The Pryde
of Courtship
By Jake H.
"No! Absolutely not. I will not abide this!" Logan said as he paced in the X-Men's meeting room. "Cute couple or not, you two haven’t known each other long enough to get married."
Jean knew this was going to happen. Zal and Kitty had asked her, Scott, Charles permission to get married just a few days ago. To really make sure, Charles had read their surface thoughts and found that their love was real. Of course they didn’t require permission, perhaps it was a natural instinct to ask the one who was a father to them all. Logan, on the other hand, had just returned from another covert operation.
"Logan. Please don’t do this. I really.." Zal said trying to reason with him. But Logan interrupted him before he could finish.
"Zal. Shut up." as he turned to Kitty. "Do you have this desire to get hitched or something to the first pretty boy that comes along?"
"Logan, will you listen for a minute?" Kitty said. "It’s not like that at all. Zal and I love each other, can’t you see that?"
"That may be so, but it is too early. Why don’t you two wait for a year or ten and think it over?" Logan said in a gruff, realizing it didn’t matter what he said.
Kitty gave him a sarcastic look. "I don’t think so, Logan."
Zal got up and got a cup of coffee. "Anyway, we didn’t ask you here for your permission. We need to ask you...."
Logan interrupted again. "Looks to me that you've made your decision. Bye." He started walking for the door.
Kitty looked at Zal and their eyes met. Kitty shook her head and motioned at Logan. Zal nodded and walked after Logan. "The lady needs to ask you something before you go."
Logan just waved him off and opened the door. Without another word, he found himself being set in a chair, facing Kitty. Zal had picked him up and went across the room before he could react. Logan gave him a nasty look, but ultimately submitted to being put here. "Ok. What do want Katherine? It seems you have me by.... rather with a Kryptonian."
Kitty smiled. "Ain't it wonderful? And I have him wrapped around my finger."
Everyone but Logan broke out laughing when Scott shook his head. "Women."
Kitty stuck her tongue out at Scott but turned back to Logan. "I want you to give me away. You're the closest thing to a father that I have left." she glanced at Xavier. "No offense, Professor."
"None taken." Charles said. "Logan, are you going to answer her?"
Logan sat there in shock. He definitely wasn't expecting this. His expressions went from confusion, to rage, to happiness, and back to confusion again. "You want me to give you away?"
"I'm like a father?"
"I didn’t know you felt that way about me, Cat." Logan said as he put out his stogie. "What about Chuck?"
Zal spoke up. "We've asked him to perform the ceremony. I would have liked a traditional Kryptonian wedding, but I seem to have lost that battle."
Then Logan turned to Scott and Jean. "What did they ask you two to do?"
Jean motioned to her husband. "Well, Scott is going to be Zal's best man, and I have been asked to be the maid of honor."
"Anyone else I should know about?"
Zal and Kitty locked at each other and shrugged. "We were going to ask Eric to be our ring-bearer, but he's been a little busy with the students recently."
Logan nodded his head. "Ok, Cat. I'll give you away to this big oaf, " he said as he jabbed his elbow into Zal. Much to his chagrin, he didn’t flinch as everybody heard the loud THUNK of Wolvies skeleton hitting an immovable object.
Kitty rushed over and gave her mentor a hug. "Thanks. I knew you would see it my way."
Then a deep voice came from the doorway. "If that offer stands, I would be proud to bear the rings in your wedding."
Everyone turned to see Magneto standing in the doorway. Zal spoke first. "Eric, it is good to see you. And we would be honored."
"What's the problem?" Charles asked. Eric rarely came to Operations, his duties as headmaster of the school kept him too busy.
"Oh, nothing Charles. I came to say that the entire student body is waiting outside, in uniform, for our local Koh-Re sensei to promote one of their own."
Kitty looked at Zal. "Sabrina's test. We totally forgot about it."
Zal nodded to Eric, then looked around the room. "Does anyone else want to come? It would make her proud to get the approval of the X-Men."
Charles smiled. "Zal, I believe we would all be happy to attend."
As the others filed out of Operations and started down the hallway, Zal rushed upstairs and went to his dorm. He quickly donned his Kryptonian kimono, and waited until everyone downstairs was in position. He flew to the entrance of the mansion and walked outside. All was quiet as he took the teacher's position. Sabrina was kneeling on a practice mat in her kimono. She had the appearance of someone who was focused but confident of her abilities. Zal started the ceremony by reciting the Teacher's oath in Kryptonese.
"I shall maintain the highest levels of skill, honor, and discipline, in addition to presenting the highest example, pass my knowledge along to these who are worthy, and above all else, strive to attain the perfect balance of life." Zal said.
To his surprise, Sabrina answered her Students oath in Kryptonese also. "As will I, Sensei. To your honor and mine"
Zal just smiled as the entire class broke into cheers and whistles. When they had calmed down, he addressed the class.
"You all must judge her worthiness for promotion. She will perform the ritual katas, prove her fearlessness, and lastly she must prove herself in battle. Can you judge her in these matters fairly?"
The class, in unison, yelled out their answer. "Yes, Sensei!"
Zal turned to Sabrina. "Are you ready?" When she bowed in acceptance, he continued. "Then begin the kata."
She stood and very smoothly and majestically went through every motion without so much as a pause or mistake. She continued on to the next set of motions, this one much harder for it involved several seemingly impossible spins intersected by kicks, punches and blocks. Once again, she proved to be infallible. Most could see the sweat bead up on her brow. The final move involved a roundhouse back flip to land in a defensive crouch. And again she performed flawlessly. She bowed and knelt again. Without waiting, the class broke into cheers and applause and yells of 'Go Sabrina!' and one 'I love ya, baby!'.
At that last comment, Sabrina turned a beet red, but kept her composure. Zal smiled as most of the X-Men just shook their heads and tried to look who said it. He glanced at Logan who understood what he wanted. As silently as he could, he extended his claws and snuck around as close as he could to Sabrina. Just as the class calmed down to a silence again, he let out a bestial roar and lunged, claws first at her unprotected back. All of the students gasped in horror, and some of the X-men started to jump in to intervene. Unknown to any but them, Charles told the X-Men that responded that this was planned and that Logan was not in a rage. He intentionally missed and started making swipes within millimeters of her face, throat, and sternum. She did not move, flinch, or even close her eyes even though she knew that one slip of his claws or mind would kill her instantly. During the 30-second onslaught, Logan slowly withdrew the middle claw in his right hand. As his final move, he yelled out again, plunging his fist right at her throat, with each of the two remaining claws brushing the sides of her neck. She never moved.
Once again, the students broke into cheers and whistles, knowing she had passed the test of fear. Zal nodded to Logan and he withdrew his claws and stood straight. He bowed to Sabrina and returned to the sideline where the other X-Men waited.
"It is time for the last portion of this test. You will be judged on two factors. One is how you do in battle, the other is who you choose to be your opponent." Zal explained.
"Yes, Sensei."
"Then choose your opponent, young one."
Sabrina stood, looked at her classmates. Several of them had expectant looks on their faces. She glanced at the X-Men momentarily. It was obvious she was in a dilemma, and was having a hard time deciding this very important matter. Her expression turned to stone and her eyes twinkled as she made her mind up. She turned back to Zal. "I have made my decision, Sensei."
"Who is it to be, then?" the Kryptonian said.
Sabrina averted her eyes back to her classmates for a moment, and then turned back. "I, Sensei."
"Me?" Zal was amused by the response, but was ultimately proud. "Very well."
Kitty and Logan were smiling, but the rest of the X-Men were either horrified or dismissing it completely.
"He's gonna go real soft on her." Gambit said.
Logan looked at him with disgust. "Cajun, have you even attended one of these classes? Or perhaps asked Zal about the philosophies of Koh-Re?"
Gambit locked gazes with Logan. "It’s just a fancified, over-indulged, version of Kung-Fu, and not a good one at that."
Charles quipped in to the conversation. "Zal is not allowed by his teachings to hold back. He just asked me mentally if we can move the students to the danger room."
Kitty looked over to Xavier, puzzled. "Why does he want to do that?"
"We can reproduce his home worlds environment, canceling his powers. He wants to make the battle even." Logan broke in, without averting his gaze from Gambit. "They will only be relying on their own skills. Nothing else."
The students started to file to the lower levels beneath the mansion, so they could witness the battle. Most of them noticed the words between Zal and Sabrina as they walked in front, leading the way to the danger room. After a few minutes, the X-Men had assembled in the control room, the students in a separate observation deck. Zal and Sabrina were warming up as Logan programmed the solar lamps in the room.
They bowed to each other and took defensive stances. Logan handed the microphone to Charles. "The contest begins...NOW!"
Almost instantly both combatants tore into each other. Kicks, punches, blocks, and throws, and counter-maneuvers. But it seemed that Zal was holding back. Suddenly, he surged and caught her in the back of the knee and by her wrist and threw her across the room. She hit hip first and rolled. The students saw that she leapt right back in, but with a slight limp this time. Zal pulled back into a stance that Storm, Jubilee, Rogue, and Kitty had seen before. He started concentrating. 50 feet.
"Oh, crap. He'll kill her." Jubilee said as Sabrina closed the distance. 40 feet.
"Calm down, Jube. The style is quite deadly, and the battle is one-sided, but she walked in on her own accord." Storm said. 30 feet.
"He is four times her size. This is no contest, and he's a coward." Gambit said, and turned and left the control room. Rogue started after him, wondering what was eating her boyfriend up. 20 feet.
"This is it. She doesn't know about this move, does she?" Logan asked Kitty. 10 feet.
"No, she doesn’t." Kitty said sadly. 0 feet.
Sabrina went into a double flying roundhouse kick. Zal ducked the first kick, but quickly rose to block the second. For a split second before she started falling, her eyes locked with his. He saw the faint expression of fear just before he struck. He planted his palm on her breastbone with blinding speed. Everybody instinctively flinched as they heard a couple of her ribs crack. She fell like a stone, but was still conscious. Zal knelt over her and held his fist against her larynx.
Her eyes started watering. "I'm sorry I failed you, Sensei."
Zal relaxed. He picked her up and held her as gently as possible. He glanced and saw Kitty and Jean floating down with a first aid kit. "You didn’t fail, Sabrina. Not at all. In fact, I must commend you on having the bravery to face me, knowing I could kill you. You have made me proud."
A bed popped out of the ground and he set her on it. Jean started wrapping her ribs.
Kitty whispered in her fiancée’s ear. "You could have pulled that punch, Honey."
"I did." he said as she looked into his eyes.
"Oh. I would hate to see the result if you went full strength on her."
"I would have crushed her sternum, killing her instantly." Zal said as he heard the doors open to the danger room.
"You are a coward! If you have any honor, fight me now, without your powers!" Gambit yelled out.
"Gambit! What the...!" Kitty yelled.
Zal's eyes narrowed to mere slits. "Kitty, please join Jean and get Sabrina out of here, I don’t know how serious he is."
"Oh, I’m quite serious, you coward. I don’t think you are anything without your omnipotent powers."
Zal glanced behind him to see Jean telekinetically lifting the three women off the floor. "What do you propose?"
"I am going to prove to these people to these people that you are nothing without your powers."
"I think you are a bit too angry. Why don’t you calm down and then, if you still want, we can settle whatever differences you and I have." Zal said without moving.
"No. I want you now. Prepare to defend yourself." Gambit said as he pulled four playing cards from his sleeve. He went to a panel in the wall and pulled out a pair of staves. He threw one to Zal.
The Kryptonian caught the hardwood staff and gave Gambit a sarcastic look. "Choice of weapons?" he said innocently. He tossed it over his shoulder. "You can use yours, I’ll do without."
Zal's I don’t give a damn attitude pissed Gambit off even more. " You're a real cocky piece of work."
"It seems you are the one with the Ego problem, Gambit, not I!" Zal stated matter-of-factly.
"That’s it! Get ready to taste your own blood." He screamed and leaped to attack.
Gambit charged and threw the four cards. Zal didn’t even move his feet and dodged every one. Gambit leapt in, staff raised to strike his unmoving opponent. This time Zal moved to avoid the staff. He ducked the first swing, leaped over the second, and somersaulted over Gambit to avoid the third.
"Are you sure you want to continue this, Gambit?" Zal asked. "I have done nothing to you to warrant this."
"You have made advances on my love, and taken what was dearest to me away!" he said as he swung the staff again.
"Are you telling me you are jealous?!" Zal said with an angered shock in his voice.
"Yes! You just think you can waltz in here and take whatever you want. That your high-and-mighty powers give you the right to ruin others lives." Gambit said as he halted his attack for a moment.
"I take nothing that is not freely given. As for Rogue… have you not noticed that I am engaged to be married?" Zal said with an icy tone. "Or can you not handle the fact that I chose someone other than your perfect angel. Now I understand. You couldn’t handle the fact that Rogue was being nice to me while she keeps pushing you away."
"For that, you shall pay dearly!" Gambit hissed. He ran forward, intent on splattering Zal's head on the steel floor. Zal pulled back in a defensive crouch, waiting on him. Gambit swung as Zal stood. The Kryptonian caught the staff in one hand and exploded with a strike with the other. His hand caught the Cajun in the crook of his throat, and his fingers grabbed the sides of neck. The Cajun went limp in his hand and fell to the floor, a thin trickle of blood oozing from his mouth. Zal dropped the staff and looked up at the control booth. The X-Men were rushing down to him. He rolled backwards and came up in an odd stance, unsure of their motives.
"Why did you kill him?!" Storm raged.
"I didn’t. I am not in the habit of killing those who just need some stress relief. But I did not appreciate the fact that he interrupted my student’s promotion ceremony. He will recover."
"He is correct." Jean said as she examined Gambit. "The blood is from where he bit his own tongue, perhaps in conjunction with your blow, Zal."
Most of the X-Men paused. "You mean he didn’t break his neck?"
"Of course not. What type of person would I be if I killed him for no reason? He posed no danger and was just getting out his frustrations on me." Zal explained as he turned back up to Wolverine, who had not come down. "Can you turn off the lamps, please?"
As Logan adjusted the controls, Storm spoke a little quieter to Zal. "I'm sorry. I just assumed since that you thought his 'payback' thing was serious, that you were going to.... ya know."
"It all right, I understand," Zal said as he walked over to Rogue. “I am sorry this happened. And I do know that you love him.
