The Continuum Worlds

The Return


Chapter 2







In the northern reaches of Scandinavia, in a small community of farmers and cattlemen, stood the only building that the people as a whole had constructed. It was made from cut granite and polished to a high shine. This building served as not only the cultural center, but the spiritual one as well.


Inside the grand structure stood several priests of this long-absent god. A younger, blonde man presided over today’s rituals as an older man looked on.  He wore the robes of the High Priest, but it was not always so. Twenty years ago he was a promising chef in a renowned restaurant. That is until the fall of civilization. His attention was drawn back to the closing statements of the ceremony.


Upon the conclusion and dismissal of the congregation, the priests retired into the high altar chamber to greet the newcomer to the church. A tall man, powerfully built, with regal features drew their attention. The three men bowed, resting upon their knees, showing their veneration.


“My Lord, the people praise your greatness every day.” Only the high priest spoke, the others kept their silence. “How many churches are there now?”


Smiling benevolently upon his follower, the man took a deep breath. In a booming voice, he spoke. “My child, my followers are many. After the downfall of ‘mankind’, the people here began to go back to their faith, one of the only things they had left. Know this: I am pleased you have watched over my flock here.”


“You are too kind, my Lord.” The priest bowed again, but paused, contemplating his next question. “My Lord, why did you decide to make yourself known to us now?”


Sitting back in the large, plush chair, the regal figure’s face took on a distant expression. “My people will need me…soon.”






In Latveria, Peter, Kitty, Sherri, Rachel and Zal were all dumbfounded. Standing before them was a man the public had not seen for years. He was a close friend of Kal-El, protector of a city, and the dark knight of justice. He was Batman.


Zal took a tentative step towards the man, instantly attempting to peer through the man’s suit. It was a wasted effort: completely lead-lined. Still not venturing to speak, Zal stepped back, his face a mask of confusion and conflicting emotions. In Zal’s native probability, this man had been like a father to him for years. Batman had helped guide his transition into a guardian of humanity, trained with him constantly, and been a friend when he had no other. Instead, it was Peter who stepped forward and extended his hand.


“Batman…this is a pleasant surprise. We were expecting someone quite...” his words trailed off as he searched for the words.


“Different is what I think you were debating to say, Peter.” Batman offered as they shook hands. “And it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” He looked at each of his guests in turn, stopping only to contemplate the symbol Kitty wore upon her breast, the way Superman was studying him, and Sherri, who also was pleasantly surprised.


“I hate to ask, but how did you come to rule Latveria and what is prompting you to invade the rest of Europe?” Peter asked as their hands broke. He was slightly disappointed when he overheard a signaling beep from within his host’s suit. Batman held up a gauntleted hand and spoke quietly.


“Okay, Doctor. Thanks for the update.” Batman held up his hands in apology. “I unfortunately have matters I must deal with on the front, so I have to leave for the moment. But I will join you for dinner in an hour. Alfred here will show you to quarters so you can change. I have tuxes and evening gowns available in all sizes. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He turned to leave and was halfway to the door when Zal finally spoke.


“So you have no problem with me looking around? No concern of what I may hear?”


Batman stopped and slowly turned to the young Kryptonian. Their eyes locked in what appeared to the others as a battle of will. The only thing that gave away Batman’s amusement was the slight smile on his lips. “Of course not. That which I don’t want you looking into is lined with lead, and that which I don’t want you to hear is covered in several hundred thousand decibels of white noise.”


Nodding slightly, Zal’s eyes never left Batman’s. “Fair enough.”


They watched in silence as he left and Alfred gestured down the hallway. He ushered Peter into a private room, Sherri and Rachel into a room, and Kitty and Zal into the last. It was only then Zal let out a held breath and collapsed onto the four-poster bed.


“I can’t believe it!” he raged quietly. He held his hands over his face. “Even through time, space and dimension he still does it to me!”


His unusual manner concerned Kitty. “Honey? What’s wrong? What did he do to you?” She was hesitant to sit next to him, so instead she grabbed the chair from a nearby vanity and sat in front of him.


Zal sat up and drew a deep breath. “Kitty, have you ever seen anyone who wasn’t even a little intimidated by me, by my presence?”


Kitty’s brow wrinkled in thought. “Now that I think about it, no. Not really.”


“And have you seen me ever afraid of anyone?”


The wrinkles on Kitty’s features vanished in an instant. “You have got to be kidding me. I have begged you not to go ‘where angels fear to tread’. You expose yourself to too much unnecessary risk in my opinion. Like you are trying to prove to yourself or someone else that….” Her words faded away as she remembered the conversations she had with Kara about Zal. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to bring that up.”


“It’s okay. I haven’t really held any fear in a long time. But that man genuinely scares me. It’s…almost exhilarating.”


Sensing that he was beginning to relax, Kitty moved over next to him. “Look, I understand. I’ve always been a bit in awe of my man from Krypton, so I know what you are feeling. But he is only human.”


“Human…” Zal mused. He turned to glance through the doors, the walls. “I don’t believe it. He is well prepared.”


“What do you mean?” she asked as she instinctively stood and readied herself.


“These rooms are lined with lead. I can see into only five rooms. Pete is dressing into a tux, and Rachel and Sherri are…oops.” Zal blushed slightly turning from the far wall. Kitty realized what he had seen and hit him across the shoulder, hurting herself more than him.


“Zal!” Kitty said in half-hearted anger. She knew that he could look at whatever he wanted. It was instinctual for him to do so, but with her Terran mindset, modesty was still an issue.


“Sorry, Kitten.” He stood and opened the mirrored closet doors. Inside hung a white tuxedo with matching shoes. With a quick calculation, he knew it was custom made for him. As a precaution, he scanned it at the molecular level. Finding nothing, he rapidly scanned all the clothing for any abnormalities.


“Well honey, it seems our host wants us well-dressed.” Kitty said as she picked up a frilly, low-top cocktail dress. “So I am going to have fun with it.”


Zal simply shook his head and grabbed the tux. He stepped into the lavatory and closed the door. “Women…” he muttered quietly.


“I heard that!”




Next door, Rachel and Sherri found themselves delighted at the extensiveness of the wardrobe provided. The dresses ranged from conservative to provocative, from gowns to skirts, early 19th century to post modern pieces. Shoes were in abundance and accessories to match every conceivable combination. Rachel had just slipped out of her suit and was holding dresses up in front of her in the mirror to see how they would look. Sherri sat at the vanity and stared at herself.


“Mmmmm…I can’t wait to hear his story Rachel.” Sherri stated as her mind reminisced about her past. “I have waited a long time to find out about him.”


Rachel turned and glanced at her friend. She saw the interest in Sherri’s eyes and felt her curiosity brewing within her. “A long time, huh?”




“No…there is something else going on. A lot of people knew about the Batman. He was Kal-El’s personal friend and a great crime fighter back in his time. What aren’t you telling me?”


Sherri smiled weakly and faced Solitare. “Back when I was the chief of police in Kansas City, I kept a file on him even though he was in another city. I found him intriguing, fascinating. The questions surrounding a man who dressed up as a bat and went out to fight injustice are innumerable.”


“What’s so special about that? All of Alpha Flight did that on practically a daily basis.” Rachel had picked out a full-length gown with gloves and was now trying to match a pair of shoes to it.


Sherri rose and moved to the closet and began rummaging through the elegant wardrobe. “You misunderstand. Batman wasn’t a meta. He was a normal man. What made him special is the fact that he could go toe to toe against anyone and come out ahead. Sometimes I thought that his abilities went beyond any of those found in our so called ‘superheroes’.”


“You’ve gotta be kidding me. I remember a news story where he fought Vyper and kicked his butt all over the city.”


Fate had now selected a white half-gown with lace gloves and pumps. She laid them out on the bed next to Rachel and began undressing. “That is a simple explanation. Yes, Vyper was extremely strong, something like 10-20 times better than Exodus. All Batman did was to never be there when the blows landed. Eventually Vyper wore himself out and he was easy to defeat.”


Rachel was now half dressed and with a little help from Sherri, zipped up the gown. She placed the shoes on her stocking feet and began adjusting. “Okay. I can see it now. Is that all you’re interested in?”


“Of course.”


Roughly an hour later, Alfred knocked on Peter’s door. “Pardon me sir, but dinner is to be served.” He heard the door unlock and the King of the S.U.S.A. stepped out.


“Fine, let’s go.”


Pete waited patiently as the aged English butler gathered Kitty and Zal, then Sherri and Rachel. Despite being around them for some time now, he was impressed how regally the women appeared. He was too used to seeing them battered, bruised, and sometimes broken.


The six of them began quietly walking to the dining hall when Kitty suddenly stopped. In front of her was a ghost from her past. Someone she knew and respected and had thought long dead.


“Wanda?! My god, is that you?” Ariel asked with barely contained excitement.


Wanda Williams looked up from the paperwork she was reviewing. Her eyes locked with Kitty’s in bitter resentment and narrowed to mere slits. It was obvious to everyone that there seemed to be no love lost towards Kitty. With only a pause in her stride, Wanda kept walking down the corridor.


“Wanda…it’s me. It’s Katherine Pryde.”


Turning her head with a snap, Wanda stopped again. “I know who you are traitor.”


Zal was shocked along with everyone else. They stopped and turned to face one of the two women. Nobody said a word.


“Traitor? What in hell is that supposed to mean?”


Wanda turned just in time to hide the tear that came from one eye. Her memories were flooding into her mind again and they brought emotions she didn’t want to show. “As long as you are here, it is best that you don’t speak to me.” And with little flourish, Wanda continued down the hallway without so much as a glance behind her.


With a slight expression of confusion, Zal leaned down to Kitty. “What was all that about?”


“I wish I knew,” she whispered as they continued walking. “She and Simon were old friends. She taught at the Alpha Flight compound and he was of course one of the core members. I have no clue what could be eating her.”


As the five companions turned, Alfred opened a large double door and gestured them all inside. He seated them and served drinks. He promptly left, closing the doors behind him. Before they could begin any type of conversation at all, they overheard a regal voice outside.


“Alfred, please insure that we are not disturbed for at least three hours. Our guests and I are going to have much to talk about.”


“Yes, Master Bruce.”


The doors opened again, and a well-built man entered in a tux. He slipped through the doors and closed them behind him. Turning to face the table he spoke. “Hello again everyone. I am sorry for my lateness, I couldn’t find my shoes.”


Everyone except Rachel and Zal were still so in awe about the man standing before them, that only they understood the joke to chuckle at it. Bruce came around the table and sat down at the head. Pete then shook his head.


“Bruce Wayne. After all these years, I still would have never guessed that you were Batman.”


Before Bruce could respond, a smaller side door opened and several waiters served the first course of this lavish dinner. “Well, after all these years, I finally figured out that trying to maintain a dual identity didn’t make sense. Still, let’s try to get the question/answer stage going. I know each of you have many.”


Rachel actually had little to ask and quickly relinquished her turn to Sherri. She wasted no time in asking the question that had plagued her for years.


“Bruce, what happened to you that it forced you to take up the mantle of a bat and fight crime?”


Bruce sat back and took a deep breath. He knew this was coming, but didn’t expect it to be the first one.


“I’ll answer that.” Zal interrupted.


Bruce’s head turned to the young man and his eyes lit up.  “By all means, Superman, I would love to hear this.”


“When you were nine, your parents were murdered in front of you in Crime Alley as you left a theater. Not soon after you discovered a cave complex beneath your house. Inside you were captivated by a creature flying towards you. A Bat. You decided to use that image to bring terror in the hearts of criminals and began training yourself in body, mind and spirit. You made your first appearance on May 26, 1980 by stopping a mugging.”


Nodding his head, Bruce clapped softly. “Impressive. I haven’t told that to anyone except three people.”


Zal sipped the wine that was served. “I know. You told Kal-El, Diana Prince, and Richard Grayson. What ever happened to Dick anyway?”


Without pausing, Bruce sliced off a piece of his beef bourguinon. “I was forced to kill him.”


“WHAT!?” was the general response from the table.


“Dick had been affected by the Artifact. He slowly began to go mad at the same time he began to manifest electrical abilities. Eventually I found out that Luthor had contacted him. I had planned to talk about it until I saw him kill two boys.  They did nothing more than ask him for an autograph.  I confronted him, and was forced to kill the boy I had raised in self defense.”


“Bruce, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that. I remember the Dick Grayson I grew up with.  He was one of my closest friends.  You have my deepest sympathies.”  Zal received an appreciative glance from the Batman.


The two heroes both turned back to Sherri who was furiously writing, She looked up and smiled. “Sorry. Just taking notes.” She made the notepad disappear with a wave of her hand and went back to eating. “I’m going to steal one of Pete’s questions: How in the world did you become the Lord of Latveria?”


“Ah. Okay. First of all I need to say that this isn’t just Latveria. In order to bring civilization back to par, I am cleaning out all of Europe and installing basic power, water, and government. And this isn’t a monarchy. Too keep things simple, it is a Republic. But the capital will be Latveria as it was Doom’s idea to do this. His motivations may have been different, but the net effect may be the same."”


Sherri smiled and held out a hand. “But that didn’t answer the question.”


Bruce’s eyes twinkled for a moment as he gazed at her. It was rare for him to see so strong-willed a woman. The last was Barbara Gordon, and she was long gone. “I went to kill Kal-El after he turned. I had been counseling him to get rid of that damned Artifact for some time, but when Luthor got it from him and used it….” his voice trailed off. He recollected his thoughts and continued. “Luthor sent a squad of his created metas to stop me. And ever since then, I had fought a one-man crusade against him. After several years of getting banged up against the likes of them, it began to take its toll. Doom approached me one day and offered me a way to even the odds. I accepted and moved here.”


“And when the Ripple hit, you simply took over?” Zal asked with anticipation.


Bruce shook his head. “No. Silver Sable had sworn her and her country’s fealty to Doom. She took over at all of the advisor’s requests. But last week we had a devastating earthquake and she was killed. Then I took over and immediately implemented Doomblitz.”


Then it was Pete who took over. He had been listening carefully until now and so far was pleased with the answers that Bruce had given. “What is the purpose of this meeting other than to compare résumé’s? You didn’t invite us here for just dinner.”


It was that very time that all activity stopped. Zal held up a hand. “You have company.”


At the door Alfred entered. “Sir, There is a representative from Lex Luthor to see you. He is very insistent.” Alfred was then bodily thrown across the room as the much bigger man walked in. If it wasn’t for Sherri reaching out and stopping his flight magically, he might have died from the impact.


“Out of my way, pathetic weakling. I am here to speak to this ‘Lord of Latveria’.”


Zal stood quickly and fell into a defensive stance. “Nar-Ur! How did you get here?!” Nar also fell into an offensive position and smiled.


“Well, well, well. It seems that I will get my revenge sooner than I expected.”


Bruce stood and addressed the younger Kryptonian. “Zal, sit down. I told you as long as you were here you would be safe.” Directing his attention to the newcomer, Bruce simply placed his hands behind the royal cloak he wore. “And how may I help you? I am the Lord of Europe.”


“Why should I listen to you, weakling?” Nar said as Zal tentatively retook his seat.


Withdrawing his hand from behind him, Bruce showed Nar a small case made of lead. “Considering you can’t see through this, and can’t feel any ill effects right now, you have to ask yourself: Do you feel lucky? Does this ‘weakling human’ really know what will kill me? And does he have it?”


The pure rage Nar-Ur expressed was almost frightening. His face was contorted with lines that would make any human cringe. But Bruce simply stood there. Eventually, Nar calmed himself and delivered the message he was sent here for.


“The President of the United States wishes to know why you have broken our treaties. He also wishes to know why you threatened him with retaliatory strikes if we were to take offense to this.”


Never moving, Bruce answered. “First of all, Europe does not recognize Lex Luthor as the President of anything. The only leader in America we want dealings with is this man here.” He gestured towards Peter before continuing. “Second, any treaties are null and void with the change of government and we will leave it at that. We want nothing to do with that tyrannical madman. And lastly, if Luthor does feel jumpy and decides to take a military stance towards my people, then I will direct our full resources to force him out of power. Do you understand?”


Nar was infuriated not only by his personal humiliation, but that the human dared talk down to him. But considering he could do little on either account right now, he simply nodded. “Fine. Do not consider this discussion over with, mortal. I will be back with the President’s response in due time.”


“No you won’t.” Bruce said simply. “If I see you or any other of Luthor’s forces in Europe again, I will consider it an act of war, and you will be terminated on sight. Now get out.”


With no hesitation, Nar turned and exited the room. Bruce withdrew his other hand from behind his back and tossed something to Zal. “Here, a little souvenier.”


Superman caught the stone with one hand and examined it. It was green Kryptonite. He looked back up to Bruce somewhat confused. “Okay, so what’s in the box?”


Bruce grinned and opened it. He paused for a moment, looking inside until he finally withdrew a cigar and placed the box on the table. He lit it and took his seat


“I don’t like being threatened.” He turned to Sherri and bowed slightly. “Ms. Pennison, I must thank you for saving Alfred’s life. He is the only family I have.” The doors unlocked and desert was served as if nothing had transpired at all.


As everyone finished the caramel apple pie with whipped cream, Bruce nodded to Alfred, who then departed. Other servants came and cleaned the dinner table and replaced all used china and silverware with freshly polished ones. When they finished, The Vision entered with a stack of papers and set a copy in front of each person. He then poured each person another drink and left the room.


Bruce examined the brandy carefully as he spoke. “It makes little difference that I now live in and pretty much control Europe. That was never my intent. I see my homeland, my country and the rest of the world in shambles. And it is all due to that damned Artifact and Lex Luthor.”


“So what are you proposing?” Peter asked without touching the papers.


“An alliance…of sorts. Doom was very meticulous about improving and maintaining his military power while keeping it very low profile. We are capturing numerous vehicles, tanks, artillery, ships, and frigates. Since you are outnumbered and under-equipped against Luthor, I want to give this stuff to you.”


“That’s it?”


Bruce shook his head and gestured to the papers. When Peter picked them up, he began thumbing through them. His eyes belied his interest. “This proposes trade agreements, formal boundaries for world regions and a ‘Council of Kings’, and a world-wide senate.”

Peter continued reading, pausing only to ask questions. “So, each region to include America, Briton, Europe, and others who qualify in the future, will have a republic established, with its own senate, which then reports to an overall leader.”


“Correct. A government by the people, for the people.”


“And each of these ‘Kings’ will then meet to decide world-wide affairs?” Peter placed the papers back on the table, sat back in a contemplative posture. “This is ambitious.”


Bruce made no remarks for a moment as he thought of the proper response. “Only under few people has there been a functional worldwide government: Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, and a handful of the Caesars, among others. They were all one person. What we have here is democracy at its most base form.”


“Who leads it?”


“We set an order of succession. Each year another person chairs the Council. No one person will ever have absolute power.”


Kitty finally spoke, breaking the conversation. “Mr. Wayne, what about us?”


Bruce looked slightly confused. “I don’t understand. What about you?”


She smiled understanding that she had not provided enough information to him. “Alpha Flight was founded on the basis that we were not tied to any government, but would help people whenever and where ever we could.”


“Ah. I see.” Bruce relaxed a little, sipping his drink before continuing. “Keep it that way. I have a force of metas here that do that also, just not so ‘publicly’. And with the lines of communication reopening, I feel that you will both uncover problems and respond much more quickly.”


“What about other metas?”


Sherri elaborated for her before Bruce could respond. “What I think she means is what about the Shard metas.”


Bruce leaned forward, tilting his head slightly. “I’m sorry, the Shard?” he asked questioningly.


“The Artifact.” Zal interrupted. “It was actually a shard of an omnipotent, semi-conscious, power supply that was thrust here from another dimension.”


Raising an eyebrow, their host downed his glass. “Sort of like you.”


Laughing, Zal also downed his glass. “Not hardly. I am nowhere near omnipotent, and I’m a power converter, not a supply.”


Holding out his hands in defeat, Bruce simply smiled. “Well, you’ve got me there. As for the Artifact metas, considering that they are insane, homicidal maniacs, I usually have them executed on sight. They have no natural place in the world, and only cause grief and pain.” He tore his attention from Fate and went back to Peter. “Anyway, what do you think of my proposal?”


“It will take some time for me to think about it. Can you give me a day or two to consider the ramifications of what this will do to the people of the S.U.S.A.?”


“Certainly.” Bruce said somewhat quickly. “How about this, you are all welcome to stay as guests for a few days. Should that be enough time? And if you are not willing, you can leave and return at any time.”


Peter stood and shook hands with their host. “I think we would be happy to stay as your guests. And yes, that should be plenty of time.”


“Excellent. But now if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a look at how things are going on the front. Feel free to go where you like…” his gaze went to Zal. “…just don’t go breaking down any doors. Some are there for your protection.”


The companions watched in silence as Bruce left the room, and Alfred entered. He offered them drinks again, then left, leaving them to their own devices. It was three hours later that they grew tired and began retiring to their rooms.


Rachel and Sherri were still up and were having a ‘girl talk’. They had been impressed with the library, a virtual museum of rare and unique tomes. They had also found an armory with many exotic and traditional armors.


Rachel sat in front of the vanity brushing her hair out and Sherri had just let hers down when there came a knock on the door.


“Come in.” Rachel said absent-mindedly.


The door opened and in stepped Alfred, holding a covered, silver platter.


“Good evening ladies.”


Sherri was both surprised and pleased to see thier host’s butler again. “Alfred! Sorry, we thought it was Zal or Pete.”


“I have a delivery for Ms. Pennison.”


Sherri’s eyes lit up as she glanced over to Rachel. Alfred, without another word, lifted the lid off of the silver platter he had been carrying. On it was a single orchid and a folded note. She picked up the flower first and allowed the scent to overwhelm her senses. Placing it back on the platter, she picked up the note and began reading.


“Well, what does it say?” Rachel asked as she watched a thin smile appear on Sherri’s lips.


“It’s an invitation for me to join him in the arboretum.” She turned to Alfred who was waiting patiently. “Tell him I will be there as soon as I can. Without comment, he turned and exited the room. For a moment, Sherri thought she saw a smile come across his features.


“It looks like you’ll be up for a while.” Rachel said as Sherri began to quickly primp herself for the occasion.


“He knows me well and how the game is played.” Sherri said as she refreshed her makeup. As quickly as she could she straightened her dress and fixed her hair.


“Do you think he is up to anything?”


Sherri stopped and considered her friend’s words carefully. Her eyes drifted to the floor as she chose her answer. “I can only hope so.”




“I’m kidding Rachel. But I can’t pass this up. You know that.”


Rachel nodded and scanned Sherri’s surface thoughts. She sighed and went back to the vanity. “You yell if you need anything okay?”


“No problem.”


When Sherri finally exited the room, Rachel could only ponder the thoughts she had read from her. Finally, she gave up and drifted off to sleep, determined not to interfere, but to dig every detail from Sherri that she could.






On the dark side of the moon, a large man stood before his army. Before him were tens of thousands of his soldiers, all fanatically loyal to their generals, and they to him. Surveying their enthusiasm held up a gauntleted hand, silencing them.


“The time has come! Mankind is at their weakest and only the strong shall survive to live another day. Our war is about to begin!


End of Chapter 2 of The Return




-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Brian.

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.  Otherverse, Dark Earth,

-- and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, as depicted in the

-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.