really hope that you are not one of the first to die.” She hissed. “I want you to see what you have done.” She wrinkled her nose and looked down at the puddle gathering on the floor below the dangling councilman. “You really are disgusting.” She sat him down with enough force to cause him the fall to his knees in the puddle he had made. Shaking her head, she turned to follow Kara and Jenny.
“You outworld bitch!” Nar Ur snarled. “I’ll get you. Remember that, I will hunt you down and kill you.”
Rogue put a hand up, palm outward, as if to say, “talk to the hand, buster, cuz I ain’t listening” and continued out the door.
“That’s it.” Kara said once they had exited the Council building. “Everyone that is going is in New Kandor.”
“So what now?” Jenny asked. She had vague notion of what the plans were but had not been present when the actual mechanics of the operation had been ironed out between Kara, her father, and Rogue.
“Now we get our butts back to the ship and get ready.” Rogue answered. Kara nodded in agreement.
“Right. By now my father should have started the preliminary sequences by remote. We can get to the ship and monitor. Just in case something goes wrong that requires our intervention.”
“Then let’s get to it.”
The three friends gathered themselves and leapt upward.
To Discover A World
Everything was set. With Rogue and Jenny set to watch various indicators, Kara zipped back and forth between the bridge and Reed Richard’s Lab, making final adjustments.
On the planet, Zor sat before his console, monitoring as the energies began to build. Already waves were spreading out over the city, slowly enclosing it within a perfect symmetrical bubble. If their calculations were correct, there would be neither discomfort nor any other indication that they were being reduced in size. A person near the edge of the bubble might, were the energies transparent rather than opaque, have been able to tell by looking out as the surrounding scenery seemingly increased in size. Yet he and Kara had decided that, for purely psychological reasons, it would be best if it were not so visible.
“OMYGOD!” Rogue had looked away from the array of dials and sensors to catch a glimpse of the forward view screen. Though it would have been invisible to the naked eye, the sensors of the cruiser had picked up and translated a visual image of the approaching convergence wave. It rolled and churned in a turbulent wall of ethereal energy that continued to bear down on the planet. “Kara, can you speed it up?” She called out.
“No.” Was the curt reply. “Dammit, Brainiac shrunk the city and vanished within a matter of minutes. But our level of technology is still not as advanced as his.” She sighed and glared at the screen. “We just need time. Just a little more time.”
To Discover A World
Hal felt the first tingling of the approaching wave and knew that his time was up. No matter how much power he had, the forces that were being unleashed in this reality would force him out. He could stop it, of course. But at what cost? Had he not already caused enough damage by tinkering with nature? He turned away from the wave and withdrew his energy from the planet, constricting it to a small protective sphere around New Kandor.
On the surface, pandemonium reigned. Enraged and frightened citizens ringed the Council building calling for the council members to come out and answer for their betrayal. Frightened and frantic mothers demanded to know the whereabouts of their children. It was only then that it became wide spread knowledge that there was not a child under the age of 15 to be found anywhere outside the New City.
In the inner chambers of the Council building, the remaining council members huddled behind locked and barricaded doors. Every so often they would glance at each other with guilty, furtive glances. None seemed aware that Nar Ur was not besieged with them.
The wave struck the planet and boiled onwards.
To Discover A World
“YEOW!” Jenny snatched her right hand away from her console and glared at the brightly glowing ring.
“Kara!” Jenny jerked her head towards Rogue and then back to her console, gasping in horror. The planet was breaking up!
“Hal is gone!” Kara’s voice was strained as she studied the equipment. “Rogue, I need you to get a tractor beam on the city. She shook her head. “Maybe it will hold it steady long enough for the process to complete.” She turned and looked at Jenny. “I know you haven’t had the time to practice. All I can tell you is what I was told by Hal. The Lantern energy works according to your will. With Hal gone, the energy that he had protecting the city will be gone as well. I need you to throw up a protective bubble.”
“Over an entire city?” Jenny floundered. “Kara, I can’t….”
“Jenny, you have to!” Kara snapped. Then she softened her tone. “Look, all you can do is your best. That’s all I’m asking you to do. But remember this, if you don’t think you can do it, then you won’t be able to do it. But with the lantern energy, you can.”
Jenny looked at Kara for a short moment then nodded.
“Okay, let’s give it a go.” She headed to the forward air lock, stopping to grab an environmental suit.
“I thought you didn’t need one of those.” Rogue called out.
“I don’t, but if I am going to be putting all my energy into a bubble around the planet, I don’t want to be distracted by having to keep one about me as well.”
Kara and Rogue watched the forward screen as a green flash zipped across their field a view and downward towards the planet.
“Be careful, Jenny.” Kara whispered. Rogue silently added her own similar plea.
To Discover A World
It was not so much the fact that he had been wrong; it was more the knowledge that the El bitch and her outworlder friends had been right that galled Nar Ur.
He huddled in his living quarters, waiting for the end. He had seen enough to know that it would not be long now. From his lab he had seen scenes from around the planet showing whole sections of the planet crumbling. No, there would be no explosion like Krypton. The planet was simply going to break up into so much gravel. Damn the El family. And damn that outworld, white locked bitch!
To Discover A World
Still the convergence wave rolled over, around, and through the planet. The energies swept over the surface, pushing at it, trying to eject it from this reality back into a reality that no longer existed. The end result: The planet was squeezed, being slowly crushed between an irresistible force and an immovable object.
“Tractor beam ready, Kara.” Rogue announced. She had set in the proper coordinates and allowed the computer to calculate the force needed to hold a rapidly shrinking target. “About to…activa…” She trailed off and allowed her hands to fall to her side as the planet vanished from sight on the forward screen. “It’s gone.”
“NO!” Kara searched the area with her telescopic vision. Rogue was right. There was no indication that there had ever been a planet. Only a few stray pebbles that swung in an orbit around some invisible point where the center of the planet had been. “And Jenny is gone too.” Her voice closed up and the last came out almost in a sob.
“No, there! Look!” Rogue pointed at the screen and then, without saying anything further, sped to and through the forward airlock. Her green and yellow costume left colorful trails as she zipped out to the limp, floating figure and back to the ship.
“Is she…?” Kara began, stopping as Rogue shook her head.
“I think she is just unconscious. She’s been expending a lot of energy and she’s exhausted.”
“Good.” Kara managed a weak smile and turned back to the screen. Gone. They were all gone. She stood there, hands clinched into fists of frustration at her side. The last of the Kryptonians. Gone. He parents…everything….
“Now this is strange.” Rogue had laid Jenny out on a reclining chair and returned to her console. “According to the sensors, there is nothing out there. The planet is gone. Yet my instruments here say that they still have an energy link.”
“What? What energy link?” Kara jerked herself out of her mood and forced herself to concentrate on what Rogue was saying.
“I’m not quite sure.” Rogues hands flew across the board. Her eyes widened. “Whatever it is, it’s growing stronger.” She let out a whoop of delight. “We’ve still got them! I don’t know how, but we still have them!”
To Discover A World
Hal Jordan felt his awareness fading. He was, he knew, returning to that state in which he would remain until the heroes from his own reality came to him. He would be given a chance to redeem himself. He could never, he was quick to realize, undue what he had done. Nor could he expect his once close friends to ever forgive him. But he would jump at the chance to again be what he once was…. a hero! Here and now, however, he could begin on a smaller scale. With the last of his waning energies he enveloped the shrunken city of Kandor and flung it back through the veil. With it he sent his best wishes for Kara and Rogue and a new Green Lantern!
To Discover A World
“There! Got it!” Rogue locked in on the speck that was Kandor and flipped the transport switch. “It was him, Kara! It was Parallax. Where ever that wave sent him and the planet, he was able to throw the city back out for us to lock on to!”
Kara only nodded, her attention riveted on the glass habitat setup in the cruiser’s lab. Soon…there! At first it was nothing more than a soft glow, tinged with green. Then, faintly at first, the outlines of buildings began to appear and solidify.
“That’s it, Kara. “ Rogue reported from the bridge.
Working at super speed, Kara proceeded to hook up the life support systems, maintaining a steady flow of oxygen, gravity equivalent to that which they were accustomed, and a cycling source of light that emulated the effects of a red sun. Other systems, to reproduce the effects of changing weather patterns, would be put in place by the Kandorian scientists. Next, she moved to a console and, with fumbling fingers, tapped out the codes needed to establish communications with the inhabitants of the city. For a long moment she held her breath and then the comm. Screen cleared of snow to reveal Zor El.
“Dad!” Kara breathed a sigh of relief and only her will kept her from collapsing with relief.
“We’re all okay, Kara.” Zor smiled. Though he did appear to be somewhat pale. “Though I have to admit we were worried for a moment there.” The screen pulled back and the view widened until Mara, Kara’s mother, and other people were visible. “The new Kandorian Council would like to extend its heartfelt thanks to you and your friends.”
“Kara Zor-El” Mara began and from that Kara knew that she was not speaking as her mother but as a Council member. “The Council would like to address all three of you. Is that possible?”
“I don’t know. I’ll have to check on Jenny…”
“We’re here, Ma’am.” Kara spun to see both Rogue and Jenny grinning back at her. Though Jenny appeared exhausted and leaned heavily on Rogue, she looked none the worse for wear. Kara smiled and gathered her friends close and turned back to the screen.
“Mom…. Members of the Council. “ She began. “You have all met Rogue, allow me to introduce the third member of our little team. Jennifer Walters, otherwise known as She-Hulk!” Many of the male members of the council had raised eyebrows at the sight of the green giantess that almost dwarfed her two companions. Still others stared wide-eyed at the costume she wore.
“Well, yes.” Mara cleared her thRaot and stood straight. “Let it be known that, by unanimous decree, both Rogue and Jennifer Walters are forevermore counted as citizens and heroes of Kandor and that their likenesses shall be preserved in the Hall of Heroes. Also, on a more personal note, “ and now she looked both proud and smug. “Let it be known that, from this moment on, both Rogue and Jennifer Walters have been formally adopted into the House of El. Also…”
To Discover A World
Nar Ur felt the darkness folding in around him. “So this is what it’s like to die”, he spoke aloud to the darkness.
“You will not die this day, human.”
“Huh? Who’s there?” Nar yelled out as the darkness faded, revealing a horrible visage standing over him. The being picked him up painfully by one arm and threw him on an examination table, restraints automatically snapping around his arms and legs. “What are you? Some sort of demon? That bitch was right! I did die and now I’m in hell.”
The ‘demon’ had turned away from his new ‘friend’ and ordered the robotic-pilot to decrease cloaking to 2%.
“Master, what of the being?” The pilot asked, pausing.
“That being has left this universe with the latest wave of the Union. We won’t need to maintain as complex a field to hide from those who remain.”
“Who left? Remained? Did she do it? Tell me, you monster!”
“You will remain silent until I have a use for you, human.”
“What are you going to do with me, demon?”
“I’m going to ask you a few questions…”
“I’m not going to tell you a damn thing, monster.”
“I’m not a monster… I’m Thanos. And you WILL answer my questions.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“Silence”, Thanos commanded as he lowered a stasis shield over the former council leader.
The last words he heard were: “Things will be different if the system has a Yellow sun… and perhaps another realit. A reality with only one Kryptonian tagainst which to test my new …experiment. A young blond male Kryptonian*…”
*(author’s note: See Pryde of Courtship by Jake H.)
To Discover A World
The three friends settled in for the return trip to Earth. Though any of them could have made the trip back in a fraction of the time the vessel would take, neither Jenny nor Rogue were comfortable enough with their new powers to risk such a journey and Kara was reluctant to leave the City of Kandor.
After taking a well-deserved rest, each of the friends had found things to occupy their attention during the three-day trip. So it was that Kara was surprised to find Jennifer in the observation lounge, once again dressed in a Fantastic Four costume she had found in one of the cabins.
“I don’t want this power.” Jennifer insisted. Her fists clenched in barely suppressed rage as she gazed out at the flowing stars. She turned to look down at Kara. She opened one fist to reveal a ring nestled in her palm. “This…this ring held the entire story.” Her hand clenched again. “He was a monster. A hideous monster.”
“Yes, he was.” Kara nodded. “He told me the story, told me what he had done.” She placed a hand on Jenny’s shoulder. “But not always. Once, he was the greatest member in the history of the Green Lantern Corps. Once he was a hero that all other heroes looked to for guidance. Finally, he and every one else discovered something else about him.”
“They discovered that he was human.” Kara’s voice was soft. “They discovered that even the mightiest could fall. They discovered that he, like everyone else, has a breaking point. But whatever he may have done, whatever he may have become, that does not change what he once was. It does not change the hero that he was.” Kara patted her shoulder and left her to her thoughts.
Once again she turned to the stars, the ring had told the entire story, so she knew that what Kara had said was true. And how could she say that, given all the stress that had been piled on this man, she would not have snapped as well?
She looked down and, slowly placed the ring bank on the middle finger of her right hand. Though the energy was not in the ring itself, she would wear it as a symbol and, for the present at least, a focus. Her costume changed once again and where a moment earlier Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk, Auxiliary member of the Fantastic Four had stood, now stood Jennifer Walters, She-Hulk, Green Lantern!
Holding her hand out, ring to the stars, she fought back tears as she repeated an oath long ago uttered in another reality:
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 1999 by Dylan Clearbrook
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric. Otherverse, Dark Earth,
-- and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, as depicted in the
-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.