“Its Ok, Zal. He gets like this every once in a while,” she said quietly. Letting a playful smirk overtake her features, she continued. “You seemed to be spoken for anyway.”
“That’s right, girl. He’s mine!” Kitty said playfully, walking over to the pair.
The red tint of the room diminished until it was gone. All heads turned when Gambit let out a moan.
"What happened?" the Cajun said.
"Uh, you lost." Scott said.
Zal walked over and extended his hand to help Gambit up. "I felt that you still wan..." Zal stopped his sentence when Gambit slapped his hand aside.
"Just because you won, doesn’t mean this is over."
Zal sighed. "As you wish..."
The X-Men gathered up Gambit and departed. The only ones to remain were Kitty, Logan, and Sabrina. Zal turned to the students who were watching the entire debacle.
"Class, I feel that Sabrina's bravery was enough to warrant her promotion. She fought well and without concern for her own safety. The mark of a true hero. What do you say? Is she worthy?"
In one, unified voice, the class yelled out, "Yes, Sensei!" and then broke into applause and whistles.
Zal turned to his student. "Sabrina, I hereby promote you to Rank 9 in Koh-Re. I must leave for a while, so you will be responsible for classes until I return."
"Where are you going, Master?" the young girls eyes were joyous, but concerned.
Zal smiled and looked at Kitty. "I have some shopping to do with my fiancée'."
Zal and Kitty were walking down 5th Avenue shopping for accessories needed for their wedding. They had just left the shop where Kitty had been custom fitted for her wedding gown and were now discussing the alloys of metal for their rings. After all, they had to be able to withstand a lot of friction when he flew. The shopkeeper did not understand why they wanted something so strong, and the couple was not willing to divulge the reason of getting their rings made of anything other than gold or platinum. Kitty was arguing with the jeweler about her ring size when she saw her fiancée’s head snap around to peer at a wall. She stopped her conversation and walked to her husband’s side.
"What is it, honey?"
"The Avengers are about three blocks away, fighting someone with powers similar to my own." Upon closer inspection, Zal noticed that the genetic makeup of the man was very familiar.
"That can't be! There is only you. There was no Krypton here." Kitty said as Zal took her hand and led her out of the store and down the street.
“I don’t know where he came from, but he is most definitely a kryptonian.” Zal said, still moving.
When they turned the corner revealing the battle, they saw Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and Vision battling an older man. Hawkeye was down as was Vision. There were some paramedics on scene tending to Hawkeye, but most were a bit confused over the android.
"Kitty, please tend to the Vision if you can, I will see what I can do to help." Zal gave her a quick peck on the cheek and rushed into the battle.
"Where is she?! Where is that overindulged bitch?!" Nar-Ur said as he picked up another car to throw at Iron Man.
Captain America and Thor were giving each other confused looks. They had never fought a being with such tremendous power before
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Zal said as he stopped next to Cap.
Without looking at the newcomer Cap dismissed him. "Absolutely, get out of here before he hurts or kills you."
Zal was confused for a brief second, but looked down at himself. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a turtleneck sweater and a suede jacket. "Excuse me, I am Superman. I can stop him."
Cap stopped and looked at the young man. "That's a joke, right?"
"No sir, not at all. " Zal said as he pulled off the jacket.
"Wait a moment. You're the one Hank told me about, aren't you?" Cap said as they both moved out of the way of a misthrown car.
"Yes sir. The name is Zal. I’m glad to meet you.”
Cap just kind of shrugged at the thought and continued. "Ok. Do your thing. But remember, we are in the middle of the city, try to get him away from the people."
"Just follow me. I'll get us away from here." Zal said and flew at supersonic speed into the other Kryptonians chest. He altered his flight path and the both of them plunged into and then through the pavement.
The older Kryptonian was a bit surprised at the assault, but recovered quickly. "Ha! She had to send one of her lackeys to do her dirty work! And here I just thought she was a coward. Now I know it to be a fact!" He punched Zal in the jaw, seemingly to no effect.
"Where the hell did you come from!?" Zal said in an angered voice.
"The same place you are going…HELL!" Nar-Ur focused and turned his heat vision on Zal full blast.
Up on the surface, the Avengers were a bit shocked. This young man just plowed right into this being who, just moments before, was causing all sorts of havoc. They had plunged into the ground and they could hear them going deeper.
"Thor, Iron Man. With me. We are going to follow. The rest of you, get our wounded back to the mansion." Cap said as he reached the edge of the crater that Zal had created.
"I’m coming with you." Kitty said.
"Ms. Pryde. Why art thou here?" Thor said as she joined them.
Her voice went a bit quieter so the crowd could not hear. "That’s my fiancée'. We were here shopping for our wedding."
Cap turned at the comment. "Is he who he says he is?"
"Yeah, he is Superman."
Iron Man put a hand on Cap's shoulder. "I can vouch for him. We have met." Just then, the four of them heard a yell from deep within the hole.
"Grand Central Rail Platform! Hurry!"
Kitty dove into the ground like an Olympic diver, while Thor flew down the hole Zal had made. Iron Man picked up Cap and flew to the building and descended to the platform. What the four of them saw when they got there was a little unnerving.
Zal was standing on the tracks, the remnants of his 'civilian' cloths smoldering on him. Fortunately, he had worn his full suit today but he still looked a little pissed. There was water pooling from the hole in the ceiling, as Iron Man noticed the broken water main about 30 feet up in the hole. What disturbed them the most was the fact that Nar had a human in his grasp.
"Get back!" Zal yelled. "We cannot risk that man's life."
The older kryptonian shook his head. "Yes! Show everybody just how brave you really are." he said sarcastically.
Without dignifying that with a response, Zal's eyes locked with Kitty's. She nodded to him and stepped into the ground. "I am but a boy compared to you. Let him go and you can come and kill me."
"I am not an idiot. You are more experienced, and you probably have a trick up your sleeve."
Trying to distract away from Kitty, Zal seemingly admitted to 'ace in the hole'. "You are correct. I am a Master."
"Ah. I see. You honesty think I didn’t know that you had something planned?"
"Hopefully, you don’t know whets about to happen." Zal thought as he saw Kitty come up behind him. She reached out trying to phase the hostage out of his hands, when he turned and saw her. He looked back at Zal quickly.
"Nice try." he said as his arm jerked, breaking several of the man's vertebrae.
"No!" Zal yelled as Nar tossed the now lifeless man into the puddle forming on the platform. Kitty broke off and rushed to the man's side, seeing if there was something that could be done.
The older Kryptonian quickly ripped up the power rail from the track. The Avengers watched as the millions of volts coursed through the Kryptonians body. He held the rail casually in one hand as Zal prepared to strike. "So, you care for these people. Good. Since I think you were stalling for her, you were lying the entire time." Nar tossed the rail directly into the puddle.
Zal could smell the intense ozone in the air, but his heart was being torn, as Kitty's cries of agony were rebounding in his ears. He rushed over and threw the rail out of the water that she had been kneeling in. She collapsed into his arms. He could hear a very weak heartbeat and she was not breathing. At a careful but rapid pace, he started CPR on her, desperately trying to get her stabilized. Cap and Iron Man rushed over. She had started breathing again and her heartbeat steadied, but she was still in very bad shape. The entire time, the clone was studying the young man, getting a good impression of his limits. He looked smug when his conclusion was made. This was no master; he was just a boy that happened to be here.
"Look after her, or you will answer to me." Zal said as he stood and faced a very smug Nar-Ur.
"Good. Very good. Now this old man is going to give you a spanking." Nar said as Zal strode purposefully towards him.
The older kryptonian swung sloppily at Zal. If the blow had landed, it would have hurt. But on this day, Zal just ducked and lashed out with his foot, striking him on the side of the knee. As the construct cried out, Zal slammed his elbow into its ribcage. Next, the young Kryptonian grabbed the clone’s wrist and, with all his might, slammed his palm into the same elbow, shattering it.
The clone could not believe what was happening. He was sure that someone this young could not have be so skilled. He felt his elbow buckle and his vision blur from the pain. He kicked out with his good leg only to have it caught. There was a little satisfaction of hearing the real man grunt with pain. He soon realized that his small victory was a very bad mistake. The real Kryptonian brought both of his fists down upon his knee. Although the clone’s knee held, the ankle didn’t, and his foot twisted painfully backwards, bones jutting out from where his lower leg bones had snapped. That pain was too much for him to bear, and he rested comfortably in the arms of unconsciousness.
Zal felt the older man go limp and dropped him to the ground. He knelt over the clone, his hands grabbing his chin and the back of his neck. He was about to begin applying pressure when he heard the God of Thunder speak.
"Nay, young one. You shall not take this man's life."
"And why not?"
"It is the law here that all accused go before a trial of peers first." Cap broke in.
Zal looked at the larger man for a moment. "Ok, are you going to hold him, Deity? It seemed to me that you were losing, and I am not going to stay here long enough to keep him under restraints."
"I have an idea." Iron Man said as he walked to the pair. "Let’s take him to Reed Richards. We are going to have to go there anyway for your fiancée' Zal. Perhaps he knows of some way to keep him restrained."
Zal peered at the walking suit of armor. He thought he recognized the nuances of a familiar voice, but could not see through the shell to verify. He leaned closer and whispered almost inaudibly. "Tony?"
Tony Stark just nodded. "I will transport Ms. Pryde if you two can keep him under and get him to Pier 4. Cap will stay and handle the legal issue with the cops and special ops teams. We'll see you there."
Several moments later, Kitty was in the intensive care ward in Reed's lab. Zal had remembered this place well and was eager to hear the diagnosis of his beloved. He had let Thor watch the fake Kryptonian while he listened to Reed's diagnosis.
"It doesn't look good, Zal. I am surprised that she survived at all. You may have saved her life, but you may not have saved her." Reed explained as he made notes on her chart.
"The electricity may have fried her synapses. Dammit. This can not be happening now." Zal said as he slumped in a chair and closed his eyes.
"I know. All I can say is that you are welcome to stay here with her until she recovers." Reed noticed tears flowing from Zal as he tried to regain himself. "Its all right. There is no shame in expressing your emotions."
Zal wiped away the tears and stood up and looked at Sue, who was wrapping the burns on Kitty's knees and feet. "Mrs. Richards, can you look after her for a moment," and turned to the door. "I have a trial to oversee." And angrily walked out the door.
Reed followed him hurriedly. "Zal, what are your intentions?"
"If you don’t have something to stop him, I am going to be forced to kill him."
Reeds eyes went wide and he rushed in front of the Kryptonian. "Zal wait. I have an idea."
The two of them entered the lab room where Iron Man, Thor and Ben Grimm were literally sitting on the older Kryptonian, who was still out cold.
"Hey Stretch, what are we going to do with this guy?" the Thing said.
Reed went over to a cabinet and rifled through some sample boxes, all of which had been prepared by him. He looked over the labels until he found two. He turned back around to face Zal.
"Zal, here are the two options that I have available to me." Reed put one box down and broke the seal on the other.
"What are you talking about?" Zal said almost anxiously. When he saw Reed crack the box ever so slightly, he felt this wave of familiar pain wash over him. Zal stumbled a few paces back, tripped and fell. "Close it!" he said as scrambled to get away from the pain.
"Oops. Sorry." Reed said as he closed the box. After a couple of seconds, Zal shook off the effects and stood up.
"Sorry?" he said as the last of the Blue K radiation was purged from his body. "You could have warned me first. And where did you get that anyway?"
Sounding apologetic, Reed continued. "We wanted to come up with a synthetic version of the Kryptonite for power purposes, unsuccessfully so far. But anyway, using periodic exposure should keep him subdued."
Tony Stark looked up at his friend. "But wont it leave enough residue each time to start blood poisoning?"
"Possible. I haven’t had the subject to test that...." Reed was saying until Zal interrupted him.
"No. That’s cruel. Better just let me finish it."
"Wait. I have another option." Reed put down the box and picked up the other. He didn’t break the seal on this one. "We can use this."
"Another piece?" Zal asked, unable to peer inside.
"No, this is a little different. This particular strain will block your powers permanently."
For the first time since any of them first knew a Kryptonian, they had never seen fear. But there was no other way to describe the look on the young man's face. "How in hell did you synthesize Gold K?!" Zal asked with a bit of waver in his voice.
“Pure luck, I suppose. I was studying the effects the Blue K had on your body before you recovered, and started looking for a way to subdue you in case you went crazy or something.”
Zal shook his head. “Reed. That stuff is dangerous! I want it destroyed! If it gets out, that is my entire life!”
Reed averted his eyes. "Yeah. I agree. I will dispose of it immediately, along with all of the research. But what about him?"
Zal thought long and hard on the situation. He looked at each of the men present. It seemed that the decision was his. "Ok. Do it."
The Thing looked at the young Kryptonian. "You might want to get on a containment suit, buddy."
"Don’t bother."
Everyone glanced to Iron Man who was examining the downed at the clone. "He's dead."
"I didn’ that much.... damage." Zal stuttered.
"It wasn’t you, nor was it the kryptonite." Iron Man said as he scanned the corpse. "He just seems to have died of.... natural causes."
"Hmmm. The self-destruct seems to work very well. At least that covers my involvement." Thanos said as he made notes on how this clone worked. He almost had the powers perfected, but perhaps he was not using the proper teaching files for the clone to use them.
"Perhaps I should find a way to infuse him with that one's prowess, " he said to nobody as he reviewed the battle archives with Zal. "And perhaps some immunity to that 'kryptonite' substance.
Thanos took further notes and sat back in his chair. He glanced over at the cryotube holding the body of Nar-Ur. A body that did not even come from this dimension. "I suppose it is time that I start another batch of clone tissue, and perhaps this time it will stay alive long enough to get more readings. And maybe take that thorn out of my side. With Kara and Rogue around, my plans of conquest are not viable.” Thanos paused for a moment and then opened a dimensional door back to his home reality, a reality that also had a dimensionally displaced kryptonian.
"Reed, I’m worried about him." Sue said to her husband as they looked into the intensive care room they had retrofitted. "He hasn’t moved in 12 days. He hasn’t eaten, and rarely sleeps."
"Well, darling, he also hasn't left her side either." Reed saw as Zal caressed his fiancée’s cheek. "He is devoted to seeing her recover. I can’t blame him."
"I just think maybe he needs to realize that she may never...." Sue bit off her words, unable to think what would happen if Katherine was brain-dead.
Reed put his arms around his wife. "Let’s give him a couple of days. If she doesn’t improve, then I will discuss options with him. Ok?"
"In the meantime, lets just leave him alone. If he wants to be there, fine." Reed said as he led Sue away.
Several hours later, Zal still had not moved. Johnny Storm looked in and also decided it not wise to disturb him. He was just about to get comfortable to get a few hours of sleep, when a memory of him waking up with her in his arms flooded into his head. He dismissed the thought and started to settle. After a few moments he was closing his eyes when he heard Kitty's voice.
"Honey, where am I?"
Zal bolted the 8 feet to her side. "Oh, blessed Rao! Thank you!" he whispered as he pulled her close.
"Zal, what’s going on?" Kitty said as he let go and sat down beside her bed.
"What do you remember?" Zal said as he carefully unwrapped her bandages on her legs, knowing that the wounds were mostly healed.
"Well, I remember this guy who got his neck snapped and was thrown by that guy you were fighting. I went to help him and then there was this flash and I felt that there was a great weight on my chest. I remember you saying something like 'I must answer to you' and then nothing." Kitty said as she pulled out the IV tubes and oxygen support from her arms and face. Zal was about to stop her, but he knew there was no use in trying to stop her.
"Baby, you were severely electrocuted. I had to bring you back from the brink of death after it happened. It was so bad that Reed had to replace all the skin on your knees and half of you feet. You have been out for twelve days."
"Twelve days? And why was my skin replaced there?"
"You were kneeling in the water. It’s where the electricity mainly entered your body." Zal finished unwrapping her legs to see that they were almost completely healed, and through Reed's careful planning, there would be no scarring. "It charred the flesh really bad."
"Well, honey, I feel fine. Can we go now?"
Zal looked at her in astonishment. "Don’t you think that you might want to get checked out first?"
Kitty grinned. "Hell no. Now I only have two weeks to finish our wedding plans." She winked at him. "You don’t think that this was going to delay our wedding did you?"
Zal smiled and embraced her. "No, darling. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be delayed."
"Good." Kitty tried to leap from the bed only to find herself lying in Zal’s arms, too weak to stand and completely in the nude. Zal turned three shades of red, but found it difficult to avert his eyes. She glanced at him. "I apparently need a bit more time to heal, but I still want to go home." She looked down at herself and gave Zal a suggestive gaze. "Your idea, I hope?"
"I wish." Zal said as he helped dress her.
A wicked grin appeared on Kitty's features. "Well, we could always..."
Zal was a bit hesitant, but interjected. "No, I cant." He finally forced his gaze away. "Even though you are making it very difficult to maintain that promise to myself."
Kitty sighed and started getting dressed. "Ok. I can respect that." When she was finished she pulled him around and embraced him passionately. "Its only a few days away, so I can wait too."
"Thanks." Zal said and sat down. He pulled off his boots and stood up. He started undressing. Kitty was getting a bit confused. She was about to ask when he pulled off his shirt to reveal his suit underneath. When he was finished she put her arms around him. He wrapped his cape around them both and shot out of the complex faster than the eye can see.
He set down in the fortress a few minutes later. Zal looked into her eyes as he unwrapped his cape. "Kitty, we are going to concentrate on our wedding over the next two weeks. But for a few days, lets just enjoy each others company, Ok?"
Kitty smiled and allowed herself to be swept up. Zal carried her to her bedroom and laid her down. He lay next to her and she nestled close. It didn’t take long before both of them were sound asleep.
Back at Pier Four, Sue was going crazy. She had walked into an empty infirmary ten minutes ago and raised the alarm. Reed just shook his head and started pulling up surveillance logs for the area. "Sue. I think they will be fine. She woke up and Zal took her home."
"That is beside the point. He should have said something!"
"Leave him alone, dear. He is a bit young and probably didn’t quite care about etiquette. I’m sure if he would have thought about it, he would have said something."
Sue was about to say more, but stopped herself. "Well, at least the house is empty again." She grinned wickedly and let her robe drop to the floor.
Reed's eyes lit up as she turned off the lights in the lab.
The day of the wedding. Everyone that had been invited gathered at Cades Cove. It was the best place Kitty could think of to hold this ceremony. They had decided to have it at a semi-outdoor church that was there. There was the small problem of getting two portable buildings approved to be brought into the park. But, with a bit of sweetalking and a donation to the park, all red tape was cleared instantly. Zal was getting into his tuxedo while Scott finished adjusting his lapels and cufflinks. Logan was pacing and Eric was magnetically playing with the rings. Zal had decided to hold up in the portable building while the final prepping was done. He even refused to be told about who had shown up and who had not.
"Zal, as Rogue used to say, you look as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs." Logan said as Zal put on his vest.
"Logan," Zal said as he reached for his shoes. "I don’t know. This seems almost alien to me. I would have rather done a simple Kryptonian bonding. This just makes me..... nervous."
The three X-Men laughed but settled quickly. "Well, you can always back out. Its not too late." Scott said as he sipped a bottle of water. "Or did you agree to this so Kitty could have the wedding in a style that she always wanted?"
"No matter what, I want her to be happy." the young Kryptonian said as he stood and put on his jacket.
Logan grabbed his hand. "Zal, that is what I needed to hear. I was concerned about her until you said that. Now, I'm sure that you and her will be just fine." They shook hands and just nodded.
"Shall we begin? I believe it is time." Eric said as Zal put on his tie.
They turned to the door and opened it. Zal had not used his X-ray vision to see who was here, so when he emerged, he was quite astonished. It looked more like a costume convention than a wedding. Besides the X-Men, the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Alpha Flight, there was Prof. Hulk, Spiderman, Daredevil, Capt. Britain and Meggan, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Black Panther, among others of note. The whole assembly applauded as Zal took his place at the right of the altar. Charles nodded at him and smiled. He glanced at Hank McCoy, who was playing the organ, and sent a thought.
The Beast turned and started playing the traditional wedding march. The precession started and in pairs, everyone took their places. Finally, Logan and Kitty came into view. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her dress was low-cut, short sleeved but conservative. Her hair was pinned up in a Japanese style. She had elbow-length lace gloves and her dresses trailer was at least fifteen feet long. There was instantly a barrage of camera flashes and whispers that only select few could understand. Off in one corner, Nightcrawler and Guido were softly crying.
Logan led her up to the altar and handed her off to the young Kryptonian. He flashed then both a quick wink and took his place. The couple turned to Charles who was waiting to proceed. He gathered himself and started.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in the bonds of holy matrimony. This union comes to great joy to most of us, so if there are any opposed to the joining, let him speak now, or forever hold thy peace."
Satisfied that no one was going to speak, Charles continued. After going through the traditional opening speeches, it got down to the vows. He turned first to Zal.
"Zal, of the family El, do you take this woman’s hand, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, through good times and bad, through sickness and health, forsaking all others, to love, to cherish, and to honor, so that even death cannot separate you?"
Zal took a deep breath and turned to look Kitty in the eye. "I do." He plucked the ring from midair and placed it on her finger.
Charles then turned to the bride. "And you, Katherine Anna Pryde, do you take this man, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, through good times and bad, through sickness and health, forsaking all others, to love, to cherish, and to honor, so that even death cannot separate you?"
Kitty turned to Zal and smiled. "I do." She opened her hand and the ring fell into her hand. She took it and placed it on his finger, then stole a wink at Eric for the flashy presentation.
Charles then smiled and turned to the assembly. "Then by the power vested in me by the State of New York and by all assembled here, I hereby pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Zal lifted the veil over Kitts face and leaned in. She closed the rest of the distance and embraced him. The crowd went wild with photos and cheers, but settled down when they parted and faced the assembly. Charles spoke one more time. "There will be a reception immediately following the conclusion of the ceremony, and everyone here is invited of course. By the way, please just toss the rice, as the bride isn’t as resilient as the groom is. Otherwise, I present Mr. and Mrs. Zal El!"
Zal took his wife’s hand and started down the aisle. Other than being showered with rice and praise, they led the way to the reception. Everyone joined and the festivities began. For several hours there was dancing, partying, a formal lunch, the Best mans toast, the first dance, opening of gifts, and finally, tossing of the bouquet and garter. The bouquet was pretty wild as powers were exerted and people tossed, but ultimately it landed in Silver Sables' hand, who wasn’t even participating. A round of applause followed and then laughter as she turned beet red.
The garter was shaping up to be just as bad as every single male lined up at the chance. Zal shook his head, laughed and tossed. The garter seemed to hang in the air for a moment, and everyone jumped. It was juggled around for a moment until most everyone got thrown aside and The Hulk grabbed it. He held it up like a prize and went back to his table and sat down. Spiderman promptly handed him a hundred-dollar bill. When he noticed that everyone was staring, he just shrugged.
"Hey, he bet me I couldn't get it. I won." Hulk said with a wolfish grin.
With the festivities coming to an end, Zal got up and excused himself. He came back a few moments later with a suitcase, a duffel bag, and in full uniform. He took Kitty's hand and stepped to the middle of the dance floor. The music abruptly stopped and everyone stopped to listen.
"Ladies and Gentlemen." Zal spoke loud enough for all to hear. "My wife and I bid you thanks for your presence and your generosity that has been given. But, it is time that we start our honeymoon, so we are off. And once again, thank you all."
Zal pulled his wife close to himself and wrapped her in his cape. He picked up the bags, bowed slightly and took off, straight up. Amid waves and cheers and a couple of power flashes to send them off, nobody noticed the small, semi-cloaked electronic eye that had been watching them the entire day.
At a small, secluded house on one of the Virgin Islands, Zal landed at the doorstep and unwrapped his cape from his wife. He opened the door and threw the bags inside. Kitty looked up at her husband with quiet excitement in her eyes. He picked her up and stepped over the threshold. He was about to set her down in the lounge when she stopped him.
"Zal, no." Kitty said quietly. "Don’t put me down."
He noticed the sparkle in her eyes and understood. He flew just inches off of the ground and back to the bedroom. He set her down but did not let go. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they embraced. As the temperature got increasingly hotter between them, they found her shoes, then her dress, and then his uniform tossed across the room. Within moments, they were firmly bound by passion as he placed her on the giant sized waterbed. After several hours of continued passion, she fell asleep in his arms.
Zal lay there, with his sleeping bride. He finally felt content. After the pain of his friends and family’s death, the loss of his entire reality, he had found the one thing that made him whole once again. He softly kissed her forehead and held her tightly. "Nothing or nobody will ever take you away from me. I swear it."
Over the following 13 days, the newlyweds spent long hours together on the beach, having romantic dinners, making love, but, still found some time to rest and plan for their future. It was needless to say that Kitty decided to go back and live in the fortress with Zal three weeks after the honeymoon was over
After the two weeks were over, the couple decided to stop at Washington, DC to sightsee a bit. Kitty was most insistent that they stop at the Smithsonian, saying Zal could stand to see some of the perhaps different history of their world. When they landed and he unwrapped her from his cape, the two of them drew a crowd. Most were wanting autographs and taking pictures, and asking about the wedding. Zal held up his hands and quieted the crowd.
"How do you know who we are, and how did you learn of the wedding?"
A woman a bit older than Kitty replied. "Well, there was this guy who taped the entire thing and then posted it on the Internet. He gave backgrounds and life stories on the both of you. Well, he posted what he could about you, saying it was almost impossible to track your past. The site got more hits than any other for about 4 days, and the creator swore he would post a movie like Pam and Tommy's honeymoon, when he could get it, of course."
Kitty's jaw hit the floor. Zal just looked confused and said: "Pam and Tommy?"
Kitty took his arm and led him inside away from the crowd. "I'll tell you later, dear,” she said as she tried to retain her temper. "First, lets get you changed. We are drawing too much attention."
After a few brief seconds, he rushed into a restroom and put on some more normal clothes. He returned to find her waiting and practically alone.
"Good, that will do." she said and took his hand and started looking over the exhibits. They spent several hours in the museum until they found themselves at the back end of another crowd. They circled around it until they saw some people step up on a podium. They both instantly recognized the President and Vice President of the United States. After some opening speeches, Zal and Kitty figured out that they were dedicating a special branch to the museum. Kitty was enjoying the spirited speech when she saw the confused look on her husbands’ face.
"What’s wrong, Zal?" she ventured.
Zal looked down at his wife. He discreetly pointed at some people to his left. They were not acting suspicious, but Kitty recognized the Al-Qaeda terrorist symbol.
"Oh, shit." Kitty said as she glanced and saw them fiddling with something under their coats and realized they had just locked and loaded. They pulled out weapons and aimed. "Zal! Get the President!"
Zal grabbed his wife and flew over the crowd right at the podium. Several of the Secret Service guys started to react to Zal and Kitty until they saw the assassins themselves. Zal threw Kitty at the Vice President as he flew at the President.
Bullets rang out from both sides of the confrontation. Two shots would have hit the Vice President in the face had it not been for the intervention of Kitty. She hit and phased almost instantly, phasing him in the process. Still not quite sure what was going on, the Secret Service attempted to grab her, only to have their hands go right through her intangible form.
Five shots flew at the President. Zal covered the leader of the free world as four of the shots hit him in the back. The last shot came from behind the President and would have hit except for the intervention of a Secret Service agent who threw himself in the bullets path. He was fortunate enough to catch it in his vest, but Zal still heard the breath get knocked out of his lungs. Still keeping a hold of the President, Zal rushed over to his wife who unphased. He grabbed both her and the Vice President and flew straight up. He crashed through a skylight and landed on the roof.
"Excuse me sirs, you should be safe here for now." Zal dropped back through the skylight, to assist against the assassins, only to find that it was over. The Secret Service had killed all but two of them and was piling on the last one to capture him. One of them rushed at Zal, but came to a stop in front of him.
"Where is the President?!" he yelled.
"He's on the roof. I'll take you." Zal said as he opened his jacket to show the lot who were pointing guns in his direction that he was not armed.
"No, thanks. But you have some questions to answer. Come with me." the agent said.
"Yes, sir." Zal said and followed them up the stairs.
When he got there, he found his wife surrounded and some of the agents making sure that the two leaders were unscathed. "Hey! That’s my wife!" Zal said as he rushed to her side.
"Leave them alone, James. They saved our lives,” the President said.
"But sir, they could have been in on it." the head of security said.
"I doubt it,” he said as he walked over to them. "You're that couple I saw get married online, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir." Kitty said. "I am Shadowcat of the X-Men and this is my husband Zal-El, of Krypton."
"Why were you here?" the Vice President said.
The two men backed off and started having a private conversation while the agents took statements and shook hands with they two heroes. They returned momentarily and each of them took their hands and shook them. The President spoke. "We would like to see you back here in seven days. We would like to honor you two nationally. You deserve it."
Zal and Kitty glanced at each other and smiled. "Sure, why not?" they said together.
"Thank you, again. But you two might want to get out of here unless you want to be swamped by reporters."
Zal pulled out his cape and wrapped Kitty in it. He flew away with her and soon landed in Westchester. They went inside and told the X-Men everything that had just transpired. It was unnecessary. The X-Men told the couple they had been watching the entire thing live on CNN. Telling them all about the ceremony to be held in seven days, the X-Men were more than willing to come and see one of their own, along with an honored teacher at the school, get commended by the President.
Seven days later, standing on the White House lawn, was a podium. Around it was hundreds of cameras, microphones, reporters, guests of all sorts, and of course, the X-Men. On it stood the President and Vice President of the United States, several Secret Service agents, one to be honored, and Zal and Kitty.
“.... the bravery these three showed went above and beyond the call of duty...."
Zal and Kitty were almost blushing at the publicity. They couldn’t wait to get out of there. This definitely wasn’t their cup of tea.
“.... and everyone in this nation should be proud to see that there are still those who strive for excellence..."
Zal leaned over to his wife. "I love you, baby." She looked into his eyes and smiled. "And I love you, darling."
“.... And now I present this Medal of Valor to Superman for saving my life in the face of adversity."
Zal stood up and began walking over to accept the award. He graciously accepted it, and posed with the Commander-in-chief for photos. He was about to walk away when several rockets streaked into the sky behind the podium. He began to react once again, until they burst overhead in colorful displays. The 'Ooohs' and 'Aaahs' of the crowd made it most worthwhile.
Then Kitty noticed a rocket go up that was absolutely silent. Not even the hiss of the propellant could be heard. She had just glanced over at the X-Men when it burst. Instantly she saw Logan double over with pain, holding his ears. She quickly looked at Zal who had slipped to his knees holding his ears with pain also.
"Zal! What’s wrong?" she said as she heard him and Logan scream. Then it hit her. The rocket! Only those who could hear very high frequencies would be affected. She quickly looked around and amid the confusion and commotion, saw an Air Force General standing calmly reading from a scroll. He pointed at Zal, who was still incapacitated, and a glowing nimbus of light surrounded his hand. "NO!!" she screamed, and ran for her husband. The blast shot out from his hand just as she reached him. She pushed him out of the way and started to phase, but it was too late.
The high-intensity magical blast caught Kitty in the chest, blowing her the 60 feet back and into the outside wall of the White House. She crumpled in a pool of her own blood. Within seconds, the remaining X-Men were all over the General. Jean concentrated and the illusion around the man dissolved. There, sitting in front of them was what appeared to be a white wino, approximately 60 years old. Not the black, 46 year old General that was invited.
The Secret Service people swarmed all parties involved. The X-Men, the wino, the President and the Vice President, ensuring their safety, while apprehending the suspects involved. The entire area was cleared in a matter of moments. The agents let the X-Men go after a few more moments and some prompting from their Director.
Logan stumbled to his feet and walked over to Kitty. He glanced back to see Zal was recovering, but blood was streaming from his ears. He got to her and turned her over. He grimaced as he saw the fist-sized hole that went through her heart. There was no mistaking it. She was dead.
Zal in the meantime could not regain his bearings. He could barely even think. He was attempting to stand when his arms were grabbed. "What the...!"
"Hold on, Zal. Its me, Charles." Professor Xavier concentrated for a moment and Zal slumped over.
Scott rushed over. "Professor, why did you do that?"
"I had to, Scott." he said as he motioned at Logan. He was carrying the blood-soaked body of Katherine Pryde-El. "I don’t think a scene here would be good for him or us."
"Oh, no. Kitty." he said. "I'll get the jet, Professor." A few minutes later the jet was hovering over the White House lawn and the X-Men were boarding with an unconscious Zal. Charles had told the President what had happened and said that the wino had no real involvement in this and was probably being controlled mystically. He understood, and allowed them to leave.
Several days later, Zal woke in his dorm room. He sat up with a headache but concentrated and the pain subsided quickly. He got dressed and walked down to the infirmary, expecting to find his wife in ICU. Jean intercepted him in the waiting room.
"Zal, why are you here?" she asked.
Zal looked at her like slightly confused. "I want to see my wife, where is she?"
Jean averted her gaze from the Kryptonian. "Zal, what do you remember?"
"Nothing, why?" he said.
Jean swallowed hard. She was afraid to tell him, but steeled herself. "Zal, there was a magical blast that was targeted for you. Kitty pushed you out of the way."
"And....?" Zal said, getting a bit upset.
"She didn’t phase in time... It killed her."
All of the color drained out of Zal's face. He stumbled back a few paces and fell to his knees. He just stared at the ground as tears welled up in his eyes. He started to quiver slightly, and Jean knelt down and hugged him. She could feel the emotions pour off of him, even though he held them at bay.
"W...what?'re kidding, right?" the young man said, his breath quickening, his eyes glazing in shock. He started to lose it when Jean shook her head no.
Pain swept across her face as she felt all of his self-control vanish. He broke down crying in her arms. She started to cry with him. Jean looked up in time to see Logan, Marrow and Scott standing in the doorway. There were tears in Marrows and Logan’s eyes as they started over to help, but stopped with a shake of Jeans head. Then Zal regained himself and stood.
"I...I have to.... go for a.... while." he whispered. "Don’t.... do anything.... until I get back."
"But, Zal...." Scott said and took a tentative step forward.
The young Kryptonian turned around and just stared at the former leader of the X-Men.
"Ok," Scott said finally. "We won’t do anything with her."
Without another word, Zal walked past all of them and slowly started flying down the hallway. He quietly opened the doors, stepped through; glancing in their direction for a moment then closed them. He stood there on the steps of the mansion, not knowing what to do next. He wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything but accept this fate.
"It’s not fair. Why does it always happen to me?" Zal whispered to himself. An expression of pained guilt marred his normally stern expression. He lowered his head and noticed that his hands were shaking. "DAMN YOU, RAO! Answer me!" He took to the air, flying as fast as he could.
At NORAD, in Colorado, a lone technician was awakened by klaxon alarms going off all over his board. "Sir!" he cried out to the commanding General. "We have a possible...missile launch?"
The General looked alarmed. "Dammit. Get ready to launch our spread over Moscow, Afghanistan and Iraq!"
"But sir," the technician said. "The launch is coming from within the U.S., from somewhere in New York."
"Where is it headed?"
"It appears to be out of the atmosphere and headed at the Sun."
"How fast is it going?"
The technician grabbed a calculator and started typing buttons as fast as he could. "Well, sir. It was going approximately Mach 8 out of the atmosphere."
"That’s fast. We don’t have anything like that."
"Sir, its getting faster.... and it seems to be.... biological in origin."
The General blinked blankly at the technician, soaking in this knowledge. He turned to another post. "Check the database on all metahumans. I want to know if there is anyone who can go that fast."
An Army Captain looked up from his panel. "No sir. No one in measured parameters."
"Where is it now?"
"Sir, I lost it on our conventional tracking methods. We will need to get NASA to track it."
The General shook his head. "No. If it’s that far away, I don’t think it’s a danger to us."
"Yes, Sir."
Zal flew straight to the Sun. He ignored the pain that the extreme heat was causing and sloshed his way in to the aurora of the sun. There he sat alone where nobody else could follow. His tears were evaporating as soon as they left his eyes, and here, no one could hear him scream. Feeling that he had to get some of his pain out, he flew off again, this time stopping inside of the asteroid belt. He started to smash through as many as he could, vaporizing the particles as he passed. But it was still not enough. He turned back to Earth, determined to end this pain.
He landed at Pier Four, dressing in normal clothes grabbed from the Fortress as he landed. He was about to knock, when a large, stony hand rested on his shoulder.
"Hey! We don’t like unannounced visitors!" Ben Grimm said and turned the young man around. "Zal! Oh, hey man, I'm sorry. I didn’t know it was you."
"Hi Ben. Is Reed here?"
Ben almost cringed at the sorrow he heard in the young mans voice. "Yeah. He's in his lab, where else?"
"Thanks." He shook the larger man's hand and walked inside. He wound his way to the Lab, where he found Reed studying some tissue samples.
"Reed." Zal said to get his attention.
Reed turned and smiled. "Zal. What can I do for you?"
"I need the Kryptonite that you have."
Reed was taken aback. "The Kryptonite? Why?"
Zal closed his eyes in frustration. "Reed, just do it, please. I have a great need for it."
Reed sighed. "Ok. Wait here." He left and returned a few moments later carrying a small lead box. "Here it is. I just wouldn't open it if I were you. In 20 minutes you would be dead."
Zal took the box and nodded to Reed. He turned to the door, opened it and started to leave. "Yes, Reed. I know. That’s what I plan to do with it."
Reed jerked his head in the direction of the door. "No!!" He grabbed an intercom button. "Ben! Johnny! Stop Zal from leaving! This is a level one priority!"
The intercom crackled to life. It was Johnny. "Its too late. He just flew off." Sue rushed into the Lab and to her husband’s side.
"What!? What happened?" she cried out, terrified that he was hurt.
Reed hugged his wife. " I should have thought about it before I gave it to him." he was almost in tears.
"Gave what to him?"
Reed looked into his wife’s eyes. "I gave him the Kryptonite I had, Sue."
"So? Why would that bother..." she looked away and then back at Reed. He nodded.
"He told me that he was going to use it on himself. I can only guess that it is his way to escape from Kitty's death."
"Oh, God. Not that. What can we do?"
Reed shook his head. "What can we do? He can go where we can’t follow in time. By the time we got there, it would be too late. I have to call Dr. Strange. Perhaps he can do something."
Zal sat in the Fortress, holding the box with the deadly synthetic substance in it. He could only think of a single line that he agreed to no more than 4 weeks ago: "so that even death cannot separate you". "All I have to do is open this box...and we will be together again." He stood up and went into Kitty's bedroom. He removed all of the furniture and decorations sealed the door and then caved in the doorway's ceiling. He didn’t want anyone coming in. "I'm coming, baby."
He swallowed hard, gripped the box, and tore in opposite directions. For a moment, the young Kryptonian ignored the wash of the radiation over him, but then it caught. He staggered back from the pain, but gritted his teeth and slumped in a corner. "Ok. I only have to take this for a few minutes." He gripped the walls and forced himself to relax. Five minutes passed.
Still fully conscious, Zal wished that it would put him under. This hurt. Ten more minutes passed. Zal felt as if his entire body was convulsing. He forced his eyes open and realized that he only had a couple of minutes at best. "I’m sorry everybody, I can’t handle this anymore." he said and slipped into oblivion...or so he thought.
"Zal! Wake up!"
Zal opened his eyes. He tried to focus, and saw that he was still in the room. He looked around and saw the kryptonite lying on the floor. Since he was no longer in pain, he was convinced that he was dead. "Who is it?"
"Who do you believe I am?" the disembodied voice said.
"I don’t know. I was hoping to see my wife." Zal tried to stand and found that he could not move.
"She is not here with us. When you die, then you can see her, if not sooner."
"What do you mean, when I die? Am I not dead?"
"No. I cannot allow you to die. There are to many that need you right now."
Angry that he was denied his fate, Zal yelled out. "Who do you think you are!? Allow me my honor of death!"
"My son, I am RAO."
Zal sat there in shocked silence for a moment. "Why?"
"You have too much to achieve to die now."
"No. Why are you allowing me to experience all of this? Why can I not have anyone close to me live? My family, my world, my wife...all dead. Why do I continue?"
"That is for you to discover. But remember, nothing ever happens without purpose. You must continue on. There is a whole world that’s needs you, and you shall continue, for you know that you must."
Zal nodded. "What must I do?"
"Simple. Wake up!"
At those last words, Zal opened his eyes. He was still in the room, and the pain was there. Using every ounce of strength he could muster, he crawled over to the two halves of the lead box. He picked them up and scooped the kryptonite up between them. It was enough. The lead started shielding him from the radiation and the pain started to subside. As his strength returned he quickly welded the lead together.
Zal lay there for a while; gathering his strength and healing from the poisoning the exposure gave him. He finally got up and repaired the ceiling and replaced all of the furniture. He was about to leave, but stopped. He replaced the box on Kitty's bed. He took off out of the Fortress and within minutes, landed at the mansion. Scott and Jean were there to greet him.
"Zal..." Jean said first. "I.... are you alright?"
The young Kryptonian nodded. "Yeah. Jean, I need my wife's body. May I have her please?"
Jean looked at her husband who just nodded. She went inside and closed the door behind her. Scott shuffled around and tried his best to avoid his gaze. "What are you going to do?" he finally asked.
"There is a ceremony I have to do. I have no choice."
Jean returned, carrying a steel tube with her telekinesis. Zal took hold of the tube, and replied. "Thank you. I will be back later. Please have my dorm room ready; I will need it for a few days.
Zal took off again, heading back to the Fortress. When he got there, he set the tube down and carved out a bowl shaped indention in a slab of granite. He opened the tube and took out her body, and placed her inside of the bowl.
"I love you, Katherine. I will see you soon enough." He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He straightened up, concentrated for a moment and unleashed the full power of his heat vision. Within seconds, there was nothing but ash. He carefully gathered them up and put them into a specially constructed capsule. On it, he engraved his thoughts: "In the Arms of Rao". He then shaped the granite into an obelisk and polished it to a bright white sheen. Slicing through the center he scooped out a hollow placed the capsule inside and replaced the top of the stone. He welded it back together and flew several miles away, placing the monument in a hidden place. After inscribing the stone with her name, he gathered his belongings from inside the fortress, locked the entrance so nobody could enter, and took off once again. He landed at the front steps of the mansion.
He quietly spent the next three days typing the finishing touches of his English/Kryptonian dictionary. He never left his desk, and he never slept. He turned the disk with the dictionary over to Charles and Eric. They both asked him to talk for a moment, but he ignored them and went back to his dorm.
Zal threw himself into his teaching and studies, all the while helping the X-Men and any others that requested his help, and soon became locked in a cycle of sorrow. Then one day, months later, he was visited by Steven Strange. And the news was not good.