The Continuum Worlds



Chapter 2



Jake H.


Things had finally settled down in the tower of the Wizard Argent.  Ian sat in front of a set of computer screen reviewing a video feed.  Anne had taken Kieran to the kitchen to eat, rest and regain his strength.


“By accessing the Fortress computers,” Ian felt a slight throb from the bracelet on his wrist.  He ignored it and went on, I have been able to reconstruct a visual and audio presentation of the last few minutes leading up to the arrival of the Ripple.”


“No! That isn’t possible! They were being protected by one of the single most powerful people I have ever known!”


Ian felt the young man’s frustration but he knew there was nothing that he could do. “That wouldn’t matter Zal. Both Kieran and I have had some small experience with these things and you saw the struggle we had holding the tower and forest here.  I’m sorry, they are gone and there is nothing we can do about it


“Wait a minute.”  Zal shook his head.  “Have you been able to figure out exactly why, when the Ripple passed, all the other people of those that disappeared went with them and yet the Fortress remained?”

“No.”  Ian took on a thoughtful look.  “I have a few theories, but nothing substantial.  Right now, I am partial to the theory that only those that were completely transferred out of this continuum of dimensions vanished completely.”

“I’m lost.”  Kitty sighed, leaning against a wall for support after the troubles during the ripple..

“Think of it this way.” Ian replied, after a brief hesitation. “My people have always known of the existence of parallel dimensions.  We call them Shadows.  Yet not even Amberites or the Lords of Chaos know everything.   Since I have been here, I have been able to ascertain that these Shadows, or Dimensions, are grouped together.  There is no real way to tell WHICH is the primary Dimension from which the others spring.  It is only our arrogance that leads us to believe that the Dimension we inhabit to be the first and primary Dimension.”  He noticed that he was loosing his audience and tried a different tack. “When I came to this place, it was the only dimension in this group.  Yet I am now well aware of the existence of not one but at least three other “Shadows” of this Otherverse Earth. That have sprang into existence.  Each as real as this one and each with their own history.”

“I can understand that theory.”  Zal nodded and turned to Kitty. “Kara and I both came from the same Continuum of Dimensions.”  He explained. “It was the destruction of that Continuum, or most of it, that ultimately brought both of us here.  From what I am given to understand, Kara originally died trying to stop that destruction.  Her efforts, however, did allow the remaining heroes to defeat the Anti-Monitor and allow the merger of the five remaining Dimensions into one.”

“Correct.” Ian nodded.  “That was one group of dimensions, one which we in Amber called the Despairing Continuum.”  He shook his head. “That event was closely watched by both the Lords of Chaos and the Amberites. What we have here is a similar case.  It is my theory that most of the ones that vanished were sent back to the continuum grouped with the dimension they originally came from. Others, I believe, were simply transferred to other dimensions within this Continuum.”  He paused. “Those transferred to other continuum are beyond reasonable contact.  For all practical purposes, they have ceased to exist.”

“And those within this continuum?”  Zal leaned forward, his eyes bright with hope, faint though that hope may be.

“Gate travel outside this continuum is all but impossible, now.”  He looked pointedly at Zal. “That means that there will no longer be contact with The Fantastic Four, The X-men, Linda Danvers, or Lara Night.  Travel within the continuum, though difficult, is still possible.”

“Then we can find them!”  Zal’s voice was triumphant.  It was with mixed feelings that Ian squelched such enthusiasm.

“Doubtful.”  He said. “I said that I had identified at least three other Earth Dimensions in this Continuum.   Perhaps you do not understand what that means.”  Zal waited for him to continue. “From experience, I can tell you this: if there is one shadow, then there are countless possibilities.  Probabilities, as Kara would have called them.  IF, and I stress if, they are still in this continuum, then there is no way you could locate the Probability that they were transferred to.”  He paused. “There are only three individuals that I know of that have the intelligence and the ability to construct the means to locate a particular Probability within a Continuum: Carrie, Karen, and Valeria.”

“All three of which are among the missing.”  Kitty sighed.

“Correct.”  Ian replied.  He caught and held Zal’s eyes. “Accept this fact, Superman.” Zal winced at the title but he listened. “There is no way for you to locate them. To try would be foolish and an abandonment of your primary responsibilities.  Yet, if they are able, those three individuals can and will find a means to return. And believe that if Kara is able, she will find a means of contacting us.”

“You’re putting a lot of faith in a couple of teenage girls and a young woman trained and brainwashed by Dr. Doom.”  Zal growled.

“No, I am not.  There is no other option. None.”  Ian pulled no punches. “They are lost!”


“Damn!” Zal pounded his fist into a nearby table making Ian wince with the force. He had the foresight of protecting most of his accommodations for when the wave hit and was doubly glad of it now.


“As I said…you must not abandon your primary responsibilities. There is more out there other than your family Zal. We do not know of what may have happened to New Independence or Metropolis or any other person out there.”


The young Kryptonian nodded and closed his eyes. Kitty noticed that tears were welling up inside of him and it pained her to see him like this. She sat next to him and placed her arms around his shoulders. “It will be all right Zal. We all knew the risks of such an occurrence. We can always start over. It won’t be the first time that any of us have done so.”


“Kitty, I am tired of starting over. I have done it too many times.”


“I understand this more than you can imagine.” Ian thought to himself.”


“Then go out there and pick up whatever pieces are left. You two are what is left of the ‘Saviors’.” Zal and Ian looked at each other at that word but no comments or mental messages were passed. They knew what she was saying.


“And look at the bright side…” Kitty said with a grin. “at least this world wasn’t destroyed by you being here. That’s a good sign.”


The three made their way out of the tower.  Anne had joined the having put her husband to bed.  Ian stood and gestured to his front door. “It is the first step once again. Let us go and see what has happened.” The three stood and walked beside Ian as he opened the door. What they saw amazed even the Wizard of the Argent Woods. Instead of the clear field around the hill his tower stood on, the forest had grown so the trees now stood taller than the tower itself. Vines and ferns now grew up and along the walls, and the sky was barely visible through the canopy.


“Well, this is different.” Ian stated somewhat sarcastically.


“Oh boy...this is going to be harder than I thought.” Zal turned to his best friend and held her hands tight. “Kitty I want you to stay here until I return.”


“Zal, I am a grown woman. I can and have been taking care of myself for some time now.”


In a rare instance of irritability, Zal’s lips tightened. “Katherine, for this once please do as I say. I cannot afford to lose you to some unknown force.”


Shocked that he spoke to her in such an aggravated voice, Kitty recoiled slightly. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her fear in check. “Alright, I will do as you say.” Ian noticed that she did not look him in the eye when she spoke. Zal gave her a quick hug and turned to Ian.


“I will contact you if anything major happens or that requires your attention.” Without a response, Zal took to the sky, accelerating to a speed even Ian was impressed with.


As Ian looked about his tower, Anne reached out and took Kitty’s hand.  “Don’t worry about him, Kitty. This is a very hard time for him and doesn’t want to see you hurt.”


“I know. It just scares me when I saw him like that. It kind of reminded me when….”


Ian turned back to them and quickly finished the sentence she had started. “When you saw Kal-El begin to go mad.” Ian nodded and placed a comforting hand on the powerful woman’s shoulder. “He is not going to go mad. Many including Rogue and Kara were surprised that he had been able to handle his life and function so well. They watched as I did. Watched as he went to Argo City, rescued them in Tennessee, rescued you, nearly died protecting a city because you asked him to. He would gladly give his life, his existence to see you safe.”


A warm smile floated over Kitty’s features and she relaxed a bit. “Why don’t you tell him that?”


“I didn’t have too. Someone else already did.  I also have things I much investigate as well.  Please excuse me.”  With this he vanished in a flash of White Flame.


“You know I kind of envy you.”  Kitty turned to look at the dark haired woman.  “When Zal is in the thick of things, you have the power to slug things out beside him.  I have to wait and worry.”


“That helps sometime, but times like this, I do my share of worrying.”  Katherine smiled in spite of herself, taking comfort from having a ‘comrade in arms’ that understood what she was going through.


“Dear, lets go back inside and let the men check things out for now.  I was wondering of you would be interested in posing for a portrait?” They walked back into the tower, shutting the door behind them.


Though he was working on his own investigations, Ian kept a mental eye on Zal. He knew restoring order would be much easier now with him than without him.






Zal raced as fast as he could to his first target: Base Camp One in Northern Texas. He wanted to see Buddy and Hippolyta and make sure nothing else was wrong. When he arrived, things were in chaos, but seemed to be controlled by a single man in the middle of camp barking orders.


“Sergeant, I don’t give a damn how long it takes! You get me a count of who is missing and you do it now!” He turned to another sergeant and started barking again. “Sergeant Brady, I want you to retrieve all the T.O.E’s from supply and get everything organized.”


“Right away, Sergeant Major!”


The sergeant raced away as what appeared to be a Captain ran up to the older man still barking orders.


“Captain, get your squadron in the air immediately! I want air cover for this entire area and I want it now!”


“Sergeant you will not talk to me like that. I am your superior officer and I…” the man was cut off when the older man got directly in his face.


“Captain, are you going to do as I say, or do I have to shove my foot up your ass?” At the words the Captain took a step back, and sized up his competition.


“Yes, Sergeant Major. Right away.”


Zal landed right behind the man, but continued listening to him. There were people still coming and going, but most had stopped to look at what they thought was going to be a good show. The sergeant was getting upset at what appeared to him to be a lack of motivation.


“What in god’s name are you pansies staring at? Get back to work!” When he saw that he wasn’t the one they were staring at he turned to see the young man waiting patiently.


“Superman. I didn’t expect you to show up. Hell, I didn’t think you guys knew.”


“Know what, Sergeant?”


“It seems that every one of the original Rebels to include the King, the Queen and all of the amazon’s simply disappeared about 15 minutes ago.”


Zal’s heart sunk in chest. “Everyone not native to this universe,” he muttered.


“What was that?”


He looked back up to the older man. “Everyone not native to this universe, other than those of us in Lord Ian’s tower are gone. Permanently.”


“Oh shit. That’s not good.”


“Who is left in charge here?”


The sergeant motioned to a command tent and the two men briskly made their way there. “The highest ranking person left is Col. Jim Raynor. He was one of the consultants to Buddy.”


“Sergeant, I know I am not a military man, but I think we need to contact the other bases and see what is left. Can we go to the communications tent?”


“Colonel Raynor is in communications, Superman.”


Several moments later, Zal was standing before the Colonel and what was left of Buddy’s staff. Most looked confused, some awed, and still others did not seem to care and did their jobs just as if nothing happened.


“Col. Raynor, I know we have not met, but please take what I have to say seriously.”


The colonel smiled and gestured to the main communications console. “Considering the circumstances, Superman, I will consider what you have to say as if was the most important words in my life.”


“Thank you sir. Who is left in command?”


“Well, this is what I have so far: at Ft. Raines, a Major named Thomas Mason is in charge. At Cedar Rapids, Lt. Col. Wayne Hensley, at International Falls there is Maj. Steven Price. At New Independence, Col. Sherri Pennison is still in charge. Also there is the Pathfinder brigade, under Col. Nick Fury, but we lost contact with him several days ago.”


“Where were they?”


“Somewhere west of the Rockies. They made a stop at the gold mines we have in California and then disappeared.”


Zal stood back and thought hard about the best course of action. He had to be very careful, considering what was happening. Making up his mind, he turned to the colonel. “Col. Raynor, as I have told the sergeant here, I am not a military man. But it seems we need to take some military and political moves, and do them fast before what we do have falls apart.”


“We agree fully, Superman. Since you also helped build our infrastructure, we will consider your requests very carefully.”


“Okay. Contact all unit commanders and have them report as quickly as possible to the nearest base. As for this base, redeploy some of the air forces to the other bases to give them air support. Ft. Raines will have the facilities to support them. If we can also move all unnecessary units to the other bases, it may help stop any incursions.”


“Why don’t we just move everything out?”


“Simple. Keep our established supply lines secure. But, a massive military force 600 miles from the front cant do that effectively. But we still need to maintain the security of this area.”


“Logical. We can be underway in a matter of days.”


Zal nodded and continued. “Next, I would like to see you and the other brigade commanders in New Independence by tomorrow.”


“TOMORROW? What for?” the sergeant major cried out.


“Sergeant, we very well can’t leave things the way they are. A fractured chain of command and political structure cannot hold the S.U.S.A. together. We all need to decide some certain things.”


The colonel nodded and shook the Kryptonian’s hand. “It will be done.”


“Okay. I’m gonna go and see what else needs to be fixed. You guys take it easy.”






Meanwhile, In the nation of Latveria, the nation was having a bit of problems. They had lost all contact to their leader, Dr. Victor Von Doom. His wards and successors were missing and the people were in a panic.


Silver sable sat in her office in Doomstadt wondering what else had happened in this very peculiar day. Earthquakes had rocked the area and toppled structure after structure, killing thousands of innocent civilians. She had taken the initiative and began the recovery and cleanup process, but wasn’t quite sure what to do next.


The council of advisors had gathered in her office and were now discussing what should happen during the absence of all of Doom’s appointed leaders.


“Look guys. The gesture is commendable, but why me?”


“You are the only one here who has led a nation before signing on with Doom. It is the only logical choice.” Bruce Wayne said. “So I…we appoint you to the title of interim Emperor.”


Bruce stood and placed a jeweled crown on the head of their new leader. Sable could hardly believe it, but accepted it like the elegant lady she was.


“Gentlemen, I graciously accept.” She cleared her throat and began again. “Now there are going to be some changes around here…”






In Washington D.C., Luthor discovered that whatever had just happened practically crippled most of his forces. Equipment that had been garnered from other universes was gone, half of his experimental projects had gone down the tubes, and some of his meta-force was in comas for the time being.


He had planned to launch a major invasion of New Independence, taking advantage of the turmoil that they were dealing with. But now, it appeared he would be doing his own rebuilding for a few more weeks.


He began to outline a plan that would bring his forces and nation to its full readiness as quickly as possible when there was a gentle knock on the door.




Walking inside with a nervous glance over her left shoulder, Mercy came beside the President of the United States.


“Sir, there is a Kryptonian outside in the waiting room requesting to speak with you.”

His attention garnered immediately, Luthor sprang into action. He opened the top drawer to his desk and removed an energy pistol, one specifically designed to kill the aliens he hated the most.


“Sir, hold on just a moment.”




Mercy inhaled and slowly let her breath go again. “This man is not hostile to us right now. He is also not one of the people sided with Raines. He swears undying hatred for Kara and her ilk.”


“Really?” Lex said, obviously intrigued. After another moments thought, he nodded his head. “Show him in Mercy.”


Within 30 seconds, Lex was looking upon an older man, dressed in traditional Kryptonian garb. Lex could feel the seething anger within this man, and knew that could be controlled to his advantage.


“Mr. President, my name is Nar-Ur, and if you are the enemies of Kara Zor-El and Zal-El, then you have your staunchest supporter until they are dead.”


Lex smiled, motioning for the powerful man to sit. This would be the second of their kind to fall under his control, and it is the weapon that could very well give him the world.






Over the past year, four friends had made their home in the ruins of an old castle in Glastonbury, England. They had practically been thrown out of every settlement around when the people had discovered they were metas. It had been a hard life.


Brian Pendr sat on a rock, carefully carving a piece of meat off of the fire they were using for cooking. He was the group’s unofficial leader and took to the role well. His longtime girlfriend, Betsy Braddock sat nearby sleeping. It was midday, but she had felt strange and decided to nap.


Sitting across from him, were his two friends, Nelson Drake and Lorne Walters. They had practically grown up together in this world making do with what they could. Brian reminisced about his friends and their abilities. Lorne for one was quite odd. Practical invulnerability, but his strength increased during the morning, peaking at noon, and dropping off suddenly to mere superhuman levels.


Nelson on the other hand had developed his ability to fly and use energy as any other person used a bow. Betsy was an accomplished telepath and wielded a vicious blade made purely from her telepathic energy.


Brian himself could produce a wave of power from his body, stunning, blinding, and deafening his opponents. He was very careful how he used this power, as he could not control it not to hurt his friends. Also Brian could somehow tell if anyone lied in his presence.


“Brian, I don’t know what is going on, but I’m not feeling very well myself.” Lorne was holding his head as if he had a headache.


“Yes, I know my friend. There is something quite odd happening. I can feel it also.”


The hairs on the back of his neck prickled and Brian stood, alerted to the danger. It was at that very moment that the ripple washed over the band!


The four friends open their eyes to discover that they were no longer in the ruins of the castle. Instead it seemed that the castle had completely rebuilt itself. It was magnificent. Like it was somehow flung back into time by 800 years.


“I know this place.” Brian said to nobody.


“As do I, my friend, was the general reply.


They all felt the urge to walk deeper into the castle…into a room they had never set foot in, but all knew very well. The room was just as they envisioned. A great white marble structure, a pair of thrones, a pair of circlets, many other chairs, all surrounding a decorated round table. Upon the table were three, seemingly ancient swords, one in front of the main throne, the others on either side. The pair of crowns hanging on each throne, while the circlets hung on chairs upon either side of the thrones.


“My god. Is this what I think it is?”


A deep, hollow voice called out from behind them. “It is.”


The four friends turned to see someone they all knew in their dreams. Merlin.


“What is going on here?”


“A good question my young master. One that I shall endeavor to answer. Please sit but do not touch yet.”


Without question they sat, instinctively taking their rightful places in front of the weapons. They sat silent and waited for the wizard to speak.


“My friends, as you know, I am Merlin. And you…you are the living embodiments of truth, justice, honor, and love.”


Brian held up a hand. “Excuse me. What do you mean?”


“Brian, what is your real name?”


He sat back in shock, awed that anyone knew the name he went by wasn’t his birth name. “My real name is Arthur Brian Pendr.”


Merlin rapped his staff on the ground in triumph. “Wrong my dear friend. Your real name is Arthur Brian Pendragon. You are the Once and Future King. Only now the future is here. It was written that when Briton needed Arthur the most, he would arise and lead his people to greatness once again.”




“Yes. Although your companions were an unexpected bonus so to say.”


Lorne leaned towards the old man. “What do you mean, unexpected?”


“I cannot see all young one. The legend said Arthur, not his greatest knights and queen also.”


“You mean we are all reincarnated versions of…” Betsy carefully worded.


“Yes. Lorne, you used to be the famed knight Gawaine. Nelson, you were the champion of this table, Lancelot. Betsy, you were the reason this table existed and the reason it was torn asunder. But that will not happen. Not this time.”


“But Merlin, I don’t feel any different than I did yesterday, or the week before.”


“That is because you have yet to unlock all of the power and the memories buried within yourselves.”


“How do we do this?”


“Quite easily in fact. Before sits the instruments to rebuild this once great land. The people will come, the will see and they will follow you all into the light. All you have to do is pick up your swords and don the crowns. But be warned, once you do this, it cannot be undone. You will forever be the Knights of the Round.”


Without hesitation, the four friends donned the crowns and circlets and picked up their swords…and were changed forever.






As the ripple passed over Egypt, Arakis, the Demigod of Destruction, awoke in his tomb. Freedom was his once again. He stood, casting his enchanted sarcophagus aside if it were made of paper. He stretched his form and instantly felt the hunger of old. He would need to feed, and soon. The life energy he required was nearby…


Wait! There were other life forces now. Far to the north, to the west, everywhere. He sensed that the greatest concentrations of this overwhelming life force were to the west. The puny mortals he had fed on many thousands of years ago would suffice him for now, but he craved this new source, and he would have it soon.


“Ah my dear brother Ra! It seems that you have not survived your long sleep. Too bad, for now there is not one who can stop me. I shall have your power dear brother. And I shall rule as the god I was meant to.”


Arakis burst through the wall of his ancient prison, casting the first rays of the sun on his body in more than 5000 years. He winced at the light at first, but waved his hand and instantly a thick cloud cover formed over the area, casting everything into shadow.


“Yes, brother. The time for the end is here. Now begins a new era! You were the beginning, the originator, the Alpha. But I, Arakis am the end, the destroyer, the Omega. And to all things come an end.”


     Omega began walking to the east, where the beginning of his empire would begin.






The next day, Peter Parker, Zal, Kitty and all remaining military commanders of the Rebels had gathered in the City Hall of New Independence. They all knew why they were here, but all were scared of what that may mean. Everyone had just gotten comfortable when Zal stood up and began pacing the front of the room.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, due to the recent events in the world, we are left without a good portion of our leaders, including the King, Buddy Raines. The decision that you now face is a most difficult one. You must decide who will step up into the positions to lead his fellow men on this quest for freedom.”


Most of the people in the room looked with uncertainty at each other at the young man’s words. Peter stroked his beard and motioned for Zal’s attention. “Um, what do you mean by we have to make that choice? You have just as much right to participate in that as I do.”


Zal stopped pacing and turned to the Lord of New Independence. “Lord Parker, I don’t feel that I do. I am just a man who…” he wasn’t allowed to finish the sentence. Sherri stood up and began shouting.


“Zal, shut the hell up! You are just a man who has given all he could to help his fellow man! Without you, this city would have never flourished!” Sherri paused, regaining herself. She had not intended to dress Zal down, but this message still had to be said. “It took your blood, sweat and tears day after day to make sure that these people not only were safe, but also housed, clothed, fed, and free. You have the right and the duty like the rest of us.”


“I concur completely.” Lt. Col. Hensley stood up beside Sherri. “I have not seen you in action myself, but I have read the reports. You single-handedly removed 20 hostile metas from this town, rebuilt what you could. With the help of Ms. Pryde, stopped a major bombardment without a single casualty other than yourself.” He glanced at Sherri who was much calmer now. “The Colonel is correct. You are an American. A powerful American, but one nonetheless. You have not attempted to rule or even live above us, but as one of us. Hell son, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty and I for one am proud to have served on the same side as you and your family.”


“Here, you have done what nobody thought possible.” Peter said as he rose to stand with the others. “You took a town struggling to survive and gave them a chance. You encouraged us the entire way, protecting us even to this very moment. We did not decide your being here, the people did.”


Sherri, still not done with the young Kryptonian shocked the rest of the room by her next words. “Now then, you will sit down here and participate in this like the leader you are or so help me, I will bend you over my knee!” She slowly grinned, half playing/half serious with her threat.


Superman’s eyes went as wide as saucers, locked with Sherri’s gaze. He had no doubt that she could do just that, but it was her message that was more powerful. “I must apologize. I was raised not to become directly involved with the affairs of men. But I will do as you ask.” He gave a slight bow to the room as motioned for them to sit.


“Don’t worry about it, Zal. Kara had the same problem in the beginning.” Sherri said as she sat back down. The words made Zal grin and turn away. Kitty caught Sherri’s eye and the older woman just winked, knowing she struck a nerve. Kitty nodded in approval and waited to see what he would say next.


“For the first order of business, I believe we need to appoint a new king.” A murmur rose from the table, but it died down quickly. “And since he was the only appointed regional governor and Lord, I nominate Lord Parker to the position.”


“Now wait just a second,” Peter said as his words sunk in. But it was too late.


“All those in favor?” Everyone in the room save Peter called out ‘Aye’. “All opposed?” There was silence other than Peter’s shocked expression. “The ayes have it.” Zal turned to Peter who was still dumbfounded. “Your Majesty, you are hereby the King of the S.U.S.A.”


“I don’t think I have ever been railroaded before,” was Parker’s first response. “But I will do what I can to live up to that title.” He turned and looked at the young Kryptonian. “Well, keep going, you seem to have everything in order.”


“Yes, your Majesty.” The words brought a smile to everyone’s face. “The next order of business is I think you need to appoint the permanent leaders of the military.”


Peter immediately turned to the officers present. “On this, I will ask you to decide who is the most capable among you to lead. I have never commanded a military unit before, so I will need the wisdom a career leader can give.”


After just a few minutes of deliberation, the remaining commanders had made up their minds. Major Tom Mason cleared his throat and addressed the room. “Your Majesty, our conclusion is that Col. Raynor is the best qualified to serve in that position.”


“Very well. Mr. Raynor, you will hereby transfer your colors here to New Independence and take command as General of the Army. As for the rest of you, consider yourselves full Colonels in charge of your bases and brigades. Also, you might want to promote a new commander for Base Camp One.”


“Thank you, your Majesty. And I will do that as soon as possible.”


Peter’s face turned into a half-scowl. “That’s it! From now on, while we are in private like this, you will all call me Peter.”


The room glanced at each other, trying to hide the smiles and chuckles now forming amongst them, but it was Kitty who said it best. “Yes, your Majesty. Whatever you wish.”


Nobody could hold back any longer and burst out laughing. Peter just sighed and began laughing himself. After a few moments, the room died down and Peter took charge again. He turned to Kitty was had been relatively quiet so far. “I know the government has no direct authority over your team Ariel, but it would be greatly appreciated…”


“Don’t worry about it Pete. We are at your disposal when you need us.”


Peter bowed slightly and turned to the Kryptonian. “Zal, I hereby appoint you to be my minister of foreign affairs. You were a great help to me in constructing the Indian Nation, and I charge you to contact other nations that may develop and offer our assistance. There is no need for us to be greedy in our prosperity.”


A voice came from the far side of the room where nobody had been seated. “I wholeheartedly agree.” Only three people recognized the voice, and the young Kryptonian stood to introduce the newcomer.


“May I present, the Wizard of the Argent Woods, Lord Ian Patrick.”


The military commanders looked shocked at the regal nature and the sheer presence of the man that now stood before them. “Lord Ian, we did not expect you at these meetings.”


“I came for many reasons, the least of which was an invitation from Superman.” He came to the Kryptonians side, shook his hand and sat down beside him. “I, like him, now recognize this as my home, and I want to see it flourish as well as possible.”


“Lord Ian, you are always welcome here. If you wish it, you may complete this council of nine by accepting a seat here.”


The words took even the Wizard Argent by surprise. It was not his first instinct to accept such a direct role, but he saw the possibilities if he needed to sway any decisions. “I would not expect me to be here at your beck and call Lord Parker, but I will attend when I can. My duties are vast, widespread and cannot be ignored.”


“I can accept that, Lord Ian. And as we told Zal just a while ago, we appreciate all you have done for us.”


The meeting began to continue between Peter and the military commanders on certain procedures. Zal had sat back to listen when Ian rested a hand on his shoulder. Zal leaned closer to listen to what the much wiser man had to say.


“Zal, I have been monitoring some covert communications between Metropolis and a base called Cadmus Delta in Washington State.”


“I thought they abandoned that base?”


“Militarily, they did. These seem to be civilians operating the compound. They seem to be transferring a project under the tightest possible security.”


“Do you know what it is?”


“Not really…but they called it the ‘ultimate destruction weapon’.”


Zal half turned in his seat to face the wizard. “Nuclear device?”


Ian shook his head. “No. Whatever it is, its alive, but only partially.”


“Can you keep an eye out for this thing and tell me if it goes active? I will go shut it down if it’s that dangerous.”


Ian nodded then paused. He seemed to relax slightly. “Also, I have brought with me a pair of guests that are currently raiding your refrigerator.” When Zal looked shocked but confused, Ian elaborated a bit. “They are sisters of a sort, half-Coluan acquaintances of yours.”


Without warning, Zal jumped from his chair, paused to glance at Ian who just nodded in confirmation. He rushed out the door and in the blink of an eye entered his own front door. When he did, two streaks of light, one blue and one white struck him, sending the trio to the ground.


“Uncle Zal!”


He could not believe his eyes. “Girls! By Rao how are you? Where is your mother? And Rogue?”


The twins stood up and helped Zal to his feet. “They sent us back here because what they had to do was a bit too dangerous. They are supposed to be coming back in a week to retrieve us.”


Zal gave them each a hug. “So you are wanting to stay in this new dimension? In two days, you decided that they needed help more than here?”


Both girls looked surprised but Karen was the one to ask. “Two days? Uncle Zal, it has been over a month for us since we got shunted over there.”


“That’s odd.” Zal paused, thinking about the implications. But right now he didn’t care. “Well girls, it doesn’t matter. It does me good to see you again. I was very worried.”


“Same here, Uncle Zal. Do you mind if we stay here with you until they return? We were wanting to do some shopping anyway since mom wouldn’t allow us to stay too long here for some reason.”


“I understand now why Kara thought that way. Yes, you may stay, but I would advise you to find some ‘civilian’ clothing. I don’t think you want to walk around the city in your uniform, do you?”


“Sure thing.” Carrie said. “Um, we never did get any money to use, so do you mind lending us your credit cards?”


Zal couldn’t help himself and began to laugh. Soon both of the girls were standing innocently in front of him, holding out their hands, waiting patiently.


“Women. What can you do with ‘em?”


From behind him, Kitty yelled out, making Zal wince with mock fear. “I heard that!”


“So did we.”


“Sure girls. We gonna have as much fun as possible while you are here. I guarantee it!” Suddenly, it dawned on him. “Girls, how did you get back?”


“Well, mom had this way of contacting Ian, and he simply took us each by the hand and brought us here.”


Zal’s eyes narrowed to mere slits. “That old dog!” he said with a mixture of laughter and frustration. “He didn’t tell me he could do that. I will have to ask him about that one.”


“Uncle Zal, its sweet that you cared so much about us, but you needed to get busy here and not worry about us and mom. I think Ian knew this.”


“Now I can do that a lot easier knowing you girls are safe. Otherwise, I would have never given up the search.” After another round of hugs, the four departed, beginning an hours-long shopping trip, much to Zal’s chagrin.


The end of Crisis Revisited: Chapter 2

Read chapter 3 for the conclusion of

Crisis Revisited: To All Things: An End


-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Jake H.

-- and may not be reprinted without permission.

-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of

-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.  Otherverse, Dark Earth,

-- and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, as depicted in the

-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric.

-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations

-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,

-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author.

-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.

-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.