From her perch outside of time and space, Lorra watched the events unfold. So much she wanted to tell her children—so badly she wanted to warn them. This…new Multiverse that had suddenly appeared…that threatened to do so much damage. She knew its secrets, but could not relay them.
But she had gathered her players, players Qward had underestimated. Four reflections of Kara Zor-El…The Multiverse Sentinels…The Sentinel and Shazam Wizard of Alterverse…Four reflections of Dr. Fate…and two different reflections of Superman. And more…so much more.
Lorra had stacked the deck. But could even her best fight such a hopeless battle and win?
She heard him breathe and felt the warmth of his body. The almost gentle flow of air in and out of his diaphragm. As she began to awaken, Faith Powers Scott reached out to scratch his ears. He continued to sleep soundly…all was right in his world…for now.
Faith gently eased away from him and smiled. She and Dawn shared their sleeping quarters with her cat. Nothing too unusual about that…
Unless the cat is an adult male cougar…
How she missed the simple pleasures of hunting her own dinner with her crossbow…back when she, Ray Palmer, and Dawn Allen had been the only permanent human residents of the wood. Back before the power and the responsibility for that power. Back before she had any inkling of her true identity.
Back when she had only been the Huntress of Huntress’ Wood.
She quickly dressed, brushed her raven-colored hair, and moved towards the entrance to their small tree house. Old habits died hard…she fired her grappling hook into a nearby tree and used it to swing down to the cave openings below. She retracted the line and smelled coffee. Dawn Allen handed her a cup and vanished before Faith could do more than smile at her.
As she walked in to the main console, a pregnant Barbara Gordon looked up at her and related their current status. “Good morning, sleepy-head. We’ve been busy around here.”
“Do tell…” Faith’s mother’s accent crept out.
“Alanna is jumping between universes, coordinating with the Rock of Eternity.” Barbara continued. “…she says she should be in the MV-1 universe about 1230 our time. And Sam contacted Dr. Fate. Will Batson will be ready when it’s time to go. Kara is spending a little time with Scooter before the gathering. She’s clearly worried.”
Barbara noted Faith’s answering nod. “And your calls have been returned. John Stewart will be on planet just before you leave and the Corps will tighten their coverage. The Guardians and the Myrg Alliance want you to know that they’ve got your back—Earth will be protected.”
“That is at least some consolation I guess.” Lois Lane Kent entered the room. “Kiddo, this whole thing has Sam pretty well spooked.”
“He isn’t the only one.” Faith admitted. “To tell you the truth, I couldn’t figure out whether they came to recruit us or lecture us…or both… I could not help but think that if I had a power ring, they would have put training wheels on it and handed me a sticker that said ‘Beware: Student Superhero’…”
Lois and Barbara looked at Faith and then each other and began to laugh.
“Caution…student driver…” Lois chuckled. She sobered quickly. “Kiddo, it’s not what you think.” She glanced at Faith. “We had a long talk with Kara Gand this morning. She sensed the same thing you and Sam did. But she understands why.”
“Look at it from their point of view.” Barbara stated. “They are the best of their generation…the Justice League of their existence…guided by an almost omnipotent creature of unbelievable power—the Multiverse Starheart. And that creature is at a loss. It is having to rely on Kent Nelson. And Kent specializes in magic…their weakness.”
Faith shook her head. “And Kent is less than straight-forward. The last time Kent and I went anywhere together, he threw me into battle against a Starheart without telling me how I was supposed to win.” (Inheritors’ Chapter 9: Starchild’s Gift, Part 2).
“But you won.” Barbara noted. “And you proved yourself to Kent and the Alterverse team.”
“But you haven’t proved yourself to them: the heroes of Multiverse and the Realm.” Barbara continued. “To them, you, Sam, and to some extent Alanna, would be an untested group of Teen Titans…junior sidekicks…Kara Zor-El would see you as the pre-crisis Jade. And Jennie-Lynn was a sweet girl, but not a particularly bright one. From what Kara said, in your powered form, you look just like her.”
“And with all their power…this was the task that Kent gave them: to recruit three kids, a Doctor Fate they never saw, and Kara Zor-El’s duplicate. Arisia has spent time here, but the rest of them haven’t.”
“Point…” Faith admitted. “I had not looked at it that way.”
“Our team needs to show them just why Kent sent them here. Kiddo, respect has to be earned.” Lois advised. “So, earn it.”
“Faith, Ray is waiting for you.” Barbara advised. “Get ready for another physics lecture. Same lecture Sam got this morning.”
Faith shrugged and walked towards the cavern containing Ray’s study. “…at least he’s never sicced a Starheart on me…” She stopped long enough to take another sip of coffee.
“Not to mention the Justice League…now, what game is Kent really playing…” Faith pondered thoughtfully and resumed her walk.
She walked through the different rooms of the satellite to orient herself. Not a tall woman, she appeared to be about eighteen years old—until you looked into her eyes…eyes that had seen more than 90 years. Instantly befriending the younger heroes, she kept them in line with gentle, but ruthless efficiency.
The Twins may have been Kryptonian/Colu hybrids, but they did not possess the wisdom of Solomon and the wit of Mercury.
But Mary Marvel did. And Kent Nelson was more than grateful for it. After meeting Kent at the Rock of Eternity, she had retrieved Kira Jor-El, the Alterverse Supergirl and Jeffrey Nelson, the Alterverse Dr. Fate. She would retrieve the Alterverse Sentinel, Alan Scott, after the recon into the mystery probability had begun. A meeting between Alanna and Alan Scott would be traumatic and, respecting Alanna’s request to Kent, they would hold it off as long as possible.
She watched as the Drs. Fate, Sherri Pennison of Otherverse, Victor Von Doom of The Realm, and Jeffrey Nelson of Alterverse consulted with Kent Nelson. The two Multiverse Sentinels seemed to be in constant communication with the Starheart, but it related very little more than they already knew. Mary sensed that the creature was somewhat uncomfortable with the full gathering of heroes not under its guidance. She wondered if Lord Ian was sitting in his citadel, cataloguing all of them…watching for their vulnerabilities.
Kara Zor-El, the elder, and Rogue In-Zee coordinated with the Kandorians while Lar Gand looked on. Mary was not looking forward to the meeting between Kara Gand and Lar Gand.
The Twins were preparing to give the Earth-2 Power Girl and the younger Kara Zor-El a tour of their world. Lar Gand and Kira Jor-El would go with them, just in case…
Unlike Multiverse Earth-2, Earth-1 had access to the Great Portal. Mary planned to meet the Inheritors…just as soon as Alanna arrived, they would come.
She felt arms grab her from behind. A familiar hug, Mary allowed it. “Hello Alanna. Or do you prefer Lannie?”
“Lannie.” Alanna smiled as Mary turned to face her. A tall woman, Lannie looked down on her grandfather’s first cousin. Mary looked up into the blue eyes, blonde hair, and pale skin for the first time.
“It’s quite a change.” Mary admitted. “Even more so in your powered form.”
Alanna sensed herself drawing strength from Mary…from an easy acceptance she had not expected.
“Alan will be here later, but we won’t leave you alone.” Mary reassured her. “Not unless you’re ready. You’ve been through a big change…your powers and appearance have altered and you’ve started a new life…and you can’t go back to the old one.”
“Thank you.” Alanna replied gratefully.
“And I don’t want to see Alan and Faith take to battle over you.” Mary grinned. “They’re supposed to help save another universe, not destroy this one!”
Alanna chuckled. “They’ll come through the Portal. Faith is conserving her strength. And…”
Mary Batson Garrick smiled. “And you want me to have a chance to meet the Inheritors’ Billy Batson before he arrives here. Thank you.”
“Quite frankly, I find your combinations of technology and mystic arts quite amazing.” Victor Von Doom admitted. “And I never expected to see so much power in one place. Our Realm has so little in technology.”
Kent nodded. “My world, as well. Most of our technology is alien and altered for our purposes. I’m having to adapt. But things will get a little easier for me when the Inheritors arrive.”
Kent smiled. “I sent a message. And I know how it will be received.” He chuckled. “This will be interesting.”
“You are an odd man.” Victor noted. “Very complex. And rarely what you seem. I like that.”
“Why thank you.” Kent replied. “I have learned not to underestimate my enemies. But I have also learned not to underestimate my allies.”
“Most wise.” Victor agreed. “Most wise, indeed.”
Kent Nelson entered and observed the throng of heroes from Alterverse, the Realm, and the Multiverse. Kara Zor-El, the elder, immediately addressed him.
“Are we ready, Magician? This waiting is wearing on my nerves.”
“Mine, too, Hon.” Rogue complained.
Another door opened into the room. Mary Marvel and Alanna entered with the Inheritors. Although not obvious to anyone else, Kara realized immediately that the Inheritors had disobeyed the instructions that Kent had given them to relay: more than five heroes entered from that realm.
Kara watched with interest for Kent’s reaction, but Kent smiled as he spotted them. “Nice to know that Oracle Prime is operating at its usual ruthless efficiency. And they sent their very best.”
The Inheritors made their way to Kent. Superboy was immediately recognizable, as was the Seeker, Alanna Scott, Kara Gand, and the costume of Dr. Fate. The Huntress, however, wore no costume at all. Barefoot, she wore jeans and a sweatshirt with a picture of her world’s Justice Society, with the lettering: ‘The Justice Society, the First, the Best!’ Her raven-colored hair lay draped half-way down her back—her appearance now pointedly not Jennie-Lynn Hayden’s. On her shoulder, rested a figurine…or what appeared to be a figurine to most, until it pointed at Kent.
Immediately, Kent began to laugh. The Huntress moved towards him, with the rest of the Inheritors in tow. The crowd parted to allow the unusually-dressed young woman through.
“‘Be there: the four of you, the Dr. Fate of your reality, and no others?’ Really, now, Kent.” The Huntress chided. “Message received.”
Jenny watched the scene with irritation, while Arisia began to laugh. Then Jenny realized what Kent had done: that he had sent a message through her that he expected to be ignored. Images of the sorcerer taking a bath in the sun flashed through her mind.
The miniature man expanded in size. Ray Palmer stood beside the Huntress.
“I am very pleased to introduce my Dad, Dr. Ray Palmer, the Atom.” The Huntress announced proudly to the audience. “…from whom I promise I did NOT inherit my sense of fashion!”
Ray Palmer blushed, but still placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Dr. Palmer, we need to talk with the Kandorians.” Kent interrupted. “Frankly, my expertise is sorcery, not science. And this mess will require expertise in both—your expertise is in interstellar and intergalactic physics. I have someone, I’d like you to meet…an android called the Vision. He’ll be helping today.” He then turned to the audience. “We’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”
Faith leaned back against Superboy. “Just enough time to meet the Twins…” She growled. “And I am sooolooking forward to the opportunity!”
Kara Zor-El bit her lip. This would be interesting…The young woman had obviously passed whatever test Kent had set for her. And now the Huntress had her own agenda. Kara knew her daughters had already spotted Samuel Clark Kent. Boy-hungry, they were doing a poor job of appearing uninterested. Kira stood near the twins, but looked as if she were planning to escape, perhaps to fly to inspect the remains of this probability’s Krypton. Then, Kira caught Lanie Kent’s eye. Lanie smiled mischievously and whispered to the younger Kara Zor-El.
The twins were about to meet the mountain cat…and the claws were out.
Kent had called in a small group. Kara Zor-El, the Multiverse Sentinels, the Drs. Fate, Ray Palmer, Alanna and Faith Scott, the Vision, and Mary Marvel. Kara had opened communications to her parents in Kandor, but no one else. The contents of this discussion would not be shared until the mission was over. Kent had seated them all around a large circular table and stood at the head of it. Behind him were the cameras the Kandorians viewed, as well as the screen displaying them. Ray Palmer stood immediately to Kent’s left, near a white-board.
The scent of coffee filled the air: Faith had poured a cup of coffee upon entering. Kara looked over at the Huntress with interest; she had not expected the subtlety and lack of malice with which the Twins had been handled. But then…this day had been full of surprises and more were coming. Kara watched Kent with a new appreciation…like Lord Ian, there was far more to the man than he ever let on.
“As I was saying…” Ray Palmer advised, “we have a basic understanding of how probabilities work, even if the science isn’t well defined. But, this one doesn’t operate the way we expect. It’s almost as if something has been done to it.”
“A probability bomb.” Kara coined the phrase.
“Exactly.” Kent advised. “Probabilities come into existence and exist until they vanish, on their own. They don’t impact other probabilities…not like this one has done. Already, it is leaking distortions into the nearest Multiverse probabilities.”
Ray interjected. “I can only theorize that something has gone horribly wrong inside that probability and…”
“…that someone outside the probability had a hand in it, undoubtedly Qward.” Zor-El finished for him. “This is ugly…worse than any problem we’ve seen before.”
“There are temporal and phase-shifting disruptions that make it impossible for us to examine it further.” Kent stated. “The Great Portal can’t get a fix on it. There is a branch of the Rock of Eternity within the probability, but we can’t connect to it. Something has blocked our access.”
“One more thing we have been able to determine.” Kent added. “It is a brand-new probability. That means that it has likely been split off from a time-line in another probability. If that is the case, we still have to get inside it, just to figure out where the splits occurred.”
Faith noted with discomfort the extreme interest the Otherverse and Realm Dr. Fates had taken in her. “And we do this, how?”
“Let me show you something.” Kent gestured. He created a hologram of the end of the primordial universe…of the scene at the beginning of time. Of exploding energy…
“This was the end of the primordial universe that sourced the Realm, the Multiverse, and your own universe.” Kent stated. “It had its very own beginning of time…what we call the Primordial Beginning of Time. Now watch…”
Kent copied the original image and held it off to the left. The image to the right exploded into millions of separate, but complete images. “An infinite number of universes, each with its own new, unique beginning of time. Each universe can be restarted without disrupting the others…except those with whom chronal abnormalities are shared…the space-time shred between AV, MV-1, and the Realm being one example. Everything within those probabilities remains uniquely within the probabilities unless a means is found to transit between them. The Primordial Beginning of Time is no more. Nothing remains from that time…except for one small, glaring reminder…a cosmic error that breaks more rules than I can count.”
A small, tiny burst of flame burst from the primordial death scene. A scene of a train wreck on a Wyoming mountain came into view. One man emerged, carrying a mystic lantern of power.
“And the legend began anew…even in a universe with no Starheart…but that was only the beginning.”
“But for the Mistress of the Emerald Fire,
Death is just a masquerade...”
“Last night, I finally figured out what that meant.” Kent smiled. “I said you were a re-incarnate. I was wrong.”
“Ah!...” Victor Von Doom noted. “It should not exist…but obviously does…”
A final, but much larger blast of flame targeted the Inheritors’ Earth. Most aimed towards the Wyoming mountain, but a small portion landed in a hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin…and a young girl’s cry sounded in the dark.
A flash of a young woman with a crossbow…a flash of the same young woman in fear for the girl she thought of as a sister…and the return of the primordial power…the fall of a blue-skinned woman from the sky…and the unseen battle within the Wood that followed…a dark destiny denied, Alanna Scott, the Shade had become Alanna Scott, the Seeker.
“There is a bit of primordial power within you.” Kent advised Alanna. “That’s why you can jump outside probabilities. And why your already strong psychic abilities strengthened so.”
“I’m not complaining.” Alanna smiled. “For the first time…I have a real future…”
“As well as the ability to find the way into that probability.” Kent noted.”
“Yes.” Alanna agreed. “I already have a fix on it.”
“And where the Seeker goes…the Huntress can follow.” Kent noted. “That was how Faith found this universe. She followed Alanna.”
“True.” Faith noted.
“It is a two-part gift.” Kent smiled with appreciation. “They have to work together for what we want to work. Alanna is absolutely invulnerable in her powered form. Faith doesn’t have the same guidance mechanism…but where Alanna goes, she can follow…and act.”
“You’re seeing exactly what you think you see.” He addressed the Drs. Fate. “Faith was regressed to start her new life in the Inheritors’ universe. But…the body is forged from the flames of creation…pure mystic matter.”
He smiled at Faith. “Your children will be human enough. Once something passes back through your shields, it becomes conventional matter. But, you are not.”
“Lovely.” Faith noted.
“But it does explain why your DNA makes no sense.” Ray noted. “And why you can’t be teleported.”
Kent looked to the Multiverse Sentinels. “What is important here is that the Scotts can transit a probability without being anchored within some part of it. As long as you remain within Faith’s outer shields, you will be safe enough. Just remember that the farther you wander from her, the more energy she must expend to keep those shields around you. And we need to conserve strength for the battle ahead.”
Jennifer Gand nodded. “The Starheart agrees. The four of us should make the first jump. Once we have an initial recon, we’ll go back in. Flameling, it’s your game.”
“Keep the coffee pot warm for me, Ray.” The Huntress smiled at him. “We’ll be back…the first of Many Happy Returns, I’m sure.” She signaled Alanna, who transformed into her powered angelic form and vanished. The Huntress transformed into her green, powered and uniformed form and then the Multiverse Sentinels and the Huntress were gone.
“Many Happy Returns…” Sherri Pennison remarked. “Why does that sound so ominous?
Kara Zor-El sensed an image of red skies.
Alanna Scott flashed into the probability. Immediately, her shields stepped up their protection. Looking around, she saw nothing that made sense….multiple images at once overlapping and separating. And a sense of a shade of red that should not exist.
Soon after, Faith and the Sentinels joined her. Faith peered into the multiple images and made some sense out of some part of it. She closed her eyes to a remembered pain.
“Crisis.” She announced. “The Starheart knew.”
“Crisis?” Alanna questioned. “Crisis on Infinite Earths?”
“Yes.” Faith confirmed. “But something else is here as well. I just don’t know what…”
“Oh God…Kara…” Jenny exclaimed. “Another Kara is supposed to die here.” She sighed. “That’s why Kara wasn’t picked for this mission…the Starheart wouldn’t allow her to come here until it knew for sure…”
“What now?” Arisia asked.
“Now?” Faith roused from her memories. “Now? We find someone we can trust…someone on the ground. Maybe the me I was.”
“Child, you are seriously disturbed.” Jenny sighed. Or are you?
“After all this time, I’m going home.” Faith remarked. “And it couldn’t be under worse circumstances.”
After the recon team departed, the conference room emptied. The sorcerers gathered in a small room with Kent Nelson.
Victor Von Doom cornered the elder sorcerer. “I sensed that you did not tell everything you knew about the Huntress’ Wood and the Flameling.”
“No, I did not.” Kent confirmed.
“Is there a reason?” Victor asked with intrigued curiosity.
Kent smiled warmly. “The young woman is a friend. Those mysteries are hers to uncover in due time. And this is not that time.”
“As you will.” Victor bowed graciously.
Ray Palmer listened to Zor-El while the elder Kara Zor-El watched.
“It’s getting worse, Dr. Palmer. Much more quickly than our models showed. Like there is a cancer eating it from the inside out. We are running out of time.”
“Unfortunately, all we can do is to await word.” Ray noted. “And hope we’ve got what it takes to help those who will really have to deal with this.”
“Aye.” Zor-El noted. “And that is one of the most helpless feelings of all.”
The Multiverse Lar Gand sought out the Inheritors’ Kara Gand, with help from Rogue In-Zee. While dreading the encounter with a woman who had been married to his missing doppelganger, Lar understood that it was inevitable. And if they were to be assigned to the same team, an inopportune reaction could be fatal. Which meant that avoiding Kara was not an option.
“Kara,” Rogue addressed Kara Gand, “we need to introduce you to Jennifer Gand’s husband, Lar.”
Kara turned and looked at Lar. Biting her lip, she said, “I’m honored to meet you, Lar Gand.”
“I know this isn’t easy for you.” Lar attempted to comfort Kara. “But…”
“No, it isn’t.” She confirmed. “But it is ‘necessary.’ You’re a good man, Lar, and Jennifer is a lucky girl. I should know.”
She turned from them and slowly walked away.
“Well, that went over like a ton of bricks.” Lar noted.
“Hon, did you expect anything else?” Rogue inquired.
“No...Yes…I don’t know, I guess I had at least hoped…” His eyes wandered over to where Kara Gand stood. She seemed to be waging a silent battle with herself.
Then, the battle seemed to be over…the sagging shoulders grew ram-rod straight…her entire carriage strengthened.
Kara turned around and walked back towards them. An unreadable look radiated from her eyes. What that emotion was, they could not say: but it did not appear to be self-pity.
“Let’s try that again…” Kara commanded. “My name is Kara Gand. I am the mother of three children, of whom I could not be more proud. After fifteen years of honorable service, I have left the Green Lantern Corps to join the best damned team my universe ever put together. And you are?”
To everyone’s stunned surprise, Alanna flashed into the room alone.
“Lannie?” Will Batson, the Inheritors’ Dr. Fate asked. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, I think so…” Alanna answered quickly. “Kent, Faith has changed the game plan. You’ll be seeing me every so often.” She sighed.
“Alanna?” Kent asked. “What is it?”
“It’s the universal crisis, Kent: the Crisis of Infinite Earths.” She related. “But something has gone so very wrong. And we don’t yet know what. Our team is on its way to Earth-2 to find out.” She drew in a long breath. “There seems to be an odd mix of realities that doesn’t make sense…something shouldn’t be there, but is.”
“Understood.” Kent agreed. “I’m going to bring our working group back together. We’ll be in that room the next time you appear.”
“I don’t know any more. I’m gone. The second of many happy returns.” Alanna vanished.
“But that was one hell of a lot.” Kent noted. “I need all the crisis survivors, Dr. Palmer, Mary and no one else. Let’s move…”
Helena Wayne, the Huntress, stared up into the red skies from atop one of the taller buildings in Gotham City. Resting a moment before beginning her rescue work anew, she thought of her friend Power Girl, Kara Zor-L, who had gone off to fight this thing…this Anti-Monitor…whatever that meant.
Helena had been in the satellite, where Harbinger, the Monitor’s aide, along with the Earth-3 Alexander Luthor and a cursed man from another dimension, Pariah, had tried to explain the crisis.
She felt helpless. An Attorney by training, but the daughter of this world’s deceased Batman by birth, she was a member of the Justice Society. But not one of the few members chosen to fight the destroyer. That honor had gone to Superman, Power Girl, Green Lantern, and young Jade of Infinity Inc.
Still, she would do what she could.
“Frustrating isn’t it? Believe me, I know exactly how you feel.” Helena turned to see a young woman she would have assumed to be Jade, except for the costume and voice. Two women floated in the air behind her. All wore variants of Jade’s symbol…the green starburst.
“I remember standing atop a building just like this one so many years ago with my friends and exactly the same thoughts.” The young woman reminisced. “Red skies…how many Earths left?” She inquired.
“Five.” Helena stated. “Earth-1, Earth-2, Earth-4, Earth-S, and Earth-X.”
“Oh God…” Jennifer Gand concluded as she addressed Faith Scott, “this really is Kara Zor-El’s crisis, not yours.”
“Likely…” Faith concluded. “Wrong Earths for mine.”
“Who is Kara Zor-El?” Helena asked. “Or, do you mean Zor-L?” She stated with a slightly different inflection. “And who the Hell are you? And why have you come to me?”
“This is yours to explain.” Jenny noted to Faith.
“True.” Faith answered. “Helena, my name is Faith Powers Scott, this is Jennifer Walters Gand, and Arisia Fentara. Jennifer and Arisia are similar to the Earth-1 Green Lanterns, but are called Sentinels. As you might guess, my parents are the Alan Scott and Rose Canton of my home probability. Your Multiverse is undergoing a universal crisis and it is bleeding over into other probabilities. We’re here to try to stem the damage.”
“Why should I listen to you?” Helena asked with a curiosity that betrayed the beginning of belief. “I have no evidence of any of this.”
“Please join us and I will show you.” Faith stated. Helena found herself suspended in the air by a gentle platform of mystic fire. After a very quick flight, they landed just outside of Wayne Manor…a small private graveyard that provided gravestones for Bruce and Selina Wayne, Thomas and Martha Wayne, and oddly, the Batman.
Faith closed her eyes for a moment. “Remember when you tried your first capitol case? And he chided you for your rabid defense of an obvious murderer? Remember your response? ‘He has been convicted and will spend the rest of his life in jail. Justice has been served. But when it comes to the choice between life and death…I choose life.’”
Helena smiled. “And he told me…‘In the end, that’s the only thing that matters.’ Then he helped me with my research.”
“You’re not quite whom you claim to be.” Helena noted. “But you would make a poor soldier for the Anti-Monitor. How can I help?”
“Tell us about the Earth-One Supergirl.” Jenny homed in. “Superman’s cousin?”
“There is an Earth-One Supergirl.” Helena related. “Not Superman’s cousin…his wife. “Originally, she had some hokey story about being Kara Zor-El, but it didn’t hold up. Her real name is Linda…I know that much. She and that Superman have a daughter Ariella…”
“She isn’t a Kryptonian?” Arisia asked.
“No.” Helena countered. “She has some of his powers, but not all. She eats Kryptonite for lunch.”
A shining angel set down behind Arisia and whispered. “Been here for a bit. That’s Helena, isn’t it?” Arisia agreed and brought Alanna up to date.
“You look more like Alan Scott than Alan Scott.” Helena remarked as she spotted Alanna. “Alanna Wellington Scott? Just a wild guess.”
“Scary.” Alanna noted, surprised that the resemblance was so strong even in her powered form. “Yup. But not the same Alan Scott as hers.” She pointed to Faith.
“Faith,” Helena addressed Faith, “when this is all over, you owe me a story. But, until then, I’m on your team.”
“Would not want it any other way!” And the graveyard was empty.
Alanna Scott flashed into the room. “Can’t stay long. But we are on to something. The Earth-1 Supergirl isn’t Kara Zor-El…just someone who magically appeared one day with no explanation and married that Superman. She isn’t a Kryptonian. Our team and the Earth-2 Helena Wayne are entering the Earth-2 Batcave, to access the JSA’s records of that Supergirl. We don’t know anything else…except that her name is Linda.”
She vanished.
“Some one screwed with the time-stream.” Zal-El noted.
“I have an ugly feeling about this.” Kent remarked.
“But they are on the right track.” Kara stated. “That has to be it. Damn.”
The green glow flowed through the walls of the cave. The angel emerged first, followed by the three Green Lanterns and the Earth-2 Huntress. The small group landed in front of the main Bat Computer complex.
Arisia and Jenny felt Faith’s shields vanish from around them.
“We’re safe enough, for now.” Faith noted to them. “At least until we have to jump again.”
“Jump?” Helena asked. “Between realities?”
Alanna answered as she shifted out of her angelic form. The resemblance to Alan Scott grew even more striking.
“This is a very difficult thing to do. Realities are colliding and shifting within this universe. I’m what is called a Seeker...I can find anything, anywhere. Yet, even to me, the individual realities here are not much more than soup.”
Jenny changed the topic of conversation.
“Helena, I’m sorry to interrupt. But we need the information on the Earth-One Supergirl.”
“Sorry…I…” Faith answered as she approached the Bat Computer. Without hesitation, she entered the codes necessary to access the system.
Helena watched with horror as realization dawned. Faith’s accent had vanished and her mannerisms had altered subtly. More, Faith’s green coloring faded and her appearance gradually changed to almost match Helena’s. Helena watched closely, but understanding that no harm had been done, she remained silent. The confusion and concern in the eyes of their companions reinforced her decision.
Faith looked up at the console and smiled. “Dear Alfred Beagle…still keeps the place clean after all these…years?”
“Miss Helena?” The group heard an elderly man. “Welcome home! I…”
As he approached, he gazed at the young woman at the console who peered back at him with obvious recognition. Then his eyes traveled to Helena and back again.
“Alfred! It’s been so long! I never thought…” Faith shook herself hard. “What? This isn’t right…”
“It’s Linda Danvers!” Jenny yelled as she peered at the screen. “The post-crisis Supergirl in a wig! What the Hell is she doing on Earth-1?”
“Go.” Arisia prompted Alanna. “Kent needs to know.”
“…and that’s all I’ve got so far…” Alanna concluded. “Jenny claims the post-crisis Supergirl is on Earth-1 and married to Kal-El of Krypton. Their daughter is Ariella. Kent, if this is Crisis, you have a battle on your hands…you need Dad’s battle-planning skills.”
“He’s already on the way.” Kent acknowledged. “Linda and Lyla will remain in AV to watch our backs.”
“Kent…” Alanna nudged. “We’ve got another problem. Faith is reverting to Helena Wayne. She forgot that she was Faith long enough to retrieve the information about the Earth-1 Supergirl from the computer. And she is having trouble shaking it off.”
Kara Zor-El nodded with appreciation. “It’s the life she might have had…would have had if Crisis had not occurred. Who knows how this is affecting her?”
“I don’t know.” Alanna stated. “But I owe her my life and more. If she’s going through an identity crisis, then my place is there, not here.” Alanna vanished.
“Another of Many Happy Returns…” Kara Gand sighed.
“MHR Probability?” Kara Zor-El suggested.
“As good as any…” Kara Gand considered. “I couldn’t have thought of a better name, myself.” She deadpanned as their companions chuckled. The tension broke slightly as Kent considered their options.
“I see three problem sets.” Kent noted.
“The missing Kara.” Zal-El contributed. “There had to have been one. What happened to her and how did the other Supergirl appear?
“Yes.” He acknowledged.
“The Anti-Monitor.” Kara Gand shivered. “Not again.”
“Rao, no…” Kara Zor-El agreed. “I can still feel that final blast…so many times I’ve felt it…so many dreams.”
“We still don’t know much about the other impinging reality that Faith sensed. And did Linda actually cross over from a future reality? If so…how did that occur?” Victor Von Doom interjected as the conference room door opened. “The question is…how?”
The Alterverse Sentinel, Alan Scott entered through the door. “Not only how did it happen, but what are our alternatives, and what teams should we build and assign. It’s time to start sorting out those teams.”
Kara Zor-El calmed at the interruption. “That it is. Welcome, Alan. Kara, this is Alanna’s namesake. Alan, this is my Inheritors’ counterpart. It’s time to introduce you to the rest of the crew…”
Faith sat in a chair and stared at the floor.
“In her universe, she was me?” Helena asked. “She looked so much more like Jade when she arrived, but now…
Arisia walked to face Helena. “Yours is not the first universe to face crisis. Some of our other teammates have also experienced the Crisis in their home universes. We work with another woman who was lost to us for many years after falling in battle against the Anti-Monitor. She has arisen to take on the battle once more. And Kara Zor-El will not let you or us down.”
Arisia gestured towards Faith. “A different champion and a different crisis. After the heroes of her universe left to face the Anti-Monitor, Helena Wayne concocted a mad scheme to beat him. In her universe, the Anti-Monitor damaged the chosen team of heroes, leaving one for dead, before he fled to the Beginning of Time. Once there, he destroyed the established future…everything.”
“Then…he won?” Alfred asked.
“No.” Arisia stated. “Helena’s scheme killed him, but only after her universe was destroyed. And an impossible creature destroyed itself to rebirth that universe. And she and her team paid a price in fire and blood……”
Helena shivered. “But I’m just a human being…”
“So was…” Arisia started.
“So IS she.” The angel appeared and shifted from her powered form. “And don’t ever forget it.” She turned to Faith and crouched down in front of her.
“Kid, you’re one of the best who will ever be.” Alanna told her. “And it’s ok to remember. It just reinforces what you’re fighting for.”
“It’s all so familiar…” Faith intoned, as her appearance began to shift. “Just like it was yesterday. Alfred, Dick, Kara…they’re still alive here.”
“And we’re here to make sure they stay that way.” Jenny walked over to her. “This world is going to be here when we’re done. I will promise you that. And Sam, Dr. Palmer, your mangy mountain lion, and all your flea-bitten friends will still be there in your home universe.” Her gentle tone belied her words.
Faith’s accent reasserted itself as her powered appearance returned. “Flea-bitten? Surely you jest?” Warmth returned to the eyes. “But you do make an excellent point.”
At least she has pulled out of it. Jenny considered. But what will entering this universe do to the other crisis survivors? Lar? Kara G? and most of all…Kara…the real Kara.
“Huntress.” Arisia called Faith. “Someone has screwed up the time-streams here and we need to find out how it was done.
“And I am wasting valuable time with my self-absorption.” The steel will rallied. “No more.”
“It would seem,” Alfred whispered to Helena, “that you are not so different after all…”
“Pardon me…” Faith warned with a distracted determination. “Things are about to get strange…”
“More than they already are?” Helena challenged.
Faith grinned wolfishly. Then she appeared to be both in and out of phase with the universe.
“SPECTRE!” Faith called in an inhuman voice. “We seek an audience! Now!”
“Who dares!” Jim Corrigan, the Spectre, appeared. “Who dares to summon the Spectre!”
Then to their surprise, a second Spectre, dressed in a combination of a Green Lantern and Spectre uniform, appeared.
“Parrallax?” Jenny asked.
“We have not met, but you carry my memories.” Hal Jordan, the post-crisis Spectre asked. “How?”
“You cannot be here.” Corrigan warned Hal Jordan. “This is not your reality.” The two Spectres glared at each other.
“It’s not quite yours, either.” Jennifer Gand rebutted. “We may be able to help, but you have to help us.”
“You are not firmly anchored in this reality.” Corrigan rebuked Jennifer. “How can you be here?”
“Trick of the Trade.” Faith answered without humor. “The question is…would you rather posture, or save your reality?”
Jennifer Gand and Arisia Fentara stared out into the assemblage. All of the heroes were in attendance; Jenny noted that Alan and Alanna Scott spoke quietly in the corner. Fortunately, Alanna’s fears had not been borne out: Alan greeted her warmly, but did not pressure her. They had reconciled quite easily.
Their visitors, Helena Wayne and Alfred Beagle were there to answer questions. But now that Jenny and Arisia had returned, the Multiverse Starheart had access to their knowledge. They had the answers the group needed and they would present them.
“…once the Spectres got past their egos, they were most helpful.” Jenny shrugged. “Corrigan has warned us that we only have half an hour before the heroes leave the positive matter universe.”
“Jordan stated that some external force had powered up one of his adversaries…” Arisia added, “…something called a ‘Fatalist’. That power, which must have been considerable, forced the probability split. In this probability, the Fatalist forced the Earth-1 Kara Zor-El into the post-crisis world. Linda Danvers had found the rocket ship in the post crisis universe. He informed Linda why the rocket had to go back. But Linda refused to force a teen-ager back into the past, just to die. So, Linda took her place. Jordan allowed her to make the substitution, to go back into the pre-crisis time-line without realizing that the Fatalist was actually using the action to further damage the time-line.”
“Since then, Kara has been abducted from the post-crisis universe, into a place nominally part of the Beginning of Time.” Arisia continued. “A creature named Xerox? Ah…Xenon has her. Xenon has a nasty hobby…he takes Supergirls out of the post-crisis time stream and kills them.”
“That’s a little red wagon we need to fix.” Kara Zor-El, the elder stated. “Immediately.”
“The Spectre revealed that Kara’s parents are still in the survival zone.” Arisia continued. “Since no one knew they were there, no one knew enough to look for them.”
Kara Zor-El and Kara Gand both nodded.
“That is team one.” Kent announced. “Team Magic, which Victor Von Doom should lead. I suggest the Drs. Fate, Stephanie Strange, the Vision, and, finally, Mary, for some back-up muscle. Hal Jordan, the post-crisis Spectre will be there to guide you, should you need information.”
“That is acceptable.” Victor answered.
Jenny took over the discussion. “The second problem is the Anti-Monitor. He has been supercharged. What that means is that someone, likely our Qwardian adversaries pumped him full of a power he shouldn’t have. The MHR heroes would have been slaughtered instantly.”
They watched Helena Wayne and Alfred Beagle shudder at the thought.
“That means it’s going to take a lot of muscle to take him down.” Jenny stated. “Kara, that means you get everyone but those of us who have to deal with the other problem…salvaging the Post-Crisis timeline. Jim Corrigan has promised to stabilize the Great Portal entry into Earth-1. Both Team One—Team Magic and Team Two—Team Powerhouse will be able to enter via the Portal.”
“And what’s Team Three?” Lar Gand inquired. “What will we be doing?”
“I’m sorry.” Kent countered. “Team Three consists of five of us and no others. For now, we’ll call it Team Sentinel. It will consist of Jenny, Arisia, Alanna, Faith, and myself and no one else.”
“I’m part of Team Sentinel.” Lar protested.
“But with no sunlight, you die.” Kent stated. “And if we have to worry about your survival, Senturia won’t be able to do her job.”
“Lar,” Jenny confirmed, “I’m sorry, but where we’ll be, you can’t go. You’ll have to trust us on this one. Sam doesn’t get to go, either.”
“But…I can…” Lar pleaded his case. “I need to be with…”
“You can’t.” Arisia emphasized. “We love you and if you come with us, you will die!”
“I…” Stunned by Arisia’s admission, he could only stare. His eyes bore witness to his confusion.
“This is not the time.” Jenny defended. “Not now…please…Lar.”
Across the table, Sam turned to Faith.
“You should have told me. Why can’t I be with you?”
“Because I love you.” Faith admitted proudly. “And because if we are going where I think we are, it is one place you can’t go. And because I want to have a reason to come back.”
“And because.” She looked at him again and they shared an echo of a memory. …the House of the Bat watches over the House of El…
“Faith, this discussion isn’t over.” Sam stated.
“No…” Lar agreed as he glared at Jenny. “It isn’t. Kent, consider this a formal protest.”
“Noted.” Kent agreed. “And I’m sorry. Still, we have an hour before we must leave. It’s time for the teams to assemble. And the best of luck to all.”
Lorra watched the teams assemble. Her warriors would take on the unspeakable foe, one more time.
Truthfully, she was pleased with her players. They had quickly grasped the situation and had even cajoled the Spectres into cooperating.
But, that was the easy part of the job. The real challenges lay ahead. And, every time Lorra made a move, she sensed other unseen hands making moves to block her.
And now…she could do no more…she could only wait.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2004 by Dylan Clearbrook, John Phillips, and Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- The Continuum Worlds Concept is a joint creation of
-- Dylan Clearbrook and Eldric. Otherverse
-- and Supergirl’s Multiverse, as depicted in the
-- Continuum Worlds, are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric.
-- The Realm, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- is an original creation of John Phillips.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original creations
-- of Dylan Clearbrook, Eldric, Michael Liebhart, Jake H., Jason G.,
-- Andrew Shields, Kyle M., Brian, or Jason Froikin and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author.
-- All DC characters are property of D.C. Comics.
-- All Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics.