December 2006, Terran Resistance Headquarters, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
“I still can’t believe my whole universe is gone.” Barbara Gordon paced. “No one remembers Kara at all?”
“Not according to Alan.” Kira Jor-El leaned against the wall. “Your universe reformed itself. There is another version of you out there. By the way, Daimon wanted you to know that even of your universe rolled back, there would be another you there, not Lord Satanus. That was our one condition for pulling you out. We wanted to be absolutely sure no harm could come to the other universe.” (Elf note: The Search for Kal-El – Chapter 1).
“You know, Linda does bear a resemblance to the Jade I knew. She’s very different, but she really does look like both the Green Lantern and Jade from my reality.”
“I’m sorry you weren’t at the Lair last night.” Kira smiled. “You are right. She is Alanna’s biological sister. That was a shock.” (Elf note: Interlude 4 – The Birthday Present).
“Wow! I am glad to know some things are consistent across universes. I still can’t believe Lex – excuse me, Alexander, is one of the good guys here.”
Kira smiled.
“We’ve had our disagreements, but he and Alan buried the hatchet. They support each other, but they really don’t have the same spheres of influence.”
Barbara nodded.
“I have to wonder. On both Earth-1 and Earth-2, Superman and Luthor were fierce enemies. Yet here, you don’t have a Superman. Even if we find Kal-El, this Luthor is older than Kal-El would be. I don’t think you’ll ever have the problem that plagued our universes.”
“That,” Kira frowned, “and we have a common foe.”
“I have to admit one thing.” Barbara stopped pacing. “The little girl was right. Faced with life in this universe or nonexistence, I choose life in this universe. Now I just have to figure out what I can do here.”
Kira smiled.
“There is someone who is anxious to meet you. Are you ready to meet the Lair staff?”
Barbara grinned.
“Yes, I think I am!”
The Sentinel’s Lair Command Center
Kira landed with Barbara. A small woman dressed in armor greeted them.
“Welcome! I’m Elise Zoldar. I am the station commander for the Shantar Empire.”
“I’m pleased to meet you.” Barbara smiled. What a handsome people! This must be Jade’s Mother!
“You’ll find this to be one of the most efficient and well run stations in the Empire. We have a well disciplined and tightly knit crew.”
They heard commotion in the halls.
“You put me down!” They could hear Jade giggle. “I warn you! My Mom wants me to be a lady. You’re ruining my image!” She giggled again.
Barbara heard a stronger version of a familiar voice.
“Who, me? Sweetheart, I’m just making up for lost time!” He laughed.
“Happens every time I have visitors!” Elise laughed. “Every time!” She smiled brilliantly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The Sentinel carried Jade into the Command Center.
“Anyone have a bucket of shaving cream I can dump her into?” He grinned from ear to ear.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Jade stuck her tongue out at him.
Barbara laughed. So this is Alan Scott. He’s even more impressive than the E-2 Green Lantern I knew. And that is really saying something.
“Daddy, you have to behave!” Jade teased. “We have a visitor.” The Sentinel walked towards Barbara.
“Welcome!” He smiled. “I remember you from the comic books. You’ll find more of the Earth-2 heroes running around here than anything else. I’d put down my daughter and greet you properly, but she likes it up here.”
Jade grinned.
“I don’t get to be tall very often.”
“They’re my cousins,” Mary Marvel walked up to them, “and I have to admit I’m happy to have them.” She laughed. “Welcome, Barbara!”
“Welcome!” Diana walked in behind Mary. “I’m pleased to meet you.”
“The pleasure is mine!” Barbara smiled. It seems like just days ago I stood with all them during the Crisis. Yet, none of these are the heroes I know. That’s not true. They are the heroes I know, just not the people I know. It will take time to forget. (Elf note: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Go buy a copy!)
A young woman sat quietly at a console, amused. Kira caught sight of her. The woman’s daughter snuck into the room. Kira guided Barbara over to her. The rest of the crowd followed.
“Batgirl, meet Batgirl!” Kira laughed.
“She’s been practicing that all week.” Selina Kyle smiled. “Kryptonians are a little hard to train.”
Barbara laughed.
