The Continuum Worlds


And Justice For All



Jake H.


                Sherri Pennison lay on her cot looking up at the roof of her tent. She was going over the recent events in her past. She had been a police chief, an undercover operative, and now, just a simple throwback. It really didn’t bother her to have been put aside by Buddy, but the sight of him in another’s arms was still just a little much to bear.


            “Ms. Pennison?” a voice called from the doorway to her tent. She knew it belonged to the watch sergeant and he was concerned why she didn’t show up for role call this morning.


            “What is it, Sarge?” she called out.


            “Just wondering if you were all right.”


            Sherri sighed and wondered if she should tell him the truth. “Yeah, I just got a late start. I have to go see the General this morning.”


            “Ok. Yell if you need something.”


            She smiled. Sherri knew he liked her in that ‘big brother’ sort of way. “All right, Steve. Will do.” She rolled out of bed and got in her private shower. She let the hot water run down her hair and back, relaxing as it renewed her energy for the day. She got dressed in her sharpest set of cammies, and stepped out into the crisp air. There was activity everywhere, but what else would you expect in the capital of an infant nation?


            Sherri methodically strolled to the command building, carefully noting where the amazon guards were. When she was stopped at the entrance, she wasn’t surprised.


            “Who are you and state your business.” said one of the amazons.


            “Pennison to see Gener…”she stopped herself, knowing that these women would take offense to not using his proper title. “To see his Majesty.” Just then, Rita stepped out of the doorway.


            “Hey Sherri.” then turned to the guards. “She’s clean. Let her in.”


            The guards nodded at Rita and stepped aside for Sherri.


            “So what brings you to HQ, Sherri?” Rita asked.


            “I just need to talk to Buddy alone. Can you arrange that?”


            “Hmm. For the most part. The Queen won’t leave his side.”


            “That’s not a problem. This is strictly business, anyway.” Sherri stated plainly.


            Sherri waited inside of the command communication center for about twenty minutes while Rita arranged the meeting. There was a bustle of activity with operatives watching New Independence, and several were giving reports, others watching Luthors convoys around Washington, DC, among others. When Rita placed a hand on her shoulder, she turned and walked down the hallway to Buddy’s private office.


            When Sherri entered, Buddy was sitting at a small dinette table eating breakfast with the Queen. He turned and greeted her.


            “Sherri, what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you this morning?” Buddy said as he nibbled on a piece of bacon.


            Squaring herself and reviewing her pre-planned speech to him, she started. “Your Majesty, I hereby request a transfer to the prison detail in New Independence.”


            Buddy looked shocked. “Transfer? May I ask why?”


            “No sir. You may not.”


Queen Hippolyta jerked her head up to glare at the young woman. “How dare you….!”


            “No, no. It’s all right. I understand.” Buddy said, trying to calm his lover down. “Everyone has a right to privacy, and if I am not mistaken, I already know why, don’t I Sherri?”


            “Probably so, your Majesty.”


            “She is your former lover.” The Queen said.


            Buddy looked at her in confusion. “How did you know that?”


            “Several thousand years dealing with women will teach you a few things about them, Ben. I saw the slight tinge of jealousy in her mannerisms, and the rest came together.”


            Sherri allowed herself to smile. Except for a minor breach of etiquette, she made her feelings known without saying so. “Your Majesty, will you grant my request?”


            Buddy glanced at his lover and then stared at Sherri. Finally, instead of speaking, he simply got up, walked to his desk and started handwriting a letter. After another ten minutes of silence, he put it inside an envelope and picked up a small, velvet box.


            “Sherri, come here.” When she did, he handed her the letter and box.


            “What is this, your Majesty?” Sherri asked tentatively.


            “That letter is your promotion to Colonel. It gives you the authorization to pick an aide, and a gunner.”


            “A gunner?”


“Go down to the motor pool and pick out a hummer. It is then permanently assigned to you. Also, upon arrival to New Independence, you will have the command of the prison. The commander of the unit I assigned there died a couple of months ago, and I never replaced him. Today I have. From now on, you and your battalions will no longer follow the chain of command. You will answer directly to me, as that is a most sensitive area of this nation.”


            Sherri stood there in shock. A Colonel! All she came here for was to get away, not to get promoted. “I…I don’t know what to say.”


            “Just say yes.”


            Sherri paused for a moment. “Isn’t the prison commanded by Superman?”


            “Umm, no. He built it, but he has to be in too many places at once. He will probably be a regular visitor to you though.” Buddy noticed that she had yet to open the box. "Go ahead, open it.”


            Sherri flipped open the box and noticed a pair of shined, silver eagles.


            Buddy smiled. “Those were mine when I first got promoted. Now I pass them on to another worthy officer.”


            Sherri just stared at them for a moment. “Th..Thank you, your Majesty.”


            Buddy glanced at his lover and motioned her over. He took the box from Sherri’s hand and removed the silver eagles from within. He handed one to Hippolyta, and they both moved to either side of Sherri. They promptly placed the eagles on her collar and stepped back.


            “Congratulations, Colonel.” Hippolyta said, trying to sound as official as possible. 


            “Thank you, your Majesties. I request a leave of absence so I might pack and travel. I will report upon my arrival.”


            “Very well, Colonel.” Buddy leaned and gave Sherri a hug. “I hope we can still be friends.”


            “Sure, just invite me to the wedding, ok?” Sherri said, hiding her smile the best she could. She bowed and exited the office. Sherri paused to catch her breath, and then confidently strolled to the exit. This was the first day of the rest of her life, and she intended to enjoy every moment!




            Two days later, in New Independence, the city was rather busy. There had been a flood of refugees from Luthor’s America coming through here in the past three weeks. Some had stayed and joined society; others simply kept moving to settle elsewhere in the SUSA. Most had the opportunity to meet Zal, smoothing some of the fears of the ‘S’ symbol. This morning, Zal was out in the backyard of the apartment complex that he built when he and Kitty got here. He was practicing his Koh-Re maneuvers, just as he did every morning.


            “Breakfast, Zal!” called out a warm voice from the apartment.


            “Ok, Kitten. I’ll be there in a flash.” Zal called back. He grabbed his shirt and strolled inside. When he got to the kitchen, there was not so much as a cup of coffee made. Confused, he called out to his girlfriend. “Uh, Kitty?”


            Katherine walked in wearing a semi-formal dress, and was carrying a pair of nice slacks, shirt, and shoes. “Get dressed. We have a meeting at Peters house in 3 minutes for breakfast.”


            “What? Since when?” Zal asked, not remembering any meetings.


            “Since the new commander of the prison arrived today. He wants to introduce us and Major Harrison to her.” Kitty said. “So, let’s go. I’m hungry.”


            “Fine. Gimme a second.” Zal sighed. He flashed away for a moment and appeared again, wearing the stylish clothes she picked out. “Let’s go.”


            Hand in hand they flew out and to the center of town. They landed and were greeted by Amanda, Peter’s wife.


            “Hi guys. They are waiting for us in the dining room.” Without a word, Zal and Kitty followed her and were seated. Peter was the first to speak.


            “Superman, I would like you to meet Col. Pennison, the new commander of the prison.” He then turned to Sherri. “Colonel, this is the new Superman. He is not like the….” He paused his words when she held up a hand.


            “I already know who he is, Lord Parker. Him and his entire family.” Sherri said.


            Her words took Zal by surprise. “You know me, Colonel?”


            “Yes Zal. I knew your sisters before you came here.”


            “You did?” Zal asked, his surprise growing with each word.


            “Yes. Ask Kara if you wish.” Sherri said, knowing not many knew his sister’s true name.


            Zal thought about this and looked at her again. “That’s quite alright. But it definitely gives us something to talk about later.”


            “Sure, anytime.” Sherri said as she began to relax a bit. “I have two bits of official business to handle so we can all sit down and have breakfast as friends, not as officials.”


            Peter was the first to agree. “Absolutely. That way we can drop titles and go with first names perhaps?”


            “Sure. First of all, “she said, turning to Maj. Harrison, “Major. You are assigned as my XO and are promoted to Lt. Col. You have been in command of this unit for a while, and his Majesty recognizes your outstanding service. I am going to leave most day to day operations in your hands. Anything serious, bring before me. Otherwise I just need a report per week.”


            Sherri turned to Peter. “I have been ordered to report directly to Buddy, but I also realize that I will need to keep you informed since you speak for the public.” Then she turned to Zal. “I will also inform you of anything that is pertinent, considering that you and Katherine seem to be the only people that can deal with these criminals. I guarantee there will be no escapes.”


            “Sounds good with me.” Zal said as he looked at Peter, who nodded in agreement.


            The Sherri smiled and clasped her hands together. “Good, then let’s eat.”




            Back in her quarters, Sherri was unpacking her belongings. She pretty much had everything in place now, and opened the last box. Inside was a golden helmet she picked up in the Fantastic Four’s satellite station when they were living here. She never figured out why it was there, or why Reed let her take it, but she always did enjoy antiques. She pulled it out and polished it slightly. She took out the wooden stand she kept it on and placed it on her desk.


            She was about to place the helmet on the stand when she glanced at her full-length mirror on one wall.


            “Ah, why the hell not?” she said aloud. “Let’s see what this does for my figure.” She said mockingly as she stepped in front of the mirror. She slowly placed the helm on her head.




            Many, many miles away, Ian sat in his tower, enjoying a beverage that Gerald called a ‘mochachinno’. Suddenly he sensed a great surge of magical power. So powerful, in fact, that he could physically feel the force of the wave.


            “What the…” he started. He began to gather his senses and focus on this new power source. He found that it was centered in New Independence. “My God. What on Earth is that?” He focused a bit further and suddenly got a flash of what felt like inspiration. Ian knew it was not natural.


            Knowing what the premonition meant. He nodded to himself. “I see.” Ian puzzled over the implications. Knowing all of his energy would go to researching this power, he called for his servant. “Gerald!”


            “Yes, sir?”


            Ian was almost surprised that he did not notice his assistant come in the room. “I need you to contact Frostfire. I have a job for him.”


            “Yes, sir. Right away.” Gerald said and turned and walked out of the door.


            Ian knew that there would be at least two other people on the planet that would sense such a disturbance, and he didn’t know what they would do. “Luthor will only see something else he can exploit, and it is unknown what Doom will do. An interesting set of events to say the least.”




            A flood of knowledge rushed into Sherri’s mind. It was teaching her, that she was sure of. Incantations, rituals, uses and limitations.


            “What’s going on here?”


            “I am glad you asked, my child.”


            Sherri was about to ask whose voice this was, but suddenly, she knew. “Nabu. Lord of Order. How may I serve you?”


            “Sherri, you were chosen long ago to wield the power of Dr. Fate. Why did it take you this long to don the helmet?”


            “I had no idea of what this was. If I had known, I would have wielded this long ago.” Sherri said in response.


            “Did not Richards tell you?”


            “No. He did not.” 


            “I see. Our power is more limited here that I first calculated. You know what you must do now. The knowledge has already been implanted.”


            “Yes, Nabu. But knowledge is not experience. I will need some time to practice. But I will still serve and protect, as my predecessors did.”


            “Excellent. Then you have no problems in taking the power of Fate?”


            “No, Lord. I embrace such power. My world here needs those such as I. I imagine that I will be a welcome addition.”


            “Then I leave you my child. Call upon me if you need help, but you must make your own path, as I cannot write it for you. Farewell.”


            Suddenly, Sherri realized that she was still standing in front of her mirror, wearing the helm. Her clothing had changed. It was now a blue and yellow suit with a long, flowing, yellow cape. She groaned.


            “Wonderful. Now I even look the part.” Sherri looked at herself one more time. “Well, it does do wonders for my figure.” She said as she smoothed the skin-tight suit over her chest. She slowly pulled off the helmet. Her clothes returned to normal, and she felt the power ebb away slowly.


            Sherri nodded to herself. “Ok. At least I won’t have to reveal who I really am, that’s a relief.  But watch out, world. For I am Dr. Fate, and I am here to restore order to this planet.”




            The next day, Sherri was quite happy. She had gone to her office and had finished her work in a couple of hours. She had decided to take a stroll downtown, so she could get to know her new home better.  She had noticed Kitty and Zal at the main gates of town, greeting to trickle of refugees this morning, directing them to get food and registering their identities. Even though, she wanted to spend time alone this morning, she decided to go and talk with them.


            “Hey guys, what’s up?” Sherri said to the couple as she approached.


            “Col. Pennison, how are you?” Zal said.


            “Zal, cut out the ‘colonel’ stuff. Just call me Sherri.”


            “All right.” Suddenly, Zal’s ears perked up, sensing a telltale communiqué received by the terminal Kara let him have.” Hey, can you watch things for a second, I have a call I have to take.”


            “Sure, go ahead.” She said and watched as Zal took off into the sky. She turned her attention to Kitty.


            “So how did you two hook up?”


            “He saved my life. After I brought him here to help free the city, he asked me out. We have dated regularly sense then. ” Kitty glanced at Sherri’s expression. “You remember me, don’t you?” she asked, seeing the recognition in Sherri’s eyes.


            “Yeah. I do. Alpha Flight, right?”


            “Yep. How did you know?”


            “I was the police chief of Kansas City. It was my job to know what resources were available. Anyway, its good to know that there is someone keeping an eye on him.”


            Kitty smiled. “Well, I am pretty pleased that we are getting closer. Dewspite that front he puts on, he can be really sweet and charming when he wants to.”


            Sherri was pleasantly surprised. “Well, that’s different. That’s nothing like what I remember Kal-El to be or what Kara is….” Sherri noticed something in the crowd. A man with a long coat on, obviously hiding something underneath. She looked into his eyes. They were pleading for help. She saw him mouth the words ‘stop me’.


            “Crap. Kitty, we have trouble. I’m going to get Zal.”


            “Got it. I saw it all.” Kitty said and took to the air. “Everybody, clear the area! Now!”


            The man in the trench coat suddenly ripped the material off of himself. He was wearing some type of reinforced armor that was bristling with weaponry. It was also glowing bright blue. He screamed out. “Somebody stop me! Please! Don’t let Superman close to me!”


            Kitty cursed. “If that’s what I think it is…I have to do this alone.” She began to dive at the man until she saw the weapons track her. “Oh shit!”


            The weapons fired simultaneously, impacting against Kitty’s tough skin. Even though they did not penetrate, it was enough to knock her out of the sky.


            “Damn! That hurt.” Kitty mumbled to herself as she hit the ground. She heard Zal roar in anger.


            “You’re gonna pay for that!”


            “No! Zal, stay away!” Kitty said as another flurry of missiles impacted against her. She gritted her teeth at the pain.


            Sherri saw the predicament they were in. Zal could not get close enough because of the Kryptonite, and Kitty was constantly under bombardment. They were losing, and quickly. “Ok. I think its time.” She reached into her knapsack and pulled out the helmet. Risking a glance around, she saw that nobody was watching, and quickly put it on.


            Zal was fuming. There was nothing that he could do. He had felt the Kryptonite radiation, and could not dare to get closer. But Katherine was getting pummeled! “Dammed!” he said to himself.  Instantly, Zal saw the shells and missiles redirected into the sky. A moment later, he stopped firing all together, standing there as if held.


            “What’s going on now?” Zal said to nobody in particular.”


            “I have him held, please tell Kitty to phase through him.”


            Zal turned with a start and noticed a woman wearing a golden, closed face helm, and a yellow and blue costume. “Who are you?!”


            “Later. I can’t keep this up forever.”


            “Right.” Zal turned to Kitty, who was recovering. “Ariel! Phase through him!”


            Kitty dove through the man, phased the entire way. He instantly started quivering as if he was possessed, then dropped to the ground. “That’s weird.” She poked her head inside of his body and looked around.


            Zal turned to his helper. “Ok. What now?”


            The figure made some simple gestures in the air. “I have temporarily shielded you from the radiation. Let’s get him to the prison containment before my spell wears off.”


            Skeptical, Zal edged his way to the downed man. Not feeling any pain, he rapidly picked him up and flew to the prison, dumping him in a lead-lined room. He was about to get his lover when he found both her and this newcomer entering the room.


            Zal looked closely, but was not surprised when he could not see through the helm. “Do you mind telling us who you are now?”


            “Gladly. I am known as Fate. I am a sorceress. I fight for justice, and to serve and protect humanity.”


            Zal walked over and put his hands on Kitty’s shoulders. “Are you alright?” she asked.


            “I can ask you the same. Are you hurt?”


            “No, not in the slightest. I had a complete loss about what to do right then..”


            Fate then spoke again. “You will find that he is simply coated in Kryptonite, and it can be removed easily. I believe he was being controlled as he did not appear to want to fight.”


            “I noticed that also.” Kitty said. “If I remove the Kryptonite, do you think you can help him, Zal?”


            “Help him?!” Zal began angrily. He caught himself, knowing he was trying to change an image and rebuild a legend. “Ok. I will attempt it, at least.”


            Zal turned back to Fate. He was going to ask some more questions, but then had a flash of insight. “Fate, I thank you for your help. By why can you not be honest with me?”


            “About what?”


            “Your identity.”


            “I have told you what you need to know, and I know that you cannot see through this.” Fate said confidently.


            Zal smiled. “True. But it does not hide your scent, or your specific heartbeat, Sherri.”


            Suddenly, she looked defeated. “Damn. I knew I forgot to hide something.” She pulled off the helmet, but this time the clothing stayed the same. “Ok. So you figured out who I was.” Sherri said. “I haven’t yet mastered all my abilities yet.”


            “Why didn’t you tell us you were a meta?” Kitty ventured.


            “I didn’t really know until recently. Nobody knew.” Sherri said. “Can you forgive me for trying to mislead you two? And can you keep who I am a secret?”


            “Not a problem. And, yes. I forgive you.” Zal said. “But the sad news is this: I have to go for a couple of days. My father needs me to do some upgrades for him.”


            “Your father?” the two women said together.


            Zal shook his head. “I’ll explain later. It’s a long story.” He bent down and gave Kitty a peck on the cheek then shook hands with Sherri. “Can you two hold the fort until I get back?”


            “Sure. Just leave it to us women.” Kitty said and winked at him. “Hurry home, sweetheart.”


            Zal winked back and took off. Both women watched him leave. “Ok, Ariel. Me and you have got to have a talk.”




            At Sherri’s apartment, Kitty and Sherri had been up all night discussing the state of the world, each others background, but most of all, about heroism.


            Sherri was trying hard to make her point. “Look, Kitty. Yesterday was proof. Zal cannot battle every conceivable threat. And neither can we. I feel that this is a good idea.”


            “Ok, let’s run with this a second.” Kitty said. “How many do you think there might be?”


            “I don’t know. I would say there are about 8000 metas out there. Of those, I would say 200 could give Kara, Rogue or Zal a run for their money in power. If we weren’t conservative, we could say 1% would be good-natured. On the other hand, I would only go about 1/10th of a percent. Just enough to assemble a team that could hold its own against a superior force. With training of course.”


            “So you’re saying ten?” Kitty stated, taking notes as fast as she could. “How would we reach them?”


            “Well, when Buddy and Luthor formally set the boundaries of their nations, he simply air dropped leaflets over the nation to inform the people what was going on. We could do the same.”


            Kitty thought of the possibilities and smiled at her new friend. “Ok. Let’s do it. But let’s get it done before Zal gets back, so he cant say no at that point.”


            “Agreed. You come up with the pamphlet, and I will duplicate it and start dropping them. Also, we might want to start working on a charter and rules for this…group.”


            “That’s another thing. What do we want to call this group?”


            Sherri turned in thought, dumbfounded for a moment, then turned back. “I don’t know, girl. What do you think?”


            Kitty sat back and pondered her past. She knew what she wanted in this. “Ok, I have an idea.” Before she could answer, Sherri completed her thoughts.


            “The we should call ourselves Alpha Flight. It is only fitting that that team be created again.”


            “Thanks.” Kitty said at last. “Let’s do this.”


            Over the next 36 hours, both women worked in a flurry. Sherri was busy dropping her magically duplicated pamphlets all over the nation, both Buddy’s and Luthor’s. Meanwhile Kitty drafted a charter and made arrangements with Peter to send anyone bearing a pamphlet directly to her. She also made accommodations for potential members. When Zal arrived back the next afternoon, Sherri, greeting him and left, knowing what was about to happen.


            “Kitty! I’m home!” Zal said when he entered. He got out of his uniform and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch. “Kitty?” he said again.


            “In the kitchen, Zal.”


            When he walked into the dining room, he saw that she had set up a candlelit dinner, soft music, a bottle of chilled wine. “What’s going on?”


            Kitty entered carrying two plates of food, seared porterhouse with hollandaise sauce. She placed the plates down and served a small bowl of salad and soup. She say down and gestured to the other chair. “Sit down sweetheart. Let’s have a meal to remember.”


            Having no reason to argue, Zal sat down Even though they occasionally had a elegant meal, this was by far the most lavish. They ate, having small talk and desert at the end. They opened the bottle of wine and retired to the balcony, to watch the stars.


            “Zal, I have a request to make.”


            “What’s that?”


“I want to assemble a team of metas, a team that will fight to help put some order in the world, a team that stands for justice.”




            “What do you mean ‘no’?”


            “I don’t have the time.”


            “I said me, not you.”


            “You don’t understand. I have my hands full when I took on this title. I have a reputation that I have to repair. And a legend to continue. I can’t deal with a group of upstarts that thinks they can save the world.”


            Kitty, saddened by his reaction took his hand in hers and closed her eyes. “It’s too late.”




            “Me and Sherri have air dropped a million pamphlets recruiting for a team all over the nation.” Kitty said meekly.


            Zal’s eyes snapped to hers. “You’ve what?! Dammit! You could have at least got my views on this before inviting potentially dangerous people to a city full of innocents!” He was furious. He leapt out of the chair and began pacing back and forth. He had not even noticed the tears running down Kitty’s face. “Now I have to be alert 24/7 to make sure that anyone doesn’t get hurt! I about got killed last time this happened! Who is to know what will happen this time!” Zal stopped and saw Kitty wipe the tears from her face.


            “Zal, I’m sorry. I thought you would be happy.” Kitty sobbed.


            Zal’s heart broke. He could not stand to see her cry, especially when he was the cause of those tears. He stood there wrestling with his feelings, but broke down and held her close. “No. I should be the one who is sorry. You took a step to help this world. I may not agree, but that doesn’t give me a right to yell at you for it.” Kitty looked into his eyes. She wiped away the tear forming before it could hit his cheek.


            “I didn’t think about that. I was looking long-term.”


            “I am going to start deprogramming that guy tomorrow, and then eventually I have to go see Kara. If anyone shows up for this, it is your ballgame. I can’t get involved.”


            “That’s fine, Zal. You have a legacy and a population to look after. Don’t worry, I have Sherri helping me.” They both sat back down, sorry of the argument that just took place. Zal spoke after a long moment.


            “What were you going to call this team?”


            “We decided on recreating Alpha Flight.”




            A couple of weeks later, Zal found himself just miles away from the fortress. He had succeeded in helping the man who had assaulted the city. It had seemed that he was being controlled by a communications satellite. Once it had been destroyed, there seemed to be no other controlling forces on this being, but he still had not awoken. Others had also began showing up. The first was a semi and trailer carrying three young people. Then appeared a lone, young woman, a young man who had been seriously injured, but the injury was unknown. Another young lady that seemed to glow, making it obvious that she was a meta. Lastly was a large man, larger than he was even. Kitty had put them all up in the barracks and gave them a hot meal, saying for them all to relax for a day or two to see who else showed up.


            Zal was still beside himself. He didn’t like the idea of having wildcards around innocent civilians. He landed at the fortress and entered, slamming the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen where Kara and Rogue were playing against the twins in a game of spades. They had stopped and were staring at him as he grabbed a drink, slamming the fridge door, sat down without saying anything.


            Then without warning, Karen broke the silence. “Is there something wrong, Uncle Zal?” keeping a straight face. The other three couldn’t, but managed to hide their laughter behind fake coughs.


            “Funny. You’re not going to believe what’s happening.” Zal said as the women calmed back down.


            “Like what?” Rogue said as she shuffled the cards at super-speed.


            “Apparently you guys know Sherri Pennison.”


            “Yeah, we do. She was the one who found you in Metropolis.”


            “Ok. Did you know she was a meta?”


            Then, the four Kryptonian women stopped. “She’s what?” Kara asked.


            “Yeah. She calls herself Fate now. She wears this golden helmet made of magic.” Zal explained.


            Their jaws dropped as they looked at each other. They all knew what this meant. Only Zal did not understand, but he continued. “Also, her and Kitty have decided to form a team of metas to fight for justice or something. Can you believe that they had the audacity to do that? They started arriving yesterday. It looks like they already have 4 or 5 new people.”


            Kara sat back. “Why are you upset about this?”


            “Why do you think, sis? I can’t afford to baby-sit them.”


            Kara just stared at him.


            “What?” Zal asked. “What now?”


            Kara was about to say something but caught herself. She just stared at her brother like he was crazy.


            Zal got the message. “We can’t be everywhere at once can we?”


            Kara shook her head slowly.


            “In a world such as this, we need all the help we can get….” Zal said.


            Once again, Kara nodded her head slowly.


            Zal sighed and laid his forehead on the table. “By Rao, I am a hypocrite. I myself said they should join us or die. And I’m complaining when they do.” Zal shook his head.


            “Uncle Zal, what was this group to be called?” Carrie asked.


            Without lifting his head from the table, Zal answered. “They want to recreate this world’s Alpha Flight, something that can handle threats worldwide and not be tied to any single government.”


“Well, remember. Kitty was a part of the original Alpha Flight, and Sherri was a police chief, they know about team tactics.”


“Yeah, I know sis. I just have some reservations about all this..”


“I know. Just give them a chance. Ok?”


“All right, I will. Trust me. But, I’ve got to get back to New Independence. I’ll see you later.”




            Zal returned home to find Kitty working on paperwork. She stood and greeted him as always, with a hug and a peck on the cheek. When they broke she was quite confused.


            “Zal, what’s going on? I thought you would still be mad.”


            Zal smiled. “I have thought over this entire Alpha Flight thing. If you want my support, then you have it. I’m looking for some other help, but that is unknown as of yet.”


            “Really!? You’re gonna allow this after all?”


            “Do I have a choice?”


            Kitty gave him a hug. “Thanks. If this is the case then I want you to address them all tomorrow. I have arranged a meeting for everyone to explain who and what they are to everyone else.”


            “Sure. I’ll be there.”


            The next morning, after breakfast, Kitty stood at the head of a boardroom. She was a bit nervous, but she knew that Sherri would be here any moment, and Zal was already here. He was sitting in a corner, observing the seven people seated around the table. When Sherri walked in, she was wearing her full Fate costume, helm included. Kitty began her introduction.


            “Ladies and gentlemen. You have all come here for a single reason. The chance to fight for truth, justice, and freedom. You’ve seen the oppression and tyranny in the world, and want to help. Am I correct in this?”


            One young man sitting on one side spoke up. “Well, that and the food.” The young lady sitting next to him instantly slapped him in the back of the head. At this the entire table broke out laughing. Even Zal cracked a smile.


            “My name is Katherine, but most call me Ariel. Fate and myself are assembling a team to do just that. All of you know by now that there is a new Superman here. He can’t fight every conceivable threat. That is where we come in. To parallel his quest for peace.”


            The young lady that was slightly glowing spoke up. “Where is Superman, and what do you two have with him?”


            “Superman will address you soon as he arrives. As for Fate, they have known each other for a long time.”


            “And you?”


            Kitty paused for a moment, but answered anyway. “I am the one who found him, and brought him here.”


            A murmur rose around the table but died with a quick nod of approval.


            “Then let us each go around the table and give our names, our abilities, and limitations. Without such knowledge, we can never work well enough as a team.” Kitty stated. “Lets start with you.” She pointed out a young man of about 23 years.


            “Ok. My name is Derek Spakes, and I am going to go ahead and speak for the three of us. We are not metas.” He said.


            “Then why are you here?” Sherri asked.


            “Let me explain. When the war started, me, my brother and his girlfriend went with our families and took shelter in one of the bunkers underneath NASA. After a couple of years of exploring, we found what was supposed to be a one-man recovery vehicle. We powered it up and started modifying. It took us several years to get it just right. When radiation poisoning swept through the bunkers last year, we packed up and hit the road. We found your flyers and decided that this was worth a shot.


            “I remember that project.” Sherri said. “I am surprised that people so young could comprehend such technology. ”


            “Well, we were all pretty smart and with the computer logs we understood, to a limited fashion. The armor itself was perfected, as were the weapons and propulsion systems. The only thing we could never get right was the power conversion methods. So, we can only channel so much of the power we do have.”


            “What makes it so special?” Kitty asked.


            “Well, the armor is quantum layered, meaning it is actually several layers of the same material phased and combined into one highly dense plate. So, in the space of one centimeter, you actually are dealing with the equivalent of a full foot of armor. Cold fusion power, repulsor cannons, at least Mach 1 flight capable, among advanced sensors, radar,and early warning systems. It takes one person to wear it, usually me, and these two here to help control the various systems Together we call ourselves Legion.”


            “Do you want to introduce them?”


            “Sure. This is my twin brother Dwayne, his girlfriend Elizabeth Cambell, and me. We were the winners of several national science awards.


            “Yeah I remember reading about you and your brother. Supposedly the smartest people ever to come out of Florida. Perfect SAT’s, ACT’s…all at the age of nine. Am I right?”


            They both nodded.


            “Well, I’ll be next.” the big man said. “My name is Brian Powell, but I usually go by Exodus. I played football in high school, got a full ride from Notre Dame. Till America collapsed that is. The Artifact changed me, so now I can lift just over 188,000 pounds, and I’m pretty tough to boot.


            “How tough?” Kitty asked as she was taking notes.


            “I got hit by a train and derailed it without a scratch. Nothing more impressive that I can think of for comparison.”


            Kitty nodded. “We’ll test all of your limits soon enough. Next?”


             A young girl was next. “My name is Rachel Chapman and I go by Solitaire. I am also Artifact enhanced, but I was born with a special ability also. I am a telepath and telekinetisist, and I’m proficient in Shorin-Ryu, but I also have the ability to shut off another metas powers. One touch will nullify one ability for about an hour. The longer the contact, the more abilities or the more time, whichever I choose.”


            “That’s amazing.” Sherri said.


The girl just shrugged. ”Other than that, I am just human.”


“All right. Who is next?” Kitty asked..


            “My name is Matt Brody and I call myself Paradox. I don’t know how, but I have the ability to call upon the Power Cosmic, the power of the stars. It is imperfect. So far, anytime I wish to use my abilities, it actually hurts me. The bigger the effect, the worse I get. For example, it would be nothing for me to transform nitrogen into gold in the palm of my hand, but it would probably knock me out if I encased someone in steel or diamond.”


            Whispers and stares came following that last comment, but every one soon turned to the last person at the table.


            “My name is Hope. Hope Davis. I am known as Artemis. I have the power of the sun, using its light to heal or to harm, to stun, and sometimes, to kill. But I don’t do that. Every life is precious. My only limitation is the fact that I have to recharge in the sunlight. Even indirect such as the light from the moon. If I am separated from it, my powers fade, and I will eventually die.”


            Zal spoke up. “You are a solar battery. I have seen people like that before.”


            “And you are?”


            Zal shook his head. “Perhaps you should ask your two hostesses who they are.”


            The assembly turned to look at Sherri. “My name is Fate. As of right now, I cannot divulge my true identity due to the circumstances of my civilian job. In time, when I feel that I can trust you all with such information, I will unmask. But for now, know that I am in this for the long haul.”


            The group shook their heads and turned to Kitty. “Ok. My name is Katherine Pryde. I am one of the last surviving members of the original Alpha Flight. My friends call me Kitty and the world knows me as Ariel. I am strong, very tough, can fly at around Mach 2, and have the ability to phase myself through solid objects.”


            “That’s awesome.” Solitare said. “And now I have a suggestion. If we would all join hands, I will link our minds, putting to rest any doubts of sincerity from any person.”


            Kitty’s eyebrows raised. “I see no problem. Any objections?”


            Derek spoke up. “I think that it is a little untrusting of us all, but I for one just came here to make a difference. I have nothing to hide. I’ll do it without question.”


            With that little speech, everyone in the room, save for Zal, joined hands. After a brief moment, they broke, with all doubts laid to rest. Kitty regained herself and addressed the group again. “All right. Get yourselves some rest. We begin training this afternoon, working on our teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. Any questions?”


            Then, Elizabeth, of Legion, raised her hand. “Yeah,” she turned to the corner that Zal was in. “Who is he?”


            Kitty looked over and nodded at Zal. He stood as she spoke. “Everybody, I would like to introduce Zal El of the planet Krypton.” She paused for a dramatic effect, her smile giving away her amusement. “He is the new Superman.”


            There was a round of gasps and sounds of shock as Zal came to stand in front of the group.


            “Damn, man! Here he was, the entire time, sitting right next to us!” Dwayne said.


            Without acknowledging the young man’s response, Zal spoke to the group. “As you now know, I am Superman, and I have but two things to say. First, I will support you as much as I can, but you know about my cousin’s insanity. I wear a symbol feared by some, hated by others, and revered by more. I am trying to clean the legacy and title up, and if anyone here sabotages that, then you answer to me. Second, it is my duty to help protect the people here. If any of you hurt a citizen, you go to prison. If you kill one, then you have to answer to me, and I shall decide your guilt and punishment. Otherwise, I look forward to your support, and working with you all.”




            Over the next couple of days, Zal and the seven fledgling members of Alpha Flight trained extremely hard. They were each given opportunities to demonstrate their various powers, and to have some of their disadvantages used against them.


            Zal had worked closely with each one, helping them to understand themselves. It also gave each side an idea of what to expect from each other. Exodus liked working with the Kryptonian, as he was the only one who could take his hits and the only one who could put his invulnerability over its limits.


            Legion especially liked to cut loose when it was his turn with Zal. He was able to track the Kryptonian when he was going hyper-speed all around him, and when he unleashed a blast that could not have hit, it always did. Upon explanation, Derek explained that his brother was calculating where he was to be at and actually firing the weapon himself. Zal liked the idea because it was actually dealing with three minds and reflexes at the same time, making Legion a dangerous person indeed.


            Zal enjoyed working with Solitare, as she was the only one who knew anything about martial arts. They enjoyed sparring, and she effectively used her telepathy to try to confuse her opponent while landing a particularly devastating strike. Zal also put her telekinesis to the test and found that she could manipulate about a thousand pounds at a time, but had such acute control that she could lift a penny and fold it into a flower like shape. 


            The others also enjoyed working with the Kryptonian for various reasons, but all, including Kitty were quite shocked when he stopped everyone’s sparring and gathered them around him.


            “All right everyone. We have been working hard as individuals, but now I want to test how well you can come together as a team on instant notice.” Zal said as he looked at each one in turn. “The rules are simple. The seven of you have the task of knocking me out.”


            The group looked at each other in shock. But it was Paradox who ventured a question. “What good is this going to do, Superman? You could kill us all within a second or two.”


            Zal nodded. “That may be so. But I will not be going full power on you all as you probably not be facing any foe as strong as I. I will be doing nothing but defending.” He locked gazes with Artemis. “Any serious injuries you can take care of, correct?”


            She nodded. “Yeah.” Then a smile pursed over her lips. “Just don’t let your guard down, cause we’re gonna put you out.”


            After a moment of shocked silence, Legion broke the suddenly tense mood. “Yes! Let’s do it to it, team!” He was instantly echoed by cheers and applause from the others. Save Kitty. She locked gazes with the Kryptonian and walked to his side.


            “Well, they definitely have the morale. What do you think?” Kitty said as she glanced back at her creation.


            “Morale is good. Enthusiasm is better. Foolhardiness is not needed though.” Zal said as he shrugged.


            “So you think we have no chance?” Kitty whispered.


            Zal shook his head. “No, but my life is in your hands, Kitten. I want you all to do your best.” He then stood straight again and addressed the team. “Ok. The time limit is five minutes. Any team of experienced metas would either escape or win within that amount of time. Understood?”


            “You got it, boss.” was the general reaction.


            Zal laughed. “I’m not your leader.” He pointed to Kitty and Sherri who were now talking strategy. “They are. I’m just here to help.” Zal noticed that there was a crowd of civilians gathering, making a circle around their sparring area. He watched and listened as several freshly minted gold coins changed hands and odds were given. Zal addressed the crowd.


            “Even though I had not intended this to be a sporting event, your observation is quite all right. Just please stay back far enough that you do not get hurt, please.”


            The crowd instantly acknowledged and stepped back another 20 paces. Zal noticed that Peter and Amanda were in the crowd. He gathered his attention and focused on his opponents. “Begin!”


            Instantly, all hell broke loose. Exodus charged. Using his lightning speed, Zal caught and redirected the large man into the air, throwing him back and down by 300 feet. He then felt his mind being invaded by Solitare and he found it a bit harder to concentrate.


            Artemis charged up a ball of pure light and hurled it at the Kryptonian, just as Fate unleashed a magical stunning blast at him. Zal dove and rolled out of the way of Sherri’s blast, but took the full force of the ‘light grenade’. It knocked Zal back and down, but he rolled and was back on his feet instantly. Zal then paused as he Kitty coming for him, fist cocked. All he saw was that her hand was surrounded by a silverish glow as it impacted on his jaw.


            The crowd watched as Zal was flung back seventy feet. In the air, he was hit with teke blast after teke blast being cast from Solitare.  He rose to one knee and watched as Artemis healed Paradox. As the Kryptonian stood, he was tackled from behind. His hands were forced behind him and he felt a heavy metallic object sit on him.


            “Just surrender now, and I’ll go easy on you.” Legion said.


            “Please.” Zal said in mock disgust. He flipped and kicked the armor in the back of its head sending it flying into Ariel who was closing the distance. He rapidly rolled to the side, just narrowly missing the magical blasts impacting into the ground where he was. He took to the sky and landed in front of Exodus who ready for another charge.


            Zal allowed the much larger man to swing, but easily dodged the swing and caught his wrist. He sent the powerhouse flying into Sherri who was knocked out of the sky. Zal saw the helm almost slip off of her head, but then it miraculously forced its way back on her.


            He was shocked until he saw Solitare standing to the side smiling. “Nice try, but not good enough.” She dove at him in a flying kick. Using her telekinesis, she empowered her blow with everything she had. Thinking this was a suicide play he allowed her to impact him. At that very same time, he felt himself being tackled again by Legion, and felt a sharp blow to the back of his knee. He brushed Solitare to the side and threw Legion into the ground. He turned to face the threat that hit him in his knee only to see Kitty stumbling back, clutching her hand.


            Horrified that she had shattered her hand when she hit him from behind, Zal backed away as Artemis came forward. She bathed Kitty in her healing light and all watched as the mangled bones reknitted themselves together, and the bruising and pain went away completely. She did the same for Solitare who simply had a concussion.


            Kitty stood, testing her hand as the other members gathered around her. She glanced at each on in kind and then gathered them in a football style huddle.


            “How bad do you guys want to win?” she asked finally.


            “He’s too much. But if you have a plan, Let’s hear it.”


            Zal respected their privacy. He did not want to hear what they had planned. Even though he already felt bad for unintentionally hurting his girlfriend, he still wanted to see how they were going to surprise this time. He watched as they broke the huddle and accidentally caught the phrase ‘It’s in his nature. Trust me.’


            “Are you guys ready to continue? We still have a couple of minutes left.”


            Without anyone saying a word, they all spread to a semi-circle around the Kryptonian. Kitty nodded to them all and yelled. “Charge!” Instantly, Ariel, Fate, Legion, Exodus, and Solitare leapt into an all-out attack. Artemis threw another of her ‘light grenades’ into the mix, while Paradox stayed back charging his Power Cosmic.


            Zal didn’t know what to think. He went into a full defensive mode, first blocking Sherri’s punch, ducking her kick hitting her other leg, sending her sprawling.  Kitty and Exodus swung together, and Zal caught their fists in mid air. It wasn’t easy. They had thrown every bit of strength into their blows, and Zal was forced to give ground. He still held onto their fists as he pounded by Solitare’s teke blasts. They didn’t hurt, but the intensity could be felt.


            When he felt Sherri’s magical bonds close around his legs, Zal knew he was in trouble. Legion came from behind and tried to lock him in a half-nelson, with limited success. Then Zal felt his strength ebb away and a familiar pain overwhelm his body. He struggled in silence as Solitare calmly walked up to him. One of her arm-length gloves was glowing a bright blue.



            Zal struggled to get away, but could not summon the strength to break free from Exodus or Ariel, who were now holding him. Solitare reared back and punched Zal as hard as she could with the glowing glove. Zal was hit by a tremendous amount of force from the slight girl, and felt himself slip from consciousness.




            A few moments later Zal awoke to see Artemis’ healing light dissipating from around him as Kitty was holding him. He blinked as his head cleared, taking a deep breath.


            “You know, that was dirty trick, Kitty. You know that could have killed me.” He said as they helped him to his feet.


            “I know. But you did say do our best.” She pulled him down and gave him a quick kiss. “All’s fair in love and war, baby.”


            Zal sighed and began laughing. “You guys did good, but I want to know one thing.”


            “What’s that?” asked Solitare.


            “How did you do that?”


            Paradox stepped forward. “Well, it mostly centered around distracting you, waiting for an opening. I temporarily transmuted the fibers of Solitare’s glove to kryptonite, at Katherine’s direction, of course.”


            Zal nodded and clasped his hand. “Good job. All of you. I didn’t think you had it in you to beat me. I see that you will all eventually become a great team.”


            The eight of them discussed the battle but were soon swarmed by the crowd, congratulating them on their victory. Zal and Kitty slowly slipped away, trying to get out of the crowd, but Peter took them to the side when they saw him.


            “Zal, I got something you might be interested in. We just began to receive distress calls from a camp just south of Indianapolis. They are requesting help against a group of marauding metas.”


            Zal glanced at his partner in justice. “Do they want relocation?”


            “I was told they are mostly on horseback. They are a tribe of Mohican Indians trying to get away from the Great Lakes area. They would like to get supplies then settle in the Dakotas.”


            “Well, I can’t see why not. It is their right.” Zal said. “I’ll go get rid of the metas. Tell them to start packing and I will escort them in three days.”


            “Right. I’ll get on the horn with them right now.” Peter said and rushed off to the communications tower.


            Kitty clasped her boyfriend’s hand. “ Zal, let us do this.”


            Zal couldn’t believe his ears. “What?! Are you kidding?”


            “Of course not. Without practical knowledge and experience, how will we ever come together as a team?”


            Zal was about to retort, but knew he was already beat again. “Ok. You win. But know this; if you get in over your head, I’m gonna come in swinging. Got it?”


            Kitty’s eyes sparkled. “Ah. My knight in shining armor.” Her finger unconsciously traced along the path of the ‘S’ on his chest. “You are really sweet sometimes, you know that?”




            Two hours later, Alpha Flight was staked out, ready to face their first challenge. Most were preparing for a confrontation, while Ariel, Fate, and Solitaire were busy trying to track the metas through magical and telepathic means. Kitty had not told them that Zal would be watching, for she felt that they would feel more independent, and not under his shadow.


            “Hey Kitty, I have them.”


            Kitty instantly snapped to attention. “Where are they at, Sherri?”


            “About four miles west, heading in generally this direction.”


            The Solitare spoke up. “Confirmed. Seven of them, one….is a psychic.”


            “They know we are here now, don’t they?”


            When Rachel nodded, Kitty grimaced. “Sorry Ariel, I didn’t know.”


            “It’s all right. But we need to get busy. Let’s go.”


            Several minutes later the two groups met on an old, unused interstate. Kitty had noticed a bit of confusion in their opponent’s ranks when they saw her modified ‘S’ symbol that she wore. Their apparent leader broke the silence.


            “Now what in the hell do you guys want? We ain’t done nothing to you.”


            Fate bristled. “You attack innocent civilians for no reason other than rape, murder and plunder. You are the most despicable creatures on Earth, and you are under arrest.”


            “On whose authority?” another said.


            “On our authority.” Kitty countered.


            “Please, don’t make me laugh. You are nothing here. And these aren’t people anyway. They are no better than cattle for the slaughter, or maybe as slaves to those who rule.”


            On that note, Kitty could tell the rest of Alpha Flight was getting pissed. She could actually see Legion trying to hold back Exodus. “Surrender, or face the consequences.”


            Without a response, the metas attacked, catching the heroes by surprise. From the beginning Kitty knew they were in trouble. She saw as one of their opponents blasted Paradox with a sickly, black ray, instantly putting the young man down.


            Solitare began blasting their ‘tank’ but to no affect. His massive hands impacted against her head, sending her into unconsciousness. Legion went after a man simply standing there. Instantly a wave of power flashed from him. But Legion did not seem affected.


            “Bad move, dipshit.” and charged back towards the man.


            “I think not.” he said and waved his arms. Legion was instantly thrown back and onto the ground. Kitty could hear the microwave radio transmissions coming from his team of supporters. “Derek, I have no motor control, what’s going on? Hey bro, are you alright, the computers just went crazy and all we can see on video is the sky.”


            “Damn. I’ve been magnetized guys, I can’t move.” Legion finally said.


            Then Kitty watched as Artemis and another woman charged each other. When they closed, the meta pulled a pistol out.


            “Surprise!” she said and fired. The bullet impacted in Artemis’ shoulder, sending her into shock. She slipped to her knees, clutching her arm. Unable to concentrate, Hope felt helpless as the other woman stood over her, ready to fire a fatal bullet into the downed woman.


            Suddenly the pistol dematerialized out of her hand. Kitty saw as Sherri finished her incantation, but was waylaid by a teleporting meta from behind. She saw her friend crumple and her helm come off as she slumped to the ground.


            “No!” Kitty yelled and jumped. She was intercepted by a squat, ugly man.


            “No no, girl. You’re mine!” and grabbed each of her wrists. Kitty could feel as her powers were being siphoned from her, and how this creature was enjoying the energy. He was a leech, a power funnel, and she had way to stop him. 


            Before Kitty went under, she saw Exodus pounding away at several of their members, but was instantly stopped as one them touched him on the forehead. His eyes went wide, then rolled back into his head. He slumped to the ground. The last thing Kitty saw was the surprised look on all of their faces.


            Zal had enough. He had watched as the entire team was systematically disassembled. When he saw that Exodus could not break free of his attackers, he dove in.


            The battle was easier than even he had expected. Zal had gone in swinging. He had instantly laid out the large one that had attacked Solitare. And in almost the same move, he had also put down the one who had utilized the black ray against Proteus. The rest of them paused when they saw him, knowing they were in deep trouble.


            Zal snarled. “Get the hell out of here before I kill you all!”


            The man who had leeched the energy from Kitty rose to his feet and pointed at the Kryptonian. “This ain’t over, Superman! We’re coming for you, believe it.”


            Zal’s temper rose and his eyes began to glow with the fury of unleashed power. “I advise you to leave unless you want to start it now!” On those words, the man, turned and ran, carrying the limp bodies of his fallen teammates. Zal leaned over and began to check on the team.


            “Kitty! Are you alright?” When he got no response, he gritted his teeth and picked her up. He was about to leave when a young man appeared behind him. “Who are you?”


            “My name is Frostfire. I was sent by Lord Ian to help and join your group.” The young man said.


            “It’s not my group, but I think they can use your help. Come on. Help me get them back to New Independence.”




After the Battle


Back at Zal and Kitty’s house, Alpha Flight was recovering. Most were sore and battered as they sat in the living room. All of them had changed out of costume and were nursing a cup of coffee. Zal had also changed to more casual clothes and was pacing in front of them. All of them had greeted and accepted Frostfire as one of their own, after he told them of his background. But the shame of defeat was still there. Even Sherri was disappointed in how easily she let her guard down.


            “Ok.” Zal said finally. “So you got beat. Who’s fault it was is irrelevant. The fact is that you do not yet have the ability to work together as a team.”


            Elizabeth cringed. “Does that mean you are disbanding us?”


            Zal shook his head. “It is not for me to say for anything that involves this group. I would like to help in any way I can. And now I feel it is time to call upon someone who can provide that help. I will go and talk to them in just a moment. But now I have some words of encouragement.”


            All of the young heroes looked puzzled as they glanced at each other. But since no one else spoke, Zal decided to continue.


            “You are doing well. I feel that you all have potential. Training must never cease. If you are not out helping the population, then you should be training to do so. Twelve hours a day, six days a week. Nothing less. You are your own group, but you need to consider me as an investor in your future. You will all be great someday, and I would love to see that day come soon.”


“I have to go and see Gen. Raines.” And Zal headed skyward. “I hope in the time I am gone, you can figure out what went wrong and hopefully resolve the problem.” After they all nodded and watched him leave, the seven friends began to discuss the strategy that could save their lives.




            Zal bowed before Buddy, much to his chagrin, as he laid out his proposal. He had come before the future king of America to ask for permission for Alpha Flight to base themselves inside of his nation. Queen Hippolyta was also present, glad to finally meet the one who had replaced the friend of her daughter.


            “Zal, quit with the bowing. I am not anyone’s majesty.”


            “Yes, your Majesty, whatever your desire.” Zal said as he righted himself.


            Buddy was slightly irked, but continued. “I knew this was happening, and I knew you would be coming to see me. The only concern I have is that can you vouch for them? Will you take responsibility for anything that goes wrong?”


            “Me? All I do is help train them, sire. Why do I need to take responsibility?” Zal asked, afraid of the answer.


            “It was your partner who created them, and I believe that you have them ‘under your wing’ for lack of a better term.”


            “Yes, your Majesty. You are correct and I understand your position. I will take responsibility for them.” Zal said finally.


            “Terrific. Then you can act as a check against them, just in case. I hope you understand that I feel the safety of the people come first.”


            Zal stood there slightly confused. “Absolutely, sire. You know I stand for the same. But what about a check against me?”


            “We have enough of a check against you. Just remember the ammunition.”


            The young Kryptonian nodded. “Yes, sire. And I thank you and the Queen for your time and generosity. I am sure they will live up to our expectations and help fight the injustice in this world.”


            “As do I, Zal. And quit calling me sire or majesty. I am just a general.”


            Zal turned walked to the door. Before exiting he turned back and bowed slightly. “Yes, your Majesty, whatever your desire.”


            The Queen laughed as Buddy picked up a bookend from his desk and threw it at the door as Zal left. The door opened again and Zal stuck his head back in.


            “You missed, your Majesty.” And just as quickly closed the door again.


            Outside of Buddy’s camp, Zal greeted the people he gathered to meet Alpha Flight. He breathed a sigh of relief when Rogue put a hand on his shoulder.


            “You ok, Zal?”


            “Yeah, I’ll be fine, Rogue. He accepted the proposal. They have permission to base themselves here ” Zal replied, still sounding slightly bothered.


            “So what’s the problem?” Alan said.


            Zal looked at his friend. “I had to take personal responsibility for them in order for him to accept it. It’s not what I had planned on doing. I have enough problems being Superman as it is. You guys know this.”


            Kara grinned as she grasped Zal by his hands. “You were the one who wanted to have that title so badly.” She cooed, knowing it was true. “You have to take the bad with the good. “ she said, unable to erase the playful smirk from her features.


            Zal stood there as Rogue burst out laughing, his gaze becoming more amused by his sisters expression. When she broke down laughing too, he had had enough. He shook his head and sighed heavily. “You two are terrible.”


            Kara walked over to her adopted brother and put an arm around him and gave him a hug. “Zal, you are alright. You have made me proud.”


            “Me too.” Rogue chimed in.


            “Thanks!” Zal said as he beamed a smile at them. “I really appreciate that.” Kara could notice the twinkle in his eyes at the compliment.    


            Suddenly, a mental image appeared in each of their minds. It was Solitaire. “Kara, Rogue, Zal. I think you should get to New Independence now. We are under attack.”


            Kara, Rogue and Zal glanced at each other and took to the sky, flying as fast as they dare to Illinois.

----------------------------------------------INSERT DIVIDER HERE-----------------------------


            At New Independence, all hell had broken loose. Alpha Flight was training outside of the prison, just like always, when suddenly the seven metas who had defeated them, appeared out of nowhere, rushing to attack.


            “Everybody! Get ready and remember your training! And support your teammates!” Fate yelled as they approached.


            Solitare was ready. She took off after the man who had leeched Ariel. He was trying his best to get a hold of her, and she just slipped out of his grasp. When she clamped onto him, he was shocked to discover that she had shut his powers off. Unable to do anything, he stood helplessly by as she teke blasted him into the prison wall.


            The magnetisist was also in a world of hurt. He had intended to pulse Legion again, but met up with Exodus instead. The large man’s punch sent the meta flying, embedding him in one wall of the prison. Brian screamed his victory and went to help his teammates.


            The man who had blasted Paradox with the black ray was met by Frostfire, who with his power easily overcame the Darkforce user. Frostfire hit the man with successive

Cold and heat blasts. The resulting damage was enough to ensure that the meta wasn’t getting up anytime soon.


            Their ‘tank’ was blasted by a silverish energy coming from Paradox. At first the large man was unaffected by the energy, but soon was slowed and eventually fell to his knees. Matt gathered himself and unleashed a tight, concentrated beam that put the large man down.


            The teleporter started moving around, trying to hit Artemis. When he did succeed, Artemis wiped the blood from her lip, and stood again. He began teleporting around her swinging wildly. Artemis charged a light grenade, waiting for a chance to hit him with it. Instead, she absorbed the ball and her body began to glow. Then, with the force of a bomb, light exploded from her, enveloping the man. He crumpled to the ground, his hair singed and small blisters forming on his exposed skin.


            Fate was quite a bit luckier. She had cast an encasement spell that was blocking the psioinisist’s powers. Realizing that she was helpless, the young girl gave up when Sherri began to form a menacing-looking fireball.


            With only one enemy left, Legion poured on the speed and landed behind the woman. She was so shocked at her teammates fall, that she never noticed him. He charged up his repulsors and fired. The crimson beams lanced into her, spinning the woman around, and knocking her down with the second. She decided to lie there, recovering from the blows as he stood over her. “I wouldn’t move if I were you, miss.”


            “I won’t. Believe me.” She said in response.


            About that very moment, Kara, Rogue and Zal landed in front of the prison. They had been expecting to fight the metas themselves, so they were truly amazed when they saw Alpha Flight picking up the offenders and carrying them into the prison.


            “I’m impressed, Kitty.” Rogue said with a smile.


            “Thanks.” Kitty said in response.


            Kara nodded. “This is great! Then it appears that we can sleep a bit safer now. Now that Alpha Flight is on the loose.”


            “Very funny, Kara.” Sherri said as she walked up. “But we thank you. And we hope to make as great of an impression as you do.”


            The entire time, Zal stood back, observing the scene. He watched as Legion and Exodus took the prisoners inside while Artemis healed herself and Matt. Solitaire had walked up with Sherri, but was being silent. Apparently, she was slightly transfixed by the abundance of people wearing a large ‘S’ symbol. Zal also noticed that Frostfire was kneeling, talking mentally with Ian. When a lithe arm snaked around his waist, he averted his eyes to the owner.


            “What do you think, Zal? Did we do ok?” Kitty asked with a hint of anticipation in her voice.


            Zal smiled. “Yes. You guys did fantastic. I think you are ready to go on your own now.”


            “Really?!” Kitty said, exasperated at what she heard.


            “Absolutely. From now on, I am no longer looking after you. I got permission for you guys to base yourselves right here, if I took responsibility for you.” Zal said with a stern look. “Don’t make me regret it.”


            “We won’t. I promise. Anything else?”


            “Yes. I will train with you, but I will not go on missions. Just consider me Alpha Flight’s… godfather. Ok?” Zal said, his features relaxing.


            “Sure.” Kitty said as she brought her lips to his.


            So went the birth of the Otherverse’s second and greatest group of heroes. And Justice followed in their wake.



 The end of And Justice For All



-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Jake H.

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.  Otherverse, Dark Earth,

-- and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, as depicted in the

-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.