Number 2
(Note: the events in this chapter take place
immediately after the events detailed in “Raiders of the Lost” and the
forth coming “Learning Curve” by
Jason Froikin)
Stunned silence filled the main entrance hall of Xavier’s School
for the Gifted as the three stepped through the door. Most of the students either knew the
twins or had seen them around. And
while there might be an air of mystery surrounding them, no one knew, as
yet, exactly what their mutant abilities were, it was not the twins that
brought the stunned reaction.
Rather, it was the person accompanying them through the
entrance. They all knew who she
was. Her red hair, the wide white swath running down the center, was
“Rogue!” The white haired gentleman that had once again taken up
the mantle of head master approached. Erik Lehnsherr, otherwise known as
Magneto, one time major foe of the X-men and one of the few in the school that
knew precisely who the twins were, took Rogues hands in his own, hesitating
only slightly as his subconscious recoiled from the idea of touching her
bare skin. Though she no longer had
the ability, or curse, depending on one’s point of view, to absorb the
powers and memories of others, old habits died hard. “To what do we owe
this pleasure?”
“Just bringing back two of your students, Erik.” Rogue smiled as
she answered. Unlike many of the
X-Men, she had always felt a close kinship with Magneto, even while they
were fighting on opposite sides.
Her face grew serious. “Their mother and I thought it best that they
be here for now.”
“Nothing we can’t handle. I
hope.” Rogue responded. She noticed some of the students
whispering among themselves and sighed inwardly. Oh well, there was no way they would have been able to keep
the twins’ origins and parentage a secret forever. Since it was now common knowledge that
she had left the X-Men and joined with Kara, it would not take a mental
giant to come to the conclusion that the twins were Kara’s daughters and
that they shared her powers. But then, Rouge glanced at the twins and shook
her head; it would not require her presence to reveal their secret. The girls, strung out from their ordeal
in Otherverse had not bothered to change their clothes or change their hair
color. They stood in the main hall
revealed to all in their Supergirl and Powergirl costumes and their blonde
Erik noticed the look and the whispers and smiled grimly.
“Perhaps you would like to see the girls to their room.” He offered. “They do appear a bit wore out.” Rogue thanked him and allowed the twins to lead her through
the school to the dorms and their room.
“It’s not fair.” Carrie
grumped as the door to the room closed behind them. She flopped down on her bed and put her
face into her pillow.
“What’s not fair?” Rogue
asked in a quiet voice as she pulled a chair away from Karen’s desk to take
a seat. When Carrie didn’t answer,
she turned to Karen who had plopped down to sit on the edge of her bed.
“Us getting sent home.”
Karen answered. “What did we
do wrong?” She looked up at Rouge
and her eyes had filled with tears.
It was only then that Rogue realized that the girls might not have
understood that Kara had sent them home for their safety.
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Rogue insisted, moving to sit next to the girl on her bed. She put her arm around the girl’s
shoulder and hugged her close. “Neither of you did. In fact, you made Kara proud. You made us both proud.”
“Then why are we here instead of there?” Carrie demanded, lifting her face and turning towards
“To be honest, girls, because I don’t think either of us is used to
being a parent. We probably have a
tendency to be a bit more protective than your natural parents would have
been.” Rogue answered
honestly. ‘And the only thing that
will fix that is time.”
“But how can you learn if we are here, kept away from danger, and
you are there?” Leave it to Karen
to find the flaw in Rogue’s logic.
“I can’t answer that.”
Rogue answered honestly.
“Look, I’ll talk to Kara when I get back and see what we can do.”
She stood and forced a smile. “But
since we’re here, why don’t you two get changed and show me around. I think I should see your classes and
meet your teachers.”

“This is our favorite class.”
Karen told Rogue as they entered a large auditorium. They were greeted with a cacophony of
sound that told Rogue this must be a music class. Here a few students were tuning their violins. There a couple were belting out chords
on their guitars, while over there still others of varying degrees of skill
were practicing with their wind instruments.
“You play instruments?”
Rogue asked the girls, realizing once again that there were still
many things she and Kara did not know about these girls.
“Yep.” Carrie nodded then
shrugged. “The strange thing is that we don’t play the same things.” Rogue understood what she was
saying. Since they were, basically,
different versions of the same person, it was usually assumed that they had
similar skills and likes and dislikes.
Since this was true in most cases, it came as a surprise when
something came up to showed that each girl was, indeed, her own individual.
“Carrie plays the drums and I like keyboards and
synthesizers.” Karen
explained. She led Rogue over to a
more or less abandoned area. By now
the noise in the room had fallen off as more and more of the students
caught sight of the trio and recognized Rogue. Karen showed Rouge a setup that would make many a
professional jealous. Two synths,
linked to three computers and five sets of keyboards. Carrie, for her part, showed Rogue a drum
set that completely encircled the player.
“And you two can play these?”
Rogue asked, impressed.
“They can. And quite well,
I must say.” Rogue turned to see a
smiling motherly type woman approaching.
“Rogue, this is Mrs. Harleyson, our music teacher.” Karen made the introduction.
“Not that these two need much teaching.” Mrs. Harleyson amended.
“They are indeed quite good.
In fact, we had Dazzler here one day and she was about ready to
offer the girls jobs in her band.”
Rouge raised an eyebrow and looked at the twins in a new
light. She started to open her
mouth to make a comment, but the music teacher was not finished.
“And you should hear them sing!”
She exclaimed. She then got
a puzzled look on her face. “Though I have noticed that they have a style
that is reminiscent of the early to mid eighties. In fact, now that I think about it, I don’t think I have
heard them play anything written after 1985.”
Both girls seemed to find other things to look at and Rouge had to
smile. Of course their style would
come out of the eighties since both girls had made the leap from 1985 to
2000 virtually overnight without living through the intervening years.
“Look, why don’t you two head back to your room and get some
rest.” Rogue told the girls as they
left the music room. “Magneto said you could take the rest of the day off
considering all that has happened.
I’m going to stop by the mansion and say hi to Prof. X and the
others then head on back to your mother.”
She gave them both hugs and then made them look at her. “I will talk
to your mother. Perhaps it would be
best for you to be with us instead of here.”
The girls watched her walk away and then looked at each other.
“The workshop?” Karen
asked, grinning slyly.
“You got it, Sis.” Both
girls spun and raced through the school at super-speed, the first time they
had ever exhibited their powers.
They stopped first in their room to gather a few things and then
change back into their costumes.
They then zoomed down flights of stairs to the sub basement of the
school until they came to the science workshop.
There was no class scheduled for this time of day so they had the
whole place to themselves. They quickly turned the lights on and moved to
the large covered mechanism that stood in the middle of the floor. It was their science project and, as
yet, no one, not even the instructor knew exactly what it was.

“They need to be with Kara.”
Rogue was telling Charles Xavier.
She sat in his office talking privately with him and Jean Grey about
her concerns. She had already
visited with the other X-men and had even had a civil, fence-mending talk
with Gambit. Though it was obvious
the Cajun was still hurt, it was equally obvious that he had come to terms
with the situation and wanted nothing for Rogue but her happiness. And if that happiness meant being with
Kara, then so be it. “This being
separated from her is hurting them.”
Her indecision was plain.
“But they need to get an education, something they won’t be able to
get on the other side.”
“Let’s take that last part first.”
Xavier broke in. “Exactly what kind of education are you and Kara
wanting for these girls?” Though
posed as a question, he didn’t wait for an answer. “I can tell you up front that those
girls will learn nothing new at our school.”
“I don’t understand.” Rogue
shook her head. “Your school is
considered one of the best in the country.”
“Perhaps.” Xavier answered
modestly, “Yet my statement stands.”
He nodded towards Jean. “She has the girls records, let her tell you
what she has discovered.”
Rogue turned to her old friend as the woman opened a single folder.
“We usually use a separate folder for each student.” Jean began. “In this case, there was no
need. Notes particular to each girl
have been made when appropriate.”
She slid a thick sheaf of papers out and handed them to Rogue. “These are the test the girls have had
since they started her. Beginning
with the simple entrance exam to the latest test taken.” She kept on talking as Rogue glanced
through the papers, her eyes widening. “All these test were taken during
their first week, though they could easily have been taken on their first
Rogue held up one bundle of paper.
“This is a post graduate exam.”
She exclaimed.
“Rogue,” Xavier cut in, “Each of those girls deserves, from a strictly
intellectual point of view, to have the letters PhD following their
names!” He pointed to the papers.
“Those don’t tell all the story.”
He leaned forward, his elbows on his desk. “Rogue, those girls have
taken Kryptonian exams designed by the Scientist of Kandor and found
mistakes those scientists made!” He
leaned back, “Let me put it to you in a way that you may be able to
understand, something you can actually get a grasp on.”: He pointed at the folder. “Each of those
girls is an intellectual match for Reed Richards!”
Rogue’s jaw dropped. Mr.
Fantastic. Acknowledged as one, if
not THE, most intelligent man on earth and by many other non-terran
cultures. And these girls were his
“Equal and possible superior.” Jean nodded, following Rogue’s train
of thought mentally.
“Notice I said intellectually.”
Xavier stressed. “What they
don’t have is something we can’t teach them. That will have to come with time and with observing you and
“They need to grow up.” Jean affirmed. “They don’t need the
education, dear, they need you and Kara.”
“I am afraid that I must agree.”
Xavier nodded. “Though I
think you short change yourself.”
“It is true that Kara looks like their mothers.” Jen explained. “But here and now, you
are every bit as important to those girls as she is.”
“Perhaps you’re right.”
Rogue sighed. She stood.
“I’ll head on back and have a talk with Kara at the first opportunity.”
Once outside, Rogue leapt into the sky, fully intending to head
back to the Fantastic Four Headquarters and the Probability projector. Instead, she changed course and was soon
landing in front of the entrance to the school, not quite sure why. She was not prepared for what she found
when she stepped through the entrance.
Magneto met her, holding a sobbing young girl in his arms.
“What’s going on?” She
demanded, looking around. She
activated her x-ray vision and scanned, looking for the twins. They were not in any of the classes they
had shown her nor were they in their room.
“They’re gone, Rogue.”
Magneto told her, guessing as to what she was doing.
“What do you mean, gone?”
Rouge’s eyes narrowed as she turned her full attention to the mutant
headmaster. He started to answer
and then shook his head.
“Follow me, it will be easier to show you.” He led the way, still holding on to the
young student, and Rogue followed him warily.
“They were in here.”
Magneto explained, pausing before a door to a sub basement
classroom. “This is a science lab.
Form what I understand, the girls did not show you this when they
gave you your tour.”
“No. They didn’t.” Rogue
responded, apprehension closing around her heart like a fist. “And
considering their parentage, I probably should have thought it
strange.” Magneto raised an eyebrow
but Rogue did not elaborate.
“In any case, Janice here came down to this room to get some notes
she had left.” He finally
continued. He reached out to open the door. As it swung open, he continued. “She says she found the twins
here, working on their science project.
Then one, she says the one wearing the blue costume, it was the only
way she could tell them apart, touched a button. At that instant, the science project glowed to life and
lights dimmed through out the school.”
“They just disappeared!”
The girl wailed. “They were there and then…they were gone!”
Rogue stepped through the door and her breath hissed through her
teeth. There, neatly assembled in
the center of the room, was a mechanism she had no problem recognizing, A
Probability projector!
“Damn!” She spun to face
Magneto. “No one enters this room until Reed Richards gets here.”
Magneto nodded his agreement, but he was nodding to a breeze. Rogue was already gone!

“Okay, I might have made a slight miscalculation.” Carrie admitted. “That girl coming in startled me.”
The twins were standing shoulder to shoulder, watching stage hands
hurry back and forth, busy at their jobs.
That they had appeared back stage of a concert was obvious. That they had materialized in an area
unobservable was sheer luck.
“A miscalculation?” Karen
spun and grabbed Carrie by the arm. “A miscalculation? Carrie, in case it has escaped your
attention this is NOT Otherverse.
So where are we?” Carrie was
saved from answering as a harried looking man rushed by, caught sight of
them and spun back.
“So you’re here!” He
exclaimed. “It’s about time…where
have you been and why are you hiding back there…come on out!”
The girls hesitantly stepped out of the shadows and the man got his
first good look at them.
“Those costumes are a bit skimpy but they’ll have to do.” He remarked. He grabbed the arm of a passing stagehand. “Tell everyone the
opening act is here. We can get
started in a few minutes.” The
stagehand sped off and the man turned back to them.
“I swear this has got to be the worst day on this tour.” He regarded the girls one more
time. “So just where did Jerry find
you two…. or are there more of you?”
He didn’t wait for an answer as he ushered the girls out towards the
stage. “Nevermind, I guess with the Opening act we had lined up falling
through we were lucky to get anyone.
For a while it looked as if we would have to send Britney out there
Confused, the girls allowed the man to guide them until they saw
where he was heading.
“Hey wait.” Carrie dug her
heels in the man pulled up short.
“What? Stage fright?” The
man looked disgusted. Then his eyes
opened. “Oh no…don’t tell me you
can’t play any instruments.”
“Oh we play.” Karen
answered before Carrie could say anything.
She point first to Carrie and then to herself. “She’s drums and I’m
“You play drums?” The man
looked at Carrie with frank disbelief. “A little slip of a girl like you?”
“Little…” Carrie balled her fists up and took a step towards the
man, stopping when Karen dug her fingers into her arm. The man seemed not to notice as he
turned to consult some tech with a clipboard.
“Hush up and play along.”
Karen whispered fiercely to her twin. “We don’t know where we are or
what the situation is here. We
don’t want to make a lot of noise.”
“We go out there and we are going to make some noise!” Carrie responded, just as fiercely. “We sure won’t be keeping a low
“But we won’t be showing off our powers and frightening the locals.” Karen countered. “Now just play along.”
“Okay girls…you’re on…oh what are you called.” The man said,
turning back to them.
“We don’t have a name.”
Karen answered. The man
looked at them and seemed to notice the big red S on their chests.
“How about the Super twins?”
He suggested…then shook his head.
“Nah, that doesn’t sound right, puts you in mind of a couple of
twerps in a superhero cartoon.” He
thought for a moment then brightened. “I got it. The S-Teens! That’ll
work.” He gave them a push.” Now get ready while I introduce you…we
got to get going, this crowd has been waiting for ten minutes already.”
The girls made their way to their places, Carrie settling herself
behind and elaborate drum set while Karen checked out the synths and
“Are you sure about this?”
Carrie asked, hoping against hope that Karen had changed her mind.
“Yes, I’m sure.” She smiled
at her twin. “Relax, this should be fun.”
“Ladies and gentlemen! Boys
and girls!” The girls could hear
the man’s voice, “Due to unforeseen
circumstances, our original opening act had to cancel at the last
minute.” Loud boos and jeers
greeted the man’s announcement. “However…however, Briney Spears has asked a
couple of close friends to fill in and be her opening act...So, without
further ado, I present…The S-Teens!!!!!”
“Who is Britney Spears?”
Carrie asked in a voice her mike wouldn’t pick up but Karen would
have no problem hearing.
“A new artist that a lot of the younger crowd are raving
about.” Karen answered in the same
manner. “She’s not bad, from what I’ve heard.”
“Okay, So what do we play?”
“We’ll start with Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie.” Karen answered instantly. “We’ll just jazz it up a bit. Follow me.”
As the curtain started to open, Karen’s fingers moved over the
Seated near the front, the young man sat up straight as the curtain
opened enough to reveal the opening act.
His hand tightened on the hand of his date.
“Roxy, What are THEY doing here?”
He hissed. He didn’t wait
for an answer. Instead he fished
around in his black leather jacket until he found a slip of paper that he
then pressed into Roxy’s hand. “Look, get out of here and find a
phone. Call that number and
describe those two girls to whoever answers.”
Roxy looked at the number and the name written beneath it, her eyes
“And just who is this Linda?”
She demanded. She was not
prepared for the response she got.
The young man turned to her, his face mirroring the worry he
obviously felt.
“Roxy, this is not the time.” He pointed up at the stage and the playing girls. “Those two don’t belong here and if they
are here, then something is probably dreadfully wrong.” He touched the paper in her hand. “That person knows how to get in touch
with Supergirl and right now, she is the only I believe can handle them.”
As the young girl sped off to make the call to the mainland, the
young man turned his attention back to the girls. He had to find some way to keep track of them and the only
way he could do that would be to stick close…but how to get close without
scaring them to death…. When they
started into their fifth song he figured it out.
“…..The way that you kiss goodnight…the way that you hold me
Carrie had left her drums, as this song used only Karen’s keyboards
and synths, and moved out to the front of the stage as she sang the
lead. The song, as all the ones
before, was an Abba song that she and Karen had modernized a bit.
Unfortunately, this song was a bit different and it was not until she was
near the end of the second verse that she realized their mistake. Immediately after the second verse, this
song required a male’s voice.
Not knowing what else to do, she continued on. She finished the verse and glanced back
to see the panic on Karen’s face as she realized what they had done. She steeled herself to continue on, in
spite of the obvious blunder when, right on cue, a male voice drifted down
and around the suddenly hushed auditorium…
“I don’t want to hurt you baby, I don’t want to see you cry…” Carrie jerked her face up to see the red
and blue clad youth floating down from the ceiling of the auditorium to
land lightly beside her. “So stay on the ground girl, you better not get
too high!”
Despite her shock, Carrie followed through with her verse, never
once taking her eyes off this strange youth.
“But I’m gonna stick to you boy, you’ll never get rid of me, There’s no other place in this world
that I rather would be….”
Like Carrie, Karen was keeping her eyes on the youth while her
fingers flowed across the keyboards.
Yet she was also listening to the crowd as calls and cheers of
“Superboy, Superboy!” rang out. She
studied this ‘Superboy’ as he danced and sang, his voice not really all
that good, with Carrie on the stage.
He was nothing like the Superboy they had met upon being rescued by
Linda Danvers. In fact, this
‘Superboy’ sported a definite punkish look while the original had
maintained a wholesome look that he would have taken with him into
adulthood as Superman. This
‘Superboy’ had a modern day style haircut that both girls had found
distasteful. A thick head of hair,
but shaved high on the sides and in the back. His black jacket and sunglasses completed the punk look.
As the song ended and the curtain swung closed, the Superboy took
Carrie by the hand and led her over towards Karen.
“Carrie and Karen, I presume?”
He startled them both.
“First, welcome to Hawaii, next, what are you doing here?”
While he was apparently no older than they, his tone was one of
condescension, as if he were an adult regarding two errant children. Carrie scowled at the tone of his voice
and, with a visible effort, held her tongue.
“It was an accident.” Karen
jumped in. She nodded towards the
stage exit, where the concert EMCE was
beckoning franticly for them to leave the stage. She floated out from behind the keyboards, and, grabbing both
Carrie and Superboy by the arms, zipped over the man’s head, ignoring his
popping eyes and dropped jaw. And settled down in a semi-deserted area.
“Okay, first of all, how do you know who we are?”
“Superman.” Superboy
smiled. “After your antics in Metropolis he wanted to make sure we all knew
about you…in case you showed up elsewhere.”
“Metropolis?” The twins looked at each other. “We’re in Linda’s Universe!” Karen exclaimed. Then she turned somber.
“And Linda can’t get us back home.” She finished, recalling Linda’s loss of power.
“No.” Carrie agreed, thoughtfully, “but she may be able to help us
find a way home. C’mon.”
“Whoa.” Superboy moved into
their path as they started to head for an exit. “Right now you girls are going to Cadmus until we can figure
out what to do with you.”
“I don’t think so.” Carrie
made as if to brush past him. She
was about fed up with this jerk’s attitude. She yelped when she felt her self jerked into the air and
held tight a quick glance showed that Karen was suffering the same
“Look girls, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you run free until I find
out what to do with you.” To his
credit, Superboy did appear a bit contrite. Neither girl, however, was in a mood to notice. Exerting their full Kryptonian strength,
they lowered them selves to the floor and started moving towards the
startled Superboy. Though they were
moving as if walking through water, it was obvious that his Telekinetic
abilities were nowhere near enough to hold these girls. Strain as he might, he could no more
hold them back than a mouse could hold an elephant with brute force.
“Let…go…of…me!” Carrie
grated, as she got close.
“Oh this is gonna hurt.” He
muttered, closing his eyes as Carrie raised her fist and, with a single
blow, sent him crashing through the walls of the concert hall and out into
the parking lot.
Opening his eyes and groaning, he readied himself for a beating…a
beating that never came. The girls
had no interest in hurting him; they only wanted to get away from him. Pulling himself to his feet, he saw Roxy
running towards him.
“Kon!” She called as she
got closer, concern in her eyes.
She touched a rapidly bruising spot on his cheek causing him to
wince. “I called that number.” She
said after assuring herself that he was not really hurt. “A guy named
Charlie answered. He said Linda was
taking a vacation at the Kent Farm.”
She hesitated. “When I described
the girls, he said to make sure you stayed away from them.”
“Did he happen to say why?”
Kon El, aka Superboy, demanded.
Roxy nodded, but didn’t offer the information. “Well?”
“He said the girls would consider you a fake.” Roxy sighed. “And from their point of
view, you would be a punk and he said he would not be surprised if they
beat the hell out of you for having the audacity to wear the big red S.”
Kon glared at her and then
“I should have thought of that.”
He admitted.
“Dear, those girls are from another world and another time. Remember me telling you about that other
Superboy I met some time back?”
Roxy nodded, though she did not mention that she had always felt he
had not told her everything. “Well that is the Superboy they know. A teen from the late sixties to early
“OH!” Roxy’s eyes went
wide. “I can understand how they would see you then.” She said.
“Right.” Kon wiped off his
jacket and took a deep breath.
“Look Roxy, you head back to Cadmus and tell them what’s going on.
I’m going to follow the girls and make sure they don’t get into any more
“Kon, you stay away from those girls.” Roxy put on her most stern expression.
“Believe me, I don’t like being a punching bag, Roxy.” SB laughed. “I’m just going to see if I
can keep any of the other heroes away from them.” He shook his head. “They aren’t bad girls, Roxy, but they are
so powerful they are dangerous…at least in this world.” He floated into the air pausing as he
levitated over Roxy’s head. “I wouldn’t want to be a bad guy in their path
right about now.” He shivered, as
if just imagining the pain and then took off. He knew he had no hope of catching the girls if they decided
to pour on the speed, but he knew they were on their way to
Metropolis. Perhaps he could catch
them there and let them know where Linda was.
“I probably should have done that in the first place.” He acknowledged his mistake. Like the Twins, he was young and he was
still learning. “Oh well, live and learn.”
He touched the bruise on his cheek.
“Man did I learn.”
“Not very bright,
is he?” Karen whispered as she and
Carrie watched the strange Superboy sped away. They watched from their place of hiding, within the concert
building, as the girl he called Roxy found her car and pulled out, they
finally stepped into the opening Superboy had made upon his informal and
involuntary exit from the building.
“So Charlie warned him to stay away from us.” Carrie mused.
“Charlie may not know us very well, but he knows enough, through Linda,
that know what we would think of that punk.”
“He’s not a punk, Carrie.”
Karen sighed. “At least not
by today’s standards.” She sounded
as if she were trying to convince herself as much as she was Carrie. “But
he’s right.”
“What do you mean? What
could that jerk be right about?”
“We’re out of our time, Carrie.”
Karen leaned against the wall and slid slowly down until she was sitting
on the floor, barely missing sting on bricks and rubble caused by their
brief struggle with Superboy. “We
don’t belong here. We don’t belong
“Stop it.” Carrie whirled
on girl she had come to see as her sister, tears beginning to flow. “We
belong…we belong…”
“Where?” Karen looked up,
her own cheeks wet with tears. “Here?
Or maybe at Xavier’s school?
Kara and Rogue don’t want us with them, I think they’ve made it
clear.” She stood and walked over
to her twin. “Look at us, Carrie.”
She fingered the material of her costume and nodded towards Carries.
“You’re not Supergirl, Carrie, any more than I am Powergirl. We don’t belong. We should have faded away when our
worlds were wiped out of existence.”
“NO!” Without thinking
Carrie shoved Karen away from her, sending her sprawling through the hole
Superboy had made.
It was one time that the empathic link the girls shared was not a
gift but a curse. As the anger
rose, it rebounded from one to the other, gaining in strength. With a cry of rage, Karen flew at
Carrie, her shoulder connecting with the girl’s midsection, sending her
flying through an opposite wall and sending innocent by standers fleeing in
Over the sounds of the battle, Britney Spears continued to sing,
ignoring the sounds coming from off stage.
There was no thought, no sense of right or wrong as the girls
slashed and tore at one another. It
was not a thought out battle. It
was nothing more than a cat fight between two frustrated, angry teen girls.
And no one in their right mind was about to get between these two
power houses…until…
“Enough! I said
ENOUGH!!!” Both girls were stunned
into immobility as they felt themselves grasped and pulled apart, each
being sent spinning in separate directions.
“Just what in Rao’s name are you two doing?”
Both girls looked up from their positions on the floor to see a
very real and very angry woman dressed in red, yellow and blue. Before them, hands on her hips, Kara
scowled down at them.
Kara was once again dressed in her old Supergirl costume, complete
with Kryptonian headband.
“Supergirl! Thank goodness
you’re….” The Stage manager had come running up upon seeing the familiar
colors, stopping when he realized that Kara was not exactly whom he had
through her to be. “Supergirl?”
“Not the one you’re used to seeing, but close enough.” Kara spoke through thin lips; her
disapproving eyes not moving from the twins. “Was anyone hurt?”
“N-no.” The manager answered,
somewhat confused. “Though we were afraid they would bring the whole
auditorium down if they kept it up.”
He wrung his hands together. “Most of the audience had no idea what
was happening, thanks to Britney.”
“I’ll make sure there is no major structural damage.” Kara told him. “No need to stop the
concert.” It was a dismissal and
the manager took it as so, retreating hastily.
“I hope you two are proud of yourselves.” Kara told the twins, when the manager was out of
earshot. “You stay right here. Don’t move a muscle!”
Moving faster than the eye could follow, Kara zipped around the
back stage area, repairing damage as needed, bracing supports and making
sure there was no danger to any stagehands or the audience. In less than an instant, she was once
again standing in front of the twins, both of whom were having trouble
meeting her eyes.
“Let’s go.” She told them,
brushing past them and heading for an exit.
“Where’re we going?” Carrie
asked in a timid voice. For a long
moment Kara merely looked at her, then she relented.
“To Leesburg to find Linda.”
She told them.
“Linda’s not in Leesburg anymore.”
Karen volunteered in a subdued voice. “She moved to Metropolis,
though we over heard the Superboy around here say that she was staying at
the Kent Farm for the time being.”
“Then we’re going to the Kent Farm.” Kara announced. “And
while we’re going, you will explain just what you thought you were trying
to accomplish and why exactly you felt it necessary to endanger the lives
of others with your thoughtless squabble!”
The twins looked at each other, their hearts sinking, it was not
going to be a pleasant fight and if they had been wrong about Kara wanting
them earlier, they surely thought she would be ready to disown them now.
“So?” The one barked word
startled the girls out of their introspections. “I’m waiting.” They had flown half the distance between
Hawaii and California over the calm Pacific in silence, neither girl
wanting to be the first to speak up.
“Karen?” Kara slowed her
speed, dropping between the girls.
One look at her hard eyes told them they better not even think about
slowing further to allow her to move ahead. “Carrie? Look, one of you better start talking
and you better start talking now.”
“Or what?” Carrie, ever the
more bold one, popped off. “You’ll
spank us? YEOW!”
Moving faster than either girl could follow, Kara had dropped back
and landed a hard swat on Carrie’s behind.
“As a matter of fact, I will!”
Kara pulled to a stop, hovering in the air, glaring at the
girls. “Now, you want to smart off
“No.” Carrie answered
sullenly, rubbing her backside.
“That hurt!”
“It was supposed to.” Kara
responded. “And think about that. Remember it. You can be hurt.” She
paused and took a deep breath.
“Now, Carrie, you first.
Talk to me.”
“Kara, I think…” Karen began.
She trailed off at Kara’s glare.
“I believe I said Carrie.”
The Maid of Might told her.
“Yes ma’am.” Karen hung her
head, wishing she were anywhere else but where she was.”
It took some time, but finally, Kara was able to drag the entire
story out of the Twins, but questioning them one at a time.
“But how did you get here?”
Karen finally asked.
“I followed you.” Kara told
them. “Reed was able to restore
power to the projector you built and we left the settings as you had them.”
“But you had no idea where those settings went.” Carrie whispered. “You couldn’t know if we were even still
“You’re right.” Kara
agreed. “I had no idea where you
had sent yourselves. But let me
tell you, it wasn’t easy coming after you.
I almost had to fight Rogue.
She thought she should be the one to come and get you. She figures it’s her fault and that
she’s the one that lost you.”
“It wasn’t her fault!”
Karen piped up. “We had been
working on that projector for a few weeks!”
“I know that, and she knows that, but she wasn’t thinking with her
head. She was thinking with her
Both girls looked at her in confusion.
“Haven’t you ditzy blondes figured it out yet?” Kara demanded. “We love you girls and if anything happened to you….” She
trailed off. And then nodded, as if agree with something, some argument,
within. “And it was our wish to
protect you that brought you here.”
She admitted. “Rogue was right, perhaps we are too protective. We have to let you make your own
mistakes, take your own risks.” She
grew stern again, looking at the girls.
“None of this excuses what I saw when I got here.” She told them. “Didn’t you think some innocent person
might get hurt while you were fighting?”
“We didn’t think…” Carrie began.
“Exactly.” Kara cut her
off, jumping on the confession. “You didn’t think. You went at each other as if you were a
pair of savages. Even had you been
regular teens your actions would have been disgusting in public, but you
are super powered teens, with the ability to accidentally bring a building
down around the ears of everybody inside with your petty bickering.” She shook her head and started floating
again in the direction of the mainland, picking up speed as the girls took
the hint that it was time to get going.
“Let’s go find Linda.” She
told them. “But don’t think this is
over. Not by a Long shot.” She cast a glance over her shoulders.
“And I damned sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when you see Rogue
next.” She looked back to the
front, but not before she noticed a shiver of dreadful anticipation go
through the girls. Try as she might, she couldn’t stop the smile that
tugged at her lips. Thankfully the
girls weren’t looking and couldn’t see!
The rest of the trip over the Pacific was made in silence. As they neared the coast, Kara nosed
down until the trio were flying just over the deck, at times dipping so low
that the girls could run their fingers through the sea water as they
skimmed it’s surface.
“Why so low?” Karen ventured to ask.
“Flight Control Radar.”
Kara answered shortly. Then
she thought better of it and explained.
The girls needed to learn. “For the most part, the closer you are to
the surface, the harder it is for air radar to pick you up. Of course with the advancements in
technology, it isn’t a fool proof way of avoiding detection, it merely
gives you a bit more time before you are spotted.”
“So why are we hiding at all?”
Carrie asked. Her voice was
still sullen and Kara figured she would pout for a while, remembering the
sting from the swat. It was
probably the first time the teen had ever been spanked. With out powers, her mother would have
broken her hand trying to spank her.
“We’re not hiding.” Kara
ignored the tone and answered the question. “We are simply attempting to avoid detection. We are unknowns here and I would imagine
that all the flying heroes here wear or carry some piece of equipment that
broadcasts an I.D. signal. That way
the air defense people know that what is showing on their screen is a
friendly. Right now, we would show
up as three blips traveling at high speed toward a heavily populated
area. That would tend to make Air
Defense nervous.”
“So we’re minimizing the possibility of an incident where some one
might get hurt?” Karen offered.
“Exactly.” She pulled up
suddenly and grabbed the legs of the girls as they shot by, bringing them
to an abrupt halt. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out the way we
want.” The girls followed the
direction she was looking and saw a figure dressed in red sped towards
them. As the figure drew closer,
they could see it was a young brown haired girl dressed in a red and yellow
costume, a short, white cape, trimmed with yellow, completing her attire.
“Hey Linda I….” The girl’s voice trailed off as she drew
nearer. She finally came to a hover
before the trio. “You’re not Linda!” her tone was accusatory.
“No, no I’m not.” Kara smiled
thinly. Inwardly she was thankful
that the person that had risen to confront them was not some one she
remembered from her own past. It
was hard enough being here in this world that was so much like the world
she remembered…and yet so different. “We’re…friends of Linda.” She went on. “In fact, we’re on our way to see her now.”
“Friends?” The girl looked
a bit confused. Then she grasped onto something she could see. “Why are you
dressed up like Supergirl?” She
demanded. “That’s kinda dangerous, if you know what I mean.” She wasn’t threatening and Kara knew
it. She was giving her a fair
warning that others, both friendly and unfriendly to Linda, would see the
costume and take some action.
Carrie, however, did not see the girl’s words as a warning.
“Of course she’s wearing Supergirl’s costume.” She drawled, “She IS Supergirl.” Though she didn’t add the words “you
idiot.” Her tone of voice made it
“Carrie! Enough!” Kara
barked. Carrie visibly flinched and
edged away, keeping her backside turned away from Kara.
“Carrie?” The brunette
looked first at Carrie and then at Karen.
“OH!” Her face registered
sudden understanding. “You must be the Twins! SB came through warn….er telling us that you were here.”
“SB?” Kara asked.
“Superboy.” The girl
“Superpunk, you mean.”
Carrie muttered and Karen, though she kept her mouth shut, nodded in
agreement. A stern look from Kara
caused them both to lapse into silence.
“Though, from what he was saying, he thought you were ahead of him.” The girl continued. “And said the Twins
were alone.” She looked at Kara and
then her jaw dropped. “You’re
Kara!” She breathed. “The Supergirl from that Otherverse
Kara nodded, smiling sadly.
The girl moved closer and stuck out her hand.
“I’m Mary Marvel.” She
introduced herself.
“It’s nice to…ooof!” Kara
stuck out her won hand and then doubled over as a beam of yellow light
struck her in the stomach. It was
not enough to hurt her; indeed, it would not have even fazed her had she been
ready for it. As it was, it merely
knocked her back away from Mary and pushed the wind from her lungs. Before she recovered, she found herself
encased in a yellow globe, similar to the globes of energy Jenny created
with her Green Lantern Energy. A quick
glance told her the twins were encased in globes of their own, as well.
Glancing down, she saw a strangely dressed man, with close-cropped
hair, rising towards them.
“Guy Gardner saves the day again!”
The man yelled out in triumph.
Mary Marvel crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“Guy Gardner,” Kara drawled as the man came to a sop before them.
“You are as big a blow hard as I remember you to be.”
“Whaa?” Guy was bewildered.
“Don’t try to think it through, Guy, you’ll hurt yourself.” Mary chipped in.
“Girlee, I just saved your butt.”
The ex-Green Lantern boasted, beginning to think he may have just
been insulted.
“Oh puh-leese” Mary shook her head.
“Girls,” Kara got the twins attention. “I think Mr. Gardner needs
to cool off.” She nodded towards
the rolling surf behind and below them.
The twins grin and, without much effort, broke free of the yellow
energy bubbles. Guy’s eyes were
wide with disbelief as the girls zipped around, each grabbing an arm.
‘I sure hope you can swim, Mr. Gardner.” Carrie said in her sweetest, evil voice. In a scant moment the girls were back,
without Guy, looking extremely pleased with themselves. Kara glanced back to see the sputtering
Guy wallowing through the surf, struggling toward the beach.
“He may want this back.”
Carrie handed an astonished Mary a yellow ring.
“Whoa. SB wasn’t kidding
when he said you two were powerful.”
She breathed.
“Yup.” Carrie bragged,
jerking a thumb in Kara’s direction. “Almost as powerful as her!” Mary was, if possible, even more
impressed. Kara saw this and shook
her head.
“We come from different times and different worlds, Mary.” She told the girl. “Yours is a kinder, gentler world and
you are every bit as powerful as you need to be for such a world, as we are
as powerful as we need to be for our world.” She looked around and sighed. “Though such differences in such power levels makes it clear
that we would be wise to make this visit to your world as short as
possible.” She took Mary’s hand in
hers. “We’ll meet again, Mary. But
now we have to get going.” She
paused. “And don’t let Guy get to you.
In his own way, he is one of the good guys…I think.”
Mary watched and waved as the trio continued own. She looked at the ring in her hand,
looked out over the ocean and considered….
With a sigh, she headed down to where Guy was finally staggering up
onto the beach. As she swooped over
him, she dropped the ring and kept going, ignoring the curses Guy sent after
her as he fell to his knees, searching for the ring in the sand.
“Why aren’t we putting on the speed?” Karen asked as the trio flew east, traveling at a leisurely
pace. “We could already be there.”
“When there is need, speed is good.” Kara responded. “But
we have to take into account the other super beings of this world, not to
mention the civilian authorities.”
She paused. “It wouldn’t be good if we rushed in and scared
anyone. By moving at a regular
pace, we give everybody a chance to look us over and make the determination
that we are not on a hostile approach.”
“But I thought we were trying to avoid detection.” Carrie said, remembering their earlier
conversation concerning radar.
“To a degree, yes.” Kara
nodded, pleased with the questions. “But as I also said, it is not possible
to completely avoid detection. We
don’t want to attract attention, but at the same time, we want to make sure
that those that DO see us are not frightened.”
The girls thought it over as they crossed the Rocky Mountains and
headed out over the Kansas Plains.
“Mom, look up ahead!” Karen
announced soon there after. Her
eyes were wide and shining with disbelief as she regarded the figures that
floated in their path. One they
recognized as the Superboy they had encountered earlier. The other, dressed in white, with a blue
cape, was unknown to Carrie, but Karen and Kara recognized her instantly.
“Powergirl!” Karen
“Yes.” Kara nodded, feeling
a twinge deep inside. “But not the ones you and I remember.”
“You?” Karen turned to
regard Kara.
“Yes.” Kara replied. “I was from what we called Earth-1 and
she was from Earth-2.” She looked
at both the girls. “Her name was
Kara Zor-L and she was to me what you two are to each other…my exact
“And this one?” Carrie
asked as they drew nearer, slowing their approach.
“From what I have been able to learn from the files this world’s
Superman gave me, this Powergirl is an Atlantian. With no connection to Krypton. Her powers, though not magic, were bestowed via magic.” She smiled as she looked at Karen. “And
her name is Karen, not Kara.”
“I thought you said the twins were alone.” They heard the woman demand of Superboy.
“Hey, they were when I saw them.
And I would still like to know how I got ahead of them.” The woman looked at the teen and just
shook her head. She crossed her
arms and waited as the trio approached.
“Powergirl.” Kara came to a
halt before the duo. She didn’t
acknowledge Superboy, keeping her attention focused on the one that could
be a possible threat.
“Who are you?” PowerGirl
demanded, wasting no time on pleasantries.
Kara took no offense, realizing the woman was on her own territory
and that SHE was the intruder here.
“I’m Kara.” She answered
simply. She noticed the look of
surprise that crossed the woman’s face
“Kara? But that’s the name
we gave….” She stopped and shook her head. “Nevermind.” She indicated the girls. “They belong to
“They’re my daughters, yes.”
Kara adopted a similar stance, her patience beginning to wear
thin. The twins looked at each
other and then at Superboy. They
could all see the pride and stubbornness of these two women starting to
clash. Kara noticed the looks and
correctly interpreted them. “We’re
looking for Supergirl.” She
stated. While it was obvious that
Mary Marvel had known that Linda Danvers was Supergirl, Kara had no idea
what, if anything, these two knew.
And she knew how jealously people guarded their secret
identities. She eased her stance,
trying her best not to appear threatening.
She spread her hands and smiled weakly. “We seem to be a bit lost.”
“I’d say.” PowerGirl
snorted. Then she noticed Kara’s
eyes. Though her stance was
peaceful, something in those eyes told her that she’d better cool her jets
or Kara would clean her clock. Her
eyes fell on the twins, both watching to see what Kara was going to do, and
sighed inwardly. Stubborn she might
be, but she was not stupid. This
was neither the time nor the place to force a confrontation. She looked at SB, as if telling him that
he should take a lesson from this. “Sometimes it’s better to listen first,
before acting, boy.” She said aloud. Superboy’s face grew red but, in a rare
show of wisdom, he kept his mouth shut.
PowerGirl turned her attention back to Kara. “Supergirl couldn’t be here right
now. She’s a bit…busy.” She said. “She asked me to take you to Charlie.” She didn’t add that Linda had also told
her to go easy and watch herself.
Though she hadn’t said so, PowerGirl had gotten the distinct
impression that Linda believed Kara would easily take her apart if she gave
her a reason to want to. “She’s powerful, PowerGirl. More powerful than just about anyone in
this world.”
“Perhaps we should contact Superman.” Superboy had piped in.
Linda had shaken her head.
“Kal will be here soon, in any case.” She told him. “But right now seeing him would just hurt
Kara.” What she didn’t say, because
she knew she wouldn’t be believed, was that she knew Kara was more
powerful than Kal. By many
magnitudes! She shuddered, thinking
of the amount of power that must have existed in Kara’s old world. A world where Kara had been counted
among the more powerful, but still not the most powerful. It must,
she thought, have been a lot like Otherverse.
So now PowerGirl turned and headed out towards Metropolis, with
Kara and the twins following in behind.
Superboy, at a loss, shrugged and fell in behind them.
“Kara!” Charlie came
forward and threw his arms around Kara in a hug as PowerGirl guided them
into a landing. “Welcome to our world.
It’s good to see you again!”
“Good to see you too, Charlie.”
Kara smiled, returning the hug.
She motioned the twins forward.
“I’m sure Linda has told you about them, but here they are in the
flesh. Charlie, these are my
daughters, Karen and Carrie.”
The girls shook the man’s hand, looking at him with interest. So this was the Charlie Linda had always
talked about. They had heard Kara and Rogue gossiping and knew that they
believed Linda and Charlie were in love with each other. The only problem being that neither knew
what the other was feeling nor were they able to express those
feelings. At least, that was what
Kara and Rogue had finally decided.
It may be nowhere close to the mark, but one never knew…
“Well, if you don’t mind I’ve got Things to see and people to
do.” PowerGirl announced and,
without waiting for a response, shot into the air, disappearing in a
flash. Superboy cleared his throat
and looked a bit nervous.
“I probably should be going too.”
He said. “Roxy’s probably
worrying about me.”
“If Roxy is the young lady that has been calling me from Hawaii
every fifteen minutes or so, then yes, I would say she is just a bit
worried.” Charlie drawled. The words had just left his mouth when
the phone rang. He picked it up
and, after finding out who it was, handed the handset to Superboy. “See?”
Superboy took the phone and spoke while Charlie returned his
attention to Kara and the girls.
“So to what do I owe this visit?”
He asked.
“Well, to be honest,” Kara started, “we need a place to stay until
we figure out how we are going to get back home.”
“My home is your home.”
Charlie offered. “But how,
exactly, had you thought of getting back home?”
“We haven’t.” Kara
admitted. “Right now, we are stuck until we can find some method, but
frankly I’m at a loss.”
“It would be easy if we had a Probability projector.” Carrie chimed in. “And eventually, Karen
and I can build one, but,” and now she looked sheepish, “there’s no
guarantee that we would get home.”
“We were lucky we ended up here.”
Karen nodded.
“Hmmm.” Charlie regarded
the twins thoughtfully. “A
probability projector. I suppose
your talking about a machine like the one Reed Richards has in his lab?”
“Yep.” Both girls
nodded. Kara, who had been watching
Charlie, spoke up.
“What are you thinking, Charlie?”
She demanded, seeing the small smile that crossed the private
investigator’s lips. Before he
could answer, Superboy hung up the phone.
“Well people, it’s been real, but I gotta get back to Hawaii.” He announced. “ Seems Roxy can’t do with out her
SuperStud.” Both Carrie and Karen
looked at Kara, as if pleading with her to let them do to SB what they had
done to Guy Gardner. Kara shook her
head slightly.
“Thank you for your help, Superboy, and I am sorry for any
misunderstandings.” She told the
youth and watched as he head up and away.
She then turned to the girls. “Okay, which of you put that bruise on
his face?” She demanded. Carrie timidly held up her hand. Kara looked at her and then sighed,
shaking her head. She turned back
to Charlie.
“Now what was it you were about to say, Charlie?” She asked.
“I know where you can find one of those projector things.” He answered, smiling. He pulled out a city map and unfolded it
over the kitchen table. He searched
quickly and then put a finger down on a spot. “Right here.”
Kara looked and instantly grew tense.
“Charlie, that spot, in Otherverse, is the Lexcorps office tower!”
She told him.
“That’s what it is here too.”
Charlie responded, shrugging. “A friend, Sharon Holmes, I believe
you’ve met her, told me about it.
Unfortunately, she didn’t give me any exact location. It could be anywhere in the building.”
“Great.” Kara muttered. “We don’t know where it is and we don’t
even know if it looks anything like the Projectors Reed has made. I wouldn’t even know what to look for.” The girls exchanged glances.
“We would.” Karen offered,
after a moment of silence.
“You would what?” Charlie
asked suspiciously.
“Know what to look for.”
Karen told him, and then she turned to Kara. “Mom, Carrie and I
would be able to recognize it no matter what it looked like. We would be able to tell by some of the
components that would have to be installed.”
“Yeah.” Carrie added. “We
could go in and get it and then set it up somewhere else.”
“YOU?” Charlie demanded.
“You just think you can waltz right in to LexCorps and steal something and
waltz right back out?”
“Sure.” Carrie shrugged. “Why not. It’d be fun.”
“We’re talking The Lex Luthor here.” Charlie exclaimed, not believing what he
was hearing.
“And it would most definitely not be fun.” Kara reprimanded. “We’re not playing a
game here, girls.”
“Well, I don’t see that we have much of a choice.” Carrie responded, sticking to her guns,
Karen nodding, showing her support. “Karen and I are the only ones that
would be able to recognize it, take it apart, and then put it back together
again.” She paused, grinning. “Unless, of course, one of you happens
to have Reed Richards stuffed in your back pocket.”
“You’re about a smart ass, aren’t you?” Kara demanded. Carrie
just smiled and batted her eyes.
“I get it from my mother’s side of the family.” She purred. Charlie doubled over, braying like a jackass, while Kara
could only sputter in speechlessness.

She wouldn’t interfere, but she would be damned sure to keep her
eyes on those two.
Kara stood high atop the globe of the Daily Planet, her x-ray and
telescopic vision following the progress of the twins as they sped towards
the LexCorps Tower. Young they
might be, but then, she remembered being young once and she remembered
chafing under Kal’s stern tutelage.
Now she understood his worry. She smiled, thinking of an old Earth
joke…a parent’s curse on their children: “I hope you have children just
like you!”
So absorbed was she in watching the twins, she failed to noticed
the distortion in the air before her until a head and then a body seemingly
appeared out of thin air.
It only took her a few seconds to recognize the face smiling at
her…Wonder Woman! Putting two and
two together, she assumed the heroine was stepping out of her invisible
“Kara.” Wonder Woman’s
rich, contralto voice was full of warmth. “It’s good to see you again!”
For the second time in a matter of hours, Kara was stunned into
speechlessness. This time, however,
she shook it off quickly.
“You…you actually know who I am?”
She started, haltingly. “You remember me? Wonder Woman shook her
“Do I have an actual memory of physically meeting you?” She asked, and then answered her own
question. “No, I don’t. But things
have happened that have, opened up my awareness of what has past.” She paused. “I know who you were and
what you did. I can see it here,”
She pointed to her head, “as if I were there witnessing it. But it is as if the memory belongs to
some one else, which, I guess, it does.”
Though she tried, Kara could not keep the feelings of loss and
being lost from showing on her face and Diana picked them up and
interpreted them correctly.
“Would you change it?” She
“Change what?” Kara tried
to bluff, acting as if she did not understand what this older, wiser woman
was saying. Wonder Woman was having
none of it. She saw clearly that
Kara did not want to look at the reality of the situation, yet she knew
that she must be made to look and realize.
“You know.” She said.
“Would you, knowing what the future would bring, hesitate to sacrifice
yourself as you did?”
“I…I don’t know.” Kara’s
voice was full of misery as her walls crumbled.
“I think you do.” Wonder
Woman smiled. She stepped off the
wing of her invisible jet and stood next to Kara. She waved an arm, as if to encompass the citizens of the city
below them. “They don’t know it, but they all owe their very existence to
you.” She told the blonde Maid of
Might. “Every person in this city, on this world, and on other worlds, owe
their existence to you…because of your sacrifice.” She turned and forced Kara to face her.
“We, the heroes of this world and others, owe you the same debt. A debt we could never pay, even if we
were aware that we owed it. We
would not be here either. With out
you, we, or rather the people we were, would have perished. Kal El would have died, as I would have,
and all the others.” She
paused. “Now, knowing all that, and
knowing what would become of you, would you have changed things?
Kara smiled weakly and finally shook her head.
“I couldn’t.” She said.
“It’s what I was, what I am. I would have done the same thing.” Her smile turned slightly bitter.
“Though I swear this time I wouldn’t let myself get distracted. That’s what got me killed.”
“I know, but then, you are, despite all your power, still only
human.” Wonder Woman put a hand on
Kara’s shoulder. “I know that it
does not dull the pain you must feel, but at least you can know that your
sacrifice was not in vain.” She
turned Kara to face her. “We all exist because of what you did. But now it is time for you to let that
go and look to the future. You have
another world that, though they don’t know it, owe their continued
existence to you and your friends. Rebuild that world, Kara, and be
happy. You can’t turn back the
clock. You can’t regain what you
have lost, but you CAN take joy in your future and take pride in your
past. And you can be satisfied that
here, in this world, you have friends.”
Both women were silent for a moment and then; Diana folded Kara into
her arms, holding the younger woman while the sobs racked her body. A necessary thing, she knew, and she
knew also that Kara was finally, at last, letting go. Finally, Kara was starting to heal!

“Intruder Alert! Section
16A!” The announcement was followed
instantly by another, “Intruder Alert!
Section 16C!”
In his secure office, Lex Luthor spun away from his desk, touching
a stud in the wall behind him.
Instantly the wall slid to the side, revealing a large, computer
schematic of the entire LexCorps Tower building. For security purposes, the building had been divided into
Sections. The sections were
divided, for the most part, into numbers and letters. The number indicated the approximate
location and the letter pinpointed it. In this case, Section 16 indicated
the top 8 floors and the letters represented a compass point.
“Intruder Alert! Section
16B! Intruder Alert Section 16D!”
As he watched, the entire top eight floors of the schematic turned
red, showing breached areas. He
reached to the side and touched a point, casting a glance towards his aide,
“What the hell is going on?” He growled as the intercom came alive.
“Intruders, Mr. Luthor!”
Came the reply. Lex slowly
counted to five.
“I am aware of that, you idiot. “
He grated when he was sure his temper was at least manageable. “Who
is the intruder and how are they moving so fast and what are you doing
about it?”
“We…don’t know who the intruder is, Mr. Luthor.” Came the hesitant reply. “Our automatics
sounded the alarm, but no one has seen anything or any one yet.” There was a slight pause, “though there
have been reports of high wind.”
“High wind?” Lex looked at
the schematic as section after section turned red.
“Intruder Alert, Section 10!”
Lex stiffened. Section 10 had no letter designation. Section 10 was
his own private offices. He jumped
to his feat as his door slammed open and wind rushed through the office,
sending papers flying!
“Mercy!” He barked, turning
back to the schematic. “Total lockdown, now!” His finger traced the path of red and then.” A search
pattern!” He exclaimed. “They are looking for something, who
ever it is. But what?”
A rumbling traveled through the building as steel doors slid into
place, cutting off all sections from the outside world and from each
other. Almost instantly several
loud clangs followed.
“Breach in Section 3A, Breach in Section 3C!” Came the report.
“Mr. Luthor!” The shaky
voice came over the intercom, “The doors…they.they went right through the
“Impossible!” Lex’s face
had grown red. “Those doors would give Superman a hard time.”
“I…I’m sorry Mr. Luthor…they aren’t even slowing them!”
At that instant a second, special alarm sounded and a single red section
of the schematic began blinking.
“Some one is tampering wit the Gate!” Lex straightened. “Mercy, the Gate room, NOW!”

Charlie wore a bemused expression as he watched the unfamiliar
machinery began to take shape before his eyes.
With the girls, he had picked out a warehouse where the projector
could be reassembled and he waited as they moved at super speed,
disassembling the projector at LexCorps and returning here to reassemble
it, all at super speed.
He stood next to a large toolbox and, thus, was buffeted by wind
occasionally. After each time he
shook his head, noticing that some tool had been taken or replaced,
depending on the need.
When the girls had taken off, he had got on his cell phone,
contacting Linda and letting her know what was going on. Though doubtless she and Superman were
in route, he doubted they would get there in time before Kara and the girls
would be gone. But they could move
the projector to a safe location, or disassemble it completely.

“What the hell?” Lex and
Mercy had arrived at the Gate room to find the device half
disassembled. He had stopped in the
doorway, the steel doors smashed inward, gawking. He had then squawked when he suddenly found himself standing
in the room…out of the path of the door!
He had not walked; he had been moved out of the way!
“Mercy! Do something!” He yelled. His aide looked at him and shook her head.
“What exactly would you have me do, Mr. Luthor?” She asked. If her attitude was not typical, it could be attributed to the
fact that the situation was not typical.
Lex, not used to being questioned or thwarted, was a realist,
however. He understood that he had
given a nonsense order and decided not to press the issue. Helpless, he stood by in an ever growing
rage as his precious Gate disappeared, a piece at a time, before his very
Needless to say he was quite startled when a blonde girl, clad in
blue and white, and sporting the hated red Super symbol, stopped in front
of him.
“You know, you’re cute when you’re mad.” She said in a sweet, teenage voice. And then, while he stood paralyzed in apoplectic rage, the
girl floated up and bent to kiss him on his bald pate. “Bye now!” And she was gone.
And with her, the last piece of the gate!

“There!” Karen stepped
back, replacing a tool in the toolbox as she surveyed her and Carrie’s
handiwork. “Ready to go.”
Kara shook her head in amazement.
They had done it! The girls
had actually waltzed right into LexCorps and stole the Projector a piece at
a time, right under Lex’s nose. She
would have given a lot to have witnessed the maniac’s tantrum.
Wonder Woman had left and Kara had turned her attention back to the
twins, just as they found the device and got to work. When it looked as if they were about
done, she had left her perch atop the Daily Planet and headed for the
warehouse. At the last minute she
had remembered that it had been her job to acquire an energy source.
“I don’t want to know how you got that out of STAR labs!” Charlie had exclaimed when she had
arrived with a small, fusion generator.
And now all was ready.
“Are you sure this thing is going to work?” Charlie asked as Carrie made a final
“Yep.” Karen nodded. “And, according
to these settings, we should pop out at the Otherverse version of
Stonehenge. Well away from major
inhabited areas.” Kara stepped
forward and took Charlie’s hands in her own.
“Thank you, Charlie.” She
told him.
“Hey, you did all the work.”
He tried to brush off the thanks.
“You helped in ways we needed.
You were there and you were a friend.” Kara smiled at him.
She turned to the twins.
“Girls, let’s go home.” She
stepped up by the girls and raised a hand to wave. As the gate powered up, she opened her
“And Charlie, Tell Linda how you feel, you both deserve it!”
And she was gone.
“We’re too late, aren’t we?”
Charlie turned to see Superman and Linda rushing up.
“Just a little.” Charlie
replied. He looked at Linda, Kara’s
words ringing in his head.
“Charlie?” Linda looked at
him quizzically. He smiled and
patted her shoulder.
“Nothing.” He said. “Just thinking of something Kara said,
that’s all.”

“So I guess we go back to school now?” Carrie demanded, her voice sullen, as the trio sped across
the sky towards the Fortress in Colorado.
“No.” Kara shook her head.
“You don’t go back to School.” She
sighed. “Rogue was right.” She put a hand on each girl’s shoulder.
“I think it’s time you came home to stay.”
The trio fell quite a distance as both girls wrapped their arms
around Kara!
End of The Twins – Number 2
-- Story
written and copyrighted (C) 2000 by Dylan Clearbrook, and may not be
-- reprinted
without permission.
-- Sharon
Holmes and Charlie are original creations of Strike-Two (C) 2000 by Jason
-- Karen and
Carrie are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Supergirl,
Lex Luthor, and certain other characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue,
Xavier, and certain other characters are property of Marvel Comics