“We’re ready when you are, Jenny!”
Tony Stark’s voice rang clear in Jennifer Walter’s ears, despite the fact that it was broadcast over a vast distance.
The space around Oa was cluttered as the support fleet from earth slid into orbit along with a good two-thirds of the Green Lantern Corps.
Jenny herself, along with Arisia, Kara, Rogue, and Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern from Probability Nine, still remained on the surface of the planet, making last minute preparations. Carrie and Karen were also present, having flown down to the world once the fleet had arrived.
She acknowledged Tony’s communication and turned to Hal. Once it was determined that he would be accompanying them, he had set out to get what ever Intel he could.
“First of all,” he said, before she could ask. “Don’t expect a lot of help from the Corps in Probability Three. They don’t exist.”
He quickly related the intell gathered when he and Stephanie Strange had transferred over to Probaiblity 3 on an advance scouting mission.
“So.” Kara shook her head in disbelief. “We don’t have to worry about the Zoners. It seems as if they have been taken care of.”
“They have.” Hal nodded. “At least according to what Lexi told us. We did not personally see Earth with our own eyes, so we really don’t know if the relief fleet will be necessary.”
“They can’t hurt.” Jenny spoke, after thinking for a moment. “I would rather have them there and not need them than to get there, need them, and not have them. If they are not needed, we can always send them back home.”
Hal wasn’t finished with his report, however.
“Second, we have a bigger problem.” He looked somewhat pale and he paused to take a breath. “Using this Great Battery, I have been able to access those in Probabilities Two and Three. Yes, Probability Three does still have a Great Battery. If I had not been looking so carefully, I might have missed it, but once I saw it and started looking at it, the evidence is quite clear. Actually, it was Arisia’s incident with her memories that got me to looking in the first place.”
“Hal, you’ve spent too much time around these blue guys.” Rogue drawled, drawing his attention from Jenny. “You’re talking in circles. Spit it out.”
“Time distortions.” Hal used his ring to bring up a holographic graph. “Time distortions in the form of chronal waves that seem to originate in Probability Three.”
“Something the Qwardians have done or are doing?” Jenny demanded.
“I don’t believe so. I have seen these before, and I hope to hell I am wrong.” Hal shook his head. He started to continue but stopped when he noticed the twins studying his graph intently. “You see something, girls?” He asked. He and the others waited while Carrie and Karen consulted quietly. Finally Carrie looked at them and nodded.
“According to this graph, the distortions, or waves, originate around Oa.” She said. She stepped forward and pointed to various parts of the graph. “These indicate the waves closest to the point of origin, these,” she moved her finger, “indicate earlier waves that have been travelling outwards for some time.”
“About twenty years, to be exact.” Karen took up the explanation. “Most probably around the time the Probability Device was activated.”
Kara looked at the twins and then swung her gaze back to Hal.
“Are any of the other Probabilities showing these time distortions?” She demanded.
“No.” He shook his head. “Only Probabilities One, Two, and Three.”
“The only three probabilities affected by the Probability Device.” Jenny mused.
“Exactly.” Carrie nodded. “When the device was activated, it split one world into three….and changed their histories. Time was…distorted.”
“And that could very well have opened Probability Three for HIM!” Hal spat.
“Him? Him who?” Jenny demanded. She became even more concerned to note that pale, blue skinned Guardians around them had grown even paler.
“It cannot be possible, Hal Jordon!” One of the Guardians exclaimed.
“Oh it is quite possible.” Hal spat, grimacing at the Guardian. “One of these days I might get used to the idea that you guys actually think you know it all…but this isn’t that day.”
He turned towards Jenny and Kara though his gaze included everyone there.
“I have heard you guys talking about Rogue Guardians.” He said. “Well, this would not have been the first time a Guardian went rogue if it were my home. Long ago, they had another…a Guardian named Krona. This Krona was fascinated with time. So much so that he was bound and determined to break one of the most strict laws of my universe. That law of nature was that no sentient being, other than perhaps a god, could look upon the Very Beginning of Time. Naturally Krona, being a Guardian and all, didn’t think the Laws of Nature applied to him.” Hal paused to take a breath before continuing. “Krona was finally able to do what he set out to do. He gazed upon the Dawn of Time. No one knows exactly what he saw, but most believe it drove him completely mad.” Now he looked directly at Kara. “You come from a reality that was a multiverse, just as this Continuverse is. While this Multiverse is a natural creation, it was Krona’s actions that caused that nultiverse to come into being. It also created the anti-matter universe of Qward.” He shook his head when one of the Guardians started to speak.
“Yes, I know things are different here in the Continuum.” He said. “Nevertheless, those energy readings I got from the Probability 3 Great Battery have Krona written all over them.”
“It makes sense.” Karen said, after a moments. When every one turned to her, she shrugged. “Carrie and I have been trying to figure out how the Probability Device could be causing such numerous and random temporal anomalies in all three of our Probabilities. To our way of thinking, it couldn’t. The Probability Device doesn’t’ pick and choose bits and pieces to change. When activated, it changes everything or nothing at all.”
“Well, if what this Lexie claims is true, then that device has been fired off several times.” Arisia frowned. “If that is the case, why has Probability Three been split apart like the original?”
“Because it has already done that.” Carrie took up the explanation. “When the Device was activated it split, call it Probability Zero, into three different worlds. Those three Probabilities are still tied together by the Device. Obviously if it is fired again, when it is already maintaining three different Probabilities, it is not going to split them again. It will simply rearrange things within the probability in which it is activated. However, it will send out waves of…dimensional energy…that may effect not only Probabilities One and Two, but most likely every Probability within the Multiverse, if not beyond. Especially, Otherverse, since it is some what tied to the Multiverse.”
“Toss in Krona playing with time, and we have a real mess on our hands!” Hal summed it up.
“We’re getting ahead of ourselves.” Jenny said, after a moment. “Though we don’t have any real evidence of Krona in Probability 3 other than Hal’s energy readings, no offense, I think we would be better off realizing that there appears to be more going on with Probability 3 than we were first aware.”
“You want to scrub the mission?”Kara asked.
“No. No, we can’t do that.” Jenny shook her head. “No matter what else is going on, we know there is a full Brainiac invasion fleet in route to Earth. A fleet accompanied by Manhunter under Brainiac’s control and the Hunter-Killer fleet from our own Probability. Those people are pulling themselves out of the fire caused by the Zoners, but I don’t want take the risk that they can handle this alone.”
“I think we have a bigger problem.” Karen shook her head. When every one looked at her, she pointed to the graph again. “It was suggested that the Probability Device was created as a child’s toy by an extremely advanced and old race.”
“One that predated the Guardians by several magnitudes.” Hal agreed.
“What if it wasn’t a toy?” Karen demanded. “But rather a teaching tool?” She went on when everyone but Carrie gave her blank looks. “If it was a simple Probability splitting device, then it would have simply made exact copies of the original. But what if the intent was not to permanently create alternate realities but rather to create alternate versions as well? Versions with enough differences to show the affects of different timelines.”
“A student, looking at one version,” Carrie took up the explanation, “could then look at another and see how certain actions or inactions could affect history. Or how people born at different times will turn out differently. We have a great example of that with Probabilities Four and Five.”
“Heroes appeared much earlier on Probability Five than they did on Four.” Kara nodded her understanding. “One world had the Justice Society while the younger world had the Justice League.”
“Exactly.” Karen said. “But because they appeared earlier, some of the heroes were not exactly the same people.”
“Jay Garrick and Alan Scott were the Flash and Green Lantern in the Justice Society.” Hal clarified, showing that he saw where this was going. “While Barry Allen and I were the Flash and Green Lantern of the Justice League. But Wonder Woman was the same person!”
“Not quite,” Kara shook her head. “There were differences…” She trailed off and motioned for the twins to continue.
“The problem is, the split that involved Probabilities One, Two, and Three was not a natural split. Nor, we believe, was it meant to be permanent.” Karen said.
“But it is possible the device malfunctioned.” Carrie added. “No wonder, considering how old it had to have been. It’s a wonder it worked at all. But after splitting the worlds, it fused…unable to finish its purpose.”
“It wasn’t able to put the worlds back together.” Karen nodded. “So we have three worlds that have no anchors…no real history of existence.”
“And that brings us to these!” Carrie pointed to a third portion of the graph. “At first look, they might not appear to be more than bounce back waves.”
“I take it they aren’t.” Jenny said, trying to hasten the girls along.
“No, they aren’t.” Karen shook her head and paused for a moment, as if trying to decide how to describe them. “In extremely simplistic terms, they resemble two distinct bow waves that are starting to overlap. On top of that, they are not small scale. If our hunch is correct, these…bow waves…are universal in scale.”
“Bow waves?” Rogue looked around at the others.
“Not a boating person, I see.” Hal spoke up. “When a vehicle moves through the water, the water directly in its path is pushed forward and to the sides. The effect is similar to flight, as well. It’s why ships have narrow bows. A blunt bow would simply push that water ahead of them, creating more resistance.”
“Exactly.” Karen nodded.
Standing back and watching, Kara could not help but notice that these two girls…no, young women, were nothing like the uncertain teens she and Rogue had taken in so long ago. Though they might appear to still be in the late teens, both were closing in on the quarter century mark. She could not help but realize, as well, that these two were a hell of a lot more confident in themselves, without being over confident, than she had been at that age. For the first time, Kara was seeing her adopted daughters not as teens needing her guidance, but rather as capable young women. Heroes in their own right. She also noted Chas and Alysa, who had accompanied the twins when they transferred down to Oa from the fleet in orbit, were watching the twins with more than a bit of interest. It was probably the first time either of them has seen the Twins in their intellectual modes rather than muscle modes.
“I don’t think I am going to like where this is going.” She spoke up, drawing attention to her. “Correct me if I am wrong. If those are bow waves, as you say, then doesn’t it follow that there is something behind those waves causing them?”
“You’re joking, right?” Rogue looked back and forth between Kara and then girls. “Seriously, what object could be big enough to cause universe-sized bow waves?”
“Another universe?” Arisia offered in the silence that followed.
Karen indicated the over lapping waves and shook her head.
“Two universes.” Carrie was the one that answered.
“Okay, our problems just got a hell of a lot more complicated.” Kara announced.
The group had retired to a conference room and had been joined by two Guardians, Ganthet and Shandara, as well as Tony Stark, Barbara Gordon-Stark, Koriand’r, and a holographic representation of Motherboard that sprang from the Sorority ring Alysa wore.
“I have verified the findings of Karen and Carrie.” Motherboard informed them. It had been a matter of slight amusement when it took Motherboard a couple of hours to accomplish what had taken the twins only a matter of moments. “It does appear that two separate universes are attempting to manifest themselves within the space and time occupied by Probability Three.”
“This may sound a bit callous,” Babs spoke first. “But how will that affect the rest of the Multiverse? Or will it be localized with Probability Three?”
When the others looked at her, she shrugged.
“If Bruce were here, he would suggest we cut our losses and stay out of it.” She said. “Seriously, we may have a lot of power here, but this is way beyond us. Hell, we couldn’t do anything about it even if we called in help from Alterverse or the Inheritors.”
“I hate to say it, but if the effects were only localized in Probability Three, I would have to agree.” Jen responded. She gestured towards the twins. “But I have a bad feeling that these two are going to tell is it is worse than that.”
“It is.” Carrie nodded. She paused and then nodded, as if to herself. “Imagine a river. Flowing water will always take the path of least resistance as it makes its way to the ocean.”
“We believe that is exactly what is happening here.” Karen took up the explanation. “Using Hal’s help in accessing the Great Battery in Probability Three, we have been able to determine that, inoperative or not, the Probability Device is continuing to give off energy. Energy, it should be noted, that none of our current technology can even register. It barely even registers on scans done with the Great Battery.”
“That energy is not pulling those universes into Probability Three, it is merely creating a path of least resistance.” Carrie continued. “We ran some simulations with Motherboard. It might sound bad, but we were hoping that the effects would remain localized within Probability Three. They won’t.”
“We ran the simulations several times with slightly altered criteria.” Motherboard confirmed. “The results were the same each time. There were no alternate outcomes.”
“And what was that outcome?” Jennifer demanded.
“Complete and utter annihilation of both the incoming universes as well as the entire Multiverse.” Motherboard responded with out emotion. “With waves of destruction travelling outward that could, in all likelihood, cause considerable damage to both the Altervere and the Inheritor’s Continuverses.”
“Hold on.” Kara raised her voice to drown out the babble of voices that rose at Motherboard’s announcement. She paused, looking back and forth between the twins. Then she looked at the Guardian Shandra. “Can we get a message back to Earth with this information? Lex should be able to co-ordinate with Reed Richards and my father….Tell them what is going on and see if they can find out anything about these approaching Universes. We’ll leave that in their lap.” She then looked a Jenny. “This is still your show, Jen.”
“Gee thanks.” Jenny drawled. “I think we should also warn The Inheritors and the Alterverse while we are at it.”
“That, I am afraid, will not be possible.” Shandra-1 spoke up now. She looked extremely distressed. “We have been trying to contact our counterparts in both Continuverses since it became clear that the danger was greater than we surmised.” She shook her head. “We have not been able to make contact. It is like a barrier has covered the entire Multiverse, blocking us off from the rest of the Continuum!”
Jenny sat up straight in her seat and her eyes took on a vacant look that most knew to be a sign that she was communicating with the Mutliverse Star Heart. When her eyes closed, she slumped a bit and then shook her head as well.
“Shandra is right. If I had not been so preoccupied by this, I probably would have noticed.” She looked at Chas and Alysa. “From what the Star Heart believes, the Barrier fell over the Multiverse mere minutes after you were brought here from Alterverse.”
“You think we might have something to do with it?” Alysa demanded, unsure whether she should be insulted or not.
“No.” Jenny assured her. “I don’t believe so. What I think is that if Kent had waited even minutes more, he would not have been able to bring you to the Multiverse.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. When she reopened them, she looked at Kara. “I am open to suggestions.” She said. “This is beginning to escalate way out of hand.” She gestured towards Motherboard. “Whatever else we do, I’m sorry, but you don’t go.” She said. “I want you back on Earth working with Lex.”
“Affirmative.” Motherboard answered without emotion. “Might I inquire as to your reasoning?”
“Brainiac.” Jenny responded. “We rushed to do this and I think we overlooked the fact that, from all the information I have been able to get from Kara and others, this Brainiac is basically a super computer…with an uncanny knack of taking over other computers.” She held up a hand when Carrie opened her mouth protest. “Yes, I know that Motherboard is not a computer, girls. But we know she was created or formed or however you want to put it from a computer matrix. She can interface with computers effortlessly, merging her thoughts with that of the computers. We can’t take the chance that Brainiac won’t be able to reverse the process and take control of her.”
“It is a reasonable precaution.” Motherboard agreed. “I would suggest that you safeguard your fleet computers to prevent Brainiac from gaining control over them as well.”
“Already taken care of.” Babs spoke up. “Tony and I figured that Brainiac might be able to circumvent any technological safeguards, so we have Stephanie Strange putting magical safeguards in place. They should hold him out long enough to allow the ship crews to regain control.”
“Good.” Jenny nodded. She then thought a bit. “We won’t be transferring to the Probability Three Oa. We’ll open a portal here and transfer directly to Earth orbit. It would be impossible to intercept the fleet in open space, but we know where he is going and we can prepare for him. Perhaps we can take him out as he enters the outer system, before he gets into striking distance of Earth. That is what must of us will do, but the four of you will not be involved in that.” She pointed at The Twins, Chas, and Alysa. “You will have only one job. Find that Probability Device and see what you can do shut it off, destroy it, get it out of the Mutliverse, or whatever. Simply get it to stop making that ‘path of least resistance’ of yours.”
The girls nodded and Jenny turned to the others.
“Those ships are going to be sitting ducks in orbit so we’ll need to hold off any attacks while we get the crews and materials to the planet surface if needed or ported back here if not. The GLs can help there.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier for you to do it as Senturia?” Tony cut in.
“Senturia is, in this case, a last resort weapon.” Arisia answered. She was standing at Jenny’s side, one hand lightly resting on the green woman’s arm.
“She’s right.” Rogue put in. “I’ve noticed that they can hold the Senturia form indefinitely only as long as they are not expending energy.”
“And if we do, the more energy we use, the less time we can stay joined.” Jenny nodded. “And after separation, we’ll need time to recuperate. Time we won’t have. We’ll be using Senturia to create the portal to Probability Three, but we’ll be drawing most of the energy from the Great Battery and separating as soon as we arrive. We’re hoping that will offset our need for recovery time.”
“It was just a thought.” Tony grumbled.
“A good one.” Jenny assured him. “We’ll keep Senturia in reserve, but other than creating the portal in the first place, we won’t use her until we have no other options or we are sure that our down -time afterwards won’t be an issue.”
She turned to Rogue.
“I want you, Koriand’r and Carol Danvers to take charge of any Manhunters that come into range. You’ll coordinate their efforts. I’ll furnish Koriand’r and Carol with Life-support/communication rings like you have.” She turned to Kara. “I’m afraid I am going to need you down on Earth.” She said, watching closely to see if Kara protested. When she didn’t, Jenny continued. “No matter what else is going on, we are going to need to coordinate our efforts with their heroes and, believe it or not, you’re our best spokesperson.” She gestured to herself. “Arisia, Hal, and I will take charge of the GLs we’re bringing with us and hit Brainiac’s fleet.”
“This Brainiac has already taken into account the Green Lanterns, Jenny.” Kara countered. “His ships and weapons are yellow.”
“I’ve considered that.” Jenny nodded her understanding. “Remember that first hunter killer we took on? It did the same thing. I wasn’t able to hit it directly, but I was damned sure able to throw some big ass rocks at it. I imagine the GL’s are trained on how to get around that Yellow limitation as well.”
“They are.” Hal nodded. “We might not be able to use our energy rings on them directly, but we can manipulate non-yellow objects around them and turn them into weapons.”
“Exactly.” Jenny nodded again and then looked back at Kara. “You can bet your ass Brainiac has gathered or synthesized enough Kryptonite to take care of any Kryptonians that he might encounter and I don’t want you any where near that. We’ll detail some GL’s to police the area and prevent any Kryptonite from getting too close to you.”
“We have a lot of munitions aboard the fleet.” Tony said. “We can off load them when we arrive, before we head down to the surface. You might be able to use them.”
“A good idea.” Jenny nodded. “We’ll add those to our arsenal. She paused, looking at the twins, Chas, and Alysa and then nodded and looked back at Rogue. “You have to get these four out of the area and on their way. They have to find that device.” She held up a hand when Carrie opened her mouth to protest. “I know you two can take care of yourselves. But we can’t take any avoidable risks. Without Motherboard, you four are our only hope to do something with that Device. Without you, all the rest is meaningless. You HAVE to get to that device and we will do whatever we have to do to give you the best and quickest chance to do that. Understand?”
All four girls nodded, their eyes somewhat wide as the true importance of their task settled on their shoulders.
“That’s it, people.” Jenny proclaimed. “We’ll fine tune if needed when we arrive and actually see the situation. Let’s get ready to go.”
“I do not believe that to be a wise decision at this time!”
Everyone whirled as a new voice spoke up from outside the conference room. To say that they were surprised when Kent Nelson of Alterverse entered the room would be an understatement.
“I am sure you are aware of the Barrier that blocks Multiverse from the rest of the Continuum.” He began without preamble. “I have forced a temporary hole. I must ask you to hold off on your attack, Jennifer Walters.” He took a breath. “We and the Inheritors are aware of what is going on here and you will have help, but first I must take these four from you.” He indicated The Twins, Chas, and Alysa. “They are needed else where immediately! You may continue on your mission and I will transfer them and the rest of Sorority to Probability Three to carry out your mission for them as soon as they put out a fire.”
And without another word, the Wizard was gone…and with him…the Twin, Chas, and Alysa!
To be Continued……..
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2012 by Dylan Clearbrook (Revised/Rewritten 2014)
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.
-- Otherverse, Multiverse, Primalverse. and Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes,
-- as depicted in the Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse, The Inheritors and Rising Starr, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- Wasteland, The Sorority, and Otherverse 2.0, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds
-- are original creations of Nomad (Jake H.).
-- The Realm and The Web of Shadows, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G./ Andrew Shields respectively.
-- DCM: The Merging, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- is an original creation of Chip Caroon and the stories therein remain
-- the property of the respective writers.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, John P., DTO, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.