Kara watched the Jeep carrying Buddy, Betsy, Rita, and her daughters; Carrie and Karen pull out, watching until it was out of normal line of sight.
“They’ll be okay, Kara.” Rogue spoke softly as she came up beside her lover, snaking an arm around her waist. She was aware that her action was causing a few stares (and not a few sighs from some of the Rebel men). She ignored them as Jenny, Lar, and Logan joined them.
“Kara,” Lar started. “Has it occurred to you that this battle doesn’t have to happen?”
“In case you hadn’t noticed, that is what Buddy has gone to prevent.” Rogue answered before Kara could respond.
“I’m not talking about the Amazons.” Lar shook his head then jerked it towards the west. “I mean Lex’s army. There is no reason for these soldiers, or the Amazons, if Buddy is successful, to go up against them. There will be a lot of lives lost.”
“What are you getting at?” Kara turned to look at him.
“Look at us!” Lar spread his arms to encompass them all. “The four of us are the most powerful beings on this planet. We can handle this.”
“Hey bub, I might not be as strong as you four.” Logan cut in with his classic, irreverent drawl. “But I’m no slouch. Nor am I as inexperienced as any of you, with the possible exception of Kara here. You want my advice…” he paused to bite the end off a stogie and then light it up, puffing gently, ignoring Lar’s look of disgust. “…You’ll wait and meet that army will all the backup you can muster.” He held the stogie between his fingers, poking them in Lar’s general direction. “You’ve gotten cocky. You’ve gotten the idea that there’s nothing here that can hurt you now that the Shard is gone. “ Next he pointed to Kara’s stitched cheek. “You better think again.”
“That was magic.” Lar protested. “We are talking about a regular army with possibly a few low power level Metas. We can do this.” He turned to look directly at Kara. “If we don’t, a lot of these men and women are going to be killed.”
“In case you ain’t noticed, these boys and girls are warriors.” Kara was surprised to hear a tone of respect in Logan’s voice. “They don’t play games. This is their job!”
Lar opened his mouth to respond, stopping when Kara held up a hand.
“Logan is right, Lar.” She said, almost reluctantly, it seemed. “Remember, Lex held Zal for nearly three months and then looted what was left of Argo City.” She shook her head, still amazed at the knowledge that the Lex Luthor of this world was not only able to capture and hold a Kryptonian with full powers that race had under the rays of a yellow sun, but was also able, in this blasted out, post apocalyptic world, to successfully mount an expedition into space to the asteroid where the wrecked Argo City lay in ruins. They had all, she feared, seriously underestimated this man. “There is no telling what Lex was able to retrieve from the City that he could use against us.”
Logan nodded, satisfied that Kara was at least thinking it through. Lar, on the other hand, was scowling.
“Damnit, Kara, this is our job and risks go with that job!”
“Just what is your job?” Logan demanded. “This ain’t the world you came from, boy.” He turned to Jenny. “You talk some sense into him.” He said. “You have worked with a team...you know how it is. You worked with the fantastic Four.” He then pointed his fingers at Rogue. “And you. . You know what having backup means.” He then indicated Lar and Kara. “These two don’t. They spent most of their time as Loners.”
“That is not quite accurate.” Lar cut in. “I have two sets of memories. One of being a young kid placed in the Phantom Zone and released by Reed Richards…as well as the memories of being released in the 30th century and working for several years with the legion of Super-heroes. I DO know what it is to work with a team.”
“Logan’s right, Lar.” Rogue plunged in before Jenny was forced to respond. She knew that the two were having some serious relationship problems and wanted to avoid any spill over from that at this time. “Even if he never practiced what he’s preaching now!” She glared at her friend and one time teammate. She then turned to Kara. Before she could speak, however, Lar broke in.
“Well think about this, then.” He drawled. “If we don’t face them down now, get this over with, then the Twins will be with us when we do face them. I don’t think you are going to find a better opportunity to do this while they are not around.” He folded his arms and waited, ignoring the glare of anger Rogue was giving him.
Rogue looked over to see what Jenny’s reaction to all this was, only to find the She-Hulk turned Green Lantern totally absorbed in thoughts of her own.
“Well, a debating society never accomplished anything.” Kara sighed after a moments thought. “you both make good points, so this is what we are going to do. We are going to get a look at this army. Size it up, if you will. Once we have an accurate picture of the problem, then we should be able to decide whether or not waiting for the main bulk of the Rebel forces to get into position is a viable option.” She fixed Lar with a cold stare. “Under no circumstances are we going to rush in without getting a good look at what we are rushing into! If there is one thing Kal was able to drill into my head it was the need to think! All the powers in the universe are virtually useless if we refuse to use our brains!
Lar grimaced but nodded, lately it seemed that Kara was taking more advice from others than she was from the only person that could claim to be from the same reality as she! First Rogue and Jenny, then Ian, now Buddy and Logan as well! He stood straighter. He would just have to make sure that events occurred that showed Kara he was more valuable than any of the others!
If Rogue noted the dark gleam in Lar’s eyes, she kept her thoughts to herself. Instead, she turned her attention back to Kara.
“Rogue,” Kara pulled her aside. ‘Look, we do have to get some good intell on what Lex has got waiting for us, but perhaps it would be wise for you and Jenny to stay here with Logan and help these people get ready…just in case Lar and I run into something we can’t handle.”
“Lady, I may not agree with you, but don’t you even dare to pull this shit on me.” Rogue poked her finger in Kara’s chest. “If you think for one moment I am going to let you….” She trailed off, too angry and hurt at Kara’s words to continue.”
“Look, this is neither the time nor the place for you two to have your first lover’s spat!” Lar cut in. ‘If we are going to go, we need to get going.” He turned to his wife and for a moment his face seemed to twist into a mixture of pain and confusion.. “How about it, Jen. You can stay here….”
Jenny shook herself out of her thoughts.
“Not on your life.” She told him, forcing a smile.
“You’re making a mistake. I feel it.” Logan shook his head. “Go on, I’ll help these people get ready.”
Kara nodded and sprang into the sky, with Rogue, Lar, and Jenny right behind her. Once they were out of sight, Logan sprinted towards the communications tent. He was going to make sure Buddy knew about this latest development.
After giving the command to move on, Buddy had leaned back, closing his eyes to gather his thoughts. So deep did he go, it was a few minutes before he realized that the jeep had not started moving.
“Betsy, Let’s not keep the Queen waiting….” He trailed off as he opened his eyes…and came face to face with…. something!
Hovering just before his face was a creature that appeared to be half bird and half animal, about the size of a small tabby. Its wings beating furiously as it struggled to hover in place, its head turning so that first one and then the other of the eyes in the bird head could look at him.
“What the…”
“I think it’s a Griffin.” Karen spoke up. She, like the others, was staring at the creature in amazement. “From Greek mythology. Part eagle and part lion. Only this one doesn’t quite fit the description.”
‘Well, excuse me for saying so, but I don’t think myths have a habit of flying up in people’s faces.” Buddy replied softly. He flinched back as the sharp eagle beak opened and the creature began squawking at him. “Where the hell did it come from?”
“The woods.” Carrie responded shortly, pointing towards the wood line just visible to their north. “And, uh…it’s not alone.” She pointed up to where another Griffin circled lazily far above.
“Hmmmm.” Buddy looked up and then turned his attention to the now insistently squawking Griffin before him. “You said this one doesn’t fit the description.” He was speaking to Karen now. As young as they were, these two girls were a treasure trove of information. “How so?”
“Well, according to the legends, they were just a bit bigger.”
“How much bigger?”
‘Oh, about the size of an extremely large lion of medium sized horse.” Karen’s voice was devoid of emotion as she spouted the information. Buddy about choked.
“A horse? I don’t..HEY, Stop that!” The Griffin, obviously tired of squawking in an attempt to get Buddy’s undivided attention, had darted in close and nipped him on the nose before backing away again. “Why you little….” His voice died as he locked eyes with the animal.
Rita’s hands tightened on her M-16. She, of the group, had been the only one not to sling her weapon. Her job was to protect Buddy and she couldn’t do that if her weapon were not in her hands. Now those hands moved, lifting the weapon ever so slightly. A faint squawk form the Griffin above caused her to pause.
During that time, the hovering Griffin’s squawk’s had dwindled while it gazed into Buddy’s eyes, then, with a final chirp, it flew around and settled easily on Buddy’s shoulder and began preening, as if he belong on the shoulder of this particular Human and always had.
“Uh, people.” Buddy shook his head and gave his team a sheepish grin. “Meet Deet.”
“Deet?” Betsy wrinkled her nose. “You named it Deet?” The griffin stopped it’s preening long enough to look at her and squawk once in an indignant manner.
“Actually, no.” Buddy responded. “That is the name HE chose for himself.” He told the group.
“HE…Boss, are you trying to say that animal thinks and told you what its name is?” Rita demanded, her face a mask of skepticism.
‘Uh, yes…as a matter of fact.” Buddy straightened. “I’ll explain more later. Right now, we need to get to the Queen.”
--insert divider--
Deep within the forest, bent over a piece of equipment he was readying in his workshop, Ian’s eyes lost focus for a brief moment. He looked up, smiling ever so slightly and then returned to the task at hand.
Barely had he gotten started again when his head flew up, his eyes wide.
“Kara? What are you doing?” He stood and spread his arms as equipment leapt from the walls toward him, attaching themselves to various parts of his clothing. He stopped just short of teleporting out of his tower.
He had felt Kara and the others as they flew over the forest towards the west and knew exactly what they were doing.
“Stupid.” He muttered. “Gerald! Celia!” He took the stairs two at a time…he had some preparations to make before he committed himself and those aligned with him.
“Roger that. Eagle out.” Betsy whispered into her headset as she and the others made the hike from the Amazon guard post into the town.
They had approached the post flying a white flag and, after explaining themselves to the ranking officer, had left the jeep behind to walk the rest of the way in…under heavy guard.
Now Betsy hung back, allowing Rita and the twins to take the lead.
“Message from the XO, Boss.” She whispered. Then, knowing both twins had the same super hearing Kara had, she used sign language to let Buddy know what was going on.
For a moment, it looked as if Buddy were going to explode. Deet, rearing up on his haunches, let out a particularly un-birdlike roar. The nearby Amazons looked on with a bit of alarm, bringing their spears and bows up. The fact that Buddy had a griffin riding on his shoulder had caused quite a stir among the Amazons, this display just made them more jumpy. The Twins looked back to see what was going on and Rita turned to cast suspicious glances at both Betsy and Buddy. Buddy calmed himself and the griffin.
“Sorry, guess I ruffled his feathers.” He quipped.
“Keep it quiet.” He signed to Betsy when everyone’s attention went back to the path they were walking.. “Don’t let the twins know.” Betsy nodded her understanding and moved a little faster, catching up with the others. Rita glanced at her suspiciously and then back at Buddy. The Twins were engrossed by the stern faced Amazons that accompanied them.
“You must put them out of your mind. You must concentrate on this matter. There is no need for you to fight!”
Buddy glanced at the griffin on his shoulder.
“I do have a bit of experience at this sort of thing, thank you.” He thought back to the animal. His astonishment at seeing the creature was nowhere the level of surprise that had flooded him when he had felt the first mental touches of the small animal. Nor would it ever be an adequate way to describe the way he had felt as he and the animal bonded. “Besides, I don’t take orders from a bundle of feathers and fur!”
Deet sniffed and Buddy winced slightly as tips of the talons the griffin had for front paws dug into his shoulder. He would have to get some padding sewn into the shoulders of his uniforms if the griffin was going to insist on riding there.
“And why shouldn’t I?” Came the seemingly bored thought from Deet. “It is where I belong! Now pay attention. We are almost there.”
Buddy looked up to see that Deet was correct. The Amazon’s had come to a halt before the main doors of the Smithville’s town hall. He took a deep breath as he looked at the woman standing there, seeming to radiate confidence and power. This was, there was no question, the Queen he had come to talk with.
As Buddy climbed the steps towards the Queen, he realized that more eyes were on Deet than on him. What was it Karen had said? Oh yes…Griffins were mythical creatures…from Greek mythology. From the way these women were reacting, he would venture that griffins had not always been myths. Some of these women reacted as if they were seeing something they had given up hope of ever seeing again.
He had given his approach a lot of thought. Should he bow or kneel as he approached? No, she was not his monarch and he was, in effect, coming to her as an equal, not as a supplicant. So, as he traversed the final few steps, he looked neither left nor right, keeping his eyes locked on those of the Queen.
Behind him, Rita and Betsy and behind them, the Twins.
“General Raines, I presume?” The queen inquired, her tone polite, her voice rich and accented ever so slightly, despite her flawless command of English.
Rita, who had been watching first Buddy and then the Queen, rolled her eyes as she noticed the confused lights dancing in the woman’s eyes. Though she couldn’t see his, she knew Buddy well enough to know the lights would be dancing in his eyes as well. She had noticed the look the first time he had met Sherri Penison and knew that the two had eventually shared…time…together. Though there was a strong friendship there, Rita had felt that both had realized their short affair had about run its course. Now Rita was sure of it. For her part,, Rita was satisfied. Though she personally liked Sherrie, there was just something about the woman that did not seem quite…right. Quite…natural.
“Your Majesty.” Buddy bowed his head ever so slightly. A gesture of politeness…from one equal to another. There was a moment of awkwardness as the two sized each other up, each taking the measure of the other. A loud squawk by Deet broke the tension as Buddy frowned at the miniature griffin, bringing smiles to the faces of the surrounding Amazons. “I’m afraid he hasn’t quite been housebroken yet….OOWW!” Buddy yanked his head to the side, fingering his suddenly smarting earlobe. “And he’s still working on his manners!”
“It has been a long time since any of us have seen any of the mighty griffins….though it appears they have…” The Queen held her hands out and quickly brought them in, as if to show something big becoming smaller.
This brought a scattering of laughter from the Amazons and though she did not herself laugh openly, the Queen smiled. She bent her head to the side as one of the women with her whispered in her ear…nodding as she straightened.
“And I have been reminded of my manners, General.” She stood straight “If you would, we can retire within where we can talk in comfort and relative quiet.” Buddy nodded and followed as the Queen turned and entered the building.
Some of the women gave hard looks towards Rita, Betsy, and the Twins as they moved to follow but did nothing to hinder them. The Amazon guards, however, took up station on either side of the entrance, none entering in.
‘You see that one?” Carrie nudged Karen in the ribs, jerking her chin in the direction of a shorter, younger looking Amazon. “She looks to be about our age.”
“Well she’s obviously some one important.” Karen whispered back, noticing that the young Amazon took up a position behind the Queen. As Buddy took a seat and Rita and Betsy took up positions on either side behind him, the twins moved away, to stand out of the way and near one of the walls where they could see everything. Hearing what was going on would be no problem with their super hearing.
“Well then, general. Perhaps it is time we talk of what brings you to the enemy camp.” Hippolyota started the ball rolling.
“I came to find out if we ARE enemies.” Buddy laid it out, not bothering to beat around the bushes. Hippolyota made no answer, though she gestured for him to continue.
“To be honest, we’ve been watching you.” Buddy admitted. “We’ve seen how you treated the people of this community. We’ve seen your people taking the time and making the effort to help out the locals. You didn’t come in and start a male eradication program.”
“And if we had?” Hippolyota tilted her head to one side, studying this confident young man. Here, she knew, was a warrior born.
“Then I wouldn’t be here now.” Buddy was blunt. “We would already be moving against you.”
“And you think you could accomplish what with such a move?” One of the Councilors spoke up. She was one of those that had been firmly in the Queen’s court when war was declared.
“We would have taken some casualties, there would have been some civilian casualties as well.” Buddy did not bother to look at the speaker, keeping his eyes on the Queen. “But we would done what needed to be done and probably been back in our camp in time for lunch.”
“You are so confident?” The Queen asked, her tone skeptical.
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Buddy grew silent for a moment and then looked to Betsy, nodding slightly.
Betsy relieved that the Amazons had not bothered to demand she remove her radio headset, reached up to the mike stem that curved from her left ear to the left corner of her mouth and quickly tapped a small button twice. This produced a double click sound in her earpiece and she knew that the same clicking had been heard by the waiting teams of scouts. She nodded back to Buddy.
Though they all had noticed the quick exchange, only Donna Troy’s eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“He is up to something.” She proclaimed, dropping her hand to the sword at her hip.
“As a matter of fact, I am.” Buddy stood, facing the Queen. “I have prepared a small demonstration, Your Majesty.” He motioned to the door. ‘If you would.”
Hippolyota looked up at the young man, trying to read something of his intentions on his face. It was no use. His face was as calm, as assured, as any she had seen.
She stood and followed him to the entrance, nodding to the guards to open. Rita and Betsy followed Buddy, Rita motioning the Twins to remain where they were. Content to remain behind, neither Twin argued. It never occurred to them that, with their super senses, they could listen in and watch all that transpired outside as well as they had eavesdropped on what was being said around the table.
Even as they stepped out into the sunlight, the guards grew tense as the sound of several vehicles approaching reached them. Seeing that Buddy stood easy, making no hostile move, the Queen motioned the guards to wait. She wanted to see this demonstration. She did not have long to wait.
Eight jeeps, each carrying three rebels, roared into the camp and stopped before the courthouse.
It was not the Rebels, however, that had the Amazons staring in disbelief. It was the trussed up Amazon sentries in the back of each jeep that caught their attention.
“They haven’t been harmed. Other than their pride.” Buddy assured the Queen. He motioned for one of the Rebels to approach and the Amazons saw that it was another woman. “Any problems, Captain Diane?” He asked as she stopped in front of him. Though it was not customary for rebels to salute in the field, Buddy had made sure Diane knew what to do before they had even set out. She climbed the steps of the courthouse until she was about ten feet away, came to attention and saluted…smartly.
“Scouts reporting sir.” She reported. “Goal accomplished. One injury.” Buddy raised an eyebrow and Diane shrugged. “One of ours, sir. A broken arm.” She gave a wry smile. “These ladies are not bad at all.”
“Not good enough, it would appear.” Hippolyota frowned as the tied Amazons were removed from the jeeps. On closer examination, she could see that many sported black eyes and darkening bruises but no real injuries. She got the message. They could have just as easily been killed.
“We don’t wage war the way you do, Your Majesty.” Buddy informed her. He then motioned Diane closer. “Diane, drop your injured member off at our Jeep. Betsy can tell you where we left it. Right now, I need you and your team heading west as fast as you can go.”
“We heard the transmission from Brigade.” She said, nodding. “What do you want us to do?”
“Find a route. As soon as you are under way, I want you to radio my XO and have 1st Brigade on your heels.” He shook his head. “I have a bad feeling about this.”
All the rebels perked up at this piece of information. Deny it though he might, there were many that felt Buddy was gifted with a form of second sight. If the general ‘felt’ something was wrong, then it was a sure bet something was wrong.
“Buddy, are you sure about this?” Rita asked, edging closer. She cast a glance back over her shoulder; to make sure the Twins were still in the courthouse. Buddy, aware that the Amazons were listening to every word, shrugged.
“As a matter of fact, I’m not, but we’ve got to do something.” He said. He paused and reached up to stroke the Griffin on his shoulder. “Cancel that.” He told Diane. “You and your team head west, but I want 1st Brigade to go into guerilla mode. Small teams. And I want them on the move yesterday.”
“Buddy, there is no way they are going to reach them in time.” Betsy chimed in.
“I know that. But we can’t just sit on our asses.” He told the radio operator. He turned back to Diane. “Tell them…” He stroked the Griffin again…”tell them to head straight through the Woods!”
Diane, a look of stunned disbelief on her face, could only nod as she turned away to follow her orders.
Hippolyota watched Buddy as he watched his scouts head out, seeing, for the first time, something besides a calm expression on his face. The expression he wore now she recognized as that of a man that believed he was sending good soldiers to their deaths.
“This is not part of your ‘demonstration’?” She asked softly. She shocked herself by reaching up and touching him lightly on the arm.
“The Mighty ones go to fight the Corruption to the West of the Woods.” All eyes turned as a Seeress and priestess climbed the steps of the courthouse.
Hippolyota motioned for the guards to free the tied Amazon sentries and motioned for the Priestess and Seeress to move closer.
“What do you see?” She demanded. She wasn’t looking at them, however. Her eyes were focused on Buddy.
“Four of the mighty ones go to fight the Corruption.” The Seeress repeated. “This one sends a portion of his army to their aid, knowing they well not reach them in time!”
“This is true?” Hippolyota demanded. Buddy nodded sharply, his eyes narrowed as he studied the Priestess and Seeress. Hippolyota regarded him for a moment. Then…”You said four of the Mighty Ones. You have told us that there were eight. Where are the others?”
“The master of the Woods remains in his Tower.” The Seeress intoned. “The Twins that are not….” The Seeress stopped, her eyes flying wide as she looked at Buddy. “The Twins that are not Twins wait within your Council Room, your Majesty.”
“The two young soldiers.” Hippolyota nodded. Now she felt she knew the reason for Buddy’s seeming calmness. “You command the Mighty Ones, then?” She asked Buddy.
“Not hardly.” Buddy shook his head. “Their mother placed them with me. In essence to keep them out of trouble.”
“What would they do if they knew where she and the others headed? One of the councilors demanded.
“They would try to go help.” It was Rita that answered. “They are a bit head strong and they would probably hurt any one or anything that stood in their way.”
“Headstrong youth. I have some experience with that.” Hippolyota smiled thinly at a blushing Donna.
“Betsy, I want you and…the twins…to head back to the jeep.” Buddy ordered his radio operator. It was time, he knew, to get things back on track. “Get on the horn with Base Camp One. Let them know what is going down. We’re going to take a page from my father’s book on this one. I want every Rebel armed and in uniform and I want it known that this is it. From this point on, until this nation is back on its feet, you are either with us or against us. No middle ground.”
“You got it, Boss.” Betsy poked her head back in through the door and motioned for the twins. Then, under the suspicious eyes of the amazons, the trio began jogging towards the outskirts of the town.
Buddy watched her go, still stroking the griffin. He then turned his attention back to the Queen of the Amazons, ignoring the other Amazons gathered around or the tense Rita at his back.
“Your majesty, I’m a soldier, not a diplomat, so you will forgive me if I seem a bit blunt.” He told her. “You heard my orders. That goes for you and your people as well. Frankly, we have a problem and we can’t afford to leave an enemy at our backs while we try to face it. You are either with us or against. And if you chose to be against us, then we will do what ever we have to do to neutralize you as a threat.”
He stood straight, his deep, piercing eyes locked with those of the Queen. Around them, Amazons bristled, anger clear in their faces at this effrontery.
It was a moment frozen in time as the Hippolyota regarded the man before her. Here, she knew, was her equal. Here was a man that could be her best ally or worst enemy. And the future hung on her decision. Finally she simply nodded and then motioned towards the interior of the Courthouse.
“I believe we have things to discuss.” Was her only reply.
Due to size, this Chapter has been split in two…Chapter 5 will be ready shortly….