The Search for Kal-El
© The Elves of Alterverse
Chapter 3: The Hidden Hands
A small coffee shop, San Francisco, Our Earth,
March 2002
The young woman
chatted with two teenagers in the back of the crowded shop. She
smiled across the table towards the young raven-haired girl.
“So, how do you
like my home town so far?”
The girl
“Compared to where
I’ve spent the last half of my life?” She brightened. “This
sure looks like heaven to me!”
Their server
returned. Enthusiastically, she queried the trio.
“Can I get you
anything else? Tell you what! I’ve got a bit of the gypsy in
me. I’ll be happy to read your tea leaves.”
The woman smiled
“Sure! This
should be fun.” She handed the server her cup.
“This is
odd!” The server concentrated on the cup. “Your leaves say that
not even death can separate you from the closest of your relatives.
There is some odd kind of power tied to you. It’s got kind of a green
feeling to it.” The server handed her back her cup. The woman
grimaced. The server picked up the cup in front of the raven-haired
“Wow! You are
an extraordinary young woman. You are brilliant and extremely
disciplined. You have suffered great losses and those losses drive
you. You balance your losses with faith in the few you can
trust. Your trust must be earned. On the bright side, the most
important friendship of your life has already begun. It has reclaimed
you from your blackest night. It will stave off the darkness for all
the many, many years of your life.”
“This is odd.
You have a much stronger tie to the green power, but not all green things
are kind to you. You are not who you think you are, not at all.
Something is blocking me from reading any more. I can tell you that
the dog was truly meant for you. And there is a word that sticks
out. ‘Starchild’ – You are the Starchild.” The server
frowned. “Very odd.” She brightened. “Gee – I guess
you’re going to grow up to be an astronaut. Young lady, I do wish you
The second teenager
slowly sipped her tea.
“Sorry!” She
smiled. “Still working on it.”
Other customers
distracted the server. The woman and her companions finished their
tea and paid their bill. They left a good tip.
The server returned
to pick up their cups. She thought briefly of the little brown
haired, brown-eyed teenager. Curious, she picked up the cup.
She inspected the unique pattern of the leaves.
The server
Three blocks away
Sandy Scott guided
her cousin and their friend through the crowd.
“Linda, that was a
little too close. She’s the genuine article. We do have a few
around. I’m glad we got out of there before she read your
tealeaves. We won’t go back there.”
Linda Kyle
“What’s so wrong with
that? Might be fun to find out what’s in my future.” She
grinned mischievously.
“Linda,” Helena
Wayne answered, “she knew far too much about me. She knew far too
much about Sandy. This world doesn’t have metas. That’s why
Alan thought it would be a good hiding place for me. Can you imagine
what would happen if someone actually discovered you?
“You people are no
fun.” Linda fussed at her cousins. She stuck her tongue out at
Alterverse, The Rock of Eternity, 28 December 2006
(Elf note: The Alterverse calendar is four
years and nine months ahead of our real time).
Kent Nelson and Dr.
Fate examined an unconscious Bruce Wayne. The Sentinel and Wonder
Woman watched the examination.
“I’ll say this for
Linda.” Kent grimaced. “She doesn’t waste my time on simple
puzzles. I see what she saw – a really nasty multi-part spell.
It was cast all at once, but it operated like a Boa Constrictor.”
“Kent?” Diana
“In the beginning,
it just addled him.” Kent groused. “Then it slowly tightened its hold
on his mind.”
Dr. Fate removed
his helm.
“This is the same
mystic signature we found on Kal-El’s rocket.” (Elf note:
Terra’s Revenge - Chapter 9). “Ares has been plotting his moves very
carefully. Very carefully.”
Kent looked up from
Bruce Wayne.
“That was some
brilliant detective work, Alan. You guessed and Linda knew what to
follow up. None of the rest of us would even have considered it.”
“I wish I had
thought of this before.” Alan frowned. “We could have helped
him if we’d known to look. As it is, we still can’t put his family
back together. Our best strategist is still in Ares’ hands.”
“Not to mention a
galaxy class meta.” Diana groused. “And let us not forget
Barbara Gordon. She’s the real innocent in this mess.”
Alan sighed.
“I think I see what
happened. Ares eventually tracked down the family of the Bat.
And Selina was right. Her choice to become Batgirl doomed them.
He found them not long after Selina’s parents died. He knew Selina
had received half of the key. His problem was that he did not know
where the other half had gone. Nobody else did, either. Selina
had never met her Uncle Edmund. Her family had carefully destroyed
any image with his likeness.”
“So Ares attacked
Bruce Wayne and made it seem that Bruce had gone mad in his quest for
vengeance. He assumed that Selina would seek out her relatives for
support and assistance. But Ares underestimated Selina Kyle.
With a mad Bruce Wayne after her, Selina would never endanger her family,
even if she had known who they were. That left Ares playing a waiting
Diana took up the
“In the mean time,
Molly Scott had already found and decided to keep Edmund Kyle. She
understood the very real danger of the key. They hid from the
Resistance to conceal his identity, not hers. Very few people ever
saw Edmund Kyle. No one but Molly knew who he really was.
Alanna did not even know her father’s name. She knew she had received
something when her father died, but had no clues what it meant.
Alanna did not know about Linda’s birth, although it was an open secret in
the Resistance. Molly laid the false trail to Linda while keeping
Alanna safe.”
Kent noted Alan’s
look of displeasure. He laughed grimly.
“Jeffrey and I knew
as soon as Hades left last night. I saw Linda’s funny look and I knew
Hades’ reputation. Jeffrey and I discussed that and a few other too
obvious clues. Then we confronted Diana.” He smiled
lightly. “Don’t worry. Ares has no ears here. If it’s not Green
Flame, Lightning, Nabu, or my personal vision of Heaven, it’s not coming
Diana smiled.
Curious, Alan queried.
“What clues?”
Kent grinned.
“What unborn mortal
child could both receive the key and share a womb with the life force of
the Phoenix?” He looked down to Bruce. “Don’t worry; we won’t
share that part of the secret. It offers too much protection to both
Alanna and Helena. If the Resistance and the Shantar believe there is
a twin, Ares will do exactly what we want him to do - spend his time
chasing more Red Herrings.”
“You know,” Alan
spoke thoughtfully, “the more I find out about my family, the more
impressed I become. I barely knew Molly and I never met Edmund, but
I’ve come to understand what they sacrificed to protect this world.
Edmund’s final acts saved all of us. Poor Molly. The guilt she
must have felt for what she had to do.”
Jeffrey sighed.
“If not for Shantar
technology, we would all still be safe. The first time Linda walked
through the Base in human form, it captured her DNA.” Jeffrey
grimaced. “No, I won’t blame the technology. That makes a good
thing seem bad. She found her home because Alan Scott believed in
her. It is the single most profound event in her life and it still
awes her. Then Alanna claimed her for family. The two of you
knew who she was. You didn’t have to be told. The test only
confirmed what you already knew in your hearts.”
“The problem
emerged when Selina became the first human to learn the rest of Linda’s
heritage. She decided to keep her tie to Linda hidden. She might have
succeeded except that she had immediately prepared for war with Ares.
That attracted Ares’ attention. The arrival of the second Batgirl
made the attack inevitable.”
Jeffrey grimaced.
“If you thought the
Birds of Prey were solely a response to Barbara Gordon’s arrival, think
again. Selina had already planned it all out. She only had two
goals – the protection of Helena and Linda from Ares. In her eyes,
they were the children of the Bat to be protected. She had counted on
an opportunity to end her own life. She didn’t get it.”
“Garja and I knew
about her tie to your children, but nothing about the key. We knew
there was something lurking in the background, but only Selina knew what it
was. We had to trust her judgment or force her to reveal a secret
that might have endangered others. We apologize. We made the
wrong choice.”
Alan looked to
“I can’t fault your
choice. We all hold dangerous secrets that we choose not to
reveal. A few more than we let on. Right, Kent?”
“Yes, old
friend. It’s time.”
“What?” Diana
and Jeffrey chimed together. Alan Scott’s green flame lifted the
unconscious Bruce Wayne and carried him through the castle into the void.
“Watch and
learn.” Kent smiled. “Ares is a dangerous adversary. He
laid a series of trip mines in Bruce Wayne’s mind. We could spend
years finding them all. Alan and I are going to take a more direct
Kent followed Alan
Scott into the void. Diana and Jeffrey followed. Kent pointed to
Bruce Wayne’s unconscious form.
“This is a dirty
little trick that would not work to save any of the four of us. It
will work for Bruce Wayne. It will work because Bruce Wayne has no
mystic signature. We’ve already unwoven the more powerful parts of
the spell affecting him. Now, we’ll simply let the remainder
explode.” Kent floated beside Alan. Alan generated a coffin of
green flame. Kent reinforced the coffin. Then they shielded the
area around their little group.
“Now!” Kent
yelled. Bruce Wayne disappeared. The spell that had been
attached to Bruce Wayne exploded against the outside of the coffin and
their shield. Its remnants faded out of existence.
“If you can’t take
the spell from the victim, take the victim from the spell.” Kent
smiled. “Works real well if the victim has no native magic and you’ve
got the power to pull it off.”
The coffin
opened. Bruce Wayne looked around.
Lantern? You’ve been dead for years! Wonder Woman? What
are you doing here?” He looked down at himself. “Where’s my
family? Where’s my wife? Where’s my little girl?”
Kent whispered to
“Now comes the hard
Sentinel’s Lair Command Center – Four Hours Later
“Are you sure about
this?” Elise followed Alan and Bruce into the Command Center.
“Nope.” Alan
answered honestly. “But that’s never stopped me before.”
Bruce Wayne walked
up to the Oracle’s console. He looked for thirty seconds. Then
he smiled.
“Good girl,
Selina!” Bruce’s fingers attacked the console. “Everything’s
right where I knew she’d put it.” He smiled grimly. “Selina is
still almost the best. Almost.” Fingers flew. “I’ve spent
the last five years chasing down Kayzik with a robot? Can’t think of
a bigger waste of time. Why would I ever want to attract that kind of
attention?” He looked up. “Leave me.”
Alan and Elise left
him to the Oracle’s chamber.
“Now I’m
sure.” Alan walked out of the Command Center.
Three hours later
Bruce Wayne pounded
at the keys.
Alan Scott is
either a fool or a genius to allow me this access. I’ve even accessed
my robot through his systems. I’ve seen Selina’s logs. She
trusted him as much as she has ever trusted anyone. With that curse,
I understand her cynicism. Now it’s stolen her and cheated my
daughter of her childhood.
Alan’s daughter
Alanna seems as dark as Selina and I. No wonder Selina liked her so
much. The other child was a mystery, even to Selina. Strange
life. Odd that Selina would trust her with Helena so easily.
Alan Scott has
assembled quite a team: Dr. Fate, Wonder Woman, the Shantar, the Flash,
Captain Marvel, the missing Supergirl, and many others. He
orchestrates a difficult dance. He fights the menace on other worlds
while hiding on his occupied home world. No, this man is no fool.
He heard Diana
enter the Command Center.
“Is she
coming?” Diana asked Garja Jenna.
“She just dropped
out of Hyperspace. Should just be a minute or two. She sounded
like she’s had a good day.”
“I’m pleased.
She has certainly earned it.” Diana walked up to the entrance of the
Command Center.
Bruce smiled
slightly. That woman is as bouncy as a ten year old. She’s
up to something. He turned back to his work.
“Little Goddess,
how was your trip?” Bruce could feel the fondness in Diana’s voice.
Bruce heard a chipper young voice. “Gee, that’s a new one,
“Welcome home,
Sweetheart.” Garja Jenna greeted her warmly.
“Thanks!” He
heard the chipper voice again. “We got Helena settled in. She’s
in great hands. Dad made a great choice. She’ll be safe!”
He heard light footsteps walk towards him. He looked over to see a
friendly green face peering over the console. “Hi! I’m Linda
Kyle. I belong to Alan Scott. Welcome back to the world of the
living.” She stretched to reach a hand up to him.
Despite himself,
Bruce Wayne smiled. He stood and reached down to take the extended
hand. He noticed the glowing ring.
“Power ring.” She
smiled. “I use it to get myself thrown out of the Shantar
Senate.” Linda grinned. “Looks like you’re a lot better at that
console than I am. I’m lucky I got lots of people to help me out.”
Not that you
really needed help. I know what Selina thought of you. But
there’s only one thing I can say now. He stood.
“I’m very honored
to meet you, Linda. I thank you for everything you’ve done for my
family.” He nodded grimly. “Including keeping them safe from
Linda grimaced.
“I only wish I had
been here when Ares attacked. I respect Selina. She took the
time to teach me. But I adored the Helena I knew. I miss her so
much!” He could not miss the sadness in Linda’s eyes. “I love
and will protect the Helena I found, but it’s not the same.” She
breathed in slowly. “I’m sorry. I know it’s so much worse for
you. You don’t need to hear my self-absorbed complaining.”
Bruce felt his
emotions wash over him. Yes I do. It helps to know my family
found a true home. He spoke slowly.
“You are right. It
is difficult for me. But I want to hear you tell me about my
family. Please come by a little later this evening. I would
like to talk to you when you have some time.”
Linda smiled.
“I will. Thank
you.” She walked back into the main room. Diana found
“Little Goddess,
may I have a moment?”
“What’s this
Goddess, stuff? I’m just Linda Kyle. I’ve got funny colored
skin, I can’t swing a sword worth a damn, and I’m not very smart.”
Diana gave her a
sharp look.
“You find yourself
challenged by the near-impossible. That does not mean you’re not
smart.” She smiled slightly. “Trust me.”
“Okaaayyy, now
that’s the Diana I know. What’s up?”
Diana gently guided
Linda out of the room. Bruce watched them go. So that’s the
younger daughter? No wonder Helena adores her.
Down the hall
Linda looked up to
the towering Amazon.
“Diana, you look
like the cat that swallowed the canary.”
Diana smiled.
“Meow, little
Goddess. I’ve had to do a lot of thinking over the last several
days. I’ve made some decisions about my future. Selina started
me on this path, but our battle with Ares has forced me to think it
Diana crouched to
be level with Linda.
“I want you to know
that I’ve thought long and hard about our battle with Ares. I watched
what you did. I watched how you did it. I owe you an apology,
little Goddess.”
“Diana, why are you
calling me ‘little Goddess’? I’m just a Meta. And why would you
owe me an apology?”
Diana smiled.
Because I enjoy teasing you, little Miss Shirley Temple. And it
makes a point.
“I watched Gaea
defend you. She believes you are more than mortal and she knows you
have a soul. I simply choose not to disagree with her.”
Linda sighed.
“I think I’ll go
back to the Imperium. They just think I’m a troublemaker.”
Diana scowled.
“Oh, no! You’re
not! That’s part of what I’ve come to realize. I’ve spent a lot
of time thinking about what you’ve really accomplished. You’d always
been so damned perky that I wondered if Gaea staged everything just to make
you look good. I saw you as the Shirley Temple of the superhero set.”
“Who?” Linda
Diana chuckled.
“Never mind.
The point is that I’ve failed to take you seriously. I’ve discounted
how important all of your work really is and how hard you really try.
And I’m not the only one.”
frowned. She lifted her eyebrows, but stilled her tongue. Diana
“You see, the
Guardians sent you to the Imperium as their mascot. They needed
someone with a respected name to bring attention to their agenda in the
halls of the Senate. That was all they expected from you. They
knew that the Shantar Military would ensure you could navigate the
bureaucracy. High Command respects your warrior’s instincts and the
courage you’ve shown in battle. The Guardians would then have time to
develop a more permanent strategy.”
“The Guardians sent
you as a full Senator simply because there was no reason not to. You
would advance the Guardian’s cause until they could choose a more permanent
team. In the meantime, you would receive well-deserved recognition
just by having been a Senator.”
“It was a simple
public relations ploy by the Guardians. Your real interest was to
protect your friends in the Corps. You would ensure that their
military campaigns made sense. All in all, a situation where everyone
Linda’s frown
“I know I kinda
screwed that up. But I did what I had to do. I couldn’t just
let the Gingee die. I couldn’t just walk away!”
Diana grinned.
“And that’s
why I owe you an apology. I have never understood that part of
you. I do now.” Diana flashed a smile. “And so do the
Guardians and most of the Empire.”
“You fought the
battle that mattered and you didn’t even use your powers to do it. It
was a simple act of personal courage. You walked away from your
reputation and your hard-fought place in the universe to rescue a planet
full of creatures you didn’t even know. And that act of personal
courage brought the Empire to its knees.” (Elf note: The Imperium –
Chapters 1 and 2).
Linda protested.
“But that was…”
Diana grinned.
“Never something
you intended. It might not have happened for anyone else. But
you aren’t anyone else. You’re Linda Lee Danvers, decorated hero of
the Green Lantern Corps. You are Jade, the spawn of the
Starheart. And you are Jade Zoldar, the adopted daughter of Elise
Zoldar. Your mother is a member of one of the most powerful families
in Shantar society. You gave them the warning they needed to
coordinate their response to Tarnet’s despicable act. That’s why
there was a full Warlord on the floor of the Senate when you presented your
evidence. The Warlord knew what was going to happen. And he had
the backing of High Command to refuse Tarnet’s order. Then the other
members of the Senate communicated what they’d seen. That started the
Empire-wide maelstrom.”
“Little Goddess, I
shall never underestimate your mother or her family again. But they
will not forget that you proved yourself worthy of their support. You
proved that Jade is a real woman of personal courage, integrity, honor, and
compassion. She walked away from everything she wanted because it was
the right thing to do. And it broke her heart. And she did it
anyway. And that, my dear, is what legends are made of.”
Linda grinned.
“Frankly, Diana,
this speech is doing wonders for my ego, but it’s a little much.”
Diana smiled
“But it’s my speech
and I want to give it. I want you to understand the implications of
what you’ve done.”
Linda crossed her
arms. She sighed.
Diana continued.
“For millennia, the
Empire has seen the Oans as little blue men who might send help during a
natural disaster. Now the citizens of the Empire see the Guardians of
Oa as so much more. At great personal consequence, one Oan Senator
stood alone to protect the defenseless Gingee. You did that without
hesitation, without regret, and without remorse. The peoples of the
Empire will never forget that. More, they witnessed the immediate
reaction from the Guardians, the Military, and so many governments when you
were silenced. That was unprecedented. Those citizens now
believe in the promise of the Guardians. They know that a true
representative of the Guardians sits in that seat: someone who won’t just
turn them away: someone who will stand up for them: someone who
will be listened to. Overnight, Oa has achieved the stature it’s
always craved. Now, the Guardians must prove that perception is not a
Linda frowned.
“Diana, what are
you suggesting? I mean, I don’t have the skills to be a real
Senator. I understand that now. But I want to learn. If I
really can’t do the job, then I’ll really quit. But the Guardians
tell me they really want me to be their Senator.”
Diana chuckled.
“I’ll bet they do!”
“I saw the little speech
you made when you returned to the Senate. It was brilliant in its
simplicity. You thanked the Empire for letting you help. You
asked for nothing else. And they all knew your message was
real. Every single last one of them. They believe
you. They don’t believe in the Guardians’ promise because of what the
Guardians preach. They believe in the Guardians’ promise because you
made it a reality. Now I’m going to help you make sure it stays that
Linda warmed to the
sincere look in Diana’s eyes. She smiled.
Diana shifted
position. She smiled back at Linda.
“Your father is
right. The war cannot be won here. Not this time.
It must be fought on two fronts. Yes, we must fight the military
battles we all prepare for. But the far more important battle is
elsewhere. It is the battle for the resources of the Empire and it
must be fought in the Senate. Little Goddess, you are the first to
take on that most important battle for the Guardians and for our
planet. You have done more than anyone could have hoped. But
you are right. You don’t have the tools or skills you need to do the
job. Not yet.” Diana grinned. “But we’re going to do
something about that.”
“You see, the
Guardians don’t understand the politics of running a Senate office – they
never have and they never will. But I was trained for exactly that
task. I ran my peoples’ Embassy before the Kayzik attacked. I
planned and organized our people to advance our agenda in the world of
Man. So, let me do what you can’t. I can organize your staff
and I can help you to achieve your goals. I can help you to protect
our world. My people were created to serve the gods, and little
Goddess, I claim that right.”
“Diana, are you
sure this is what…”
Diana grinned
“I want my life to have
meaning and this is the most important thing I could ever do. Please,
let me honor the memory of my people and of the Guardians who no longer
live. Let me be the one to convince the Shantar that a Terran really
can swing a Xentronium sword in battle. And let me teach you how to
be the effective and efficient politician you are going to have to
be. As long as you remember who you are, you will not fall into the
corruption that claims so many. You will not win every battle, but
you will win the ones that count. I’ll see to that.”
Linda relaxed
visibly. She smiled again.
Diana put her hand
on Linda’s shoulder.
“You are legend
born of legend. Your shared legend is both of power and of
Linda blushed.
chuckled. She spoke warmly.
“Little Goddess, be
the legend. Shine your bright light across the dark skies of so many
worlds. Let the people of the Empire know that you are there for
them. But let’s really be there for them! Let’s put real teeth
behind that hard fought legend! Let’s do this right! Let’s help
the Guardians of the Universe guard the universe. That’s what you
charged them with and that’s what they need your help to do.”
Linda grinned
sheepishly. She teased.
“Umm, I’m not
getting out of this, am I?”
“No, little Goddess,
you’re not.” Diana smiled confidently. “And you’ve always known
Linda smiled
“I know. I do
thank you so much for your kind offer. I feel guilty about taking you
away from Kent, but I’m sure glad to have your help. I try hard, but
I really don’t know what I’m doing. That’s not good for us or the
Peoples of the Empire. I need to be the best Senator I can be, and I
sure could use your help to make that happen.”
Then she smiled
“Gee, I hope Dad
gives you a bigger allowance than he gives me!” Linda teased.
Diana shook her
“I’ll have to work
on him, little Goddess.” Diana teased back. “I’ll be happy to
pick him up by his ankles and see how many credits fall out of his
Linda laughed.
Observation Deck – just below the command center
–several hours later
Bruce Wayne walked
down the steps. Even I can only stare at a computer screen for so
long. Selina had the right idea –strengthen our ties to the
Resistance. I’ll move that silly Batbot to where it can protect
them. Maybe if it stops killing Kayzik, they’ll reduce their presence
on this world.
What’s Alan
Scott doing down here? He doesn’t strike me as someone who would just
sit by the window staring at the stars. Yet, he does seem perfectly
content to be here. Well, maybe he has time to tell me about Selina.
Bruce walked to
around to the front of Alan’s couch. Alan smiled up to him.
Bruce understood immediately. There, nestled in his arms, Linda slept
peacefully. Krypto watched from beside him.
“I never have
enough time with her.” Alan watched her breathe. “I let the
universe come between us, and I shouldn’t. She may be a legend in her
own right, but she’s still my little girl. Though I haven’t had her
very long, I couldn’t imagine life without her.”
Alan moved a stray
hair from her face.
“She’s been through
so much. Her early years were so hard. And as much as I want
to, there’s nothing I can do to change that. All I can do is to guide
her from here.” He shifted his position slightly. “I’m
sorry. I know it’s so much worse for you. You don’t need to
hear my self-absorbed complaining.” Linda’s deep sleep continued,
Bruce sat down in
the chair beside him.
“Alan, I want to
see Helena.”
Alan nodded.
“I do
understand. Linda plans to take you tomorrow. We have Helena in
a safe place that only Linda or I could take you to.”
They heard another
set of feet on the stairs. Command Assassin Elise Zoldar walked to
join them. She spied Alan’s bundle and smiled brightly into his eyes.
Quietly, and without jostling the couch, she sat not far from Alan.
She lightly touched his arm. She looked up to Bruce Wayne.
“Let me tell you of
my friend Selina. Let me tell you of one of the few people I’ve
ever truly respected. And let me tell you of Helena, the apple of my
daughter’s eye.”
Bruce listened.
Daxam - 29 December
“I’m sorry,
Targan.” Mary floated in front of him. “We still don’t know
what happened. We don’t know where or when Kira is.”
He cursed.
“It’s hard enough
to go through losing her once. It’s not fair to have to do it again!”
Mary touched his
“Don’t give up
hope. We haven’t. We never do.”
He growled.
“So what are you
doing to find her?”
Mary looked at him
“A lot more than
you might think.”
Another place – the Castles of the Gods
Jay Garrick
ran. He looked in and out of every door he could find. Where
doors did not exist, he vibrated through the walls. Aware of the
time, he ran back to where he had entered this place. The portal
The Rock of Eternity
Jay emerged.
“I have to admit,
Kent, this is frustrating. I feel like I’m on a wild goose chase.”
Kent Nelson nodded.
“I know.
Running through the endless castles of the Gods is a lousy strategy, but
it’s the best we can do right now.”
Diana walked over
with a tray of food.
“It is better than
you know. Jay, you are the only one of us not to carry a strong
mystic signature. Ares can’t track you, not like he could any of the
rest of us. Our only other alternative would be to send the Shantar
or Alanna. The Shantar would not escape detection for long.”
Jay grimaced.
“And sending Alanna
would be dumber than dumb. Talk about giving Ares what he
He chowed down on
the proffered food. He looked up.
“Diana, you seem
much more yourself these days. This is much more the Wonder Woman I
Kent laughed.
“She’s decided to
stop trying to fix this world. She’s set her sights on the universe
Diana walked over
to Kent and effortlessly picked him up with one hand. She held him a
foot off the ground.
“But I still look
up to you, dear.”
Kent looked down,
dumbfounded. He wiggled his feet. Jay howled with laughter.
Our Earth – above San Francisco
“Interesting world,
isn’t it?” Jade entered the atmosphere with Bruce Wayne. “This is
what our world might have become.” She flew down to an apartment in
San Francisco. “Please be kind. She’s had a rough time.”
Jade landed in the
hallway just outside the apartment door. She hid her natural green
pigment. She knocked on the door. It opened.
Helena Wayne peered out. “Sweetheart, you didn’t have to…” She
looked up to the man standing behind Linda. “Daddy?”
Jade vanished.
The Pacific Ocean
This world is so
full of life! Jade flew above the ocean. I’ll be a good
girl. I know all the rules. She kept herself
invisible. What are those things? She followed two very
high-speed aircraft. Maybe they have some kind of
communications. Linda let the green flame interpret for
“Think they’ll see
us coming?” The pilot of one craft asked the pilot of the other
“Nope!” The
other pilot answered. “Nothing moves as fast as we do!”
Nothing? Jade
grinned. Slowpoke! She flew towards the
aircraft. She caught up to them easily.
She touched the
plane. Then she flew up to the cockpit. She turned visible long
enough to stick her tongue out at the pilot. She waved. Then
she smiled. Then, she vanished again.
NORAD – Several hours later
“Another report of
little green men on a farm?”
“No sir! This
is from one of our own flight crews on an Air Force mission. It’s
very unusual.”
“What’s so
“Well sir,
apparently this was a little green woman. The crew was quite
insistent that we follow up. They want anything we’ve got on her
“They want to make
sure it doesn’t happen again?”
“No sir! They
want to know where to go to propose. Apparently, she had quite a
sense of humor.”
“Put it in the Bozo
file. They’re playing with us again.”
San Francisco – two hours later
“I’m sorry.”
Jade spoke to Bruce Wayne. “We have to go back. We have to make
our world safe for her.” Helena walked up to her and hugged her
Bruce Wayne watched
the embrace with envy. I see how my daughter believes in
her. I wonder if she will ever believe in me? I will do my best
to give her reasons to. The name of the Bat will once again bring
fear to the dark things of our world. Our world will become safe for
you, dear Helena.
“Come back
soon?” Helena let her go.
“As soon as I
can.” Jade smiled sincerely. “Just think! Pretty soon
you’ll be terrorizing the best warriors in the universe. Just a
little over a week before I have to head back to the Senate. Diana’s
coming with us!”
“I’ll look forward
to that.” Then Helena frowned. “Do you think we’ll find my
Mom? Can we help her?”
Jade darkened.
“We’re doing what
we can. It will take time. I’m sorry.” She
brightened. “But don’t give up. We won’t!”
Helena hugged them
both. She watched them vanish.
Alterverse - The Rock of Eternity – 30 December
“Another wasted
run.” Jay gratefully accepted the meal Kent laid out. “There
must be something we can do to make this move more quickly.”
“There certainly
is, Jay.” Alan Scott walked in, followed by several others. “We
have forgotten how many friends we really have.”
Diana smiled.
Three Green Lanterns stood beside Alan.
Kilowog. Kryssma. Welcome!”
K’ryssma spoke for
“Thank you for your
greeting. We understand you have a problem that requires a non-mystic
“Dat,” Kilowog
grinned, “and I’ll take any excuse I can get ta come out here.”
Kent smiled. “Naturally immune to most mind control. A living
solar battery. And not a lick of a mystic signature. You are a
sight for sore eyes!”
“Down, boy!”
Diana teased.
Kent grinned sheepishly.
“I can use all of
you. It’s just that Kori doesn’t need the Lantern energy to
fly. I need someone who can do that. Ladies and Gentlemen,
things just got a whole lot easier. Here’s what I’d like to do.”
Our Earth – California Route 101, North of San
Sandy Scott drove
her old Volkswagon Beetle south towards home. She smiled at the girl
sitting beside her.
“Skimming through
another book?”
“No,” Helena
answered, “I’m reading it. Almost through it. Kind of light
reading, but seems more silly than anything else.” She closed the
book. “Best line in the whole book was ‘They’re shooting at me! Me,
whom everybody loves!’ I can relate to that!”
frowned. She read through War and Peace? I smell a rat.
“Sandy? Why
is there so much stuff in the sky? How can we see anything through
all the junk?”
Five miles from Sandy’s apartment – at a
“Oh my God,
Sandy! Do you see that house? It’s on fire! There are
children inside! We’ve go to help!” Helena ran out of the
car. Sandy parked it and grabbed her black bag. She lost sight
of Helena.
Sandy ran up to the
flaming house. An older man stood outside with two young children.
“Did you see that
girl? She ran so fast. She pulled both of these children from
that house. Now she’s gone back in for the third.”
A little boy looked
up to her.
“My brother played
with matches. He didn’t mean to cause a problem. He played near
the window. The drapes blew over the match and caught fire. Is
he going to be all right?”
“I hope so.” Come
on, Helena! Get out of there! You know better! Uh
oh! “Something’s wrong! Everybody hit the
dirt!” Sandy hit the ground hard.
The gas lines
caught fire. The house exploded. Fragments of glass, wood, and
metal flew through the air.
Oh, God.
Poor Helena. Uncle Len sent me the girl to protect and I got her
killed. I won’t ever forgive myself for this. Sandy shook herself
off. She began to force herself to stand.
“Sandy? Are
you all right?” Helena stood above her. She held a very frightened
little boy in her arms. The shreds of her clothing hung from her
back. The little boy had several small cuts and bruises. Helena set
him down. He ran off to his family.
She’s about to
collapse from the pain! Her back must be nothing but shreds of
skin! What do I do now? Helena doesn’t legally exist in this
world! How can I get her into a hospital? She has no ID!
Sandy steeled
herself to face the inevitable. She inspected Helena’s back.
Her eyes widened. Quickly, Sandy put her own coat around Helena’s
shoulders. Before the people at the fire realized they were leaving,
she walked Helena away from the house and back to her car. She drove
Helena back to the apartment.
Two hours later – above San Francisco
Jade rocketed
towards Sandy’s apartment. She landed on the deck and phased in
through the door. She heard the radio as she phased though the
door. Sandy and Helena listened intently.
“In the news today,
authorities are puzzled by the disappearance of a mystery angel who saved three
children from a burning house. Onlookers reported that she simply
vanished after saving the children’s lives.”
frowned. Sandy smiled comfortingly.
“No regrets.
No remorse. Understand?”
nodded. She relaxed just slightly.
Jade ended
her invisibility.
“Tada! Miss
me?” Jade grinned. Visibly upset, Helena still looked
Jade moved towards her. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
“She’s not
Helena.” Sandy shook her head sadly. “We don’t know who she is,
but she isn’t Helena Wayne. She’s not the heir to the key.”
Sandy smiled
“But I must say
this: she’s still one hell of a hero.”
Jade spun a web of
Green Flame. She passed it over Helena. Helena wavered
slightly, then recovered. Jade finished her examination. She
grumbled. Green Flame passed over Helena again. Jade
concentrated. She seemed to focus inside herself. After a few
moments, Sandy heard a popping noise. Jade brightened.
“How do you feel,
“I feel better than
I’ve ever felt before. What did you do?”
“I wrecked the
spell that kept you from your birthright.” Jade scowled. “Ares
is a nasty bastard.”
birthright?” Helena questioned.
“I’ll show you as
soon as we get off this planet.” Jade answered. “Trust me! See, Ares
screwed up with you. He screwed with nature and created himself a
Jade chuckled
“Oh, this is so
funny! Ares screwed up big time!” Jade let her slight smile
fade. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what poor soul was in that cage
with you, but it probably wasn’t Selina. You probably weren’t really
there very long, either.” She turned to Sandy.
“You’ve got good
instincts, Cousin Sandy.” Jade smiled wryly. “She can’t stay
here. I’ll get her home.” She walked over to Sandy and hugged
her. “I’ll bet Krypto’s gonna be one happy puppy!”
“I know he
is!” Sandy smiled wistfully. “And I bet I know why!”
Jade nodded
“You take care of
her!” Sandy advocated. “She might not be little Helena Wayne,
but she’s still a very special person. She saved lives today without
thought of her own. Sure reminds me of someone else I know!”
Jade blushed.
She reached out to Helena.
“Still friends?”
Sandy saw the spark
light in Helena’s eyes.
“But I’m not the
real Helena Wayne! The real one is out there somewhere.”
Jade shrugged.
“And when we find
her, we’ll get her home, too.” She grabbed Helena’s hands.
“See, I’m not much on philosophy. There’s lots I don’t
understand. But what I do understand is that you’re my friend and you
care about me. If you are still willing to keep me as a friend,
I’d love to keep you as one of mine. The rest can sort itself out
Helena beamed with
Jade waved to Sandy
Scott. Then she vanished with Helena.
Sandy watched the
Green Flame fade. I don’t know how she does that. She makes
the complicated seem so simple. I guess that’s part of her magic.
Alterverse, outside the orbit of Pluto
They floated
together in the emptiness of space.
“Jade, why are we
here? I can almost feel the cold, even through your force field.”
“Helena, you’re not
in my force field. You haven’t been since we left Sandy’s
Earth. You don’t need it. Not under a yellow sun.”
Surprised, Helena
felt herself stop in mid-flight. She looked down at herself with
“You hit me with Kryptonite,
didn’t you, Jade? That’s why I felt so weak for a second.
That’s how you knew.”
“Sorry about
that.” Jade lost her smile. “Listen, I want you to know that
you got a home. It doesn’t matter how this stuff sorts out, you still
got a home and you got friends. I know what it’s like to find out
that you’re not what you think you are. It’s still what’s inside you
that’s the most important. That’s what keeps you going.”
“See Helena, this
is what I figure happened. Ares decided to clone Kryptonians to use
as bodies. Just for grins, he took pieces of Helena and pieces of
Kira and mixed ‘em together. You got that same funny little gene that
Kira has that gives her immunity to the Kayzik critters. You got
Kira’s Kryptonian legacy, but you’re Helena Wayne in every way that’s
important. You got her will, her drive, and her quick mind. I
think Ares tried to wipe your mind and couldn’t do it, so he cut your
powers back. He contented himself by playing with you. We’d
never have realized what you were if Dad hadn’t decided to protect you in a
non-magical universe.”
Helena understood.
“The magic couldn’t
completely restrain me on Sandy’s world. That explains why I read
those books so quickly. That also explains how I got out of that
building without a scratch.”
Jade smiled.
“Yep. The
lack of magic doesn’t bother me all that much, because my power’s fairly
constant wherever I go. I don’t cast spells; I manipulate Gaea’s
mystic power. You’re a mortal, so Ares used a regular magic spell on
you. Once you left our universe, that spell lost a lot of its
strength. That’s why I was able to bust it so easily without hurting
“See, when I go to
that world, I lose the mystic edge I have, but so does every other
mystic. Dr. Fate would have almost no power there at all. If my
power were solely magic, I’d be in a world of hurt. But it’s not just
magic; it’s mystic power. That means that I can function pretty much
anywhere, but I get an added kick out of my juice in a mystic universe.
So does Dad.” (Elf note: See the Original Otherverse: Amber
Shards - Chapter 7 for why this matters.)
Jade grew serious.
“But always
remember why you were in the building in the first place. You got
into the building because you’re Helena Wayne. You got guts.”
Jade pointed to an
area between Mars and Jupiter.
“Before we go back
we gotta work on your control a little. I don’t want you to take out
the Lair by accident. I know Kira had a few problems with her heat
vision when she first got to Earth.” She grinned. “So, how long
since you’ve played catch… with asteroids?”
An hour later – Sentinel’s Lair observation deck
Helena and Linda
sat near the window with Alan Scott and Bruce Wayne. Helena faced
Bruce Wayne.
“Dad, I still
haven’t begun to sort this out. This is so screwed up. I
shouldn’t even exist. I’m not even really human.”
“Been there.” Linda
piped up. “Done that! Got the T-Shirt! Got green skin for
all my trouble!”
Helena grinned.
“I know.
That’s what keeps me hanging on. The coffee shop server was not
“Coffee shop
server?” Alan inquired.
“Long story.
I have made some decisions, though. I don’t have a claim on the name
‘Helena Wayne.’”
“But that’s who you
are!” Bruce Wayne protested. “You’re my daughter!”
“I know, and it
matters to me that you believe that, Dad. But the real Helena Wayne
is only seven years old, and she is out there somewhere. We have to
get her back.”
“Your mind seems
made up.” Alan smiled kindly. “What name have you chosen?”
Helena flashed a
“Krystal, with a
‘K’. It has a lot of meaning to me.”
Linda nodded
special. What’s it mean?”
Helena stood
up. She walked towards the window.
“The ‘K’ ‘R’ ‘Y’ is
a reminder of Krypton. That’s where I derive my power.”
Curious, Bruce
“Still, why
Krystal? I must admit it is a beautiful name.”
Helena looked out
the window. She spoke very slowly.
“Because Jade is a
precious piece of Crystal. It reminds me of the best friend I ever
had: the girl who saved more than my life.”
Krystal left the
The Rock of Eternity
“This is getting
frustrating.” Jay Garrick and Koriand’r chowed down on the food in
front of them. “There must be a way for us to search more quickly.”
“I’ve brought you
someone who wants to help.” Alan Scott. He walked towards them
with the Waynes and Linda.
Kent snorted.
“Jade of the three
mystic signatures and two mortals.” He lightened his tone of
voice. “Not that I don’t appreciate the good intentions. But
unless you know someone with almost no mystic signature who can fly through
the portal and use X-ray vision to map the place, you’re not going to be
able to add much to this adventure.”
giggled. Alan smirked. Bruce rolled his eyes. Krystal
shrugged. She flew through the portal.
Alan laughed at
Kent’s startled expression.
“Kent, I tried to
explain to Linda that there was no way to solve this problem.” Alan
snorted. “As usual, she didn’t listen. Sorry, old man!”
“Now I know why the
last Shazam Wizard went nuts!” Kent glowered.
“What?” Alan
asked. “Did I miss something?”
“Hmm? Don’t
know what you’re talking about.” Kent went back to his maps.
Outside the Sentinel’s Lair
Elise walked Krypto
through the snow covered forest. Well fella, it looks like you’ll
get some real exercise soon. I can move pretty quickly, but you’ll
need Krystal to take you for a real run. Krystal – hard to say
that. She’s right, though. The original Helena Wayne does have
a right to her name, if we do find her.
Krystal is so
different from Kira. She’s much more focused and much more
driven. She has a lot more sense of who she is. Kira always
seemed a little lost. Krystal, like Alanna and Linda, is clearly the child
of the Bat. Maybe she can give Kira a sense of direction.
It’s always
amazed me. Alanna is Alan’s clone, but Linda is so much more like him
in personality. Maybe that’s the effect of the Green Flame on both of
Krypto stopped to
inspect a tree.
I’ll have to say
this: Jor-El was a thoughtful father. A pre-neutered dog:
the perfect companion for any Kryptonian child or adolescent. Poor
critter, it must have terrified him to see Helena torn away. He’s
been accepting of Krystal. Krystal – I have to admit there’s a
certain amount of class to that name. I think I’ll paint her.
I’ll update my Jade portrait, too.
If Alan thought
his family tree was convoluted before, wait until he realizes that he’s now
related to Jor-El of Krypton! Elise laughed. Really,
it’s Alanna and Linda who are related to Helena and Krystal Wayne.
Krystal’s genetics come from the Waynes and the house of ‘El’, although I
doubt she’d ever wear the symbol. She’d be more likely to wear the
Bat or Alan’s starburst.
What’s this?
Elise walked into a
clearing. She found an overhang that protected an old fashioned
still. I’ve seen these things before. This critter is
bubbling away. Someone is making more booze than a single person
could consume. Wonder who it belongs to? The Shantar don’t get
drunk like Terrans. We’re capable of a slight buzz and that’s
it. We wouldn’t drink this shit. Probably not Alan or
Linda. They wouldn’t need a still. Alan can’t get drunk.
I doubt Linda could. Even if she tried, Gaea would probably wipe it
out of her system. The Guardian’s Angel’s Guardian Angel! Elise
chuckled. Not Jay, either. I know what his metabolism would
do to it. I’ll have to ask around. Probably no real harm done.
Several hours later - A Hallway – The Sentinel’s
Krystal called him as he turned a corner. “Do you have a second?”
He turned and
waited for her.
“Sure! How
goes the search?”
She caught up to
“It’s taking longer
than we hoped. There’s a lot my X-Ray vision can’t see through.
But Kent seems pleased. Now Kori and Jay only have to inspect the
places I can’t see. Shouldn’t take too much longer – I hope.”
She smiled
“I wanted to say
‘Thank You’. Thank you for the example you’ve set for Linda:
the one she always seems to follow. I’ve always looked up to
her. She’s certainly been my Rock of Gibraltar. ”
Alan returned her
“I wish I could
take the credit for that. She’s always had her own sense of what’s
right and wrong. I’ve come to realize that’s her greatest gift of
all. She always follows her heart and things just work out the way
they were meant to. That’s not the gift of the Phoenix or the
Starheart, that’s just who she is.”
Krystal’s eyebrows
“I don’t understand
her, Alan. I wish I did. I do know that even if we find Mom and
Helena and if there is no place in the Wayne family for me, I’ll still have
a place in this world. She’s given me that. The coffee shop
server on Sandra’s Earth said I would always have her friendship.” She
smiled sincerely. “I guess Linda really is the rock of my
existence. She accepted me so easily, even after she learned that the
real Helena is still out there, somewhere. She sets the example I
hope I can live up to.”
Alan nodded with a
“In a lot of other
universes, the Kryptonians lead the superhero communities. They set
the example for all to follow. Somehow, that just didn’t happen
here. Kira has always seemed to drift. She doesn’t have firm
roots. If anyone should be adrift, it’s Linda. Yet, she’s
always the one who comes through.”
Krystal frowned.
“Somehow, I think
we’re both missing something. Something so obvious, we’ll laugh at
ourselves once we find it. It’s like a hidden hand that is only
obvious if you know to look.”
Alan chuckled.
“If we asked, she’d
just tell us that she’s a simple farm girl from Leesburg, Virginia.”
He frowned. “She doesn’t like talking about her childhood.
There’s a lot she hasn’t told us. Alexander won’t tell us
either. But I do know this. There is something nasty she’s
hiding. There’s a trauma that even she has trouble confronting.”
Krystal’s brow
furrowed with concern.
“Are you sure
there’s nothing we can do? And why do you suspect a single
trauma? Her whole life has been nothing but a continuous trauma.”
He sighed.
“Krys, all I know
is that she had a conversation with Hallie Jordan before Hallie was
killed. Hallie wasn’t normally a serious person. When I saw the
look of worry in Hallie’s eyes, I knew that something was really
wrong. But she wouldn’t tell me either.”
Alan pointed down
the hall.
“Well, let’s stop
just talking about it. Let’s go spend some time with her
instead. I think I saw her heading towards the observation deck.”
The Observation Deck
They found Linda
staring out the window. She looked towards the west. Her normal
chipper demeanor had deserted her. Her thoughts were elsewhere.
She shook her head sadly.
“I miss them so
much. I can’t believe it’s been a year since I’ve seen them. I
still can’t believe that they’re gone.”
“Honey, who?” Alan
tried to reassure her. “The Danvers are still alive and well in
Leesburg, Virginia. They’re still on the farm where you grew up.”
Linda looked up at
him sadly.
“I didn’t grow up
in Leesburg. They’ve only had that farm for a year. I sure
wasn’t there very long. If I’d had my choice, they would have moved
back to Leesburg without me.” He put his hand on her shoulder.
She stared back into the darkness.
“I was a lucky
little girl. I never realized how lucky at the time. The
Resistance moved us far away from Virginia to keep me from being an easy
target. My folks had a nice farm. They were okay, I guess,
until my brother came along. I don’t know. As time went by, I
spent less and less time with them.”
“See, there was
this nice older woman on a neighboring farm. She took a shine to
me. I called her ‘Aunt Mary’. She and her husband kind of took
me in. The Danvers might not have cared much about me, but Aunt Mary
and Uncle John sure did.”
She smiled
“After a while,
they kept a room for me. And I sure used it. I’d go weeks at a
time without even seeing the Danvers.” She sighed. “I remember
my Aunt Mary. I remember how simple she could make even the most
complicated things seem. She was the one that taught me that if it
doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.”
Linda looked back
out the window.
“She used to spend
hours rocking on that porch swing. She’d let me sit in her lap.
She’d let me just talk.” Linda looked to the two of them. “She
spent all that time to help a little girl sort out so many things.
See, that’s where I learned what love is all about. I would’ve been
so happy to spend the rest of my life with them.”
She smiled at her
“Those were happy
times. We had kind of a little school where they tried to teach us
stuff like history. I know it wasn’t a real school, but it was what
we had. Uncle John would always help me with my lessons. That’s
where I learned to read and write. Not too many people get a chance
to do that any more!”
Linda frowned.
“Hallie told me
that they died not long after we moved back to Leesburg. I heard they
died of a broken heart. I know I almost did.”
Her eyes shone red
with rage.
“See, that’s the
one thing I’ll never forgive the Danvers for. They took Aunt Mary and
Uncle John from me! You rescued me from the mess they tried to drown
me in, but I still lost the two people who cared the most about me.”
Linda looked up
with fierce pride in her eyes.
“But no matter
what, I’ll know I’ll always have my memories of them. Aunt Mary and
Uncle John taught me everything I know about how to be a person. I
like to think I learned well. I couldn’t have asked for better
Even here.
Alan realized with a start. Even here, it’s their hidden hands
that create the legend. It’s not Jor-El of Krypton. It’s not
the Sentinel. It’s not the Guardians. It’s them. Even
here. No wonder poor Kira never stood a chance. She wasn’t the
one. Not here. He held Linda. The tiny body
relaxed. She melted into him while she spoke.
“What hurts the
most is that I don’t even know how to get back to their farm. I got
friends in the Resistance. I keep telling myself that I’m going to go
find out where the farm is, but I never do. I think I’m afraid of
being there all alone.”
Alan nodded.
“I’ve been
there. I’ll take you tomorrow. I’d like to share your memories
of those two special people.”
Linda smiled brightly.
“You really mean
it? You’ll take me! Wow! That would mean so much to me!”
Krystal spoke with
“I’d like to come,
too. I’d like to understand.”
Linda squealed with
“This is
wonderful!” She hugged them both. She glowed as she phased
through the Observation Lounge window and flew into the night.
Krystal looked at
“I don’t understand
what I just saw. How do you know who the people were? How do
you know where the farm is?”
Alan smiled.
“You know, so many
things make sense to me now. The hidden hands – the glue that holds
it all together.”
He watched the
green firefly glow in the distance.
“I had so hoped
that Kira would find Kal-El, the Superman from Krypton. I had this image of
him in my mind. He’d be the shining example who would inspire us
He laughed at
“Oh, how could I
have been so stupid?” He frowned. “Don’t answer that – I’ll do
it for you!”
stared. And he thought my father was off HIS rocker?
He lost himself in
a memory.
“Well, we just
found him. We found the living legend. We found the child of
John and Mary Kent of Smallville, Kansas. In at least one other
universe, they raised the very first Superman, Kal-L of Krypton. In
this universe, there was no Kal-L. So they gave their gift to a tiny
waif who really needed it. I wonder if they know what they’ve done.”
He smiled.
“You know, I did
meet Hallie Jordan on that farm. I thought it was an unfortunate
coincidence. If the Kayzik had not hit Kal-El’s rocket, the Kents might
have raised Kal-El. I walked over to the graves and thought about
what might have been. I paid my respects for a moment and then flew
back into my life. I never guessed that I was only days away from the
greatest gift they had to give.” (Elf note: Alan first visited
the Kent farm in Funeral for a Friend – Part 1. He first met Linda in
the Guardian Gambit – Chapter 1.).
“And they did give
us their gift. Even here. The Kayzik swarm couldn’t stop
them. Ares couldn’t stop them. They still did it! They
still created the legend. We may take credit for it, but they spawned
it. The Starheart, the Phoenix, and the Guardians gave her the
power. But the Kents made that power count.”
He put his hands on
Krystal’s shoulders.
“And now I know why
you’re here! You, my dear, are the other half of the legend!”
smiled. He may be taking me for a ride, but I’m enjoying the trip!
Alan continued.
“You see,
Superman’s cousin was the second half of the legend. Sometimes she
was called Supergirl and sometimes she was called Power Girl. In
either case, her home had ceased to exist. He made her a place, but
she took the legend and made it her own. Sound familiar, daughter of
the Bat?”
She turned away and
walked towards the window. For a few moments, she seemed to look into
forever. Then she turned back to him. She crossed her arms in
friendly challenge.
“And what else do
you know about me, oh great keeper of the mystic flame?”
He ran his Green
Flame across her. Curious! I see someone’s handiwork: the
handiwork of tiny green hands.
“I see that your
cousin loves you more than you know.” He smiled. “Linda ripped
Ares’ spell to shreds. You certainly have the full range of
Kryptonian abilities.”
Krystal smiled
“That’s good to
know.” She looked back out the window. “A farm girl from
Smallville, Kansas. I wish I understood her better. Perhaps
through her, I can learn the lessons of the Kents.”
Alan smiled
“I think we’re all
learning their lessons, a little at a time. Sometimes when we least
expect to.”
Krystal chuckled.
“Excuse me.”
She yawned politely. “If you don’t mind, this has been a hard
day. I need a little time to myself. I’ll look forward to our
trip tomorrow. In a way, I guess I’ll be visiting family.”
Alan waved
“Good night!
Sleep well.”
“Good night!”
Then she walked out.
Alan Scott watched
Krystal go.
You are going to
do us proud, young lady. Helena Wayne or not, I see a touch of the
Kents in you, too.
Linda didn’t lie
to you. She shredded Ares’ spell. But she added a touch of her
own before she trashed it and your full invulnerability could
manifest. Ares is in for a nasty surprise when he tries to take you
out again.
Sweet little
Jade. And so the legend grows. But at last I really know why.
The following day – 31 December 2006, the Kent
farm, Smallville, Kansas
Jade, the Sentinel,
and Krystal landed at the Kent farm. Alan found the two graves with
wooden crosses. He called forth the elements of the Earth to create a
tombstone. He placed a Starburst at the top and fashioned an epitaph.
Here lie John and Mary Kent
Beloved Parents
Gentle Souls
Saviors of the Universe
Epilogue – The Sentinel’s Lair Command Center – 1
January 2007
Bruce Wayne sat at
the Oracle’s console. Krystal Wayne and Alan Scott looked at his
display. Krypto slept at her feet.
“Not much happening
right now.” Bruce guided the Batbot around Resistance headquarters.
Alanna Scott walked
“Have you seen
Mary? We’re supposed to head out in a few minutes.”
Alan shrugged.
“I haven’t seen her
all morning. If you can’t find her, let us know.”
Alanna frowned.
“No, I think I can
find her. I’ll call back if I can’t.” She faded into the wall.
Linda walked into
the Command Center. Alan watched her pass. She walked towards
the Command Center opening to the outside world. She stood at the
opening and smiled. He joined her. She looked up at him,
smiling radiantly.
“You know, Dad, I
was just thinking. We got all these problems and we don’t know how
we’re going to fix ‘em. But we’ll do our best. And that’s
what’s important. And I know something else!”
He smiled down to
“And what’s that?”
“Today is a
beautiful day to be alive!”
He felt her simple
joy sweep over him. For a moment, they looked into forever together.
Her power ring
interrupted their reverie.
“Jade, this is
K’ryssma. We have a situation. One of our Green Lanterns has
been caught behind the lines. He has been boxed in, but he has not
yet been detected. His ring has developed a problem. We
believe that the area of space he is in is disrupting the charge in his
ring. Can you investigate? If we send another Green Lantern, we
are likely to have twice the problem.”
shrugged. She signaled a silent apology to Alan.
“Got it,
K’ryssma. Give me the particulars. I’m heading through the
atmosphere now.” Her left hand glowed. She rose from the
Command Center into the sky.
Alan walked back to
where the Waynes worked at the Console.
Krystal is so
reserved. She’s very difficult to get to know. It’s hard to
understand what she really feels or what she really stands for. I
hope she won’t drift like poor Kira.
Krystal spoke
quietly with her father. She seemed to be staring at the ceiling.
“Kent is working
through what we’ve charted. It will be a while before he needs us
again. I’d love to spend the day at a computer terminal and read
through the data banks.”
Bruce raised his
“Then why don’t
“Because Alan Scott
may not be as silly as I thought.” She smiled at Alan, but he could
not help notice her distraction.
“That’s a
relief.” Alan smiled. “What brought that on?”
Krystal looked
“I thought about
what you said about the legend. It sounds so silly. It really
does. It sounds more like a fairy tale that wants to become a
She sighed.
“I still don’t
really know what’s real and what’s not. So much of my life is
missing. I may be nothing more than Helena Wayne’s memories placed in
an empty shell.” Tentatively, she looked at Bruce Wayne. “I may
not be entitled to a place here with you, Father. I hope you have it
in your heart to accept me. I want to know that I really do have a
place in your life. I hope we can work that out.”
“Helena,” Bruce
protested before she cut him off.
“Krystal. I’m
not Helena. I wish I were. I really do.” Her darkness
faded. “But then I would not have the future that I do. And I
do have a future.”
smiled. The distracted look returned.
“Linda is so
funny. She believes that silly legend, Alan. She really
does. She believes that we’re meant to go save the universe
together. She thinks that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives
on so many worlds helping to set things right. She has it all planned
out. What a silly little girl.” Krystal grinned.
“And do you know
what’s even sillier?” Krystal smiled radiantly. Her eyes still
looked into the distance. Then she looked straight into Alan’s
eyes. Her eyes burned with the pure force of her superhuman
will. “By the time we are done, I promise you that no one will ever laugh
at her or her beliefs again! We will make that legend come
true. And we will do more!”
“I will make
my life count. It doesn’t matter where I came from, only what I do
from here. She gave me that. If I was a mistake, then I’m going
to be the worst mistake Ares ever made. We are going to rescue
our family and we are going to end his threat.”
Krystal’s look of
distraction returned.
“I see her up
there. She’s waiting for me. She’s waiting because she believes
in me. And I am going to give her every reason to hold on to that
belief! And I know that she is right about something
else. Today is a beautiful day to be alive!”
They felt the rush
of wind. They gaped at empty air.
“Whoa!” Alan
smiled with wonder. “So this is awe!”
Bruce grinned.
“Must be.
Can’t be anything else!” He laughed.
Above the planetary plane
“What kept
you?” Jade smiled at Krystal’s approach. Krypto flew just
behind her.
“I was telling Alan
how silly you were.” Krystal stuck her tongue out. “I told him
about all of your silly ideas.”
“They are not
silly!” Jade protested.
Krystal smiled.
“And then I told
him you were right.”
She entered
And when Helena
grows up, there’s going to be two of them! Jade giggled.
She scratched Krypto’s ears. They followed Krystal into Hyperspace.
-- Story
written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not
be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse
and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse
and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.
-- Some
characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations
of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael
-- Jake H.,
Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used
without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl,
Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue,
Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics