The Inheritors/Alterverse
to Hipkarma and Dylan Clearbrook for their extensive editing and guidance!
Inheritors Chapter 9:
Alterverse – Sentinel War Prologue, Part 2:
The Starchild’s Gift, Conclusion
Ten minutes after Lyla’s conversation with Shantar Command – Command Center
what we know, Dad.” Elise spoke to a hologram. Zoldar nodded grimly.
nothing more I can do from here. The Oans have dispatched the Green
Lanterns nearest Dega Five to back up Lyla. Our fleets are gathering as
Elise asked. “One more thing? Find out anything you can about the
Starchild’s ‘Q’.”
on it. If there is a way to find him, we will. But he’s always been
notoriously hard to find. We’ll research it.”
He shook
his large head.
Starchild. Amazing. She took all that gobbledygook and turned it into
something that mattered. And she’ll make it matter again. Take care, daughter. If we are
successful today, we will have that family reunion. I promise. Dad out.”
vanished. Elise smiled. Dad out. He’s never said that before. She
made a decision. The Sentinel’s Lair isn’t my place. Not today.
this is Elise. I have a dozen Andromedan Shantar Assassins on base. We’re
offering our services.”
to the party.” Lyla responded. “The Huntress Express leaves in three
minutes. Just as soon as she finishes her cup of coffee.”
walked over to Selina.
Just don’t take on any mad Gods.” (Ed. Note: Alterverse Book 1: The
Search for Kal-El, chapters 2-Epilogue.)
would never forgive me.” Selina smiled. “Not with Jeffrey out there.”
don’t you forget it!” Garja Jenna popped up.
Shantar Assassins filed into the Command Center. The rest of the team assembled as well.
be dropping out of Hyperspace once an hour to contact Command.” Lyla
stated. “And I hope to hear from Hallie Jordan within the first two hours. If not, she’ll meet us
before we get to the Cloud.” She nodded to Faith. “Ready?”
response, Faith’s eyes burned green. Emerald fire consumed the team and
they vanished from the Lair.
take that as a yes.” Garja said to no one. “Be safe, Jeffrey.”
to Kira.” Selina spoke up. “How goes it?”
well, Oracle.” Kira answered. “The Resistance is pitching in. Iris is
fussing because Dawn is so well trained.” They heard her chuckle. “We’re
playing cat and mouse with the Kayzik. And this time, the mice are holding their
own. Supergirl out.”
Three hours later
about half way there, Dad.” Linda advised.
point, Squirt.” Alan understood. “Let’s drop out of Hyperspace and see if
we can get an update.”
The four
of them felt the sudden deceleration as they fell back into normal space.
to Lair!” Alan called. “Any update on the situation? Any more detailed
plans of the Kayzik base? Anything that shows that we should divert?”
received no response.
An hour later – half way to Dega Five
team dropped out of Hyperspace. She activated her comms.
to Shantar Command. Update please!”
scowled to her companions.
“This is
not good. That means the J’Dinn have been jamming Shantar Comms all the
way out here. Alan was right. We have to do our job and then we have to
damage the Ogeslaz Military Base.”
“I don’t
follow.” Jeffrey admitted.
Lyla explained. “This is what is happening. The J’Dinn have infiltrated
Shantar communications on behalf of the Kayzik. This is the kind of stunt
they pull before a major offensive. And I mean a major invasion. Kent, in two hours,
Hallie should be meeting us. I’ll need you to provide a beacon.
Otherwise, she may not find us. I don’t expect our comms will work again
until we get to Dega Five.”
have the beacon ready.” Kent agreed.
Faith muttered to Donna. “You wanted to take this trip to learn something
about strategy. I don’t know about you, but I’m sure getting an
chuckled. Faith was unprepared for Lyla’s warm smile.
notes in my class anytime. Let’s go.” They jumped back into Hyperspace.
The Sentinel’s Lair
Selina asked. “I don’t understand this. Who is Lyla? And why does she
rate access to the commanding Warlords of the Shantar Empire?”
Jenna smiled with wonder.
fortunate mistake. A myth. A legend. And an impossible dream. I never
would have guessed that the truth was even more.”
Garja!” Selina teased. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say that this is the
worst case of Hero worship I’ve ever seen!”
walked up to her console.
we reactivated the Lair, we’ve spent a lot of time catching up and this
time, we’ve had accesses that we didn’t before. We heard an amazing story
from High Command. The implications are even more amazing. I’m the
historian, so I’ll try to recount this somewhat accurately.”
has always been a dangerous world.” He admitted. “While they could not
supply warriors for the battle, they were more than able to supply
assistance with strategy. They investigated the Kayzik and came up with
some startling revelations on the behavior of the Kayzik hive mind.
Absolutely extraordinary, that world has added more to our knowledge of
Kayzik behavior than we ever expected.”
long before the Kayzik invaded Oa, a young Kryptonian made a bold
prediction that no one believed – that the Kayzik would attack the
Guardians. And he explained why. He described behavior matrices that few
could understand. It was the work of genius. But Zor-El was no warrior –
and the fleet chose to ignore his argument because he could not put it in
terms they understood.”
long after, the Kayzik took Oa. They began their march through massive
swatches of Shantar territory. Oddly enough, the Kayzik did not complete
their occupation of the Milky Way Galaxy itself until much later. They had
other, more important targets. That was why Krypton lasted so long.”
swallowed hard.
five years ago, a young Kryptonian Lieutenant contacted the strategy
section of Shantar command. She had read Zor-El’s work and wondered if we
would be making use of it. The commander of the section took the call. He
laughed at her. He told her that if she thought she could do something
with the work, she should go right ahead and do it.”
He shook
six months, she had totally rewritten the complete set of Shantar battle
tactics. The commander of the strategy section’s first impulse was to
disregard the work. But he recognized just how much effort she had put
into them, so he read them. Within hours, the manuals were in the hands
of High Command. Another copy found its way to Colu. The mysterious ‘Q’
had been a somewhat successful, if erratic strategist whose work had been
translated by his people for the Shantar. He took one look and contacted
took up the tale.
“At the
time, we were losing. The Kayzik were plowing through our defenses.
Almost immediately, High Command replaced their battle movements with the
ones that Lyla provided. We were able to slow the Kayzik advances
dramatically. Then Q got into the act. He sent strategic plans to her to
script. She did. And we stopped the Kayzik cold. We’ve mostly been in
stalemate since.”
“We were
not able to stop the Kayzik progression through this Galaxy. When Lyla was
so badly injured, High Command buried her identity to protect her planet
for as long as possible. High Command knew that the Kayzik would have
destroyed the planet immediately if the Kayzik had any idea that Krypton
was scripting their defeats. Lyla’s identity was so highly classified,
that very few on Krypton suspected who she truly was. Not even Krypton’s
High Council knew that she was the Starchild. They understood that
the Shantar High Command demanded her continued service and promotion, but
High Command refused to reveal more than that. There were those on the
Council that High Command could not trust.”
smiled wryly.
Zor-El, at least, knew. He recognized the use of his work. And through
his ongoing conversations with her, he deduced who she had to be. He
protected her to the best of his ability.”
spoke sadly.
when she was so badly injured, Krypton’s Admiralty made the decision to
remove her from service. They felt that their trading partners would be
afraid of them because of what she had become physically – a Kryptonian who
could leave the planet and was not subject to the Daxamite weakness to
lead. She would have known as soon as she left the surface of the planet
that she was no longer tied to it. A bad move on their part, but they did
not have all the facts.”
after Krypton’s destruction, the Kayzik captured Q’s home world. We do not
know if he escaped. We are running every kind of tracker that we can.”
answered their looks of disbelief.
must understand how High Command viewed the situation. They couldn’t stop
the takeover of Colu. They did their best to help evacuate the planet.
But Q never revealed his identity. And frankly, without the Starchild, his
work was almost worthless.”
Selina asked. “As important as it had been?”
“Q was
brilliant.” Jerik acknowledged. “But the brilliance was tempered by his
inability to put his work in terms anyone else, even High Command, could
understand. Lyla understood his work, refined it, corrected it, and put it
in terms that we could easily execute.”
seemed confused by High Command’s response to Lyla when she called from the
conference room.” Garja interjected. “Understand our life spans. We
typically live between two and three thousand years. The people in High
Command are the ones who were there when Lyla was active.”
“And let
me show you one more thing.” Dr. Jenna spoke for the first time. He
brought up a view of the public walkway into the Senate at the High
Imperium. The public walked through a series of hallways with each wall
protected by transparent materials. The walls had an eerie feel to them.
He panned the display about halfway down. “Some of these displays are
billions of years old. Here is the most recent entry.”
“What my
father is showing you is the Hall of the Heroes of the Shantar.” Garja
smiled broadly. “There is only one entry for someone who is not Shantar.
The Starchild
An unnamed strategist and tactician from a fallen
The Starchild’s gift is every world that yet lives
The Empire recognizes that her strategies and tactics
Were the only reason that any part of the
Empire survived the devastation
That followed the taking of the planet of Oa.
A grateful Empire salutes you.
worship?” Garja smiled. “There have been more Emperors over the years
than anyone can count. Still, it is considered a great honor to meet one.
But truthfully, most Shantar children can recall the last three or four
Emperors and that’s about it.”
every Shantar child knows every name on that wall and why it’s there. So
if we choose to respect a woman who earned that citation with nothing more
than her mind, you will have to forgive us.”
Dega Five
fought her way clear of a troop of Kayzik invaders. Her Xentronium sword
left a mass of Kayzik casualties. Well Elise, I was never as talented
as you were, but I’m taller and have a longer reach. And that’s kept my
head attached to my shoulders. She spotted another Kayzik warrior
charging towards her. Impossibly, a violet beam reached down from above,
picked up the warrior and tossed it into the air. Kendra laughed at the
sight of the struggling creature. The violet beam withdrew and the Kayzik
fell to the ground. It squirmed and then stopped moving. Kendra severed
its head. She waved upward to the violet glow. It moved onward.
Hallie Jordan chuckled from above. When Alanna put me together
as Astra, she left me the Star Sapphire powers! (Ed note: Alterverse,
book 1 – the Search for Kal-El, Chapter 5).
oh. Better get going. If I’m not where Lyla expects me, she’ll have me
put on report and I’ll have to watch more Shirley Temple movies.
Two hours out from Dega Five
signaled the drop from Hyperspace near a small yellow sun. Faith followed
her out with the rest of the group. Kent Nelson aimed a flare overhead –
bright enough to be seen across the solar system, it was spelled to be seen
everywhere across the system at once.
you holding up?” Lyla inquired of Faith.
“I’m a
little tired.” Faith admitted. “I don’t usually have to go this far this
fast and with this many passengers. But we’ll get there.”
heard Jeffrey Nelson mumble a spell. He walked towards Faith with a
steaming cup of coffee in his hand. Her smile gratified him.
you.” She gratefully accepted the steaming cup. “Just what the Doctor
ordered.” Faith relaxed while sustaining the bubble that protected the
almost twenty people in the group.
“Just a
reminder.” Elise addressed the group. “The Kayzik come from an orange sun
world. Some of the Shantar, including our little group of Andromedan
Shantar, retain the invulnerability of our ancestors who originated on a
blue sun world. That makes us hard to kill. If we use high impact weapons
we wreck the landscape, but don’t do much damage to each other. That’s why
we stick with swords and close range blasters. That’s why you’ll need this
Xentronium Sword, Donna.” She handed over a sword.
you.” Donna acknowledged.
the way it works. On a yellow sun world like Earth or Dega Five,
Kryptonian or Daxamite invulnerability is absolute. Shantar and Kayzik
invulnerability are not absolute, but conventional weapons do little harm.
On an orange or blue sun world, only a Kryptonian or Daxamite has an
advantage - we and the Kayzik lose our advantage. Under a red sun,
everyone is mortal. So don’t underestimate our friends. Of course, if
you’ve found a shapeshifter, it’s a J’Dinn ally of the Kayzik. Catch and
kill. And remember, they taste like chicken.” She grinned evilly.
“I won’t
tell you the story behind that.” Kent grimaced. “But I will vouch for it.”
adjusted her comms.
out. We’re flying blind.”
pooh!” Astra appeared in their bubble. “No welcome for your friendly
neighborhood tour guide?”
pretended to grimace. She smiled.
sister swings a mean sword.” Astra teased Elise. “She’d turn me into a
Ghost if I got close enough! Oh, wait. I already am! She must have
caught me! Barf.”
you, Astra. Lyla smiled as she
witnessed the relief in Elise’s eyes. You pretend to be so damned
flighty, but you know what’s important.
“Take a
break!” Astra smiled at Faith. “I wanna show these old fuddy-duddies what
I can do!” Astra raised shields around Faith’s. Faith relaxed and dropped
hers. “Power nap time, Dearie!”
you!” Faith closed her eyes. Donna picked her up before she dropped to
the floor of the bubble.
projected a hologram.
“This is
where they are the thickest. Probably several hundred ships in these
areas. I think this is where the Shantar have to make their hyperspace
jumps into the Cloud. I know that the point-to-point transporters are all
out, so the Shantar have to jump their ships through these particular
Hyperspace routes to arrive on Dega Five. And since Dega Five is the
principal planet in the cluster, all transport routes go through it to the
other worlds.”
about here, here, and here?” Lyla asked.
Astra confirmed. “Not many. No party. Nothing for them to do.” She
scowled. “Haven’t seen the Scotts. I think they’re avoiding me. I’m
worried, too.” Kent admitted. “Our comms have been more dead than you.”
“Now I’m
worried!” Astra fussed. “No one seems to have comms down there, either.
They’re running on instinct. We need to jam the Kayzik comms like they’ve
jammed ours. We want them to make as much sense as I do.” She quipped.
damn.” Astra scowled. “I’ve only got a minute or two left before I have
to go astral again – I’m burning too much power. One last thing - if you
can blast those Hyperspace approaches clear, I can let the Shantar and the
Green Lanterns know it’s safe to come through. There’s a handful of GLs in
the cluster, but we have more on the way.”
began to stir again.
for the break. How many worlds are we fighting on?”
one.” Astra advised. “The others are isolated but untouched. But Dega
Five has both the spaceports and the long range transporters. Fifteen
shields replaced Astra’s violet shields. Astra vanished.
only visible for a few minutes at a time.” Lyla explained. “It can be
disconcerting. She’ll head back independently and we’ll meet her at the
Garjan Cloud. Otherwise it’s Shirley Temple movies for a week!”
“I heard
that!” Astra reappeared. Then she vanished again. They heard a mutter.
“Maybe I should switch sides. The Kayzik only tortured me and drained my
life force. Paah!”
took the team back into Hyperspace. The journey continued.
One hour, forty five minutes later, the Dalran Cloud
Sentinel’s team dropped out of Hyperspace.
Lord.” Mary exclaimed. “Even Daxam isn’t that big!”
looked out over the massive Ogeslaz complex. Termed a world, it was much
more. In fact, it had become a donut shaped world with a hole in the
center for the giant red sun.
never seen anything that big!” Alanna exclaimed. “How are we supposed to
fight that?”
never been able to do something that big on my own.” Linda confirmed.
“That base is much bigger than anything I’ve demolished, outside of the
Kayzik home universe. And I didn’t supply the will power for that.”
“I made
a mistake.” Alan admitted. “I don’t know where to begin with this
monster. The Shantar maps sure didn’t help.”
are still dead.” Alanna confirmed. “Dad, your call. What do we do?”
the pressure off the Shantar.” Alan suggested. “Let’s try to take out the
hyperspace transporters if we can.”
“If we
can find them!” Linda exclaimed.
is that.” Alan agreed. “But we’re not doing anything just hovering here.
Shields up, Linda. And let’s do our best not to be visible.”
Mary and
Alanna took care to stay behind the shields.
Twenty minutes later – the Garjan Galactic Cloud
team prepared to drop out of Hyperspace.
“If we
had to stick to the standard Hyperspace routes, we wouldn’t have gotten
this far.”
“And it
would have taken weeks.” Kent confirmed. “That’s the advantage of hanging around
with the folks I do. We haven’t had to hop Hyperspace like most do.”
reacted to Donna’s curious expression.
Hyperspace has a drag factor. It takes a Galaxy class meta to both stay in
Hyperspace as long as we did and to move as fast as we did. Everyone else
has to do it in jumps. The Shantar and Kayzik do Hyperspace in jumps or
with relays that allow them to transport and retransport. Our one day trip
would have taken several weeks.”
mean it didn’t?” Faith quipped. “Why do I think that was the easy part?”
on-planet express! Ready to go!” She vanished again. Kent cast a spell.
Astra reappeared.
suspended an element of time within you.” He winked. “It’ll hold until
you hit the surface.”
She smiled. “No vanishing act, folks! At least for a bit.”
knows what they have to do?”
“I’ve been
ready.” Elise stated grimly, looking around to her patrol of assassins.
“Let’s get this done.”
assassins nodded to confirm their assent.
I’ll find Command.” Jay confirmed. “And start to get the comms and
transporters up, if I can.”
got the spaceport.” Diana and Donna agreed.
luck, folks!” Lyla bid them farewell as Astra lifted off. Only Lyla, Kent, Jeffrey,
Faith, and Krypto remained. Another cup of coffee appeared in Kent’s hands.
coffee beans we brought.” He smiled as he passed the cup to Faith. “The
rest is easy.”
“I am
going to sleep for a week when we’re done.” She sipped the cup. “I can’t
complain about the service, though.”
Kent chuckled.
going for the Shantar Hyperspace entry points first?” He asked Lyla.
“Then a jump point to the Dalran Cloud?”
Lyla confirmed. “The GLs are waiting to come through. We could use the
help. And maybe the Shantar can restore the comms as soon as their ships
start coming through.” She smiled quickly. “Best of luck to you. We’re
on our way.” She gestured to Krypto. “C’mon, my friend. Let’s show these
creatures what Krypton is all about.”
mischievous look came into her eyes.
“I have
always wanted to say this:”
“Up, up, and away!” Lyla
flew through the bubble with Krypto. They vanished from view.
regarded Kent with skepticism. He smiled.
we do this, let me explain a few more things about how this universe
operates. First, I need to explain the effects of your unique genetic ties
and why this will work…”
The Dalran Galactic Cluster, above the outer edges of the
Ogeslaz base
“It has
to be just inside here!” Alan gestured at a wall. “I’m picking up the
right kinds of energy readings.” Alanna faded through the walls. They
waited for her to reappear.
Dega Five – the capitol city of Odibil Syttik
ended another Kayzik’s existence. She heard more coming. How many of
these creatures are there? I’m tiring. She watched another creature
come towards her. An odd golden rope found its way around the creature’s
neck. The lasso pulled taught with a snapping motion. The creature’s head rolled down
the street.
bad.” Kendra heard her sister behind her. She turned to see Elise and two
tall Terran women. “Kendra, this is Diana, and the young woman with the
rope is Donna.”
visit anytime!” Kendra smiled. “I can use the help. I’m trying to block
the Kayzik from this part of the city, but there are too many of them and I
have to avoid the Necromancers.”
gestured. A dozen Andromedan Shantar assassins appeared.
I don’t think that will be a problem.”
gone.” Diana and Donna disappeared. A violet glow followed them away.
Elise hugged her sister. “Heard from the twins or Zanik?”
since this morning.” Kendra scowled. “Where are Alan and company?”
we think.” Elise scowled. “I don’t know. The Starchild brought us here.”
Starchild?” Kendra asked. “I thought the Starchild was dead.”
“So did we.”
She stopped to slice another creature in two. She signaled to the assassin
patrol. They followed Kendra farther into the city. They walked one block
before the battle started anew.
The Spaceport
followed Diana onto the field. They grinned cruelly at each other.
frontal assault.” Donna picked up the nearest spacecraft. She threw it
across the spaceport into a landing craft.
easy.” Diana picked up one craft, smashed it into another, and threw the
both of them at the approaching Kayzik horde.
Deep Space – one of the several Hyperspace approaches to
Shantar space
Kayzik fleet fiercely guarded the approach to the Shantar Empire. Every
ship that the Shantar attempted to jump through to the Cloud was
disintegrated by the Kayzik upon arrival. The Shantar tested the approach
by jumping another unmanned ship. The Kayzik fleet prepared to fire.
Instead, the ship closest to the approach glowed red and self destructed: a
victim of the infinitely powerful heat vision that plowed through its
engine compartment.
scratched Krypto’s ears. Another two ships self destructed.
Above Dega Five
Kent and
Jeffrey weaved their spells. Invisible threads spun down to the planet
ready.” Kent nodded to Faith.
“I wish
I were.” Faith sighed. She grimaced as Kent and Jeffrey tied their planetary spider web to her.
With a groan, she began to pull the Necromancers’ Glamour from the
surface. Kent and Jeffrey’s spells changed it as she did. As it entered
her, she added the power of her green flame to it and fired it back down to
the surface.
The Dega Five Capitol City - Odibil Syttik
the Assassin chopped another Kayzik warrior into four separate pieces.
He called Elise. “Their behavior has changed. They are no longer
let’s show them the difference that cooperation makes!!!” Elise targeted
the nearest Kayzik Necromancer. Stripped of its Glamour, it posed little
thread. She separated its head from its body.
The Spaceport
and Diana ran inside.
quickly.” Donna warned. “I don’t know how long Faith can keep this up.
We need to take over the control tower.”
take the control tower!” Diana sliced through another creature. “I’m
headed for defense control. I’ll use the spaceport defenses to slow down
the craft we don’t want to land.”
it!” Donna charged towards the tower.
Shantar military transport center
vibrated through another door. He grimaced at the deceased Shantar
guards. A Kayzik creature spotted him. Jay waved back at light speed.
His high-impact air hammer slammed the creature into the nearest wall. Jay
relieved it of its head. Alan wasn’t kidding. These creatures really
are uglier up close. He charged down the halls towards the
The Ogeslaz military base
Sentinel’s team faded through the walls of the base into the huge transport
it!” Alan fired his green flame into the machinery. Mary flew towards the
far end of the open bay to destroy the machinery on the other side. They
heard the base alarms activate as the Kayzik fired on them.
and Alanna entered the fray. They found themselves targeted by the Kayzik.
found herself battling beside her father.
“We can
do this!” He smiled grimly. “On three. One, Two…” A Kayzik laser
bounced off the wall, striking a loose piece of metal. The metal hit Alan
Scott from behind, striking him unconscious.
Linda pleaded. “Dad?”
Mary and
Alanna flew towards them.
Linda panicked. Her eyes burned green.
The Outskirts of the Garjan Cloud
cleared the remains of the Kayzik fleet. She flew to the first Shantar
relay system outside of the Galactic Cloud. The beginnings of the Shantar
fleet and the Green Lantern Corps followed her back through. They aimed
towards the planet.
locked down the doors to the Kayzik fleet storage. On her signal, Diana
used the defense lasers to demolish the remaining Kayzik and their craft
within the spaceport.
Shantar military transport center
Jay ran
down into the bowels of the military transport. Following Lyla’s
directions, he activated the transporter. Shantar troops appeared from
relay stations just outside the Galactic Cloud.
Above the planet
Kent intensified his spell. Faith added another dose of
power. The effects were immediate. Any remaining cohesion among the
Kayzik dissipated. They began to attack each other.
In the Capitol City of Odibil Syttik
“This is
too easy.” Elise smirked as she watched two Kayzik warriors behead each
other. “I should have Kent cater all my battles.”
leaned on her sword.
“I won’t
argue that, big sister.”
heard their comms reactivate as Hal Jordan landed beside them.
this is Jay.” They heard the Flash. “Are you receiving?”
and clear.” She grinned. “Donna? Diana?”
here.” Donna answered. “Our friends seem to have a problem. They’re
“I’m not
seeing any left.” Diana marveled. “They’re doing a better job of dealing
with each other than we could have.”
“This is
Lyla.” They heard. “Heading towards the approaches from the Dalran
Cloud. Doesn’t seem to be anything else coming through. Looks like Alan
succeeded. We’ll go check as soon as we can.”
Half an hour later – the Spaceport
“On my
way!” Astra saluted Lyla. “Back in an hour!” She rose up through the
atmosphere and headed into Hyperspace – Destination, the Dalran Galactic
walked into the spaceport docking area with the Amazons and Kendra. Jay
and Kent walked towards her. Jeffrey guarded an unconscious Faith.
be all right.” Kent looked over to the Huntress. “She overdid it. By the
time Astra gets back, Faith will have recovered.”
so.” Donna commented. “The Kayzik couldn’t begin to compare to the tongue
lashing Barbara Gordon will give me if anything happens to her.”
snorted a chuckle. Lyla tapped her comms.
to Sector Command. Report.”
“This is
Sector Command, Ma’am. What few scattered pockets of resistance remain:
won’t hold out much longer. We’ve cleared the Hyperspace approaches to the
Sector, begun repairs to the spaceport, and repaired the relay
transporters. We’ve lost thousands on the surface of the planet, but the
Kayzik lost millions. They did not have a good day today.”
you, Sector Command.” Lyla acknowledged. “Now, I need an immediate tracer
on three people: Commander Zanik of the fleet and Zanna and Janna Zanik.”
Ma’am. On it. Sector Command out.” She heard her comms shut off. Lyla
breathed a sigh of relief.
one of two.” She muttered. She activated her comms. “Starchild to
Supergirl. How is it going, Sweetheart?”
heard the distant connection improve itself.
Mom!” Kira’s voice broadcast through. “About an hour ago, the Kayzik
started withdrawing. They’re back to just their normal patrols. Good
thing, too. Iris and Dawn have collapsed into a heap. And Kal has had
enough. He’s gone back to the farm.”
work, Kira! The invasion has been thwarted, so the Kayzik shouldn’t be
gearing up again any time soon. Our team is fine, although Faith is fast
asleep. We still haven’t heard from the Sentinel’s team. Astra’s on it –
she’s on her way to Dalran. We’ll let you know when we know anything
else. Mom out.” She shut off her comms. They almost immediately
this is Sector Command. I’ve run your tracer. Commander Zanik’s craft
never got off the ground. He was slightly wounded during the battle – his
wrist is being set at one of our field hospitals. As to the other two,
they were assigned to defend the sanitation facilities and were forced into
one of the vats during a particularly intense battle. They’ll be fine once
they’ve been cleaned up, but they’re worried about what their friends will
you, Sector Command!” Lyla shut off her comms. She walked over to Elise
and Kendra. “Your family will be fine.”
you, Starchild.” Kendra closed her eyes and sighed with relief.
very welcome.” Lyla rested her hand on Kendra’s shoulder. “Now, if we can
just keep this battle from happening again. Eternal vigilance: I’m afraid this
was neither eternal nor vigilance.”
watched Kent.
man, you seem concerned.”
“I am.”
grimaced. “While I don’t know her specific activities at any time, I
usually can sense that Mary is active. Right now, I sense nothing. I
don’t know what that means.”
good.” Jay grimaced. “Nothing at all good!”
An hour later
reappeared. She scowled.
this little wraith can’t even begin to explain what she saw. She can tell
you that she saw nothing, and that’s not what she expected to see.”
person speech, Astra?” Lyla inquired. “Sounds like you’re upset.”
“I found
nothing, Lyla!” Astra had fear in her eyes. “I mean nothing. Just a
single, lifeless world.”
impossible!” Elise countered. “Nothing could have simply destroyed the
Ogeslaz base.”
finally rousted herself. She stretched and looked back at the group.
Jeffrey thought to himself. And I
thought she was just one of Alan’s stories.
“Did I
miss much?” She asked. They watched the Green Flame burn around her. Her
eyes grew more alert.
Ogeslaz military base is missing,” Diana informed her, “and so are our
Just great.” She looked at Lyla. “Yet another field trip?”
me, Kent, and Astra. No one else.”
Diana protested. “Why not?”
I have a bad feeling about this. I need Kent to find Mary and I need strong mystic defenses. I
can’t afford observers on this one. I hope we’ll be back soon.”
Kent shrugged. Faith grimaced. She looked longingly at
her crossbow and thought of her mountain cats. Charlie, I hope you’re
having a good day. She looked up at Hallie Jordan. Astra
nodded concerned understanding.
really that bad.” She whispered. She seemingly vanished.
wonder if the Guardians have an award for the most miles flown in one
day.” Faith grumbled. She placed an environment bubble around Kent and floated
to Sector Control.” Lyla called. “Headed to Dalran.”
Ma’am.” Sector Control responded. “You’re cleared for departure.”
fire raced upwards through the atmosphere. Less than a second later, it
had vanished from view.
how bad is it?” Lyla asked. Astra concentrated.
gone.” Astra answered. “I think Alanna is out there, but if she is, she’s
immobile. That means she may have someone other than Linda in stasis. She
can’t move anyone larger than Linda.”
Kent grimaced.
good, but not entirely bad. That’s Alanna’s best defense – to leave real
space-time. But if she’s out there, we’ll be able to find her. Linda
always could.”
Twenty minutes later – the Dalran Cloud
decelerated out of Hyperspace over what should have been the Ogeslaz
military base. Lyla felt the red sun sap most of her strength.
Lyla mumbled. “Absolutely impossible. Yet, here it is. Kent, can you find
me.” Kent
gestured at the Huntress. She had already begun moving. “It’s a genetic
stopped dead in space. She looked oddly at Astra. Astra nodded. Faith
concentrated. The little group found themselves in a place outside of
space and time. Alanna Scott seemed to roust herself from a sound sleep.
happened?” Lyla asked. She saw two unconscious forms that appeared to be
the Sentinel and Mary Marvel.
long have I been here?” Alanna asked groggily.
guess?” Lyla asked. “About two and a half hours.”
Alanna cursed. “When it happened, I had no choice. I had to pull them out
of real space and put them into suspended animation. Comms were dead and I
can’t use mine in Shadow form, anyway. All I could do was wait.”
happened?” Faith asked. “I sense traces of Green Flame, but something
isn’t right with it.”
I’ve always feared.” Alanna shook visibly. She watched Kent examine Alan
and Mary. “I can release stasis.”
answered. “I can help them. But I’d rather keep them both in stasis until
I’m sure what happened. I’ll let you know when to release.”
was a three-part trinity. She was composed of Linda Lee Danvers, the
life-force of the legendary Phoenix, and the life-force of Gaea, the Starheart of a
deceased universe.”
Lyla asked with fear for her young friend.
Alanna asserted. “Gaea has broken free. Linda is completely gone.” She
sighed. “Dad was slightly wounded. His flame had already begun to heal
him. But Linda panicked. And I mean really panicked.” She smiled sadly.
“I guess I never really understood Linda before. For all her power, she
was just a little girl who wanted to please her father. And when she saw
him injured, she found herself faced with her one true fear – losing him. And Linda’s fear fed
into Gaea. Blind panic begat more blind panic. And without Linda’s force
of will to keep Gaea in check, the mad creature broke free. With Linda’s
form under her control, Gaea found herself free to wreak havoc in this
looked up.
just disintegrated everything. She took no care to protect Dad and Mary.
I pulled them from reality just they were hit by the leading edge of Gaea’s
disintegration wave – that’s why they’re both out cold.”
held her hand up to her face and closed her eyes.
“So I
have a mad Starheart out to destroy everything she can find?”
Exactly. And worse? She may think she is acting for Linda. If so, I
don’t know how you stop her.”
Kent watched the unconscious heroes with concern.
“I do.
I know what we have to do. We have to keep them unconscious. And then the
rest of us stay here until the Huntress returns.”
Faith asked. “Why me?”
know why.” Kent asserted. “It has to be you. Trust me.”
out of his Wizardly mind!!! Faith
thought to herself. “And how do I find this creature that can disintegrate
me without a thought?”
for the Green Flame.” Kent assured her. “You’ll find it.”
I will… Faith’s expression left no
doubt to her true emotions. She said nothing as she exited Alanna’s
“Kent,” Lyla asked,
“what are you up to?”
I should know better than to try.” Kent mumbled back. “But I’ll know if she succeeds. I’m
sorry, I can’t tell you more. But if Gaea finds us, I can make sure she
doesn’t pull the knowledge from me. I can’t protect the rest of you.”
bad?” Alanna inquired.
bad.” Kent
out of his blooming mind! Faith
charged into Hyperspace. How can I take on a creature that powerful? She
sensed Gaea’s direction. Damn! She’s drifting towards Shantar space!
Have to move it!
Faith passed two more Galactic Clouds, both now
completely devoid of life. Move it, move it, move it! She flew
towards what appeared to be a large sun – a large sun that burned green. There’s
no such thing as a green sun. Kent Nelson, I have no idea what I’m
supposed to do! I’m just a junior Green Lantern. I’m the Huntress… the
unintended daughter of Alan Scott…
smiled a fearsome smile. …and I’m the biological daughter of the Green
Flame itself! She dematerialized her physical form and picked up
speed. Don’t try this at home, folks! She flew towards the huge,
glowing object. She sensed the Starheart as best she could. There’s
something besides the Starheart in there. Faith entered the raging
green sun.
memories of another universe… memories of people who could never be in this
universe… memories of the destruction of the entire universe…
searched for Linda. No dice. Not that Linda was that fond of me
anyway. Hell-o, anybody home? She blended her senses with the life-force
of the Starheart.
sensed another presence. An ancient presence. An ancient warrior. She
plowed her way through the Starheart towards that presence. Holding her
focus, she found the other presence. A Shantar warrior? She looks
have finally arrived.” The warrior thought more than spoke. “Good. We
still have a chance to regain control.”
“Who are
you?” Faith inquired. “You seem familiar.”
The presence queried. “I am the creature responsible for this disaster.
With Gaea’s destruction of the consciousness of my current life-form, I
have regressed to my previous form.”
“How are
you responsible?” Faith asked. “Only Gaea is responsible for Gaea.”
unleashed her on this universe.” Her companion admitted. “Linda Danvers
Scott was my tool to destroy the Kayzik home universe: vengeance for their
destruction of my home and life for so many more universes. The Phoenix and I
entered the body at the same time – when the entry of the key destroyed her
own life force and almost killed her unborn body.” (Elf note:
Alterverse, Book 1, The Search for Kal-El, Chapter 2.) “I had expected
both Linda and Gaea to be destroyed during the final night – the
destruction of the Kayzik hive by the Starheart of that universe. Destruction
of that hive was the dream that Gaea and I had shared. It was what drove
Gaea’s survival for so many empty years.” (Elf note: Alterverse, Book 1:
Final Night and Beyond the Final Night).
didn’t Gaea achieve her goals?” Faith asked. “Her work was done. She
chose to protect Linda because she wanted to.”
Shantar woman grimaced.
Gaea knew who Linda was. Not the current Linda, but Linda’s previous
existence. And when she discovered Linda’s true identity, she knew that
she had her dream. And she would never surrender it again. But it wasn’t
Linda she truly wanted. It was me. When Linda panicked today, it gave
Gaea the opportunity to force me to the surface.”
woman looked into Faith’s eyes.
“My time
is done. I lived my life well. I do not wish to steal Linda’s life. I
certainly do not wish to remain Gaea’s captive.”
“Who are
you?” Faith asked. “I still don’t understand.”
woman smiled sadly.
“Let me
tell you a story.”
Elsewhere, in another universe, many years ago – the Administrative
Planet – Janar 5.
The transport pod left the
spaceport. It followed the tracks across the Janar 5 countryside towards
the capitol city. Aboard, a young Shantar woman looked outside the pod.
She listened to her sleeping husband beside her. Well, young J’dik,
what have you gotten yourself into this time? She reproached herself.
J’Dik looked up into the violet skies of the ancient world. Me and my
big mouth. ‘We can make a difference here. Alar, I do not know why, but
we must go to Janar 5.’
And he believed me. Sometimes
I wonder why he is so faithful. I do have the old gift. Perhaps that is
driving me here. J’dik frowned. No, it is my own foolishness. I
wish to believe there is something here for us.
She scowled. The Kayzik are
coming. They have won the battle of Turik in the system of Sol. We can’t
stop them any more. We can’t even slow them down. Still, there must be
something we can do. Even to slow them down would bring my people relief.
I feel so helpless. I have
been given so much in life – I wish I could do more than administrative
The transport pod traveled through
the countryside. She watched the hills, the mountains, and the wildlife.
The old gift alerted her to danger. She looked up.
“Damn!” She shouted. “We are not
safe, even here.” She watched in horror as Kayzik attack craft flew
towards the transport. J’Dik shook her husband.
“What?” He struggled to
“Alar,” sorrow darkened her
complexion, “I want you to know how much I love you.”
They heard an explosion. The
world turned pitch black.
hours later
J’Dik Alar struggled to
consciousness. She found herself surrounded by mangled pieces of the
transport. Slowly, she maneuvered herself to look around. She could see
nothing but the compartment walls of a waste facility. Then, she felt a
stabbing pain in her back. She tried to move her right hand, but could
not. It felt trapped in something. She shifted and tugged.
Almost got it. She pulled
harder. She pulled herself free of the ground, but her hand remained
trapped within an object. With another pull, she freed it.
It’s an old lump of metal.
I wonder what it’s doing here? Whimsically, she rubbed it for
luck. Then she looked around at the devastation. Alar? Where are you?
I don’t see anyone. Nothing could have survived this wreck. How am I
still in one piece? Well, it’s after dark. Maybe I can light a fire. She
picked up the odd lump. She fashioned a handle, put kindling inside the
hole, and lit it. It flamed roared to life with an otherworldly green
flame. She heard a thundering voice within her mind.
Alar, three times have I flamed green. The first to bring death. The
second to bring life. And the third to bring power. Your power. Destiny
has chosen you to be the Champion of the Green Flame.”
She heard Gaea tell the story of
travels of the Green Lantern and its mystic fire. The story told; the
flame faded to a slow burn.
Her first thought was of her
husband. Alar, I did love you. This, I will do in remembrance of what
we shared.
Lantern in hand, she blazed into
the sky. She found the Kayzik attack craft. They did not return to base.
thousand years later
The old woman coughed again. This
is it. The last battle I will have the strength to fight.
J’Dik!” Gaea screamed. “Do not do this! Take time to heal. There will be
other days!
J’Dik looked up.
“No, Gaea, there won’t. I will
not heal, not this time. I am far too old. My body is too mortal. My
spirit must leave it behind. You know that I expend most of my will power
forcing my body to go on. If I do not fight today, I will live longer.
But I will never have the strength to fight again.”
I will be alone for all eternity. I will have no champion for my power. I
cannot act alone. What can I do?”
J’Dik thought long and hard. She
used the old gift one last time.
“Gaea, we will not win this war.
Not here. But we have gained time for countless mortals. I have made a
real difference in my life. I have no regrets.”
She looked up at her friend. The
woman of Green Flame trembled in fear of J’Dik Alar’s death.
“Gaea, I know what you fear. I
know that you do not see the future, that you only anticipate it. I
confirm your fears – the Kayzik will rule this universe.” She coughed
violently. Gaea watched with concern.
“But there is something you do not
know. Even at the end of this universe, there will be more. For there
will be another to whom you belong. You will be alone for a very long
time, but you will serve again. You will find a Champion who can be the
true mistress of your Emerald Fire – Champion born of the House of the
I do not wish another, J’Dik.”
J’Dik coughed again.
“I am sorry. I am only mortal.”
She stood slowly, but with renewed determination. “But I will not die in
bed! Not while I can still make a difference!” Her lantern armor glowed
green around her. I have misled you Gaea. I know what you fear most of
all – that your existence will have no further meaning. I will prevent
that. But I must die now to make it happen. I so wish I could spare you
the many empty years. But we will have our vengeance. And we will make a
true difference for so many more.
She swept her hair back over the
tips of her ears. For the last time, J’Dik Alar took to the skies.
Present day, inside Gaea
“I kept
my promise.” J’Dik Alar emphasized. “The Kayzik will infect no more
universes. Even if this universe were to die, its existence had true value
to every other universe in the Continuum. But Gaea’s potential for damage
is not limited to just this universe. She has transited between universes
before. Once she is done with her destruction here, she will begin to
destroy other universes. That, we must prevent.”
Faith countered. “We? Everyone seems to think I have all of the answers.
I do not. I am a creature of the forest. This is far beyond my
looked at her with a fierce confidence.
Linda was Champion, born of the House of Champion. But you are more:
Champion, born of Champion. You have the power of that birthright. And
because of that Gaea cannot easily destroy you. Yours will be the final
command she obeys.”
furrowed her brow. That means something, here. Diana told me Linda’s
story on the way. And she told me of Alan Scott’s story – his life and his
family. His family… That’s the clue Kent kept emphasizing.
Sneaky, Kent. You set this up. This has to do with why you kept
Alan and Mary unconscious. Now I just have to understand how to execute
she inquired, “if you were to live again, what would you ask for?”
The Shantar woman answered with a smile. “If I had my choice, I would be
somewhere that I could fly free. I seek nothing else. I have lived my
life and do not wish to take on the worries of another. I know that sounds
selfish, but it is what I would choose.”
“By the
way,” J’Dik smiled, “you puzzled Linda, but she loved your accent.”
Thorn was an Aussie.” Faith blushed. “Comes out sometimes.” Forgive
me, J’Dik. But if this works, you shall have what you desire – even if you
do not desire life itself. “Showtime, J’Dik. Now, we find out if my
brains are half as big as my ego.”
“Hey, Gaea! You forgot to close your front door!” Faith exclaimed. Hope that works. I do hate
being ignored.
what fool do we have here!” Gaea’s consciousness rolled towards
them. “Come all this way to die? Linda may
have been puzzled by you, but I just simply despise you.”
Faith ignored the comment.
“Gaea, it’s Linda’s time to live.
You must return her. She has a right to be.”
had neither the maturity nor the force of will to control me.” Gaea
asserted. “But now, J’Dik Alar lives again! My champion has returned!
And I shall protect my beloved J’Dik Alar from all the threats of this
universe, even if I must destroy the universe itself!”
Faith and J’Dik exchanged a common
expression – fear of Gaea’s madness. Faith steeled herself.
“Then I must stop you. You have
no claim on this universe. Its people have a right to life! Yes, they may
lose to the Kayzik, but they may not. But the premature genocide of all
life resolves nothing.”
are you to stop me?” Gaea laughed. “You
are only a foolish and almost powerless creature.”
“I am Champion born of Champion.”
Faith asserted. “I am heir to the Emerald Fire. And far more.”
annoy me.” Gaea fired a disintegration spell at Faith. Faith
vanished and reappeared. She sensed Gaea’s puzzlement. Gaea fired again.
This time, Faith deflected the spell.
Gaea exclaimed.
“There is a Starheart native to
this universe,” Faith stated, “and you’re not it.” She channeled the power
of Alterverse Starheart into Gaea. Gaea held her own shields.
have had enough!” Gaea replied
with fury. “I will destroy you now! Say your
final words!”
So Kent, it comes
down to this – the real reason you kept both Alan and Mary in stasis. Faith
grinned. So I can do this!
“I have but one final word.”
Faith stated simply.
The combined power of a Starheart
and the Rock of Eternity flowed through her.
Kent watched Mary and Alan
vanish. It worked! He, Lyla, and Alanna vanished. A lifeless
planet circled a red sun, alone.
Elise and her crew of assassins
met the rest of Lyla’s team. She tapped her comms.
“Lyla? Are you there?”
A startled Krypto barked as they
vanished. Then, he too vanished.
Sentinel’s Lair
“Selina!” Garja Jenna called.
Alan, Mary, Alanna, Elise, Donna,
Diana, Jay, Kent, Jeffrey, Lyla, Krypto, and Elise’s team of assassins had
“How do you feel?” Kent asked
“Fine.” She answered. “How did
we get here?”
“Huntress?” Donna badgered as she
tapped her comms. “Are you there? Be there Faith! You’re not worth the
thumping Batgirl is going to give me if something happens to you!”
An impossible being performed
another impossible act – the redemption of an unborn soul from purgatory.
The impossible creature redeemed the soul that had been forced out of its
niece with the entry of the Phoenix and the the soul of J’Dik Alar. Then
it departed.
Mount Olympus
The Phoenix returned to its nest
only to find that other mythical creatures had trespassed. He made quick
work of evicting his unwanted tenants. Then, he swooped down upon prey too
slow to escape. In flight, he felt the sun warm the depths of his soul. Soul?
He pondered. How could I have acquired one? But that is a problem
for another day. For I am home and I am no longer alone.
He watched as his new, green
companion flew to greet him. Happily, he made room in his nest for his
companion. Then, they flew into the skies together, the trials of their
red and green flame mixing to form a perfect white.
Lair – three hours later
“We can get you home.” Alan
addressed Donna and Dawn. “But I would suggest that we wait until Faith
“I believe she will.” Kent
advised them. “She did everything right. She had to. We’re still here.”
Alanna walked to the Command Center
window and looked into the sky.
“What about my little sister?
What about my little girl?”
“What about Jade?” Selina mused
in agreement.
“Screw Jade!” Alanna cursed.
“Jade was a creature who never should have existed. Have you forgotten
Linda? The little girl with a big heart who had more guts than any of us
gave her credit for? Or do you just remember Jade’s power?”
She heard no response. Then her
eyes lit as she watched a flash of green behind the crowd.
“I must admit that I never knew
her.” The Huntress materialized with a sleeping young woman in her arms.
“But I hope to have the opportunity.” Alanna quickly forced her way
through the crowd to relieve Faith of her bundle.
Faith found her self pushed away
from the sleeping Linda. She felt Dawn wrap her arms around from behind.
She patted Dawn’s hands.
Kent cast a sensor spell.
“No sign of Gaea’s power. No sign
of the Phoenix life force. Just Linda.”
“And that’s good enough for me!”
Alanna glared at Kent. “Be careful of your next words, old man. You would
not like to realize the horrors I could inflict upon you!”
“Alanna.” Faith called. “Some of
her memories are missing. Most of her recent memories are at least
suppressed. She will not remember you.”
“But my memories are working
perfectly!” Alanna challenged. “And no one will ever take her from me,
again!” She stormed out of the Command Center with Linda still asleep in
her arms. Alan and Elise followed with mixed expressions of relief and
Faith put her arm around Dawn’s
“Possessive, isn’t she?” Then,
Faith found herself and Dawn pressed together and lifted into the air.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
Donna grinned up at them.
“I thought I wasn’t worth the
thumping you were going to get from Babs?” Faith teased.
“Don’t push it.” Donna warned.
“Don’t even think about it.”
Faith laughed.
Several hours later - somewhere in Wyoming
Scott sat on an old log. She breathed in the autumn air. She wondered if
she heard a mountain lion. This set would have no reason to trust her. Cat
may never have existed here. This Wood isn’t the same. I miss you,
Charlie. She thought warmly of the four-footed full-time resident of
the Huntress Wood.
has been so difficult! Well, we’ll get to leave early tomorrow. I wish
these folks well, but I cannot fight this battle as well as my own. I will
miss them all, though. I just wish I could have done more for Linda. But
I’ve at least left her a surprise. She
chuckled. Alanna, I wish you well with her. This time, at least, it
will be your true sister. I must admit I do envy you that tie. And I envy
Linda. Nothing will ever keep her from you again.
listened to the forest as dusk approached. The natural sounds soothed
her. She heard a mountain cat close in, then stop to rest and watch her.
She idly wondered if she could scratch its ears. Then she heard footsteps
behind her and she watched the mountain cat slip away.
thought I would find you here.” Alan Scott approached her with a friendly
smile. “Here, where it all began.”
“This is
where my Wood is on my world. Where the train derailed and fell. And
where the Green Flame reclaimed me, as well.”
she asked.
“I know
my father’s story. But what ever happened to your Dekker? The man who
sabotaged the train?”
dredged through his memories.
“I had a
signed confession and we were in flight to the police. He had a fatal
heart attack and I had no idea what to do about it. I think I buried
him.” Alan smiled grimly. “Actually I left him in the DA’s office with
the confession pinned to him. God, things were so much easier, then.”
nice to believe so. But, I think it’s not that they’re easy. It’s more
that they’re done. That makes them seem easy.”
fell silent for a moment.
“I come
here to think.” She smiled gently. “I’m not as experienced as some of the
team, and I’ve got a lot to learn. I find a measure of serenity here. I
always have.”
“But now
I have to admit that I look at the downed railroad cars and think ‘they
paid the price for the power I possess. What would they want most from
me?’ And I’ve never really found an answer to that question. I know who
they were, but their families are long gone.”
nothing more than the shadow of one of them.” She smiled sardonically. “A
working man, trying to make his way in the world. Someone who worked at
what he did. Someone who cared about his family, too. The man who became
the sole survivor because it was his fate to keep the dream alive for
others. And he did, with all the wisdom and power at his disposal - until
the bitter end. I wish I had met him even once.”
smiled sadly.
sure he would have been very proud of you. I know I’m very tempted to
block the Portal just to keep you from leaving.” He winked. “But I
won’t. And we both know it.” He sighed. Alan Scott sat down on the
ground and admired the daughter he might have had. “You know, I’ve done
this all wrong. I’ve fought battles to save a universe, but they’re the
wrong battles. Their home,” he pointed towards the train wreck, “and what may
remain of their families have been decimated by the creatures that roam
this universe. And I haven’t stopped it.”
happens?” She asked. “What happens if you free just the worlds between
you and the Empire? Can you do that?”
nodded slowly.
“I think
so. I have more power under my command than I ever thought I would.” He
started to smile wryly. “And once we free this world, the real
battleground becomes the next world in the chain – a hidden Shantar Empire
base. That would keep the Kayzik away from this world. And we’d knock
those satellites out of the sky.” He pointed upwards to a faint pyramid in
the sky. “Once and for all.”
that’s what they would want.” He watched her smile. “And that’s what we
can offer them. To ensure their children’s freedom. To allow their
children the chance to chase their dreams. An interesting way to keep
things in perspective.”
doesn’t always work.” She admitted. “But it does for the big decisions.”
to be working pretty well, from what I can see.” He smiled broadly. “Not
just pretty well - very well.” Alan spoke warmly. “But before you
go, I’d like to talk a little bit about legends. I know how intimidated
you feel by your father’s legend. But legends are relative: they carry
weight only with those who are familiar with them. Remember that no one in
this universe has ever met your father. They would simply see him as a
variant of me. But the people of Dega Five have no doubt who the Huntress
is. Nor do I. You have given me the precious gift of my child’s life: not
your father – you. And when you leave here, we will wonder what kind of a
man your father must have been to have fathered a child like you.”
listened to the forest for a moment. He glanced at her quiet smile and
listened to her quiet breathing.
“I still
don’t know how you pulled it off, and I’m not sure it’s important. What I
do know is that you’ve given me a second chance with my child and my
world. Now, I stand in your shadow. And I know that whatever life Linda has
after today, it is your gift to us – a gift I plan to cherish and protect.”
“I only
did what I…”
to.” He finished for her. “But you did it thoughtfully, well, and with
the best possible result. At the same time, you never lost sight of your
true goal. And I have learned that from you today. I have remembered what
it means to be a Green Lantern.”
smiled broadly. He favored her with a friendly glance.
has taken Linda back to the Kent Farm. She doesn’t remember any of us.
Her memories stop just before the Danvers moved her back to Leesburg, Virginia. None of the terrors of that time afflict her. She
has a clean start. And I intend to enter her life as gently as I can and
guide her as well as I can. But I have to wonder if that wasn’t what you
Faith agreed. “I hoped for that. I had to ensure that her soul had a
chance to heal before she was forced to remember any of the last two
years. Her other memories will return, but not before she’s strong enough
to handle them.” She sat quietly for a moment. “The person you knew as
Linda was the reincarnation of a Shantar woman from another universe named
J’Dik Alar. Unfortunately, when that personality mixed with the Phoenix life force
and Gaea, you wound up with an inflexible and unstable mix. The
personality found itself overwhelmed by the forces that drove it.”
mentioned J’Dik Alar when we first met her, before she collapsed her
universe.” He confirmed. (Alterverse, Book 1: The Fellowship of the
Ring). “I didn’t realize that was the reason she gave her power to me.”
Faith agreed. “J’Dik had planned it all out and Gaea followed through like
an obedient child. But J’Dik had expected Linda and Gaea to cease to exist
during the Final Night.”
glad they didn’t.” Alan admitted. “Even after today. The Shantar have
reclaimed the Kayzik worlds that Gaea destroyed. They were able to secure
several strategic Hyperspace approaches. Not that I really care. I’m just
happy to have Linda back.”
that’s what you got.” Faith looked into the distance. “The real Linda’s
soul was displaced the day that J’Dik Alar and the Phoenix entered her
body. I still don’t know how I did it, but I claimed my niece’s original
soul from purgatory, added the pieces of Linda that I could find from J’Dik
Alar’s soul, and used the magic of Shazam and the Green Flame to rebuild
Linda’s mortal form.”
Alan asked, amused.
looked at Alan confidently.
was Kent’s
gamble. I’m from another universe, but I am the biological daughter of
Alan Scott. Linda and Alanna are the children of your daughter, Molly. Kent understood the
meaning of that distinction. I, not they, am your closest blood relative.
And in the absence of both you and Mary, I am the heir to the power of both
of you. I invoked them both at once. Not something I would ever hope to
do again, but it worked this time.”
truly glad it did.” Alan admitted. He stood up. “I’m sorry, but I can’t
stay. I am going to Smallville. I want to spend time with Linda. And I
need to learn more about Lyla.” He stood up. “Stop by. If not, we’ll see
you in the morning.”
you.” Faith waved as Alan took off into the air. His streak of green
flame lit the night sky.
thought he would never leave.” Lyla appeared beside her. “I heard most of
it. Sounds like you had an interesting day.”
than you’ll ever know.” Faith smiled. “And probably more than I’ll ever
me.” Lyla offered.
Faith accepted the offer, “Imagine that…”
Alterverse Earth – the following morning
spoke with Alan while the Inheritors spoke with Diana. Finally, he walked
towards the Inheritors. Elise smiled. There’s supposed to be Green
Flame in your soul, Faith. I don’t doubt it. I wonder if you know what
you’ve done for us.
addressed the three Inheritors.
and Dawn nodded.
Faith enveloped her friends in her flame as they waved to Diana and
Elise. She followed Alan through the atmosphere and into Hyperspace.
After a brief flight, they exited Hyperspace close to where the Great
Portal would open into the Alterverse Universe.
“Ah, I
see it.” Faith opened the Portal and prepared to enter its home universe.
“May the
wind be at your back, Green Lantern.” Alan smiled at Faith. She smiled
“And may
the sun warm your soul, Green Lantern.” She answered back. He nodded.
already have, daughter I wish were mine. I do wish you well. Alan faded back from the entrance.
inside, the Inheritors waved one last time to Alan and refocused the Great
Portal back to their home universe. Seconds later, they were through the
Portal, floating above the Galactic plane of their home galaxy. As soon as
Faith closed the Portal, her comms badge beeped.
fine, John.” Donna answered. “We’re headed towards Oa. And when we get
there, we’ve got a tale to tell.”
Alterverse – the Kent farm, the next day
chatted with Kira. Kira grinned.
team building exercise. I hope Dawn Allen comes again. Iris seemed quite
content by the end of the day.” Kira peered around the farm with
telescopic vision. “Linda’s about ½ a mile south. We have trespassers
closing in.”
take care of it.” Alanna stated. She flew up into the air towards her
sister. Careful, Linda! She spotted her sister below. Damn!
Well, let’s see how this plays out before I act.
less than savory young men had approached her.
cute thang.” The largest addressed her.
yourself.” Linda answered. She picked up her walking stick.
lookie.” The leader, to the left of the largest, teased. “Farm tools.
And freshly picked crops. Why, thank you. How did you know?”
watched from above. I want to jump in, but I won’t. I’ve got to see
how she plays this out.
“I knew
that just like I knew you were going to walk away and leave it behind.”
Linda started to twirl her stick. It blurred. The nearest young man
walked towards her picked crops. She used her stick to knock his legs out
from underneath him. “My Aunt Mary taught me that you ask before you
is happening. Alanna sensed a growing
discontinuity. She smelled electricity in the air. Something big.
Faith Scott – you did something. But what? No. It’s not what you did,
it’s what you made sure was not undone. You are dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
And I am going to enjoy this.
floated beside Alanna. Alanna smiled and gestured to Kira to stay with
don’t deserve our help.” Alanna grinned viciously. “Relax and enjoy the
show. They won’t be coming back.”
stayed her flight. She watched with Alanna.
large man charged Linda. Using her greater speed, she slammed her stick
against the backs of his knees, collapsing them. Above, Kira looked again
at Alanna. Alanna again signaled ‘No’.
The men
realized that they were only superficially injured. Together, they
approached Linda. She knew that combined, they would be able to force her
away from her tools and harvest. Still unafraid, her fury grew and her
soul screamed for vengeance. Linda had no expectation of rescue; she
looked for any weaknesses in their defenses she could exploit.
boys wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Linda threatened. She backed up.
“I like
‘em when they’re angry!” The leader boasted. “Adds to the challenge.
Hey! I understand there’s a couple of old folks a quarter mile down. When
we’re through with her, we’ll liberate them from their goodies, too.”
John and Aunt Mary! Linda’s mind
raced. I can’t, I won’t let that happen!
The Kayzik home universe
timeless, eternal being, the Starheart had accomplished the purpose for
which it had been created – the destruction of the mother queen of the
Kayzik swarm. Its sole remaining function had been to guard the Great
Portal. It had no other requirements to fulfill, and another Starheart had
blocked it from transmitting power to its true champion.
The Kent farm
fury drove her force of will. Her eyes and hands burned with emerald fire
as her guardian responded to her unconscious call. Her new acquaintances
screamed in terror. Horrified, they could not free themselves from the
glowing green tendrils that grew from the ground and wrapped around them.
The tendrils hurled them through the air, far from the Kent farm. They
howled with desperation as they flew. Soon, they were well out of sight.
Linda marveled. “Did I do that? Well, Aunt Mary has spent the last ten
years telling me about the power of green vegetables. Guess she wasn’t
kidding.” She shrugged, picked up her harvest and tools and walked back to
the barn.
her, Kira vanished. Alanna caught up to Kira just as she released the
cushion of air she provided to slow down the descent of Linda’s visitors.
Dazed, the men wandered off to seek other employment.
Alanna and Kira had to fly out of the men’s range before they burst out
long before her memory returns?” Kira guffawed.
“I don’t
know.” Alanna chuckled. “But they’ll sure remember her!” She howled with
The Inheritors’ Universe - Oa
sat on a bench beneath the Oan sky. She looked up to the moon and tried to
make sense of her recent adventures. After a few minutes, she heard
Ganthet approach.
was quite an adventure you had.” Ganthet offered. “What did you learn?”
looked at him with irritation.
We fought a mad being that destroyed small galaxies, and all you want to
know is what I learned?”
He stood
in front of her.
You misunderstand. Let me try to say again what I mean. I want to hear
how you felt about what you encountered. Because that is how we truly
learn. And I wish to learn from you today. But I will leave if I have
upset you.”
smiled thoughtfully.
“No. I
think I would like you to stay. Please join me.” She gestured to the
bench just in front of hers.
The Green Lantern’s Gym – Oa
Dawn Allen called, “haven’t you worked out enough for one day?”
Donna knocked another punching bag off its moorings. “The Alterverse Diana
was as good as I was. But her power was still not enough to keep her world
free. Dawn, that means I have to do better. I have to make more
of a difference for our world! We absolutely have to!”
recoiled from the cold determination in Donna’s eyes. Can you even
contain your anger any more? What does that mean for the rest of us?
like Lyla said.” Donna warned. “Eternal vigilance. I shouldn’t have
allowed Luthor to slaughter Diana. And I will never allow such a thing to
happen again.” She marched off to the shower.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork,
photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant
Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network