By Jason Gasper


Chapter 2


Kara and Valeria stood looking out from the balcony of Rogue's hospital room to the twinkling stars.  Rogue would sleep off the remainder of the sedatives so they had moved out here to keep from disturbing her.  Shortly after Doom had excused himself they had exchanged stories in an attempt to find common ground.  Kara had told about her rebirth and Valeria had told her own story.  Yet it hadn’t helped.  Both stared out at the night in awkward silence.


"I’ve looked so far to find you.  I can’t believe I’ve finally found you,” Kara hesitated, "So you are my daughter..."


Valeria grimaced, "Something like that."


"What do you mean? You are my daughter, right?" Kara asked, trying to keep the confusion and hysteria out of her voice as well as her head.


Valeria sighed. She knew this was not easy for the woman next to her. "Well, yes and no. I am the daughter of the body you wear but that doesn't make me your daughter."


"I don't understand..." Kara ran her fingers through her hair.  “You are my daughter!  My body bears the marks of your birth!”


"Kara, I know this is hard for you, but I'm not your daughter. My mother, the woman who raised me, died. Her spirit has moved on. And just because you are inside the fleshsuit she left behind doesn't make you my mother." Valeria tried to say it as kindly as possible.


Kara reeled back in shock. This wasn't the reunion she had looked forward to!


Valeria continued, "Look, I’m sorry that I’m not what you expected, but you certainly aren’t what I expected either.  We’ve done you a tremendous favor here.  Your lover was dying and we saved her.   I did this to honor your memory but I've gone on with my life; found new mentors to look up to."


"Such as Doom?" Kara shot back angrily.


Valeria gave her a measuring look. "Yes, Doom.  I was found by someone who cared enough to bring me back!  Dr. Doom didn’t even know me, but still he has taken the time to raise me.  If you really cared about me, your team wouldn’t have left Mordru’s domain until you found me.”


Kara was in shock.  “We didn’t know there were any more prisoners.  Our powers don’t fully function in that domain.  We had no way of knowing you were still there!  You forget there was only one reason we took that risk in the first place!  To find you!”


Valeria glared back at her.  “But you didn’t.  Doom did.  Perhaps that is our tragedy, I don’t know.  But I do know I’ve been treated with love and kindness since I’ve been here.  And you are not my mother, even if you wish to be.”


Kara turned to face Valeria, hysteria mounting in her voice. "He's brainwashed you, hasn't he? That's it!"


"No, that's not it at all. Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't make it wrong..." Valeria couldn't finish as Kara grabbed her by the tunic.


“No!” Kara screamed.  “I will not give you up!”


Valeria's eyes narrowed as she brushed Kara's hands off. "Enough, woman. Get ahold of yourself. My patience grows thin!"


Unheeding, Kara grabbed her again and began shaking her. "You're even starting to sound like him! Remember who you are!"


"I do." With that, Valeria vaulted into the sky. The shock of her speed broke Kara's grip.


For a moment Kara stood there shocked.  I will not be so easily dismissed, little girl, She thought.  With a scream of insane rage she followed into the air!





A Hidden Base (Marvel Universe)


Doom stood in the hidden lab. The equipment was in shambles and there was a roughly man-shaped indention in the wall. Pulling himself out of that mess after Supergirl had welded him in had been major task, he thought as he worked on repairing some of the damaged material.


The soft metal on metal tread signaled that he wasn't alone. He whirled, pulling an energy pistol to defend himself!


The armored figure that faced him was almost a mirror image of himself! This new figure was wearing what was obviously a more advance form of the gray armor, and the standard green tabard was different. Indeed, the tabard was green but also with a white inverted triangle at the top that had the Latverian Royal Lion emblazoned in the center. The eyes that looked out of the facemask were deep and angry.


"Doombot," the bass voice of the true Victor Von Doom rolled from the figure entering the room as Doom lowered the pistol away from his creator, "You have no small amount of explaining to do."


"…yes master" It mumbled, putting the weapon down on the table.


As the Doombot stood awaiting orders, Dr. Doom slowly stalked around the room, glancing around as his systems analyzed the rogue robot's programming. He murmured, "Let us start at the beginning, you were programmed to impersonate myself during my absence from this universe.  How did you learn of this ‘Otherverse’ probability?"


"Miniature spy-spider robots that had snuck into the Fantastic Four Headquarters relayed the information to me."


"And why did you spy on Richards?"


"To learn what he was working on."


Dr. Doom snorted softly, "Why should that matter? Have I not proven my ability to adapt to his creations in the past? Have I not proven more creative than him on many occasions?"


"yes master…"


Dr. Doom began to review the data from the Doombot's memory files. "To whit: you spied on Richards, traveled to this ‘Otherverse’ probability, and partnered with a man named Luthor there. You gave him the design for synthetic Kryptonite, gave him the design for Doom's battlebots, and then took over his headquarters there?"


The Doombot nodded at each of these points.


"Did you send the nuclear strike against that Project Cadmus bunker?" Dr. Doom muttered.


"No sire, I do not have any data on where that came from" spoke up Doom.


"I wouldn't put it past Luthor to bomb his own facility," Dr. Doom murmured, "But that does not explain why you did not make use of the data available regarding that Lara Night creature."


"Sire, my logic circuits must be damaged.  I knew the Cadmus files for Lara Night yet still held out the Kryptonite, knowing it would not work. I can find no logical explanation for my behavior."


"In addition, you ignored your personal forcefield, capable of refuting Thor's hammer, and allowed yourself to be assaulted. You ignored your armor's energy absorption circuits, capable of containing the Power Cosmic stripped from an agent of Galactus, and allowed yourself to be electrocuted." Dr. Doom listed with precision, the growing frustration he felt evident in his voice. "You relied on a crude deadman's switch for your system instead of integrating it into your armor and linking it to automatic systems. What if she had held your had closed?"


"I know it does not make sense, Lord, but I can find no explanation for that or my actions afterwards."


Doom growled, "And those actions only get worse! You pointlessly threw Battlebots at the space station, knowing that the Fantastic Four alone had defeated mass numbers of them in the past. They stood no chance with that Lara creature there too! You wrote a note onto one of the mechanical spiders and left it for Richards to find. How crude! You used pathetic mass-combat tactics to attack their base with the subtlety of a sledgehammer! For what? A power source I have created and used in the past? You ignored your armor's systems again and grounded yourself with a raw cable into the sewer? And you allowed a weaker female to toss you into a wall and melt you into it?!?"


Doom cringed away from his creator. He stammered, "The error may lay in a memory file. I cannot verify if my records are complete. It is possible I was unaware of these factors and capabilities."


"WHY?" Doom raged, "Does the blame lay with your creator? Is it possible I programmed you so badly that your systems crashed? Were you built so poorly that a major malfunction occurred? How could such blatant failures occur? No other Doombot ever used to impersonate Doom's presence has ever performed so far below baseline capabilities!"


With an effort Dr. Doom calmed himself and began pacing again. "The sheer amount of data you have gathered about this Night creature and the others in the Otherverse probability is a redeeming factor, even if you have made enemies of many there, they will severely underestimate the true Doom should confrontation become necessary."


Dr. Doom turned and faced the Doombot squarely. "Yet not enough to allow your continued activation."


Without a motion, Dr. Doom mentally triggered the deactivation code and the Doombot slumped to the ground. A device the size of a deck of cards was placed on it's chest. As Dr. Doom stepped away, the body that so many had taken for himself disappeared to his true headquarters to be dissected. Doom had no doubts he would find the flaw and it wouldn’t happen again.


An explosion rocked the countryside. The figure of Doom floated out of the burning crater where the base had once been. Now that the loose ends were tied up, it was time for the universe to know the Real DOOM!





In a clearing outside of Doomstadt a green dressed woman descended to the grassy knoll, cape and blond ponytail fluttering behind her.  Seconds later another figure landed, black leather jacket and blond tresses flowing along. Even as she landed the second woman was charging the first!


Kara grabbed Valeria, immobilizing her with a Koh-Re hold. She snarled, "You can't counter this, you don't know Koh-Re! Don't resist and you won't be hurt.  It's for your own good!"


Valeria twisted and stretched, leaving a suprised Kara on the ground. Valeria said coldly, "Koh-Re is not the only martial art and Doom's training is extensive.  In this state you are no judge of  ‘my own good’!  Remember, I am half Coluan – I can think for myself!"


That only enraged Kara more!  She launched into a series to strikes, only to find her own blocked and she was blocking Valeria's counter-strikes! A hail of punches and kicks were parried, countered, and blocked.  Kara finally found the opening she had been waiting for and struck with a stunning palm strike. Too late she realized it was a feint.  With a grab and twist Kara was firmly indented into the ground, staring across the clearing at Valeria.


The grass seemed awfully comfortable, so Kara spend a couple of minutes laying back, collecting her thoughts and catching her breath.  It was bad enough fighting another kryptonian, but that armor made it hurt!


Valeria relaxed out of her stance. "Not bad, Kara. Obviously not a master but neither are you a rank amateur. Now that you've blown off a little steam can we discuss this rationally?"


 Kara stood up slowly, stretching her sore body.  She healed quickly, but it would hurt for a moment.  She had to admit she was impressed – Zal-El would have been challenged to beat the girl.  She looked over to Valeria “I must admit you are very good. What style is that?"


"It's a Tibetan style that Doom first learned in a monastery there. Its name translate as 'Nine Planets' fighting." Valeria explained. "I never had a chance to learn Koh-Re, but this style suits me just fine."


Still stretching sore body parts, Kara thought “No kidding.”  She finally spoke, "I needed to blow off steam.  I’m very sorry.  I had no right . . .. "


Valeria gave a brief smile. "I understand.  It’s a lot to take in.  I had a while to get used to the idea, watching you from a distance for a while. You had it sprung on you all at once."


"It's still no excuse," Kara said sheepishly, "I understand what you meant though.  If you don't see me as mother could we start with friend?"


"We can start with friends." Valeria walked toward her. They shook hands and embraced briefly. Then they started the flight back to the hospital.




Hours later Valeria flew into the audience chamber of Castle Doom. Doom stood in the middle of the hall with his back to her. Landing in silence, she was suprised when Doom simply motioned her forward as he continued to study the holographic globe before him.


"I assume our guests have left." Doom stated as she approached.


"Yes, they both flew away just moments ago." Valeria said, reflecting on their parting. Rogue had been full recovered and, as they had originally suspected, was suspicious of her surroundings. Kara and her lover had quickly reassured each other that everything was fine and prepared to leave. Kara had made Valeria promise to visit the new Fortress in the Rocky Mountains and meet the Twins in person. It was a promise and separation that had left Valeria with mixed emotions.


"And have you obtained the answers you sought?" Doom asked.


Valeria considered her feelings for several minutes.  She reflected on Kara's parting comments. "You are of the House of El, no matter what else has happened. You will always be one of us." With that she had taken one of the two matching S-shields from Rogue's uniform and given it to Valeria. "Take the crest of our family and remember."


Valeria had stood holding that crest for long moments as Kara and Rogue flew into the sunset. As she stared at it realization had slowly dawned. The S-shield did not have the meaning it once had.  She had the memories of the feelings it had once invoked but it was like watching somebody else’s' memories. She had pocketed the gift but knew she would never wear it.


Slowly she answered Doom's question, "Yes, I have. Like a trauma patient who is a different person when they recover, so to have I been reborn. I have the memories of Karena El but she is not me. The last of her has been exorcised and there is only Valeria Von Doom."


"Then I am content," Doom spoke while still examining the sphere before him. "Doom does not often speak of emotions, yet pride in the hard work you have always demonstrated is only to be expected."


Valeria blushed, slightly turning away so Doom wouldn't see. From him, this was high praise!


Doom continued, "Thus, I would put a proposition to you. Doom is oft-times required to split his time between responsibilities here and in my home universe. I need someone to operate on my behalf when I am not around or otherwise occupied. There is also the need for someone to treat with other rulers on my behalf and to act in my stead throughout this world."


"What of Kristof? I would not want to take what is rightfully his," Valeria wondered.


"Kristof has decided to go his own way in the universe. Some apprentices spend their journeyman time traveling and others continue service to their master. Both will eventually reach their own mastery." Doom's voice seemed especially devoid of emotion when discussing his other ward.


"Then I would gladly act as your agent!" Valeria chirped.


"As I had hoped. Let us discuss your first assignment... “




Later that night, Valeria contemplated the future as she prepared for bed.  Her assignment was to make contact with the leaders in America and set up relations.  As part of that, to inform Luthor that the old agreements were voided out.  These and other thoughts jumbled around in her head as she undressed.  Flipping a hidden switch on each arm-piece, the pieces began to distend and collapse on themselves.  Soon only a pair of grossly oversized gloves remained from the armor that had covered to above her elbows.  Taking them off and putting them on the nightstand, she started on the boot armor.


She knew it would take some interesting negotiations to get out of that morass without complications.  Yet Doom had faith in her to handle it, so she had to have faith in herself, she thought as she continued.  The minuscule switches would be almost impossible to detect if one wasn't trained to recognize them.  Starting from it's top above the knee, the armor distended and collapsed like the arms until only a pair of oversized slippers remained. Valeria stepped out of them and pushed them toward the nightstand before moving on to the final steps.


She thought the Rebels would be just as interesting, as her approach would need to be completely opposite of that needed for Luthor.  She disconnected the two golden disks that acted as cape-clasps.  Valeria flipped her cape to hang from the bedpost. A quick grab and twist, and the tunic was off.  The chest armor retracted with the removal of the control belt and soon was just a small breastplate that slid right off and went onto the nightstand with the rest. 


Valeria sighed as she took her long strawberry blond hair out of the topknot ponytail and shook it out.  It would be a long time before she could put her guard down all the way like this, so she wanted to enjoy it while she could.  Stretching luxuriously, her thin body arched and twisted.  Living in the armor for extended periods of time wasn't really even uncomfortable, but it was nice to get out while she could.


Striding across the room, she flopped into the seat of her writing desk.  Valeria picked up the top intelligence report and began to study it.  It would only be a couple of days until the scribes completed the documents but she would need that time to study.




Doom grimaced at the main monitor screen. The smaller monitors flickered images at their usual pace in the Command Room. Shifting his weight in the control chair, he muttered “Even Doom can only affect reality so much…”


Several weeks had passed since their last encounter and Kara had told him of an impending disaster, more for Valeria’s sake than any other reason he was sure.  She even passed on the Kandoran’s calculations.  Dooms research had not only verified but also further clarified their findings.  Doom could now see the coming fall of Otherverse.  And there was nothing he could do about it.


Kara and the others seemed content to ride out the coming storm, yet Doom could see it would do no good.  He had tried to pass on information and assist in solving the problem, out of responsibility to his people of course.  Doom would never admit to affection for this insignificant world-between-worlds.  His words had no affect, as the others simply allowed events to progress in the direction of least resistance.  Doom knew that at this point there was nothing more he could do to save Otherverse.


His grand experiment was coming to a close.  There was nothing more to be learned here, and other places clamored for his attention.  Places where he could apply those lessons.  No, the fate of the others mattered not at all to Doom.  Or, none but one.  Doom knew he would survive, simply ejected from Otherverse back to his home reality.  He could continue his life unhindered.   It was Valeria that was his only concern. 


Had he prepared her enough for what was to come?  It really didn’t matter, as there was nothing more he could do to ensure her survival.  It was time for the squire to go forth and earn her own spurs.  Perhaps in time they would meet again.  Perhaps one day she would realize that all her training had been in preparation for this eventuality.  Perhaps she might even eventually forgive him…


No matter.  It was time for other places to feel the presence of DOOM!




The world globe hovered midair, representations of various important locations highlighted on its holographic surface.  It cast a strange pallor to the Latverian throne room.  Valeria never got used to it, even thought it was the most expedient way to bring her monarch up to speed.  It had been a long absence of several months, and Doom had been going over developments since his last visit to Otherverse.  So far he had no complaints with her stewardship during the times when he was away, dealing with events in his home reality. 


It was the silence that caught Valeria’s attention.  She whirled from the picture window and watched in horror as Doom faded from before her eyes!  His armored form disappeared mid-sentence and mid-stride in front of the throne’s dais.  From the way he moved he was apparently unaware of what was happening. 


Before she could recover from the shock, the castle began to disappear as well!  Valeria whipped through the castle’s faint roof and into low earth orbit in mere seconds under the power of her Kryptonian heritage.  From that vantage point she could see that the Tower of the Wizard Argent, the Fortress in Colorado, and even the Gulag in Illinois were all disappearing.


At first Valeria thought it was only those artifacts connected to people who were not native to this reality were fading.  Supervision quickly showed this to be a vain hope, as she could see the unknown effect beginning to touch the rest of the world even as the visitors to this reality misted away. 


No longer hampered by, or concerned about environmental considerations, Valeria flew at top speed toward the last of Doom’s secret bases.  Traveling faster that the eye could see, she was there in seconds.  As quickly as the machinery would allow, Valeria activated the emergency survival equipment.  Thankfully the strange fading had not spread this far yet.  She hypothesized, her Coluan heritage working overtime to process the data, that it was because the base was constructed entirely of native material and had not been visited since its creation.  It didn’t take a braniac to figure out that it was only a matter of time until it reached here, too. 


Yet even this gave her no comfort, for even as the dimensional sphere finished its warm-up sequence, she could see the walls beginning to fade.  Without looking back, she leapt into the sphere, pulling the hatch closed behind her with a boom of finality.


Gradually the nothing came to Otherverse.  The world twitched, trying to reform or reshape itself several times before giving in to oblivion and fading from existence.  The planets faded, then the stars, and finally all reality fell to the nothingness.  Even the darkness faded, until only the universal gray of nothing was left. 


Valeria observed all of this from the confines of the dimensional sphere.  Numb from the sheer scope of the situation, she could not bring herself to do anything but stare out at the nothingness.  An indeterminate time later she became aware of the pod’s sensors beeping at her.  Slowly she drifted back to reality, using the incessant beeping as an anchor.  With shaking hands she directed the sphere to approach as studied the instruments.  The radar was showing an object of barely detectable size, yet the gravity sensors were telling her it was so massive as to be off the scale.  It seemed to be a small kernel that contained all the matter from the universe.  Even as it registered to her stunned intellect what it was the kernel exploded in a Big Bang!


The emptiness was filled with a new creation instantaneously.  As the Big Bang sent all matter flinging outward, Valeria’s tiny craft was caught in the blast.  Nothing but construction by Doom’s genius and her own Kryptonian invulnerability allowed her to survive as her craft disintegrated from around her.  Even then Valeria was blown from this Otherverse by the force of the new reality’s birth.  Exorcised to make room for new creations and flung to the cold mercies of the outer darkness.


Here Ends Doom: Exorcism

Here Ends the Otherverse Doom Chronicles

Look for Valeria’s final fate in the forthcoming “Continuity” series.

And look for the Continuing Adventures of Valeria in her New Home: