Alterverse: The Sentinel War

Book 2, Chapter 6: Freedom Force, Part 1:

The Gathering


Alterverse: The Sentinel War

© The Elves of Alterverse (starring AVfan!)

Freedom Force Part 1: The Gathering


Above Nafva, before the battle

The Shantar vessel hurtled toward the planet’s surface.

The Shantar pilot helplessly realized his controls were not responding. Frantically, he pressed buttons.  Finally, the ship jolted then began to slow down. 

The pilot paused.  “Captain, that wasn’t me.  It appears an escape pod was just launched and the ship seems to be controlled by the pod.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sir, the ship is on autopilot.  And I’m locked out.”  He paused for a moment as gas began pouring from the ventilation shafts.  “We’ve been sabotaged!”

Two seconds later, the crew succumbed to unconsciousness.


An escape pod, on the other side of Nafva

In a quickly-decaying orbit, the pod plunged swiftly down, crash landing in an empty field.

One Shantar form stumbled from the wreck, carrying another.  The unconscious Shantar wore the unique armor of an Assassin.  His companion appeared to be a Shantar engineer.

The engineer carried his burden to a cave.


Inside the Shantar ship, after the battle

“They couldn’t have gone far,” Koriand’r pondered, “not in that engineless craft.”

“Good point.”  Hal concurred.  “They must be somewhere nearby.  All we have to do is to find the pod.”

“Sounds reasonable.”  She replied.

“Astra saw something funny on the way here.  Mind if she takes a look?”  Hallie asked with sudden curiosity.

“Of course. You can…”  Kori replied.

Before Kori could finish, Astra vanished.


The astral plane

As Hallie zipped across the surface, she spotted the odd craft she had seen earlier.  Noting footprints in the soil, she followed them.  Losing their tracks, she spotted the entry to a nearby cave.  Astra phased through the walls.

Bingo.  Sleeping like babies…Fitfully.

Then she stopped, stunned. One of them, the ‘engineer’, had taken on a bluish skin tone.  No mistake, this was not a full-blooded Shantar.  There was something very different about him; something she couldn’t quite put a finger on.

What do I do now?  She wondered.  Let the old man decide, that’s what.

She materialized, and then carefully used her Star Sapphire powers to pick them up and fly them back over the planet.

She sighed, “Never thought I’d say this: Thank you, Lannie.”


Earth, Sentinel’s Lair, Bruce and Selina Wayne’s Quarters

Bruce sat on the edge of the bed, contemplating the extraordinary turn of events that had followed his introduction to the Sentinel and the Lair crew.  He recalled how, in his madness, he had used his Bat robot to try to kill every Kayzik in the world.

“What a waste of time that was,” he muttered to himself, “I just wish there were a way, a way I could surgically strike against the Kayzik.  I need to make a difference, one that would have a low cost to us, yet a high cost to our enemies.”

“Talking to yourself again, Bruce?”  He heard Selina Kyle’s voice in the doorway.

“Selina, I didn’t hear you open the door.”  He said.

“Oh, don’t mind me.”  She responded casually.

“You’re about the only person I don’t mind.”  He returned with a smile.

“What’s on your mind?”  She asked.

“Oh, how much time and energy I wasted fighting the Kayzik with my Bat robot, instead of spending it with you and Helena.”  He lamented.

She sighed.  “You always were one to tilt at windmills, Bruce.  True, you’ve always been more determined than me since…since the Kayzik destroyed your family.  But Ares’ spell had your mind gripped tighter than a drum and you know it.”  She tried to console him.  “So, that wasn’t exactly your fault; not really.”

“Yes,” Bruce sighed regretfully, “but had it not been for my maniacal, obsessive hatred for the Kayzik, he might not have gotten that foothold in the first place.”

“Maybe.  But the critical part is that Kent and Alan did help you to find yourself and that’s what’s important to your family now.”  She could see that he was listening intently.

“True,” He replied, “they eliminated Ares’ spell.  The madness has been replaced by an only slightly saner approach to the same problem.”  He smiled slightly.  “But it has helped me to get my priorities straight.”

“That’s good to hear.”  She smiled.  “But Kira gave you quite a gift when she gave you her ship.  You may actually be able to do more than just annoy the Kayzik with a weapon like that.”

“I just don’t want to abandon you and Helena again; not when I just got you back.”

“Bruce, I promise to back you fully on whatever path you choose to tread; but if you have to choose one, pick a reasonable goal.  I, for instance, have settled on the goal of protecting Earth: a small, achievable goal.”  She winked.

He rolled his eyes and then nodded.  “You’re right,” He conceded, “But where do I start?”

“I don’t know Bruce, and I don’t know what to say except that opportunity only knocks once.  So when it does, jump on it like your life depends on it; because, in a way, it does.”

“My life isn’t as important to me as yours or Helena’s is; but I do want to watch her grow up.”

“You don’t know how much it means to me to hear you say that, Bruce.  I’ve missed that part of you so much.  Knowing that you care for our safety, it’s so important for both of us.”  She laid her hands on his shoulders and rested her head on his.

They heard a knock at the door, followed by their daughter’s voice.  The door opened.

“Mom?”  Helena asked.  “Is everything ok?”

“It is now, Honey.”  Selina smiled.  “It is now.”


Above Smallville, Kansas


A blazing streak of white, red, and blue signaled the return of the sole survivor of Krypton’s explosion.

“Mommy!”  Kal spotted her quickly and flew outside to greet her. “Mommy you’re back!”  He flew into her arms.

“Kal!  Oh, Baby, I missed you!”  Lyla cradled her son against her chest. 

After chatting with him for several minutes, a thought struck her.  “Have you seen the Prydes or Xavier recently?”

“No Mommy.”  He admitted.

“Odd.”  She noted.  “They seem to have been shutting us out lately.  Perhaps I should pay them a visit: after you tell me everything that you’ve been up to while I’ve been gone.”  She grinned.  “So how’s Krypto?”

“Krypto?”  Kal grinned.  “You’ll never believe what he did!  This nasty Kayzik got too close to the farm and Krypto…”

She listened with rapt attention and a smile.



Nafva, the Shantar ship


Hal combed the ship for clues to the ship’s odd behavior.  Any and all evidence pointed to his first hypothesis:

“The ship reeks of J’Dinn sabotage.”  Hal stated firmly.

Kori, a bit startled, replied, “But something doesn’t quite click.”

Hal looked up, “No, it doesn’t fit the pattern.  The ship is still in one piece and the crew is intact.  Well, almost.”

“Let’s take it again in order; what usually happens in a J’Dinn sabotage?” She asked.

He gave the answer she expected.  “The saboteur usually comes aboard as a crew member, and either blows up the ship or delivers it to the Kayzik.  Usually.  But not in this case.  This can of tuna was delivered without a can opener.””

“And the saboteur and an assassin wander off together.”  Kori shrugged.  “Very odd.”

“True,” Hal replied, “But the only reason the result isn’t the same is that we took out the Kayzik before the ship landed.”

A slight thud outside drew their attention to Astra’s return.

“Sounds like she brought presents.”  Kori noted, rising to her feet and flying back out the open hatch.  Hal closed it behind him.

“Nice catch.” She said quietly, landing next to the reviving captives.

Quickly realizing his true coloring was showing, the J’Dinn shifted back to a Shantar form.

“What is your name?” Kori demanded when he was awake.

“I am but a poor, nameless Shantar engineer.” He answered sarcastically.

“Just tell me or else...”  She warned as an energy construct sword appeared in her hand.

“Or else what?”

She kicked him, hard.

Angrily he rose to his feet, drew a dagger, and yelled, “No one assaults Faleex, the…”

“…loser.”  Hallie snarled behind him as she used her powers to snatch the weapon from him.

Startled, he spun around and stepped back, right into Kori.  She spun him around and picked him up by the neck.  “Talk!!”  She demanded.

“Umm, Kori, maybe it’d be easier for him to talk if you weren’t grabbing him by the throat.”  Hal suggested.  “I’m just saying...he won’t get far if he runs.”

“Alright.”  She set him down.  “Now, why did you put the ship in cold storage just to run off with… him?”  She asked, pointing to Kolar, who was just regaining consciousness.

“Because,” Faleex began, still rubbing his neck, “I have a few issues to work out with dear old Dad.”

“Cut the bull...”  Kori started.  Then she noticed Kolar looking at him strangely.  “What you believe him?”

“Skymania?” Kolar asked.  “Your mother was Skymania?  But, she was not…”

“Give the old man a cigar!”  Faleex smirked.  “I’m surprised you remembered.”

“So, why your genteel treatment of the Shantar?  Kori shot back, irritated.

“I’m tired of fighting on the wrong side in this battle.”  He sighed.  “The J’Dinn are idiots if they think that siding with the Kayzik means they’ll eventually inherit the universe.  On one of my first spy missions I was sent to a planet called Terra.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”  He glared at Hal viciously.  

“In my very brief study of the history and literature I came across a fable.  It had an interesting parallel to the situation with the J’Dinn and the Kayzik: the turtle and the scorpion.  Are you familiar with it?”  He asked Hal.

 “Vaguely. Why don’t you refresh my memory.” Hal suggested.

“Well,” Faleex began, “the scorpion asked the turtle to give him a ride across the river. When the turtle did so, the scorpion returned his kindness by stinging him.  The turtle asked the scorpion why he did it, and the scorpion replied, ‘it is my nature’.”

“Fascinating! What’s your point?”  Kori interjected sarcastically, impatience oozing from her words.  

“My point is, I realized that while the J’Dinn may think they don’t have enough life force to interest the Kayzik; that only holds true as long as there are alternative sources of life forces out there.  Once the rest of the universe is barren of life, the Kayzik will, by nature, turn to the only source of life force left… the J’Dinn.  And, while the J’Dinn are genetically immune to Glamour; there is more than one way to extract life forces.”

“I believe I’m beginning to see your point.”  Hal conceded. “There is however one more question I must ask: why have you continued to serve the Kayzik since your… revelation?  You surely realize that serving the Kayzik is only speeding up the day of destruction for your own people.”

“My people?!”  He sneered.  “I am a bastard hybrid.  I have no people.  But I do not choose to end my existence.  And I admit curiosity about the other side—I have always wanted to meet Dear Old Dad.”

Hal chuckled.  “Much more than idle curiosity, it appears.  You sealed your own death warrant when you programmed this ship to land safely.”

“Perhaps.”  Faleex noted.  “Perhaps not.  But we’ll never know, will we?”

“You assume too much.”  Hal replied.

“Even so.”  Kolar interrupted.  “This is High Command’s duty to sort out—not that of the Green Lantern Corps.”

“Agreed”  Hal replied.  Still, if the creature is half J’Dinn, it could be very useful…if it could be trusted.

“We’ve done what we came to do.”  Kori noted.  “And Faleex?  If we’re not happy with you, we’ll find a Necromancer to hand you to.  If you have half your father’s soul, I’m sure it would be quite interested.  A lovely snack!”  She sneered.  “Next stop, New Oa.”

 She spoke into her ring.  “Sector Command, this is Green Lantern.  We are leaving your planet.”

They heard the response.  “Aye, Ma’am and ‘Thank you’ for everything.”

“Astra will meet you there.”  Hallie said as she disappeared.

The Nafva settlers were treated to the emerald plume of the Green Lanterns disappearing into the pink sky.


Roane County, Tennessee, the Kosmic Cave, Some time later


Kitty Pryde looked over at her brother.

“Ya know, Kev,” Kitty commented, “it just doesn’t feel right to spend most of our time hiding out in this cave.  I mean, how does that help anybody anyway?”

“Kitty, you’re right, we should help,” Kevin Pryde surprised her by saying, “I just don’t know of a productive way to do that without working alongside other people.”

“The Resistance?”  Kitty suggested.

“We have helped Alexander Luthor and the Resistance,” Kevin pointed out, “but I’ve never felt we were really wanted there, that they just tolerated us, and I don’t like that.”

“That’s not the only Resistance you know. And what about the Sentinel’s team, we worked well with them.” She reminded him.

“True, but that was before I understood how badly I had botched things between Kira and me.”  He replied.

“Poor Kevin.  Even with a god’s help, he still can’t keep a girlfriend.”  Kitty asked, holding back a giggle.

“Cute girl.  I just wish that she weren’t Lyla’s daughter—too much like my own sister, even if I didn’t grow up with her!” He replied good-humoredly.

“Yeah, well, not exactly.  We’re really the outsiders here.  Just ‘cuz Lyla raised us, and rescued Charles, doesn’t mean we’re family.  Not really.”  She returned with a thoughtful grin.

“So?  Doesn’t make it any less awkward.”  He replied.

Before she could say something else, they heard a voice in their thoughts.

“Kevin, Katherine, this is Charles.”

“What is it, Charles?”  Kitty thought back.

“Lyla has just visited me; she would like to see you two for Dinner.  She asks that you meet her outside resistance headquarters.” He telepathically replied.

“Tell her we’ll be there.”  Kevin thought back.  He looked at Kitty. She looked away.

“Not really family, you say?”  He said quietly.


Yosemite Valley

Logan sat with Donna in a grassy meadow.

“I’ll say this Darlin’, you can sure pick a spot with a view.”

She smiled.  He leaned forward and grinned at her.  She returned his smile, but then recalled an unpleasant question.

“Dad, we’ve just heard from Artemis.  The Chyrran resistance is being endangered by a cretin they’ve taken to calling Juggernaut.”

Logan’s eyes narrowed.  “I wonder.  It sounds like someone I used to know.  A Cain Marko.”

“Friend or Foe?”  Donna asked.  “Either way, the Birds of Prey are going to have to fix his little red wagon.”

Logan reflected.  “Only met him a few times.  The last time, I was hunting in a thick jungle…


Australia, a densely forested area several miles inland from the eastern coast

A short, hairy man crept slowly through the underbrush. He stopped for a moment: sniffing the air, his brow furrowed.  Opening himself up to his senses, a slight smile crept across his lips.  Suddenly he whipped around; metal claws protruded from between his knuckles and came within an inch of a man’s forehead.

“Marko,” He spoke seriously, “you should know better than to sneak up on me like that.  I could have killed you.”

“Logan,” the other responded, dryly amused, “I know that, but I’ve been following you for fifty meters now.  And I could have killed you too. But that’s not what I really want.”  He smiled down at his handheld blaster.

“Where did you get that?” Logan asked, curious.

“Ripped it off of the Resistance. But no worries for them, mate. There’s plenty more where this came from.”

“Never mind, what do you want, Cain?”

“I need your help.”  He looked questioningly at Logan.  “Where is the Temple of Cyttorak?”

“What makes you think I would know where it was?”  Logan asked.  “Only the elders are allowed to go there.”

“Do you honestly expect me to believe that someone with your level of sensory perception couldn’t pick up the trail?  I’m not as stupid as you look.”  He answered wryly.

“Look Marko, I don’t know what you’re up to and I’ve never been there.”

“But you do know where it is, don’t you.”  Cain grinned.  He wasn’t the smartest person alive, but Logan’s belligerent look told him that he had done right to follow his instincts.

Logan shrugged.

“I’ll take you to the cave if that’s what you want, but that’s it; I’m not goin’ in.  Of course, there’s no opening anymore, anyway.”  Logan warned.

“Fine, no worries, mate,” Cain responded, “You don’t owe me anything; not after you saved me from that Necromancer. But I’ll make it up to you somehow.”

Logan grinned.  “You bet your ass I don’t owe you, but friends don’t keep score.”

“Come on,” Cain smiled, “Let’s catch dinnah first.”


Australia, two hundred yards away from a sealed cave entrance

Logan and Cain stopped and crouched in the bushes. A commotion ahead alerted them to the threat.

“Kayzik!” Logan looked on in shock. “What the hell are they doing here!?”

“What?!” Cain grabbed his binoculars of his belt clip.  Looking on with evident shock, he through for a moment, then swore.  “Damn! The Gem!  They must have detected it.  The Gem of Cyttorak has great Mystical power!  Oh, if the Kayzik get their bloody hands on that… Damn!”

Spotting several slaughtered aborigines on the ground, Logan recognized more than one.  He felt sick, then resolve.  “Cain, I’m about to cause a distraction.  Make the most of it.”  Suddenly he jumped from his hiding spot, claws extended, screaming.  “I’ll teach you to mess with me and mine, you alien assholes!!”

As Logan flew into the fray, Cain thought about his next moves.  OK, the Gem, you hold em off, mate, I’ll get the Gem.  He began slinking through the underbrush towards the sealed mouth of the cave.  Thanks for running interference mate, but if that text about the gem is true, you won’t be fighting alone for long.  He reached for his blaster as continued to glance at Logan who was still easily holding his own.


Logan slashed his way through demon after demon.  He looked over at where Cain had taken his blaster to the cave wall.  One demon came up behind him and sliced into his side only to be instantly stopped by his Adamantium lined ribcage.  Logan moved to relieve the creature of its head only to have his attack successfully parried by the creature’s large sword.  What the hell?  He thought.  He tried several more times, only to have each of his attacks deflected.  What could be stronger than my claws?  I thought my claws could cut anything.  Guess not.  Several other demons came behind him; realizing the threat, he jumped up 15 feet straight into the air.  Then looking down, where several swords were pointed in his direction, rotating his body, he swung his claws into the threatening blades.  As they fell to pieces on the ground, he riposted the maneuver by removing each of their heads with a swipe from his claws.


Several yards away

Almost there.  Cain thought to himself as one blast after another tore into the wall.  Finally, a tiny beam of red light shot through an ever widening hole in the wall.

“Almost there.”  He said audibly this time.

The hole now large enough to crawl through, Cain pulled himself through and into the crimson cavern.

Wow! He moved toward the glowing red gem in the center of the room.  So it is true!

He read the inscription:

“Whosoever touches this Gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and shall become an Unstoppable Juggernaut.”

He reached toward the Gem.



Logan moved away from the blade that seemed to be of equal strength to his claws.

Moving to attack again the demon swordsman slashed into the side of Logan’s right knee, dislocating it.  Logan fell hard.  On his way, he slashed into the demon’s leg, but not enough to sever it or stop the creature.  The demon attacked again, this time hitting Logan’s elbow, forcing it out of joint.

Logan writhed in pain, but before the demon could attack again, an extremely large creature burst through the mountain side.  Looking around, it moved over to where Logan was collapsed next to the demon.  The demon whirled around just in time to see an incredibly muscular creature pound it into the ground with its fist.

“Ah you alright, Logan?”  Juggernaut asked.

Logan looked up in surprise, but answered.  “I will be in a few minutes.”  He said, strain evident in his voice.

Looking around Cain remarked. “Nice job, mostly.  Looks like you got your bloody ass kicked.”  He looked around at the carnage.  “It seems you held your own pretty well, kudos, but it’s a good thing I showed up when I did.”

“I was doing alright.”  Logan strained to speak.

“Right, but hey I told you I’d make it up to you for saving my life.”

Logan smiled in spite of himself, and then strained, “I thought I told you…friends don’t keep score.”

“Either way, we’re even.”  Cain picked him up.  “Now, how about I get you to the Resistance for med care?”

“No need, remember? I’ll be alright in a couple of minutes.”

Cain turned and picked up the demon’s sword.  “Bettah take this with me.  Well then, see ya around, mate.”


Present Day—Yosemite Valley

“And that was the last I’ve seen of him.”  Logan finished the story.

“Blooming idiot, sounds to me.”  Donna cursed.  “He’s been bouncing around Sydney recently.  He’s taken to disrupting our raids of the Kayzik.  Several of our operatives have been killed because he’s disrupting our missions.  Dad, we have to take him out.”

“Take him out?”  Logan replied with shock.  “Gimme a chance and I’ll find a way to get through to him.”

Donna felt the emotion behind Logan’s request.

“Donna, you ain’t a killer.  Not when there’s an alternative.”

Donna sighed.  She tapped her comms.  “Kira, this is Donna.  I need a favor.”  She covered her comms device.  “I really should know better than to do this…”


The Resistance Headquarters

Kevin slowly descended before setting Kitty down gently and walking into the woods which hid the entrance of the cave from the unblinking eye of the Kayzik satellites.  As they neared the cave entrance, both felt the nearly, and to most completely, imperceptible touch on their minds, like a fleeting thought, indicating that Charles Xavier was telepathically aware of their presence.

They stopped. Moments later, the world’s most powerful telepath, and the woman who raised them, emerged from the cave. A round of greetings lead to goodbyes as Lyla and her friends took off for dinner.


Sydney, Australia


A huge creature thundered through the streets in the ruins of a once great city. Now all that was left were the bombed out shells of buildings. Much of the city however had been rebuilt... in a far different way for a very different purpose.

Alien architecture had overrun the city. Indeed there was no hiding the fact that the once great city had become a thriving stronghold for the Kayzik.  J’Dinn transport vehicles set down along the various structures.

The creature altered its course as it began to plow through the shuttles and then straight through the building with no added effort.  He then stopped and looked back at his path of destruction.  There was no hiding his pleasure.  With a predatory grin he returned sights to the rest of the city.  Before this day was out the rest of the city would no doubt be leveled in the same fashion.  Defiantly the creature dared this race of soulless Kayzik scum to stop him: knowing full well that there was not a force on this planet, well, continent at least, that could: for he was the Unstoppable Juggernaut.


Approaching Sydney, Late morning





The Birds of Prey heard the noise from far above.  “You’re approaching his last reported location.”  Selina Wayne spoke over their comms devices.”

“Thanks for the warning.”  Kira noted.  She watched Iris Grayson speed through the forest below her.

“Thanks for the lift!”  Donna dropped from Kira’s grip and flew towards the commotion with Logan.

“Likewise.”  The Hawks separated from Kira.  Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson flew towards the commotion.

“Birds leader to team.  Let’s try reasoning before we execute plan ‘alpha’.”

“You reason with him.”  Iris growled.  “After I give him a super-speed bath in the Pacific Ocean.” 

Kira watched her speed towards the Juggernaut.  Just as quickly, a red streak crossed from the ocean onto dry land.  In half an instant it caught Iris and drove her off course.

“Kira!”  Iris fussed.  “You cheated!”

“Merely…evened the odds.  Welcome, Jay!  Lovely day for a run?”

“Can’t spend too much time with the progeny.”  The Flash answered with a smile.  “My grandkids keep the old bones moving.”

“Jay Garrick.”  Kira laughed.  “You’re only 23 years old.”

“Oh yeah.”  Jay chuckled.  “Now I remember!  It’s just that keeping up with Iris makes me FEEL old.”  (Elf note: Alterverse, Book One.  Funeral for a Friend.  The Shazam Lightning imprisoned him in stasis for 65 years.)

“Pffftht.”  Iris replied.  “Old fart.”  She chuckled.

“Starlight to leader.”  Donna announced.  “We found him.”

Kira scanned the situation with her telescopic vision.  Logan attempted to reason with Juggernaut with little success.

“Cain, ya can’t keep doin’ this!”  Logan cajoled.  “You’re endangering the Resistance.  And someday you will run against something even you can’t get through.”

“Don’t make me laugh.”  Cain snarled.  “I ain’t got no time for you, Logan.  I’m leaving.  Got crunchy critters to kill.”

Kira landed.  “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Sure I am.”  Cain secured his helmet and charged her at full speed.  The impact sent Kira reeling, but stopped Cain dead in his tracks, his helmet flying off and through the air, and his limbs numbed by the collision.

Not that he had time to react.

As Juggernaut, Cain Marko was fast, but the Flashes and Starlight were far faster.  By the time Kira had a chance to land, Jay and Iris had forced the Juggernaut against the side of a cliff.  Donna approached with a predatory smile.

“Well, well.”  Donna snarled.  “I try to bring my friends home for a quick and peaceful visit and what happens?”  She grabbed his tunic as he fought to regain control of his still-stunned extremities.”

“Donna.”  Kira warned.

“My home.  My rules.”  Donna warned back.  “Now Juggie, let me explain a few things.  You got the best of Supergirl because she wasn’t expecting your charge.  She wasn’t braced.  But the girl can move planets when she wants to.  You’re stunned, she’s not.”

“Ummm.”  Cain felt the feeling return to his limbs.

“Me,” Donna smiled coyly, “I’m just a poor Amazon trying to spend a little time with my dear old Dad.”  She favored Logan with a friendly smile that was anything but.

“Yours?”  Cain sputtered to Logan.

Donna held her right fist a foot from Cain’s throat.  An Adamantium claw creased the skin on the right side of his throat.  Another slowly creased the skin on the left side of his throat.  And a third stopped just short of his Adam’s apple.

“Mine.”  Logan answered grimly.  “I always thought children would be the death o’ me.  But mine might just be the death of you.  And I wouldn’t blame her.  Not when Resistance lives are at stake.”

Kira approached Donna and Cain Marko.

“Mr. Marko.  It’s very simple, really.  We have several options for you.  And if you choose one we like, we’ll let you live.  Option number one…”


End Freedom Force Chapter 1: The Gathering

Stay tuned for Chapter 2: The Commissioning



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-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by AVfan & Eldric

-- and may not be reprinted without permission. 

-- Otherverse and Multiverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors and their associated universes, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are the original creations of Eldric

-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original

-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,

-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author

-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics

-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics

-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are

-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and/or the

-- WB Television Network

-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are

-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions