After the Rebirth, there came the Otheverse! This was the true start of the Continuum Worlds!
These stories are the stories of the Otherverse.
There is a lot here, so scroll on down or use the menu bar above!
The chapters below are posted in the order they appeared in the Otherverse timeline, not necessarily in the order they were written.
The Primary authors of this section are myself (writing as Dylan Clearbrook), Jake H., Micheal Liebhart, and Jason Gasper (with two chapters of A World Without Heroes written by Jason Froiken)
Doom: Exorcism - Chapter 2 (Note: this chapter, the final in the Exorcism series, takes place over a period. Other chapters and stories may occur during this time, but do not impact this story. This story ends during the as yet unreleased "Crisis Revisited". Some events may not match those detailed in Crisis that case, the events detailed in Crisis Revisisted should be taken as the "official" events.)