
This story, Amber Shards, requires an additional disclaimer.
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Amber Shards introduces a new character who will become a regular in the Otherverse Universe.

Though Ian Patrick is an original creation, the 'universe' that he is from was created by writer Rodger Zelazny (Pick up a copy of the Chronicles of Amber at your local Barnes and Nobles).

References to Amber are used here without permission though not for profit.
This is strictly a workd of Fan-fiction. All other disclaimers already posted
on the Otherverse website apply here as well.

The power of White Flame that Ian wields was created by Bob Bellamy for the
Amber Diceless RPG and is used here with permission.

Supergirl and other characters from the DC Universe are the property of DC Comics. Rogue, She-Hulk, and other characters from the Marvel Universe are the property of Marvel Comics. They are used here without permission of either company. None of these stories are written for profit. They are written as Fan-fiction