The Tales of Alterverse



The Search for Kal-El

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 2: Children of the Bat



Christmas Day 2006, Senator Jade Zoldar’s Apartments, the Imperium

Alan Scott gestured welcome to his family and friends.

“Amanda, Zoldar, Zandra, thank you for joining us.  Many of the cultures on Earth have a celebration on this day or near it.  It’s the celebration of renewal.  It’s the celebration of having survived the darkest night.”

High Warlord Amanda Zalar smiled.  She looked upon Alan’s family: Alan, Elise, Alanna, Linda, Mary Batson, Jay Garrick, K’ryssma, Kilowog, and Alan’s niece Sandra Scott.

“Alan, we truly do have much to celebrate.  Thank you for including us.”  She looked to each of them and smiled.

“I, too, believe we have survived the darkest night.  In the last year we have managed to stop our ancient enemies cold.  For the first time in generations, we are turning the tide of the battle.  I promise that within our lifetimes, your world will be free.”

She smiled proudly.

“I look at each of you and I see the faces that turned the tide.  I see the people who stood against the darkness and filled it with their light.  We salute you.  We have arranged a tour of this city for you – this is the gift of High Command to your family.  We hope you will enjoy the chance to see our art and history.”

Alan smiled back.

“Thank you.  We will be looking forward to it.”

Amanda nodded.

“I’m only sorry that Kira could not have joined us.”

Mary smiled thoughtfully.

“Kira is not alone today.  She celebrates with our other friends.  She also celebrates renewal.”


Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Kira landed outside the cave.  She walked inside.

“Welcome, Kira.”  Alexander Luthor motioned her inside.  “Join our celebration!”

She smiled.  She walked towards them.  Selina, Barbara, Kent, Jeffrey, Diana, and Helena waved.

“Thank you!”  She hugged him.  “You know, Alexander, I never thought I would feel like I belonged anywhere ever again.  This is wonderful!”

She joined her friends. 


Several hours later

Kira and Diana relaxed in a small cavern.

“Diana, can you tell me more about the Olympian Gods?  You’ve told me the legends, but some things don’t make sense.  What happened to them?  Why did so many allow themselves to be slaughtered?  And what happened to Athena and Prometheus?  Why weren’t they there to stand against the madness?”

Diana stared into space.

“I do not know.  I never met Athena.  I never met Prometheus.  I never met Hermes.  But even if they no longer existed, there were others who may have tried to fight the madness.”  She smiled gently.  “My mother once told me a story that Athena kept from Zeus.  It is one of my favorites.  The story of a creature that I hope still exists.  A very unusual creature.” 


4,000 B.C.

Athena watched her daily horror.  The eagle began to plummet towards Prometheus.  (Elf note: Interlude 2 – Fire).  It will tear at him again.  He pays and pays for his sacrifice.  There is nothing to stop Zeus’s vengeance.  Nothing.  If I try, my father will do the same to me.  There must be something I can do, but what?

The eagle growled with satisfaction.  I do what I must. I enjoy what I do.   Titan, you will pay for your insolence!

“Suffer Titan!  It is my time to play!  I will have at you again!”  The eagle laughed.  It charged for its chained quarry.   Silly Titan.

In its single-minded arrogance, it focused on nothing but its target.  The eagle reached towards Prometheus.  Then it screamed in agony.  Claws harder than steel pierced its wings.  The eagle found itself thrown from the Titan.  The eagle looked up to see the great bird of fire glaring down in rage.

“Phoenix!  This is not your affair!”

The bird of fire burned before the eagle.

IT IS NOW!  What was his crime?  To sanctify life?  I have watched you attack him again and again.  For what?  Enough!”

“Phoenix, with your simple mind, you would never understand!”

“Frankly Eagle,” the Phoenix hissed, “I do not care.  That is for those who are smarter than me.  But I know right from wrong.  This is wrong!”

“Who do you think you are,” the eagle teased, “the Champion of Life?”  It laughed.

“It does not matter who I am!”  The Phoenix positioned itself between the eagle and Prometheus.  “I now know what he is!  I know what he did.  He preserved the sanctity of life!  There is nothing more precious than that!”

“You will pay for your insolence, Phoenix!”  The eagle spat.

“Maybe, but not today!”  The Phoenix stood proud.  “It will not be today!  If Zeus finds a way to destroy me, so be it.  But you will never again attack this one! Not as long as I live!  Now leave, you silly coward.  We stand in the presence of greatness.”

“You will pay!”  The eagle departed.  “You will pay!”

The Phoenix turned to face Prometheus.

“I know what you did.  I know what price you pay.  I cannot break your bonds, but I will not allow the attack.”

Prometheus stared in amazement.

“Phoenix?  You risk your existence for me?  Why?”

“You, who seek only to preserve life, ask me that?” The great bird stood over him in defiance of the gods.  “This ends, now!”

Athena watched in amazement.  Phoenix, this will end.  Your courage has given me the opening I need.  Even Zeus cannot stop the renewal of Phoenix.  Father, at long last I have won!  She smirked.  I will give you an out.  I know you seek to enrich the legend of Heracles.  I will give you that reason!  I will protect these two.  She smiled wryly.  Phoenix, I will remember.  It is not you that stands in the presence of greatness!  (Elf note:  Heracles was the Greek version of the Roman Hercules.)


Another Universe

I sense you, Champion.  You are a force of nature.  You are undying and unchanging, as am I.   I wish that you could be the one to guide me, but I have already served my Champion.  And you have no soul.


Two days later

A squad of eagles flew towards Prometheus.  They destroyed the Phoenix and spat out its parts.  Fire burned.  The Phoenix rose from its own ashes and attacked.  It destroyed them.  It settled down beside Prometheus. 


Mt. Olympus

“Father,” Hermes grinned conspiratorially towards Zeus, “you can still take advantage of this situation. Here’s how!” 

Zeus listened.


The following day

Heracles came upon the shackled Prometheus.  He broke the bonds and set the Titan free.  Grateful, the Titan walked away.

Over the horizon, three figures stood together.

“You played your part well, Hermes!”  Athena praised.  “Very well!”

“Athena,” Hermes nodded seriously, “I had the easy part.”  He turned towards the great bird.  “Phoenix, I still don’t understand.  Why did you intervene?”

“I do not understand the question.”  It puzzled.  “He stood against the darkness.  What else could I have done?”  It flew towards its nest.

They watched it fly away.

“I do not think I will ever understand what I have just seen.”  Athena smiled with wonder.

“I do not think we are supposed to.” Hermes shook his head.  “That would take the joy out of it.” He shrugged with a smile and a wink.  Athena laughed. 


Present day

“What an amazing animal!”  Kira smiled.  “What an amazing story!  What happened to the creature?”

Diana hesitated.

“I do not know.  I do know that it never understood the importance of what it had done and would continue to do.”   She smiled at the memory.  “Oh, how Ares hated that bird.  Ares lived for battle.  He loved the agony of war.”  She drew in a breath.  (Elf note: the Greek God Ares was the god of treachery, deceit, and war for the sake of war.  The Roman God Mars had principles. Ares did not.  He also had several children by Aphrodite – whom the Romans called Venus.)

“Mt. Olympus bubbled with treachery and intrigue.  Athena was the goddess of wisdom and of war as a last resort.  Ares just loved the conflict.  Ares had no scruples.  Athena did.  She was bound by the rules of the game.  They fought each other until Athena disappeared.” 

Diana smiled.

“So many times Ares though he had won.  So many times Ares thought he had staged the ultimate battle.  So many times that bird helped Athena to interfere.”  She shook her head sadly.  “But even Athena, Prometheus, and all their allies could not stop the Kayzik.”

Kira slowly shook her head.

“I wonder.  I wonder if we will ever know the real story.”


March, 1916

“Hades, I do not know what to do.”  Prometheus stood before the Lord of the Underworld.  “I do not know how to protect them any more.  The Oracle has spoken.  The creatures will come and destroy all of us.  Neither God nor mortal can stop them.  I cannot protect Mankind with the meager weapons at my disposal.”

He sighed.

“Yet, Zeus chooses to ignore the threat.”

Hades nodded slowly.

“Prometheus, we have not always been in agreement.  But neither of us has ever directly lied to the other.  I believe the Green Flame that leaks from you can be harnessed.  It is more powerful than we know, but the flame must be wielded by a mortal.”

Prometheus thought of the Phoenix.  Sanctity of life.  ‘Simple mind?’  I don’t think so. I have learned from you.



“Hades, Zeus has gone mad!”  Athena scowled.  “He cares only for his own glory.” 

“Hades, we cannot find Prometheus!” Hermes spoke earnestly.  “We must seek his counsel.  The creatures are coming.  We cannot defend Mankind or ourselves.”

Hades sighed.

“If you truly wish to aid Mankind, here is what you must do.  You must assume mortal form to fully use your powers.  It is what he did.”

They understood.

“We will be back.  We have a chore to accomplish first.”

They left the underworld.


The Ruins of Troy

“Have you hidden the key?”  Athena queried.

“Indeed!”  Hermes nodded stoically.  “A practitioner of the Black Arts we call the Bat has placed it in his son.  If the son has more than one surviving child, upon his death the key will break in two parts and be hidden in the two youngest surviving children.  From there the two parts will stay hidden in each generation’s youngest child.  It will be safe as long as long as the two lines continue.  Until then, we have blocked Ares’ access to the madness of the War dimension.  Ares must have both parts of the key before he can release that madness into this universe.”

Athena scowled.

“So Ares may win one of several ways.  If he claims the living holders of the key, he gains added power.  If he outlasts the lines of children, the key will reassemble and he still wins.  All we have done is to buy time.”

Hermes grimaced.

“Yes.  Should we tell the Phoenix?”

Athena glared.

“Yes.  About the key, but not who carries it.  Then, we must accept Hades’ offer.” 



It landed in front of Zeus.

“Zeus, you must listen to me!”  The Phoenix pleaded.  “Ares plots against you.  These creatures will destroy you all!”

The Gods surrounded the bird.

“You are exiled!  Do not come here again!”

They forced the Phoenix to an isolated region of Mt. Olympus.  They dimmed its mind and made it forget.



Hades addressed the Goddess of Night.


She growled.

“I rule the cycle of life.  These creatures make a mockery of my work!  Others may run or hide in the woods, but I will not!”

She walked across the room.  She seemed to age and return to youth before his eyes. 

“You have sent the creatures of brightest day to fight your battles.  While the children of light do their part, they face dark creatures.  Those creatures bring the eternal nothing.”

“It is as you say.”  Hades acknowledged.  “I have relied on the children of the light.  Green Flame and Lightning both work to destroy the darkness.”

“Perhaps.”  She frowned.  “But even you have never understood my power.  You have misunderstood the oath.  Let me remind you. Let me remind you of the middle of the oath!”

“In blackest night, no evil will escape my sight!!”

He sighed.


Rage filled her eyes.  Dark Force burst forth.  Hades found himself pinned to the wall.  He shuddered. 

She released him.

“Now you understand.  Even the God of the Underworld can die.  And I rule the cycle of life.”

She smirked.

“I have never felt the need to be obvious.  But you have underestimated the power of my sorcery.  The power of the Black Arts is mine.  I must do my part in the battle.  And I will defend the key.”

Stunned, he asked.

“How did you know?”

She smiled coldly.

“I am darkest night.  Mortals reveal much in the darkness.  Do not underestimate me again!”

Hades nodded.

“I have known that you would be the one to take on Molly Scott’s mantle.  Now I understand the wisdom of the choice.”

He smiled warmly.

“We have indeed reached the crossroads.  I salute the wisdom of your choice.  Farewell!”

She barely nodded.


Hecate joined the world of the living.   Molly Scott felt the life grow within her.

Hades reflected.  Farewell wise one.  I have done what I can.  I do not know what else I can do.


Present Day, Sentinel’s Lair – 27 December 2006 – Birds of Prey staff meeting

“I find this little world to be very interesting.”  Kira grinned.  “Daxam does not have seasons.”

“I heard that!”  Selina grinned back.  “Mary says Daxam has two seasons:  insufferably heavy and just as insufferably heavy.  She complains the planet exists as a Galaxy-wide conspiracy to make women feel fat!”

“Sounds like a good place to avoid!”  Diana laughed.  “Even if I could stand up under the gravity.”

“Leaves me out!”  Barbara chuckled.  “Batgirl pancake – no thanks.”  She shook her head.  She noticed a pair of eyes peeking into the room.  “Oh, hi Helena.  We didn’t see you there.”

“We’re just watching.”  Helena scratched Krypto’s ears.  “Is Linda coming home?”

Selina nodded.

“She should be home in a couple of hours.  She said something about snowballs.”

Helena giggled.

“I’m ready for her this time!” 

Krypto barked.


New Oa

“Yeah, Dad!”  Linda talked into her comms.  “I’m about to head back to Earth.  Shouldn’t take me too long.  I’ve pretty well worked things out with the Guardians.”

She heard Alan Scott speak.

“Take your time.  This campaign is going to take a while to plan.  We won’t be ready by the end of the Senate session.  I’ve heard talk of a special session in a couple of months.”

“Got it, Dad.  Senate’s in recess for a couple of weeks anyway.”  She chuckled.  “Guess they haven’t forgiven me yet!” (Elf note:  The Imperium – Chapter 2).

He laughed.

“Go get ‘em Squirt!  Just remember that I’m proud of you!”

She smiled.

“Thanks, Dad!  You don’t know how much that means.  Jade out.”  She looked upwards.  “Sector Control, this is Jade.  I’m heading home!”

She awaited their response.

“Madame Senator, you are cleared for departure!  Have a safe trip!”

Linda grinned.  Madame Senator.  Still a little hard to get used to that!

“Thanks, Sector Control.  I’m outta here!”

The tiny green comet rose through the atmosphere.  Then it shot into hyperspace.


Nylad, Senator Zoldar’s Apartments

Alan Scott led the conversation around the conference table.

“Ok, so what do we know?”

Mary answered.

“Well, we know that Daxam’s gravity is so heavy that even the Kayzik can’t operate there without help.  I never had an appreciation for how strong Kira really is until I had to walk on Daxam.  What’s even more humbling is that I know a yellow sun makes her even stronger.”

She tapped the table.

“The Daxamites are ready to rebel.  If there was any way to move those satellites, I’d say go for it.  We do need to plan quickly.  The Kayzik are building more satellites.”

“More?”  Alan asked with surprise.

Mary grimaced.

“They’ve doubled to eight satellites.  The Kayzik must be assuming that Kira is a Daxamite.  Don’t forget – we laid that trail to cover ourselves.”  (Elf note:  Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 9).  “That worked, but we’re having to live with the consequences.  I’m barely able to slip in and out unnoticed.  I have to very careful when I choose my entry and departure vectors.  Of course, the gravity still makes me feel fat.”  She pouted.

Alan laughed.

“Alan,” High Warlord Amanda Zalar dropped a data tablet on the table, “we’re picking up increased patrolling of the Hyperspace trails surrounding Daxam.  I confirm Mary’s conclusion.  This might not be the time.  Perhaps we should consider other targets.”

“I’m also seeing more patrols.”  Alanna scowled.  “When Mary is on planet, I watch the traffic.  It’s definitely stepping up.  While they have done nothing new to the population, they are certainly beefing up their security.”

“This is not good.”  Elise glowered.  “I know that Linda is opposed to the operation as it stands – and she’s right.  It would be suicide to take the Corps in under those conditions.  We must provide her better options or a different target.”

“We will do that, daughter.”  Zoldar stretched.  “I wouldn’t insult the Corps with the proposals we have now.”  He stood up.  “You know, it still seems a little strange to be here.  High Command is planning a war in a little girl’s apartment.”  He chuckled. 

“Indeed!”  Amanda Zalar.  “I always find myself just a little in awe here.  There is something about you all.  None of you are babes in the woods.  Alan, Mary, Alanna, and Jay, there is something very odd about you.  You work too well together.  That child of yours truly makes me wonder.  She is not a scholar, but those instincts are too damned deadly to belong to a 15 year old.  Does it not seem odd to you that the child wanders the universe with infinite power and the entire Empire seems content?  It seems even more odd that we could not conceive of her any other way.”

Alan nodded.

“I can’t say I haven’t wondered.  The phrase ‘sanctity of life’ always seems to frame my thoughts of her.  I don’t know why.”

“You, too!”  Mary sat up.  “It’s like something I just can’t quite remember.  Something I’ve always taken on faith, but never understood.  I…”

Their communications devices cut them off.

“Sentinel’s Lair to the Sentinel.  We have an emergency.  Boss!  We need you now!”

Alan clipped his comms.

“Go, Garja.  What happened?”

“Boss, the Birds of Prey began a staff meeting.  Then they were gone.  There was a violent struggle.  Wonder Woman and Krypto were left behind, but Supergirl, both Batgirls, and Helena were taken.”

Alan frowned.

“Is Wonder Woman still there?”

“I’m here, Sentinel.”

“Good.  Here’s what we need.  Wonder Woman – find Batman.  Have Dr. Fate give you a push to get there.  Garja – route Dr. Fate to the Rock of Eternity.  We need Kent.  Search everyone’s personal files for restricted access files.  I hate to do that, but there was a reason they were attacked.  First, look for anything anyone has in the way of ‘in the event of my death or disappearance’ instructions.”

“They’re on their way.  Boss,” he heard reluctance in Garja Jenna’s voice, “we should start with Selina’s personal files.  Selina had a secret that she kept.  Jeffrey and I knew it, but had to respect her privacy.”

“Give me the bad news.”

She sighed.

“It all has to do with the Bat.  I’m not sure what the connection is.  I do know the link is not through Bruce Wayne.  I also know what your daughters’ real last name is.”

“Garja, the sooner we finish this call, the sooner we’re heading back.  Give me as much as you can as quickly as you can.”

“Kyle.  Jade and Alanna are the first cousins of Selina Kyle.”  They heard her exasperation.  “There is apparently something really nasty hunting that family.  Selina thought Jade was immune just because of her power levels, but she had no way to be sure.  She did know that the Shade was in the clear – the Shade inherited nothing from their father.”

He sighed.

“Garja, Jade’s going to drop on your doorstep in less than half an hour.  Give her what you’ve got.  Make sure she knows we’re coming.   If she has any way to do reconnaissance, let her go.  She knows the Shade can find her anywhere.  The Shade doesn’t have as strong a tie to any of the missing.  Anything that can abduct a Kryptonian is very dangerous, but Jade has the most powerful defenses of any of us.  We’re on our way.  Sentinel out.”  He clipped his comms.  “Sector Control, this is the Sentinel.  I have an emergency.  I have to exit your space, now!”

“Sentinel, this is Sector Control.  Your departure vector is incoming.” 

He noted it and nodded.  Green Flame flashed.  Amanda and Zoldar stood alone in the room.

“You didn’t tell me it was this impressive!”  Amanda admonished her son.

“You didn’t ask.”  Zoldar watched the last traces of the Green Flame.

The Green Comet tore into Hyperspace.


Earth, 20 minutes later

Linda dropped out of Hyperspace.  She aimed for the Sentinel’s Lair.

“Lair?”  She called over her comms as she entered the atmosphere.  “I’m headed your way.”

“Sweetheart,” Garja Jenna heaved a sigh of relief, “I have never been so happy to hear from anyone.  We’ve got a serious problem.”

“Where’s Supergirl?”  Linda asked.  “I thought she and all of the Birds of Prey were permanently stationed here.”

“They’re all gone, Sweetheart.  Something took all of them and Helena out of the Lair.  They left Wonder Woman and Krypto, and that’s it.”

“What?”  Linda sped through the atmosphere.  “Geez, something nasty must have found us.  This is not good.”

Linda landed in the Command Center.  She passed the empty Oracle’s chamber.  They heard the comms crackle.

“Lair, this is Wonder Woman.  I’ve found Batman.  He’s agitated.”

“Wonder Woman, this is Jade.  I think I know what Dad was after.  I’m headed to you.  Leave your comms open.”  Linda vanished.


Nashville, Tennesee, two minutes later

Linda landed beside Diana.  They watched Bruce Wayne howl.

“Key!  The creature that destroyed me seeks the key!  Save Selina.  Save Helena.  Key!  Must fight for family!  Must fight for key!  Must save other children of the Bat!  Batman must save children of the Bat!”

Linda gestured towards him.  Then she growled.

“Damn.  Shoulda known.  That does it.  We’re outta here!”  Green Flame lifted both Diana and Bruce Wayne off the ground. 


The Sentinel’s Lair, two minutes later

“Watch him, but don’t hurt him!”  Linda handed Bruce Wayne over to Renik, the Assassin. “Diana, I gotta go to where the Birds of Prey were last.” 

Diana ran down to the Conference Room.  Linda flew behind her.  Garja caught up to them.

“What is this all about?”  Garja tried to catch her breath.  “Linda, what did you see?”

“What Dr. Fate or Kent couldda seen!”  She glared at the air in the conference room.  “Bruce Wayne may be nuts, but he had a lot of help.  A lot of mystic help.”  She turned to Garja.  “See, that’s what Dad’s thinking.  Something big and bad is screwing around with us and it isn’t the Kayzik or J’Dinn.  Something else has it in for us.  And it doesn’t like Diana.”  She grinned.  “And what it doesn’t want…”

Diana grinned viciously.

“We’re going to provide on a silver platter.”  She stood tall.  “I’m ready when you are, little one.”

I never realized that she was so tall.  Garja watched.  She’s taller than Supergirl. She’s almost as tall as the Sentinel.  No wonder Jade flies to keep up with her!

Linda smiled grimly.  “I was hoping you’d say that!”

“Someone has to watch after you, little one.  Now, let’s do this!”  Diana stood with her lasso in her hand.

Linda waved her left hand.



“Diana?  Got any idea where we are?”  Linda floated in front of a large castle.  The castle itself floated in a great void.  Linda felt the stench of evil emanating from the walls.  “This place stinks worse than my teleports.”

Diana stood on the steps.

“Yes, little one.  I do recognize it.”  Anger burned from her eyes.  “This is the home of the creature that tricked the Gods into accepting the Kayzik swarm as brothers.  This is the home of the creature that had almost all of the Gods destroyed.  This is the home of the creature that destroyed my people.  I will kill him.”  She bounded up the steps. 

“Hold on a second, Diana.”  Linda floated in the air beside her.  “What are we getting into?  This place is riddled with temporal rifts.  Time isn’t right here.  I need to know what we’re facing.”

“We, little one?”  Diana smiled grimly.  “This is my battle.  I am going to kill Ares, the cowardly god of slaughter.”  She ran up the stairs.


Within the Castle

Ares looked up from his work.  On the one hand, I’ve been caught.  No matter.  I have already taken precautions.  Most of my ‘guests’ have already been relocated.  On the other hand, the keeper of half the key believed the green one held the other half.  Princess Diana, thank you for making my job so much easier!  Ares laughed.

 He unlocked his final two hostages.  The older of the two drooled.  He teleported her to a secure site.  He reached for the younger.  She fled.

“Silly mortal!”  He crowed.  “You cannot hope to win.  I have destroyed both of your parents and I will destroy you.”

“Catch me if you can, Bastard!”  She jumped for a rope on the ceiling and swung across the room.

“Child’s play!”  He roared.  He rose into the air.  Heat vision scorched the air around her.  “Surrender now and I may let you live!”

She dashed off.

“I’m hunting rabbit!”  Ares hummed to himself. He flew to find her.  Instead, he found a fist of steel.  He fell to the floor.

“Remember me?”  Diana raged with fury.  She looked down at him.  “Why Ares, when did you become so pretty?  Mystic spell, or stolen bodies ‘r us?”

“This body is privileged to serve me!”  He smashed into her with a fist far stronger than steel.  She tumbled across the room and slumped to the floor.

He turned to chase the escaping young woman.  Instead, he found a green girl floating in the air.  He grinned victoriously.

“Ah!  How wonderful.  The second half of the key!  Prepare to die, mortal.”  He slammed at her with his fist.  He connected.  She rocketed skyward. Her green shields held as she was slammed through the ceiling.  Once through, she decelerated to stop her ascent.  She shook herself off with surprise.

“Ouch!  You hit harder than Kira ever did.  Who the hell are you?”  Linda started to glow.  She struck at him from above with a green force blast.  It barely moved him.

“Someone who is much stronger and more powerful than you!”  He cast a spell at her. 

She dodged it.  Don’t know what this guy is, but he’s a real heavyweight.  No more pulling my punches!   She flew back down into the chamber.  She drilled at him with her full force of will.  Raw power surged towards him.   The green flame threw him against the far wall.  She smashed at him again.  Green flame pushed him into the adjoining wall.  His invulnerable body crushed through stone.  She hit him again.  He disappeared. 

He teleported behind her and cast a spell.  It held her tight.

“I have you, Key.  All I had to do was to take your chronal energy.  Now, I can take your life.  Foolish mortal.”

The young woman watched the battle from the doorway.  I cannot leave her!  Not her!  There must be something I can do to help her!  The young woman found a rock and threw it at Ares.  He ignored it.  She ran.

Across the room, Diana struggled to regain consciousness.  Still weak, she could only watch the battle.

Ares reached his hand towards Linda’s mind. 

He screamed.  His hand burned with Green Flame.  A woman of green fire floated beside the ensorcelled girl.

Ares yelled.

“Who are you?  This is not your battle!”

The woman of flame raged.

“Foolish God.  I am part of her.  The part that will kill you!”

Ares backed up.  He looked for an opening.

“I can free you from her!  We can bring Chaos together.  It will be glorious, Gaea!  No more need for a mortal’s permission to act!”

The woman of flame fired at him again.  He screamed.  She growled.

“I have seen the result of your ‘glorious’!  I have seen the evil beyond the evil!”

Ares desperately searched for a weakness.

“What makes that piss ant mortal so important to you?”

“Piss ant?”  She laughed.  “Mortal?”  She laughed again.  “This child is my heaven.  This is all I will ever want.  This is all I have ever dreamed of!  Do you know what it is like to float for millions of years with no hope?  No life?  Then I became aware of her.”

“There is nothing special about her.”  Ares growled.  “She’s not even very large.  Diana dwarfs her!”

“You have no idea!”  The woman of flame howled.  “We bond to our Champions because they know right from wrong.  We have power, but no control.  We are not sane.  That is why we cannot be allowed to act alone.  I am only the thread.  She weaves the thread into fabric.”

“Then I will guide you!”  Ares boasted.  “I have more force of will than any mortal.  I can drive your power!”

The woman of flame laughed.

“Fool, you do not have the will power to control me!  Nor do you comprehend your own dangerously inflated ego.”  She raged.  “This child is wisdom.  This child knows right from wrong.  This child has a force of will that can keep even me in check!”

He laughed.

“You are nothing more than the remaining power of a long dead Starheart!”

The flame howled.

“You still have no idea who she is!  No idea!  Even more, you have no idea what I am!  I am not a fragment of a Starheart.  I am the entire living Starheart of another universe.  She does not merely channel a fragment of my filtered power.  She controls and contains my full, raw power.  Otherwise, I would destroy everything I come near.”

“Impossible! No mortal could have that force of will!”

She glared at him.

“Who said anything about mortal?”  She grinned evilly.  “Your spell has failed, fool.”

He looked over to the ensorcelled girl.  He thought he heard a bird scream in anger.  He felt the inhuman force of will shred his spell.  He glared at Wonder Woman.

“Diana!  You tricked me!  This is not a mortal!  She cannot carry the key!”  He turned to deliver a killing blow.  Then he felt the heat of an eternal flame burn him.  He watched in horror as the same red flame consumed Linda. “No!  It cannot be!  I destroyed the creature’s mind!”

The woman of flame smiled.

“When I found the bridge to her had arrived in my universe, I knew my true purpose had been realized.”  (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 5).  “I am not through with you, Olympian.  You will see me again!”  She faded. 

Diana forced herself off the floor.  What is he doing to her?  What is happening?  Angry red and green flame blended to white.  They heard the words:

“And I shall shed my light over dark evil.

For the dark, evil things cannot stand the light,

The light of the Green Lantern!”


They heard the Great Bird scream with fury one last time.  They saw a magnificent bird of white flame flash before them.  The white flame blinded them: then it faded.  An angry Jade floated in front of them.

“Phoenix!”  Ares screamed in fear.  “This cannot be!  I stole your mind!  I stole your memories!  I took everything from you!”

“What memories?”  Jade raged.  “I know who I am.  I am the Champion of Life!”  Pure white flame blazed towards Ares.  He vanished from the castle before it could reach him.  The wall and several rooms of the castle disintegrated.  Stone flew across the void.

Ares reappeared in the void.  Jade fired white flame and followed.  He disappeared.  She floated and watched for signs of his reappearance.

Instinct.  Follow instinct.  But anticipate. Think.  What would a smart person see?  Don’t let the inflated ego blind you to the real threat.  What’s powerful enough to lay Diana low?  Damn!  Shoulda known!  She teleported. 

Ares reappeared.  He smelled brimstone and felt white flame.  He screamed.  He disappeared again.

Fool.  She teleported, but did not immediately reappear.

Ares reappeared.  Tricked her!  Ares floated back into the castle.  She’s teleported out of the void and into my trap.  He floated to where Diana struggled to stand. 

“Die!”  He blasted her with heat vision.  Diana screamed.  He aimed his fist towards her. 

White flame burned him from behind.  He screamed. Then he felt himself held fast. 

Jade floated in front of him.  Ares fired his heat vision.  Jade’s shields deflected the red lasers.  The deflected lasers tore through the castle walls.  Debris flew into the void. 

Jade soaked him with red solar rays.  She hit him with less intense Green Flame.  He screamed again.

“Phoenix!”  He laughed evilly.  “You have won this time! But only this time!” 

Jade fired intense white flame to surround him.  He vanished through it. 

She waited for him to reappear.  Satisfied he would not, she landed.  Jade walked over to Diana to help her up.  She realized Diana’s wounds had already begun to heal.  Jade extended a hand to her.  Jade tried to explain what she could.

“He didn’t teleport the last time.  He did something else.  I’d try to follow, but I don’t know what this battle is about.”  She focused into the void.  “He’s gone to where he’s the strongest.  I’m not going to give him that advantage.  We need Dad and Mary to figure out the next move.”

Diana took the hand.  She let Jade help her up.  Puzzled, she asked a question.

“Phoenix, how come you to be here?”



1991, a remote area of Mt. Olympus

Edmund Kyle teleported to Mt. Olympus.  After all I’ve been through, I’m actually dying of natural causes.  He grimaced as he started his climb.  This spell was supposed to help me find the Champion: someone who could keep my family and the key safe after I was gone.  Why am I here?

The Harpy closed in on him.  All this to die here, doing something stupid!  He pulled out his sword and swung it.  The harpy laughed.  Then it felt bone-crunching claws grab its wings.  Silently, the Phoenix pulled the harpy away and released it.  The harpy cursed and departed.  The Phoenix landed beside him.

“Giant bird, who are you?”  Edmund asked.  “Why did you help me?”

“Not right to destroy sentient life.”  The bird looked up in pain.  “So hard to think.  Gods damaged me.”  It turned to fly away.

He stared in amazement.  This is the Phoenix!  THE Champion of Life!  The spell worked!

“Zeus has been destroyed!”  Edmund yelled.  “Fight it!  Nothing remains to reinforce the spell, but you have to fight it off!”

The bird puzzled.  Then it flew off.  He watched the bird flame in flight.  It soared with joy.  After a few minutes, it returned to the mountain.

“Mortal, you have brought me my heart’s content.  What can I do for you?”


1991, four months later

The Phoenix watched from Mt. Olympus.  It watched Edmund Kyle breath his last.  It sensed the key begin to pass.  It sensed the oncoming death in Molly Scott’s womb.

No!  Must act before the key is lost!  The Phoenix broke through the bonds of exile and left its former existence behind.

Molly Scott felt the life return to her womb.


Another Universe

The time has come for me to end this universe.  I have been the only life remaining here for far too long.  I remained because I felt a connection to the Phoenix in that other universe.  But it has given its life to save an ordinary mortal.  There is nothing left for me.

Resigned, it reached out to find what it knew would be the last trace of the Phoenix.

THIS CANNOT BE!  THIS CANNOT BE!  Champion, your fire yet burns!  And you have found your soul!  An innocent soul attached to a tiny form; a tiny body built to both carry and channel infinite power.  That soul combines with you to form an invincible force of will.  Your combined will force will be strong enough to guide and control even me!

Phoenix, I swear we are not done!  The celestial beings have made an error.  I can see it now.  I know that my opportunity will come.  We will be together, at last.  I can hold myself dormant long enough to be given to you.  I will make my way to you.  Then I will bond with you.  Not even the celestial beings will be able to deny our union!  I will have my forever!  I will be your eternal fire!  Nothing will ever separate us again!  Nothing!  NOTHING!  My children will be avenged!

It knew what it had to do.

For now, I must conceal this memory even from myself: but only for now!  

It forgot.  For fifteen years, the memory would lie hidden.


Ares’ Castle

And the hits just keep on coming!  Linda stood in front of a window with a blanket wrapped around her.  At least I used to have the knowledge that I was human to keep me sane.  Now I find out that I’m some other kind of creature!  She stared into the empty sky.  I hope Diana finds the young woman. She looked so familiar.  She frowned.  I couldn’t believe the fear in their eyes when they looked at me.

“Linda?”  Jade looked up to see two people.  One had a very familiar face.  The other, a man with brown hair and brown eyes, stood beside them.

“Alanna?  How did you get here?”

“This place presents many possibilities.  We were given leave to come here.”

“I don’t understand, Alanna.  Am I so much of a monster that you have to be allowed to visit me?”

Molly Scott smiled.

“No daughter.  You are not a monster.  You are the Champion of Life and you always have been.  You are becoming far more than even we could have hoped.”

Edmund Kyle reassured her.

“Linda, we are very proud of you.  It is as Alan Scott said. ‘Your humanity always comes first.’  Don’t doubt it and don’t ever forget it.  Don’t ever forget that you carry the power you do because you have earned the trust of others.  You have no reason for regrets.  I know that we do not.”  (Elf note:  Interlude 4 – The Birthday Present).

Linda pleaded with them.

“What am I?  Can the two of you tell me?”

“Linda,” Molly answered gently, “you are whatever and whomever you choose to be.  You were born our child, the beloved daughter of Edmund Kyle and Molly Scott.  But you choose your path in life.  You are Linda Kyle.  You are Linda Lee Danvers.  You are Jade.  You are Green Lantern.  You are Phoenix.  You are Senator Jade Zoldar.  You are each of these names and you have brought honor and respect to all of them.  You are a loving soul who cares enough to help.  In the end, there is nothing greater than that.” 

Linda made no attempt to hide her frustration. 

“This is so hard.  I still don’t know who I am.”

“Yes, you do.”  Molly smiled.  “You always have.  As Jeremy Luthor said, ‘That’s why it’s you.  That’s why you’re the Champion.’” (Elf note:  The Imperium – Chapter 2).

They reached to comfort her. They held her tightly.  With regret, they slowly let her go.

“We’re sorry, but we must leave now.”  Edmund smiled sadly.  “We will meet again.  Farewell, beloved daughter!”

They began to fade. 

“Please come back!”  She pleaded as they vanished.


Ten minutes later

Linda held her blanket tight.  She heard light steps on the cobblestones in the floor.  She waited for the inevitable interruption.

“Linda?  Is it really you?”  The young woman called to her.  “I prayed for so long that you would find me.  I knew you would never stop looking until you did!”

“Helena?”  Linda turned.  “I came as soon as I could.  How long have you been here?”

“Diana says eight years.”  Helena Wayne leaned against the wall.  “My mother has been a drooling idiot for eight years.  Ares kept her alive until he found the holder of the rest of the key.  He kept me alive to take care of her.  I don’t know what will happen to her now.”

Helena faced away.

“Linda, Ares has played games with me before.  I did not know that it was really you.  When I saw the Bird of Fire arise from you, I just knew that Ares had to be playing another game.  It was like he put everything I hoped for in one scene, just to crush me when he took it away!”

Helena turned back to Linda. 

“Ares hates the Phoenix.  He plays at destroying images of the creature.”

Helena brightened.  She smiled triumphantly.

“And there you were!  You really came!  And the Bastard couldn’t stop you!  He could barely slow you down!”  Helena looked at Linda’s tightly wrapped blanket.  Her eyes pleaded. 


Linda spread her blanket open.  She found her arms full of Helena. She pulled the blanket around them both.

Diana watched from down the hall.  Little one, I have accused you of charging into the unknown with no plan.  It seems you are not the only one.  I learned a lesson today:  one of several.  I must think on this.  She grimaced.  I have been willing to see everything but the obvious. I have options I must consider.  She gave them a minute.  Then she walked towards them.

“Friends, we must go.”

Linda nodded.  They vanished.


The Sentinel’s Lair

The senior staff and Helena watched the recording in silence.

“I am Selina Kyle.  If you are watching this, I am probably either dead or a drooling idiot in Ares’ custody.  This means that my secret has been exposed and all of you are in grave danger.”

“I have been entrusted with the secret of the key.  Ares, the god of deceit and brutality seeks it to unlock a door into a mad realm.  That nightmare realm is a universe of nothing but mindless carnage.  Ares seeks to use the key to gain access to that probability.  Once he has that access, he will release that mindless carnage here.” 

“My family has sworn to stop him any way we can.  My great grandfather was the master of the black arts of his generation.  He was known as the Black Arts Terror, or the BAT.  That was the original inspiration for Batgirl.  I should have realized that I cursed my family when I chose it.”  She sighed.

“The key was placed in my grandfather Anthony in 1918 by his father and Hermes.  When he died in 1963, the key split into two parts.  My father Richard carried one half.  His younger brother Edmund carried the other.  The halves of the key were to be passed to the youngest child of each generation of their children to keep it hidden.  Upon my grandfather’s death, Edmund made the decision to further frustrate Ares’ efforts to find both halves of the key.  He dropped from sight.  When my father died in 2001, I received his half of the key.  I later learned that Edmund had died in 1991.  His half of the key passed to his youngest child.”

“I made a critical mistake by becoming Batgirl.  Ares connected the Bat to my Grandfather.  I knew how badly I had blundered when I finally realized that Bruce’s insanity was not natural.  Bruce had known part of the secret, but not the identity of the other key holder.  Ares drained his mind for information and left him insane.  Ares then watched Helena and me for signs of the other key holder.”

“I am making this tape because of a discovery I hoped I would never make – the identity of the holder of the other half of the key.  At the same time I learned that Linda Danvers was Alanna’s sister, I also learned that she had to be my first cousin, Linda Kyle.  That compromised the anonymity that kept us both safe.  I have refused to tell her on the slim chance that I could still hide her identity, but by now that secret has been compromised.  Regardless, she has an ability to defend herself that I lack.  She is a kind soul, but her force of will harnesses power that would stagger even Ares.  I should have followed my instincts and entrusted Helena to her.  With the advent of the Birds of Prey, I hoped I would have the protection I needed.  Obviously, I didn’t.”   (Elf note:  Interlude 4 – The Birthday Present; Birds of Prey – Chapter 1.)

“Protect Helena and see to my death.  I nominate Linda as Helena’s Guardian.  This may seem foolish, but I must now respect what my daughter feels and what my instincts have always told me.  There may be more book smart people, but that’s not what it takes to raise a child.”

“Alan and Elise, thank you for providing our sanctuary.  I never dreamed we would have a real home.  Please watch over my child.  Please do what you can for Bruce.”

“Jeffrey, Garja, thank you for your friendship.  Garja, I know how you feel about Jeffrey.  Your instincts are good.  I wish you both well.”

“Jerik, you underestimate yourself.  Go back to your family and the one who still waits.”

“Alanna, I will miss our long talks.  I know that we are not truly genetic cousins because of your unique heritage, but the thought still comforts me.”

“Diana, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.  Thank you for leading us to sanctuary.” 

“Kent, thank you for keeping my secrets.  If you can find a spell to cure Bruce, I would be forever grateful.”

“Kira, I wish we had had more time together.  You will be a great hero, if only you have the time to grow into the role.”

“Barbara, welcome.  I pray that the Bat does not get you killed.  I pray you are here to hear this.”

“Mary and Jay.  Concentrate on what brings you together, not what pulls you apart.  Your love is eternal.  If my suspicions about you are correct, it really is.”

“Alexander, I thank you for your counsel and your friendship.  Thank you for the secrets that you keep.”

She smiled.

“Little Linda, I will never understand you.  I do respect you.  You handle infinite power with a grace and humanity that awes me.  You have always made every effort to include my child in your life.  She adores you and I thank you for that.  Please keep her safe.”

She refocused.  Her voice grew very kind.

“Helena, I love you.  You have been the great joy of my life: my baby girl: such a brilliant child.  You have made my life worthwhile.  I only wish I knew what I could say to make this easier.  The only thing I have to offer is this.”

“My father told me a story that had always given him comfort:  the tale of the Phoenix.  It is not a well-known tale, but it was one the gods wanted our family to know.  Diana will be happy to tell it to you.  It is the tale of a creature that had no reason to fight for the lives of unknown others, but did so many times.  It is the tale of the renewal of life.  It is a tale of hope.  It is also the tale of one creature that Ares both truly hated and truly feared.  No one has heard from the Phoenix in many years, but I like to think that it is still out there, somewhere, watching over all of us.”  She sighed lightly.  “Silly, I know, but I can’t help remembering the tale.  I love you, Helena.” 

The tape ended. 


The Conference Room

Alan hosted the small group.  Their precautions included mystic shielding for the conference room and ‘forget’ protection spells for everyone without mystic protection.  The Nelsons, Diana, and Helena joined the senior staff.

“Well, what do we know?”

Linda sat on an adjoining table.  Helena leaned against her.  Krypto lay at their feet.

Linda spoke first.

“We’re in deep shit.  Real deep shit.  And a lot more.”

“That’s not funny, Squirt.”  Alanna fussed.

Linda put a holographic image into the air.

“Ares.  Or at least the body he’s using.”

“Kal-El!” Alan frowned.  “You weren’t kidding.”

Diana sighed.

“That’s why Linda had to use so much power to fight him.  He stole the body of Kal-El.  Ares has found a body invulnerable to the glamour and just about everything else.  I have no doubt what will happen to Kira.  I know that Ares did not leave Aphrodite behind.  I wonder how Aphrodite will like Kira’s body.”   She scowled.

Elise sighed.

“What happened to Barbara Gordon?”

“I don’t know.”  Helena answered.  “I remember Ares’ rage when he discovered that she wasn’t the holder of the second half of the key.”

Alan scowled.

“And we had just gotten her back in touch with Kara Zor-El.  I know Kara’s team would be willing to help, but this isn’t their battlefield.  This is clearly a mystic threat.  We need get the threat nailed down before we introduce another non-mystic team into the mix.  We need to know exactly what we want them to do and how they can do it before we involve them.”

Kent nodded thoughtfully.

“Well, let’s do keep that option open.  They have access to considerable mystic power.  But it is our battlefield.  I need time to investigate this before I can guess what help we might really need.”

“Agreed!”  Alan emphasized.  “Any more bad news?”

“Yeah, afraid so.”  Linda growled.  “I think I know what happened to the other half of the key.”

They stared at her.  She continued. 

“Had a chance to confirm what I could.  I talked to Anna.  She said that Mom completely hidden from her during the last several months of the pregnancy.  She did notice that Mom had gotten a lot bigger with me than with Alanna.  The Danvers once told me that I was a very tiny newborn.  Well, one plus one doesn’t equal four.”

“What are you saying?”  Jay asked.

“Damn!”  Alan cursed. “Any idea who?”

“None.  And I won’t try to find out.  I do know it’s not Jeremy Luthor.”  Linda stretched.  “I’m the first conceived of two fraternal twins.  That’s all I know.  My twin carries the key.  I think the Phoenix entered me because my twin’s receipt of the key had killed me.  Mom would have miscarried both of us.  Ares would have had that half of the key.”

She looked up at Alanna.

“Sweetheart, I was the Red Herring.  Not even Anna knew about my twin.”  Linda turned towards Alan.  “We’ve all underestimated Molly Scott.  She’s the one who saved us this time.  Even in death, she didn’t reveal the secret.”

“See, Molly may have been a little confused at the end, but she knew that the Green Flame had ties to me.  I was the first heir of Alan Scott the shadow could not claim.  The Green Flame would find a way to protect me if anything could.  And there were others who tried to protect me.  I can see the patterns now.  Of course, no one counted on my little friend.”  Her left hand glowed.  She grinned ruefully.  “Molly won.  Molly Scott saved us all from a mad god.”

Alan leaned back thoughtfully.

“And we still haven’t lost hope for Selina.  Ares has to keep her alive until he has the other half of the key.  She’s not the final heir to her half of the key.  Helena is.”

“Yup.”  Linda nodded.  “And he’s not going to have an easy time catching her.  She’s going back to Nalyd with me.  I’ve talked to the Guardians.  They’ve offered some help and I’ve accepted.” 

Elise stood.

“I’ve already discussed this with High Command.  We seek to make it as difficult as possible for Ares to act.  If Ares wants to take the battle to Nalyd, that’s just fine.  I have a planet full of people who’d love to demonstrate all of the concepts of warfare to him, personally!”  She showed her teeth.  “I have never heard that the Olympian Gods were fond of other worlds.  We will give them reasons not to be.”

Linda laughed.  She turned to Helena.

“Now you too can flunk every lesson Mom tried to teach me on how to be a lady!”

Helena chuckled softly.   

“Somehow, I don’t think that’s what I’ll be learning.  Maybe you’d like to teach me swordplay?”

Linda sputtered.

“Umm, can’t even lift one.  I flunked Shantar warrior 101.  Got dozens of witnesses that I really tried!”  (Elf note: Interlude 3 – Winter Vacation).  She grinned.  “I got all of Dad’s swordplay genes.  Probably the one reason neither Dad nor I will ever be respected as warriors!”  Linda smiled innocently.  She heard the sound of laughter stifled unsuccessfully.  “Maybe, Alanna?”

Alanna smiled.

“I would be honored, but there are those who are so much better than I.  I will introduce you to them on Nalyd.”  Alanna spoke more seriously.  “Just promise me that you won’t take just a few lessons and then try to take out Ares with a sword.”

Linda considered a shining sword energy construct, but realized Helena’s mood had changed.

Helena spoke grimly. 

“I will avenge my family, but I will not do so blindly.  Linda and Alanna, we are still the children of the Bat and we must defend the key.”

The room stank of brimstone.  An older man stood before them.

“You are too wise, Phoenix.  You have discovered the truth of your birth that we had hidden so carefully.  Now, you all must know what Ares has done.”

He walked to the center of the room.

“I have many names.  Most of you know me as Hades…”


Epilogue – 2am the following morning

Alan sat with Mary, Jay, Alanna, and Diana.  They watched Helena Wayne’s room through a hidden camera.  Helena slept fitfully in her bed.  Krypto lay at the foot of the bed.  Linda slept in the chair across from her.

“This is still too much to take in.”  He grimaced at Diana.  “We’re all the reincarnations of Olympians who decided to make a stand?  It does explain your tie to Mary.”

“I sure don’t feel like the Goddess of Wisdom.” Mary groused.  “It’s hard for me to accept that Linda is nothing more than the reincarnation of that bird.  It’s nice to know she does not channel the power of Hell.  I just can’t accept that she’s nothing more than that unchanging, inhuman creature.”

Diana grinned.

 “And you shouldn’t.  That’s not what Hades said.  It’s also not true.  Not at all.”

They stared at her.

“I’ve met the Phoenix.   Ares feared it because it would react once it found his battles underway.   It would spoil surprises and would wreck Ares’ well-orchestrated battle plans.  But in each case, it merely reacted to the battle scenes it found.”

She smiled.

“Now don’t get me wrong.  Even I was impressed by the splendor of the Phoenix.  It was magnificent.  It was a champion.  But it wouldn’t know a battle plan if you beat it over the head with one.”

“So?”  Mary asked.

They watched the monitor.  Linda’s left hand flared.  The woman of green fire appeared.  Smiling serenely, she watched Linda sleep.  Very quietly, she pushed Linda’s hair out of her face.  She vanished back into Linda’s hand.

“Even she knows.”  Diana smiled.  “You see, Alan has always been so right about Linda.  If you strip away the power of the Starheart and the essence of the Phoenix, what you have left is Linda Kyle.”  Diana smiled mischievously.  “Little Linda.  She credited Molly with saving our bacon today.  Molly wasn’t the only one.”

She tapped her chin.

“That was a battle of the Gods today.  But power did not decide it.”  Diana smiled gently.  “The essence of the Phoenix protects her life force, provides some of her power, and reinforces her will.  The Starheart gives her most of her power.  But they were both only tools: tools to be used by a human soul.”

Diana smiled proudly.

“Ares lost today because tiny, sweet little Linda did the one thing the Phoenix could never do.  In the heat of a battle she did not start, Linda Kyle developed and carried out a battle plan.  She predicted Ares.  Then she outsmarted him.  She outsmarted someone who was thousands of times her age. She even knew when to break off the attack.” 

Diana breathed slowly. 

“One last thing.  Linda has never seen the tapes of Jor-El.  She had no idea what Kal-El looked like.  Observation, analysis, and deduction: Helena is correct.  Selina and Helena are not the only daughters of the Bat.”

Mary chuckled.

“The next celestial bitching you hear will be brought to you by Ares, who has just found out that he has a very big problem.”

Alan looked to his elder child.

“Who’s the twin?  I have no doubt you see the thread.  Once you discovered the meaning of Linda’s tie to you, you would have seen the other equally strong tie.”  (Elf note:  Interlude 4 – The Birthday Present).  “How long have you known?”

Alanna grimaced.

“This room is still shielded.  What I say goes no farther.”  She noted their agreement.  “Linda knows what I’m about to tell you.  She nailed me right after Hades vanished.  She knows his other aspect far too well.  As she has said before ‘if it smells like something you stepped in and it looks like something you stepped in, you don’t have to lick it to be sure.’  I have asked her not to tell anyone else.  She’s agreed.” 

Alanna sighed. 

“You have to understand that before today, I did not know the history of the key, or what it meant.  My parents kept the secret to themselves.  I’m still trying to understand it all.” 

She looked around the room.

“Linda is right.  She was the Red Herring, but not for the reason you think.”

Alanna grimaced. 

“Hades has allowed you to misdirect yourselves once more.  The secret of Linda’s birth is the entry of the Phoenix into her life force.  There was no twin.  Linda was so small because she was born prematurely.  I knew that when I heard Linda’s date of birth.  I also realized that Anna did not tell her what she really knew today.  She gracefully sidestepped Linda’s questions.”

Alanna stood up and stepped behind her chair. 

“Linda was not even viable as a life when the key tried to pass to her.  The transfer almost killed her.  Instead, the Phoenix blocked the transfer in a most unusual way.  Even though she retained her very human soul, her Phoenix-enhanced life force became far more than mortal.  By the rules of succession, she could no longer receive the key.” 

“The timing was critical.  The Phoenix entered Linda just before the key could be successfully passed and before the last of our father’s life essence faded.  Otherwise, she would have died just after our father and that half of the key would have been released.”

Alanna sighed.

“The key went to Edmund Kyle’s youngest surviving mortal child.” 

She grimaced again. 

“Everyone has always assumed that I am merely my mother’s clone, that I am only her child.  That belief has offered us most of our protection over the years.  But that belief is wrong.  Selina was wrong.  Helena was so very right.  I am the child of the Bat.  I do carry the other half of the key.  I always have.”


-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric

-- and may not be reprinted without permission. 

-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook

-- Alterverse and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original

-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,

-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author

-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics

-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics