The Inheritors/Alterverse
to Hipkarma and Dylan Clearbrook for their extensive edits and guidance.
Inheritors Chapter 8:
Alterverse – Sentinel War Prologue, Part 1:
The Starchild’s Gift, Part 1
Alterverse – the Sentinel’s Lair – Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
Elise Zoldar
stood at the window of the Command Center. An Andromedan Shantar by birth, Command Assassin Zoldar
had the heightened strength, invulnerability, and senses that went with
it. And Elise was even more unique. As a command assassin, she should
have been the coldest of the cold. But her soul was no longer purely Shantar
– it was half human. It contained the essence of Daria Lane Scott, the
wife of the first Green Lantern of this Earth – Alan Scott.
for her, she stared into the darkness. Selina Kyle, the Oracle (and
sometimes Batgirl) of this world, slowly approached.
She leaned against the railing with her friend. “You seem troubled
nodded just slightly.
lost something and I don’t know what it is.”
“I don’t
understand?” Selina puzzled. “We’re doing what we have to. This place is
leading the meta charge against the forces of darkness. There is more power
on this world than the Kayzik swarm would ever expect.”
swept her hair back over her pointed ears. A small woman, she looked up to
the taller Selina.
that’s not it. Yes, it’s about power. But that’s not all it’s about. And
we’ve lost something. We’ve lost our sense of direction.”
we’re doing what we have to. There is no other way to win this war. And
Alan leads the charge. Wasn’t that what your legend said? That you would
know the Champion of the Green Flame by his power and his leadership?”
furrowed her brow.
That was part of it, but not all of it. And I wonder if we haven’t gotten
two legends confused.”
sensed Selina’s confusion.
terms of pure power, both Alan and Linda qualify as Champions of the Green
Flame. That’s not the problem. But there are intangibles that come with
the legend. Power or no, Linda is not mature enough to be the Champion.”
Selina cautioned.
Elise continued, “as much as we may love Linda and we respect her courage,
she isn’t an adult. She’s a cute, somewhat spoiled child with more power
than she knows what to do with. And we’ve done a lousy job of guiding
her. Usually, she makes a decision and we clean up after her.”
know. But it isn’t as if she doesn’t do her share. And she’s wonderful
with Helena
and Kal-El.”
“She’s a
wonderful teenager.” Elise nodded. “But that’s what she is. And there’s
nothing wrong with that. Except that she has enough power to core the
caught sight of motion in the darkness. An animal howled and moved on.
“But she
has you, and Alanna, and Alan to guide her. And Alan is the Champion of
the Green Flame: returned from beyond the grave to save this world.”
he? I mean, I’m crazy about the man. But he’s not the same man that Daria Lane fell in
love with. Something is missing. I know he’s a loving, caring man. But
he’s not the same man who walked out of that train wreck 70 years ago. And
I want that man back.” She turned to Selina.
“Is that
so wrong?”
looked back into the darkness.
“I can’t
say. I wanted the same thing for so many years. And I got it. And I have
no regrets.” She looked back to Elise. “But Bruce fought magic-induced
insanity. Alan may simply have grown and changed over time. He did live
an entire mortal lifetime somewhere else. And you don’t just forget that.
The lessons of that life changed him.”
nodded. She smiled slightly.
“I just
wonder if one or both of us has lost our roots. And I keep finding myself
wondering if he really is still the Champion of the Green Flame. And if he
isn’t, whether he ever could be again.”
started to reply. Then she remembered the one trait that made Elise Zoldar
an extremely dangerous adversary.
you wouldn’t waste your time on a discussion like this. You’re sensing
something through the old gift. What?”
thought she saw fire in the Commander’s eyes. Elise answered with
I sense the presence of a Champion’s soul. It’s coming. That’s all I
know. I just wish I knew it meant.”
“Maybe, Alanna?”
Selina hinted.
Elise answered. “Her destiny lies elsewhere. This is something else. I
wonder why it scares me so.”
couldn’t answer her.
The Inheritors’ Universe – between Earth and Oa
Huntress powered through Hyperspace with Troia and Kid Flash in tow. She
listened as Donna Troy discussed what little they already knew about Darkseid’s
strategy and tactics. Faith Scott smiled as Dawn Allen asked what the
Guardians of the Universe might be able to add to their knowledge.
unintended heir to Alan Scott’s power, Faith had always felt somewhat
uncomfortable around John Stewart’s almost omnipotent supervisors. But the
Guardians and the Inheritors shared common enemies. And the Guardians had
offered to assist with the Inheritors’ strategies to eject Darkseid’s
henchman, Mongul, from their world. Somewhat of a loner, complex
strategies were not Faith’s forte – but she had come to respect Donna’s
skill with them.
emerald comet passed another solar system. Closing in on Oa, they heard
John Stewart over their JLA comms.
“Guys, I
hate to ask this, but could you divert? One of our colleagues, Arisia of Glaxos
IV and Sector 2813, is trying to clean up after a freighter that ran across
a space/time discontinuity.”
looked at Donna and Dawn. They both nodded. She answered.
John. Glad to help. But how will we find her?”
your shields in the green spectrum.” He requested. “But only near your
JLA comms device.” Faith’s comms device glowed green for just a second.
She brought her shields back up. She heard John. “Present from the
Guardians. That will allow you to use your flame to track members of the
Corps. It won’t work for anyone else.”
John.” Faith answered. “Find Arisia, you piece of junk.” Her companions
snickered. She could also tell that John wasn’t alone. She had tickled
more than one Corps member’s funny bone – if they even had bones.
sensed a direction. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Faith
increased her speed. Green Flame flowed out of her eyes.
should be there in ten minutes. Maybe less.” She continued to
accelerate. A Hell of a lot less, if I’ve got the power.
this is Troia. What are we facing? And why us?”
this is K’ryssma of the Green Lantern Honor Guard. Space/Time is a mess in
Arisia’s vicinity. Worse, we have a foolish tourist company that painted
their vessel solid yellow. That means that we can break it in two with an asteroid, but
we can’t fix it. We have other Green Lanterns on the way, but you’ll get
there much more quickly.”
could feel themselves start to decelerate.
Donna called. “This is the Huntress’ team. I’m Troia. Status?”
“It’s a
bitch.” Arisia answered. “I’m trying to keep an environment on these
folks, but the Space/Time distortion is causing the ship to grow, shrink,
and move. Worse, the gravity is gone within the ship. And this space is
playing havoc with my ring.”
dropped out of Hyperspace. Her eyes returned to normal.
this is Troia. There are three of us. As soon as we get there, take over
our environment. We’ll help you catch the floaters.”
“If I’m
still alive in eight minutes.” Arisia fussed.
over your right shoulder.” Donna answered. “Now.”
watched them fly by. Faith’s Emerald Fire surrounded the ship. Arisia
broke her hold and picked up Donna and Dawn. They moved out towards the
civilians who had been floating near the shields. One by one, they caught
the floaters and deposited them within the ship. Once Donna and Dawn were
done, Arisia put them inside the ship and covered the huge opening in the
ship’s side. She watched them move the ship’s passengers farther inside.
your folks have done their job.” Arisia transmitted. “Anything I can do?”
But hang on just a minute.” Faith gritted her teeth. “You’re right about
the screwy space. I’m holding the ship, but it’s not easy. If I take this
thing into hyperspace, it’ll shatter.” She cursed. “Damn, this isn’t easy
at all. Donna? I’ve got to straighten this mess out before we move it.
Can you get the passengers away from the breach and any place close to it?”
Donna answered. “In a Flash! It’s all yours!”
“This is
stupid.” She burned the yellow covering off the ship. “Really stupid.”
“Don’t I
know it!” Arisia passed her. “I’ll take the bow.”
And I
get the rear end. Great! Faith
snorted. She floated midway back from the breech. “Ready!”
both brought their power to bear. The ship buckled and heaved. Slowly
and carefully, the two Green Lanterns straightened the ship, repaired the
structural damage, and sealed the tear. With a final ‘clunk’, the ship
Arisia called. “The ship’s engines are operating. With the breach sealed,
the gravity generators can operate, as well. The crew will move the ship
out of this space.” They watched the ships engines fire. The ship
accelerated under its own power. Then, Arisia sent a green tendril into
the ship. Donna and Faith soon appeared in the tendril. “I’ve got your
Arisia!” Faith sped towards her. She took Donna and Dawn back into her
Green Flame.
guys, for a well done save!” Arisia nodded. “Corps Command, this is Arisia.
We got it done. I’ll follow the ship home.” She turned to say farewell to
the Huntress. That’s odd. They were here just a second ago. But now
my ring gets nothing. Ah, well. They may have been in a hurry. I’ll check
in with the Corps to make sure that’s all there was to it.
this is Arisia. The Huntress’ team just disappeared. I can’t find a trace
of them. Are they on their way?”
this is Corps. Their transmitter has ceased to function. Follow the ship,
we’ll send in an investigative team.”
Arisia flew back to the ship.
those colors or sounds? Faith
struggled to stay conscious. She could tell that Donna was fully
conscious, but Dawn was already out. Gotta hold it together. Wish I
had a GL ring – I’d love the auto-protect. She gritted her teeth. Wouldn’t
do a damn thing for my passengers, though. Is that Earth below? Gonna hit
hard. Get those shields up! Protect them! Faith felt them slam into
something. Her world went black.
Alterverse Earth – Sentinel’s Lair
“This is
odd.” Selina Kyle announced. “I have three energy signatures that seem to
have impacted Earth. One hit Smallville, Kansas. One is about a mile from the portal to the Rock of
Eternity. And the final one is near a new settlement, three miles from
Diana of
Themyscira overheard them.
for one day and the fun has already begun. I’ll take the one close to my
the Kent
farm.” Elise ordered. “I’ll get the one in our neighborhood.” She ran
towards the signal.
Alterverse Earth – the portal for the Rock of Eternity
had seen Faith struggle to retain consciousness in the middle of the odd
space. Then, they seemed to separate. The Green Flame had protected Donna
until the end of the flight. She rolled when she hit the ground, but
otherwise suffered no ill effects. She knew she had been separated from
her companions, but she would have to wait until they reported in, or until
Faith located her. So, she left her comms open for Faith and Dawn. I
wonder if our comms even work here. I bet they don’t. She heard a
voice behind her.
well, well. What do we have here? An imitation Amazon perhaps?”
turned to see the woman who had been her life’s inspiration.
She stumbled for words. “But you’re dead!”
you’re a fraud!” The Alterverse Diana marched towards Donna. She grabbed
Donna’s wrist. “Now, surrender before I break you in two.”
not on my Earth. Donna thought to
herself. Either there’s another Earth in the universe, I’m dreaming, or
this is not our universe.
jerked her wrist free.
“I think
there has been a mistake here. We can…” She never completed her
sentence. Diana kicked her in the stomach.
“I’m the
only Amazon left alive on this world. And someone has created you to play
with my mind.”
not listening. And she’s not my Diana. Donna parried Diana’s next attack.
Smallville, Kansas – the Kent Farm
Dawn roused as she heard someone else’s name being called. “Iris? Wake
up!” Someone had taken hold of her; someone who wouldn’t let go. “Iris?
We have to go track down a UFO for the Lair.”
opened her eyes. She looked up at a young woman who seemed to be her age.
The young woman didn’t seem out of the ordinary in any way. Except that
she was green.
“Who are
you?” Dawn asked.
The young woman smiled. “I’m your friendly, ever loving Champion of the
Green Flame, Linda Scott, also known as Jade!” She fired Green Flame into
the sky to make her point. “But you know that, Iris.”
having a bad dream. Either that or Faith’s sense of humor has taken a turn
for the worse. Dawn grimaced. “Ok,
who am I supposed to be?”
Grayson, Kid Flash.” Jade answered with concern. “Dick’s sister. Are you
all right?”
looked up.
“No, I’m
not. I’m Kid Flash. But I’m Dawn Allen, not Dick’s sister. Although I’ll
admit there are worse fates in life. Dick’s a neat guy.”
that’s a relief.” Dawn heard her own voice. She looked up to see her own
face and costume. “Gee, Linda, I didn’t realize all your other friends
were so stunningly gorgeous!”
tapped her comms.
“Lair, I
have a problem.”
Not far from the Lair
looked at the indentation in the vegetation. Something hit fairly
hard. Bounced off some bushes. And now it’s escaped.
jumped up into a tree. Yup, something has been here. She spotted
indentations in branches that no human could perceive. She jumped into the
next tree over. Not very heavy, whoever it is. Someone who moves
easily in a forest.
looked over to the next tree. A bobcat stared back at her. An effect
of the depopulation of this planet. The predators run more freely. There
are wolves, here, too. But I think I’ve been had. Someone is teasing me.
leaped from tree to tree. She followed the trail through the trees. Criss-cross
pattern. I’m being watched by an expert, who knows to stay down wind. I
can’t get a scent.
heard a noise in a tree farther ahead. Now I know where to head. She
began to leap through the trees.
she heard screams below her.
A Kayzik patrol attacking the settlement. I should just let the Kayzik
march off with them, but that’s not what we’re about.
coming!” She yelled. “Hang on!” She hoped the humans would still be
coherent when she arrived.
heard the screams grow more fearful. Elise unsheathed her sword’s Xentronium
blade. Damn, damn, damn. My instincts are running wild. I wonder why?
entered the battle scene. She stood between the Kayzik patrol and the
humans. They began to attack her from all sides. The humans changed back
to J’Dinn Chameleon warriors. Then she felt the Glamour of Kayzik
Necromancers sweeping over her, stealing her consciousness. Damn, a
trap. Custom built for me. At least three Necromancers backing up this
patrol. Can’t fight it off for long.
focused all her power on her sword. She swung wildly. Keep going.
Just keep going. Her world went black.
Three minutes later
found herself awakening. Where the Hell am I? She looked up to see
a young woman, with her size but of a lighter build. The young woman wore
an odd costume. Her dark hair blew in the breeze. She leaned on Elise’s
back to the real world, I think.” Her new companion stated with wry wit.
“My people skills must be deteriorating. I’ve never had someone run into
an enemy camp just to avoid me.”
thought it was a human camp under attack. Didn’t realize it was a trap.
The Glamour got me before I could get away.” Her vision cleared. She
realized her sword was covered with Kayzik/J’Dinn blood. You are far more than you
appear, young lady. What are you? Why do you look like Alanna Scott? And
where did you get that exotic accent?
Her companion teased. “I’ve heard of some odd attractions before, but
glamorous those creatures will never be!” She chuckled. Then, responding
to Elise’s sudden look of skepticism, she asked. “Is their Glamour some
type of mind control? And who or what are these uniquely soulless
stood up. She looked at the carnage around her. The entire Kayzik patrol
lay in pieces. Elise tracked the path of her companion’s footprints. She
left nothing to chance. Each step planned and deliberate. Not a single
move in jest. I wonder if those creatures felt fear? She stood up
and gestured for her sword. Taking it in hand, Elise walked through the
site towards a clean J’Dinn tunic. She used it to clean off the sword, before
putting it back in its scabbard.
“The Kayzik
swarm holds most of this universe. Earth is an occupied world. In this
universe at least, the Kayzik are a single colony with a single hive mind.
Their queen is somewhere out there. My people have been fighting them for
millions of years. Until quite recently, we have been losing.”
“The Kayzik
are a Mystic threat. They capture planets solely to steal the life forces
of the sentient natives to power their conquests. They bleed the captured
planets almost dry and then cull the worlds again every so often. The
bigger the life force of a sentient, the more power they get out of it. My
life force would have been a treasure for them. Yours, even more so. What
we call Glamour is their form of mind control. The victim loses all
ability to resist, or to remember anything that occurs while under control
of the Glamour. Unfortunately, a Kayzik necromancer has enough power to
overcome anything that doesn’t have a specific genetic immunity or access
to Mystic Power. And I don’t mean magic. I do mean full Mystic Power.”
that does explain why these creatures seemed so soulless.” The Huntress
replied. “And I thought my world had problems. We were on our way to Oa
when we stopped to help a Green Lantern. I think we got tossed through a
space time discontinuity. I do have two companions I need to find. And my
comms badge doesn’t seem to work here.”
heard her comms beep.
this is Oracle. Jade has found a second Kid Flash. The girl is absolutely
frantic. Wants to know where someone named ‘Faith’ is.”
“Open Comms
to Jade and Wonder Woman.” She heard a slight pop, then the sounds of
this is Elise. Stand down. Now.”
imitation Amazon is…” She heard Diana.
real thing.” Elise answered. “Just not from this universe. Mind your
manners, Di. She’s not an obnoxious Shantar Warlord.”
heard the sound of the battle end. She motioned to Faith. Faith spoke
into Elise’s comms device.
this is Faith. We seem to be with friends. I’ll see you soon.”
Elise heard an unfamiliar voice.
be long. Please.” Elise thought she heard Iris Grayson’s voice, but
understood she hadn’t. She signaled Selina to limit the conversation to
Oracle herself. She reached a hand out to Faith.
Scott, I’m Command Assassin Elise Zoldar of the Shantar Empire. Most call
me Commander. Please call me Elise.”
took her hand.
Powers Scott. Most call me the Huntress. Interesting that you’ve guessed
my last name.”
smiled with satisfaction.
start out as the Champion of the Green Flame, did you?” She stifled a
chuckle when she heard Selina squawk.
shook her head sideways.
“It’s a
power I have. It’s not who I am.” She frowned with concern. “Can we get
back to the rest of the group? I’d like to make sure my friends are all
right. I’m responsible for them being here. And Dawny sounds worried.”
heard Selina answer back with the volume so low that only Elise’s enhanced
senses could pick it up.
“Is this
what you saw 70 years ago?”
The Sentinel’s Lair
Faith, and Dawn found themselves looking at the ghosts of family and
friends. Wonder Woman. The original Flash. Catwoman as Batgirl and Oracle.
Iris Allen, who could pass for Dawn. The Kryptonians: Lyla Lerrol, Kira Jor-El
and Kal-El. The Shade and Jade: Alanna and Linda Scott. Mary Marvel.
Kent and Jeffrey Nelson: the original and current Dr. Fate. And one more.
Flame charged the command center. The Sentinel appeared.
guys! What have I missed?”
Faith stumbled. “But you’re dead!” Then, both cold reason and
disappointment crossed her features. “I’m sorry. Now I know what Donna
felt. I’m Faith Scott, the Huntress of my world.” She slowly held out a
Scott.” He answered with uncertainty. “Pleased to meet you.” He took her
hand. And he felt a chill.
watched his movements. You feel it too, don’t you? You feel like
you’re staring at your own ghost, and you don’t know why.
Not long after
Inheritors found themselves herded into the infirmary by the Shantar
station medic, Dr. Jenna. He conferred with Kent Nelson, the former Dr.
Fate and current Shazam Wizard. Together, they checked the three and
reported their results back to Elise and Alan.
Troy is a healthy and extremely powerful Amazon.” Dr. Jenna reported.
“And that’s the simple one. Now it gets confusing. I had to call Iris
Grayson in before I could close out the examination. Dawn Allen and Iris
Grayson are identical. Right down to the most infinitesimal code within
their DNA. Not a bit of difference. They are identical counterparts from
different universes. You can’t even code a detection device to tell the
difference between them.”
she’s not even the most unique case.” Kent continued. “We tried to analyze Faith. Our equipment
couldn’t do it. It couldn’t decode the DNA. And it even reads yours.” He
looked at Alan. “But it doesn’t read hers.”
“As near
as we can tell,” Dr. Jenna continued, “she’s a meta with the plant powers
she claims. She said that her mother was someone called Rose Canton, the
Thorn, from the land down under.”
eyebrow went up. Very interesting. Charming accent.
Kent continued.
“But she
doesn’t tap a Starheart for her emerald fire. That mystic power is
actually a part of her. She generates it. It’s a natural part of her
biology. It doesn’t appear to be on a par with the powers that you and
Linda tap, but it’s completely self-contained. And she seems to be able to
tap other mystic power sources for very short periods of time. Very
The Lair Command Center
about a spar?” Selina looked down at the Huntress. “I might be a little
out of shape, but I’ve still got height, weight, and experience on you.”
The Huntress answered enthusiastically. “I could always pick up a trick or
two. Always useful when you fight larger opponents.”
have to see this. Elise chuckled to
herself. This will be interesting. Batgirl vs. Huntress. Then she
followed a conversation across the room.
why don’t you come with us?” Jade suggested. “Quick run to San Francisco.
We’ll get back in an hour or so.”
Dawn smiled. “Let me tell Faith.”
don’t have to tell anyone!” Iris stated. “We’re adults and she’s not your
mother. Besides, they know you’re with us.”
hesitated. They saw a strange expression cross her features.
“I’ll be
right back.” Dawn walked to where Faith stood. After a few seconds, she
“Now, we
can go.” She charged westward. Linda and Iris followed her.
walked to the window. Invulnerable, she still felt a chill.
Above the Lair
Donna leaned against the railing. “Did you have the same problems with
your Hippolyta as I did with mine?”
stood off to Donna’s side.
until the end. But I was her only child. And I knew she loved me.” She
pursed her lips. “Hippolyta may be many things, but she is not a coward.
Sometimes she did things for reasons I did not understand, but there was
always a reason.”
“I wish
I understood.” Donna scowled.
Diana continued, “you must understand that Hippolyta has two roles. She is
our guide and mentor, but she is also the sovereign of the Amazons. And
those roles are not always in sync. In your world she may be bound to
first protect the Amazon colony. But her personal wishes may be
is cagey. She may plant a seed that she does not expect to come to
fruition for years. She may negotiate agreements that seem to be to the
benefit of others, but are actually to her benefit. And if I recall, you
said that she was the first Wonder Woman of your world. Diana was the
second, but served that role exclusively for a much longer period of time.
There may be ties to Hippolyta’s friends in the Justice Society that will
allow your mother to act again.”
Diana managed to get herself killed? And I almost did? I was exiled for
resuming the fight.”
have to do what is right for you.” Diana sympathized. “And I think you
made the decision you had to. Your Diana would have seen it the same way.”
you, Diana.” Donna accepted the compliment.
“But you
don’t understand Hippolyta.” Diana reinforced. “You really don’t. And
you’re not alone, believe me. Now, let’s get downstairs. I understand Selina
is going to spar with Faith. I won’t tell you what the betting is.”
Five minutes later, training facility
stepped out, sans costume. Alanna Scott, the Shade, mused. The
original fresh-faced kid. Almost another sister for me. But so different
from the rest of us. I understand Linda, but I don’t understand you. And
I’m not sure I like you.
“We seem
to have attracted quite an audience.” Faith remarked.
want to watch me thump the latest also ran.” Selina psyched. “Don’t
forget, I’m Batgirl.”
smiled slightly.
should do our best not to disappoint them. Hopefully, I’ll at least be
able to last for a few moments. Well, we should at least provide a
pleasant environment for your admirers. Let’s give these folks a chance to
breathe some healthy air while we’re at it. Let’s take it outside.”
right.” Selina chuckled. “Why not?” They walked out of the training
found themselves under a grouping of trees. They began their sparring.
The Amazons looked on from nearby.
isn’t a fair fight.” Donna remarked with a smile. “It only seems that
Diana smiled, “Batgirl is quite good. The best non-meta I’ve ever seen.”
She grinned. “So how did that little thing get the Chutzpah to call herself
the Huntress?”
didn’t.” Donna answered. “The locals did. After she kept mowing them
Diana looked down at the fight. Selina made an imperceptible error. She
found herself flying through the air. Faith waited patiently for her to
brush off the footprints. Angry, Selina chased Faith into the trees. Selina
regained her self-control, but not quickly enough. Faith knocked her out
of the tree.
Elise remarked
to Alan.
“Do you
understand what you’re seeing? She killed a patrol of Kayzik without using
her Green Flame. She used her strength and speed, my sword, and the skills
she learned from her Amazon friend. And that was it.” She scowled.
“When was
the last time Linda opened a door without using her powers? Or Alanna? Or
you? What happened to the man who swore that he would never become his
powers?” Elise drew in a sharp breath.
What happened to your internal compass? It’s not there anymore. Not like
looked up at him with a great sadness in her eyes.
like before. Whatever happened to Alan Wellington Scott, the railroad
engineer who had so many dreams so long ago?”
didn’t answer her.
pretended to watch the sparring. The Huntress had made a slight error – or
so it appeared. Selina took advantage. The Huntress recovered more
quickly than she should have.
felt cobwebs leave her mind. I’ve been fighting like I’m the superior
fighter. I have to drop my overconfidence. She’s not forcing my errors.
I’m making them because I’m sloppy. And she’s playing cat and mouse.
redoubled her efforts. Slowly, she fought Faith to a painful draw. After
a few more minutes, they both signaled the end of the spar. Exhausted, Selina
had to offer a question.
other people dumb enough not to take you seriously?”
“I try
not to take myself too seriously. I figure what I do will speak for
itself. I don’t have anything to prove. Not really.”
led her towards the showers. Elise addressed Alan.
“I know
you plan to take them to the Great Portal tomorrow, so that they can find
their way home. But she has a lesson to teach us. I hope we can
understand what it is.”
Later that evening
passed Selina. The Oracle seemed to almost be attacking her console.
you seem unsettled. Anything in particular?”
been had, Elise. The flying mouse got pounced by the cat and she didn’t
even see it.”
“What do
you mean?”
“Did you
notice the dance? Faith let me clobber myself during the first part of the
spar – and I did a good job of it. But in the later part of the spar, I
seemed to be battling blow for blow. Well, guess what… that was no
accident. She matched me blow for blow, exactly.” She tapped her
console. “I read your report… and I talked to Dr. Jenna. She never once
used her natural speed during our spar. She fought the battle entirely on
my terms – not hers. Otherwise, that fight would have lasted less than a
stood up.
woman. Used just the exact level of power necessary to make her point.
She had no intention of winning the spar – she didn’t have any reason to.
She just wanted to be taken seriously as a person – not just as a Green
smiled slightly.
smiled brilliantly.
than you know. Elise, there are those who speak volumes by what they don’t
say. This is one of them. Five feet three inches tall. And every inch a
Champion and a Lady.”
nodded with a grin.
praise coming from you.”
bit her lip.
“I want
you to remember something. All of the Green Lanterns I’ve ever met were
offered their power by somebody or something else – they were all chosen to
carry the power and gifted with it by some other Agency for its own
reasons. But that woman is a Green Lantern born. No Starheart, no Phoenix, no trip
from Krypton – her power is absolutely and uniquely hers. And she will
make no pretense about it.”
are you trying to tell me?”
smiled viciously.
“This is
the real deal. Keep her here as long as you can. You want to clean up
Alan’s act? Put this woman together with Lyla and watch what happens.”
returned her smile.
thought had crossed my mind.”
thought it had.” Selina chuckled.
The Kent farm – Smallville, Kansas
welcomed the visitors. What an interesting group. Donna seems Diana’s
match. Dawn and Iris are almost identical, except in some aspects of
behavior, but the Huntress has no true counterpart. She is certainly not
the counterpart of Linda, Alan, or Alanna. Still…
you for having us.” Faith greeted. “I’ve always wanted to learn more
about Krypton. Our friend, Sam, has textbooks and nothing else to tell him
about his home. We’d love to hear some stories to take back.”
you’ve come to the right place! I can tell you tales of five different Kryptons
– two within my friends’ mother Kara’s universe of origin, one in a place
called Otherverse, one in a place called Dark Earth, and the one in this
universe. They’re each a bit different. And we’ll do better than just
tell you stories – we’ll send you home with some documentary tapes.” (Elf
note: this story takes place after Dylan Clearbrook’s ‘For Whom Shall I Mourn’ series)
different Kryptons?” Dawn choked. “Five?”
“I get
around. But truthfully, I’ve never set foot on any of them. Only mother
has.” She pointed to Lyla. “Mother is the only survivor of Krypton’s
explosion. And she did it the hard way.” Kira acknowledged her mother
with a nod. “Gee, I’m looking forward to this!” She smiled as Diana
joined the small group.
don’t think I’d miss this?” Diana grinned as she sat down next to Donna.
Several hours later
had long since left with Diana. Dawn and Faith chatted with Lyla, Kira,
and Kal-El.
“So, let
me see if I understand this.” Kira questioned. “You work with the Oracle
Network of your world? And that network is world-wide.”
getting that way.” Faith smiled. “Nightwing and Talon – our Dick Grayson
and Barbara Gordon – plus Lois Lane run the operations on the network. The Atom – Ray
Palmer – keeps it up and running. Donna is one of Dick’s oldest and
dearest friends. We try to help out where we can, but I think we’re in the
way more often than not.” She smiled wryly. “Between Donna, Dick, Barbara
and Lois’ brain power, the rest of us just kind of struggle to keep up.
Pretty soon, they’ll put us out to pasture to graze. MOO!”
“I know
how you feel. It hasn’t been too long since I’ve really gotten my act
together. My Mom has been great.” Kira could see Faith’s sudden
discomfort. “Did I say something wrong?”
Faith smiled bravely. “You didn’t. I just miss my Mom. I guess that’s a
good thing. That’s how you know people are important to you.” She changed
the subject. “How about showing me the rest of the farm?”
Kira led
her out of the door. Kal followed eagerly. But Lyla put a hand on Dawn’s
shoulder as the other three left. Dawn looked up at the much larger
woman. Ok, well if God is a woman, this is the woman she would be. Six
feet tall, blonde, heavy, powerful build, and there isn’t an ounce of fat
on her. Lyla smiled warmly.
friend Selina says that most people are easy to understand. They have the
depth of tissue paper. But you could tunnel half way to China before you had
begun to scratch Faith’s surface. Care to explain what she meant?”
“I stop
trying to understand Faith a long time ago. She took me in when my mother
was murdered.”
sorry.” Lyla offered.
you.” Dawn smiled. “She saw me through my grief and put me back
together. I just wish someone had been there for her when her mother was
happened to her?” Lyla asked.
world deeply resents metas.” Dawn answered. “Let me start at the
beginning. A meta-hater named Lex Luthor killed every meta he could find,
including both our fathers and our Wonder Woman. Once he was done, a
creature from outer space called Mongul invaded under the orders of someone
called Darkseid. Over time, Lex Luthor has managed to blame the invasion
on the deceased metas who were no longer available to defend Earth. I’ve
never understood how he managed that.”
horrible!” Lyla expressed sympathy. Dawn nodded.
meta war happened when Faith was five. Her mother, a poor insane meta,
managed to keep them both alive for another five years. Then townspeople
almost captured them both. Her mother sacrificed her life for Faith’s
survival. Faith found her way to the Huntress Wood and waited for her
mother to come to her. Of course, she never did. Faith still cries at
night for her mother. She thinks I don’t see it, but I do.”
features softened even more.
there anyone to care for her?”
Dawn answered. “But the Wood called to her and protected her. A mountain
lion, of all creatures, took her in. And she had the Thorn powers. Soon
she became a local legend, and more.”
smiled with pride.
Faith was eleven years old, Ray Palmer fled into the Wood. For whatever
reason, Faith chose to defend and protect him. That was the beginning.
Together, they founded the Oracle Network and Barbara Gordon became the operations
Lyla asked incredulously.
Dawn confirmed proudly. “She’s defended the network and its operators ever
since. And she is acknowledged for her role as founder. All three
founders must approve any new nodes and she’s caught more than a few that
shouldn’t have been allowed. At fifteen, she took me in. At twenty, she
took in our Superboy and Nightwing. Then things turned weird.”
waited for Dawn to continue. But, also sensitive to the younger woman’s
emotions, Lyla handed Dawn a small towel. The younger woman dabbed her
months ago, Ray and Barbara sent me on a mission I had no business
accepting. Everything went wrong and I got caught. Mongul himself broke
my legs so I couldn’t run away. But the Wood had open comms to me. They
heard everything. As I lay there on the floor, Faith panicked. Ray told
me that he had never seen her so afraid. Whatever passes for adrenalin in
her body kicked into high gear. And the Emerald Fire burned for the first
dabbed her eyes again.
she kept her wits about her. By the time she was done, Mongul thought Luthor
had attacked him, Luthor had no idea what happened, and I was home safe and
healed.” She sniffed. “She did the same thing for my cousin Wally, who
was in even worse shape. So I’ve got family, now. But I always have.”
relaxed slightly.
the Emerald Fire raged, we had no doubt who her father had to be. And one
of his friends, Molly Mayne, has befriended both of us. But Faith has no
true family, not really.” Dawn smiled slightly. “That’s ok. As long as
I’m alive, she’ll be part of mine. Because I know how much she loves me.”
looked through the walls out towards the barn.
still out there with the Kents. Your friend will return with so many Krypton and Kent stories that
Sam will never want to hear the word Krypton again. Let’s go see what
they’re up to.” She guided Dawn outside.
found herself engaged in an animated conversation with Kira and the Kents.
She looked around and realized neither Lyla nor Faith was present.
Kira whispered. “My mother’s DNA is a little different from ours. She has
just enough invulnerability to fly under a red sun.”
Dawn asked with surprise. “What would they find there?”
Kira answered. “Mother is a very private person. She feels she’s found a
kindred spirit. I can see it in her eyes.”
spirit?” Dawn asked.
never knew her parents.” Kira replied. “She grew up in what you would
call an orphanage. I don’t know what you told her, but I have never seen
that look in her eyes before.” She smiled kindly. “You did something good
smiled sweetly.
Half a
galaxy away, two women of different worlds from different universes offered
the first words of their unusual friendship. Xerxes the 17th
would write about it: ‘an odd friendship, it would seem. But all miracles
are odd in some way. We note them, we appreciate them, and we are grateful
that we do not have to understand them. I would not analyze their
friendship. I simply stand witness to it, and to the survival of the
Continuum, which bears witness to their faith in each other.’
Hawksbill Peak, Skyline Drive, Virginia
sat with
Diana in the concrete structure that perched at the peak of the mountain.
Called the Byrd’s Nest, it provided a spectacular view of the skies above.
A world without open cities, no electric lights dimmed the view of the horizon.
Donna could see every star in the sky. To her horror, she could also see
the floating Kayzik pyramids orbit the Earth. She realized that despite
the Sentinel’s presence, this Earth remained a wholly conquered world.
“I don’t
understand, Diana.” Donna admitted. “With all the power you possess, you
can’t just shut the Kayzik satellites down and keep them from rebuilding?”
believes that if we free Earth, we’ll simply invite the entire Kayzik fleet
to attack. And even we don’t have the power to take on the fleet. More
than likely, the Kayzik would destroy this world, rather than keep fighting
for it.”
sole responsibility is to this world and you can’t do better than hide
easily, Donna. We try to work with the Resistance to minimize the
casualties from the Kayzik hauls, but we can’t eliminate the kills – the Kayzik
would grow too suspicious. So, we live in an uneasy truce: looking for our
opportunity to reduce the Kayzik presence on this world. But to win this
world, we have to win others. Alan says we’ll have to take most of this
Galaxy to ensure this world’s freedom.”
“And you
believe that?” Donna inquired.
looked at Donna with narrowed eyes.
“I have
worked with
the Imperial Senate. I do believe that Alan’s strategy is an effective
long term strategy, but I do not share his belief that the best way to free
Earth is to wait until this Galaxy is free. Nor do I share his belief that
the Shantar plan to provide more than token support. They have their own
problems, and frankly, Earth isn’t their priority.”
nodded knowingly.
that’s not your choice to make.
Diana frowned. “Unfortunately, it isn’t.”
Lost in
thought, they were silent for a while.
Donna asked. “Tell me about Alan and Jade.”
“Alan is
the Champion of the Green Flame of this universe.” Diana answered. “His
body was killed in our 1941 and the Starheart shuffled him off to another
universe for an entire lifetime. His soul was damaged in transit, but
seems to have been repaired. About a year ago, he was returned to this
universe by the Starheart.”
a Starheart?” Donna inquired.
that you don’t know, with Faith running around. A Starheart is a mystic
energy force. It is dedicated to the preservation of life, but is
completely mad. It can’t act on its own, so it requires a Champion. And
it guards its champion zealously. Jade’s power comes from the Starheart of
another universe. She was built to host it, but even her expanded life
force is barely enough to contain it. And she is tied to the Starheart
that operates the Great Portal in the Kayzik home universe.”
isn’t their home universe?” Donna shivered.
Diana answered. “But the Starheart of that universe used Linda to kill
them off there, so they will spread no farther. We of this universe still
have the task of ridding our universe of them.” She shrugged. “They’ll
use the Great Portal to get you home tomorrow.”
Donna asked, “just how much power does little Miss Perfect really have?”
Diana chuckled.
“No more
than Alan in this universe. But once they leave this universe, she has the
edge simply because she carries her own power source. Don’t judge her
too harshly, though. For all her naïveté, Shirley Temple has done the best
she could. It’s simply going to take her a while to grow into her role.”
Diana scowled. “I just don’t know if the universe has that kind of time.”
She sighed. “Something is coming. And I don’t know what.”
seems really nice and very competent.” Donna smiled. “I’m surprised she
isn’t more at the forefront of your planning.”
will be. She was on the receiving end of a mad god’s fury for quite some
time. She’s recovered well. Her mother has done wonders for her. Of
course, she’s done wonders for her mother, too. Seeing them together, I
truly miss Hippolyta.” She scowled. “But there is no point in depressing
myself. Care to see the Rock of Eternity?”
launched into the sky.
Sentinel’s Lair Observation Deck (Under the Command Center)
Scott walked down the steps to the observation deck. She found Linda Scott
chatting with Iris Grayson.
Squirt!” Alanna called her sister. “What do you think of our new
“I don’t
like them.” Iris answered. “If Dawn is supposed to be me, why is she so
stuck on keeping Faith happy? I’d never lose myself like that!”
know, Iris,” Alanna grinned viciously, “I love the fact that you bring such
consistency to my life. No force in this universe could slow down the
fastest mouth alive.”
“If you
don’t want my answer,” Iris retorted, “don’t ask the question.”
“Is your
name Linda?” Alanna queried. But Iris declined to answer.
stared out the window.
not like us. Faith, I mean. Gaea doesn’t know what to make of her.
Faith’s flame sources from somewhere inside her. And that terrifies Gaea.
No one is supposed to be both the source of power and the champion of the
Donna is the only one of the three I really like. Dawn is ok, but you’d think
she would be spending more time with us. Instead, she spent the night with
Lyla’s family.”
you have an open invitation at the Kents. Why didn’t you go?”
looked up.
“If they
had wanted us there,” she said with certainty, “They would have invited
sister, sometimes things aren’t just about you. Alanna grimaced. It just seems that way a lot.
Almost always. And we’ve got to change that. You have no sense of
wouldn’t judge them too harshly.” Alanna suggested. “They weren’t lucky
enough to grow up with the two of you at the center of their existence.”
Iris snipped, “they’ll have to get over that real fast now, won’t they?”
“Iris,” Alanna
shook her head, “I was teasing.”
The following morning – the Kent farm
helped Kal carry in eggs from the chicken coop. She handed the basket to
Mary Kent and walked back to the living room to look out the window. Dawn
felt a hand on her shoulder.
Morning, Sleepyhead!” Dawn teased Faith. “You were out late.”
know.” Faith smiled. “Donna will probably have me put on restriction.”
She chuckled.
like to see that!” Dawn grinned. “I still remember the arguments you had
with Ray. I always wondered if you were going to expel him from the Wood!”
“I was
truly tempted. But we always knew that we only disagreed. We didn’t hate
each other. Speaking of which, I wanted to say how proud of you I am.”
Dawn wondered. “What have I done?”
best you could.” Faith acknowledged. “You’ve found yourself in a totally
alien environment and you’ve conducted yourself extremely well every step
of the way. You’ve done well, Dawn! I’m very proud of you.”
said nothing, but Faith could feel her relax. They looked out the window
together and watched John Kent walk in towards the farmhouse. Behind them,
Lyla smiled. Setting the example. And I thought I was supposed to
teach you that.
The planet Dega Five – The Zanik Household - Dawn
Kendra Zanik
called her family from the kitchen.
is ready. Time to get ready for school, girls!”
came down to join her.
forgot to ask you. Did you hear anything from your sister? Any chance of
that family reunion?”
been pretty busy at the Lair, lately. And Elise says that Linda still
hasn’t forgiven Zanna and Janna for the way they treated her. She won’t
come back without Kilowog.” (Ed note – Alterverse, Book 1 – Winter
Kendra yelled. She heard them walk down the stairs.
“What is
it with you?” Zanna fussed at her sister. “That eyeshade just does not
do! Our friends will avoid us all day! Maybe all week! Maybe for-ev-er!”
this is the latest!” Janna replied. “Even Koto of Janatala wears it.”
wears it?” Zanna’s eyes opened wide. “Then I have to…”
found their conversation cut short by the household comms.
alert! Kayzik invasion fleet is inbound! All citizens are ordered to
report to battle stations!”
stared at each other in shock.
was no warning?” Zanik asked as he bolted out the door. “I love you! Be
grabbed both of her daughters.
“Now you
pay back that high-priced education.” She pulled them out the door.
“We’re going to the armory. And you’re going to put all the power that
comes with your Andromedan Shantar heritage to use!”
going to make us carry weapons?” Zanna said with disgust. “I do hope they
color coordinate.”
pulled her daughters into a crowded transport.
“I can’t
believe you don’t get this. We may all die today. Our corpses may litter
the street by the end of the day.”
Janna emphasized. “Blood would so clash with my outfit.”
burn marks would so spoil your looks!” Zanna added. “I don’t know what
would be worse: the grief it would cause me, or the shock of seeing such
violation of fashion!”
pray they are just teasing to relieve the tension. Kendra grimaced. Otherwise I may be tempted to feed
them to the Kayzik, myself. The transport stopped at the armory.
Kendra and her daughters ran towards weaponry checkout. She tapped her comms.
“What is
it, Daughter?” She heard Warlord Zoldar’s voice from New Oa.
“The Kayzik
are invading this world, Dad.” Kendra answered. “I don’t know how long I’ll
have outgoing comms.”
Zoldar acknowledged. “I will call your mother as soon as I call Elise. I
love you, Kendra.”
“I love
y…” Kendra heard her comms disrupt and shut off. She looked at her
daughters longingly.
bye, girls. You have to report over there.” She pointed over to a group
of school girls. “Now, I have to go!” She embraced them quickly and
forced herself to walk away.
Lieutenant Kendra Zoldar Zanik?” She heard her name called.
She ran towards a senior officer.
“We need
you in the center of the city as quickly as possible. We’re expecting
incoming there. Hold out as long as you can, then escape.”
“On my
way!” She ran for the transport.
her, her daughters found themselves issued swords and blasters.
“That so
clashes with your eyeshade!” Zanna warned. “Maybe you should leave that
blaster behind.”
wonder if the Kayzik know how to color coordinate!” Janna grinned.
“Perhaps it will shock them into submission!”
“I would
not doubt it.” Zanna answered. They found themselves herded into another
Sentinel’s Lair – twenty minutes later
“Alan,” Selina
called, “Mary and Jay are on the way. Are you sure you don’t want me to
contact the Kent farm?”
Alan answered. “Our only hope lies in a space battle under a red sun. Let
them know what we’re doing, but after we’ve left.”
Elise spoke forcefully. “Your strategy doesn’t make sense. Why not free
the planet and let the fleet take it from there?”
felt a breeze.
“What planet?”
Mary and Jay Garrick appeared. Mary Batson Garrick walked towards them.
Alan called up a hologram, “we have a major problem. Elise’s sister lives
on a small planet in a very small galactic cloud - the Garjan Cloud. Up
until now, the three inhabited worlds in that cloud have been firmly under Shantar
“What is
a galactic cloud?” Jay asked.
“It’s a
miniature galaxy.” Elise answered. “Much, much smaller than the Milky
Way. The one cloud isn’t all that big or all that strategic. But my
sister lives on Dega Five within the Garjan Cloud.”
“So do
members of our family.” Dr. Jenna and his daughter Garja entered the
room. “We can give you a layout of the planetary systems.” Garja walked
back to her console. The Shantar woman displayed the cloud with the
inhabited worlds colored red.
notice this is a young cluster of stars.” Garja commented. “As opposed to
the Dalran Cloud that adjoins it. Mary and Jay, the Dalran Cloud contains
the Ogeslaz military base. It’s a major distribution point for the Kayzik
and it is very heavily armed. Up until it hasn’t been too much of a
problem – Hyperspace between the two is filthy. There are only two working
approaches between the two clusters. And they were easily defended.”
“How do
you know how many working approaches there truly are?” Jay asked.
used to be ours.” Garja answered. “The Kayzik took it forty years ago.
We stopped them at Garjan and we’ve held the line there ever since. And Garjan
does have one significant strategic value. If you claim the Cloud, you get
clear launching pads to several lightly defended Shantar galaxies.”
about the Dalran Cloud?” Alan asked. “Strategic value?”
the Cloud and you wind up with a strong advantage for us.” Garja commented.
“But let
me be the first to say it is a poor idea.” Jerik entered. “Dalran is too
heavily defended. Yes, you remove the threat to Garjan cloud, but at what
cost? You would be fighting alone with no chance of relief. The fleet
can’t approach until the threat to Dega Five is neutralized.”
Alan answered. “How well are their other approaches to Dalran defended?”
aren’t.” Garja acknowledged. “We have nothing to threaten them. Boss,
there is only one inhabited planet in that cluster and that planet is under
a red sun. But the Kryptonians could blast at a distance.”
“But we
don’t have time to coordinate. We have to move, now. The Kayzik will need
ten hours to take the planet. We have to stop them before that occurs.
And the best way to stop them is to eliminate the threat!”
“Dad,” Alanna
urged, “why can’t we just fight the battle on the planet?”
Alan answered. “This isn’t like New Oa. It’s a much larger and more
heavily populated world. And the Kayzik learned from our last adventure.
They are flooding Dega Five with Necromancers. That means that we have a
world of sheep, which will be only too glad to walk straight into our
battle zones. No, the better way is to shut the attack off at the source.
And that means Dalran.”
with you, Dad!” Linda emphasized.
ready.” Mary agreed.
I’ll go.” Alanna confirmed. But every instinct I have says this will
end badly.
me!” Jay confirmed.
Jay.” Alan responded. “This will be a space battle and an ugly one. It’s
just the four of us. Elise, we’ll be moving. We won’t drop out of
Hyperspace until we get there. Hope to talk to you in about ten hours.”
Alan, Alanna,
Mary, and Linda vanished.
closed her eyes. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She reached to her comms.
I’ve got a class ‘A’ crisis. I need you, now. Bring Kira and your guests”
Lyla responded. “Out.”
Elise activated her comms again. “I’ve got a class ‘A’ crisis. I need
you, Kent, Jeffrey, and anything you can find that flies.”
Diana responded. “Bringing Donna as well. Out.”
Elise activated her comms again, “show time, youngster. We need you.”
calling me?” Elise heard. She had to chuckle. “Ummm, Kid Flash on the way.
Sentinel’s Lair Conference Room
Diana, Kent, Jeffrey, Iris, Lyla, Kira, and the Inheritors joined
Elise, Jerik, and Garja Jenna in the conference room.
that’s what I know, so far.” Elise admitted. “Alan took Mary, Alanna, and
Linda and headed towards the Darjan Cloud. I couldn’t talk him out of it.”
Lyla cursed. “Stupid!”
Kira asked.
turned red with fury.
what do the records show about Dalran?”
“Not as
much as I would like.” The Shantar woman admitted. “Just a basic
what is the Shantar protection level for Dega Five?” Lyla asked.
garrison of ships – about three hundred on planet fighters.” Elise
answered. “Why?”
was a reason we tried so hard to hold that cluster.” Lyla recalled.
“There are far more hyperspace paths from that cluster to Shantar space
than we acknowledge. Elise, it’s the perfect launching path into fourteen
separate galaxies. Damn.”
Elise asked with shock.
room.” Lyla ordered the computer. The doors sealed. “Contact Commanding
Warlord, Shantar High Command on my authorization. Priority Omega.”
stood up.
Elise asked. “What are you doing?”
job.” Lyla answered crisply.
of High Warlord Jantar.” They heard a response. “How may we assist?”
“I need
to talk to Jantar.” Lyla spoke crisply.
heard humor in the voice at the other end.
“So does
everyone with a complaint. And who should I say is calling?”
Lyla Lerrol, Krypton.” Lyla answered. “Designation - Starchild.”
The voice on the other end questioned. “Impossible. Please hold while I
perform an identity check.”
waited with a look of boredom on her face.
confirmed!” She heard from another staff member in the High Warlord’s
office. The first staff member spoke again.
thank you for your patience. I will put you through immediately.”
ignored the room full of stunned expressions. A hologram of the Commanding
Warlord appeared.
The Warlord appeared startled. “We thought we had lost you. How did you
survive the explosion of Krypton?”
story, Jantar. The same accident that ended my career also removed my link
to the planet. The House of El rocketed me off Krypton before it
exploded. But making contact has been a problem.”
happened on Dega Five? We were supposed to keep a full Fleet around the Garjan
cluster. It’s your Achilles heel! Worse, it looks like our friends the J’Dinn
discovered too many of our secrets.”
“I don’t
know. We’ve been infiltrated. We’re investigating. We do know that they
shut down the warning systems for the planet. They weren’t even noticed
until some of the Kayzik craft bypassed the planetary defenses. Worse,
they shut down the warning systems for the entire cluster, not just the
planet. Our fleets have been blocked from making any Hyperspace jumps
towards the cluster – and if the other worlds in the cluster are not under
attack yet, they soon will be.”
“If you can
locate ‘Q’, please do it. I’ll need his help. In the mean time, I’ll be
contacting the Guardians. Then I’ll be working on a game plan. I’ll be
in touch. Starchild out.”
The High
Warlord nodded.
I’ll have my staff ready to expedite your requirements. We’ll notify the
Guardians to expect your call. Jantar out.”
hologram vanished. She looked to her startled companions.
“Now you
know why there was so little in my military records.”
that Starchild?” Elise asked in amazement. “Not just the Kryptonian Starchild,
but that one?”
She frowned. “That one.” She reactivated her comms. “Starchild to
Guardians’ Complex. I need Astra and Hal Jordan if they are available.”
Jordan, Lyla. How can I help?”
“Hal, I
need Astra to head for Dega Five. I need a status report I can trust.
Have her broadcast back to me, personally. I’m going to be moving.”
Hal answered. “Anything else?”
“Yes.” Lyla
answered. “Back up the fleet. We’re going to make a mess when we hit.
And you know what I mean. I’ll need every Green Lantern you can find.”
heard the mirth in Hal’s voice.
“I do.
We’ll be there. Jordan out.”
reactivated her comms.
honey, this is Mom. Can you bring Krypto here?”
Mom!” They heard the young Kryptonian answer. “See you in a second!”
They heard a whisper of wind.
drew a deep breath.
wrote a series of papers on the psychology of the Kayzik hive mind. I used
that work to form the basis of a series of tactical moves. I didn’t think
my work was all that good, but it caught the eye of the mysterious ‘Q’.”
walked over to a screen.
“’Q’ was
an absolutely brilliant strategist. So brilliant, in fact, that very few
could apply any of his work. But for some reason, he was interested in my
work. I collaborated with him to develop a series of battle plans for the Shantar.”
chuckled with amazement.
“I can’t
believe this. You wrote the Starchild maneuvers? No wonder High Command
was so anxious to talk to you.” She laughed. “Lyla revolutionized the way
the Shantar fight the Kayzik. That’s why their tactics have changed so
drastically. We never lose anything like a fair fight. And her work made
it possible.”
forget ‘Q’.” Lyla protested. “We collaborated. I didn’t work alone.”
wonder Grandfather looked out for you.” Kira smiled with pride. “You took
his work and turned it into something that truly mattered. You earned your
place in the House of El.”
smiled warmly.
you. That means more than you know.” She turned back to her screens. “Kent, I need to find
a way to kill the Kayzik glamour on Dega Five for fifteen minutes. Faith
can pull it if you can focus it into her. Can you?”
Kent nodded.
Between Jeffrey and I, we can. And we can do a little more.” He grinned.
“On the way back out, we’ll change it so that it works on the Kayzik…”
“I don’t
do real well with sources of power except my own. Hellfire made me ill.”
understand.” Kent replied. “We’ll limit your exposure and we’ll make it
as palatable as possible. Plus, you won’t have to completely suppress the
Emerald Fire.”
“It will
be tricky, but we can do it.”
Lyla replied. “This is what I want. Kira, if this is a major offensive,
the Kayzik will be rounding up Terrans, as well as sentients from every
other conquered world. I’m determined they won’t benefit from the world
that grants our shelter. I want to leave you here with the Kids Flash.
Your job is to keep the Terrans away from the Kayzik.”
“We can
do that.” Kira acknowledged. She seemed to look through the walls. She
tapped her comms. “Oracle, this is Supergirl. Round up the usual
suspects. And I need to know where all the Kayzik patrols are. I do mean
all.” She looked at the Kids Flash. “Ladies, we have much work to do.”
The doors opened long enough for them to leave. Krypto entered the room
and sat down at Lyla’s feet.
power.” Lyla answered as she scratched his ears. “This is what happens.
The mystics pull the glamour off the planet. Donna, Diana and Jay, you’ll
get instructions on what to clean up. The GL Corps will assist as soon as
the glamour is neutralized. And we let the fleet clean up after us. Krypto
and I will be charging the Hyperspace routes. The fleet will guard the
routes once they’re clear. And then we have one more mission.”
that enough?” Kent smiled.
“I wish
it were, Kent.” Lyla answered. “But once we hit, we’ll be able to
contact our teammates. And we may have to retrieve them.”
“Do you
think they made a mistake?” Donna asked.
“No.” Lyla
answered grudgingly. “Alan had the right idea. And their attacks will
give us the time we need to succeed. But they don’t know enough about the Ogeslaz
base to succeed. Elise, if you do hear from them, send them the file I’ll
leave for you. It’s very detailed and the Kayzik would not have changed
the defensive structures. Not much anyway, I hope.”
turned to the assembled group.
“I don’t
command any of you. This is a volunteer operation. But are you willing?”
in.” Kent
gestured towards Diana and Jeffrey. Diana gave him an irreverent look and
mussed his hair. Then, she nodded her approval.
in.” Jay agreed.
Faith asked.
in.” Donna agreed. Faith nodded approval.
relaxed visibly.
you. We leave in fifteen minutes. I’ll wrap up our loose ends by then.”
The doors opened.
turned back to the comms.
be concluded in: The Starchild’s Gift, Part 2
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork,
photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant
Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network