“I’ve seen your pictures. The Batman of my world showed them to me. In Earth-2, Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle were very happily married.” She smiled. “And you, little Helena Wayne, were a legend of your very own. I’ve had the honor to meet you as a grown-up! You were called the Huntress.”
Helena quieted. Barbara saw a familiar look in her eyes. Were and will be again. Child, you are the Huntress. How soon until you claim that destiny? Please have a chance to grow up first.
Selina peered into the gathering crowd.
“People, go away or I’ll arrange for you to be the guests of the J’Dinn during our next operation.”
The crowd scattered. Selina grinned.
“C’mon, let’s find a little privacy. We’re going to make a very dangerous team.”
A locked conference room
“I truly envy you for the Bruce Wayne you knew.” Selina sighed. “My Bruce has lost himself in his work. Your Bruce teetered on the edge of psychosis. My Bruce is a poster child for it.”
Barbara scowled.
“We all have to be a little that way to survive in this business; especially those of us who don’t have super powers. Since Kara died, I’ve had a very hard time. I mean, she was my best friend and she died saving billions. I’m just a detective with a few neat tricks.”
“At least you know how to use those tricks.” Kira grimaced. “I wound up on this planet six months ago after spending my life on Daxam. Alan Scott beat me here by two days. He had to teach me to fly. I’m supposed to be one of the greatest heroes who ever lived, and I don’t know how! Why was it so easy for the Superman and Supergirl you knew, and so hard for me?”
Barbara tapped her chin.
“Because no one becomes a legend overnight. Superman’s career spanned fifteen years and Supergirl’s spanned about half that. Her trained her and he had guides of his own. You haven’t had that here.” She smiled faintly. “You haven’t had a chance to grow into your role.”
“Kira,” Selina turned, “remember the Green Lantern, Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman, and the Flash have been at this long before you arrived. The Green Lantern, Mary Marvel, and Wonder Woman had careers that spanned years. The Flash has less experience and it shows.”
“I hate to ask this, but how does that explain Jade?” Kira scowled. “That little girl is already a living legend.”
“Kira,” Selina spoke sincerely, “it doesn’t, and you know it. But she has earned everything she’s gotten. She’s had no free ride and she didn’t ask for any of it.”
Kira nodded slowly.
“I admire her for that. There’s a part of me that hopes I’ll never have to face the decisions she has.”
Selina laughed.
“You and me both, kid – you’ll get no argument from me!” She turned to Barbara. “This is not why we’re here. I want to change the way I operate. I’m a single mother working in the safest place in the world for my daughter. I have no intention of swinging through the trees as Batgirl. I might put on the costume occasionally, but I don’t make a habit of it.” She laughed. “On the other hand, another Batgirl would drive Bruce up the wall!” She sobered. “He does try to follow me, but he’s run into the crew in this place. He’s learned to keep his distance. Even Bruce will not return to the home of the Sentinel, Supergirl, and Captain Marvel without good reason.”
“He sounds like a real piece of work.” Barbara commented.
Selina scowled.
“I don’t let Helena out of here without Krypto and one other person with her. About the only time I’ll break that rule is when Kira or Jade take her out.”
Kira laughed.
“Some idiot rapist tried to attack Jade and Helena. Jade got mad and made him into a her. Diana still howls when she tells the story. We never found out what happened to her, but I’m sure she’s not happy about the change.”
Selina sighed.
“I think you just made my point. Here’s my suggestion. We’ll work as a team. I’ll do the behind the scenes work and the two of you will do the fieldwork. That gives you, Barbara, a consistent reference point and somewhere to go for guidance on your new world. And it gives Eagle Eyes here the operating base she needs. And if both Batgirls happen to be on the ground, so what? How many Green Lanterns hang around this place? We have at least two who are the Champion of the Green Flame. Either way, Barbara, we increase the legend of the Bat, and that’s not a bad thing.”
Barbara smiled.
“Selina Kyle, first the Catwoman, then the Bat, and now the Oracle. Well, why not? Works for me! Kind of makes us birds of prey.”
“Us sweet and lovely birds?” Selina grinned. “All on our own? How will we pull this off? I wonder?”
Three voices spoke as one.
“Wonder Woman!”
Ten minutes later
“You want me on a Super-Hero team?” Diana laughed. “Why not Mary? She has more strength and speed. I don’t even do outer space adventures. I’m an old woman with second-rate powers.”
“You are a mature immortal, Diana.” Selina laughed. “You’ve never aged a day. Not exactly over the hill. Your ‘friend’ Kent doesn’t carry his age nearly as well as you do. But I’m not answering your question, am I?”
“No, you are not.” Diana smiled.
“Very well.” Selina became the Bat. “Logic. Captain Marvel or no, Mary will never travel far from Alan and Jay. She has no interest in a separate team. But that only explains why she is not included. Diana, why are you here?”
“Because my friends believe in me.” Diana scowled. “I’d lost everything until I had that again.”
“No, Diana.” Selina spoke emotionlessly. “Why were you originally sent to man’s world? What is your mission?”
“To harass middle-aged sorcerers!” Diana laughed. She scowled. “I had forgotten. Just because my people were flawed does not mean their dream was. It’s what Mary has tried to tell me so many times.” She grimaced. “I’m supposed to lead mankind towards peace. I serve as the daughter of the Dove of Peace and the Eagle of Freedom. Unfortunately, in this world the only way to do that is to win a war.”
“Diana,” Selina reminded her, “up to now, we’ve had the Terran Resistance and we’ve had our team of warriors that fights on other worlds. No one watches over our fellow humans. I think it’s time someone took on that responsibility. And that’s part of what you were sent to do, too.”
Diana nodded agreement.
“You know,” Kira added, “I’ve seen so little of this world. I know why Alan does what he does – he has to. But his teams can’t watch out for the Terrans. I think Selina has a good point. We might want Jay and Kent as associate members – they know this world.”
“So, I guess that officially makes us the Birds of Prey?” Barbara smiled.
“Guess so!” Selina smiled.
The Command Center
Selina cornered Alan Scott.
“But Alan, right now no one has that mission. We’d like to volunteer for it. We’d do the opposite of the Batman – we’ll help without being too obvious to our friends in the sky.”
He tapped his fingers on his chin.
“Interesting thought, for more reason than one. Someday, I have another boring story to tell you.” Alan smiled. “You do realize that I can’t afford to completely release you from my senior staff. This would be something you do as part of your overall work here.”
Selina nodded.
“It wouldn’t work any other way. I need the resources the Lair has to offer. I stay here. The others pound the ground.”
“We have done a horrible job of keeping our fellow Terrans safe.” Alan admitted. “I think it is a good idea. The rest of us will provide backup, but it will be your mission. But I won’t make this decision alone. Alexander Luthor has a right to a say. You’ll be providing direct support to his organization. His people’s lives will depend on your ability to keep a commitment to him. I think you understand.”
Selina smiled.
“I see your point.” She paused. “Kira can take me out. I’d like to talk to Alexander alone.”
“Two more items.” He grinned. “First, I’ll release you from the watch rotation. Several watch standers came in on the last GLE. And we’ll do a little construction, right there!” Alan wiggled his fingers. Green flame hit an empty wall. An opening emerged into a vacant adjacent room. “The new Oracle’s chamber. We’ll do it right.”
Two days later
Selina swung around in her new space. Can’t complain! This is a lot better than my watch console. I’ve got a lot more display space, privacy when I need it, and open access to the command center when I need it. Boss, you run a class operation!
Bruce, you suck. She stuck out her tongue. Pffft.
Outside Mammoth Cave, Kentucky – Terran Resistance HQ.
He shifted back to his native appearance. The J’Dinn spy grinned. We found them. They’ve been expertly ruthless. Our spies have always disappeared, and now I know why. This place is history! He faded into the forest.
Two days later – Mammoth Cave
“Thanks for letting me come with you, Squirt.” Alanna walked into the cave with Linda.
Linda smiled.
“Well, I guess with Dad and Mary off planet, someone has to watch over me.” Not that you’re giving me much choice about it.
They walked down until they found Anna. She reacted with surprise.
“Why, Alanna! What brings you here? I haven’t seen you since your mother died.”
Alanna looked away.
“Things are kind of complicated for my sister.” Linda answered for her. “She’s been good to me, though. We’ll work through the rest.” Linda sat down. “Can you tell us about how our parents met?” She smiled earnestly.
The Sentinel’s Lair
“Commander!” Zeddis Kahn called her. “We have a problem. Kayzik ships are dropping out of hyperspace over Earth.”
She ran over.
“Any idea of the flight path?”
“None, Ma’am. These aren’t fighters. They’re bombers. They’ve isolated an enemy and they are on a bombing run.”
Her eyes widened.
“Shit!” She tapped her comms. “Any one near the facility, this is the Commander. We have an intrusion of Kayzik bombers. Everyone get inside. We’re sealing in two minutes. Selina, we need you up here, now!”
Selina ran through the command center into her alcove.
“Oracle is on-line! Oracle to Birds of Prey!” She watched Barbara swing into the command center from above. She activated a signal. It activated a spell at the portal to the Rock of Eternity. “We have an emergency situation. Kayzik bombers are inbound. Prepare to…”
“No!” Elise yelled. “Take no action. We’re not supposed to be here. If they figure out who lives here, they’ll demolish the planet. They won’t use bombers for that. Stand down! Observe only!”
Crap! Selina activated her tracking mechanisms. Aw, shit! These are the big boys. They’ll bomb, let the Satellites reload them and bomb again.
The far side of the moon
Stand down? Kira held Krypto on the far side of the moon. What are those things? They seemed to expand as soon as they left hyperspace. She watched them float outside of the satellites. Bombs appeared on the crafts’ wings. I don’t like this. These things could destroy a planet.
Mammoth Cave
Alexander watched the children pass him on their way back to their families. He followed them in.
Sentinel’s Lair
“Have they found us, Mommy?” Helena ran into the Command Center.
“I’ve done everything I can do, Commander.” Jeffrey Nelson put the helm back on. “Now Dr. Fate will stand to reinforce the defenses as best he can.”
Mammoth Cave
“And that was it.” Anna concluded. “She figured someone had to take care of him, so she did. He never left.”
Alanna laughed.
“I’ve never heard it told that way before.”
Sentinel’s Lair
“Commander!” Selina yelled. “Confirming, we’re not the target! It’s…”
Mammoth Cave
Alexander heard the explosion. He found himself on the ground. “Is everyone…?” Another explosion, and the cave opening collapsed. He could see the cave ceiling coming down. He smelled brimstone and saw a green flash. Another explosion rocked the cavern, but the cavern ceiling held. He rolled and saw the column of Green fire floating above him. Green fire flowed into the cavern ceiling and walls. The cavern glowed bright green with power.
“Alanna, I’ve got the damned ceiling!” Jade yelled. “Search the rubble for survivors. Don’t expose yourself outside – something’s watching!”
“You got it!” The shadow faded into the rubble. Alexander brushed the dirt off and yelled to his people.
“Medics, up here! Everyone else, get down into the cave!” He heard several more muted explosions.
Moments later, Alanna emerged with a child in her arms. She handed it to Alexander and flowed back into the rubble. A medic took the child from him. Alanna returned with another child.
“Have they stopped?” He asked Jade.
“No!” Jade’s face showed the strain. “But I’ll be damned if I’ll let them kill your children.” She activated her comms. “Jade to the Lair! What the Hell are you people doing? I’ve got casualties, a partially collapsed cave, and caverns full of people. I’m blind in here - I don’t know what’s attacking me! Lair, why wasn’t I warned?” She cursed. “Break your damned radio silence! I’m responsible for these people and I don’t have time for silly games!”
“Jade, this is Oracle.” Selina answered slowly. “We’ve got a big problem. The Kayzik just popped out of Hyperspace and started a bombing run. We can’t interfere. If we do, the Kayzik will just reinforce their assault. We’ll wind up fighting a battle we’re not ready to win.”
“That’s easy for you to say!” Jade growled. “You’re not having to block the blast effect of those bombs. I’m getting a headache!”
“Jade!” Selina tried to remain calm. “Those are nuclear devices. You need to let more damage occur. Otherwise, they’ll smell a rat.”
“I figured that out, but I gotta get the wounded out of here first. I need options, Oracle. What’s out there? When’s it gonna stop? Is it livable out there? Oracle, these are our allies and our responsibility. We’re gonna have to move these folks somewhere. I gotta take these people farther into the cave. Get your frigging Birds of Prey in gear. Do something! I gotta move now! Jade out.”
Alanna emerged from the rubble and shook her head ‘no’.
“We’re outta here!” Jade fired green flame towards her sister, Alexander, the wounded, and the medics. Her passengers felt the strain as she accelerated to flee. She shot down into the deeper parts of the cave as the cavern ceiling collapsed just behind her. She snatched stragglers from the ground as she flew. Her passengers watched in terror as the cave come down just behind them. She flew until the cavern ceiling stabilized. Then she set them down. “Sorry for the rough ride, folks. They had just started another bombing run. If I hadn’t let the ceiling collapse, they would have brought in heavy reinforcements.” She landed. “Anyone got any aspirin?”
Sentinel’s Lair
“Kira!” Selina called over the comms. “What are you seeing?”
“Nothing good, Selina!” Kira answered. “I think they’ve completed their run, but they really screwed up the landscape. The Resistance had casualties, some of them children. They were all killed in the initial blast. The survivors are safe for the moment.”
“Diana, are you there?”
“Here, Oracle. We felt that blast at the portal.”
“Glad you’re here. I’ve got a job for you. Think you can track down the Bat robot?”
Diana rode the winds. Her anger and a push from Dr. Fate increased her speed.
Mammoth Cave
Jade walked up to the grieving woman.
“I’m sorry. I know there’s nothing I can say that will help, but I am sorry.” The woman looked at her and fled. Jade looked down. Nice job! Now I’m scaring grieving families!
She felt a hand on her shoulder. Alexander smiled down at her.
“You know, before today I never understood your father. I think I do, now.”
“Excuse me, sir?” Her features telegraphed her confusion. “Does my father frighten people, too?” Her frustration dripped into her voice. Alanna watched them from a distance, somewhat amused.
Alexander shook his head.
“Not frighten, awe. I have to admit, before today I laughed at metas, cursed at metas, and generally did my best to ignore them. I thought your sister and mother interesting at most.” He smiled at a memory. “I never understood why our parents and grandparents had been so impressed by the heroes of their youth. They and their silly ideals were just names and words to me until today.” He signaled Alanna and guided Jade down the hall. “Until today. Come on, we have a few minutes. I’ll introduce you the rest of our family.”
He heard two voices at once.
“Our family?”
“Aunt Anna never told you? The great Anna Lane? Gossip to the solar system? The woman from whom Alanna got half her name? I guess she does keep her secrets.”
Alanna stopped in front of him.
“Anna Lane as in Daria Lane Scott?”
“Anna was her niece. So was my mother, Lois. My father was called Lex Luthor, but I kept the full name, as well as the hair.” He smiled. “I also keep my secrets.” Alexander motioned them forward. “I’ve always known who Uncle Alan is.”
The Sentinel’s Lair
No wonder Linda is so angry. Selina Kyle growled to herself. Those people aren’t her responsibility; they are mine. My words to Alan were wonderful, but we didn’t follow through. Even if we clean up this mess, we’ll have to keep it from happening again.
“Kira? What are you seeing?”
“Things are breaking up a little.” Kira answered. “They seem to be satisfied. Some of the bombers have gone back into Hyperspace. Most of the rest seem to be heading in that direction. They pretty well wrecked the landscape. The Resistance took a serious hit. I hope it wasn’t fatal.”
“Doesn’t sound like it. Diana’s been through the Lair. She’s taking Barbara to Nashville. We need the Batbot. Dr. Fate gave Elise and her assassins a lift. They’re out looking for any hidden watchers. You know, Kira, I’ve seen her in battle, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that part of her before.”
Kira waited to respond.
“I have. She kills without a thought. We don’t see that side of her because we live in her family’s home. Remember, she kept her people alive in the wilderness for quite some time.”
“Frankly Bruce, we don’t give a damn what you think!” Diana threw him into the wall. “You’ve gotten sloppy. Didn’t take us long to find you.” Diana grinned. “’course it doesn’t hurt to have a real detective on my side.”
“I hate to admit that you were right, Diana.” Batgirl scowled. “He certainly isn’t the Batman I knew. I see shadows of Bruce Wayne, but I don’t see the nobility of purpose. It’s almost as if his mind has been altered.”
“I do wonder sometimes, but I think it’s been a gradual descent.” Diana tried to recall. “Let’s plan to talk to Selina about it. Now, I’m headed out with the Batbot. Damned heavy thing.” She took off.
Barbara eyed Bruce Wayne.
“Bruce, let me explain what has happened. The Resistance headquarters took a major hit. There were children caught in the blast, some of them Helena’s age. We need to dig for survivors and your little toy can survive the blast zone.” Barbara thought she saw something familiar.
“Children, dead?” He stirred. “No child should have to die. Helena is my child. Selina keeps her safe, even from me. I will help the others.” He walked over to the console.
Even in his darkness, a small touch of light remains. Barbara watched him initialize the robot’s systems.
Three miles outside the cave
The J’Dinn spy watched the effects of his handiwork. Silly backworlders. Did you really think you could hide from us forever? He saw a slight shimmer. He felt a pain in his ear. It landed on the ground in front of him. He felt the knife at his throat.
“Silly spy.” Elise Zoldar growled. “In your arrogance to claim your kill, you never considered that others might be watching, too. You will beg me for a quick death. Tell me what I want to know and I might not leave you alive!” She gouged out one of his eyes. While he screamed, she bit off two of his fingers. “I will have my answers, now!”
“Jade said that the first blast knocked down fifty yards of ceiling.” Barbara explained. “She got there as soon as she knew.”
“Jade?” Bruce asked.
“The Green Lantern’s child, with his gift.”
A hundred yards outside the cave
The Batbot dug through the rubble. It found the dead and gently laid them to one side. It continued its work.
Three miles away
“Now I know why the J’Dinn allied with the Kayzik.” Elise grinned. “You are quite a tasty treat! Much better than the stale chicken I usually eat!” She bit off another chunk of his arm. She tossed the bone with the rest of the pile. He tried to scream but found he had no strength. She growled. “I think I’ll work on your feet next. Then, I’ll relieve you of your genitals. Ready to talk yet?”
The far side of the moon
“Oracle, it looks like the last of the bombers has gone.” Supergirl held Krypto’s collar.
“Hang out there just a little while longer.” Selina spoke through the comms. “We’ll have a job for you as soon as things are clear. Your blow by blows are still the only real information I have. Elise caught a J’Dinn, but she hasn’t finished interrogating him, or I should say it, yet.”
“I warned you, Oracle.” Kira frowned. “The Shantar are a warrior culture and she’s dealing with a creature that endangered her children. Remember Jade and the Shade are in that cave. The J’Dinn is already dead. It just doesn’t know it yet.”
“I think I might find a way to introduce her to the Danvers.” Selina smirked.
“Don’t even tease about it.” Kira scowled. “Jade may have issues with them, but she would never forgive you.”
“I know, but even the Oracle is entitled to a little humor.”
“Emphasis on ‘little’, Oracle.” Kira refocused. “Nothing’s coming back through. I’m going to back track a couple of Hyperspace jumps and make sure. When I get back, I’ll be ready for the next assignment.”
“Roger, Eagle Eyes. Oracle out.”
Supergirl accelerated to three-fourths the speed of light and found a discontinuity. She vanished into Hyperspace.
Three miles away from the cave entrance
“Oh, my, you are tasty. I’ll have to do something about those intestines, though. I don’t eat second hand food. Maybe your kidneys will be more tasty.”
“No! No! I don’t know anything more!” The J’Dinn screamed.
“Well, let’s just make sure, shall we?” She grinned as she wiped the blood from her blade.
Twenty minutes later
She reached into its open chest and stopped its heart with her hand. It spasmed as it desperately breathed its last. She tossed the carcass into the pile of bones.
“Commander to Assassin Corps. Hit these locations.” She detailed which assassin had what target. “Make it look like an animal kill. I did. The Kayzik won’t understand the message, but the J’Dinn will. Don’t leave anything alive.” She licked her fingers.
“Commander to Oracle. Five minutes and their observers will be off line. It’s your game.”
Above Earth
“Oracle, this is Supergirl. Looks like we’re clear.” She headed back to Earth. “I’m bringing Krypto back.”
“Supergirl, this is Oracle. The Resistance has supplied a schematic of what they want. Swing through here first.”
The Sentinel’s Lair
“Jade is still down in the cave.” Selina and Kira walked to where Alanna hovered over a map. “Did you know that cave is over 350 miles long? That’s why they chose it. We’re trying to figure out how and where to build a better entrance.”
“Hmm.” Supergirl pondered. “We could add a few security enhancements, too. Rather than a gentle decline, we could have the opening rise into the mountain first. Then it could descend. That would help some with erosion and security. We could also design emergency doors.”
They heard the comms activate.
“Oracle, this is Batgirl. We’ve dug through the rubble. The Resistance lost less than half a dozen. They lost two children and the three entrance guards. It could have been a Hell of a lot worse. We took pictures before we buried them. Sending now.”
“Batgirl, what’s the prognosis?”
“Bruce and I confirm Kira’s observations. It’s pretty bleak, but it was a controlled blast. These things were designed to destroy caves. No wonder Jade has a headache. They destroyed several square miles of surface. You’ll need to find a way to strip the radioactivity. We’re going to let the Batbot return home on its own power. It shouldn’t be radioactive by the time it gets here.”
“Roger, Oracle out.” Selina turned to Supergirl. “I’ll call Linda. She needs to know what you’re up to.”
Inside the cave
“Got it, Oracle.” Jade sat at a table with the Resistance senior commanders. “Oracle’s working out a few things. She knows what she’s doing. They’re going to bore a couple of entrances you suggested. They’ve also buried the dead, but they’ll supply pictures for identification. That area is still too radioactive for mourners.”
“And your people are offering what?” An older resistance leader jumped up. “Cleanup services after the next major disaster, too?”
Alexander turned to speak, then held his tongue. Yours, Linda.
She stood up and glared at the older leader.
“Look, I understand you’re upset and looking for a target for your anger. I’m sorry that the Kayzik got through, but that’s not our fault. We live on a dangerous, dangerous world. They found you and they tried to take you all out. They didn’t.”
She growled.
“Our deal is that we provide backup and protection where we can. We’re still new at this. We’ll improve our communications with you. We’ll improve our warning systems. But don’t forget that the only reason you’re here to bitch at me is because we’ve already done our job. Are you ready to do yours? Then act like it!”
The older leader sat down. He heard a few snickers around the room. He breathed in slowly.
“There is wisdom in what you say. We are angry. We grieve. But we will not forget. We will always be ready.”
Three hours later
Selina Kyle walked through one of the two new openings to Mammoth Cave. True to their design, the actual entrance was well hidden – a heavily forested area covered and surrounded the opening. It was also pointed well away from the line of sight of the Kayzik satellites.
She walked up to Alexander Luthor.
“I’m sorry we could not have done more. We’ve made a few decisions and initiated some improvements in our operations. Barbara is moving back to your headquarters. That should solve a lot of the communications problems. We’ll also upgrade our other communications with the Resistance.” She smiled. “Maybe one day Helena and I could join you down here.”
“Selina,” Alexander stood watching the foot traffic in the new entrance. “I wish you could, too. I don’t think that will ever happen. You belong where you are, where you can make the most difference.”
She nodded. “Probably so, but it’s nice to be back for a while. I just wish it were under better circumstances.”
Above the Earth
Alanna Scott floated in shadow form next to the Kayzik satellite. She held a miniature camera in her hand. She slapped it against the side of the satellite. She moved on to the next satellite. Not a bad idea. If they’re going to be here anyway, why not make use of them? We’ll at least have a little more warning before their next surprise party.
Sentinel’s Lair, two hours later
“Katarian chocolates, straight from New Oa!” The Sentinel landed with Captain Marvel in the Command Center. “Your favorite, Elise. Have one!”
She looked ill.
“Maybe tomorrow. I’ve had a rather large lunch.”
He watched her with concern.
“Are you all right? Something you ate?”
Selina choked back her laughter.
“Believe me, Boss, you don’t want to know!”