The Search for Kal-El

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 1: Shadow of the Bat


November 2006, Sentinel’s Lair Command Center

Elise Zoldar looked down from the Command Center.  She watched Linda sit quietly on a rock on the cliff below.  I’m glad to see you have a little time to yourself.  We should not expect as much from you as we do.  You should be allowed to play with your friends and talk about the boys.  But you are the child of power and you carry it well.   She saw the young man approach her daughter.  Poor child.  You seek privacy but you are never alone!

“Oh, hi Jay.  What brings you to my fortress of solitude?”  Linda stayed on her rock.  Her arms rested on her knees and her chin rested on her arms.

He laughed.

“My friend, if you didn’t want to be found you would have found a better place to hide!”  He walked to the rock on her left and sat down.  “I need a sanity check.”

“From me?”  Linda grinned.  “I’m flattered, but I’m not a real deep thinker.  Except for Helena and Krypto, I’m the youngest member of the team.  I sure can’t say I’m in a position to give advice.”  She smiled.  “I can tell you a few things about good luck, though.  I sure never thought I’d have a family like this one.” 

Her optimism slipped for just a moment. 

“I can also tell you what it’s like to have the family from Hell.  I hope I never have to go back to that.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that.”  The Shade formed in front of the cliff.  “When I last spoke to your parents they willingly surrendered any claim they had to you.  Can’t imagine why!”  (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 3).  She grinned innocently as Dark Force spun in front of them.  “Right now, I think they are still afraid of shadows.  Still can’t imagine why!”  She laughed.  “So why are we all out here?”

Jay smiled.

“Linda was looking for a little private time but I needed someone to talk to.  Does it bother either of you that we’re so very young, yet we are fighting alongside people who are so much older than we are?  I don’t know.  I love Mary, but the gap of years wears on me.  I just want to be my age in the world where I grew up.  I wonder if Kira feels the same way.”

They heard footfalls behind them.

“More than you know, Jay, more than you know.”  Kira walked up and sat on a rock.  “I didn’t realize you felt that way, too.”

Alanna sat on Linda’s rock just behind her.  She put her arms around her adopted sister and put her head on Linda’s shoulder.

“I know how you feel.  My Dad loves me, but I felt so empty after my real Mom died.  I didn’t really start feeling better until I started pulling Demonesses from Central Power Batteries!” (Elf note:  The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 2).

Linda laughed. She turned to look at her sister.  Alanna kissed Linda on the forehead.

“You’re my hero, Squirt.  You taught me what it’s all about.  I’ve never seen you afraid of anything.”

Linda drew in a breath. 

“I fear things.  I have seen the evil beyond the evil.  I carry a permanent reminder of it.”  She lifted her left hand.  She smiled.  “I chose to take this.  What’s really odd is that I know it likes me.”  She looked over to Supergirl.  “What’s it like to be smart?  What’s it like to be able to understand almost anything?  I mean, I don’t make a lot of mistakes, but I don’t always know what I’m doing.”

Kira leaned back on her rock.

“What’s it like?  The great Jade is asking me that question?”  She scowled. “Do you know what it’s like to stand in your shadow?  I’m supposed to be Supergirl.  I’m supposed to be the example that inspires everyone.  I get the job done.  But I’m so very aware that I don’t have your warrior’s instincts or your complete lack of hesitation.  Linda, you never stop to think.  You just do.  And you always do the things that matter.  And when you’re done, the Green Flame of Life burns ever brighter.”

She sighed.

“Linda, I can’t even be mad at you. Everything you’ve got, you’ve earned.  My god! I remember the medical tapes.  I’m still amazed you’re in one piece.  How can anyone survive those kinds of injuries – don’t answer that.  You’ll give all the credit to that piece of shit power ring.” (Elf note:  The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 2).

Alanna held her sister tighter.

 “You’re never afraid of anything.”  Kira scowled.  “And what’s worse is that I know if I ever needed your help, you’d be there.”  She shook herself.  “My brother is supposed to be the greatest superhero of all time, if we can ever find him.  Where the Hell does that leave me?”

Linda glared back at her.

“Yelling at someone who is only two-thirds your age.  Someone who just wanted a little peace and quiet.”  She put her face in her hands.  “I am so tired, Kira!  I’ve only done what I know how to do.”  Linda looked up at Kira.  “You were one of my teachers.  I first saw you when you tore up the Kayzik to free the Levik.  You made a difference.”  (Elf note: The Guardian Gambit - Chapter 1).  Linda smiled faintly.  “Did a good job of hiding those power batteries, too.”

Kira breathed out slowly.  And here I am yelling at a little girl.  She’s doing a good job of defusing my anger.  Who’s the adult here?  Poor little girl: my faults and expectations are not yours to repair.  She got up and sat down next to Linda.

“I am so sorry.  I had no right.  Thank you for letting me unload.”  I see the exhaustion in your eyes.  You’re so tired.  And instead of being grateful for what you do, I tear into you.

“That’s what friends are for, Kira.”  Linda smiled, but her eyelids drooped.

The Shade stood behind Linda and Kira.  She is so exhausted.  Elise should not have sent her to Dega Five.  (Elf Note:  Interlude 3 – Winter Vacation.)   And now she’s still trying to recover from her work in the Kayzik home universe. (Elf note:  Order of Oa – Chapters 4 and 5). And the next crisis will come along and carry her off to who knows where?  She won’t hesitate to go – that’s her blind spot. I’ve got to find Dad… and Mom.  Still hard to say that. But we’ve almost lost this little one three times now – once when she disconnected the power battery, once when we couldn’t get the Zamarons, and once in the Kayzik hive.  (Elf note:  The Guardian Gambit – Chapters 2 and 3 and the Order of Oa – Chapters 4 and 5).  Enough!  I claimed her first.  I will take care of her.  Alanna faded back into the mountain.


The Sentinel’s quarters

“Dad,” Alanna pleaded,  “Linda is so tired she is going to drop.  We have a responsibility for her.  She’s earned her keep and she’s earned her rest.  We need to get her away from the battles, the demons, the Kayzik, the Green Lanterns, and all the other miserable messes we expect her to clean up.”

Alan Scott leaned back against the counter.

“Alanna, you’re right.  Linda needs a break.  And she’s not the only one.  I know how very frustrated Kira is.  She still doesn’t feel like she’s lived up to the mantle of her Kryptonian heritage.  And we haven’t held up our part of the bargain with her.  We were supposed to find out what happened to Kal-El and we’ve dropped it.”  He relaxed.   “Well, we’ve gotten the universe back to where it was before the Guardians were captured.  We ought to lay low for a while.  The Kayzik are looking for us.”

“Dad, I see the wheels turning in your mind.”  She smiled.

“What if I turn the Four Musketeers loose on the search for Kal-El?”  He grinned mischievously.  “It will give you youngsters some time together and it will give the rest of us a break!”


He chuckled.

“Seriously, I have several reasons to try this.  I’d like to get Jay away from Mary for a while.  I’d like for Kira to have some time where she doesn’t have to feel like she’s in anyone’s shadow.  I’d also like for Linda to get to be the little sister for once.  Give her a chance to be the pest little sisters are supposed to be!”  His eyes sparkled.  “Jay is a pretty fair investigator and Kira ought to be able to fill in the holes.  You’re pretty good at it yourself.”

She looked at him suspiciously.

“What’s Linda’s real role?”

He sobered.

“Something ugly is behind this.  When you find it, or them, you’ll be facing a major mystic menace.  I won’t be there and I damned well won’t send you in unarmed.” His mood lightened.  “Between Kira’s brains and Linda’s instincts, you’ll do just fine!”  He smiled.  “Take pity on me.  I have the most dangerous job of all.  I have to explain to Mary why Jay is going to sally off with three lovely women!”  He laughed.


Later that night

Elise lay with her head on his chest.

“So, how did they take it?”

“Surprisingly well.”  He played with her hair.  “Jay’s only reaction was relief.  Mary seems content with the decision.  She knows she needs a break, too.  Kira is thrilled that we are putting resources towards her search.  Linda is thrilled to not be in the spotlight.  She gets a break and she gets to learn investigative technique. I told her that if the Oans had a real problem, I’d fill in.  She giggled.  Alanna is chomping at the bit to play big sister for a while.”

She smiled up at him.

“Diana has talked to Kent.  He’ll be ready for them.  He was relieved to hear Linda was going.  He thinks this might be a trans dimensional problem.  Not much of a problem for a little girl with a Starheart buried in her hand.”

He stared at the dark ceiling.

“As long as she gets to be part of the team, instead of the lead.”



I see the creature.  He stands on that distant world. He does so to taunt me.  He does not realize that the Portals of Hell touch every living world – but he does know that I cannot interfere.   Daimon Hellstrom growled.  He is not from our universe or even part of this new Continuum.  He seeks to endanger and disrupt another universe far beyond our Continuum.  Yet there is nothing I can do.  Unless he either endangers this Continuum or acts against those native to this Continuum, Hell and Heaven cannot intercede.  We can’t even warn the mortals.  He slammed his pitchfork in frustration.


The Rock of Eternity

“Ah!  The four musketeers have arrived!”  Diana waved to their guests.  Jay stepped off the Green platform.  Linda, Kira, and Alanna landed.  “Kent has been trying to find anything that could be helpful.”  She escorted them into the study.

“Hi ya!”  Kent greeted them.  “I’d tease you by saying hi ya kids, but I can’t say it to Jay with a straight face.”

“Gee, thanks!”  Jay scowled.  “I get no respect!”

Kent laughed.

“More respect than you know.  Alan doesn’t doubt any of you.  That’s why you’re all here.”

Alanna strode forward.

“Kent, as much as I appreciate hero worship, we need to know what you’ve found.”

“Not much.”  Kent turned to Kira.  “I’m sorry Kira, but I keep hitting a blank wall.  Remember, this is a mystical universe.  Usually you can track magic by its signature.  I still don’t recognize the signature of the Mystic that attacked Kal-El’s rocket.”

“What kind of signature, Kent?”  Alanna asked.

“Each user of magic has an individual signature.  You have one, Alan has one, I have one, Jeffrey has one, and so on.  The only exception I know of is Linda.  She has two signatures.”


He grinned.

“Actually, three.  One in the Kayzik home universe that only applies when you use that Starheart there.  The second applies when you invoke the Starheart in your hand.  The third signature appears when you use your native powers – the ones Hell so conveniently left you with.”  He grew serious.  “We haven’t even begun to understand the full implications of those gifts.  You are truly unique.  Most souls blacken when they invoke those gifts.  Yet, you are simply a conduit for Hell’s power, much like Alan is a conduit for the Starheart’s power.  Very odd.”

Kent frowned.  He changed the subject.

“There are could be any number of reasons I don’t recognize the signature on Kal-El’s rocket.  It’s one I did not see as Dr. Fate.  That’s not too surprising.  I didn’t tend to get too far from home.  What really worries me is that there’s no record of it in the books of the Shazam Wizards.  I guess that shouldn’t surprise me too much, either.  While the Shazam Wizards have catalogued those that they have seen, the last one destroyed most of his records.  He may have been protecting someone he saw as an ally.”

Alanna squirmed.

“I met the Shazam Wizard after his death.” (Elf note: Funeral for a Friend – Parts 1 & 2).  “I remember how much regret he felt.  I’m surprised the Rock of Eternity is even standing.”

Diana escorted them to a conference area.  Kent held back with Alanna.  He whispered quickly.

“Just between us, I don’t know the full extent of Linda’s natural gifts.  I do know that what we’ve seen isn’t all of them.  I know one other thing.”


“Alanna, she has never intentionally killed a sentient with a soul, not even as the Demoness.  Daimon said she was full of sound and fury, but she never seriously hurt an innocent being.  She could have killed Ch’p easily.  She didn’t.” (Elf note:  The Guardian Gambit – Chapter 1).

“Dad and I talked about that.”  Alanna sighed.  “There’s something inside her that even Hell can’t balk.  We don’t know whether to be concerned or grateful.”

“I wish I had an answer.”  He put his hand on her shoulder and walked her in.


The conference area, an hour later.

Kent closed his book.

 “That’s all I’ve got.  Not much.  I still don’t know what to look for.” 

“Kent,” Kira asked. “what about extra-dimensional disturbances?” 

Alanna pointed to a map.

“The Shantar have seen some unusual activity in the Andromeda Galaxy near Tharsus Minor.” 

“The Guardians have been tracking the same kind of activity.”  Linda used her ring to access the Guardian’s databases.  “There is a city called Darza on Tharsus Minor that seems to spawn it.  They don’t know what to make of it.  Wouldn’t hurt to take a look.”


The Planet Tharsus Minor, in the Andromeda Galaxy

Lord Satanus stood before his portal.

“Kal-El, you do not know what you cost me when that Sorceress found me!  I know that you vanished when your timeline ended, but that does nothing to reduce my anger.  Even the end of the Multiverse does nothing to cheer me.” 

He laughed grimly.

“I stand in a prime universe that has become conjoined with the debris of your home universe.  I can focus through the Continuum into your own original universe. I know that the collapse of the Multiverse forced your timeline and memories to be lost.  That will not stop me!  I can forcibly withdraw the versions of you and your allies that existed just before that collapse.  I will not waste my time on the current weakling who claims to be Superman – I want the real one.  I want you to remember the death of Kara Zor-El!  I want you to know that you have been completely forgotten by your entire universe!   Then I’m going to kill you!  The universe that replaced yours can crumble!  I do not care!  I will have had my revenge!” 

(Elf note:  You do have your copy of Crisis on Infinite Earths, don’t you?  Lord Satanus actually doesn’t appear there; he lost a rather nasty battle to Superman far back in the past.  Superman ensured that Lord Satanus attracted the attention of the wrong sorceress!)



It’s begun.  Daimon stood, frustrated.  He will withdraw the alternate versions of that Earth’s current heroes and put them back until he finds the one he wants.  He will do little damage pulling Terrans from the original time stream. But he will severely damage that current universe when he pulls the Kryptonian life force.  He knows that he must replace the life energy he takes to keep his search viable, but he will not care once he pulls the Kryptonian.

As long as he only damages the other universe, we are helpless.


The planet of Tharsus Minor, outside the city of Darza

The travelers descended through the chilly atmosphere.  They landed on the hard, cold ground.  The distant yellow sun shined dimly.  Two moons covered half the sky.

“Reconnaissance time, folks,” Alanna warned the team, “let’s figure out what’s here before we do anything foolish!”

“That’s us, Jay!” Kira and Jay sped towards the nearby city.

“I’ll be back soon, kid!”  Alanna shifted to shadow form.

“No hurry!”  Linda walked into the alien city.  She recognized the Tharsus Minor natives as they intermingled with the natives of several other worlds.  She walked towards a large open market surrounded by many small shops.  Gee, it is so nice just to be able to walk through these little shops.  Fascinated, she stopped.  Such a nice little shop.  That smells like coffee.  Umm!  She walked into the shop.

“How much for the coffee?”

The shopkeeper smiled at her.

“You’re a little young to be running around alone aren’t you?”

“Not too young to appreciate that coffee!”  She smiled.  She handed over her id card.

The shopkeeper handed it back to her.  He smiled kindly.

“You know, I’ve seen so many people with their fake jewels and baubles that I did not recognize the real thing.”  His voice showed his appreciation.  “You are a little out of costume.  Still, there is no mistaking what you are.  I must apologize.”


“I can’t take your money, Ma’am.  I have too much respect for the Green Lantern Corps.  But I would love to chat with you while you drink your coffee.  So, what are you doing here?”



Be careful, little one.  Be very careful.


The coffee shop, twenty minutes later.

“No, we really don’t know what he does here.”  The shopkeeper’s cousin answered her.    “We avoid his place.  We hear odd noises.  That’s enough to convince us to spend our time elsewhere.  We hear him curse some one named ‘Kal-El’.  We don’t know what that means.”

Linda smiled grimly.  It ain’t good, whatever it is.

“He rented an open field.”  The cousin recalled.  “He added a dwelling of his own creation that none can enter.  Be careful, Green Lantern, he is a dangerous mystic threat.”

“Thank you! Hang on just a second.”  She activated her comms.  “Green Lantern to the Shade, Supergirl, and Flash.  Could you check out an address for me?”  She detailed the location.  “Thanks, guys!”  She turned to the shopkeeper.  “Can I have a little more, please?”  Linda smiled sweetly.


Three miles away

Green Lantern?  Kira chuckled.  Must have a reason for that.  The locals must have seen her ring.  Still, I must admit it feels nice to actually do something for her.  Kira sped on.  Maybe that’s part of the problem.  She never feels like she can ask for anything for herself.  Something just eats her alive inside.  Rao!  Now, I can really see it.  Oh, no!  I have to talk to Alanna. Right now!


The coffee shop, twenty minutes later

“Green Lantern?”  Linda heard Kira call over her comms.  “We’ve found something.”

“Coming!”  Linda turned to the shopkeeper.  “Thank you so much.  I would love to come back!”

“Anytime, little one, anytime!”  He waved.

Nice man.  If he wants a Green Lantern, he’ll get one! She glowed as she rose into the sky.   She smiled as she headed for her friends.


Outside the Tower

Linda landed and walked towards Supergirl.

“I can’t see inside.”  Kira pointed to the tower.  “The magic is blocking me.”

The Shade reformed.  She stepped towards her friends and sister.

“I got inside.  It’s ugly.  Remember Dad’s tale about the Crisis on Infinite Earths?”

“I do.” Kira answered.  “Interesting story.  Time reset and the five remaining universes merged.”

“If you recall from Dad’s story, most of the original heroes survived the Crisis with their memories intact.”  Alanna scowled.  “They were later replaced by the people who should have originated in that universe.”  She drew in a breath.  “Basically what happened was that when history reset itself, the life energy was withdrawn from the heroes and they were placed in a kind of limbo.  They exist, but do not exist.  There’s a Superman with your power levels in there somewhere.”

“Okay, let me exercise my brain!”  Kira bit her lip.  “What this means is that he’s trying to reach into limbo and pull the heroes out?  What happens to that universe as it loses its energy?”

Alanna nodded to Kira.

“That’s the problem.  Right now he’s pulling Terrans out and putting them back.  As long as he does it within a short period of time, there is no effect on the universe.  But he must replace the life force energy for his search to continue.  Once he pulls the Kryptonian, he will seriously damage that universe.”

“I do understand, Alanna.”  Kira grimaced.  “As much as we want to, we cannot allow him to pull out that Kal-El.  We must also ensure that the life energy he pulls is restored.”

“Does he have anyone now?” Jay asked.

“Yes.” Alanna confirmed. “A woman.”

“So by putting her back, we are ending her existence.”   Jay frowned.  “I hate no-win situations.”

“What’s worse is that it’s really up to us.”  Linda scowled.  “From what I hear, he is using dark magic.  Normally with this type of problem, Heaven and Hell would intervene.  But he’s been very careful not to endanger this universe.  He’s also been careful not to attack Heaven or Hell or any denizen of this universe directly.  They can’t act until he does.  Damn.  That means it’s my problem.”

She walked towards the castle.  Her left hand flamed.

“Stop that!”  She found Kira in front of her.  Alanna and Jay stood at her sides.

“There’s an innocent involved and dangerous magic!”  She stood her ground.  “I have a responsibility to end this any way I can.  It’s too dangerous for the rest of you.”

“You don’t get it, do you?”  Alanna looked down at her.  “Linda, you have the best instincts we will ever see, but you have one flaw.  You see only yourself as responsible.  You act as the rest of us are not even here.”

“But this is my responsibility.”  She glared at her sister.  “I have to help!  It’s what I was created for!”

“Linda,” Jay crouched to look up to her, “you are much more than the job you do.  You have friends who need you.  You are part of our team.  Work with us.  Let us be part of the solution.  You aren’t the only one to have responsibility for life in the universe.  We all do.  Don’t even think you fight alone.”

“Linda,” Kira crouched and balanced on her toes, “You’ll walk in there and risk your life as if it has no meaning at all.  That’s not true!  Your life has meaning.  What happens when you can’t come back?  What happens to the people you’re not here to help?”

“But, I’m just…” 

Kira cut her off.

“Don’t give me that crap, Linda.”  Kira sighed.  “You really don’t understand, do you?”  She drew a long breath.  “Linda, you’re a hero through and through.  But you think that you have some terrible debt you have to pay.  Some part of you thinks your life will have value only if you get yourself killed!  So you charge towards your true death hoping you’ll really die, just so your pitiful life will be over.”

“That’s not fair.”  Linda contested.  “I’ve lost more than you know.  But I’ve got a lot to live for.  It’s just that there are others who have just as much of a right to live, too.  Some of them haven’t done the awful things the Demoness has done.”

“Linda, I’ve got news for you.  You’re not the Demoness.  That wasn’t your fault.  Besides, whatever evil you may have done can’t even begin to compare with the good you do.  My god, child, how many lives have you saved?  How many creatures in how many universes have already been touched by the good you do?  Trillions?  Trillions of trillions?”

“But, I’m…”

Kira cut her off again.

“Our Hero.  The one person we trust when nothing else makes sense.  We trust you because we know you’ll make the right choice for all of us.”  Kira slowly exhaled.  “I never thought I would be the one to admit this.”  She concentrated on Linda’s eyes.  “We are so afraid of losing you.  We went through Hell when we thought you had died destroying the Kayzik hive.  Do you know what that did to Kilowog?  To little Helena, who couldn’t begin to understand?  To your family?  To me?  Please, please don’t ever do that to us again.”  She breathed in slowly.  “Such a tiny candle; such a brilliant flame to light our way.  Please, don’t leave us to the dark.”

Linda stared at the ground for one minute, then for another. 

Finally, she breathed in deeply.  She rubbed her eyes for a moment. Then she smiled slightly.

“This is real hard for me.  It’s been too long since I’ve felt I could trust any one.”  Linda shook her head.  “But, I know you are right.  I gotta be the one to change.” 

She spoke pensively.

“You know, since you’ve known me, I’ve been the Demoness, the Green Lantern, and now Jade.  I have worried that you only saw me for my power.  Sometimes I’ve wondered if you only saw me for what I could do to help the cause.”

She smiled sweetly.

“And now I know that isn’t true.  I really needed to hear that.”

Jade spoke earnestly.

“I’ve always known that Dad believed in me the first time he met me. But it means so much to know that you really do, too.  That means more than I could say.” 

Yes, little one.  Alanna smiled wryly.   And you rubbed your eyes just because you were tired.  I know what that really means.  Will you tell us? Did you really listen to us?  Are you going to charge in any way?  Please!  I can’t bear the thought of losing you again.

“I guess I’ll learn to get by with a little help from my friends.”  Linda grinned viciously.  “Here’s what I suggest.”


Inside the Tower

“Woman!”  Satanus yelled.  “You are tied to the one I will destroy!  Where have you hidden Kal-El?  Where was he when the universe reset?  Your ties to him are strong!  You know!”

He hit her with another bolt of magic.  She spasmed.

“Please!”  The costumed red-haired woman screamed.  “I don’t know.  Please believe me!” 

The woman saw the shadow on the wall, but gave her captor no warning.  The shadow slipped away and a tiny form revealed itself.  It held up a glowing ring on its right hand.

“Please don’t hurt me!”  The woman gave Jade her opening.  I don’t know who she is, but I know a Green Lantern when I see one.

Jade spoke deliberately.

“By the authority of the Guardians of the Universe, I’ll have to insist that you stop!”

Satanus howled with laughter.

“Silly mortal.  You think you can stop Lord Satanus with that ring?”


Outside the Tower

Super speed.  The two fastest sentients in the universe began their paths around the castle.  The young man ran on the ground.  The young woman flew above the ground.  Hope Linda knows what she’s doing!  Sounded like a brilliant plan.

A shadow floated by.  It gave a prearranged signal.  The two increased their speed.


Inside the Tower

Jade flashed her ring.

“It doesn’t matter how I stop you, but I will stop you.  I am responsible for the trillions you would kill in the other universe.  I can’t allow that.”

He laughed.

“Then I’ll remove the threat!”  He discharged her ring.

“I’m not ready to give in so easily!”  Jade growled.

You are too familiar. The woman watched.  You act without hesitation, without regret.  I will back your play.

“Now what?” Lord Satanus laughed.

“I get by with a little help from my friends!”  Jade smiled sweetly.  She pointed behind him.

“They call me the Son of Satan.”  Daimon Hellstrom growled.  “And you have just attacked a woman I call friend.”  His pitchfork glowed.

“You tricked me, bitch!”  He fired a magic bolt at Jade.  It passed through brimstone.  He fired at Daimon Hellstrom.  Hellstrom grinned viciously.

“Now that you have attacked Hell directly…”

Jade vanished with the woman.


Outside the Tower

Brimstone flashed.  A brilliant green comet burned through the planet’s atmosphere.

“Sorry. I gotta get you out of here!  Can’t let Satanus reclaim you!”  Mystic flame burned behind her.  She rocketed in and out of hyperspace.  She finally slowed.  They watched a brilliant red flash shoot upward from the planet and dissipate.

Jade looked up to her passenger.

“Sorry to scare you, Red.”  She grinned.  “I have some unusual friends.  You can call me Green Lantern or you can call me Jade.  Most call me Jade, but the Green Lantern Corps claims me, too.”

“You’re powered by the Starheart, aren’t you?”  Red queried.  “I knew of another Jade with those kinds of abilities.”

“Yes, Ma’am.  My Dad got me the power.  It’s mostly like his.  He’s a Green Lantern, too, but he was never part of the Corps.”

Her comms buzzed.

“Brilliant plan, Sweetheart.  Daimon got him.  Supergirl out!”

“Supergirl?”  Red frowned.  She doesn’t sound right.

Jade nodded. 

“Kira Jor-El of Krypton.  She’s real smart.”  She hit her comms.  “Sector control, this is Jade.  The Green Lantern Corps emergency is over.  Your airspace is clear.  I’m coming back through on my current vector.”

“Aye, Ma’am.  Thanks for the warning.  What was that thing?”

“The end of a mad dream, and a maybe a new beginning for a hero.”  Maybe two.  “At least the mad dream is over.  We had a good day, sector control.”

Red smiled.

“A new beginning for a hero?”

Jade nodded.

“Yep!  You didn’t reveal our presence, even though you were being tortured.”  She stopped her flight.  “I know this is hard.  I can’t begin to guess what’s going through your mind.  Two of my friends are like you – they’ve both found themselves in a strange new world.  I hope they can help you.”  She darkened.  “I just lost a family who didn’t love me anyway.”  She brightened.  “Found a better one, though.”  

She headed back to the planet.


The debris of the Tower

Jade flew her guest into the rubble.  She stopped in front of the man with the pitchfork. Daimon Hellstrom grinned.

“Beautiful, Jade.  You tricked him into attacking me.  That broke his immunity to Hell and Heaven!”

“Great work, Daimon!”  She smiled back.  “I bet he didn’t realize that the Portals of Hell could take you to any inhabited world!”  She looked up earnestly.  “I take it our little swap worked?”

He laughed.

“I love working with you.  I had to return a mortal’s life energy to limbo.  You were right.  It didn’t have to be hers!  Even better, no one else will be able to pull the same stunt he did.  That universe is safe.”

Linda smiled quietly.

“I got by with a little help from my friends.  Thank you all.  You made a real difference for me today.”

Alanna Scott looked at their costumed guest.  Then she looked again.  Then she howled with laughter.

“Little sister, you don’t know else what you’ve done, do you?”

“I don’t understand.”  Linda shrugged.  “We saved an innocent.”

“You!” Red approached the Flash.  “You’re Jay Garrick, the Flash.”

“He isn’t the one you’re thinking of.”  Alanna smiled.  “Close, though.”

Red took another look at her savior.  So why does something nag at me, little girl with the green skin? You so resemble the Jade I know, but you have a determination that reminds me of someone else.

“Sweetheart,” Alanna smiled at Linda, “tell her your real name – the one you were born with!”  She laughed again.

Linda shrugged.  She extended her hand.

“I’m Linda Lee Danvers.”

“I’m pleased to meet you, Linda.”  Red slowly smiled and took her hand.  “I was privileged to know another Linda Lee Danvers very well.” 

Red stopped.  She seemed lost in thought.  Finally, she collected herself.  She strained to smile again. 

“She would have been proud of you.  I’m Barbara Gordon.  My Linda Danvers knew me as Batgirl.”  Barbara’s grief overcame her.

“She was Kara Zor-El, our Supergirl!  And that damned monster killed her!  He killed her!  And I didn’t even get a chance to say ‘Goodbye!’”