By Jason Gasper


Chapter 1

It had been a peaceful month for the troops of Raines Rebels since the big battle. Most of the injuries from the battle had healed. Yet some wounds had not even begun to close.


Lar was still missing. Having wandered away from the M.A.S.H. unit during the confusion, nobody knew what had happened to him. The only trace was the note found in his quarters at the Fortress where his possessions should have been. In the note Lar had said how sorry he was for the damage he had caused. He asked that they not look for them and Kara had agreed to honor his wish - for now.


Kara's mind was much more on the missing Rogue than him anyway. No further trace of her had been found and the description of a green cloaked and armored form hadn't reassured Kara any about Rogue's fate. She tried to search for Rogue without abandoning her duties. After all, she could save people while trying to find Rogue, too. Thus she wandered farther and farther afield, spending less and less time at the Rebel's camp or at the Fortress without realizing it


The Twins had taken charge of much that was left to deal with. When they had not heard from Jenny in a month they assumed she might take awhile to get back. The Dimensional Portal had definitely been used, and the readings indicated it was set for Jenny's native dimension, but that was all they knew. There was no reason to interrupt her sabbatical, as there was nothing major going on. Both felt that, as there was nothing Kara could do but worry more, it was best if their mother didn't know for now how long Jenny had been gone.


So the Twins stayed busy, acting as messengers and scouts for the Rebels, helping out wherever and however possible.


Things were going well for Raines Rebels and the Amazons. Having won even a minor battle with a mutual enemy had left both camps better prepared to resolve their differences. Territory had been consolidated and the two forces had begun cross training. The headquarters of both forces where communicating well. It was an open secret that Buddy and Hyppolita spend long hours into the night alone together, "planning". Both forces were at full readiness and scouts/spies were exploring the territory around the Rebels for possible trouble. It paid to be prepared, as eventually the Rebels would either expand or their "neighbors" would.


It was in the midst of this armed camp that Doom appeared. A golden curtain of light opened and through it stepped the towering presence of Doom! Gray armor gleamed and green cape fluttered as Doom strode toward the command tent that afternoon in mid-September. Even as he stepped away from it, the doorway closed into nothingness.


Some soldiers cried for Doom to stop, while others scrambled for their weapons. He ignored both equally and, when they resorted to gunfire, Doom ignored it too. Bullets stopped a foot from his person and dropped to the ground as the armored figure continued to his goal.


Buddy and Rita scrambled out into the open with weapons at the ready, watching Doom approach. Rita started to raise her rifle but Buddy reached to stop her, saying, "Don't waste your ammo."


Rita half lowered it, as she wrestled with indecision. The urge to protect Buddy warred with the realization that nobody's shots were having any effect. Buddy yelled out to his troops, "Stop shooting! Report to your teams and find your officers! Officers, fall back and consolidate your forces! He hasn't fought back so lets see what he wants," He continued in a calmer voice, "Who knows? Maybe he's not here to fight."


"Surpassingly sensible decision, General Raines." Doom's bass rumbled throughout the camp without shouting. He stopped a handful of yards from Buddy's command team and stood, armored arms folded over his expansive chest. "Your weapons are less than annoyances to Doom. Now bring this super-woman Kara out. It is she that Doom seeks."




Several hundred miles to the south, an ear pirked at a familiar name. She listened for a second before starting her decent out of the lower atmosphere and toward a far destination...


Miles in another direction, a man paused in his ramblings. Something had caught his attention. Turning, he started down the faint forest trail toward his tower. No need to rush as he wasn't far but he did anyway. He wanted to watch this...




Buddy stood, with his Thompson braced on his hip, and looked this arrogant armored person before him. In his years with his father and the original Rebels Buddy had faced many would-be tyrants and despots. Yet something about this one was different. What little Buddy knew about Doom would barely fit a page, but watching Doom walk harmlessly through a hail of gunfire didn't reassure him any.


"Well," Buddy drawled, "what makes you think she would be here?"


"Doom does not explain; suffice to say I know she frequents here." His bass voice rumbled.


"And what makes you think I can just call her?" he drawled.


Doom just stood there, arms crossed over the emerald tabard, and stared at him. Slowly he enunciated, "Perhaps I gave you too much credit."


General Raines was becoming irritated with this stuck-up tin can, yet wanted to play for more time. "Why would I call her just because you ask me to?"


"Doom does not ask; Doom commands. You will do it because it is in your best interest to do so. Nothing else in this camp can stop me, not even that heavy weapon team so clumsily trying to sneak behind me," the armored figure grated.


Buddy started. He had caught Rita's slight nod out of the corner of his eye telling him that the team with some of their precious missile launchers were positioning themselves, but he hadn't even seen their movement himself. How had Doom found out?


But even has he decided what to do next Buddy heard a strange whistle, like something falling, or flying....


"Noooo! Not in the middle of..," Buddy paused as the blond and blue blur was already past him and heading straight for Doom! In the blink of an eye she was past him the other way again!


Kara staggered to her feet amidst the rubble of the command tent. A force field! The last time she had faced him he had not had one. She shook her head and braced herself to charge. She remembered how to deal with one of those. And here he was, conveniently coming closer.


Buddy watched, stunned as Kara charged Doom, almost faster than the eye could follow, and struck with an uppercut. Just as fast as she punched she was thrown around and back to the ground. It was as if her punch had been thrown back at her! Doom just stopped a couple of yards from where she lay sprawled out on the ground and stared down at her. "Have you had enough of this farce? Doom gives of his patience but not without limits."


"You've been beaten before and I'll do it again," Kara croaked as she clawed her way to her feet.


"But you haven't faced Doom before - that is what I wish to discuss with you." Doom spoke calmly.


Kara glared at Doom; "We've faced you more than once, tyrant!"


"No, you have faced a renegade dopplganger, a robotic simulacrum only. You have never seen the true Doom before today," Doom said.


Stunned by his statement, Kara considered the possibility that he might be telling the truth. From what Rogue had told her about Doom he was an expert at robotics. She had encountered life-like robots in the past, how hard would it be to create robot under that armor? It would explain why this Dr. Doom was so different from those they had faced before. It would also explain the erratic behavior that Lara Night had told them about before her departure.


"So if it wasn't you," Kara murmured, "then what happened to the robot?"


"It is only the concern of Doom except that it shall bother you no more. Reparations are owed for its behavior." Doom stated, "That is the reason for my presence here."


While Kara gaped, Buddy's mind raced with possibilities. Without thinking Kara blurted "you're apologizing?"


Doom glowered down at them. "Doom does not apologize."


Buddy groaned. Kara was intelligent but caught off-balance and with little political experience. Buddy remembered his father's occasional tact and extensive political savvy. He realized that, with Doom's pride, this was probably the closest to an apology that they were going to get. He had to make sure Kara understood the situation. Quickly, but choosing his words carefully, he said, "You offer reparations for the actions of your rogue unit, as any honorable commander would. What are you offering in recompense?"


His ploy worked, as Kara's eyes widened slightly in comprehension and Doom's stance visibly relaxed.


“Recompense has already been paid in part, unbeknownst to you. A companion of yours who is known to me from elsewhere is currently residing in the Castle Doom's private hospital recovering from injuries. She goes by the appellation 'Rogue'," Doom intoned.


"You can't be the one who took Rogue! That person had blond hair!" Raged Kara.


"Doom is no errand boy; another brought her to me for assistance," Doom grated. He turned, and a doorway of golden light opened up beside him. "Visit her and reassure yourself that Doom's word is good."


Buddy, seeing Kara's doubtful look, said "Perhaps that is a bit much trust for a first meeting. Could you could give coordinates to meet you at?"


"Doom understands; caution is warranted when dealing with entities for the first time, especially in a unique situation such as this. Fly over Europe until you see the signal-light. It should be visible from orbit or below. Follow the signal to the ground. Doom will meet you there." On that, he turned and stepped through the shimmering light. The golden curtain faded, leaving no trace of Doom's presence.




Kara and Buddy eyed each other thoughtfully. Kara began, "Well, that went better than expected..."


Buddy laughed, "Yeah, no real damage done and a mystery solved. I think we can trust him. He's an arrogant ass but an honorable one."


Kara nodded thoughtfully; "Did you notice the way his forcefield worked? It seemed to reflect my blows back at me..."


"It sure looked that way," Buddy shrugged, "I dunno enough science to explain it, but from what I saw it seemed to use your own force against you. Kinda like a judo force field..."


Kara laughed as the two of them began picking up the pieces of the command tent.




Doom stepped out into the spacious opalescence of the Latverian throne room. Empty but for the young strawberry-blond woman perched on the throne, Doom beckoned to her as he headed toward the entrance hall.


Valeria hopped down and started to catch up to Doom. She had matured much over the last couple years, reaching her full height and development. She kept her waist length hair up in a ponytail. It was one of the few areas she had refused to listen to her mentor and few vanities she allowed herself. Victor was wise enough not to press her to crop it short. The Green tunic and skirt contrasted the color well. If Doom disagreed with her decision not to completely armor herself, he kept it to himself. The silvery gray armor from fingertip to elbow and feet to knee provided the nesasary systems should her powers fail her and the central control and power systems mostly fit into the belt over the tunic and skirt. While she had learned to harness her native kryptonian powers, she knew the dangers of relying on them alone and Doom was confident in her design choice.


"There is nothing worth reporting since you left," she began, "There continues to be limited resistance in the European Theater and integration continues to be slow; all as expected."


Doom grunted a reply, simultaneously acknowledging he had heard her and for her to continue. He listened with one part of his mind, as the rest considered the overall situation. Valeria had things well in hand, as he knew she would. She was fully educated and extremely intelligent, almost more than himself Doom secretly admitted. His announcement would need to come soon, but first the final test...


As they left the castle and headed toward the hospital she ended her report. Her understanding of such etiquette was another mark in her favor. Doom's mind turned to other matters as they walked. His estimates on Superwoman had been correct. The debilitating mental instability that has caused her such mood swings since her arrival were largely over. The person that was left could be reasonable when required, even if she was still a bit impulsive. A trait Valeria had not taken on, thankfully. Her power levels were also well within predicted models, based both on Valeria's own powers and the information retrieved from that damned Doombot. Victor barely acknowledged the people or their comments as he passed.


Valeria, on the other hand, listened to the populace. While Doom felt that it was pointless, she sometimes learned a useful tidbit or two in their comments. There was the usual amount of "Bless ye, good Doctor", "Best wishes, dear Lady", and other shouts of encouragement. In spite the harshness of Doom's laws and the distance he kept from the populace, they still respected him and, to a degree, even loved him. Valeria's enhanced hearing even heard the whispered comments; the man who cursed them under his breath (noted for later attention) and the neighbors who distanced themselves in disgust and fear from the dissident. The mother who chided her daughter ("Be more like the Lady!") and the other mother who threatened her son ("Behave or Dr. Doom will come for you!") both were heard by Valeria. It was the same in the outlands too.


Especially those areas that had been absorbed into Latveria were grateful for the improvements Dr. Doom brought with his tyranny. After the desease and famine that had been rampant in Europe before the coming of Doom, sacrificing some liberty for medicine and food was a small thing. In places where "might makes right" had become a way of life again even tough justice was still good.


Valeria had toured Europe both for her own sake and for reconnaissance. The devastation in Otherverse hadn't been kind to a continent that largely lacked the frontier spirit and mindset of the Americas. What the Metas didn't ravage the attacks between nations did. When that damaged infrastructure began to break down there was nothing to stop the collapse. Except Doom.


Really, She found it amassing how quickly the effect of decades under democracy gave way to an old-fashioned aristocrat/peasant mindset. That people had thought feudalism outdated made her chuckle. Valeria thought "A benevolent dictatorship was and is still the most efficient form of government."


As she and Doom turned toward the hospital, Valeria considered some of the other political models currently in use. Luthor, for instance, was using a modified corporate structure crossed with the democracy of Nazi Germany. People often forget that, up until the end, it was a democracy. Hitler and the Nazi party were legally and openly voted into power. Even his rise to dictator was completely legal. It was obvious that Luthor was incorporating the same legalities and oppressions into his extended corporation-based government.


On the other end of the political and ideological spectrum was Raines and his Rebels. A true republic as imagined by the American founding fathers, it incorporated personal responsibility and required high moral standards. Each citizen was trained and armed with weapons, and educated as to the rules of their society; a formidable combination. The legal system was no more complex than absolutely nesasary to get the job done, in an attempt to minimize potential abuses. Unfortunately that was roughly the same place the original U.S. government started. In Valeria's opinion, there was little to keep it going down the same path once the movement founders died off. Good intentions and paved roads, as the old saying goes.


Valeria heaved as sigh as they entered the lobby of the hospital. She had hoped to learn more about the Kryptonian lifestyle, but Rogue had proven uncooperative. Once Doom had performed the surgeries to save her life, she had been unconscious, recovering. Based on behavioral models and his experience with her previously, Doom decided that is was best that Rogue remain sedated until fully healed and Superwoman could be brought in to reassure her. Having a wild kryptonian rampaging in a hospital was an intrinsically bad thing.


Doom pressed his gauntleted hand to the pressure plate on the door to the security wing. Inside the pristine white walled hospital this area was immaculate. Down the hall they came to Rogue's room. Doom took her medical chart off the doorpost and handed it to Valeria, not even glancing at it himself yet. Knowing this was another of his endless tests she looked it over, murmuring "Blood pressure stable, temperature normal, white cell count good; it looks like she's about as healed as can be expected."


Doom took the proffered chart and glanced over it himself. "Why do you say the blood pressure is stable when it's so low?"


"The lack of variation coupled with the tranquilizer’s effect indicates a healthy level," said Valeria, steeling herself in case wrong.


"Astute observation." It was the closest to a complement she was probably going to get. "Now let us see to our guest."




Flying upward from the Rebels camp, Kara watched as her friends sank to the size of insects. She briefly hovered high in the atmosphere; a short radio message to the Fortress and she was ready to go. As she flew east she began to pick up speed. Kara knew she was high enough that breaking the sound barrier posed no risk to anyone around her so she had no reason to hold back. Shortly the eastern seaboard of the United States flew by and she was over open ocean.


It was only a few hours later that she passed over the coast of what was once France. The waves of blue gave way to waves of green, as the ocean grudgingly gave way to the land. Clearly the evolutionary effect Luthor had loosed from the Shard had affected Europe as well. Much of its primordial forest had been restored, along with some fauna much older. Kara wondered if any prehistoric animals had been revitalized along with the plant life.


So enamored with the changes below her, Kara almost missed the incoming robots. Humanoid purple bodies with gray highlights, they were typical Doombots. Even with several miles to go she could hear the message they were broadcasting on all frequencies.


"Humph," Kara muttered, "Such a lovely welcoming committee to guide me in." As they rose to fly beside and a little ahead of her Kara was tempted to race ahead and see how long they could keep up, if at all, but she knew better. The Doombots were themselves no threat to her but Kara didn't know how Doom would take it. With Rogue's life hanging in the balance Kara knew she would need to keep a level head no matter what.


The Doombots kept a good pace, even if it seemed slow to Kara, and kept to a direct path leading to the kingdom of Latveria. Eastern Europe passed under them in only a few hours as they approached the Balkan Mountains.


"It took the same length of time to get this far as it took me to get from Texas to France," She muttered in irritation. Kara started as she realized it was just now evening. It had been noon when she and Buddy had faced Doom. Knowing Rogue was so close made it feel as if it had been days instead of hours. Anticipation was making her nervous: She was so close!


The sunset reflected off of the majestic spires of Castle Doom, its old world elegance giving Kara pause in its beauty. As they descended, the Doombots angled away from the castle toward a very modern looking hospital. The solar panels dazzled her as they soaked up every possible second of power. She idly wondered what it would be like if her powers were solar charged, but quickly shrugged it off as implausible. Besides, the Doombots were landing and it was time to pay attention again.


As she touched down Doom strode from the hospital's double doors, armor gleaming in the remaining light. "Doom is heartened by your environmental concern. Had you traveled at optimal speeds you could have gotten here hours ago but at great cost to local weather patterns. Your patience will be rewarded. Are you prepared to see your friend?"


Kara nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and walked toward Doom and the hospital.


Doom turned and led the way inside, saying, "Rogue's injuries were quite severe. My agent barely got her here in time, and the trauma of such speedy travel did not aid your companion any. Even the resources of Doom were strained in the attempted healing. Yet she will be fine when she awakens."


Kara stopped abruptly, shouting, "What do you mean 'when she wakes up'?"


"This is a hospital. Neither the healers nor the patients need to hear your caterwauling," Doom chastised, pausing and half-turning back toward Kara, "Having something of a history with your friend, keeping her sedated was easier than trying to convince her that Doom was aiding her. It also reduced the risk to the other patients here. The existence of which you also should keep in mind."


Kara resumed walking, slightly embarrassed. It _did_ make sense, when he put it that way. Kara admitted to herself that if she had awoken in the presence of one who had been an enemy in the past it might have gone badly. Silently she chided herself for letting control slip again as they turned into a quiet corridor.


There was more at risk here than the reunion of two lovers. Doom suspected how this would be resolved but for once he was unsure. There were simply too many variables he didn't know. Unlike other heroes, whom he was familiar enough to predict their actions with impunity, Doom was only loosely familiar with Kara. Most of that information was second hand, making its worth questionable. Every predictor on Kara had been right so far and that made Doom hopeful.


Doom swung the door open and held it for Kara to proceed him into the room. He watched Kara's eyes light up as she spotted Rogue reclining on the hospital bed. Rogue's dull eyes glinted brighter and she struggled to sit up. On the far side of the bed, Valeria was putting away medical tools.


Kara flew the few feet to Rogue and the two locked in an embrace. After seconds that felt like hours, Kara pulled back. She whispered in kryptonian "Are you alright?"


"Yah," Rogue muttered, "just a little slow because of the drugs..."


"Of course she's all right," said a cultured voice in clear kryptonian from the far side of the bed. Both women looked up in suprise and consternation at the young woman staring back down at them. She continued, "Dr. Doom said she was recovered. So it is."


Rogue was a little slower to put the pieces together for the woman who looked like an older version of the twins but recognition dawned on Kara. She murmured softly, as if the volume would dispel the presence before her, "Daughter..."


Valeria looked down at Kara and smiled a grim, feral grin, "Hello, 'mother'!"



End of Chapter 1 of Exorcism!