In a world without heroes
There's nothing to be
It's no place for me
-Music From the Elder
Chapter 8
Sanctum Sanctorum
Hovering three feet above the floor, Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, sat cross-legged, his hands lying in his lap. Palms up, fingers interlaced. He sat erect, his head straight, facing outward, his eyes closed. Almost, it seemed he slept. In truth, he was not really there.
Oh, his physical body was present, yet his spirit wandered, following an elusive trail through space and time in that ethereal place called the astral plane.
In the center of a circled five-point star before the entranced sorcerer, a small brazier released tiny amounts of smoke. Beside the brazier, a small vial of blood rested. From this, Strange had sprinkled a tiny amount on the hot coals. Though, like most pagans, Strange abhorred the practice of using blood in ritual, this was a special case. The blood in the vial was a sample removed from the clone body that Kara now inhabited. It was, to Strange’s thought, a way of establishing a link between Kara and what he now sought. Blood, he knew, would call to blood.
In the physical realm, the blood had only caused smoke to arise when sprinkled on the coals nestled in the brazier. Yet in the astral realm, a thin trail had sprang into being; twisting and turning as it snaked its way to the manifestation of the image Strange held firmly within his mind.
Though he had no idea of what the physical appearance would be, the astral visage of the place he now approached was dark and threatening.
He slowed his approach, taking stock of the situation. In the astral plane, the appearance was that of a dark castle, long abandoned by any that held a trace of the light within them. Evil, in the form of hunger and greed, swept over him. In the physical realm, his body pitched forward, retching.
Steeling himself, he continued on, following the trail that led straight into the heart of the darkness. As he neared, the trail widened and, for a brief instant, he was awarded a glimpse of a blond haired teen, her eyes tightly closed as if she were in the midst of a troubled, tortured sleep from which she could not awaken. The image blurred and started to split, forming two even as warning bells went off in Strange’s mind. He jerked himself back even as the jaws of some unknown trap closed. Had he remained, he would now be caught. With gentle touches, he explored the trap. An astral cage! Meant to grasp and hold any astral invader. A ward set up as a precaution, not a conscious effort to trap him in particular, but something meant to snare any intruder.
He backed away; there was no need to press further. He knew where and when, now. The rest would have to be handled in the physical realm. Yet now, who ever had placed that ward, would know that some one had been snooping. He, she, or they…even as he thought, the image of a man formed in his mind. Not a physical presence, merely a notion of the creator of the ward. Strange nodded. He turned and started the journey back to his body, making sure to cover his trail so that this person could not trace him. He would need preparation before dealing with this one. And he would need help. Though he knew nothing of the man’s demeanor or history, he knew power when he saw it. This man had power. Power to equal his own, unless he missed his guess.
Even as he returned to the physical realm, Strange mulled over the name that had came to him with the vision – Mordru!
“You’ve found her?”
The question was tossed at Strange the instant he left his Sanctum Sanctorum at his home and stepped into the conference room at the FF HQ.
At the moment, only Charles Xavier was present. Had there been anyone else, Xavier would not have spoken.
“I believe so.” He answered the question, his voice quiet. “Unfortunately, there is a bit of a complication.” He pulled out a chair and seated himself, turning so that he could lean forward and confer with Xavier quietly. “She’s being held captive. I was not able to determine why or even how long she has been held. I was able to discover, however, the nature of her captor.” Xavier said nothing, waiting for Strange to continue.
“His name is Mordru. A being from the future but I get the feeling that he has been around for a long time.” He locked eyes with Xavier. “Even before Kara’s probability, as Sue put it, rebooted. He has battled the Superboy and the Legion that Kara remembers, as well as the current Superboy and the current 30th century incarnation of the Legion. Though I have reason to suspect that the later was merely a shade of this being.”
“It makes sense that anyone that would abduct the daughter of a clone of Kara would have to have been around at the time that Kara existed.” Xavier mused. “Otherwise there would have been no way he could have known of her. But why?”
“I can not tell you how I learned what I know,” Strange answered, “yet I can tell you that Superboy was instrumental in defeating Mordru each and every time they battled. Specifically, Superboy and Mon El.” He held up a hand to forestall Xavier’s question. “A paradox, I know. Yet the Mon El we know, the one Reed released from the Phantom Zone and cured, is the same Mon El that, with Superboy, would imprison Mordru. Yet with the changes that have been made, that Superboy never existed, at least not in the Probabilities that we are concerned with. And this Mon El did not remain in the Phantom Zone for over a thousand years, waiting to be released by a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Yet Mordru recalls what has already transpired. He considers it poetic justice that the two individuals instrumental in trapping him, in another time and place, be forgotten while he continues on.”
“So what is his interest in the girl?” Xavier asked.
“I can only offer conjecture, at this point. She is Kryptonian, like Kara. Which means that she is going to be more powerful than any Kryptonian in the rebooted probability.”
“You think this Mordru intends to use her?”
“I do.” Strange smiled. “She disappeared over 15 years ago, yet thanks to the quirks of time travel, I believe we can get in and get her out before she spends more than a few hours in captivity. Before Mordru has an opportunity to corrupt her.”
“I take it you have a plan?”
“Of course.” Strange smiled. “But first, I must speak to both Rogue and Mon El. Preferably with out Kara.”
“That should be easy enough.” Xavier nodded. “Kara and Jenny are on the other side at the moment, helping someone named Martha Kent. Rogue and Mon El are here, talking with the scientists of Kandor. I believe they are trying to find a method of reversing a devolution process experienced by a Kryptonian animal they discovered on the other side.”
“Good.” Strange stood and headed for the door. “I shall gather them and depart. We will need one other to join us and I think it would be best if I had them with me when I approach her.”
Xavier lifted an inquisitive eyebrow as Strange stepped out of the room, the door closing behind him.
“NO! Absolutley not!”
“No way! It ain’t happening, Doc!”
Both Rogue and Mon were looking at Dr. Strange as if he had lost his mind. Or rather, they were looking at what he held in his hands.
“It will be of tremendous psychological value, I believe.” He assured them in his quiet, unperturbed voice.
“Look Doc, that is a skirt. I don’t wear skirts. At least not on the job. And not that one in particular.” Rogue glared at him, her entire stance yelling that she would not back down on this one. Strange merely tossed one bundle of clothes at her and the other at Mon El.
“To be honest, I would like to sit here and debate the issue with you, however, we haven’t the time. We’re leaving…NOW!”
“Rao!” Rogue clutched her head as the world wobbled. She had seen the Doc raise his hands as he tossed the bundles, yet she had not been prepared for whatever it was he did. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and open her eyes. Since she was looking down, the first thing she saw was her own feet. Her face turned as red as the boots she found herself wearing and she turned to lash out...and abruptly changed her mind.
They were no longer in the FF HQ but in an ally of some city. Beside her, Dr. Strange looked as he always did. Not attired in an ordinary fashion, but not dressed so that he would attract as much attention as Rogue and Mon were bound to. On her other side Mon was still clearing his head. Rogue doubted he had noticed yet what Strange had done. Standing there, for anyone that might enter the ally, Mon El looked as if he could pass for a younger sibling of the man that normally wore that red and blue suit, complete with red cape. In fact, he looked just like… Rogue gasped. He looked exactly like those robots at Ma Kent's! He looked like Superboy!
And she, with the exception of her hair…she gasped as she pulled some into view. Gone was the natural red. Instead, her hair was the same golden blonde that Kara wore. And the costume. It was Kara’s old costume. A replica of the one she had been wearing when she had battled the Anti-monitor.
She rounded on Strange, ready to demand an explanation. His upraised hand stopped her. He was turning slowly, as if getting his bearings.
“Where the hell are we and what the hell’s going on?” Mon whispered in her ear. He was irritated, that was obvious. Rogue merely shrugged and indicated Strange.
“This way.” Strange announced suddenly. He started to rise into the air, stopping about 8 feet off the ground when he noticed neither Rouge nor Mon were following. “I will explain shortly. Believe me. It is imperative that we move quickly, however.” He told them. He then continued to rise.
Mon and Rogue exchanged looks.
“Well, since I’m dressed for it, I might as well play the part.” Rogue finally said, smiling slightly. “Let’s see, how does…ah Yes”, She grinned at Mon. “Let’s grab some sky!” She leapt up to follow Strange and, with a groan, Mon followed.
As they flew up over the city, their puzzlement grew. This was no city that Rogue had ever seen. She followed Strange, yet a part of her was busy taking in the sights. They weren’t in New York. That much was obvious instantly. That tower over there was not…she halted her flight. Hovering in the air as she slowly spun, taking in the landmarks. The one that had caught her attention had a great spinning globe….
“Yes, it’s Metropolis.” Strange told her, grasping her arm. “We are in a hurry and hovering up here is bound to attract attention.”
“I think we already have.” Mon El called out. The others looked where he was pointing. Streaking up from the ground…. was Superman.
“The resemblance is uncanny!” Superman was saying as the four continued on. After a brief moment, during which Strange had explained their need for haste, Superman had agreed to accompany them to their destination. At the moment he was flying in formation behind Strange and between Rogue and Mon. He kept swiveling his head to look at the young man beside him. “You look exactly like Mon’l.”
“Not surprising, Superman.” Strange called back. “He is actually an alternate incarnation of the same person.”
“He comes from Kara’s Probability, Superman.” Rogue explained. “Had that probability continued on, he would have been trapped in the Phantom Zone, along with the criminals from Kara’s Krypton, for another thousand years.”
“Not something I like to dwell on.” Mon shivered. Superman simply shook his head and then turned to Rogue.
“And how are you doing? Last I saw, you and Kara were starting your own team, working with Stark Industries.” He paused, looking at her carefully. “You know, with the blonde hair, it is easier to see the resemblance between you and Kara.”
“A side effect of the absorption.” Rogue shrugged. “Reed could probably explain it better than I. From what I understand, the process that made me a Kryptonian tried to make me into a duplicate of Kara. Except for some minor cosmetic differences, we are really exactly the same. Slide a sample of her blood and a sample of my blood under a microscope and you couldn’t tell which was which.”
“Not entirely accurate, but close enough.” Strange put in. He had pulled up, hovering high above a small community. “There are other differences that a trained geneticist would see, but even then the differences would be slight.” He motioned downward. “We’re here.”
“This is Leesburg.” Superman frowned. He looked over at Strange. “You’ve come to see Supergirl?”
“Yes.” Strange spread his arms and begin a gentle descent. “It seems we need her help once again.”
“A long story, Superman.” Rogue quipped as she followed Strange down.
“I hate paperwork!” Charlie Lewis propped his elbows on the desk, to either side of the object of his expressed hatred, and rubbed his eyes.
“It’s not that bad, Charlie.” Linda’s voice was full of barely concealed amusement. “At least it’s not an earth shattering event requiring a Supergirl.”
Charlie looked up and over to where Linda sat at her own desk, hands flying as she sifted through her own pile of paperwork. Expense reports, personal notes, and everything else that went with the job of Private Investigator. Those people that thought being a PI was glamorous had probably watched too much Magnum as kids and had no idea that 90% of the job was paperwork and dull research and long stake outs.
“Easy for you to say.” He grumped as Linda’s Out pile grew and her IN pile shrunk before his eyes.
“Well, I have to admit that this is good for a change.” Linda continued. “To finally be myself for a change. Sometimes it nice not to have to be Supergirl.”
“Spoken like a true hero.” Both turned as the windows flew open. Charlie groaned as Superman darted in, too fast for anyone on the street to notice.
“Clark!” Linda jumped up as the Man of Steel touched down in the center of the room. “What are you doing here?”
“Yeah,” Charlie groused. “Couldn’t find anyone to beat up on?”
Superman gave Charlie a look that would have caused most criminals to wilt. Charlie weathered it like a pro and gave as good as he got. Finally he turned his attention to Linda.
“I’ve brought you some visitors.” He told her. “I flew on ahead to warn you and to find out what’s been going on.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Linda, exactly what have you been doing with Kara, Rogue, and the others?” Superman stood, hands on hips, glaring at Linda as if at a truculent child.
“Oh. Just helping out, here and there.” Linda replied in an off hand manner.
“Just helping out.” Superman shook his head. “Don’t you have enough on your plate without jumping into other people’s problems.”
“Uh-oh, Linda made a decision without the Big man’s permission.” Charlie subsided when Linda cast a glare in his direction.
“Clark, I do not now, nor have I ever, felt that I have to clear all my actions with you first.” Linda asked. Superman glared and then stepped back.
“Well…” Superman still looked at her as if she were being a spoiled child. “I guess I’m just going to have to have a talk with Kara when next I see her.”
“I would suggest that you alter your approach if you do.” Linda suggested, trying hard not to smile.
“Really.” Charlie piped up, unable to resist. “She just might decide to take offense and bounce you off the walls.”
“Charlie!” Linda glared at him again. He closed his mouth, but did nothing to hide the smile he wore.
“Believe me, Clark, I am not going to get into anything I can’t handle.” She was still looking at Charlie as she talked. “But I am not going to stop and ask for your okay before I offer to help someone.”
Superman and Linda talked quietly for a moment more and then, moving as fast as he had when he arrived, he was gone, the curtains blowing out in his wake.
For a long moment, Linda merely stared out the window, lost in thought.
“Did he say who he brought?” Charlie asked finally, using the question to break into Linda’s suddenly serious demeanor as much as to delay the inevitable return to the paperwork. “Obviously it isn’t Kara or he would have said.”
“I think we are about to find out.” Linda turned and walked away from the window. She paused at the office door for a brief moment and then casually opened it.
“YOU!” Charlie shot to his feet, staring at the trio that stood in the doorway. “What on earth are you doing here?”
“If you don’t mind, “Linda cast a glance back at Charlie “Why don’t we let them come in before we start shooting questions. The last thing we need is some one to notice them in the hallway.”
“OH!” For a moment, Dr. Strange looked truly chagrined. “I apologize. I had forgotten that you maintain a secret identity in this probability.”
“That’s okay.” Linda’s voice was strained now. “But it isn’t going to be secret much longer if anyone sees you. Please?”
Strange, trailed by Rogue and Mon, filed into the room, allowing Linda to close and lock the door behind them.
“Now, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” She asked as she turned to them. If Strange heard the sarcasm, he did not react to it. She took in the costumes Rogue and Mon El wore and eyed Rogue’s now blonde hair.
“Quite simply, we need your assistance.” He held up a hand to forestall any questions or protests. “Not in Otherverse but, rather, here in your own probability.”
“Here?” Instantly Linda perked up, her concern showing. If some super criminal from the Otherverse had some how made his or her way to this probability…
“To be more precise, your future.” Strange clarified. “Ten centuries in your future.”
“Ten Centuries?” Linda did not have to pause for thought. “This has something to do with the Legion of Super-heroes?”
“Only in a round about way.” Strange hedged. He then proceeded to explain what he had discovered. Since neither Mon nor Rouge had heard this before, they listened as well, their jaws dropping as the story unfolded.
“Kara’s daughter!” Linda wrapped her arms around herself, walking to a window. The others left her alone in her thoughts. She was about to turn and tell them she couldn’t help when a motion on the roof of the opposite building caught her eye. “I’ll be right back.” She announced. She shifted instantly into Supergirl and zipped through the window.
“Are you involved in this?” Linda touched down on the roof of the building, hands on hips, glaring at the baseball bat-carrying boy.
“Who? Me?” Wally answered. He pushed his hat up and looked up at Linda. “Nice to see you too.” Linda said nothing, waiting for Wally to continue.
"This is very important...remember what I told you in Otherverse? Doing this will give Otherverse the hope it needs."
“Kara’s daughter?” Linda looked confused.
“The five of you will hold the Future of Otherverse in your hands.” Wally, as cryptic as ever, ignored Linda’s question. “Don’t fail them!”
“Five? Wally, I’m not taking Charlie into something like this.”
“I wasn’t talking about Charlie.” Wally looked away, as if seeing something that Linda could not. “And listen to Dr. Strange, he's wise."
Linda turned her head in the direction Wally was looking, knowing that before she could turn back, he would be gone.
“So how do we handle this?” Linda asked as she flew back into the office. “I assume you have something in mind or you would not have Mon and Rogue dressed the way they are.”
“You are quite correct.” Strange nodded. “It is my feeling that, dressed as they are, Mon and Rogue will prove to be a psychological factor. Mordru has battled Superboy before….”
“Superboy? That punk?” Charlie huffed.
“Excuse me.” Strange corrected himself “I meant of course, the Superboy that Mon is now portraying. The Superboy of Kara’s reality. In any case, he has battled the Legion, of which both Kara and Superboy were members. Dressed as they are, it is my hope that they can cause a diversion. Or, at the least, keep his attention long enough for me to entrap him with my own magick.”
“A diversion?” Rogue looked disgruntled. “Why don’t you just let the three of us go in and pound him while you grab the girl?”
“If there were any hope of such an action succeeding, I would allow that.” Strange answered dryly. “However, such a course would be nothing but an exercise in futility.”
“Hey now.” Charlie decided to put in his two cents. “You haven’t seen Linda here in action.”
“As a matter of fact, I have.” Strange looked over at Charlie. “In my research to determine the best individuals for this task, I went back and studied each prospect.” He turned to Linda. “While your exploits, up to and since your merger with Linda Danvers are quite remarkable, I am afraid even your powers alone would not be enough to accomplish our goal.”
While Charlie might have his reservations about that, Linda did not. She knew she was powerful. She also knew that, no matter how powerful she was, there would always be some one even more powerful. If she could handle it all herself, there would be no need for the other heroes.
“So Rogue and Mon are a diversion.” She said after a moments thought. “What role did you have in mind for me?”
“Role indeed.” For the first time Strange smiled. “I need you to be yourself, in a manner of speaking.” He paused. “When we rescue the girl, it is almost certain that she is going to be frightened. It was my thought that seeing a familiar face would help.”
“I’m not sure I understand?”
“To put it simply, we do not need another Supergirl. Instead, we need a Linda Danvers.”
“You want me to impersonate that girl’s mother. You want me to be Kara!” Linda put it together.
“I want you to be the clone, to be more precise.” Strange nodded. “But in essence, you are correct. To accomplish that I will, with your permission of course, open pathways within your mind that will allow you to alter your appearance slightly. It will be up to you, however, to do the acting and the alterations.” Without waiting for a reply, he simply closed his eyes and laid two fingers along Linda’s temple. He then dropped his hand, waiting for Linda’s response.
“I’m not sure I can do that.” Linda frowned, looking out the window. She knew about Kara. She and Kal had discovered the truth of their history. They knew that Kara had existed in a version of history that had been replaced with their own. She also knew that Kara’s personality was not hers. While Kara had never been a dour pessimist, she had never been the light, optimistic person Linda was. It would be a considerable stretch…She turned to see everyone watching her. “Perhaps I can.”
To Charlie, it seemed that Linda was standing straighter. Her eyes took on a hardness that he had never seen as she psyched herself up for the role.
“If we’re going to do this, lets get to it.” She did not seem to even concentrate as her hair wavered and turned a medium dark brown. Her face blurred slightly and seemed to broaden just a bit. And though no wrinkles or ‘crows feet’ appeared at the edges of her eyes, there was a definite change in her appearance, as if, before their very eyes, she had aged. Another moment and sprinkles of shot through her hair. “Well?” The word was almost snapped and Charlie jumped. This was no longer the Linda he knew. This was Kara!
“I…I didn’t know you could do that!” he exclaimed.
“My transformations are restricted to Linda and Supergirl.” Linda explained to the others. She then smiled at Strange. “However, it seems I still have some slight ability to alter my appearance slightly.”
“To be expected.” Strange nodded. “If you retained enough ability to transform at all, then it stands to reason that you would retain at least some ability to manipulate those forms. It is an ability you had buried in your sub-conscious.”
Linda frowned, feeling extremely uncomfortable. It seemed Dr. Strange knew more about her than he had ever let on. She shook it off and squared her shoulders.
“Shall we go, then?” Even her voice, Charlie noted, was deeper. It seemed as if Linda had disappeared and Kara, in her Linda Danvers personae, had taken her place.
“Sure.” He piped in. “What will I need?”
“You’re not going, Charlie.” Linda stated. “I won’t have time to watch over you and I’m not going to take the chance of you being hurt.”
“Hey now…” Charlie began to argue.
“I said No.” Linda snapped. It wasn’t Linda’s voice, but rather Kara’s. And it’s tone left no room for further discussion on the issue.
“So what am I supposed to do while you’re gone?” Charlie huffed.
Linda glanced at his desk and a small smile touched her eyes.
“You can catch up on the paperwork.” She stated. She walked over to Strange and the others, turning to look back at Charlie. “I’ll return as soon as I can.” She told him and, with a simple gesture from Strange, they faded from sight.
“Great.” Charlie threw himself back into his seat, glaring at the paper filled desktop. He then gazed out the window. “Be careful Linda.” He whispered.
Rouge felt as if her insides were being yanked out. The trip was nowhere near as simple as the one from the FF HQ to Metropolis. When the swirling colors that accompanied the transition faded, she fell to her knees, retching on the hard, cold ground. Near her, she could hear Mon going through the same ritual. She felt gentle hands caress her forehead, sweeping her hair back out of the way as the contents of her stomach spewed forth.
“What the hell happened?” She heard a voice that she knew belonged to Kara demanding. Had it actually been Kara, she would not have been surprised at the tone or the words. Yet knowing that it came from Linda was a bit unsettling.
“I’m not quite sure.” Dr. Strange’s voice seemed distant, thoughtful. “Offhand, I would have to say that some one or something interfered with the transfer.”
“So where are we?” She heard Mon ask between gasps.
“From what I can see, I would have to say that Linda stated it correctly. Hell!”
It was an effort, but finally Rogue was able to raise her head and look around.
The scene that greeted her looked as if it had been taken directly from the pages of Dante’s Inferno. Around them the rubble of what had once been a great city lay scattered. Fires blazed out of control throughout the ruins. Howling winds, from which they were sheltered by the still sturdy remains of building walls, swept through the city, fanning the flames, feeding the fire even as it sucked the air out.
“Firestorm.” Mon breathed. Though he had no direct connection to it, he had learned enough earth history to equate what he was seeing now with the views and eyewitness accounts of the firestorms that had swept through Dresden during World War 2.
Yet this city was not Dresden. And the style of what remained of the buildings and burnt out husks of vehicles showed that it was not the 1940’s.
“This can’t be!” he whispered to himself.
“Oh my god!” Rogue heard Linda gasp behind her, the façade of Kara slipping briefly.
“You know this place?” Strange turned to her, his eyebrows arching. His right hand clutched the Eye of Amagotto, as if the contact allowed him to draw strength. He did not wait for her to answer before turning away. “Of course. It is obvious.”
“What’s going on?” Rogue held down another spasm as she looked around. The effects of the transfer were beginning to fade, giving her some control. Right now, she felt like the odd man out. It was obvious to her that her three companions recognized this place.
“We have been detoured.” Strange answered, somewhat absently. “This, desolation, is where Matrix was created.”
“He means me.” Linda put in. Gone was any attempt to be Kara. Now she was Linda, through and through. ‘This is where that portion of me that was matrix was created to battle criminals that had escaped from the Phantom Zone.” She shook her head. “I…I have never thought of that time. I had…forgotten.”
“No, you buried it.” Strange said. “Just as you had buried your ability to transform. I opened pathways in your mind to allow you access to those abilities. With them came the memories.”
‘You were…created?” Mon was astonished.
“A part of me, yes.” Linda answered. She was still staring around, as if she were in a dream from which she could not awake. “Linda was…is real. It is a long story, but to save her life, I merged with her. We became one.” She shook herself, turning to look at Mon. “I am Linda, now, and she is me.” She then whirled, facing Strange. “Why are we here? This world is dead!”
“Oh no. Not quite, deary.” Everyone turned to see the three figures hovering in the air, some distance away. “We’re here and now, so are you.”
“Jax Ur!” Mon growled and jumped, becoming a red and blue streak as he attacked. Yet, as fast as he moved, the one named Jax Ur moved faster. He slid to the side, grasping one of Mon’s outstretched hands as he neared and twirled. With a grunt, Mon was slammed to the ground, causing a small quake that leveled still more of the surrounding buildings.
“You…” Rogue started to fly into the fray when Linda placed a hand on her shoulder. Where before there had been a look of bewilderment, there was now one of a calm rage.
“No, Rogue.” She spoke. “They’re not real.” She turned to Strange. “Some one else is playing mind games. We cannot be here, because this…this Pocket Universe ceased to exist long ago.” She pointed to where the three Zoners were converging on Mon El. “They can’t exist because they are dead. Rendered powerless by exposure to Gold Kryptonite.” She took a deep breath. “ They had completely killed off the entire world and so, acting as judge, jury, and executioner, Superman exposed them to Green Kryptonite.” She stared at Strange. “They can’t be here because they are dead. We can’t be here because this place does not exist!”
“Well, for people that are dead, they are doing a great job of acting alive and kicking Mon’s butt.” Rogue jerked away from Linda and entered the fray.
“To a degree, she is correct.” Strange remarked. “It matters little if they can or cannot exist. As long as Mon believes they do, they will be able to harm him.” He paused. “However, since we have been here I have been attempted to remove us from this place. Yet I found everything I attempted blocked. Now I understand why.” He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, his hands outstretched to the side. Linda watched amazed as a blue glow began to envelope him.
Rogue waded into the Zoners, sending them sprawling. She grasped hold of Jax Ur and spun him around.
“You are just as much a pain as your relative on Roykin!” She hissed as she slammed him into the side of a building. She ducked and snaked out a foot as Zod attacked from the rear. The Kryptonian Martial arts Kara had taught her was finally coming in handy. Her toes caught Zod in the solar plexus. Even as they touched she was spinning, for that contact was not meant to injure but merely support her for her next move. She brought her other foot up to catch Zod in the face. Though he moved to counter, he was not quick enough. Rogue’s right foot impacted with all the force she could muster, causing bones to snap and teeth to pop. In a fight between Kryptonians, even super-powered ones, some one was bound to get hurt.
For long moments Linda divided her attention between Dr. Strange and the battle. She was watching as the female member of the Zoners brought her fists, locked together, smashing into the small of Rogue’s back. Zod, bleeding and still nursing his busted jaw, lay sprawled some distance away. Jax Ur, for his part, was being bounced around the rubble by an enraged Mon El. A small sound brought her attention back to Dr. Strange. He was now standing straight in a bright blue globe of energy, holding the Eye of Amagotto above his head.
Linda yelped and ducked her head as bright light flashed from the Eye. When the spots stopped dancing in her eyes, she saw that they no longer stood in the rubble of the city. Instead, they floated in a place awash with swirling colors.
“Where are we?” She asked. She looked around and saw that both Rogue and Mon were looking around, confused. Rogue winced and put a hand to her back and Mon was wiping away a trickle of blood from a cut above his eye.
“Strictly speaking, we are no where.” Strange answered. He lowered the eye of Amagotto, nodding to himself. “But to answer your question in terms you will understand, we are standing at the edge of a protective bubble.” He waved a hand and a portion of the swirling colors solidified, becoming a curved wall that stretched beyond sight on all sides. “No, this is not what it looks like, but it is, in essence what we hit when I tried to transport us earlier.”
‘You’re saying we bounced off that wall and ended up in that Pocket Universe?” Rogue asked as she and Mon rejoined the Doc and Linda.
“In a manner of speaking. It would be more accurate to say that we hit a barrier set in place long ago. A barrier meant to throw specific persons back where they came from.”
“It was meant to guard against intrusions by Kara or Superboy.” Mon concluded, putting the pieces together. “That was what this Mordru would have guarded against. And the barrier was meant to repel them.”
“Exactly.” Strange nodded. “As powerful as this Mordru seems, his knowledge of Alternate Probabilities seems to be restricted to those adjacent to Linda’s. I do not believe he is even aware of those probabilities that are not adjacent.”
“That being the case, he would have naturally put up barriers against those he considered to be major threats.” Linda put in. She was thoughtful for a moment and then closed her eyes.
“So how do we get past this barrier? Rogue wanted to know. “Won’t it just shunt us back to that dead place?”
“I don’t think so!” Rogue whirled at the sound of Kara’s voice. It was Linda, once again in character, yet now she sported the fiery wings Rogue had seen on her first trip to Otherverse. “Hold hands!” She commanded, taking Strange’s hand in her own. She stepped forward slowly, her face a study of concentration. As she approached the wall, Rogue took a deep breath. Sparks flew as Linda touched the wall. Her wings swept forward, slipping through the barrier and slicing a doorway through which she strode, pulling the others in after her. She breathed a sigh of relief as Mon stepped through, the wall closing with an audible snap behind him.
“How…” Rogue let her question trail off in amazement.
“The barrier was meant to repel certain individuals and certain types of individuals.” Linda explained. “I figured he might not have thought about some one like me. I was right.” For a moment Linda appeared shaken. “He built that before I or my world existed.” She continued. “He built that when Kara was Supergirl!”
“Yes, you are quite correct, my dear.” Everyone spun at the voice. Emerging from the swirling colors, he looked very much like the wizards of lore with his pointed hat and long, flowing white beard. “And you are also correct that I had not foreseen one such as you. A mistake I shall not make again!” Mordru raised one hand, and darkness covered the heroes.
End of A World Without Heroes - Chapter Eight.