The Inheritors/Alterverse |
Chapter 22:After the Final Night |
§ Multiverse Earth 5 (formerly MHR Earth-2), an hour after the conclusion of Continuum Wars, Chapter 6: Coming Together
§ Gotham City, up in the sky
The silver disc blasted through the Gotham sky at super-speed. Jennie-Lynn Hayden, Jade, sped through the air, finally catching it just before Kara Zor-L, Power Girl could grab it. She pitched it towards Linda Kyle, only to mutter in frustration as Sam Kent intercepted it and tossed it to Kira Jor-El.
But Alan Scott, the Sentinel, intercepted it…
Far below, Kal-L, Superman, leaped into the sky to join the fray. Alan Scott, the Green Lantern, flew up just behind him to even the odds.
The most powerful heroes of three worlds engaged in a game that only they could play—Super Frisbee. Team Krypton vs. the Green Team: a simple impromptu game broadcast around the world. A much needed lighter note in a far-too-somber world.
Kal-L intercepted the Frisbee as it flew between the Green Lantern and the IV Huntress. He tossed it to Kara Gand…but Mary Marvel got there first…
On the ground, the Alterverse Kent Nelson conversed with his Earth-2 equivalent, Kent Nelson, Dr. Fate.
“We don’t get to do enough of this.” Kent noted to Dr. Fate.
“True, but we also must remain vigilant at all times.” Dr. Fate countered.
Kent laughed. “I would have said the same thing at one time, I guess. But anything dumb enough to interrupt that game deserves what it gets!”
Dr. Fate tilted the helm back slightly as he chuckled. “Nabu might not agree with you, but I do. He does respect your teammates. There are some among them that even he fears. But, I suspect, you do not.”
Kent pondered. “Nabu has reason to be concerned. At times, I am too. Except that while I must consider the possibilities, I don’t dwell on them.” He looked upward. “But in the here and now, I think the Green Team could use a little help. Don’t you?” With a smile he flashed skyward.
“Don’t be a wet blanket.” Dr. Fate warned Nabu as he charged towards the speeding Frisbee.
§ One hour later: Alterverse—Lookout Mountain Tennessee: the Sentinel’s Lair
From the North, nothing appears out of place about this mountain. Lookout Mountain Tennessee. Standing at the peak of this mountain, you can see across several states. An impressive mountain, life surrounds it. Old growth trees, waterfalls, trails, singing birds, even in winter…
And hidden screen generators that conceal the presence of the Sentinel’s Lair—the headquarters of the resistance operations against the Kayzik swarm within the Milky Way Galaxy. Home to some of the most powerful metas to ever live in this probability: the Sentinel, Mary Marvel, the Flashes, Dr. Fate, Jade, and Mondra Lessis of Daxam (Mon-L), it provided operational headquarters for even more: Supergirl, the Starchild, Superboy, the Shazam Wizard (Kent Nelson), and Wonder Woman.
Selina Kyle Wayne, the Batgirl of this probability, rechecked her readings on the Oracle Console.
“Batgirl to Starchild. Things are still pretty quiet.”
“Roger.” She heard Lyla Lerrol respond. “Perhaps Rao and Lorra are with us today.”
“We can but hope.” Command Assassin Elise Zoldar approached the console. “Mon-L hasn’t spotted anything out of the ordinary, either. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
“And let’s just hope that the Inheritors don’t swipe any more of our team members.” Selina snorted.
“Believe me, you’re not the only one with that thought.” Elise noted. “I’m worried about Alanna. I can’t help it.”
“My cousin can handle herself.” Selina emphasized. “She’s had a lot of practice.”
“As have they all.” Lyla agreed over the communications channel. “Doesn’t make it any easier, though.”
“So says Mama Krypton.” Selina chuckled. “Emphasis on ‘Mama’.”
They heard unexpected laughter on the other end. “Thank you, Selina. You don’t know how good that sounds.”
“I was…” Selina began.
“I know.” A warmth crept into Lyla’s voice. “But I have more than I ever dreamed—two great kids with warmer hearts than mine. They represent the best of both their worlds of birth and Krypton. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that Kira was raised on Daxam. I wasn’t there for her at all. Still, she’s been generous enough to accept me.”
Remorse shaded Selina’s words. “She needed you, after what Ares did to her mind. And all of that was because I couldn’t tell you of the curse of the Key.”
“But even then,” Lyla noted while sidestepping Selina’s confession, “she never stopped being a hero. I wonder if the rest of us could make the same claim. I was trained to be a soldier, but I think true heroism goes beyond that.”
Elise scanned the control room. Noting that their conversation was not being observed, she spoke openly.
“I have lived hundreds of years and I have served the military for almost a century and a half. But even I am awed by those I have met here. So many have faced death willingly, with no expectation of survival.”
She smiled wryly.
“You know, it’s funny. As much as we tease and harass Iris Grayson, I would never doubt her in a fight.”
“And we need the comic relief.” Selina admitted.
“That we do.” Lyla admitted. “Oops…gotta go. Kal is teasing Helena and Krypto is getting upset. Poor boy, he’s about to fly through the side of the barn…”
Selina chuckled. Elise smirked.
“You know, it’s funny. Selina Kyle Wayne doesn’t trust anyone, yet she has no hesitation about allowing her daughter to play with an eight-year old who could take the planet apart with his bare hands.”
“Kal would never…” Selina stated, thickly.
“The House of the Bat watches over the House of El.” Elise stated simply. “It’s the rule of many universes. I’ve wondered why, though. And I think I finally understand. The House of the Bat represents the dark side of heroism, while the House of El represents the bright side. Neither House can exist alone. It’s just that the House of the Bat is far more aware of the fact.”
Selina drew back from Elise. Her expression darkened, but she did not speak. Elise resumed the expression of an assassin, while Selina appeared to turn her attention back to the console.
“Hmm…” Selina noted. “There is something you don’t see every day.”
“What?” Elise queried.
“Three flashes of Green Flame nowhere near the Great Portal and inbound. Looks like the Inheritors are recruiting again!”
Elise rolled her eyes.
§ Ten Minutes later: the Sentinel’s Lair Command Center
As Alanna moved to greet her friends, Alan made introductions between the two groups. Selina, Elise, and several members of the Lair staff greeted the returning teams: Alan Scott (Sentinel), Mary Batson Garrick (Mary Marvel), Kent and Jeffrey Nelson (The Shazam Wizard and Dr. Fate), Diana (Wonder Woman), Kira Jor-El (Supergirl), Jay Garrick (The Flash), Iris Grayson (Kid Flash), and Linda Kyle (Jade) from AV and the Inheritors’ Faith and Alanna Scott (Huntress and the Seeker), Ray Palmer (the Atom), Sam Kent (Superboy), Kara Gand (formerly Green Lantern), and Will Batson (Dr. Fate). Alan Scott related the story of the first Continuum Wars crisis as well as introducing the teams. (Elf note: Inheritors 21, Supergirl’s Multiverse 15, and CW1-6.)
“Seven probabilities, plus the Anti-Monitor?” Selina choked as Alan finished. She focused upon Faith. “And at one time, you were my daughter’s doppelganger? Oy Vey.”
“Once upon a time, Selina.” Faith answered quietly. “And for a while it seemed that her consciousness was battling mine to return. But now, it’s like she’s gone back where she belongs. I remember and honor her. But I no longer feel overwhelmed by her. ”
“I know what you mean.” Kara agreed. “Kara Zor-El seems to be receding a bit, too. But you seemed to have been the most affected.”
“And now she’s back to being a chip off the old Starheart.” Kent teased. “Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Just like…” Kent began, and then reacted with confusion. “What? I must be having a senior moment.”
Alanna glanced at Faith with a sense of unease while Faith glared at Kent. I felt that. What was that all about, Lady V? You’re not playing with Kent’s head are you? No, you seem just as confused as I am.
“Kent?” Faith asked cautiously. “Are you all right?”
“Sure.” Kent shrugged without concern. “Why do you ask?”
Mary’s eyes met Alan’s. They shared the same look of worry. They glanced at Diana’s look of disbelief and Faith’s look of bewilderment.
“She saw something.” Mary whispered. “But what?”
“I don’t know.” Alan whispered back as Elise approached. “I don’t think she does, either. But I felt something.”
“Me, too.” Mary admitted.
“I wonder.” Elise stated. “But I’m sure Alanna and Sam will know what Faith sensed soon enough. She countered their look of surprise. “Don’t forget, Dear, the Kryptonians are not the only ones with hyper-sensitive hearing.”
“Linda?” Selina Kyle Wayne nudged her cousin with concern.
“What?” Linda Kyle asked as if breaking out of a trance.
“Are you all right, cousin?” Selina inquired. “You seem a little disoriented.”
“I’m fine.” She smiled. “Oh look! The Inheritors are here! Have you met them yet?”
We’re screwed. Selina surmised. Something is going on. And it’s big. Did something follow you home? I’ll have to compare notes with Alanna. “Just now, Kiddo. Interesting group of people.”
“Have you met Kara Gand?” Linda asked Selina. “That’s what Kira is going to look like when she gets old.”
“I’ve been introduced.” Selina answered. “Kira is taking her to meet Lyla and the Kents. Helena is out at the farm with Kal and Krypto, so Kara will get to meet the whole crew.”
“Cool!” Linda enthused. “I can pick Helena up and have her back in time for bed-time!”
“You do that.” Selina nodded. But be careful. Something is out there…And I’m not sure what its game is.
§ Kent Farm, forty minutes later
“Amazing!” Kara Gand chatted with Kira as she watched Sam and Kal speak with the Kents. “Two different versions of Kal-El sharing the Kents.”
“I hadn’t thought of it that way.” Kira chuckled. “Sam is very much his own person. And he’s very good with Kal and the Kents. Kind of a big brother for Kal at times.”
“My youngest is Kal’s age.” Kara smiled. “I hope that someday, they’ll get a chance to meet.”
“I hope so, too.” Kira enthused. “You know though, Kal is the only member of our family to have grown up on Earth. I started off on Daxam and Mother was an adult when she left Krypton.”
“The part of me that was Kara Zor-El grew up Kryptonian.” Kara replied. “But I have had a lifetime on Daxam. I think you and I are more alike than we could imagine.” She smiled. “Hey, does your Daxam have a Holiday for old…”
§ The forest below the Sentinel’s Lair
“Tell me more about this Wally West of yours!” Selina implored Alanna as they walked down the forest trail. A mid-winter day, the cold air chilled them as they traveled the trail. “Oracle is supposed to know everything. How can I if you won’t tell?” She winked at her cousin.
“Wally.” Alanna smiled. “I’d like to be home long enough to get to spend some quality time with him.” She laughed. “He may be able to live life at super-speed, but I…”
Alanna caught the almost imperceptible motion in the trees. She signaled to Selina. Changing from her human form to her powered angelic form, she rose to follow the woman flashing through the trees.
“Something is bothering her.” Alanna whispered to Selina. “She goes into Huntress mode like this to clear her mind.”
An old vine flashed by them. Alanna headed towards an opening in the trees and Selina followed. The Huntress jumped in front of them, spinning a quadruple somersault before landing in a tree just above Selina. The Huntress’ wary eyes scanned the horizon.
“You are fast!” Selina noted. “Much faster than I had thought. Geez…if this is the Rose form, I’d hate to ever meet the Thorn.
“Rose form?” Faith asked, caught by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Selina noted, “your Mother was the Thorn and you’re a Scott. Your mother, Linda, and Alanna all have dual physical forms. And, since you’ve never manifested anything other than this form or the Flameling, which isn’t human, that means you’ve got another secret identity hiding somewhere.”
“What?” Faith pondered as Alanna started to laugh. “What is so funny? Lannie?” Alanna laughed harder.
“I’m sorry.” Alanna smirked. “It’s the other way around. Selina, it’s pretty obvious if you think about it. Don’t focus on the personality. In her case, both forms are just slightly different manifestations of a single, stable personality.”
“What?” Selina pondered. “You’ve got me.”
“All right.” Alanna smiled. “It’s like this. I have two basic appearances: human and this powered form. Both human. The shadow powers were an aberration.”
“And?” Faith queried with a distracted look.
“Linda has two, as well, but Jade is not one of them.” Alanna noted. “Jade is the more human side soaked with power. Her other natural form is the demoness. And, yes, Shirley or no, it is still there.”
“Yikes!” Selina replied. “And I had hoped that was gone.”
“It’s just another physical form for my sister.” Alanna noted. “And not one that she is fond of.”
“You are much too pleased with yourself.” Faith noted with a smile. “The rest of this story should be interesting.”
“Oh!” Alanna chuckled. “And well worth the wait!”
Selina smirked and reflected. Cousin, this is the first time I think I’ve ever seen you really enjoy yourself.
“For you, anyway…” Faith smiled warily. “You’re enjoying this!”
“But of course!” Lannie laughed. “I’ve got two little fishes jumping for my bait and I’ve hooked you both!” She stuck out her tongue and then winked.
“Save me!” Faith rolled her eyes.
“Of course!” Alanna laughed. “Someone has to keep you straight!”
And that was all you ever wanted, wasn’t it, Alanna? Selina smiled in spite of herself. A place to be…to be wanted for who you are, not who you are related to. Even your shift of powers doesn’t matter as much to you as that…not that power matters to you. I wish I understood you better.
“Me, Wally, Dawn, Ray, and all the rest of us.” Faith smiled warmly. “Where will you find the time?”
“Super Speed!” Alanna grinned. “Maybe Wally’s will rub off on me!”
I’ve never seen you so comfortable with yourself, cousin. Selina noted. Is this what you crave? The role of confidante and counselor? It seems to suit you. But, you are more complex than I thought. I…
Faith looked up into the heavens and rolled her eyes again.
“Take me to a better place.” She said, apparently in mock surrender.
“Your wish...” Alanna answered firmly as reality crumbled around them. “…is my command.”
“Where are we?” Selina asked as she looked around. Around them was an empty void. But Faith had shifted more to her emerald-hued Veridian appearance, and the starburst in her left palm contributed enough emerald light to illuminate their surroundings. That and the light radiating from Alanna provided the only illumination Selina could see.
“In a better place.” Alanna answered warmly.
“Strictly speaking,” Faith clarified, “you’re inside my shields inside her space warp. Now we can talk.”
“Cute.” Selina replied, as she quickly recovered. “The Scotts never do anything the simple way, do you? And, now let me guess. Huntress is the Thorn. Veridian is the emerald rose. Your original design, Faith. You were born to be a Green Lantern.”
“Very true.” Faith smiled. “I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. But Veridian is better suited to working with the mystic force and Huntress is better suited to the Wood. And both of them are part of me.”
“Poor Sam!” Selina teased. “That’s one heck of a powerful rose, not to mention such a unique, green color.” Selina’s tone grew more firm. “Now…what the hell did you see? Shirley was completely out of it just after Kent seemed to lose his train of thought.”
“I didn’t ‘see’ anything.” Faith admitted. “But I felt something that I think I’ve felt before and it’s got my skin crawling.” She looked at Alanna. “Lannie, we’re all being screwed with…and it didn’t just start today. Too much doesn’t add up.”
“What?” Alanna replied. “What do you mean?”
“You mean,” Selina interrupted, “how did you wind up in this universe in the first time? Just before Gaea blew? And what lined up the forces you put into play?”
“That’s the beginning of it.” Faith admitted. “Lannie’s crossing into IV may have been the best bit of luck I’ve ever had. But it still all strikes me as too much of a coincidence. We’re being played. And the only new clues we have is that it’s clearly after Kent and Linda figures into it. Not much to go on.”
“But if we don’t do something soon,” Alanna suggested, “we’ll lose our window of opportunity. We can’t stay in this universe indefinitely…this was just my chance to come home and to introduce Kara to Kira’s family.”
“We’re going to force the issue this evening, before we return home.” Faith stated. I have an idea, but it’s not one I’m yet ready to share.”
“And if you feel that presence again, I’ll find it.” Alanna confirmed.
“Good.” Faith answered. And then Selina felt odd…out of phase…and disoriented…they had been teasing Faith…what was Alanna saying?
“…will be granted just as soon as we get home.” Alanna teased Faith.
“So,” Selina asked Faith, “what is your Thorn identity?”
“Maybe this one?” Faith asked as she jumped back into the tree.
“Weird.” Selina muttered. “I could have sworn…”
Swear all you want, cousin. Alanna watched as Faith continued her workout in the trees. You’ll remember soon enough. But not yet. Not until we face our unseen watcher.
Kara Gand heard familiar voices—one she dreaded hearing. That one, a young male, could only be another counterpart to her missing husband, Lar Gand. A brief flash of X-Ray vision confirmed her suspicions. The second voice was a young, strongly built woman. She steeled herself for that confrontation, as well.
Kira, watching Kara, immediately understood the problem. Whispering into her comms, the door into the back room answered her by opening. Mondra Lessis exited towards Kara. Appearing to be very young, he resembled more Mon-El from the Legion, than the mature Lar Gand of the Multiverse.
Kara felt her guard lower. His mannerisms were very different than those of her husband and the Multiverse Lar Gand. Every movement reflected the great age he had once held. More at ease, she accepted his greeting and his rapid departure.
“Oh, Mother dear!” Kira called. “It’s your turn!”
“Yeah, Mom!” Kal called. “Come out and meet the nice lady!”
The woman who walked through the door was anything but what Kara had dreaded. Expecting a walking colossus wearing a Military uniform and enforcing military discipline, Kara realized that this woman was very different from the caricature in her mind. A little taller than her daughter, she had the strong build of the House of El, but the appearance of Allura. Kara found that unsettling. She had heard only bits of the woman’s bizarre ancestry and life story from Kira, but those bits were enough to cause unease. Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy…
“Lyla Lerrol.” The woman disrupted her thoughts, while greeting her warmly. “Kara, I am very pleased to meet you. My daughter is going to tell me all about you as soon as I can corner her.”
Kara and Kira both snorted. Lyla turned to her daughter and sighed with mock exasperation. “Life is so unfair. I can’t even tease Kira about what the shock of meeting strangers does to her aged mother.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged as Kira snorted with laughter. “I always figured that once I hit 60, I’d be pushing around a walker in an old spacer’s home, somewhere on Krypton. Now look at me. Stuck on a farm, trying to figure out which end of the animal gets fed.”
“You shoulda seen when she guessed wrong!” Kal cracked. “Boy was that critter surprised!”
§ Observation Deck beneath the Lair Command Center
At better than 6 feet tall, Ray Palmer was not small man: very much a contrast to his Atom identity. Alan Scott watched the scientist as he leaned against the observation deck windows and stared out into the forest below. In mid summer, the foliage was thick. Ray took in the breath-taking view.
“So different from my world, yet not.”
“Your world will be free one day.” Alan commented as he, too, scanned the forest below. Interesting…something happened with the girls down below. I wonder what? And why do I suspect they are about to precipitate a crisis? He forced his attention back to the conversation. “And fairly soon.”
“Yes.” Ray stated. “We have the power to do it. But at the moment, we’ve backed Mongul into a corner. He isn’t that big a threat and his presence keeps us from fighting each other. We’re reaching out to our counterparts in other parts of our world, but the conversations are not going well. That is a real problem; we know that we’ll have to take Mongul out fairly soon, but before we do that, I want to make sure the cure isn’t worse than the disease. Strangely, even Ollie Queen agrees with me.” He sighed. “Queen Hippolyta has dibs on Luthor. I don’t think he’ll live through the encounter.”
“I would suspect not.” Alan smiled.
“Well, at least we overcame the crisis.” Ray smiled. “I’m sorry you weren’t able to join our team.”
“I was where I needed to be.” Alan noted. “I could both handle the portal and any stray mystic threats. And there needed to be at least one non-Kryptonian/Daxamite on the team that faced the Anti-Monitor.”
“You’ve done this before.” Ray noted. “Whatever life you lived on that other Earth, you learned Command, Control, and Planning.”
“Yes.” Alan admitted. “It has served me well.”
“Your command is more centralized than ours.” Ray nodded. “A bit firmer.”
“We fight different battles, Ray.” Alan noted. “Our structure is better for what we do. Just not better for Alanna.”
Ray’s eyes shot towards him.
“For the first time in her life, she is happy.” Alan stated. “She has a future in your reality and I want her to have it.”
“You love her very much.” Ray observed.
“Yes.” Alan confirmed. “Enough to know what is best for her. Ray, I can’t take the credit you can with Faith. I didn’t raise Alanna. I wasn’t there for her. I wish I had been. But all I can do now is what I hope makes her life better. Please watch over her.”
“I will.” Ray nodded. “And thank you for helping Faith come to terms with who she is.”
“Your wording: not ‘what’, but ‘who’.” Alan smiled. “You are a very wise man, Ray Palmer.”
“Thank you.” Ray answered.
§ Kent Farm, two hours later
Kara Gand walked with Lyla through the Kent farm.
“Kira is going to be a spectacular Supergirl.” Lyla smiled. “I only wish I could take credit for it. Instead, I feel a bit like a cowbird that dumped her egg in the nest of another bird, only to return when the hatchling was full grown.”
“That isn’t what Kira says.” Kara stated. “She said you came for her when she needed you the most.” Lyla’s warm smile gratified her. “And then you put her back together.”
“She gives me too much credit.” Lyla’s expression betrayed the comfort Kara’s words gave her. “Still, to have children like these has made everything else in my life worthwhile.”
Kara grinned.
“I just hope that when I get to your age, I look as good as you do!”
“The odd argument with a mad god.” Lyla grinned back. “Fortunately, I picked the winning team. But enough about me…tell me about your boys and Scooter.”
“Gladly!” Kara enthused. “I have holos, too!”
§ The Lair: the Sentinel’s work room
Alan studied several different holograms in the air in this small room that served as his inner sanctum. Star charts, they provided differing magnifications of the Hyperspace routes to Earth. Usually of the utmost interest to him, they barely held his attention this day.
Hearing a tap on his workroom door, Alan signaled for it to open. He acknowledged his visitor with interest.
“Jeffrey Nelson?” Alan smiled. “What can I do for Dr. Fate?”
“My grandfather does not have memory lapses.” Jeffrey stated. “Which means that something else is going on.”
“I don’t know any more than you do, Jeffrey. I suppose we’ll know more when the time is ripe.” Alan stated absently, careful to be unusually nonchalant. He knew that Jeffrey Nelson was nobody’s fool and would know how to take his words.
“Then, I will practice patience.” Jeffrey smiled. And be ready when it’s time to make our move. “Thank you for your time.” The door closed.
§ Two hours later: Kent Farm
The aroma from the supper, just past, still filled the air. The dishes were quickly cleaned and put away, courtesy of Sam and Kal. Linda and Helena had returned to the Lair, the Kents began grooming horses in the barn, and Lyla had flown in to space with the boys to play something Sam termed as ‘Space Frisbee.’
Kara and Kira watched the Kents from inside the gathering room.
“You know,” Kara admitted, “you’re a fairly easy read for me. You stand for most of the same things I do and you live a life I might have led. But your Mom is very different—not someone who would ever put on the Supergirl costume or adopt the name. Still, there is something I can’t place a finger on…something I feel I should recognize.”
Kira smiled knowingly. “She isn’t easy to get to know. That’s because we see her through our own perceptual lenses. You see, she is different from any other Kryptonian we know. Both of us grew up in loving Daxamite households, but Lyla was an unwanted orphan on our Krypton. She had no family, no nothing, not even a name. Lerrol is the name of the city in which she was raised.”
“Oh, my.” Kara responded. “I remember you telling me parts of her story. I have been fortunate. My mother, and even my father, have always been there for me, through thick and thin.”
“Don’t tell me!” Kira enthused. “Zor something and Allura?”
“Not at all.” Kara smiled. “Jakar and Amanda Tennan. My maiden name was Kara Tennan. Now it’s Kara G.”
“What?” The former Kiragee Tennan responded, wide-eyed.
“Yes.” Kara replied. “We have more in common than you know. Although, I suspect that Mon-L is not on your radar scope.”
“A little too old for me, Kara.” Kira chuckled. “Even if he doesn’t look it.”
“Neither does your mother!” Kara teased. “She looks the same age as Karik…just about the right age to start med school in our world—or graduate the academy.”
Kira’s mood sombered as she recalled her mother’s story.
“If anyone can earn restored youth, Kara, then Lyla has.” Kira stated. “Lyla has earned everything she ever had. Nothing was ever handed to her. And the government of Krypton twice denied her recognition for her most important work.”
Kara nodded.
“I sympathize. It is only recently that the government of Daxam has formally acknowledged my work as a Green Lantern. But even though Daxam was never fully supportive of my role as a Green Lantern, they never denied me the recognition that went with it.”
“Mother was cheated.” Kira stated bluntly. “Her work on tactics formed the basis for the Shantar Empire’s battle maneuvers today. She never received any official recognition for that from the Kryptonian armed forces. And the accident that ended her career: she braved certain death to shut down a power plant’s radioactive core before it could go critical. As her reward, they used her injuries as a convenient way to bury the incident. She never knew she had won the Science Council Medal of Honor. They just classified the incident, sealed her file, and dismissed her from the service. Only on the last day of Krypton’s existence, did she find out about the medal and the reasons for the cover-up, and only then because Jor-El told her as he sent her off planet…to be the decoy…to take Kal-El to Earth while a much safer rocket took me to Daxam…where I grew up in safety.”
“I can’t imagine that.” Kara admitted. “Even Kara Zor-El was going to something and someone…Kal-El on Earth…safety. Not into the unknown without true goals.”
“Her mission was to birth Kal-El’s matrix when she felt safe.” Kira explained. “And then she would get him to Shantar space…once he had a few years on him. But fate in the form of Ares took a hand once more…once Alan arrived, the Shantar sent for me. But Ares took her and Kal just after Alan arrived—the combination of Lyla and Alan would have been far too dangerous.”
“So,” Kara emphasized, “would the combination of you and Alan, had Ares not messed with YOUR mind.”
“I like to think so, sometimes.” Kira smiled. “But, I didn’t have her experience as a planner and a warrior, although Lyla says I am learning quickly.” Kira flashed her telescopic vision into space to watch the on-going Frisbee game. “Kara, you know the first time I met Lyla was when she came to free Kal and me from Ares…and she brought the cavalry. I didn’t know what to make of her. And sometimes I still don’t.” Kira grinned.
“I doubt that very much.” Kara disagreed. “If anyone understands her, you do.”
“Then Lyla will remain a bit of a mystery.” Kira answered back. “But still, I know I’m very lucky to have her.” She stated. “Given Lyla’s restored youth, I can count on having her in my life for many years to come. She put me together after Ares did so much to me and she gave me a home. She has no interest in becoming ‘Supergirl’ or ‘Superwoman’ and that is fine. And whenever I feel like telling her to get out there and be a little bit more visible, I remember one thing.”
“Just one?” Kara hinted warmly.
“Something none of us suspected.” Kira nodded mysteriously. “On the capitol world of the Shantar, there is a shrine, a hall of heroes. And in that shrine are the citations to those who have made a true difference to the empire, by their sacrifices and their gifts. These are the people whose works and gifts have meant life for trillions within the Empire. These are the real heavy hitters. These are the ones that Shantar school children will learn about in school, for millennia to come.”
Kara waited for Kira to continue.
“There is only one alien name enshrined there…the name of the Starchild…whose application of Zor-El’s and Q’s theories to the Shantar battle maneuvers ended the wholesale slaughter of the Shantar by the Kayzik. Something else the Science Council failed to tell her.” Kira swallowed. “And I know that I am more important to her than that honor. And THAT humbles me.”
§ The Sentinel’s work room
Alan heard another knock on the door. Sighing, he signaled for it to open. In the doorway, Faith in her Veridian appearance, stood surrounded by Alanna, Linda, both Dr. Fates, and Mary Marvel.
“I am going to thank Kent for all he has done for us,” Faith deadpanned, “and Alanna is selling tickets. Would you like to come?”
Alan forced himself to smile. “This should be more entertaining than Iris in a room full of diplomats.” This is it. The shit is really going to hit the fan. These are the most powerful mystics from both our realities and nobody else. And Alanna is watching Linda like a hawk. Well, better there than here. I hope Diana has insurance on the Rock of Eternity…she is likely to need it.
“Let’s go.” He stood to join them. “It’s always nice to see Kent get what he deserves.” A little help from his friends.
§ The Rock of Eternity
The small group flew downwards to the portal entrance, and then through the portal into the netherverse leading to the Rock.
“How come Elise couldn’t come?” Jade queried, as she entered the netherverse. “She might enjoy the trip.”
“This is just a quick in and out.” Alanna countered. “And we don’t want Auntie Faith to get TOO embarrassed do we?”
“I can see it now.” Faith countered. “Earth’s superheroes blinded by a blushing Flameling.”
Alan could tell that Linda had been mollified, but that both Drs. Fate had begun to watch her more warily. And so did Mary Marvel…the one of them powered by the Rock of Eternity.
After a brief flight, they landed at the Rock. Jeffrey Nelson led them in to his grandfather’s domain, opening the doors to the castle. They found Diana in a small alcove near the entrance, studying diplomatic protocols of the Shantar. As Jeffrey passed Diana, he signaled to her not to respond vocally. Understanding immediately, she pointed to the study and joined their small group as they walked up a set of stairs. At the top, Diana took the lead and led them in to the main library.
“This is quite a crowd.” Kent looked up suspiciously from his work as the group approached.
“But, of course!” Faith smiled and struck a friendly tone. “We have come to seek your guidance and wisdom.”
“But I thought…” Linda interrupted before Alanna cut her off.
“Guidance and wisdom?” Kent leaned back, wary but curious. “What about? How to harass poor, overworked sorcerers?”
“About how the Great Portal Starheart has been screwing up our lives!” Faith growled. “Especially yours!”
As he began to respond, Kent felt an odd, overpowering presence…and Alanna and Faith reacted, countering the presence…and reality shifted.
And then the study was empty. Kent’s papers lay undisturbed.
§ Elsewhere
“Where are we?” Kent demanded as he tried to focus his eyes. “What the Hell just happened?”
“I have them.” Kent heard Alan call to someone. “My part of the job.”
As Kent’s vision cleared he realized that he was floating in Alan’s bubble. Both Jeffrey Nelson and Will Batson seemed to be aiming protective spells around him, while Diana and Mary watched him and the situation outside the bubble with concern. Outside, Alan watched Faith and Alanna maneuver. Faith’s power enveloped Linda, who appeared to be in suspended animation.
And, just beyond, a glowing green sun. And Kent instantly knew exactly where he was…far too close the Starheart that guarded the Great Portal.
“Who are you?” Faith raged. “And how dare you attack us?”
Power crackled from the Starheart, struggling to focus, to give Linda the energy she would need to free herself from stasis. Immediately, Faith diverted it.
“I can keep this up all day.” Faith warned. “That is the one limitation of a Starheart. Without a focus, you are very limited in what you can do. You can destroy us all or answer the question, and that is about it.”
“Answer the question.” Alan commanded of the glowing sun. “We know what you are doing…the secret is out. You’re not just the Starheart; you’re something else. Who are you?”
“You brought me into Alterverse the first time, didn’t you?” Faith demanded. “And when I broke down, you called Lyla for me. Why?”
“Payback.” They sensed, more than heard the answer. The Sentinel’s eyebrows rose with startled recognition.
“Hal?” Alan asked. “Hal Jordan? But I thought you and Hallie were…”
“He’s not that Hal Jordan.” Alanna warned. “There is an evil about him that the Green Lantern does not possess.”
“Is it evil to seek to repair the ills of the universe, when no one else dares?” The voice warned.
“Enough!” Veridian fumed. “Who are you?”
“Parallax.” The Sentinel deduced. “Hal Jordan gone wrong. Very wrong. Driven mad by the Guardians’ failure to deal with the death of his family and home, he destroyed the Corps, the Guardians, and the Central power battery. He absorbed all of that power into himself. And then he tried to restart his universe in his own image. In the battle that followed, the JSA of his universe was decimated and only the Spectre was able to turn the tide. Now, he appears to have the power, but no way to use it.”
Faith loosened her hold on Linda, who appeared to be waking from a bad dream.
“What? What is happening?” Linda took in her changed surroundings.
“Kiddo,” Mary answered Linda, “I owe you an apology. When you cold-cocked Hal Jordan at the Central Power Battery, you did more good than you will ever know.” (Elf note: AV: The Parallax Incident)
“I am tied to Jennifer Gand, whom you know as the Multiverse Sentinel.” Parallax admitted. “When Kandor was rescued from Rokyn’s destruction, I ceased to exist…until the Ripple that realigned the realities. And then I awoke here…within this entity. All powerful, yet helpless to act. At least not directly.” (Elf note: Dylan Clearbrook’s ‘To Discover a World’)
“Alan?” Faith implored. “I don’t have the history.”
“Not long after Kara Zor-El was revived in the Marvel universe,” Alan related, “her friends discovered an anomaly in that universe. What appeared to be a trans-dimensional world was beginning to make a shift to another universe. That world turned out to be Rokyn, where the Kandor that housed Kara’s family had been enlarged. You see, Rokyn had shifted to the Marvel universe from the DCU Multiverse prior to the conclusion of the Crisis of Infinite Earths. But, as part of its natural cycle, it would soon shift back to the DCU Multiverse. But, after Crisis, that dimension within the DCU no longer existed and Rokyn had nowhere to go. So, Kara and her intrepid band had to rescue the former Kandorians, before Rokyn could self-destruct during its aborted shift, destroying both itself and the Kandorians.”
“At the same time,” Mary related, “the weakening of the boundaries between the universes caused Parallax to reappear, after his apparent death in the ‘Final Night’.” (Elf note: DCU Trade Paperback ‘Final Night’)
“He powered Jennifer Gand originally.” Alan continued. “He was last seen tossing the bottled city of Kandor back to Kara’s team, just before Rokyn vanished.”
“And when the cosmic Ripple occurred,” Alanna surmised, “he woke up here, within the Starheart.”
“I am not sure whether this is part or all of me, or if I am merely an echo of Parallax.” The entity admitted. “But I do have the memories…the same memories that are in Jennifer Gand’s ring. And I may yet retain a fraction of my cosmic energies; I do not yet know. But I know that I am far more than mortal…and must have been entrusted with this power for reasons beyond mortal understanding.”
“Then let me tell a story.” Alanna challenged. “And then you can tell me how much of it is hooey.”
“I’m all ears.” Kent prompted. “This should be interesting.”
“Parallax awoke within the Starheart.” Alanna began. “And found himself facing a crisis—the Kayzik swarm who controlled the Great Portal. More precisely, he awoke sometime before the Final Night in the Alterverse realities. Helpless, he could only watch as the Kayzik went into overtime…pumping Kayzik hive Queens into unsuspecting new realities. And then the Seltan acted, bringing Jade and me here—Jade who could issue the command to destroy the Kayzik and their home hive—Jade, who brought Gaea, a much greater threat than anyone suspected.”
Faith appeared to first be distracted by the Starheart, and then glaring at it. Then, her features relaxed.
“I will, if you won’t.”
“Deal.” A hologram appearing to be Hal Jordan appeared in front of them. “This is the first time I have even been able appear human in years.” His costume was very different…a mockery of a combination of the costumes of a Green Lantern and the Sentinel.
“Interesting.” Kent mused as he sensed the energies around him. “Now I understand how he affected me. He simply used Linda’s power combined with my subconscious as a focus. Well, won’t work that way again.”
“My strategy bought the time I needed to get through the Continuum Wars crisis.” Parallax stated firmly. “I simply ‘interrupted’ your thought sequences that came too close to uncovering who I was.”
“Back to my story.” Alanna stated as Kent glared at Parallax. “When Jade gave the command, you blew up most of this universe…something you’re very good at. But, at the same time, Gaea blew up Jade to extract J’Dik Alar…or tried to. Except that you forced Jade back together again. You could do that…you were far more powerful. It’s just that you then had the same problem as before…Gaea would break free again and in the mean-time she was affecting Linda’s sanity. Linda eventually became a caricature of herself, constantly battling for control. But during the battle, she did a lot of good.”
“She wasn’t the only one fighting something off, Seeker.” Parallax hinted. “As I quickly became aware.”
“Seems to run in the family.” Faith noted. “Not one of our better traits.”
“Linda remained in control long enough for us to defeat Ares.” Alanna ignored them. “And then the problems began…she was losing control and knew it. She just didn’t know why. But you knew you had to act. You had to find an alternate focus that you could work through. But what being could even begin to channel the power it would take to overwhelm Gaea? And what being could even you trust to do the job? A job you couldn’t trust yourself to do?”
“And then it happened.” Alanna smirked. “In an odd little universe…that didn’t even appear to have a Starheart.”
“Odd little universe?” Faith protested. “I think I resent that.”
“Hush.” Alanna warned gently before continuing. “What appeared to be a young girl trapped within the Huntress Wood did something extraordinary…reclaiming a legacy of power far more ancient than any of us imagined. Not quite a champion as you understood it…a cosmic fluke: born of, generating and focusing pure mystic power…but you knew what you had found.”
“Yessss….” Parallax admitted. “I had no other options and I was out of time.”
“So,” Faith’s anger rose, “you dragged Donna, Dawn, and me bodily into Alterverse…against our will and almost killing us.”
“Yes, I did.” Parallax acknowledged. “My need was too great not to. One universe almost came apart because I acted out of own. And I destroyed the Guardians and the Corps that had given me a home. I could not let that happen again and I knew that Alterverse would come apart if I did not act. And, after Gaea had destroyed that universe, where would she then go? How many other universes would she destroy?”
“Instead,” Faith interjected, “I did the dirty work. I became the conduit for your power and your schemes. I commanded the Alterverse Starheart and the Rock of Eternity’s power to defeat Gaea.”
Parallax barked laughter. Truly amused, he grinned.
“No, had it been that simple, your services would not have been required. In truth, you commanded power from me, the Alterverse Starheart, and the Rock of Eternity. It took that much power to contain Gaea. Although, I would have destroyed Gaea and J’Dik Alar outright…your solution was much more…elegant. And, I have come to understand, potentially more beneficial.”
“And you benefited as well…” Faith observed. “I returned your champion in better shape than I found her.”
“Yes.” Parallax admitted. “There is that.”
“I feel like a slab of meat.” Linda fussed as Alan put his hands on her shoulders and whispered to her. Then he looked up thoughtfully.
“You shut off the Shadow Force that fed Alanna’s power when she entered the Inheritors’ universe.” Alan posited.
“Yes.” Parallax admitted. “I knew that the Shadow Force would soon destroy her; she was already near death. And, though it channels through this universe, the Shadow Force originates elsewhere. But I still haven’t been able to identify its source. I did know that it would kill Alanna only after she had gone mad and unleashed the Shadow Force on your universe. But I had also observed that the Rock of Eternity no longer opens into the Inheritors’ Universe and I suspected that if I sealed the Portal tight, the Shadow Force wouldn’t be able to reach her in that universe. Fortunately, I was correct. But that doesn’t mean we’ve seen the last of the Shadow Force. Even now, it is trying to reach Alanna Kyle. But now her natural shields have strengthened to the point that the Shadow Force can’t easily penetrate them.”
“And what happens when the Shadow Force chooses another champion?” Will Batson pondered. “Even more of a problem, especially if that champion acts counter to our interests.”
“I do not know.” Parallax admitted. “My information on the Shadow Force is sketchy at best.”
“So, why did you hide for so long?” Mary inquired.
“I’m Parallax: Slaughterer of the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of my universe.” He admitted. “What reception should I have expected? Instead, I’ve been able to do what I had to do.”
“And kept an eye on Jennifer Gand.” Alan noted. “Even if you can’t do anything to affect her life directly—except answer when she asks you to open a portal.”
“Yes.” Hal admitted. “I have not yet been able to make direct contact through what residue of cosmic power may remain within me, although I remain attuned to the small fraction of power within her ring. But, she, at least, has done a better job with the power of Parallax than even I…even if it has caused other problems. Still, from her I have learned that some can be trusted with power.”
“And what now?” Faith asked. “What of Parallax?”
“Now?” Hal replied. “I watch, I wait, I do what I can to counter the forces of Qward, and I hope for the opportunity for redemption, to set things right. I pray for what you already have…although I’m not sure I could ever be trusted with that kind of power again. Still…I have always been a man of action…not patience.”
“But mostly…I must wait.”
§ Eight hours later…The Inheritor’s Universe: Huntress Wood—four a.m. at the Green Lantern
Faith Powers Scott sat and watched the emerald flame of the old green train lantern. Her father’s lantern, it was mesmerizing to her. Finally, she heard footsteps on the trail behind her, breaking her concentration. Diana of Themyscira watched her for a moment and sat beside her.
“Diana…Were we right to leave him there? Should we have left him there alone? Or was there something we could have done?”
The deceased Amazon looked about her and sensed the life in the Wood. She placed a hand on the Huntress’ shoulder.
“I…can’t answer that. I can think of no greater Hell than being aware of life and unable to interact with it.” Diana frowned. “Even the timeless limbo I was in would have been better…but to be aware…and unable to even interact…the crushing loneliness would be enough to overwhelm even me. And now he seeks redemption as well, or so he believes.”
“But perhaps his punishment is to come to terms with the fact that there are others who can be trusted with the power…where he could not.” Diana rubbed Faith’s shoulder. “Now he must face the fact that Jennifer Gand, Arisia, Alan, Linda, and you are all out there making the difference he could not. It may not sit well with him.”
“I wonder.” Faith pondered. “Or do we just think we can handle the power?”
“Our Hal Jordan was a wanderer at the end.” Diana considered. “He could never find himself, no matter how hard he searched. How I pitied him. If that was what it meant to be a Green Lantern, a Green Lantern I did not want to be.”
She smiled wryly.
“And now I pity another Hal Jordan. I feel fortunate to be invited to make my existence here…a warm, welcoming place for a wandering soul who had nowhere else to go. And I remember Lois’ words: ‘this is the Huntress’ Wood. This is a place of magic. This is where tragedy turns to triumph. And this is where love grows.’ And it truly is. And you made it that way.”
“You give me too much credit…” Faith protested.
“Do I?” Diana challenged. “Hal Jordan is a wandering, lost soul who could never find his true home; the loss of the closest thing he had, Coast City, drove him mad. But you have opened your home to so many others, so many who have felt welcome here. That is his tragedy and your triumph. And I don’t know how you teach that.”
“I don’t know either.” Faith admitted. “Poor tortured soul…”
“But enough of that.” Diana smiled at her young friend. “It’s time for you to go to sleep…and a chance for the rest of us to watch over you for a change…time for you to dream of shining green angels.”
“That sounds good.” Faith yawned and smiled. “I think I will.” She floated into the air and aimed for the tree house. Across the Wood, Diana sensed Charlie the Mountain Lion, as he, scrambled up the trees to join his mistress.
Sleep well, Princess. Diana mused. And thank you for this life...and this chance to make a real difference.
Hal Jordan, I pity you, for I could not think of a worse fate. How empty you must feel.
How lucky I feel not to be you. I wonder if you have any idea.
She vanished, reappearing in the room where Scooter Gand slept with her mother. Diana watched the young girl breathe peacefully and knew all was right with her world…at least for the moment.
End, After the Final Night
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-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2004 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Multiverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook.
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors and their associated universes, as depicted in the
-- Continuum Worlds, are the original creations of Eldric.
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network
-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions