
Book 2, Chapter 3:

Blood War


Alterverse: The Sentinel War

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 3: Blood War



The Sentinel’s Lair—November 2007

(Editor’s continuity note: this story follows The Inheritors Chapter 14: Breakdown, as well as the preceding chapter of the Sentinel War).

Alan Scott entered the small room Elise Zoldar used as an art studio.  He found her there, painting a soul painting. 

A Shantar with the old gift, Elise had the uncanny knack of capturing a person’s soul on canvas.  Her work under her first married name, Elise Kenzan, hung in the Imperial galleries on the throne world of Nylad. 

Elise had reclaimed her maiden name, Elise Zoldar, after the 1850 death of her husband, Kenzan.  The Kayzik massacred all but a few of the inhabitants of the small, almost forgotten world he and Elise had grown to love.  Kenzan was but one of the millions of casualties. 

Kenzan had been murdered a few short years after their only child had passed away.  His death propelled Elise into the Assassin Corps, which had led her to reclaim her maiden name.  She would not soil her beloved Kenzan’s name with the acts of war an assassin would commit.  (Elf note: Alterverse Book 1: Descent).

Alan watched the master artist at work.  She smiled at him, but continued her painting.  After several moments, she pushed back from the painting and spoke to him.  “I did one of Jade sometime back, but it just isn’t accurate anymore.”

Alan let himself feel the newest painting.  “Sweetheart, this is very different.  It’s not Gaea and it’s not quite the Linda we used to know.  I sense something beyond Linda at work here.”

“Good catch.”  Elise nodded approvingly.  “Faith cheated.”

“Cheated?”  He asked with amusement.

Elise nodded.  “Gaea had damaged Linda’s personality.  Faith didn’t have much to work with so she got clever.  There are pieces of both you and Mary in there, not to mention just a tad of Mama Cat.”

Alan sighed.  “That would make sense—Faith was bonded to both of us and our power sources when she fought Gaea.  How much of Linda is left?”

Elise pointed to the painting.  “Remember the Linda who earned the right to wear the Green Lantern’s ring?  She’s all there.  But the Shirley Temple caricature Gaea fostered was replaced with some real substance.  Linda has a better friend than she knows.”

Alan looked at the painting again.  He puzzled.  Then he smiled.  Then he grinned.  “I see what Faith did.  We didn’t lose any of Linda, not really.  But Faith added a few resources to make up for everything she had to take away.”

He looked at the painting again.  “Hell of a woman.”  He said with respect.

“Which one?”  She asked with amusement.

“All four of you.”  He chuckled and stepped back.  “I’ve got to head for Nylad in a bit.  I need to meet with Shantar Intelligence.  Something is going down that affects Earth.  I’m going to try to get to the bottom of it.  I’ll have to leave soon, but not just yet.”

She smiled and returned to her painting.  He stayed to watch.


The North Pole, Daxam, five hours after the Starchild’s departure

Laurel Gand glanced at the vial of blood Mary Marvel had left with her.  The vial had been a gift to the Sentinel’s team by a Daxamite from another universe who had been cured of their common fatal weakness to lead.  (Elf note: Continuum 3—Alterverse/Dark Earth crossover.)  He had gifted his blood in honor of the Supergirl of Earth in the hopes that the same cure could be applied to her friends and family on the Daxam of this universe.

The difficulty, however, was deciphering exactly what the original genetic code had been and what changes had been applied to the code.  This sounds easy, she noted, but I’m really out of my league on this one.  I need help from the best.  She hacked into three different comms displays in three different medical centers on Daxam.


The Shenandoah MountainsVirginia—two days later

Kilowog prepared to work with a young woman who had been both his pupil and his friend.  The huge Green Lantern looked down at her with trepidation.  “Linda, I need to know how much juice you’ve still got.  You’re going to wind up in space battles some day and I gotta make sure you’re not defenseless.”

Linda smiled mischievously.  “Kilowog, I flew to the Inheritors’ Earth under my own power.  I can call the Portal easily.  I can take care of myself.”  (Elf note: Inheritors, Chapter 14: Legacy of the Bat, Part 5: Breakdown).

The older Green Lantern nodded.  “Den let’s do whot we did before.  I’ll put up a shield and brace it.  You give it your best shot.”

Linda shrugged.  “I really don’t want to do this.”

“Gotta do it!”  Kilowog manifested the shield.  He concentrated with all his might to maintain it.  Linda shook her head with regret.  She walked behind the huge Green Lantern and picked up a walking stick.  She ran up to Kilowog from behind and used the stick to vault into the back of his knee, knocking him off balance.  As he fell, his shield disintegrated. 

Linda commanded green flame to manifest a mattress—Kilowog did not hit the ground hard.  He looked up in rueful amazement.

“That wuddn’t whot I expected.”  He found himself puzzled by her look of amusement.

“Kilowog, raw force isn’t always the answer.”  She smiled gently.  “Why use it when I don’t have to?”

You ain’t the Linda I used ta know.  But that ain’t all bad.  I just gotta know how much to worry.  Kilowog stood up.  “We gotta do dis.”  He regenerated his shields.  “I gotta know how much power you got left.”

“Does it really matter that much?”  Linda asked.  He nodded affirmatively.  She nodded sorrowfully.  With a scowl, she shredded his shields.  The feedback from the blast forced a scream from his lips.

“Kilowog!”  Linda rushed over to him.  He shook off the feedback to stand up.

“You’re stronger dan before.”  He announced.  “Dat wuz a blast.”

“Kilowog,” she replied, “I think it’s more that Gaea no longer manages my power outputs.  I’m still learning how much is enough.”

He smiled wryly.  “I had ta know if ya had da power to defend yerself.  Dat ain’t a problem.  Dat’s still Galaxy Class power, at least.”

“Not bad for a farm girl from Kansas!”  She teased.

Not bad at all.  Kilowog smiled warmly.  You’re really gonna be OK, Kid.

“Come on, big fellow!”  She invited.  “I’ll race you to the Moon!”  Linda rocketed upwards through the atmosphere.

He watched her ascend into the heavens.  Dis is gonna be interesting.  And probably a lot of fun!  Hope da Guardians don’t find out.  He rocketed skyward behind her, careful to avoid the yellow radiation in the atmosphere.


Two hours later—Sentinel’s Lair Infirmary

Kira put her costume back on.  She stood before Dr. Jenna.  “Well?”

“Kira,” he answered, “I’ve looked at your DNA.  It’s shifting somewhat, almost as if its adapting to something.  I just can’t say what.  I don’t think it’s harmful, though.”

Kira scowled.  “How can you say that?”

The Shantar doctor laughed.  “You’re Lyla’s daughter.  Her DNA has an adaptive function.  But I think it’s even simpler than that.  I think you’ve begun to manifest more of your mother’s strength.  Your repeated exposures to red sun rays combined with exposures to yellow sunlight have triggered the reaction.  Think of it as a final trophy from your Dark Earth adventures.”

“On the whole,” Kira quipped, “I would rather have taken Kara’s daughters on one of the Scott family picnics.”

“There is that.”  He chuckled.


Twenty minutes later—New Oa—Warlord Zoldar’s Office

Zoldar reviewed the latest intelligence offerings.  The Clendori Shantar have become active again.  They’ve lain low since Jade discredited Senator Tarnet at the Imperial Senate.  But now they’ve shown the gall to take out a contract on her.  After the disaster at the Dalran Cloud, they must assume Linda is defenseless.  The one thing they don’t have is the coordinates for Earth.  But given time, they may even discover those.

He sighed as he activated his comms.  “New Oa to Sentinel’s Lair.”  A hologram appeared.  Elise Zoldar stood with Kira Jor-El behind her.  Kira appeared slightly distracted, as if she was observing something far from the Lair. 

He spoke.  “Ladies, I need to make sure you’re aware of a potential threat to the Lair.  This is part of what Alan is hearing on Nalyd.  The Clendori Shantar have become active.  They appear to be targeting Earth and Linda.”

“Just great.”  Elise snorted.  “As of we didn’t have enemies enough.  Any idea how much they know?”

“Not as much as they think they know.”  He smiled.  “They seem to think she’s an easy target.  Speaking of which, what is she up to?”

Kira grinned.  “Kilowog is still recovering from having his shields shredded.  He and Linda are not far from Jupiter, playing catch with asteroids.  She’s doing her best to play fair.”  She chuckled.  “Oops!  She just beaned Kilowog again.  And does she look guilty!”

Elise snickered.  Zoldar laughed before speaking.  “Are Mary, and Lyla still off planet?”

Elise answered.  “Mary and Lyla are following leads to ‘Q’.  The less said about their current location, the better.”

Zoldar nodded.  “Alan’s location is fortuitous.  If the Clendorie do act, he’s in a position to track down their leadership.  And they will act, much to their own regret.”

“Still feeding the ‘powerless Jade’ line to the media, Dad?”  Elise chuckled.

“For the moment.”  He nodded.  “It is easier than explaining the facts and it offers several advantages.  She’s not expected to put in public appearances and Diana strengthens her grip on the role as the Guardians’ ambassador.”

Elise grimaced.  “Of course, the irony is that Linda would now make an exemplary ambassador.”

Zoldar smiled.  “Why daughter!  Hast thou become a biased parent?”

“Just more certain of the facts.”  Elise smiled proudly.  “Do you choose to take issue with my point of view?”

Zoldar laughed.  “I do not argue with Command Assassins.  Especially when I agree with them.  Dad out.”  He noted her warm smile as the hologram faded.

Zoldar spent a few moments reminiscing about his daughter’s life.  Tragedy and Triumph.  And now Triumph once more.  I have many regrets in my life.  Daughter, you are not one of them.

His intercom distracted him.


Daxam—Resistance Medical Labs—twelve hours later

Lanna Terril looked down at the seven test subjects the Resistance had selected for the ‘lead cure’.  She wondered if any of them truly understood what they were risking. 

All seven people lay waiting in their hospital beds.  One old man had been exposed to lead not too many years in the past.  Lanna understood his choice.  His days were almost at an end.  What was his name?  Mondra Lessis?

The remaining six made no sense.  She read the names: Dirk Traga, Lessa Pagar, Tanna Rush, Dann Tharn, Targan Jadar, and Dara Katak.  She was sure each of them had a reason for volunteering, but she thought them all fools.  This is too unproven.  Why do we risk the young?  Because if we do succeed, the results will bring our universe new hope—billions of Galaxy Class Metas who can make a difference.

She began to inject the volunteers.  And they began to scream.


The following morning—Lair cafeteria.

Alanna walked into the cafeteria.  Chilly, the Shantar chef, prepared her usual with a smile.  As she listened to her breakfast cook, Alanna looked across the cafeteria.  She spied Linda chatting with the eight year old Helena Wayne.  The conversation had become quite animated.  Alanna had to chuckle.  I’m glad you haven’t lost Helena’s friendship.

Her breakfast prepared, Alanna walked to sit with Selina Kyle.

“You’ve been having quite a time of it lately.”  Selina remarked.

“It’s taken getting used to.”  Alanna admitted.  “But harder for her.  Imagine losing more than a year’s worth of memories.  I know some of them have come back, but…  Uh oh.”  Alanna watched Iris Grayson approach Linda.

“Hey there!”  Iris sat with Linda and Helena.  “Hey, Helena, I hear your mother calling!”

“I don’t.”  Linda answered crisply.  “I’m worried about you, Iris.  Perhaps you should have your ears examined?  I can make an appointment for you with Dr. Jenna.”

Iris fired a look at Linda that said ‘murder’.  Linda ignored her and smiled at Helena.  “Like I was saying, I’m working on Mom.  I think there are a few mice in the Lair.  And I know a couple of cats that could use a good home.  They’d need some looking after.  Want to help?”

Across the room, Selina smiled.  “Note to self.  Find a few mice in the Lair.  And then bitch royally to Elise.”

Alanna chuckled.  She bit into an omelet.  “Unindicted co-conspirator?”

Helena has been lonely since Krypto left.”  Selina grinned.  “Nice to see that Linda is looking out for her.  You were right.  Linda’s heart usually is in the right place, much to Iris’ dismay!”  Selina laughed as Iris stormed away from Linda and Helena.

“She’ll get over it.”  Alanna smiled.  “But Iris has to know that she can’t run over you before she’ll respect you.  Interesting to watch.”

Selina smirked.  “Not to mention entertaining.  It will give me something to laugh at while I’m trapping field mice.”

Selina laughed at Alanna’s look of disbelief.  “Cousin, if you folks are going to look after my daughter, then it’s in my best interest to ensure your success.  We Kyles have to stick together.”

Alanna grinned.  “I keep forgetting that Lyla is probably the only person I know that I’m not related to.  Oh, wait…for a while there, she looked like Helena, didn’t she?  Rats…I’m even related to the Kryptonians!”  (Elf note:  Alterverse Book 1: The Search for Kal-El, Chapters 2-6).  She crunched on a carrot.  “I wonder if I’m related to Donna Troy.  What did Kira name her?  Starlight?”

Selina chuckled.  “Yes, Starshine.  And with your luck, you probably are related.  She sounds like Faith Scott from the Inheritors’ Earth.  But their Donna Troy sounds more like you.”

Alanna sighed.

Selina nodded.  “One thing I’ll say for this version of Linda.  Hell of a lot stronger survival instinct.”  She smiled.  “I see a lot more of her sister in her.  I like that part of the change.”

Alanna watched Linda walk out with Helena.  “Helena seems unfazed by all of this.”

Selina smiled knowingly.  “Determined little girl.  She decided that if Linda couldn’t remember why she loved her, she’d give her a new bunch of reasons.  She figured that Linda did the hard work the last time.  And Helena doesn’t give up easily.”

“So I’ve noticed.”  Alanna chuckled.  “Poor Kal.  Only eight years old and already spoken for.  Does Lyla know?”

“Mama Krypton knows what she wants to know.”  Selina smiled mysteriously.  “That, and not much more.”

Alanna laughed.  “But this she knows.”

“Yes.”  Selina agreed with a chuckle.


Two Hours later—Command Center

Kira stood by the Oracle console.  “Got it, Alexander.  I’ll get someone on it immediately.  Supergirl out.”

“Iris and Donna?”  Selina asked.

“Iris and Donna.”  Kira confirmed.  “Plus Jeffrey.  I smell a rat.”

Selina coded the calls.  Kira spoke into the comms.  “Guys, this is Kira.  I need you to meet with Alexander’s operatives and check out a little problem.  We’re sending coordinates.”

“Donna and I have them.”  Iris answered back.  “On our way!”

“I’ll meet you there.”  Jeffrey spoke into his comms as he walked past the Oracle console.  A quick greeting to Garja Jenna later, Dr. Fate disappeared.

Selina chuckled.  “So if Iris tries to pull something with Donna, Jeffrey turns her into the fastest frog alive?”

“Something like that.”  Kira agreed.

“Kira?”  Selina queried.

“Yes, Selina?”

“I just wanted you to know that Alexander has been very complimentary about the new Birds of Prey.  And that kind of compliment doesn’t come easy.”

Elise walked over towards them.  “Indeed.  My assassins pass their compliments as well.”

Their comms beeped.  They heard Iris.  “Okay, what do you want us to do with this J’Dinn creep?”

Elise answered.  “First, remember they taste like marinated chicken.  Pull out your spices and ask it which body part it would like to lose first.”

They heard the creature struggle in the background.  Iris snorted.  “Can do!  I’m famished!  Kid Flash out!”

Kira looked at Elise with scorn.  “That’s not how we interrogate.”

Elise smiled.  “They don’t have to do a thing.  They just have to make the creature think they will.”

“Point taken.”  Kira acknowledged.  “This is the one part of the job I really dislike.”

“And well you should.”  Selina agreed.

“There is where we differ.”  Elise disagreed.  “I have no qualms about it.  Not since they killed my first husband.  But our cultures are still very different, and I respect that.”

Kira smiled lightly.  “And I’m the product of three cultures: Daxam, Krypton, and Earth.  I wonder which one guides me today.”

Selina sighed.  “The best of each.  I can’t see it any other way.”

“Flatterer!”  Kira laughed.

“Why, thank you!”  Selina grinned.  “Don’t forget—you promised Donna to tour Paradise Island this afternoon.”

Kira nodded.  “I’m taking a small group.  And speaking of small, Helena would like to go.”  Kira batted her eyelashes.  “So, how about it, Mom?”

Selina laughed.


Above the Lair

Kilowog stood next to the railing above the Lair.  Linda leaned against it.

“Kilowog, as much as I enjoy your company, you don’t have to stay here.  I mean, I appreciate you coming for me, but if there is something else you need to do, then do it.  We’ll be fine here.  Hal Jordan will come back soon.”

“Linda.”  Kilowog spoke formally.  “You hold da Order of Oa.” (Elf note:  the Order of Oa, Chapter 1).

“I remember.”  She replied with certainty.  “And I remember why I did what I did.  I don’t regret it, but I’d sure look for a better way the next time.”

He nodded.  “See, we’re all trying to make sense of what was Linda and what wasn’t.  But dat was pure Linda’s guts.  And dat’s what makes it matter.”

“I don’t get it.”  She puzzled.

He sighed.  “It’s dis way.  Linda, you’re a member of da Corps.  Because ya hold da Order, ya can’t not be a member of da Corps.  And we got a responsibility for you.”

“Jade is gone.”  She answered as the wind blew through her hair.  “She left when Gaea went mad.”

“Jade didn’t earn da Order of Oa.”  Kilowog emphasized.  “You did.  Before Gaea got to ya, ya earned it on yer own.  And no one can ever take dat from youse.”

Linda turned away from Kilowog and looked out into infinity.  Her back was to him, but he knew she was smiling.

“Not even da Guardians demselves can take dat from ya.  Ya were da best.  And ya still are.”  He laid a gigantic hand on her tiny shoulder.  After a moment he picked his hand up and walked back into the Lair.  And ya still are.  He thought with a smile.  Because you’re smarter than before and everything you do shows it.

On top of the mountain, Linda wondered if she heard the sound of a distant thunder.  She sensed something for the first time since Dalran.  In fact, she had not felt this since Gaea had bonded with her.  Linda scowled—she had not expected her psychic gifts to resurface.  She had believed them to be an aspect she had lost at Dalran.  Odd.  Why do I have this particular gift?  And what else has returned to me?  And what does this mean?  I can sense…She noted her thought and tapped her comms.  “Kira, this is Linda.  We’ve been screwed and I don’t know how.  I’ll be down in a few.”

Once more, the thunder washed over her—even more powerfully than the first time.  And its name was Daxam.  She would tell Kira what she knew: which was almost nothing.  As Linda headed inside, she stopped to think of Kilowog.

The Order of Oa.  She smiled to herself.  How did I ever earn something like that?  She shook her head in amazement.  Little Linda Lee Danvers has an intergalactic reputation!  Wow!  I wonder where I’ll be a hundred years from now?  Somewhere.  Somewhere out there!  She envisioned an absurd combination of a tornado, a yellow trail through hyperspace, a scarecrow in a Sentinel costume, a lioness that looked like her sister, a tin man that looked suspiciously like Kilowog, and ruby red slippers on her own feet.  Krypto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.  She laughed. 

I once told Alanna I had hoped we’d spend our lives together traipsing across the universe.  I wonder if she’s still willing?



Kira landed on the shores of Paradise Island with her friends.  Donna led them towards the palace.  Kira watched the ghostly inhabitants vanish as they approached and reappear once they passed.

“Queen Hippolyta must be the one to greet you.”  Donna smiled.  “You’re the heir to a planetary government.”

Kira snorted.  “Without a planet?  Interesting.”

“Tell that to the Oans.”  Donna cracked.

Donna led the small group into the palace.  The Queen stood in the center of the ornately carved throne room.  They approached.  The Queen favored Kira with a glance.  “You must be Kira, the Supergirl of Krypton.  Welcome.”

“I am honored.  Thank you for the invitation.”  Kira bowed slightly.  Interesting.  She’s obviously well informed as to the composition of our party.  Who’s next?  Alanna?  Nope.

“Madam Senator.”  Hippolyta addressed Linda.  “Of Oa.”

“You are most kind.”  Linda answered.  “But I am not sure I have a right to that title.”

A wary look came into Hippolyta’s eyes.  “The girl has held it in the past.  But the woman will hold it in the future.”

Linda bowed graciously.  “Perhaps, your majesty.  Perhaps.  But I am not that woman yet.”  She stood behind Helena.

“You will be.”  Hippolyta answered with conviction.  “You will be.  And while Diana may currently hold the Senate seat, she must soon return to Themyscira.”

She smiled at the small group’s startled expressions.  “The Amazons are formed from the souls of women who died violently or prematurely.  While we of the first contingent of Amazons only exist here and only for a time, there will be others.  They have begun to return from their time in the underworld.”

Donna started.  “But I was never deceased.”

Hippolyta smiled.  “No.  But you are Diana’s replacement as Diana will become mine.  She is now the rightful ruler of this island and those who will come after, not I.”  Hippolyta turned back to Linda.

Linda put her hands on Helena’s shoulders, but looked towards Alanna.  “I would like to introduce my sister, Alanna, my cousin Helena Kyle, and my cousin Iris Grayson.”  She gestured to each of them.  They bowed to the Queen.  She, in turn, nodded to each one.

“Come.”  Queen Hippolyta gestured after the introduction.  “Let us show you what Themyscira has to offer!”

They followed the Queen out of the throne room.


Daxam—Medical Lab

Lanna Terril watched in horror as Mondra Lessis drew a final breath.  She drew a sheet over him.  She said a small prayer for the man.  Preoccupied, she did not hear the footsteps behind her.  She groaned as she lost consciousness.



Donna led Kira towards a small dormitory.  “After I came here, a few other Amazon trainees appeared.  I had much more power than they did, but Diana and I have atypical power levels.”

“Kira, Themyscira must have guards for the Hellmouth.  There are parts of Hell that are only loosely under Hades’ control.  They must not be allowed to erupt here.”

She noted Kira’s frown.  “I’ve met just a few of the newbies.  They were just beginning their training and the Queen did not want their presence known.”

“Why?”  Kira asked.  “They’re all women following in the footsteps of the first set…”  She fired her X-Ray vision towards the dormitory.  She smiled.  “I like.”

“You would!”  Donna teased.  They entered the dormitory.  They found Queen Hippolyta and the rest of their party surrounded by twenty young females.  None were human.


Daxam—North Pole

Laurel Gand listened to the story from the medical lab.  One subject believed dead and six missing.  A small interplanetary shuttle had been stolen.  She wondered if the ancient shuttle still would function.  No Daxamite had left the planet in such a long time that they had no records.



Hippolyta introduced Kira to each of the young women.  The rest of Kira’s group mingled with the newest additions to the Amazon clan.

“Hippolyta?”  Kira inquired.  “I’m curious.  Who are these women, and why were they chosen?”

Hippolyta nodded.  “A very good question.  The first Amazons were the victims of violence on Earth.  This new wave of women all seem to be victims of violent ends.  All of them died violently, but not a one died at the hands of a Kayzik Necromancer.  What is interesting is that all of them appear to have been warriors of some kind.  Hades has stacked the deck.”

Kira smiled.  “From what I can tell, he generally does.  Alan has said that Hades does not lie, but you must understand what he says, and not just from your point of view.”

“Wise words.”  Hippolyta nodded again.  “Hades as we know him is the brother of Zeus.  But there is much more to him.  He is somehow tied to his equivalents throughout the Cosmos.  They are one and the same, yet different.  Even I do not claim to understand.”

Kira watched Alanna speak to one of the young Amazons.  Several others spoke to Donna and Iris.  Still a few more spoke to Linda and Helena.

“They understand their responsibility.”  Hippolyta gestured.  “To defend the Hellmouth.  Most have no close relatives remaining, but that may not be true for the most recently deceased among them.”

Kira nodded with a smile.  She watched the alien Amazons slowly drift towards Helena.  Twenty more mothers for Helena.  I guess when you look at it that way we’re really not so different.

Her comms beeped.  “Kira, this is Selina.  We and the Shantar are receiving a coded distress signal from the Daxam Resistance.”

“Selina, this is Kira.  Are either my mother or Mary anywhere near Daxam?”

“Sorry Kira.”  Selina answered.  “Both out of range.”

Kira cursed.  She watched Linda and Helena chat with a young orange-skinned woman with red hair and huge black eyes.  Kira sensed an unspoken tie between Linda and the woman.  A chill ran up her spine.  Linda sensed her distress and walked over.

“Kira?”  Linda inquired.

“Linda,” she asked with curiosity as she watched the orange-skinned woman, “do you think the Guardians might be willing to loan me a ring?  I need to get to Daxam.  I can survive the gravity, but I need the ring to block out the solar rays so that I can fly in and out.”

Linda shrugged with a smile.  She spoke into her comms.  “Kilowog!  Kira needs to borrow a ring to get to Daxam.”

“De Guardians might not like that.”  Kilowog answered.

“Kilowog?”  The orange-skinned woman whispered so quietly that only Kira could hear.  “Then he survived the massacre at New Oa.  Thank the Gods!”  The orange-skinned woman closed her eyes.

“Do we have anyone else nearby who could survive the gravity?”  Linda asked skeptically.  “Rescue mission, big guy.  And we’ll get the ring back when she’s done.”

“Gimme a sec.”  He answered.  Kira watched the orange-skinned woman recite something.  At the end of her recitation, they heard Kilowog again.  “Here it is, Linda, ready and charged.”

“Thanks, big guy!”  Linda grinned.  “I got it.”  A fully charged ring appeared on Kira’s hand.  “Be careful, or the Guardians will never let us hear the end of it!”

Kira smiled approvingly at Linda.  “I have to be the one to go.  And Alan, Mary, and Mom are already off planet.  That leaves you with Earth.”

“There’s always Kal-El!”  Linda nodded understanding with her tease.  “Kilowog will keep me out of trouble.  He’s afraid I’ll trip and hurt myself again!”

“And Hal is due back in soon.”  Kira smiled.  “I won’t take any longer than I have to.”  Not that I need to rush back.  Earth will be fine.

Kira addressed the orange-skinned woman.  “Shilandra Thane, is it?  How long have you been here?”

“Days.”  Shilandra answered with regret.  “Only days.”

“You died when the Kayzik struck New Oa and took the Central Power Battery.”  Kira deduced.  (Elf note: Alterverse, Book 1: Once a Green Lantern and The Guardian Gambit.)  Linda’s eyebrows rose.

“There were far too many of the Kayzik.”  Shilandra acknowledged with pain.  “They took advantage of our weaknesses.  And we were not equipped for war.”  (Elf note:  a bit more about Shilandra:

Kira nodded.  She looked over towards her friends.  Linda stood behind Helena with her arms around the girl.  Alanna moved to stand behind Linda.

Kira continued, “Alanna Scott was one of the four people who freed New Oa.  Her Grandfather, the Sentinel, led the charge with Mary Marvel and Jeryll of the Corps.”

Shilandra looked hopeful.  “The Guardians and the Battery?  I’ve been told they live, but nothing more.”

Kira smiled gently.  “The Kayzik took the battery to Oa.  They hid the Zamarons and the Guardians on two separate worlds.  We of the Sentinel’s team rescued the Zamarons first and then the Guardians.  After the Sentinel reclaimed the battery, we were able to plan those rescues.”

Kira noted Alanna’s look of pain.

“The Sentinel shut down the battery and removed it?”  Shilandra queried.  Kira noted that Alanna had tightened her grip on her sister.

Alanna’s pain echoed in every word.  “No.  The battery had been shut down before we got there.  A single Green Lantern risked it all without even the power of her ring.  She did it, but at a horrible cost.”

“But…”  Linda protested.

Alanna knelt in front of her sister.  “You never speak of that day, as if it never happened.  But I know what you did and I know what it cost you.  The Central Power Battery was covered in blood—all of it yours.  I saw how little was left of you.  And I’m still amazed that you’re still here.”

“But I was just doing…”  Linda tried to interject.

“Your job.”  Alanna smiled with a fierce pride.  “But it wasn’t an accident.  And you didn’t just happen to do it.  We found the maps in your quarters.  And we looked at the questions you asked the computer.  You didn’t know exactly where the battery was, but you knew the layout of the complex before you left.  No, you won the Order of Oa because you did a job that wasn’t really yours in the first place.  And you did it extremely well.  You did it.  No one else.  And…”

Linda’s eyes filled with pain.  “I remember.  And I remember how much it hurt.  I…”

“Order of Oa?”  Shilandra’s eyes widened in amazement.  “Carried by one so young?”

Kira nodded.  “You and yours did not die in vain.  The Corps lives.  That,” she pointed to Linda, “is part of your future, whether she admits it or not.  Welcome and well met, Green Lantern!  We’re glad you could be with us.”  Kira vanished.

Shilandra watched the Scott sisters with interest.  Order of Oa or no, Kilowog was never one to be impressed by titles.  Like me, he was the sole survivor of his world.  Yet, he sounded so content to be here.  I wonder why?

Iris Grayson noted her confused expression and walked over.  She spoke quietly.  “I know I’m a pompous ass most of the time, but I know how you feel.  They seem so human, so vulnerable, don’t they?  Well, the trick of it is, that’s their greatest strength.  When you deal with the Scott/Batson/Kyle family, you soon realize it’s their humanity that makes them strong.”  She smiled and prepared to walk away as Donna approached.

“And what is your grandmother’s name?”  Donna asked with humor.

“mmbbbnn.”  Iris mumbled.  She ducked sideways as Donna laughed.

“What was that all about?”  Shilandra asked Donna.

“She’s not wrong.”  Donna confirmed.  “But Mary Batson’s only granddaughter does tend to toot her own horn just a bit.”


Nalyd—High Command

Alan Scott walked down the halls of Shantar High Command.  Not for the first time, he wondered just how much armament did surround the planet.  He suspected that if it were not for his green flame, he would fear for his life here.  Counting the monitoring devices, he gave up at 50.

Alan walked up to the entrance to High Command’s secure facility.  He heard a young new Shantar guard.

“Sir, I’ll have to ask you to identify yourself and check your weapons.”

He sighed.  “The Sentinel, formerly the Green Lantern of Earth.”

Alan held his hand palm up.  “Check my weapon?”  A plume of Green Flame fired upwards.  “Yup.  Works just fine!”  He said with a smile.  The young Shantar stared with shock.

“Scaring youngsters, Alan?”  High Warlord Amanda Zalar nodded to the young guard.  “I do seem to have such an unusual family.”

Alan laughed as they walked down the hall.  “Something I learned from my youngest.  Certainly made the point!”

Amanda scowled.  “Speaking of your youngest, the Clendori Shantar have put a quite a bounty on her head.  They think she’s vulnerable now.  And we’ve been hearing that there is quite a bit of interest in the bounty.”

Alan scowled.  “Never good.  But if they’re looking for an easy target, they’re looking in the wrong place.  And if I catch them, they won’t be looking for anything, ever again!”

“But you’ve never answered the question, Alan.”  Amanda asked as they entered her office.  “Has she lost most of her power?”

Alan sighed.  “What is half of infinity?  Or a third of infinity?  I don’t have any way to measure.”

Amanda pondered.  “Not a sitting duck in any case.”

Alan chuckled.  “Let’s just say a very angry green duck.”

Amanda smiled viciously.  “Let’s.  And let us talk of other things.


The outer atmosphere of Daxam

Kira watched the ring of satellites.  It’s been too long since I’ve been home.  I may be Kryptonian, but I grew up on Daxam.  She thought fondly of her adopted family and friends.  I wonder how many of my friends still live.  Father, I miss you so!

Kira watched the rings of satellites circle the planet.  Targan, I’m coming.

She ran her hands through her long blonde hair.  I wonder if my Supergirl costume will be too out-of-line for Daxam’s current fashions. 

She scowled.  Why would I care?  I never did before.  Kira forced her willpower into the ring.  Strangely, it seemed to only partially shield her from the red solar rays.  She aimed for the surface.


Three minutes later

Kira descended rapidly.  Oof.  This shouldn’t be this hard!  It must be the extra gravity.  Careful to avoid the monitoring cameras, Kira landed in the Tylol City Park.  With a smile, she walked up to Deadman’s Dare—a leaden sphere set in the park to remind Daxamites of their weakness to lead.  Feeling nothing, she tapped it and turned around.  I wonder what I have to do to find Targan?  Hope he’ll be pleased to see me!

She walked out of the park and to the diner she knew Targan had enjoyed.  She was unprepared for the reaction inside.

“Wouldja look at that one!  Hey cutie, wanna come home with me?” 

Kira ignored the man.  She walked to the waitress station and found a waitress she recognized.  “Excuse me.  I’m looking for Targan Jadar.”

“Sure you are, Honey.”  The waitress laughed.  She sobered.  “You know, you do look like that young woman he was so fond of.  What was her name?  Kira something.”

Kira felt a flash of anger.  “I should.  I haven’t been gone that long.”

“What kind of an unfeeling cretin are you?”  Another waitress asked.  “Everyone knows the Kayzik had Kiragee killed.  How dare you?”

Kira felt her heat vision prepare to fire.  I wonder how much damage I could do to a Daxamite.  Pity I won’t.  She felt a pull at her elbow.

“Kiragee,” a male voice whispered, “I’m Dannick Kalar.  We must leave.  Your survival is not meant to be common knowledge.”

She let the voice guide her out of the restaurant.  She turned to see a familiar face.

“Kiragee, what are you doing here?”  Dannick demanded.  “You’re in grave danger.  You have no powers here.”

“I used a Guardian’s ring to get here.”  Kira informed him.  “We received a distress signal from Daxam and no other information.”

Dannick walked her back into the park.  “Don’t stay here, Kiragee.  Too many remember you.  You have enemies here and you are a very attractive woman.  Get the hell out of this city.”

“I plan to.”  She answered.  “I was looking for directions.”

“North.”  He whispered.  “That’s all I know.”

He gaped as Kira hurtled skyward.


The solar system of the planet Kajuntar

An unconscious Green Lantern floated in space, protected only by the safety charge of its ring.  Beaten within an inch of its life, the attackers had stolen its ring, used the ring for their purposes, and laughingly returned it to the Green Lantern before dumping the creature into outer space.


An hour later—The North Pole of Daxam

Kira’s telescopic and X-Ray vision combined to locate Laurel Gand’s hideaway.  After taking an indirect route, Kira landed at the doorstep of the fortress. 

She prepared to force her way in.  Using her X-Ray vision, she planned to use heat vision to trip the circuits to open the door.  Damn, my senses are so weak here.  This ring must not be blocking all of the red solar rays.

The door opened suddenly and Kira cautiously walked inside.  The woman her mother knew as Laurel Gand stood inside.  Kira knew the name to be a pseudonym, but prepared to greet her using the name.  Then, Laurel signaled her not to speak.  The Daxamite waved her inside and walked her into a side room.  Laurel held a small device over Kira’s ring and signaled Kira to take it off.  Kira placed it on the table.  Laurel handed her a two-foot long rod and signaled to Kira to bend it.  With a shrug, Kira tied the rod into a knot and put it down.  With a smile, Laurel signaled to Kira to follow her out of the room.  Laurel closed the door with the ring still inside.

