It was standard procedure. For countless millennia on end, the Kayzik had used it as a tried and true method to propagate their control.
Were the Kayzik evil? The question has no meaning when applied to the Kayzik. Evil and good are only, after all, frames of reference. Frames of reference the Kayzik, for the most part, lacked. To the Kayzik, good and evil boiled down to “is it good for the hive?”
And so, as per standard operating procedure, a new queen was hatched and instantly expelled from the Home universe. Slipped through a mystical portal into another Probability or even a different continuum. Nothing personal against the current inhabitants of that probability, just insuring the survival of the species. The new queen was thrust through the portal and promptly forgotten, allowed to survive and thrive or wither and perish on her own, unknown and un-mourned. In this particular incident, however, the little queen’s survival or destruction was postponed…extensively!
There was no rhyme or reason to the positioning of the portals. Beyond the barest of safeguards, designed to protect the Home Universe, the new queen was shoved through, regardless of what may lie on the other side. Whether it was in the deepest reaches of the gulfs that spanned the distances between galaxies or the center of a galactic core, it didn’t matter. To carefully calculate where the portal would open would be costly. In comparison, a new queen was relatively cheap.
The portals were…programmed (not the exact method but close enough)…NOT to open in the center of solid objects, or within the heart of a burning star. This was only common sense. Such an event would prove disastrous, as the resulting explosion on both sides of the portal would be catastrophic.
Of course, there was always the possibility that a portal would open in an area that, only moments earlier, were clear but suddenly weren’t. Such occurrences must have happened in the past since there were now safeguards regarding such an incident.
Released within a new Probability, within a new sector, the New Queen immediately set out to perform her assigned task. However, the transference into this particular universe had warped her in ways the Old Queen in the home Probability could not imagine. Her task, originally, was the subjugation of a new Probability. Now, however, her warped mind sought only its complete and total destruction!
“Kara, don’t you think its time to bring the twins home?”
Rogue, with Kara, was putting the finishing touches on their new Fortress.
Unlike the Colorado Fortress in Otherverse, this area was not as…depopulated.
So they had decided on a different direction. This Fortress would be their home…and from the outside it would appear to be no more than that: a truly elaborate home built in the seclusion of the wood.
It would draw power from the local power company. A well had been dropped for water and a septic system involving three tanks and lateral lines had been installed for sewage. All in accordance with local regulations.
Beneath the elaborate one story ranch, however, it was another story.
A grand complex had been carved out beneath the home by Kara and Rogue. Crews from both Stark Industries and LexCorps had been snuck in to install supports and equipment.
A special entrance and exit tunnel had been carved into one of the many cavern systems that ran deep in the ground and exited out into the vast lake that bordered the home on the east side.
It was obvious that what was now a lake had been, at one time in the far distant past, the mouth of a now dormant volcano. And, similar to Lake Tahoe in Nevada, had depths that had yet to be explored.
With the help of Tony Stark, they had furnished the Fortress and would soon be bringing the computer and security systems online. Then the process of transferring New Kandor from the Antarctic Fortress to this one would begin.
“Probably so.” Kara agreed. “I’ve been talking to Charles Xavier, and I think maybe we should enroll them in his school. I seem to recall they liked it in your home world.”
“They did.” Rogue agreed and then pointed a paintbrush at Kara, unintentionally splattering her with blue paint. “Ooops. Sorry. But just remember, they liked the school, but they hated being left out.”
“Well, it’s not like we’ll be in another reality, this time.” Kara frowned, wiping the smear of blue on her cheek and merely making the mess worse.
Continuum Part 1
After their impromptu interview with Lucy Lane and the following appearance before the Council of the UEG, Kara and Rogue had enjoyed instant celebrity status around the world.
With most people.
President Golder had made it clear that she distrusted both of them and considered them part of a plot by Lex Luthor to ruin her administration.
“In other words, you’ve stolen her thunder.” Mercy had told them, smiling. “Golder has always enjoyed being the most admired or feared person on the planet. You’ve taken that away from her and she probably won’t take it lying down.”
“Watch her.” Lex had warned. “She was elected by a very small majority…and evidence later suggested that it was entirely possible that the election was rigged…that she didn’t even win a significant part of the minority. She is power hungry and will do anything she has to do to stay in power and to strengthen her power base. I believe she would do away with elections in the future and crown herself the Queen of Earth if she thought she could get away with it.”
After the council meeting, the two Kryptonian women had spent the next two weeks zipping around the world and even made trips to the terraforming stations on Mars and Venus.
During that time, the work crews had cut a gravel road from the nearest blacktop and the construction of the new fortress had begun.
“You’ll have visitors.” Stephanie had warned them. She had, they discovered, transferred her medical practice to Denver. Not extremely close, but not all that far either. A two-hour drive at most. “So if you desire to maintain any form of a secret identity, then you’ll have to make sure no one sees you coming or going as anything other than what you want them to see.”
So now the two women, both wearing brown wigs, jeans, and shirts, had moved in as Linda and Marie Danvers.
Together, the two had driven a Jeep Cherokee (American Motors being one of the first auto companies to bounce back after the invasion and one of the few to start integrating the new technology into its vehicles) into the nearest little town and set up a PO box at the small post office (mail delivery in these parts was scarce), set up a joint account in the local bank, and generally made themselves known.
At first there were a few stares, but true to what Sue and Stephanie had told them, most people these days, even after seventeen years, had more to worry about than who another person was in love with.
The last trip to town had been to the hardware store to pick up paint.
“This is ridiculous.” Rogue muttered as she dipped her brush into the pan. “From world-class hero…to house painter.”
“I actually enjoy it.” Kara smiled. She was using a roller to paint the walls while Rogue used a brush to do trimming. “I …”
Whatever Kara had been about to say was cut off as the rings she and Rogue wore…the rings Jenny had given them before she and Lar had left for Oa…sprang to life.
Both shot out thick tendrils of green energy that connected and then flared to form a life-sized image of Jenny!
“Kara! Rogue!” The image began instantly and both women could hear the concern in Jenny’s voice. “We need your help!”
“We’re here Jenny. What is …” Kara began and then stopped as the image continued. It was not a live conversation. What they were seeing was a message Jenny had sent.
“We have a problem in what the Guardians call sector 2815. A major problem. Soon after Lar and I arrived…”
The message continued to paint a grim word picture.
Something had happened in two sectors of space that, had the Green Lantern Corps been aware, would have called for instant, total response. Yet no word had ever come to the Guardians. And now sector 2828, adjacent to 2815 but not yet incorporated into the Green Lantern Sphere of influence, much like the sector in which Earth resided…Sector 2814, was lifeless!
“Kara, whatever destroyed 2828 has followed the refugees into sector 2815.” The image paused. “We received a mayday from the Green Lantern of 2815. I should say I received the message. The Green Lantern of 2815 insisted that she has been screaming for help for the past three weeks. Three weeks, Kara. That is how long whatever is causing the destruction has been in sector 2815. In that time most of the sector has been destroyed…including the Graxos system…the home system of the 2815 Lantern. There are refugees and they are fleeing towards Sector 2814 at this moment, with the Green Lantern, Arisia, leading the refugees from 2815 and Princess Koriand’r leading the refugees from sector 2828.” The image paused again.
“Kara, they will reach Sector 2814 in less than a day. The Guardians are declaring an emergency and calling in Green Lanterns from all over to deal with this…but we will not be able to get there in time. Can you buy us that time?”
Minutes later, safely out of Earth’s gravity well, Kara and Rogue entered Hyperspace!
“This is just a little too close for comfort.” Rogue muttered.
At the moment, the two women were rapidly approaching the break out point…the point where they would leave hyperspace and drop back into regular space and once again be bound by the laws of physics that said no solid object could move faster than the speed of light. A theory Kara had never agreed with until she was made to realize that she had never truly traveled faster than the speed of light…she had merely entered hyperspace. That had merely given her the illusion of traveling faster than light…by many orders of magnitude…when hyperspace was merely another way of traveling from point A to point B in a short amount of time…without actually traveling the space between the two points!
“I agree.” Kara replied. “Much too close. Okay. Time to break out…now!”
The two dropped out of hyperspace…into the middle of Hell!
“What in Rao’s name…?” Kara gasped.
Two massive space fleets moved through space, sliding ever closer to each other, death and destruction leaping out and filling the ever-diminishing distance between them.
As the women watched, small fighter craft erupted from both fleets, streaking towards one another to swirl and dance to a melody of destruction.
Rogue started forward, stopped by Kara’s hand on her shoulder. The blonde pointed out a gaggle of ships of various shapes and sizes speeding away from the point of conflict.
“The refugees.” The blonde Kryptonian told her, though it was not hard to see that she was not happy with the decision herself. “They are our first priority. Besides, we don’t know which side is which.”
Rogue clenched her fists at her side, her lips tight, knowing that each flare of light, each soundless explosion meant people, living entities, be they human or not, were dying.
As she watched, something about one of the fleets nagged at her mind, tugging at some elusive memory.
The combatants were, ship for ship, fairly equally matched. Yet while the ships of one fleet were sleek and slender, and colored a uniform gray, the ships of the other were bulbous affairs, seemingly modules thrown together in haphazard fashion, and all were colored a brilliant metallic gold!
Her eyes narrowed as she noted that the beams that flashed forth from this fleet, slashing and occasionally destroying ships of the gray fleet, were bright gold as well.
With her telescopic vision activated, she zoomed in as one vessel belched forth a stream of missiles, each and every one the same gold as the mother ships.
“Kara…” She began, hesitantly, then stopped. Her telescopic vision had picked up something!
She knew that it had been rumored, back in Kara’s days, that super-powered Kryptonians could use their telescopic vision to look in on events happening galaxies or even dimensions away. She wished now that were the case. As it was, it was a rumor no more true than the one that Kryptonians could survive forever in the vacuum of space without having to breathe. The truth was that they could last for several hours, perhaps a day…but no longer. Super-powered they might be, but they were still biological creatures with the same needs as any other biological creature. They needed to sleep, to eat, and to breathe! And as for the telescopic vision…obviously those that had started such ludicrous rumors had no inkling of the vast distances involved in their fanciful exaggerations.
True, in the vacuum of space, her vision was greater than it would be if she standing on the surface of a planet, having to look through the obscuring atmosphere.
Still, at this distance, she had barely been able to see the shape and color of the missiles being launched. There was no way she would have noticed a much smaller figure amid all that carnage.
Until, that is, she saw the bright green flare!
She could not see the figure, but now that she knew where to look, she could see the green energy tail it left in its wake as it weaved and dodged through the gold beams that flashed out again and again in its direction.
“Kara.” She began again. “I think I can tell which are the bad guys!”
“The Golden Fleet.” Kara nodded. “Makes sense. They would know that the Corps is powerless against that fleet, at least directly.”
“Something Hal Jordan once told my cousin.” Kara explained. “Whenever he came up against a foe that used yellow against him, he would have to use his power indirectly against that foe. An example would be picking up a non-yellow object and throwing it at the opponent. The yellow might stop the Lantern Energy, but it would have no effect on the laws of physics nor stop that non-lantern energy object!” She frowned and looked at Rogue. Something in Rogue’s tone of voice finally registered, telling her that Rogue had not come to the same conclusion about the Golden Fleet in the same manner she had.
“Use your telescopic vision.” Rogue pointed. “I think there is a Green Lantern in the middle of all that mess.
Even as Kara did as Rogue instructed, they saw a yellow beam lash out and strike the head of the green trail, sending it flaring on an erratic course.
“Not today.” Rogue muttered. She leapt forward, moving at super speed, her eyes glued to the energy trail. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kara streaking in at her side.
Even at super speed, it took them a few minutes to close the distance enough that, with their telescopic vision, they could see the figure at the head of the green trail. Surprisingly, to Rogue at least, the figure was blonde, dark golden skinned humanoid female, in a standard GL uniform. Spinning out of control, obviously unconscious. As they neared, they both noted the rings they wore began to glow brighter.
“They sense a Green Lantern.” Kara guessed. “They may be trying to bolster her ring.”
“Why…ugh!” Rogue’s question was left unasked as a beam of golden light struck her from the side, sending her tumbling, barely missing Kara as she passed.
“That hurt!” She exclaimed angrily, shocked. Kara frowned and dodged another beam.
“Are you okay?” She demanded.
“Yeah, it just stung a bit.” Rogue replied, once again falling onto formation with Kara. “Surprised the hell out of me, though.”
“Mmmm.” Kara didn’t like the implications. They: herself, Rogue, Lar, and the twins, were damned near invulnerable; able to dive into the heart of most stars and feel nothing more than a warm tickle. So either these blasts were immensely more powerful or, somehow, during the transfer from Otherverse to this new Probability, their powers had been diminished. Or…”Rogue, these beams may be laced with Kryptonite!”
“…which would mean these guys have gone up against Kryptonians before!”
“Not necessarily.” Kara countered. “They could simply have discovered that Kryptonite makes an excellent energy source.”
“Great.” Rogue drawled. “The thought that they accidentally stumbled across the one thing that can really hurt us makes me feels so much better. Shit!”
Rogue put on a burst of speed, reached the unconscious Green Lantern, wrapped her arms around the golden-skinned woman’s waist and kept moving. A fraction of a second later a golden beam slashed through the space the GL had occupied.
“Arisia of Graxos IV.” Kara commented as she caught up. “Her ring is about out of power. We have to get her somewhere…” She paused and then sped towards a tumbling wreck. A vessel from the Gray fleet. She activated her x-ray vision and scanned the wreck.
Though tumbling out of control, she could see that enough power remained in the vessel to maintain an atmosphere and an artificial gravity. A good thing!
Without that artificial gravity, the rate of spin would have generated enough G-forces to smash its crew into bloody pulps against the bulkheads. That crew was now working frantically, trying everything to regain control of their crippled ship. Kara gave them a hand.
Matching the tumble of the vessel, she flattened her body on the hull, choosing a place reinforced by the inner frame so that she would not simply bash in the hull. She then began to apply a slow, steady counter force. A braking action. Nothing too fast or hard. She wanted to stop the vessel from tumbling, not tear it apart nor cause it to break apart under the sudden strain. By acting as a steady brake, however, she was able to bring the vessel to a stop fairly quickly…relatively speaking.
“Rogue, bring her over here!” She called as she moved towards what she assumed was an air lock.
She gave the controls a quick once over and then shook her head. There was no way she was going to be able to decipher them in the time the Green Lantern had left. True, the controls were color coded, but there was no way of knowing whether these aliens used red, green and yellow for the same things Terrans did.
“Guess I’ll just have to knock.” She mused, pounding lightly on the hull near the airlock. She glanced up just as Rogue arrived with the Green Lantern. “Damn. See if you can get them to take her aboard!” She ordered.
“Hey!” Rogue spun around as Kara flashed away…streaking towards the Golden Fleet. “Kara! Wait! Damnit, don’t you try ….aw Hell! Damned hard headed…”
Kara smiled as Rogue’s curse trailed off into meaningless mumbles. The smile faded, however, as she concentrated on the task at hand.
A wing of golden fighters, swinging wide to avoid enemy fighters, was lining up for an attack run on the vessel she had just stopped from tumbling. She had not saved the ship, just to see it obliterated.
Curious, she activated her x-ray vision and scanned the lead fighter. What she found cause her to stop, dead in space, recoiling with atavistic horror!
These…these monsters were not human!
To Kara, a being familiar with a myriad of life forms from countless planets, the term Human meant more than just a declaration of physical attributes. Among all those races of people, the word, in their languages, they used to refer to themselves, always…always translated to Human.
These…things could not possibly…She shuddered, unable to complete the thought.
Her first inclination had been to try to disable the fighters without endangering the pilot if possible. That, she realized now, would not be possible at all. These…creatures…didn’t simply pilot their fighters. They WERE their fighters!
Protoplasmic blobs incased in gold metallic spheres. Having lived the first fifteen Kryptonian years of her life (approximately 31 Earth years) among the high tech of Argo City and then having visited the 30th century on many occasions, Kara understood instantly what she was seeing. Those spheres were the cores of their ships. The brain that could be removed and inserted into another mechanized body at will.
And now, as if in response to her scrutiny, Kara felt a wave of hatred, almost physical in its intensity. She assumed it was coming from the lead craft.
And more than hatred, Kara realized, her entire body shuddering with horror. These…things…were broadcasting their hunger!
It was not telepathy, not as she had experienced it in the past. But rather a form of…glamour. They were trying to manipulate her! Trying to instill terror. And yet, they were telling the truth. To them, she was simply a source of food. No, not food. They fed upon life energy and the greater the life energy they fed upon, the stronger they would grow!
These monsters had not swung wide, avoiding other combat simply to take out one crippled enemy vessel! They were after her and Rogue!
Kara shook her head, casting off the clumsy attempt of manipulation. As she did this, as the contact faded, she felt a sense of astonishment, of total disbelief. As if whoever or whatever was behind the glamour could not believe its power was not working on this stubborn Kryptonian!
All in all, the attempt did have an effect on Kara. Not only did it give her an insight into what she was facing…it also succeeded in royally pissing her off!
Without hesitation, Kara activated her heat vision and briefly ‘touched’ the lead craft. She was not really surprised when nothing happened.
Fighters were designed to take a beating, their shields and plating constructed to withstand a certain amount of punishment from lasers and missiles. As powerful as her heat vision might be, it could not hope to penetrate those shields.
“Okay, we do it the hard way.” Kara’s anger and disgust had cooled, becoming a cold, calculating rage. Clasping her hands together over her head, she dove at the lead fighter.
“Kara!” Rogue, her attention split by the necessity of keeping an eye on Kara and the incapacitated Green Lantern, watched in dismay as Kara leapt to attack.
She turned to pound on the air lock again, just as it began to slide open.
Moving quietly she shoved the Green Lantern in and started to back away, stopping when she felt a hand on her arm. The Green Lantern…Arisia, Kara had called her...her pain filled eyes open, her mouth working as she struggled to speak, her ring translating the words.
“Stop them…they don’t belong…cause instability!”
“What kind of instability? What are you talking about?” It was no use, Arisia had lapsed back into the darkness of unconsciousness. “Great. Just great.”
She looked up, nodding at the cat like faces that peered through the port on the other side of the air lock’s inner hatch, and backed out, waiting until the outer hatch slid completely shut and pressurization began.
She turned just in time to see Kara dive through a golden fighter. Something Kara had discovered, something Rogue could not herself see, had caused Kara to hold nothing back in her attack on the Golden fighters.
Rogue knew, after that first incident in Otherverse, the first time Kara had knowingly, willingly killed an opponent, that her chosen mate would always have issues concerning the taking of another being’s life. Yet she knew that Kara had grown. She now understood that times would arise when the use of deadly force was not only an acceptable solution: but the only solution!
Now, as she looked around, she could see expanding clouds of quickly cooling debris that showed that this would be the third fighter Kara had taken out.
Rogue moved as a second fighter swooped in, trailing Kara. Though only mildly worried, she kicked it into high gear, reaching the fighter even as it cut loose with a wide, red beam. She didn’t even slow. If Kara saw a reason for total destruction, that was enough for her.
She felt a little resistance as she passed through the fighter’s force shields and then through the ship itself. Behind her, she left a blossoming ball of fire that quickly began to cool in the vacuum of space.
In as many minutes, fifteen fighters were nothing more than expanding clouds of cosmic dust. Of the entire wing, only the fighter Rogue had first destroyed had gotten off a shot.
“That,” Kara stated as the two paused to catch their breaths, “was a Red Sun energy beam. You were right. These people have fought Kryptonians before.” Rogue nodded and then told Kara what Arisia had said.
“That fits.” Kara mused. “‘They don’t belong’. And the fact that they have weapons developed to battle Kryptonians, in a place where no Kryptonians have ever existed, proves that they must have come from another Probability.”
“They had to have come from some other probability in this new Continuum!” Rogue concluded. Kara looked at her and waited for her to continue. “Remember what your father and Reed Richards said? (see the Otherverse story “Crisis Revisited” by Jake H. and Dylan Clearbrook). When that ripple hit, Otherverse and that other Probability, that Alterverse, and countless others, were shuffled into a new Continuum.” Kara looked at Rogue in surprise and Rogue reddened slightly. “Hey, I might not have been brought up with all the fancy hi tech stuff you were, but I’m not ignorant!”
“No one said you were, Love.” Kara laughed. “But you are probably right. These things couldn’t have come from this Probability or from Otherverse. Hell, they could have even come from that Alterverse for all we know.”
“Okay, enough.” Rogue shook her head. “You’re giving me a headache.” She turned serious. “But what did she mean by ‘cause an instability’?”
Kara’s answer would have to wait. The battle, still raging around them, was not going to wait while they paused and chatted.
While they had battled the wing of fighters, the larger battle had grown worse for the Gray fleet. More ships hung dead in space, drifting lifelessly, others had disappeared altogether, while still others, too badly damaged to fight one, began frantic evasive maneuvers, trying to break off and retreat.
Rogue started forward and then stopped as Kara stiffened beside her.
She was staring intensely at the golden fleet. At one vessel in particular.
“Something is not right here.” She mused. “Earlier, someone or something tried to manipulate my mind. I thought it was coming from one of the fighters we destroyed. Now I am not so sure. In fact, I think whoever, or whatever it was, is on that ship. And that person or thing is coordinating this entire affair.”
“Then we take that ship out.” Rogue put action to words and sprang away, speeding towards what had to be the largest ship in the Golden Fleet. Most likely the Flag Ship. She knew she should wait and do this right, with both of them taking the ship out, but hearing that someone or something had tried to mess with Kara’s mind had angered her. The last thing Kara needed, just as she had gotten her mind together, was to have some one else mucking around in it.
“No! She mustn’t!”
Kara spun around at the voice, surprised to find no one in her vicinity. The Green Lantern! Arisia was contacting her via the ring she was wearing!
“The Kayzik Queen is aboard that ship! She is insane, stranger! She is playing with energies that she cannot comprehend or control in this probability! If that ship is destroyed and those energies released, it could cause an interspatial rift!”
“ROGUE!” Kara yelled and charged forward, going from a complete stand still, drifting in space, to a speed that would have done Barry Allen proud in a fraction of a second. And she was already too late.
Rogue had not wasted time searching for a control room or bridge. She had used her x-ray vision long enough to identify what had to be the engine room and that was now her target. She had heard the Green Lantern’s words, yet they had not registered on her consciousness. All around her, ships of the Gray fleet were dying and if destroying this monster ship would put an end to what was rapidly becoming a rout for the Gray fleet, then she was going to destroy it!
She activated her x-ray vision again and pinpointed what she assumed to be the main core in the engine room and dove, her arms outstretched over her head as if she were diving into a pool of water, her hands clinched into fists.
Yet even as she punched through the shields and began to slice through the hull, Kara’s hands grasped her ankles!
Perhaps they could have made it. Perhaps they could have smashed through the giant ship, emerging on the other side to fly clear. Or perhaps not. Perhaps the slight drag of Kara’s belated attempt to stop Rogue had nothing to do with it.
Cracked and smashed, the vessel’s core went critical almost instantly, energy streaming forth. The flagship exploded, becoming for a brief instant a new star that, thousands of years later, would flare briefly in the skies of some far off world and then disappear forever.
Those ships closest to the flagship, gold and gray alike, were vaporized instantly, though the toll was heaviest among the gold fleet.
It wasn’t over yet, however. Whatever energies the insane Queen had been tampering with interacted with energies released by the exploding core.
The expanding cloud of glowing debris stopped and, ever so slowly at first, began to fall back in on itself. Swirling, spinning, it picked up speed, creating a virtual vortex.
Those furthest away could only watch in stunned horror as ships disabled by the initial explosion suddenly found themselves being sucked into the massive implosion.
There was no bright flash, no sudden flare to signify the event. It was simply…over.
The ravaged Gray fleet and the remnants of the Gold fleet were still, all hands amazed and aghast at the destruction they had just witnessed.
Of those ships sucked into the vortex of the flagship’s implosion, of the flagship itself, nothing remained. Nothing. There was no debris, no telltale signs of radiation: nothing. All those ships were simply…gone.
Shaken, Arisia gathered herself together and sent a full report back to Oa, noting as she did, that the two super-powered strangers who had saved her life, were gone as well!
Of Kara and Rogue…there was no trace!
End of Continuum part 1
The adventures of Kara and Rogue Continue in
The Realm / Multiverse Crossover:
An Unexpected Rescue
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by Dylan Clearbrook
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric.
-- The Otherverse and The Multiverse, as depicted in the
-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.