Chapter 3:
Let me bring you songs from the wood:
to make you feel much better than you could know.
Dust you down from tip to toe.
Show you how the garden grows.
Hold you steady as you go.
Join the chorus if you can
Jethro Tull - Songs from the wood 1977
Storm cloud rolled across the
sky and threatened rain, but she did not care. The trees would welcome it
as they always did and nothing would spoil the day. As she ran through
the forest, her green hair flew behind her. Only thin gauzy material,
vines and leaves graced her fine young form. She spied the great
she-wolf, Chases-the Wind ahead; she knew that she approached the place of
Hidden in the branches, she
spied a man sitting cross-legged on the ground. His coal black hair was
unbound and blew about in the wind. He dressed as he always did, in a
combination of black, gray and silver. To her sylvan eyes his aura of power was
evident. She could feel a great sadness the he held within himself.
Though there was the repeated offer to comfort him and try and fill that
sadness, he had always refused her, but never unkindly. This continued to
confuse her. She wished that there were something she could do to make
him truly happy.
"Andaria, I know you're
there. Quit being a mother hen and come on out. The others
have not arrived yet but will shortly." He turning his head in her
direction, opened his eyes and looked at the place she was hidden, partially
merged with a tree.
Andaria was a wood nymph, a
creature of the earth and was the oldest of those that had been called back the
world. The trees were her children. The animals her kin. The land
and she were one.
The sylvan woman stepped out
from the trunk of a huge pine in which she had partially merged, with the ease
of a man stepping from a pool of water. The tree seemed to move its
branches back to allow her passage as she emerged from under is boughs.
The nymph walked into the open
space with the grace of a ballerina. Across the intervening gap was the
other piece of the forest that had been calling to her woods. Soon, very
soon.... She looked at Ian sitting on the ground, looking at her
with a raised eyebrow. This usually meant he was irritated with
"Something bothers you
"I really wish you would
quit calling me that." Ian sighed. "I have a name.
Ian or Argent or something other than master. I have never
demanded mastery from you or your sisters."
Cocking her head to the side
in an animal like fashion she regarded him quizzically. "But master,
you brought us back from our ancient slumber. You returned our faded
strength and power. You have aided us in restoring the forests that men
had sundered..." She stopped, recognized the expression on his face.
"Yes, I will endeavor to call you by name and remind my sisters of this as
well." She paused, and then, "Mas...Ian, are you sure
that there is nothing I can do for you? You are so...alone..."
Her voice trailed off.
Ian listened as she offered to
alleviate some of his pain and loss. He mentally shook his head
and sighed inwardly. He had brought the nymphs back into this world,
literally conjuring them into existence. He considered them like his
children. The thought of her 'comforts' always made him slightly uncomfortable.
Smiling in wry amusement at the situation, he looked to Andaria.
"My dear, you worry more
than any of your sisters, especially about me." Standing he took her
hand. "I am, by nature, moody and introspective. That has
never changed, no matter how many worlds I have visited, no matter how many
people I help and no matter how many times I have been...comforted."
She smiled in return and
nodded. She was about to say something else when the others walked into
the clearing, some from the west side, some from the east side. Setting
aside her concern for Ian, Andaria ran to her sisters. The wood nymphs
laughed and danced around each other. They had waited for this moment for
some time and now it was upon them.
After Ian had called them back
from their slumber he had sent them to the forests. Some in the wood
where he dwelt and the others several leagues away. He had given them the
strength to reawaken the hearts of the woods. Once again it allowed them
to commune with the trees, assisted to expand the forest, command the animals
and call on their old powers.
From late spring to the
summer what had been known as Buescher and Bastrop Parks, had been
expanding. Their borders had grown outwards and towards one another
covering roughly ten mile of intervening space. New and mystical
creatures had begun to appear within them. The birds and beasts had
returned to a land free from poison and disease.
As they had grown, the heart
of both of the woods had called to one another. The desire to be joined
again was great. To exist as they once had before man had reduced them to
a piteous state.
The warder-wolf,
Laughing-Water, strolled over to Ian. Of all his warders Laughing-Water
was unique in his perspective. He was more thoughtful than the others
were, in that he contemplated things. He was not the fastest or the
strongest, but he was certainly clever. He wasn't even a Beta-male
amongst the wolves, but they respected his insights.
Laughing-Water sat beside Ian
and leaned against him. He sent no distinct thought forms, just pleasure
at watching the nymphs dance. He could sense their joy and quietly shared
in it. Ian scratched him absently; this one was rapidly becoming one of
his favorite warders. Ian could never define the quality of their
similarities; Laughing-Water just seemed to understand him more than any of the
other warders.
The nymph's exuberance
lessened and they approached Ian.
"Are we all ready?"
Andaria asked of everyone as she stepped forward.
There was a general consensus
and they all moved towards the center of the strip that separated the two
forests. The wood nymphs formed a circle around Ian and Andaria.
Four of the warders took positions outside of the circle at the points of the
four cardinal directions; north, south, east and west.
Lightning-in-the-Dark and Chases-the-wind the alpha male and female were
there. Dances-the-Moon and Great-Howl, the beta male and female attended
as well.
The nymphs spoke low whispered
words and began a slow dance around Ian and Andaria. From a pouch around
his neck, he pulled out what appeared to be a smooth dark stone the size of a
hen's egg. In truth it was a seed and a large one at that. One
especially enchanted for what was about to take place.
Slowly a white fire danced
around the conjurer. It grew brighter and brighter and caused the nymphs
to cast shadow even in the light of the overcast day. The light began to
draw together in the item he held between cupped hands till it grew to a
dazzling brilliance and Ian glowed no more. He held the item out to Andaria.
"Now it
begins." Andaria's voice was strong and clear. It seemed in
contrast to the slightly trembling fingers in which she took the glowing
item. With that she began to sing in a voice somewhere between human and
bird song. Ian backed slowly out of the circle as the ceremony
continued. He passed through the ring of dancing nymphs who glided around
He watched and understood the
song in part. It was a calling, a centering in this place. Andaria
turned and faced the east woods and held the palm full of brilliance towards it
and sang, the she turned and repeated it to the west woods. It was a kind
of botanical marriage ceremony. It would draw the two forests together
and cause them to be one, body and spirit.
Drawing her hands
together Andaria lifted the light above her head and white fire spider webbed
out to the dancing nymphs and the warders. Its light faded till only
their eyes glowed.
With a gesture a small hole
opened at her feet. She placed the large rowan seed into the ground and
began a new song. The new song had no words that resembled anything a
human might recognize. It was something closer to musical notes or the etheric
sounds of the glass armonica. Like that of a whetted glass rubbed by a
finger to make it sing. The nymphs began a new dance and joined in the
singing as well. The air in the clearing became liquid sound.
The wolves lifted their heads,
howled and added their song to that of the nymphs. The howls
echoed through the forests being picked up and answered by the calls of other
animals in a strange cacophony of sound and music.
Through all of this Ian
watched amazed. He had known that this was part of the magic the nymphs
wielded to enchant men and hold sway over them. He was immune to this
power, having harnessed his will beyond the point they could influence.
But through the lending of his power to them, he felt what they did. They
wielded very subtle magics, but now in a great quantity. It stretched
across and through both forests drawing their mystical centers of power to this
place and tying it to the spot where the rowan seed was planted.
As he watched something
stirred from the ground, a small green sprout. Before his eyes it began
to grow and soon was taller than Andaria. Ian smiled in shared pleasure
of the others. Finally the forest would be one entity.
A shadow skulked
through the forest and searched for his quarry. His movements through the woods
disturbed none of it occupants. This was due to the cloak he wore.
It was dirty gray with black trim adorned with dull silver runes of
power. When he wore it with the hood drawn up and he was invisible in
both the mortal and spirit realms. His name was Barghest and he was an
assassin, one who specialized in killing mystics.
His face was scarred and one
of his eyes was a milky white, but seemed to not affect his vision at
all. On his forehead was the scar of a spiral that had been stained dark.
From the depths of the cloak
he raised a gloved hand and bone wand. He stopped and swung it back and
forth, to sense the power that had risen in the Bastrop Park.
His...employers, were not happy that some new power has arrived unannounced and
had 'set up shop' next door.
His commission was to find the
centers of power, wrest control of them and kill those who got in his
way. The wizard who lived here was probably the one he would have to
kill. The family he had come across had confirmed what he knew. The
wizard's name was Argent and he was reported to be able to do all sorts of
things. Well he would soon see how great this wizard was.
A dark smile had blossomed on
his face as he though of the family he had 'discussed' the wizard with.
He licked his dark stained lips and waved the wand his employers had given him
back and forth. It pulsed and drew his hand to the right.
"Damn!" Inwardly he snarled. The source of power was on the
move. He had been advised that this might happen, a ceremony of sorts to
consolidate power. Barghest had been told about it, but that it highly unlikely
to be happening so soon. "So much for the theories of sorcerers."
he thought to himself.
He began to sprint through the
forest now. He had run for nearly a half an hour when he heard a
howl. Other animals echoed it and the sound rolled towards him as more
beasts in the wood joined in. It sent chills up his spine. His instincts
told him that if this weren’t stopped it would create something dangerous.
A second thought occurred to
him. This was an old power that seemed to have awakened, what if it had
spotted him and all these creatures were preparing to attack in mass. If
so, he was dead. Barghest froze and drew forth a short dark blade
resembling a bowie knife. Dark runes adorned the blade. Black rune
stones hung from thin leather thongs on the pommel of the blade. He
waited and nothing moved.
After a time he sheathed the
knife and concentrating on the wand, he moved it back and forth. The
'center' had stopped moving and the wand vibrated with power. The
beasts had only been responding to the gathering of power and not his
presence. Barghest knew if he was to win his commission, he needed to
Laughing-Water had stopped
momentarily and had added his howl to the song. He then continued to
walk. He really wished he could be part of the ceremony, but the other
warders were needed to patrol. Though the chance of anyone stumbling upon
the ceremony was remote, it still existed and if it were disrupted the results
would be disastrous.
He watched and opened all his
senses so he could 'follow' the ceremony as well as watch the forest.
Since the coming of the wood nymphs he and the other warders had gained a
mystical sense of their surroundings. A connection to the forest
they patrolled. It was when he had done this that he felt something…wrong.
Laughing-Water stopped and
looked around. He couldn't quite focus on it. It was a
feeling that smelled like the hint of rotting meat, sounded like music slightly
out of key and flickered like shadow. His hackles rose, as the feeling
grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly there was something to his
right. A shadow fell upon him and pain erupted in his side.
The assassin looked down at
the wolf with some surprise. He wiped his blade on its hide.
Somehow the beast had sensed him, but not quickly enough. Fortunately it
had been unable to raise a cry of alarm. He could hear music very clearly
now, he was close. Its harmony churned revulsion within him. Even
if he had not been given this commission, he would have worked to stop this
repulsive ceremony.
He took a gloved hand and
pulled back the hood of his cloak, revealing his bald scarred head. Even
with the hood drawn back he was he would still be shrouded but not as
completely. Barghest's instincts told him he would need to see his quarry
Moving quickly but silently he
approached a break in the forest. Before him green haired women danced
about a single large tree. One woman stood before it with arms spread
wide above her head. She was directing the music. She was the focus
of the power. Instead of being awed he was repulsed at its sight.
If he could kill her, could wrest the power from them. She was soft and
would fall before him easily.
Slowly he moved forwards,
knife drawn and slunk towards Andaria's unprotected back.
Ian watched as the Rowan tree
grew higher and higher. The four warders continued to hold their
positions in the circle about the tree and help support the power of the
ceremony. This also would tie the warders into the matrix that the forest
would become.
He marveled at the power
Andaria was commanding. In all of this, she had been his main
concern. He didn't know if she would be able to handle the amount of
power that it was going to take to restore power to the forest. She
wielded power as if she were born to the Courts of Amber.
He stifled a paranoid thought
that she may be one of his relatives that had taken Andaria's shape. No
one with the power of Pattern in their blood could enter the surrounding
realities that encompassed his exile.
No, it was too soon for things
like that to happen.
He relaxed again and was
completely unprepared for the blinding burst of pain that shot through his
mind. Ian staggered but he managed to keep on his feet. After a
moment his sight cleared.
One of the warders had been
hurt. He had trouble trying to discern the identity of the warder.
They had attempted to contact him at the moment they were attacked. Mired
and buried in the pain was a message. Danger! Intruder!
Fortunately the nymphs and
other warders were unaware of the message. They were too caught up in the
ceremony. It was nearing an end, but he wasn't sure how much long it
would take.
"Damn." He muttered.
"This is a bad time to have this happen." He had lent the
majority of his power and strength to the nymphs to draw the forest
together. He reached down and touched the high-tech looking bracer that
he always had with him as either a bracer, small compact computer or other
technical device. "Celia, Pattern Lens."
A two-dimensional labyrinthine
shape seemed to form in his mind's his eye as a fragment of the power he had
given up was manifested before him. He had managed to capture this before
he had nearly lost his mind. It was the power that was the birthright of
every child of The Courts of Amber. He had forever purged it from
himself, but with the fragment that his bio-computer Celia held, he could wield
it to see enchantments and well as other manifestations of power.
He blinked, looked around and
began walking around the nymphs. The sheer amount of power they were
gathering and wielding here shone brightly through the Pattern Lens. If
there was some force or intruder that was using power to attack, he wasn't
going to be able to pick them out very easily.
Taking a moment he sent a
message out to the warders to be on the look out and begin to move closer to
the center. He had traversed half way around the circle from where he
started when he saw a strange swirl in the energies moving out from the
nymphs. The wizard would have discounted it, except that it didn't move
in the manner that rest of the energies had moved. It would move forwards
and stop and then continue on again.
Ian probed the spot with his
mind. He detected nothing, but after a moment there was something;
like a hint of bile at the back of his throat as if he had touched something
exceptionally vile.
As he got closer, the movement
turned and began to approach rapidly. On instinct he ducked and
rolled. He heard something sliced through the spot where he had been
standing. Before he could react he sensed the movement as it attacked
again. He dodged to his right, but he felt a stab of pain as something
sliced his left thigh. Damn! Whatever it was, it was using very
powerful enchanted weapons to pierce though the shielding he wore.
Rolling to his left he
crouched low and spoke a trigger word. Gealiann. The silver signet
ring he wore bore the image of a single rose and showed his affiliation to the
realm of Avalon, his father's kingdom. But it was more than that, it was
an item in which magical spells, conjuration and enchantments could be cast and
stored for later use.
With the trigger spoken, one
of the waiting spell blossomed to life. A blade of silver light flashed
into existence in Ian's hand. The assassin, unprepared for such an
attack, was surprised as a blade of burning silver pierced his side.
The assailant spun away and
roared in pain. Ian took advantage of the attack and tried to assail the
mind of this creature.
Ian mentally recoiled.
He had been in the mind of psychotic killers before, but usually he had been
prepared and the subject most of the time was restrained. The sheer
ferocity and raw emotion this creature generated were impressive.
Something else was there too, making the mind to slippery to get a good
hold on. Whatever this was, the tempest in its mind could not be
navigated in the middle of combat.
Though he could not assail it,
he was able to keep a mental finger hold on the creature's mind to help keep
track of it. Whatever was keeping it hidden from sight may also have made
it hard to get a better 'grasp'.
The creature snarled
and...changed. There was a sound like the popping of joints and the
tearing of muscles. Ian recognized the sound. "Oh shit, it a
shape changer." Its outline in the whirling energies seemed to grow
larger. After a moment, it charged.
Ian was ready for the assault
this time. Had fought invisible opponents before, but wasn't especially
trained in it, but the enchantments of the blade guided his hand. As the
two weapons met energies flashed again and again.
The wizard drew on all of his
training he had received in Amber, Avalon and the number of worlds he had
traveled to. He feinted to the right and dropped his guard and the
assassin took the opening. Though Ian was fast the other was faster,
seeming to gain a moment of blinding speed. The amberite was rewarded with
a cut on his left arm.
Ian swore. He had
thought himself unassailable. He was from the realm of Amber and
Avalon. He had one of the sharpest minds and had been one of the most
gifted conjurers there. Though not a great warrior there, he was head and
shoulders above most here. Even the librarian of the gods was greater
"than mortal man", or so he thought. He doubted that he fought
anything human.
He managed another cut to the
creature, but couldn't dodge it weapon fast enough and received a cut his right
Ian began to feel
lightheaded. He took a defensive stance and dropped another trigger
word. Leigheas. Warmth passed through his body, wounds
closed, healed and the pain left. The slight dizziness he had felt did
He glanced down quickly at
himself. Where the wounds had been, dark stains of magic stayed.
Not only stayed but continued to spread into his flesh. This was serious!
The amberite dodged another
slash and rolling back he dropped a unique spell of his own design. Síceach.
Though the Pattern Lens he
could see the constructs appear. These were creatures of pure mental
energy. They had no ability to affect physical objects, but they could
affect the minds of others. With a quick mental command SUBDUE, he
sent them off after his opponent.
Barghest felt more than
heard the buzz of the constructs as they began to assault his mind. He
crouched and leaped up and backwards. He had made a deal to escape the
voices, the spirits that been torturing him for years and now this...wizard
had conjured up more! He drew upon his dark powers and spoke words of
power he had been taught.
Ian watched as the constructs
began to assail the twisted mind of the attacker. Then suddenly dark
energies surrounded the creature, it spoke some guttural words and power was
released. The constructs were hurled back and torn to shreds by the force
of the magic.
Ian was caught in the backlash
of power due to the innate connection to his psychic creations. He shook
off the feedback, but when he looked up he lost track of his assailant.
Thunder rumbled and he felt a drop of rain. He looked around and could
see nothing.
He drew on what little power
he had left, white fire danced here and there on his skin. His ears rang
and stars appeared before his eyes, but he ignored these. He drew the
power into his will and instincts. Feeling a growing shadow he
spun and in a moment spotted the whirling eddies that showed his attacker's
Without thought, he threw
himself to the ground and rolled to his left. Dark shapes zipped through
the air and tore into the area where he had stood a moment before.
He dropped another spell on
the assassin. Fálaigh. The ground where it stood became
alive, wrapped itself about him and hardened, trying to encase him like a bug
in amber.
Barghest discovered that he
was quickly being entombed. He drew upon the dark gifts he had been given
and spoke words of power. With them, darkness was released that ate at
the earth faster than it could encase him. It looked as though the earth
were rotting away. With a bellow he shattered his bonds and brought
up his abyssal blade just in time to keep the wizard's sword from taking off
his head.
The assassin thought to
himself. "This Argent is good, but not good enough."
Barghest could tell the wizard
was concerned; he had caught the scent of unease that last passing.
Drawing once again on his mystic nature he called power and then let his guard
down to leave an opening. The opportunity was not taken at first, but
must have been sensed the second time and the silver blade moved to what should
have been an unexposed area. Barghest swung out with a hairy-clawed foot
and just barely caught Ian in the side of the leg. At the touch, the
magic that the assassin had been holding hurled Ian over fifty feet away.
Ian had worked to find a good
opening try and weaken this thing. He was running out of stored spells,
and was definitely feeling the loss of his power. Through his bond, he could
feel the other warders returning, but they would not arrive in time. He
had never planned for such a combat. The spells he had left were not
suited for hand to hand. They would end up destroying the nymphs and his
warders. The magic of the dark blade was also eating away at his strength
and focus.
When he sensed the first
opening a moment too late, but he felt he was getting a feel for predicting the
movements of this creature. Then it clipped his leg and he found himself
hurtling through the air. He was only stunned for a moment when alarms
blared in the back of his mind. On impulse he dropped another spell just
in time. Iompar.
He had teleported about 100
feet backward. Ian looked back at his previous position. A smoking,
bubbling morass existed where he had just been. The creature had dropped
some sort of ball of acid there. He desperately wanted to look towards
the tree to see where the ceremony was at, but he didn't want to draw the
creature's attention that way.
The wizard spotted the creature
quickly. He almost didn't need the lens to show its location. The
assassin stood near the bubbling remains of its work. Green light had
begun to dance through the air about him. The grass and shrubs in the
area began to whither. The hair on the back of Ian's neck began to stand
up. He understood the words that clawed through the air; it was the
language of demons.
Ian knew what was
coming. He summoned up all of the power of White Flame that he could draw
and pushed beyond what he knew was a safe level and continued. This he
poured into the only foci he had available, the enchanted blade.
The wind grew stronger.
The light of the weapon burned brighter and brighter while the air blackened
around the assassin. With a word, a bolt of pure ebony rent the
air. Corruption poured across the distance striking the shaft of
light. Power exploded without a sound and Ian was driven to his knees by
the force of it.
The assassin approached, his
outline crackling with the backwash of power. It danced and glowed on it,
leaving footprints on the ground as well as skittering off of its blade.
Thunder rumbled, closer now.
Ian prepared for a final
assault on this thing's mind. He drew his last remaining strength as the
thing closed the distance between them, when it was stopped by a word.
Andaria's voice was a whip crack in the silence.
It spun in its tracks it
turned to face her.
Wind blew back the
nymph's hair. Power emanated from her like a heat haze. Though not
great in stature, she seemed to match the assassin's height.
Barghest snarled. He
wiped drool from his muzzle with the back of a furred arm. He dropped the
veil of invisibility that had surrounded him and snarled in utter contempt at
this frail creature. The dark power surrounded him and would protect him
from any earthy magics that this waif could produce. "Time to die,
leaf child."
"Spawn of darkness, you
came here seeking power?" Andaria's voice was as cold as an arctic
wind. "Then by all that is good, you shall have it."
Behind her the enormous Rowan seemed to flicker with an inner light and the
heavens roared.
In a moment the assassin
realized his mistake as lightning struck, driving him to his knees. Again
it hit, knocking him to the ground. Then one last time, setting Barghest
temporarily ablaze. The whole time he howled and called upon the darkness
to save him, but to no avail.
Ian quietly watched the
exchange. Once the creature had uncloaked itself, he could feel it
contempt and superiority. Using the last of his strength he fanned these
feelings into a blaze of overconfidence.
With his will focused upon the
creature the conjurer was temporarily blinded by the first lighting strike and
backlash of pain from its mind. Ian watched the fire die out and the
carcass smolder. The thing was not human, humanoid, but not human.
It seemed to be a combination between man and beast; covered with fur, clawed
hand and feet and the face of some kind of dog or wolf. He was having a
difficult time staying focused.
Andaria ran across the
intervening space, followed close behind by the warders and other nymphs.
She reached Ian, flung her arm about him and knocked him back to the ground
once more. Around him were laughter, tears, barks and howls of victory as
the rest of the warders arrived.
Andaria stood and gently
gestured for silence for them all. Then communicating wordlessly the
others they surrounded him, taking up their positions as they had during the
ceremony, their eyes grew white and white flame danced about them. It
rose from them into the air and settled around Andaria, who was kneeled beside
Ian now.
The White Flame poured back
into him. Ian felt the weight of its presence return, fill him with
strength again and force the dark magic out of him. He lay back, smiled
and sighed.
Ian sat back in the tower and
had recovered from the battle. On the table locked in a chest was the assassin's
black blade, the bone wand and shreds of its cloak. He had not destroyed
these yet. He wanted to study them first, and then afterwards they would
be destroyed. The blade was an especially dangerous tool of corruption.
When Ian had found Laughing-Water,
the warder was still alive, but the taint had taken hold. He lay there,
shook and foamed at the mouth. Ian reached out and there were only shreds
of his mind left. He lay his hands on the wolf, gently entered his mind
and quietly shut it down. He then filled Laughing-Water's body with power
until it glowed brilliantly and vanished in a flash of light, returning back to
primal essence from which all life comes.
He raised his goblet in the
air; Ian silently saluted the fallen warder. He lowered it slightly,
stared as the light passed through the crystal, and lit the amber colored mead
within. A single tear rolled down his face. He was woefully
unprepared for this confrontation. He had underestimated the power of
other creatures on this world as well as existing levels of mystic power that
were wielded here as well. Next time he would be better prepared.
Laughing-Water's image passed
through his mind once more and reminded him of how very alone he was on this
world. He spoke out loud to no body in particular. "You always
loose the ones you love." Ian sighed. The conjurer didn't miss
much from home, but there were a few people that he missed terribly.
Anne Conall wandered in the
pale moonlight. Myralos was a recently discovered a new healing herb that
only bloomed at night. Flora and fauna had changed drastically in the
last several years and while a lot were harmful, some like this herb were
beneficial. Its blossoms, when brewed into a tea could assist with
relieving pain and fever. She and a few sisters of the order had chosen
this night to harvest a portion of the blossoms to add to their stores.
Ann knew this section of the
land well. It was under protection by the Sister Angela and the other
Sisters trained in battle and Meta powers.
She approaching the patch of
herbs, set the staff into the ground and hung the lantern upon it so that she
could see better. The Sister was well into her work when a hand grasped
her shoulder. She spun around to see a battered and ragged man, who
leaned heavily on a makeshift staff. His long red hair was disheveled,
and gave him the look of a madman. One eye had completely swelled shut
and the other was blackened. He looked as if he had been attacked by an
angry mob.
He withdrew his hand and
croaked out " me..." With this he sagged to the ground.
Sister Anne looked at this
pitiful man and her fear fled. It was replaced by the compassion and
desire to help another that had suffered; the same thing that had brought her
to the monastery. She called out to Sisters Laura and Rachelle, she began
inspect his injuries. She realized that in spite of he injuries he
was a handsome man, with very intense green eyes.
The two sisters arrived and
they created a makeshift travois to carry him to the cloister. There were
few awake due to the lateness of the hour. She would tell Sister Angela
about this in the morning. Now they must tend his injuries, clean and
dress him.
After the others had left she
stayed with the man in the infirmary for a time. When she felt he would
be all right, Anne too had gathered her things was preparing to leave when the
man awoke. He stared dumbfounded at his surrounding and at her.
Ann knelt beside the bed,
gently took his hand in hers and calmly asked. "Sir, can you tell me
what happened to you?"
"I was...attacked, by
men..." he still seemed to have trouble taking everything in.
Though he didn't exhibit any
signs of a concussion she was still concerned. Anne gently brushed a lock
of hair back from his forehead. "Do you know why?"
"No, I can't
remember." He grasped her had with considerable strength, in spite
of his injures. He whispered, "Please help me. I can't
End of Amber
Shards - Chapter Three.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2001 by Michael Liebhart,
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse as an apocalyptical setting is an original
--creation of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Some characters in Otherverse stories are original
--creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jason Gasper, Jake H., Terry, or Jason Froikin, and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl and some other characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Dr. Doom and some other characters are property of Marvel