Interlude 6
© The Amazon of the Continuum
(aka Hipkarma)
of the Warrior
Frost edged the grass white. Moonlight filtered thinly through the
forest cathedral - occasionally illuminating traces of a mountain
path. Slow footfalls measured the
track. The quiet considered rhythm - that of a tall woman, hardened from
battle and constant training. A
grey jumper blended with the evening and loose jeans and boots, kept the
sharpness of the chill at bay.
A cry shattered the
stillness. Senses automatically on
the alert expanded and identified it as an owl. She weighed whether the cry indicated another intruder in the
forest. With a sigh, she dismissed
the thought.
Despite years of discipline, she
succumbed to the time honoured tradition of someone wrestling with a
problem and muttered almost silently,
“My edge. I can’t lose that now. Especially now. Must focus and centre.”
Hunched shoulders forcibly
relaxed, obedient to command. She continued on, never breaking stride -
intent on her thoughts and the barely illuminated path before her.
Eventually the track opened to a
clearing in the old wood canopy.
Daylight would reveal a spectacular vista of forest covered
mountainside. Trained eyes detected
the subtle use of great power to establish a perimeter and the inclusion of
strategically placed areas to sit.
Lovely as the clearing may have
been, she was not about to expose herself.
No, better an easily defensible position with clear lines of sight. A city girl, these were not her
woods. In fact this was not her
world. Just another issue pressing
her to search for sanctuary tonight.
Pausing she scanned once
more. Satisfied of her solitude she
eyed an old oak nearby. Muscles
bunched and flexed as she leapt into the lower branches. Swinging gracefully higher into the
tree, she found a suitable refuge.
Sighing, she leaned back against the old oak. Still tense shoulders rested their
burden against the oak and grew calm shrouded in starlight. She contemplated the night sky. She found herself drawn to the
constellation of Andromeda. Here at
least was familiarity. A shaft of
moonlight drew flame from burnished hair.
‘So much to assimilate. I’m
amazed at how welcoming these people are and I’m very grateful. But I can’t be weak in front of them and
I need time to process this.’
A shooting star drew her
attention…but briefly.
‘It’s incredible what has happened. Whole universes gone.
So many people, so many heroes just gone. Nobody to remember them, to mourn. And Kara and I.
Anomalies who aren’t even supposed to exist!? To be written out of history and
forgotten. Replaced? Does my father even remember me? Hell, what did we ever do to deserve
Shifting slightly against the
trunk for a better position, she determinedly ignored the tightness
constricting her throat.
‘No!! I’m not going there.
A version of that universe survived. And thank the Gods so did we. There’s just no place for me there. Not anymore. I don’t
know what that magical maniac did to me or where he took me, but because of
him I’m alive. I suspect he took
advantage of some residual temporal anomalies caused by our battles with
the Anti-Monitor, but I can’t be sure.’
The redhead remained still,
undetectable from the ground, her focus directed inward.
‘This may be Earth but I’m definitely not in Kansas anymore!! Selina Kyle wears the cowl and Bruce
Wayne is a madman. A madman who
never made a young circus flyer his ward.
So different. Dick, wherever
you are I wish you safety and happiness.
If happiness is possible here.’
A light breeze rustled the
leaves. Starlight danced across her
‘But to have found Kara!
Across realities no less!
It’s more than I could ask.
We know we exist. She and I
at least remember what was. I just
couldn’t go to Dark Earth with her.
Not yet. There are so many
demands on her time, she has Rogue and a family now. But thanks to Ian and his inter-reality
card at least we can be here for each other. It’s more than I could have hoped for. It is enough. It has to be.’
She sighed heavily.
‘Strange: the twists of Fate.
Would Bruce have been any different, I wonder, if this Earth had had
a Superman? And Kira, so much like
the Kara I knew. But she lacks your
confidence or cousin to guide her.
Instead she tries to mask her fears for her lost brother with
cockiness. Were we ever really that
young, Kara?’
Smiling slightly, ‘Of course we were. Thought we were both 10ft tall, though
you were the only one of us who was bulletproof!! I had to get creative about that part.’
A low chuckle escaped through the
canopy, chased by a sigh.
‘So many changes. Diana
seems much like the Wonder Woman we knew and so happy with Kent. She deserves that. But the last of the Amazons? And where is Donna? I remember when Donna and Dick and Wally
founded the Teen Titans. This just
isn’t home! God, what am I doing
Shaking her head, fists clenched,
Barbara fought against the tears threatening her control.
‘Get it together girl.
There is absolutely no point in indulging in a bout of self
pity. It may not be the home I
remember but it’s the one I chose.
Or did it choose me? I do
know this much. I survived for a
reason. This universe is in worse
shape in so many ways than the one I knew.
The rules are different and it’s definitely more mystical.
Focus returning, her eyes
continued to scan the skyline, all senses expanded.
‘Still, we have those constants: evil and injustice. Here, just their faces have been
changed. I have fought them my entire
life. And I’ll fight them wherever
I find them for as long as I have breath.
This IS my home now and I’ll do everything I can to defend and
protect it! They may already have a
Batgirl, but they’ve got no idea what Barbara Gordon can do!!’
Resolved, Barbara swung easily
back down through the branches. She
landed gently on the ground. A
hand briefly brushed against the trunk of the oak in thanks. Turning, she skirted the clearing and
made her way back to the caves as silently as she had come.
Though the path was barely
visible, Barbara found her way easily.
A keen observer would have noted slight changes in her on the return
journey. Straighter, somehow
taller, resolute. Just before
reaching the edge of the compound security perimeter, she paused.
‘Thanks for the concern Alanna,
but I’m fine now. Really. Batgirl or no, I’m a creature of the
Night. Say hi to everyone at the
Lair for me please. Goodnight.’
Sliding out of a tree The Shade
smilingly shook her head before quietly replying,
‘Dad was a little worried.
Goodnight Barbara.’
‘I appreciate the concern. I really do. I just needed some space.
Now go home and get some rest yourself!!’
Laughing lightly, the girls headed
their separate ways. Barbara
entered the compound as silently she had left it, undetected by even the
Shantar watchers.
Behind his helm, Dr Fate smiled.
-- Story
written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Hipkarma
-- and may not
be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse
and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse
and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.
-- Some
characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations
of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael
-- Jake H.,
Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used
without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl,
Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue,
Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics