Alterverse: The Sentinel War |
Book 2, Chapter 7: Freedom Force, Part 2:The Commissioning |
New Oa, the Shantar Command Headquarters
Just the name chilled Hal Jordan’s bones. The rage that came from the death of his only child and the insanity it provoked had almost destroyed the Green Lantern Corps. Fortunately, he had been stopped and the Guardians had been forced to rethink their responsibilities to themselves and to the Green Lantern Corps. It pained him to realize that another version of himself had fallen to the madness—the alternate version of himself that served as the Starheart guarding the Great Portal.
He heard a yip and looked across the lounge where he and Hallie waited while Faleex’ fate was being decided by the powers that be. Hallie had lost her balance—a still too common occurrence as she was still getting used to walking around, not through, solid objects. Hal smiled when a violet mattress appeared from thin air to cushion her fall. A product of the Star Sapphire and not a power ring, the mattress caught even the yellow parts of his daughter’s costume.
Hallie had truly died on that un-named world, so long ago. Intervention by the Sentinel’s children had brought her back to a kind of half-life that kept her invisible and immaterial most of the time; physical presence had required will-power, in fact so much will power that Hallie could only manifest for a few minutes at a time.
And then had come Alanna Scott’s final gift before leaving this universe. She had removed the problem that limited Hallie’s ability to remain corporeal and increased Hallie’s power levels. There were still a few odd effects: whenever Hallie fell asleep, she vanished. Her default state was still astral, but it took only desire, not force of will, for her to remain in the physical world when awake.
And there were advantages. If the Kayzik attacked her with Glamour, she would lose consciousness and revert to her astral state. A very effective safety device. And her hair and eyes were now an exotic dark violet.
Still…Hal remembered the terror of having lost her—that would never go away. Quietly, he walked to where she rose from the mattress. As she puzzled, he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
He thought of the young woman she had become. He wondered how much of the credit was truly his. Not much. He concluded. She’s a hero because that’s who she chooses to be. And I don’t tell her how proud I am of her nearly enough.
She felt him tighten his grip.
“Daddy?” She felt him relax, but only a bit. She gazed at his hands, with the emerald ring blazing on his right hand.
“I want you to know that you’re my hero.” Hal spoke gently. “And I want you to know how proud I am of you…”
The Kent Farm, Smallville, Kansas
Charles Xavier left the living room where Kitty and Kevin chatted with Kira. He could detect strains between the three of them, but he could also tell that they were beginning to work them out. He had done what he could to bridge the gap, but there was another conversation he wanted to have. Charles detected Lyla’s presence near the larder that the Kents kept stocked. She worked to add finishing touches to the evening’s meal. He found her as she completed a task—a small centerpiece for the table.
“Lyla?” Charles asked.
“Yes, Charles?” She responded with a smile. “I’m so glad you came. It has been far too long.”
“We understood.” Charles answered. “Your children had to come first, and the odd initial relationship between Kira and the Prydes must have been more than a little touchy.”
“Still.” Lyla admitted. “I wish I had been able to do more for you after we defeated Ares. You deserved better.”
Charles smiled mysteriously.
“Lyla, I don’t think I know you any more and that pleases me very much.”
“What?” She replied with astonishment. “Charles Xavier, you know everybody and everything you want to. It’s part of your gift.”
“It is.” He agreed. “What I meant to say is that you’ve changed. And it’s not just the fact that you’ve dropped 35 years in appearance. Lyla, this farm is a happy place. It reflects the warmth of its Mistress’ loving heart. It’s something I am pleased to say. I just can’t believe that I’m saying it about you.”
Lyla laughed.
“That came out of left field. Charles, are you feeling all right? I’m the natural introvert. Kira is the one with the loving heart and she expresses it far better than I do.”
Charles looked through the window and watched the last streams of daylight from the setting sun. Then he looked into eyes that he had learned to respect and to appreciate. Eyes that had pried him away from his friendly-neighborhood Kayzik Necromancer. Eyes that had always flamed with determination and duty…and independence. This was a woman who needed nothing and nobody. He would not say that she had not become needy…but still…
“I have never seen Kal so happy.” Charles admitted. “You were a very dutiful mother before. But now…more. You’re something far more. And I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
She responded slowly.
“Charles, my captivity was different than yours. Ares played with me and things happened, things that I still don’t understand. And some of those things have led me to rethink who I am and what I stand for. And I like to think I’ve learned.”
She turned away from him, but continued.
“I learned…I learned that no one is an island. We are all connected. And it’s the relationships we have and the love that we share that makes it all worth-while. I learned that sometimes people love you more than you deserve and they do extraordinary things. More than you could ever expect and more than you could ever repay. It was my lesson in Krystal.”
“I don’t understand.” He answered honestly.
“I don’t either.” Lyla turned to smile at him. “But it puts my last years on Krypton and my years here in an entirely new light. And now I have a second chance to live my life and this time it’s filled with those I love.” She chuckled. “If the Planetary Defense Force could see me now, I’d probably be drummed out.” Her eyes sparkled at the thought. “Now, how about a hand? We’ve got youngsters to feed!”
Charles picked up the centerpiece and followed her into the dining room. Lyla Lerrol, you’ve become dangerous. You have always put duty first, and that has limited your options. But, while you honor duty, you are no longer driven by it. Something set you free, and we are all the better for it.
In prior years, I would have considered you teacher and protector. But this is the first time I would have ever wanted to consider you ‘friend.’ You amaze even me.
New Oa, the Shantar Command Headquarters
“Daddy?” Hallie asked as he held her. “What is going to happen to them? I mean Kolar is an assassin. They don’t take these kinds of shocks well. And Faleex talks big, but he’s clearly reaching out.”
“I don’t know.” Hal admitted.
“I mean, I know I’m kind of flighty a lot of the time.” She drew in a breath. “But, how come we’re letting this happen? I mean, Kolar is Elise Zoldar’s cousin. And her Dad runs this whole freaking planet. He can do whatever he wants. So, how come we’re waiting for some silly administrative judge to sort this out? It’s gonna go to Zoldar anyway!”
Hal could feel the wheels turning inside his mind.
“I know what you went through for me.” Hallie admitted as she placed her hands over his. “And I know what you did. These people need help, not punishment. I mean, Faleex doesn’t even deserve to fall under Shantar law. He’s no more a Shantar citizen than we are. Probably less. If anything, he’s a prisoner of war.”
He spoke into his ring.
“Corps Command, this is the Green Lantern of Earth. Please patch me through to the Sentinel and Commander Elise Zoldar.” Turning to Hallie, “you’re right, Sweetheart. And we fathers ought to stick together.”
Sentinel’s Lair-fifteen minutes later
Elise Zoldar watched Hal Jordan’s image fade from the conference room screen. She heard Mary Marvel exclaim.
“Oh, how horrible!” Mary shook her head. “Elise, is there anything that we can do?”
“Or should we?” Alan asked with concern. “Faleex is an enemy agent. Mary, I know that look, but I have to ask the question. Elise, what do you know about these folks? Kolar is your cousin?”
Elise continued to stare at the screen. Alan could tell that she was seeing far more than the spot Hal Jordan’s image had occupied. Elise had become an assassin after the death of her daughter and husband. Even she had not escaped the curse of the assassin—the slow breakdown of the mind followed by permanent insanity and death. Her ‘sanity’ was borne of the gift of Daria Lane Scott. At the moment of her death, just after the birth of her only daughter, Molly Scott, Daria had been offered a choice—bind the soul of the now-raving Shantar Commander, or let her daughter’s only means of protection lose itself to madness.
And Daria was no coward.
While physically Shantar, Elise was now the merging of two beings: Alan’s wife Daria and the Shantar Commander. And it had been the strength of the human half that defied the insanity and had caused the Shantar warrior to return from even beyond the end of life. In the end, the warrior had found the strength to return, but refused to do so without her human half.
Elise was both a Command Assassin and a whole person. But she was the only one in the history of the Shantar Empire. Ever. And that knowledge weighed heavily upon her.
“No.” She heard Alan say to Mary. “She’ll be all right.” Elise listened to the two of them converse. One of the things that Daria Lane had found most attractive about Alan Scott was exactly this—his very close friendship with his cousin, Mary Batson. For all their squabbles over the years, Alan always listened to her and she always listened to him. Elise remembered the words that Mary had once said to Alan (Elf note: Alterverse Book 1: Fire!):
“My cousin, as long as I live you will never be alone. I have learned so much from you. It is your lesson I inherit. No one else could have taught me the responsibility we share for the power we possess. Even when the Gods above keep us apart, I will always be proud to believe in you and share your cause. In the darkest of your nights, I swear that I will stand beside you. All I ask is that you let me.”
In that memory, Elise found the strength she needed. This was her family, now. People she could trust. She let them carry the conversation.
Alan leaned back in his chair. Mary hopped up on the table and looked down at him.
“What are you thinking?” She inquired.
“Here’s the problem, Mary. We’re talking Andromedan Shantar here. These folks can do a lot of damage. I should know!” He teased Elise gently. “But, from the Empire’s point of view, it’s a bad situation any way you look at it. Faleex has been an enemy agent, and an effective one at that when he has chosen to be. On the other hand, when he disabled the ship, he also kept the Shantar from the Kayzik. They won’t be happy with him.”
Mary picked up his thought.
“And if they put him down, it’s probably a death sentence for Kolar. If he became an assassin because of the death of…what was her name again? Skymania? If that is the case, then the death of her child would be enough to put him over the edge—a death sentence he doesn’t deserve.”
“No.” They heard the strain in Elise’s voice as she spoke softly. “We all know that pain, don’t we? All too well.” She rotated in her chair to face them. “Kolar is my father’s nephew through his younger sister, Diadra Kannis. I knew him, but not well. We did not share postings and I was assigned to Earth before he became an assassin. Still, this will cause my parents, his parents, and our grandmother great pain. I don’t know what to do. We have no protocols and the administrators on New Oa will be in a catch-22.”
Mary gazed at Alan.
“If we use Lyla’s name, we can get Shantar shrinks out here. We’ll just have to allow them to send out some junior strategists, as well. And we can put them to use with our plans to free Earth.”
He pondered.
“How are we on holding cells?” He asked Elise. “Anything strong enough to stop an assassin?”
“Yes.” Elise admitted. “This base is large enough to rate the facility. The problem is getting them into custody.”
“Not a problem.” Mary made a muscle and Alan smiled.
“I have a suspicion that Faleex has his father’s life-force.” Alan suggested. “Which means that the Kayzik would likely target him if he encountered them, J’Dinn half-breed or no. And Bruce is assembling a little team to do the types of work Kolar and Faleex should be good at. As long as he knows what to look for, he’ll know when something goes wrong.”
Mary nodded.
“Pity there is no such thing as ‘Shantaromite’.” She gazed at Elise sheepishly. “Sorry, Elise.”
“Noted.” Elise smiled. “But remember that we Shantar have to breathe. We are not Kryptonian. And even our Kryptonians have to breathe periodically under a red sun. And Mon-L has to breathe under an orange or blue one.”
“We might just be able to hold this together.” Alan stated. “Excuse me, I need to find Bruce and then I’ll need to make a few calls.” He rose and headed for the door.
“I’ll call Lyla.” Mary committed as she hopped off the table.
“Alan? Mary?” Elise called. They stopped.
“Yes?” Alan asked.
“Thank you.” Her look of relief radiated.
New Oa, Shantar Command Headquarters
Hal and Hallie returned from a quick luncheon meal to resume their wait. They found a Shantar military escort waiting for them.
“Mr. and Ms. Jordan?” The leader of the escort asked. As Hal nodded, the leader continued. “We’ve been asked to escort you to Warlord Zoldar’s quarters. He is anxious to meet with you.”
“Sure.” Hal shrugged to Hallie. They allowed the escort to guide them. They wound out of the headquarters, and into a surface transport. A few minutes later, they stopped at what appeared to be a military housing complex—officer’s quarters.
The escort led them through the clean, but somewhat sterile building. The escort led them around a corner to a private elevator and pressed a button. They saluted Hal and withdrew.
“Private Quarters.” Hal pondered as the elevator rose. “A private conversation, then.”
The elevator opened, revealing Warlord Zoldar and a middle-aged Shantar woman—a woman who resembled Elise and Kendra strongly.
“Hal and Hallie, I don’t believe you’ve met Elise’s mother Zandra.” He greeted them. “We wanted to thank you personally for what you set into motion today. The Lair made an offer High Command could not refuse.”
“Really?” Hallie asked curiously.
Zandra responded immediately. “Green Lantern, the Lair is not strictly under Shantar control. It does not completely fall under Shantar judicial jurisdiction. It can’t, not with the work it does. The Lair has agreed to take in both Kolar and Faleex. High Command will provide the medical services they require. As well, High Command will provide on-site military strategists to the Lair.”
“That solves several problems for us—at least for now.” Zoldar noted. “It gets the two of them away from our justice system and High Command can justify the expenditure based on the fact that we might just find a cure for the assassins. Not only that, but Lyla has agreed to allow a team of Shantar strategists to work with her in the Lair. The High Command Strategy Development Group has agreed to fund the effort.”
Zandra chuckled. “We have flag-rank officers begging to make that trip. The Starchild legend lives. Lyla will get the best we have.”
Twenty minutes later
“Green Lantern, you know we appreciate your efforts.” Zandra stated. “It doesn’t repair Kolar, but it will buy him time. And in that time, we may be able to recover Faleex. But, I have to ask: why?”
Hal pondered for a moment, then he looked over to his daughter.
“For her, and for the second chance I have.” He enjoyed Hallie’s happily startled expression. “And I know what it’s like to be pushed over the edge. And I know the family.” He smiled warmly.
The Kent Farm, Smallville, Kansas
“That is very interesting indeed.” Kevin Pryde sat at the dinner table in the Kent’s dinning room after the meal had been shared. Around the table were seated the Kents, Lyla, Kal, and Kevin and Kitty Pryde. “So you’re saying you’ve been told of the possible formation of a group that we might be able to join to help fight the Kayzik on other worlds?” Kevin questioned.
“If you’re truly that determined.” Lyla spoke with regret. “It is a different team that doesn’t really fall under the command of the Sentinel’s Lair, although the Lair would provide logistical support for any missions close to Earth.” Lyla added.
“Who all is involved?” Kitty asked.
“From my observations: Bruce is still developing his line-up. I think Donna’s father will be part of the team. He has an ally who may or may not work out: Cain Marko. If all goes well, there may be a Shantar Assassin and his son joining the team, but that is only an if.”
“That’s incredible!” Kevin marveled.
“Right now, the Sentinel and Captain Marvel are leaving the planet. Jade is out of contact at the Rock of Eternity. If there is any emergency that would require an immediate response, there is no one but Kira or me available to help. Kira won’t leave Earth unless one of the other space-capable metas is here. So, I’m up. If something does happen, I may be able to take you along, to show you what is going on out there.
“You bet! An outing, like normal families have!” Kitty quipped.
“Sounds good to me.” Kevin added, “But we’ll be redefining normal.”
Sentinel’s Lair
“Oracle, this is Supergirl,” Selina’s comms relayed.
“Oracle here,” Selina replied, “What’s your status?”
“We have the Juggernaut in our custody,” Kira reported, “In fact he has agreed to cooperate with us fully.”
“He did?” Selina reacted, surprised.
“My thoughts as well,” Kira agreed, “Apparently, he and Donna’s father go way back. He was a bit difficult at first, but that was before he learned that there were other creatures out there that were just as powerful as he was… and then some. And, I would bet, he is more than a little curious.”
“I’m glad to hear you have the situation in hand,” Selina replied. “What do you plan to do with the creature?”
“He seems prime for an off-planet team. I would like to ask permission to take him to the Lair. We’ll move him so fast, he’ll have no clue where he is.” Kira suggested.
“Kira, is it safe to bring him to the Lair?” Selina asked, skeptical.
“As long as Donna or I are around he should be fine,” Kira paused, “We’ll have him check his helmet at the door.”
“Well, Donna will have to do,” Selina said, “Kira, as soon as you get back, you, Captain Marvel and the Sentinel will be taking off to Nalyd for an important meeting with High Command. I’ll brief you when you get here.”
“Strategy session, I’m sure.” Kira groaned, “my mother wants me exposed to their military. I wish I didn’t have to go. Donna is a much better companion than a Shantar Warlord.”
“Enjoy it while you can.” Selina replied, “Now hurry up and get back here, you mustn’t keep the Imperium waiting.” Selina smiled at her own sarcasm as she heard muttering disguised by several deliberate coughs from Kira’s end before the connection was terminated.
Sydney, Australia
“Ya know, Cain,” Logan said, “They really were planning to take you out. I came along to see if you couldn’t be reasoned with. I’m glad you listened.”
“Then I thank you Logan.” Cain turned to his old friend, “It looks like I own you my life…again.”
“Cain,” Logan sighed, “you know what I think about keeping score, but if you really want to make it up to me you can cooperate with these people…even when there’s not an Adamantium claw at your throat. Everything Donna’s told me about these folks is that they hate the Kayzik just as much as we do, only thing is: they’re fighting and beating the Kayzik, all over the universe.”
“Aw hell, Logan,” Cain shrugged, turning a wary eye to the approaching Supergirl, “you know I can’t say no to that.”
“It’s time to go,” Kira informed.
“Then let’s go,” Logan said, moving to join her. Slowly at first, Cain followed as well.
Sentinel’s Lair, the Command Center
Donna Troy, Logan, and Cain Marko followed Jay Garrick and Elise into the Command Center.
“…And this concludes your tour of the Sentinel’s Lair.” Elise turned to face them, “Any questions?”
“Yah, what does this place do?” Cain asked.
“We provide a hub for communications in this part of the Galaxy—as well as senior command support for all forces in occupied areas of this Galaxy. The Sentinel is the commander of this operation: he holds an official commission as the Senior Commander, Resistance Forces, Occupied Territories, Milky Way Galaxy. We also hold a direct comm. link to Shantar command. From here, all relevant information is received and transmitted to the people or places where it is needed.” Elise stated. “And one more thing—the Guardians run what we call the Green Lantern Express, or GLE, between here and the Shantar base on New Oa. They believe our work here is that important—it’s critical to the eventual recovery of their world of Oa.”
At his confused expression, Jay simplified, “Basically, what they do in here keeps our universe from going to hell in a hand basket.”
Cain nodded understanding, just as one of the panels on the console lit up like a Christmas tree. Quickly, people scrambled around the room. Elise turned toward an occupied console.
“Garja, report.” Elise commanded.
“Commander, there are Green Lantern distress signals coming from the arriving GLE.”
“Open a channel to one of the Green Lanterns.”
Garja Jenna pressed one of the blinking switches. Elise stepped forward. “This is the Sentinel’s Lair, what is your situation?”
“This is Boodikka. I am experiencing some difficulties.” They overheard rock shattering behind her. “Someone seems to have discovered one of our jump points. We’ve been ambushed.”
“What is your location?”
“We just dropped out of Hyperspace after our first hop into the Milky Way when we were attacked by yellow ships with yellow lasers. Currently we are seeking refuge in a nearby asteroid belt. And whatever they’re emitting has blanketed the area with yellow radiation. It’s blocking us from using the asteroids to defend ourselves.”
“Garja, contact the Corps and Hallie Jordan on New Oa; request their assistance.” Elise ordered. Then she spoke again into the comms. “Boodikka, help is on the way.”
Elise turned as Jay gave her a confused look. Through her most telling sense, the Old Gift, she determined his question and prepared to answer it.
“Jay, understand, Alan and Mary are en route to Nalyd, and Linda is at the Rock of Eternity. Lyla is having a personal gathering and has asked not to be disturbed except in case of an emergency and we’ve already disturbed her once. We’ll have to contact her, but not just yet. We need to gather a little more information, first.”
As he nodded, she turned, only to hear Hal Jordan’s voice.
“Lair, this is Hal Jordan. Hallie, Koriand’r, and I are not too far behind Boodikka. We’ll get there pretty quickly.”
“Hal,” Elise ordered, “please proceed to Boodikka’s location, but keep your distance, and assist passively if necessary.”
“Commander,” Garja announced, “Incoming communication from Boodikka.”
“Lair, some of these are Kayzik Necromancer ships. We can’t outrun them, and now we can’t hide much longer.”
“Commander,” Garja reported, “the Jordans have just left Hyperspace. They’ve arrived. Hal’s ring will guide them from there.”
“Boodikka, help has arrived.” Elise informed. “Garja, keep me posted.”
She turned to Donna, Cain and Logan. “Are you three prepared to help if you’re needed?”
All three nodded in unison. “Good. Garja, page Bruce Wayne, tell him to get his ship ready.”
The asteroid belt
Astra flew back and forth, vaporizing ship after ship with her purple beams.
She made short work of the attack ships before setting her sights on the three remaining ships, the Necromancer vessels: mobile Glamour production facilities, the rarest, and most powerful ships in the Kayzik fleet. She watched in horror as much larger yellow plasma beams from the Necromancers ships tore right through the asteroids and then showered the Green Lanterns hiding behind with shards of rock covered in yellow superheated plasma.
She charged in, determined to prevent any more loss of life. Astra fired purple beams at all three ships, watching as they each tore into the sides of the ships but caused minimal damage. She moved in closer hoping to get a better shot as the ships turned, as she had planned, away from the Green Lanterns and toward her instead.
Suddenly, her comms activated, “Koriand’r here, could you use a little backup?”
“Welcome, but keep your distance. Something in these ships will drain the power from your ring.” As she finished, a single Starbolt hit home on the ship, leaving a darkened area.
“Thanks for the warning. Here’s the plan, keep hitting them like you did. From a distance, I’ll fire Starbolts and keep discoloring the hull. Then I’ll use my ring.” She demonstrated with a bolt of green tearing into the spot where her Starbolt had struck.
“Sounds good to me.” Hallie agreed.
Both dodged the yellow beams as they opened up a volley of purple beams and Starbolts followed by green beams, each one tearing away more and more until…
“One down, two to go.” Kori called out on comms.
Inside the Asteroid Belt
Hal kept his distance from the ships as a he relieved Boodikka of her cargo. The exhausted and wounded Green Lantern lapsed into unconsciousness.
Closing on the ships
Hallie moved in for a point blank volley that would likely bring a much swifter end to this battle. She soon felt the dampening field that had been used to depower the Green Lantern’s rings. She started preparing for what would be a devastating blast when she realized that the ship was picking up speed moving straight toward her! Suddenly, but altogether too late, she realized her dilemma. In that moment, as she felt the Glamour wash over her, she learned the difference between immunity and automatic defenses. She attempted to fire a blast while she still could, but she had fallen under the effect of the Glamour. As it washed over her, she automatically reverted to her astral form. Quickly recovering, she watched in horror as a yellow beam effortlessly tore through Koriand’r’s shields. The Tamaran tumbled rapidly after the vicious blow rendered her unconscious.
Instantly, Astra zipped across the astral plane and, once out of range of the Glamour, willed herself to take physical form. She relayed Kori’s location to her father and rejoined the battle.
Sentinel’s Lair, the Command Center
“Commander,” Garja Jenna spoke, “I’m receiving a message from Astra on a distress channel.”
“Open the channel.”
“Astra needs backup, Koriand’r’s hurt…”
“That’s all, Commander,” Garja explained, “Her comms signal is now off.”
Elise paused. “Open a channel to Lyla. This is an emergency.”
The Kent Farm
Lyla’s comms beeped. Dinner conversation stopped. Lyla stood up.
“Go ahead, Elise. What is the emergency?”
Sentinel’s Lair, 2 minutes later
“Lyla, I’d like to use this as an opportunity to see what Bruce’s team can do. I’d like you to go along, but stay out of it as long as you can.” Elise suggested over her comms. “Bruce will coordinate with your friends en route. The battle scene is just a little close to a red sun. I know that you can still fight, but your power levels are reduced.”
“Got it.” Lyla answered. “I’ll stay out of it as long as possible. But I’ll keep an eye on it. I’ve spoken to Kira. She and Kal are both staying here.”
Elise turned to the group. “Jay, go let them in.” She turned to Garja, “Page Bruce again; tell him it’s time to go.” She turned back to the group, “Donna, escort them to the ship. And everyone hurry.”
5 minutes later, Bruce Wayne’s ship
With Cain, Logan, Donna, Kitty, Kevin, Bruce and Lyla aboard, the ship began to rise from the floor of the Lair’s hanger. Slowly, it moved towards the opening hanger doors. Bruce deployed his cloaking device—a device that took most of the ship’s power—and flew through the open hanger doors.
Checking his passengers one last time, Bruce allowed the autopilot to guide them outside and up though the atmosphere. As the atmosphere lost its remaining color around them, Bruce took control of the ship and expertly piloted it past the Kayzik satellites. Once above the planetary plane, the passengers braced themselves against the ship. Then Bruce charged the ship into Hyperspace.
The asteroid Belt
Hal remained with Boodikka—she would not depart the scene; she had a score to settle. And they had one Green Lantern still to rescue. As long as they stayed out of range they would be fine. At least until help arrived.
In Bruce’s Ship
As the ship dropped out of Hyperspace, Bruce’s quickly developed plan swung into action.
Kevin, who was holding tightly onto Cain, flew toward the bulkhead as Kitty phased the ship allowing the two to pass right through at the same time Cain erected his force field around both he and Kevin. As they careened toward the Kayzik ship at high speed, Kevin concentrated.
From his vantage point Hal watched the deft maneuver with rapt attention. A stream of plasma harmlessly bounced off of the telekinetic shield, the same shield that did not stop an energy blast instead headed back through it to the Kayzik ship. The resulting explosion was tremendous.
Kevin turned to Cain, “Wanna do a cannon ball?”
“Bloody hell is that?” Cain asked.
“It’s where we use momentum to blast through their ship.”
Cain smiled wide, “Let’s do it!”
Kevin turned them around, looped around in a wide arc and plunged full speed toward the ship. At the last moment he shifted to full invulnerability.
Hal continued to watch the battle with rapt attention as Kevin and the creature crashed full speed into the ship, emerging from the other side, and traveling some distance before the ship, almost on a delayed reaction as if it didn’t know what hit it, imploded in a brilliant flash of light.
The show finally over, Hal, followed closely by Boodikka, made a beeline towards the unconscious Koriand’r, the Tamaran surviving only because her ring put her in stasis. He picked her up and flew her to the ship. There he found a table to lay her on and waited for Lyla’s approach. As she did, he stepped away from his fellow Green Lantern.
As Kevin and Cain appeared back on the ship, amid cheers from all aboard, Lyla ignored them and placed her hands above Koriand’r. The white glow radiated from her hands towards the Tamaran Green Lantern, and surrounded her. As she moved her hand over small cuts and more serious wounds alike, completely healed flesh was left in its trail. Soon the glow stopped; Kori slept peacefully. Lyla stepped away and gave an affirming nod toward Hal.
As Hal was about turn away as well, a slight shimmer caught the corner of his eye. He stepped over to where he thought he saw it and then saw the purple hair. “Is something the matter, Hallie?” He asked with genuine concern.
“Dad, I screwed up and Kori paid for it.” Hallie admitted.
Hal sat down on a green chair of emerald energy. “Hallie, we all have limits. Even you. But this is war. You did what you could—you didn’t leave her behind. She’ll be fine. And, Hallie?” He spoke gently. “You’re still my hero.”
She showed the beginnings of a smile, “Thank you, Astra doesn’t feel quite so bad anymore.”
“Anytime.” Hal walked up front. “Bruce, come with me to New Oa; I’m sure the Guardians would like to thank you all properly for your aid in this situation. We also need to retrieve new Lair personnel. If you wish, I’ll drop you at the nearest black hole to get you started.”
“No need.” Bruce stood and walked over to Kevin and Lyla. “We have all the power we need right here.” Bruce motioned to the two of them. Suddenly Lyla realized his plan as well, acknowledged by a knowing smile. As Lyla stood Bruce motioned towards her. “A Kryptonian,” then motioning to Kevin, “and all the yellow solar rays she could need. Now that’s a jumpstart!”
“I could do it without the yellow rays, but not as quickly or as smoothly.” She noted with approval.
Hal smiled, impressed by the ingenuity of the idea. “Looks like you have things well in hand. You all make a great team.”
Bruce almost smiled, “If you’d like you can stick around for the ride.” He offered. “And that goes for you all,” he said making brief eye contact with Kori, Boodikka, and Hallie.
“I appreciate that.” Hal nodded, “I believe I will.”
As Lyla got up to brace herself to the ship, a yellow aura came over Kevin till he glowed like a light bulb. Momentarily, both ship and crew were blazing through Hyperspace. As soon as they entered, Kevin shut down his rays—under the rules of Hyperspace, Lyla had been fully powered when she entered and would remain so until she left.
New Oa, soon after.
“Goodbye, nephew. I wish you well.” Warlord Zoldar addressed the assassin.
Kolar walked away from the compound followed by a Shantar officer. The officer pointed to the sky. A ship appeared to grow until it landed not far from them. Hal Jordan stepped out and motioned for him and his companion join him as they entered the Guardians’ compound.
After back-briefing Corps Command and making an adjustment to the GLE route, Hal met privately with Guardian Ganthet.
“Master, we have been compromised. No one but the Green Lantern Corps knows that route. No one, unless our systems have been infiltrated.”
“I agree.” Ganthet nodded. “How peculiar that the attack was not closer to the Lair. It may have been a coincidence. The Kayzik may have stumbled on the route. Still, we will investigate.”
Ganthet looked over towards Bruce Wayne’s small group.
“Your team did well today. If you choose to continue to work with them, you have our permission.” Ganthet smiled. “One thing we have recently learned is to not turn down worthy allies. Although, this team may keep you more busy than you would desire.”
Hal smiled.
“Thank you, Master. We’ll do what we can.” Hal bowed to the Guardian. Then he walked back towards the small group and motioned towards the ship.
“It’s time to go home.” Then, a ship destined for Earth rose above the planet and vanished into Hyperspace.
Sentinel’s Lair, Oracle console, Several hours later
Selina listened attentively as the group that came back filled her in on the battle and their trip to New Oa.
“…And we got to meet one of the Guardians!” Kevin exclaimed.
“Yes you’ve told me pretty much everything, I think.” Selina informed. “So, do you guys think you work together well?”
“I do,” Kitty said, “When we each contribute our power in ways we didn’t think of on our own, I think we can do pretty much anything!” Kitty thought for a moment, “and I really like working with people again.”
“Same here,” Kevin added.
“Bruce?” She prodded.
“It was more pleasurable than pulling teeth,” he confessed, half serious.
“And how did you two enjoy your first adventure off planet?” She asked Cain and Logan.
“That was as much fun as anything I’ve ever done in my life,” Cain admitted, smiling.
“I’ll drink to that!” Logan said. “Speaking of which, got any beer around here?”
“Maybe,” Selina smiled, “Check with Chilly.”
The two Australians wondered off to find the chef. Not to be left out, Donna caught up with them.
Selina turned to Bruce as the others departed.
“So Bruce, have you settled on a name for your team?”
“No, but I’ve been thinking about it.” Bruce looked up, “Nothing is standing out. I thought about names of other teams and groups like Team Sentinel, which make sense since he is more central to that team, but no one is truly central in ours. Individually we’re not as affective as we are as a team. And Birds of Prey, well, that’s taken,” he smiled.
“Bruce, your team reminds me of a combination of light infantry and special operations. Special Operations were trained to perform rescue operations, and covert missions of espionage. But they worked together, they had to, they just men after all. They fought for their country, for those who couldn’t fight; and they fought to win. What do you fight for?”
“I get it, we fight for our planet, those on the planet but we take the fight to the Kayzik…and we fight to win back our freedom!” Bruce stopped, in thought for a moment, “Freedom: so many people have forgotten or never experienced what it means to be free. Hell, I don’t even know! I’ve been fighting too damn long! No more waiting for the battle—we’ll take the battle to the Kayzik!” Ranting, Bruce hadn’t noticed the small crowd that had formed behind him until Logan and Cain clinked their beer mugs together.
“I’ll drink ta that!” Logan drawled before bottoming up.
“To the freedom force!” Cain added before following suit.
Bruce, already facing them, rose from his seat but found himself speechless.
“So much for alcohol killing brain cells,” Selina quipped lightly, “I think we have a name!”
“Freedom Force…” Bruce marveled, “Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Alcohol doesn’t improve the senses, it’s true,” Logan said to the bottom of his beer mug, “but sometimes it helps.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Cain said, holding up an empty mug, “just as soon as I get a refill.” Turning toward the kitchen he again widened the doorway a bit more as he squeezed through.
“Ya know,” Selina remarked, “with him and Kilowog around here, we may as well just not fix it any more.”
“It’s really no problem either way,” Hal said, willing the broken pieces back into place. “Now I think I might join them,” Hal said walking through the now whole doorway following the trail of gypsum dust all the way to the kitchen.
End Freedom Force Chapter 2: The Commissioning
Stay tuned for Chapter 3, coming soon!
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-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2004 by AVfan & Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Multiverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors and their associated universes, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network
-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions