© Jake H.
June 2, 2492
“…top stories of the
morning. Contact has still not been reestablished with any of the colonies
on Deimos, but reports from patrol cruisers along with a scan from the
battleship Intrepid, have verified that the populace is alive and well. The
Council of Kings will meet today in Britain to discuss various topics to include the
colonization of several of Jupiter’s moons. In other news, it is expected
that Simon Mendez will be approved by the Federated States of Brazil as their new King
after the death of his uncle last week. This has been Crazy Eddie for WKLO
“Off,” came a
strangely melodic voice from the large bed. To the casual observer, all
that could be seen was a few strands of hair from beneath the satin
The sounds of
the morning news ceased abruptly and the sounds of chirping birds and hover
cars invaded the room. A wall in the north recessed and scrolled upwards
revealing an open window. The fresh smells of jasmine and honeysuckle
wafted in, stirring the only occupant. A computerized voice then cheerfully
spoke. “Good Morning Chasity, and Happy Birthday.”
“Good Morning
computer, and thank you.” the young lady rose from her bed. Chasity Hudson
stretched herself and pranced to her mirror. Despite tossing and turning
all night, her lithe body looked in perfect shape, down to her flowing
blonde hair not even being messed up, her slightly bronzed skin glowing
with an almost inner light. “I think I will need my workout outfit today
and that blue dress that dad bought me.”
The young lady
walked into another room where the lights instantly came on and a panel
opened to her left. Waiting inside were the outfits that had just been
requested. Chasity glanced them over, picked out a pair of matching shoes
and accessories. She shed her silken nightgown and stepped into the shower
stall. Twin lights began to flash, requesting the type of shower she
wanted: Water or Sonic. After a second’s deliberation, her decision was
“Both,” she
mumbled as both buttons were pressed. She noticed the low hum of the sonic
emitters as an alternating pattern of water began. Quickly shampooing her
hair and washing herself, she pressed a series of buttons on the stall
again. As the sonic emitters and the now perfumed water played across her
body, Chasity casually addressed the computer.
“Computer, is
my father or brother awake yet?”
“Your father
has been awake for some time, and I am still attempting to wake your
“Typical.” She
said as she turned the shower to dryer mode. A ceiling panel opened up, glowing
a warm orange. Pressurized air came blasting down and in moments she was
dry. Chasity stepped out and brushed her hair. She picked up her small case
of makeup, but put it down again. Her best friend had told her that the
makeup sometimes detracted from her natural beauty so she had stopped
wearing any. She dressed quickly and grabbed her workout clothes and her
portable computer and headed for the kitchen.
Halfway there,
she could already smell the food. Her father, a former platoon commander in
the Marines, constantly drilled into her that breakfast was the most
important meal of the day and he made sure that she always ate. When she
entered the kitchen, her father turned from the replicator console, a warm
smile draped his features. He walked over and gave his daughter a hug and a
kiss. He towered over his daughter by almost nine inches, his crew cut hair
accenting his height.
Birthday, Chasity.”
“Thanks Dad.”
The older man
glanced away, as if unsure of his next words. “Are you going to see your
mother today?”
cringed slightly at her father’s question. Her mother had died giving birth
to her 17 years ago today and seeing her meant going to the cemetery. She
had been a government Intel officer and had left a comfortable pension to
her daughter, her husband, and her stepson ensuring that her family would
never starve. Her father had never really recovered from her death, and had
rarely taken another woman into his arms. “I’m gonna try. I only have the
last three of my finals today. Hopefully they won’t take that long.”
“What do you
have left?” he asked as he put two plates on the table.
She began
eating the bacon, eggs, toast and grapefruit juice that her father brought
her. Chasity smiled inwardly as she picked up the bacon. She had
reprogrammed the replicator last night so that the bacon would not come out
blackened. “I still have my physical conditioning test, astrophysics, and
advanced placement.”
Ben leaned
against the counter, gulping a mug of coffee and a nibbling a BLT. “Well, I
hope all goes well. If you do well, the government should send an offer
within a few days.” It was standard procedure for the government to offer
long-term employment to the nation’s brightest students, before the
corporations got a chance to recruit them.
“If the rumors
are true, then I will be asked to go into research.” Chasity’s eyes grew
distant for just a moment. Since she chose her major two years ago, she
dreamed of leading the field in xenobiology. It wasn’t a popular science,
due to the complexity. Plus the only alien life form that visited Earth in
the last 400 years was the Green Lantern, and they only stopped by once a
year or so. Other than that, all there was to study was the few samples of
DNA remaining from the Kryptonians and other various aliens.
He chuckled.
“You still determined to see what could be left in the bloodline, aren’t
grinned. “Of course, Dad. We know that Superman was married and had at
least one child. Logic dictates that there are living descendents and the
genes are somewhere out there.”
“Not necessarily. Any number of things could have wiped out a family or
perhaps…” Ben trailed off, prompting his daughter to respond.
“Come on,
Dad. There wasn’t much that could hurt them. You know that. Plus, think of
the possibilities if those genes could be isolated. It could bring about a
whole new era of genetic engineering.”
Sighing, Ben
Hudson just shook his head and returned to making breakfast. It was in that
very moment that his son, Chasity’s half-brother, entered the room wearing
one of his several lettermen’s jacket and denim pants. He was a star tight
end for Parker High School and it showed: Large, muscular, and ruggedly
handsome. He was very popular, never without a girl or two hanging off of
his arms. He did have one drawback (and point of pride) though. His sister
was beautiful and spirited enough to be part of the ‘in’ crowd, but she was
not known to ‘put out’. He had several friends that wanted her badly, and
one that was completely obsessed. He never let that conversation be brought
up, crushing it instantly.
“Hey, squirt!
Happy Birthday,” he said as he ruffled up her hair. Heath knew she hated
that, but it was all in fun. He plopped down at the table and put his feet
up. His father strolled over and knocked them back down, giving him a ‘you-know-better’
Heath.” She picked up the video pad and began reading the local news. Heath
on the other hand tore into his breakfast. Ben finished his breakfast and
disappeared in his bedroom. He reemerged a few minutes later wearing a black
jumpsuit with various insignia, carrying an equipment belt. He put on the
belt and withdrew a pistol. Inserting a fresh battery pack, they all could
hear the plasma weapon power up. He reholstered the weapon and donned his
police badge.
“Level three trauma
protection,” he said. Instantly there was an aura of white energy that grew
to cover him and then fade away. “Bye kids. Have fun at school.”
“Take it easy,
Pop.” Heath waved his father on and tore back into his meal. He turned and
left, leaving the two teenagers alone.
glanced at the clock. It was 7:53 and they still had over an hour before
they had to report to school. Absently she reached for the cup of juice on
the table. She closed her fingers only to watch in confusion as her hand went
right through the ceramic.
“Oh god…Heath,
it’s happening again,” she said as she slowly moved her hand through the
Heath stopped
eating and looked at her hand. He had seen this several times before and it
worried him. “It’s getting more frequent. Maybe, its time to tell Dad.”
“Tell him
what? That I unconsciously phase through objects?” Chasity prevented
herself from panicking by taking a deep breath and slowing her heart rate
He shrugged,
not knowing what to say. “I thought that natural mutants were genetically
altered before birth to weed out such abilities?”
“That’s the
policy. The governments don’t want people like that running around anymore,
too dangerous and uncontrollable.”
“Oh, but King
Arthur’s knights are an exception to that rule. He is allowed to have a few
“Do I look
like I make system-wide policies?” Chasity moved her hand through the
table, and then brought it back into view. “All I know is that this isn’t
“Whatever is
happening to you Chasity, I hope it doesn’t affect you like it did people
in the Dark Times,” Heath sighed.
grimaced, remembering her history lessons. A fate such as that was an
unpleasant one: great powers that drove you insane, and sometimes killed
you. “I’ll be okay.”
The siblings
sat in silence for a few more moments and eventually went back to their
morning rituals when she was able to manifest herself in a solid form.
Heath finished
his breakfast and returned the dishes to the replicator, depositing them in
a slot marked ‘Recycle’. He turned and saw his sister still engrossed in
the news and snuck up behind her to ruffle her hair again.
Just as he
reached out, Chasity, with a blinding burst of speed, grabbed his wrist.
Without turning or looking from her pad, she calmly spoke. “Please don’t do
that. You know I hate that.”
Heath couldn’t
care less what she was saying at the moment. The instant she grabbed him,
he was in tremendous pain. “Let go of me! Let go!” he screamed as he sank
to his knees. Turning to look at him, Chasity stared in amazement. She had
never seen him in pain like this before. She let go and he cradled his
wrist, resting against the far wall.
“Damn girl.
How in hell did you do that? I haven’t seen anyone that strong since…”
Suddenly, it came to him as they locked gazes. “Oh, no.”
“Heath, I
didn’t mean to, I swear!” She offered her hand but he flinched back, unsure
if she would hurt him or not. Finally, he accepted her hand, bracing
himself for the worst. She practically threw him to his feet, proving that
her newfound strength wasn’t a fluke. He steadied himself on his feet,
still cradling his wrist.
“Chas…I know
you’re smart and all, so I hope to hell you figure this out. Until you do,
please be careful. You could very well kill someone without knowing your
limits. Like what that guy on muscle enhancers did last year.”
Scared, but
strangely curious about what was happening, she let her mind sift through
the possibilities. A realization came to her as she gazed at her brother’s
hands. His knuckles were scarred and his hands rough from his constant
workouts and after school practices. She carefully looked hers over and
they seemed to be absolutely unblemished.
“Heath, can
you remember me ever getting hurt?”
Surprised at
the question but unable to stop his recollection, Heath shook his head.
“No. I can’t remember you ever being hurt, or injured or sick…” he turned
his head in thought. “…well, no, that’s not true. Remember a few years back
when Dad took us to the museum? You got really sick and weak there and we
left early. I remember Dad carrying you out.”
premonition crushed, Chasity sighed, still confused. She looked back at the
clock. 8:39 “We need to get going or we’ll be late. I’ll check the
archives between classes and see what I can find out.”
Several hours
later, Chasity was taking her physical conditioning test. So far she had
been very careful to suppress her strength but was able to relax. The last
test was a mile run, and although she was athletic, for some reason she
wasn’t very fast. The teacher lined up the girls and ran them in groups of
twenty. Chasity found herself in the third group. While she was waiting for
her turn, she pulled out her data pad and began sorting through the
information she gathered from the archives.
“Hey Chasity!”
The young girl
looked around, and then groaned inwardly. It was Bobby Wallace, the guy who
was completely obsessed with her. “What do you want Bobby?”
The man walked
up and sat next to her. Stretching his arms, he laid one across her
shoulders. “Just getting comfortable with my girl.”
Being as
careful as she could, Chasity grabbed his arm and took it from around
herself. “I am NOT your girl, Bobby. And I never will be.”
“Aw, come on
baby. It’s all good.” One of his hands crept up her leg, resting on her
upper thigh. “Plus you don’t know what you’re missing.”
Chasity turned
and looked him right in the eye. “You know, Bobby, you’re right.” She began
to lean closer, her lips coming within inches of his. Suddenly he cried
out, bringing everyone’s attention their direction. He was hopping around
his hand held fast in one of hers as her expression of lust turned to one
of disgust.
“Take a hint
and get lost, creep.” Everyone began to laugh as he ran out, bawling like a
small child. Soon everyone settled back down, and the test continued.
The runs went
relatively slow with some of the girls barely passing at 9 minutes to a
mile. Others were not so lucky and would have to try again at a later date.
Still others that were part of the track and field team did excellent with
one girl running a mile in just over 4 minutes.
It came time
for Chasity’s group to run. She stepped down from her seat, and lined up
with everybody else. She cleared her mind, blocking out all other thoughts
other than intense concentration on the run. When the coach blew the
whistle, she took off with the other girls.
Chasity never
took her eyes off her path, and never looked in front of herself. She was
in the outside lane most runners avoided. Her mind was completely clear as
she only heard the sound of her heart beating. But after just a few
moments, she could hear cheering and sounds of exasperation. Then a faint
voice pierced her head.
She looked up
to see the coach in her path along with other students, blocking her path.
With a feeling of defeat, Chasity slowed herself and stopped in front of
the older woman.
“Yes coach.
What did I do to get pulled from the run?”
Smiling, the
coach put a hand on her shoulder. “Chasity, I didn’t pull you. You finished
seven laps before we got your attention. And with speed like that, I want
to offer you a place on the track team.”
“Seven laps?
That’s almost another mile over. What was my time for just the mile?”
The coach
glanced at her comp-pad and looked at another student who had been helping
keep track of time. When she nodded verification, the coach gave her a
thumbs-up. “Hudson, you just ran the mile in three minutes and thirty-seven
seconds. You almost broke the world record.”
Instead of the
expected triumph or pride, the coach watched as an expression of fear came
over Chasity’s face. “C, coach…I…gotta go. I’m not feeling well.”
“Sure. You
passed the test with flying colors anyway. Plus, it is the last day of
school and your birthday. Get on outta here. I’ll see you next year, okay?”
Nodding, Chasity
grabbed her bag and ran to the main office, signing herself out and getting
her yearly grade summary. There were others simply staring and whispering.
She could only make out the word ‘fast’, but it was enough. Word had
already spread, and it was getting harder to control these ‘abilities’.
Racing home,
she collapsed in her bed, terrified at what was happening to her. “God,
please. Tell me what I am supposed to do.”
Chasity opened
her eyes and looked around. She had heard that echoing in her ears. “Who
said that?”
“West? What
about the west? And where are you?”
Chasity was
clearly irritated now. “Go west to where you bastard?! Show yourself
instead of acting like a complete blowhard!”
This time Chasity
did not respond. She stumbled and fell back, falling on her butt. Colorado
had been declared a forbidden territory to go to since the S.U.S.A. had
been formed…under penalty of death. Not by the King or the government, but
by the mystical creatures that reportedly attacked anything crossing
certain boundaries.
Instantly she
was answered.
In the
background, Chasity heard the front door to the house open and then close.
A faint voice she recognized began calling her name, but it sounded so
distant. She vaguely saw her brother smash through the door and rush to her
side, and then all went dark.
Chasity woke
to hear voices around her. At first she could not make out who they were
but soon recognized her father, brother and their family physician. She
kept her eyes closed and listened to the conversation.
“Mr. Hudson, I
swear to you she is absolutely fine. Her heartbeat is a bit accelerated and
she…” The doctor never had a chance to finish the sentence.
“Look, Jerry.
I can see that. But why in hell did she pass out and slept for three days?”
“Three days?” Chasity
thought. “I was out for three days?”
“We can discuss
the details in the next room. For now let’s give her time to rest.”
Nodding in
agreement, the three men began walking to the door. Just as Heath was about
to walk out, his father turned to him and held up a hand. “Stick in here
just in case she wakes.”
“Sure, Pop.”
“If she does
begin to stir, call me immediately.” And at that he closed the door,
leaving the siblings alone. He had just settled down in the recliner when
she spoke.
say a word.”
Shocked, he
almost jumped out of the chair, before he came to her side and knelt down.
“Hey, Squirt.
How ya feeling?”
shrugged. “I feel just fine. Do you mind telling me what happened?”
Heath glanced
over his shoulder at the door. “Chas, I found you unconscious…and that’s
how you have been since then.”
“Did you tell
dad what has been going on?”
Shaking his
head, Heath continued. “No, I haven’t told him…yet. But it was damn hard to
keep it from the doctor. He had to use all of his strength to get a needle
through your skin, gave up on the IV tube, and ruined a pair of scissors
trying to cut a few strands of hair. I pretty much convinced him that it
was just a fluke, but I cant keep lying forever.”
“I know. Is
there any more?”
“I don’t
know.” He picked up a video pad and handed it to her. “The doctor was
finally able to take a blood sample. I managed to get a drop and had your
computer analyze it. What it said freaked me out.”
Confused at
his words, Chasity turned on the pad and looked at the data. Flashing in
the bottom of the screen were the words: Sample does not concur with
anything in database. She punched up the virtual DNA profile. “What in hell
is this?”
“What?” he
said as he glanced at the pad.
She pointed to
the double helix that made up DNA in all terrestrial life. She began
tracing up the line and stopped at a large section. “Here. Take a look at
“Umm…what am I
looking at?”
DNA is made up of 4 basic chemicals: adenine, guanine, thymine, and
He had
obviously slept through his genetics classes. “Ooookay. So what is the
She pointed
down at the labels for each link in the chain. There, nestled in between
the known chemicals were thousands of places that flashed ‘UNKNOWN’. His
eyes went wide, but soon a grin spread across his features.
“Well, at
least now you can say ‘But, I am different from other girls’ and mean it.”
They giggled at the innuendo but got serious again. “What now?”
Her gaze
settled at her window and she watched the sun descend. The echo of that
overpowering voice still rang in her ears. “Something is calling me. I
think I have to go.”
“Go where?”
shrugged, unable to explain what she had felt. “I don’t know. I just have
to go. I will leave in a couple of days. Can you get me some cash?”
“The hell you
are! You wake up after being unconscious for three days and you expect me
to just let you waltz away? Fat chance, Chasity.”
“Don’t try to
stop me, Heath,” she said with icy calm in her voice. “I don’t want to have
to do this through you.”
Heath studied
his sister carefully. When she got this way, nothing could change her mind.
Finally, after a series of curses under his breath, Heath tossed up his
hands in defeat. “Yeah, I have a few hundred laying around, will that do?”
“More than
enough. And I will pay you back. I just need some supplies for the road and
wouldn’t have enough to live on for as long as it takes.”
“All I have to
say is: You had better know what you are doing.”
The next day,
after a lengthy discussion with her father explaining this was simply a
trip for self-discovery, Chasity gathered what she felt she needed for a
journey to the unknown. Shops abound in New Independence and she quickly
found everything she needed. She paused only twice to contemplate her
actions. Once, in front of the Royal Residence where the King of the
S.U.S.A. had lived since the Dark Times. It was rumored to have been built
by Alpha Flight and Superman as tribute to their second king, Lord Peter
Parker. But other than some assistants, she knew the house was empty. Lord
Knox was in Briton with Arthur. No decisions could be made without at least
four of the seven council members agreeing to the proposal, and none at all
without the kings of Europe, America, and Briton.
The council
had been the brainchild of a Lord of Latveria as a way to bring order back
to the world in the Dark Times. Since then, the rulers of each nation met
quarterly to guide the future of Earth and then the off-world colonies when
they were founded. Besides Samuel Knox of the S.U.S.A., there was Michael
Wayne of Latveria, Irving Salkind of Israel, the Shogun Toranaga of Japan, Stacia
Bannen of Australia, Arthur Pendragon of Britain, and Brazil was appointing
a new King today.
The second
time she stopped was at an old stone monument. Even though it was now 492
years old, the inscription was still crisp, having been meticulously
maintained for centuries. She slowly ran her fingers along the words ‘New
Independence’. Her fingers skipped over the next line and fell on the
newest addition to the monument. An enameled symbol and a date. The symbol
was a red and yellow pentagram with a stylized ‘S’, and the date was “January 17, 2084. You will live in our hearts forever.” She stood wondering why she
stopped here when a now-familiar voice echoed through her head.
“I’m going,
I’m going already.” Chasity whispered. She touched the monument one last
time and hurried home to pack.
Chasity awoke,
and began to break down her campsite. Four days ago she had left New
Independence and began making her way west. At first those going in that
direction had given her rides, but soon the traffic became sparse and she
began to walk. The first two days she had stayed at hotels along the
interstates, but for the past two, she had to camp. It wasn’t something she
had done since childhood, but that wasn’t on her mind.
More of these
‘powers’ had begun manifesting while others still grew stronger. She had
tripped in a pothole in the old road and with an irritated glance, sliced into
the road with some sort of ‘heat-vision’. With a bit of concentration, she
was able to hear sounds in minute detail, even at several miles away.
Probably the weirdest thing was the fact that while she was walking alone
yesterday, she found herself hovering several feet above the ground. It
took her a half-hour to relax and come back to Earth.
In minutes, Chasity
had folded away her pup tent, rolled her sleeping bag back up and stowed
them. She nibbled on a light breakfast of dried fruits and meats, and was
back on the road again. The terrain was low, rolling hills. With a slight
breeze and the sun on her back, Chasity felt good as she resumed her
journey. She had contemplated many times over if what she was doing was
anywhere near sane, but there was still that voice that urged her onward.
She had just begun to concentrate to see if another power would manifest
when she came upon a large hill.
Sighing as she
looked at the long winding uphill road, Chasity began to jog. She was now
in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and soon would be closing on Colorado.
Her mind wandered as she contemplated how she would cross the border,
unsure if her life would be in danger. It was then she noticed the sign.
She slowed and stood before it.
“Danger! This
area is quarantined by order of The Wizard Argent. Trespassers will be
dealt with accordingly.” Chasity whispered. “Great…do I go on?”
Chasity looked into the sky. “Oh, thanks for telling me. Here I thought I
had a dilemma.”
Shrugging at
the final words, she stepped forward, and continued. She began to jog
again, amazed how thick the foliage had gotten in just a few miles. Between
the large trees and thick underbrush, she saw large wolves darting around,
watching her. She had also heard a strange squawking somewhere in the
distance but could not make out the source. The canopy extended over the
road the further she walked, and glimpses of animals, both small and large,
were more frequent.
Chasity kept
running, bypassing the long deserted and now crumbling city of Denver,
turning to the south slightly. She paused only to eat lunch and was soon back
on the road. She entered a steep valley where the road was virtually
disintegrated. It was not quite an hour later when the mysterious voice
called again.
She stopped on
a dime and looked around. Nothing.
“What now?”
she yelled out. “I know you didn’t bring me here to enjoy the scenery.”
“What do you
mean up?!” Chasity called out. “What am I supposed to do, fly?”
“Great, just
great.” She muttered. “I am supposed to do something I don’t know how to
Chasity began
to calm herself, trying to muster the feeling she experienced yesterday
when she had flown. Slowly she rose into the air. Just a few feet at first,
but within seconds was nearly at the top of the ravine. It was then that
she saw it. A small flame burned through the canopy of trees. With but
little more than conscious thought she glided towards it.
She landed
before a trio of monuments that were situated behind a large house. The
house had seemingly been untouched by the encroaching forest and the
passage of time. Chasity walked around the flame atop a small, marble
obelisk. What she read on the opposite side made her gasp.
“In loving
memory, Kal-El.” Chasity said as she moved her hand across the inscription.
“Wow…this is…incredible.” Looking to her right, she moved towards the
second, slightly taller monument. It was written in a language that she
recognized as Kryptonian, but did not know enough about the language to
read it. Again, she moved on the largest, but shortest of the monuments.
“Here within
lies the Last Son of Krypton and His Wife. Zal-El and Katherine Pryde-El.” Chasity
bent down and brushed the leaves from the upper portion. “My god! This is
their tomb!”
finally to the house, Chasity carefully made her way to the door. Next to
the handle was a small pad. It appeared to be an old style fingerprint
scanner. Unconsciously, Chasity pressed her thumb against the plate. The
light instantly changed from red to green and she heard the door unlock.
She opened the
door and stepped inside, the lights coming on instantly. She was amazed at
the crispness of the air and the lack of dust at what she saw. She was in a
kitchen, advanced, but without a replicator. Suddenly, Chasity heard a
voice coming from the next room. It was hushed but audible. Cautiously, she
came around the corner, curious on the occupant.
Standing in
what was a living room were five people. In the middle, a young man stood
wearing a black and gray suit. To one side of him a couple who radiated a
fantastic presence. On the other, was a regal man accompanied another
woman, her arm around his waist. Chasity recognized him, her expression
turning to awe as he spoke.
home…daughter of ‘El’.”
Chasity could
not believe her eyes. But nonetheless, she knelt to one knee and bowed her
head. “Lord Ian, I am blessed by your presence.” She could hear a stifled
laugh and then footsteps towards her.
stand up and quit that. Ian is no different than you.”
When the young
woman stood, the blonde woman that was beside Ian now stood in front of
her. She held herself as regally as Ian did, but had a comforting aura
about her.
“May I ask a
question my Lord?”
Ian stepped
forward followed by the others present. “Chasity, be at ease. Just behave
as normal. And yes, you may ask anything you wish.”
Nodding in
compliance, Chasity looked around. “What is this place, why am I here, and
why did you call me the daughter of El?”
The blonde
woman turned and looked at the Wizard Argent. “Ian! I thought you were
going to tell her what was going on?”
Ian shrugged.
“It did not feel appropriate at the time. But now I will answer.” He
motioned for her to sit as all the others did. When she complied, Ian took
a deep breath and began.
“First of all,
about this structure. This was the home of the heroes you call Superwoman,
Rogue, Supergirl, Powergirl, Mon-El, She-Hulk, Superman, and Ariel.”
Chasity shook
her head. “There is no way. This place would have disintegrated centuries
Kieran took a
breath and smiled. “Actually you are partially correct. After maintaining
this place for about 40 years after most of their departures, Superman
began to replace all of the original materials with Kryptonian ones. The cloth,
the glass, the machinery, the structure itself…all were replaced so they
would not break down over time.”
“So this is
where they lived?” Chasity took a slow glance around. “No wonder you
quarantined the area. This is like a museum.”
“Actually I
quarantined it because Zal asked me to. He didn’t want his tomb disturbed.”
Ian paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. “Second, you are here to
learn to use your abilities, and to learn your heritage.”
“My heritage?”
“Yes, Chasity.”
She glanced
away, beginning to understand. “You mean...I am…”
Ian smiled and
nodded. “The only living descendant of Superman.”
There was a
long silence all around. The five companions looked at each other then
waited for Chasity to speak.
“What about my
dad? And my brother?”
“They did not
carry the bloodline. Your mother did.”
“But I have
been told about mom. She didn’t have abilities such as these.”
“I can explain,”
said the young man in black.
“Who are you?”
“You probably
don’t know me, but my name is Matt Brody.”
“Paradox,” she
Matt was taken
aback. A gentle smile caressed his face as he spoke. “I am impressed. There
can’t be many who remember my true name.”
“I studied
that portion of history carefully, sir. I was looking for clues to the
final dispositions of Superman’s family and thought that maybe they had
gone into hiding beside the remaining members of Alpha Flight.”
Nodding, Matt
continued. “The five of us have been watching carefully, looking for any
signs of their powers to return. Each generation exhibited increased
intelligence, reflexes, and use of some of the senses that Kryptonians
have. But you were different. For some reason when you were conceived, all
of the dormant Kryptonian genes became active. They began to rapidly
rewrite your DNA as part of the regeneration process.”
Taking over
from the ageless man, Ian continued the story. “That is when we decided to
place a block on your powers. It was meant to keep you and your mother
alive. But apparently even my magic had its limits. After you were born, I
renewed the spell and hoped it would be enough to keep not only you, but
your adopted family safe.”
“Why was I
denied this before? Did you not think I would have been mature enough to
handle the truth before now?”
The dark
haired woman with Kieran held up her hand to silence the men. “Chasity, one
of the problems that Zal had, that Kara had, was the fact that they had
always known who and what they were. It kinda gave them a detached view on
their human sides. As for you, you grew up as a human being, and are now
becoming what you will be forever. You will have the morals of mortal
flesh. Just like I do.”
“What do you
mean, like you?”
Anne grinned
and glanced at her husband. “I was once a mortal. I lived in the Dark Times
in a monastery where Kieran and I met and married.”
“Wow! You
could write a book that would be invaluable to the historians.” Chasity
exclaimed. She sighed and sat back, soaking all of this newfound knowledge
in. She had definitely bitten off more than she could chew this time. Her
thoughts racing, she discovered several holes in the answers. She looked
back at Matt and took a deep breath.
“Mr. Brody, May
Matt held up a
hand, making the young woman trail off. “Please Chasity, call me Matt.”
cleared her throat. “Then forgive me if I revert in the usage. We are
trained to respect those who delivered us.”
She nodded. “Those
of you who banished Alexander Luthor and stopped the rampages of the Metahumans.”
smiled. “Chasity, let me explain a couple of things. First, yes we all went
together and stopped the metas. But it was Zal who banished Luthor. And
cleaned up the remaining metas that followed him. And I cleaned up the
resulting mess after that.”
Chasity’s eyes
went wide. “That’s not anywhere in the archives. Nobody knows what
happened, just that it happened. It was assumed that you, Lord Ian,
stripped the taint of the Artifact from the universe.”
Now it was
Ian’s turn to look surprised. “I have been out of circulation too long. I
didn’t realize my powers rivaled yours Matt.” Matt desperately tried to
stop the sentence, but it was too late.
“Excuse me?
Since when was there anyone more powerful than the Wizard Argent and the
Sorcerer Supreme?”
Anne began to
laugh as Kieran shriveled his nose at the comment. “I always disliked that
Chasity held
out her hands questioningly. “Please, someone explain that means.”
Okay, okay,”
Matt sighed. “I didn’t feel there was a reason to tell you what I am.”
“You are just
a meta who simply does not age, correct?”
He shook his
head. “No young one. I am no such thing. I am the living consciousness of
the universe. I was born to give a sense of right and wrong to the facets
of reality. Everything that happens, I know. Everything that is, I am. But
do not think of me as a god as others have. I first began to use my
abilities to alter the course of good and evil. This I can no longer do.”
“Why not? If
what you say is true, then you could make it so there are no more wars, no
death, no disease, and no famine.”
“I could, but
then where would life go? It could very well stagnate and the universe
would die. I seek only to restore the balance of morals. When a great evil
arises, then a great good must also arise. The scales always change, but
order is dominant. That is why you are here.”
Chasity’s brow
furled at the mention of ‘great evil’. “What great evil? Order is
maintained throughout the solar system, and major crime is virtually wiped
out. What could cause such an uprising?”
Ian’s eyes
glowed with inner flame for a split second, and a data pad appeared in his
hand. He handed the pad to the young Kryptonian. Chasity took it and turned
it on. The screen flashed with yesterday’s news. Instantly Chasity’s face
turned pale and she took a shaky breath. “It can’t be. Please tell me this
isn’t true.”
Ian nodded his
head in regretful acknowledgement. “It is true. Lex Luthor has escaped from
the Phantom Zone.”
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Jake H.
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork,
photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant
Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network