“Kira Jor-El.”  Laurel smiled.  “Welcome!  We meet at last.”

“Thank you, I think.”  Kira scowled.  “Why did you have me take off the ring?”

Laurel looked at the door to the other room with concern.  “I had to be sure that the Kayzik didn’t tap it when they depowered it.”

“Depowered it?”  Kira asked.  “I used it to fly under the red sun.  I’ll admit it lost power as I descended, but I never completely…”

“Nope.”  Laurel smiled.  “And that’s why I let you in.  There was only one person you could be.”

“But my mother only gained powers after Jade…”  Kira recalled.

“Took advantage of Lyla’s adaptive DNA to force a partial invulnerability to red suns to the surface.”  Laurel chuckled.  “The same thing has happened to you because you’ve shifted between red and yellow suns too many times.”

“And the rod?”  Kira asked.

“You don’t have your mother’s build, so you are not as strong as she is.”  Laurel noted.  “But Allura was super strong on Krypton.  Strong enough to tie a Xentronium rod into a pretzel.  Damn, I wish I’d met Jor-El!  Brilliant man!  I wonder what else he hid in you, your brother, and the family dog!”



Alan and Amanda stood over a table mapping the Milky Way Galaxy. 

“I agree Alan.”  She mulled over the charts.  “But it’s easier than you think.  If you can free Earth, then I can swing the Empire onto the offensive.  High Command wants the Amrak base, and we’ll teleport from Earth to fight for it.”

“Now the commitment I need,” he added, “is that the Empire will defend the worlds we free along the way.”

“If they are defendable,” the High Warlord answered, “we will defend them.  But before we will, you will have to free them.”

Alan nodded.  “We can work with that.  I think I have the power to do it.  Three Kryptonians, Linda and I, Mary, Diana and now Donna, and Jay and Iris.  And that doesn’t count the Corps or a few other resources I have.”

Amanda’s comms beeped.  “High Warlord, we’ve seen some odd activity around the Clendori satellite world of Kot’arie.  We’ve seen some high-speed approaches and departures.  The closest thing we’ve seen to the depature patterns are those of Commander Lerrol of Krypton and her daughter, Kira Jor-El.”

“Not good.” Alan growled.  “Sentinel to Lair.  What do we know about Daxam?”

“Lair here.”  He heard Selina.  “We’ve got a distress signal from Daxam.  Kira is on planet now.  We haven’t heard back.”

Oh great!  That means Linda is the only powerhouse on planet who can fight a serious space battle.  Well, let’s hope she won’t have to.  But given her luck…  “Lair, this is Sentinel.  Recommend you send either Kilowog or Dr. Fate up to monitor Hyperspace approaches.  Tell Jeffrey he can take Garja up with him!”

“Not Linda?”  Selina asked.

“Definitely not.”  Alan replied firmly.  “Keep her on planet unless they find something.  Then all bets are off.”

“Got it boss.”  Selina answered.  “Lair out.”

Alan looked at Amanda.  “Care for a trip to Kot’arie?  I can show you how to neither win friends nor influence people.  At least not in any way you’d want to teach.”

Amanda growled.  “I would be delighted.”

They vanished.


Daxam—Laurel’s Hideaway

“They what?”  Kira reacted with shock.  “Did they try it on a test animal or a single volunteer first?”

She sat beside a distracted Laurel Gand and looked at a conference display that showed her the medical team.

“It was not that extreme a change.”  An elderly physician countered.  “We ran several computer simulations.  There was nothing to indicate potential problems.”

Kira stared with shock.  “But it was a vial of blood from someone who wasn’t even from this universe.  And all we know is that six people, including my friend Targan, disappeared?”

“Seven.”  The doctor confirmed.  “Although we believe one to be deceased.”

Kira saw a look of anger and sorrow in Laurel’s eyes.  She wondered which of the victims it was for.  Kira sighed.  “I’m sorry for my lack of manners, but I’m concerned for my friend.  This is quite a shock.”

“That is not the worst of it.”  The doctor stated with regret.

“Tell me the rest.”  Kira ordered.

“I will.”  The doctor agreed.  “But I wish I didn’t have to.  Based on the changes in them that we saw before they escaped, we project fatal problems for each of them.  Here, let me explain.”  He projected an image of a block of DNA on the screen.  “Here’s what appears to have gone wrong…”



Linda sat with Shilandra.  A hologram of Kilowog floated in the air before the two of them. 

“But,” Linda asked, “how do you follow an order when you know the order is wrong?”

Shilandra answered gracefully.  “By accepting that if two parties disagree, the other party is not necessarily the one that is incorrect.  Disagreements are normal.  The sign of a healthy relationship is a willingness to work through them.”

“You sound like my Aunt Mary Kent.”  Linda grinned.  “She’s usually right, too.”

“Well,” Shilandra counseled, “problems don’t just disappear.”

Kilowog laughed.  “Linda used to be able to disappear from her problems, dough.”

“Really?”  Shilandra chuckled.  “How?”

“Kind of hard to explain.”  Linda answered.  “I used to have a few abilities that we never found the source for.  First I thought they were demonic in origin, and then I thought they may have been tied to the supercharged life-force I used to have.  But I’ve seen a few traces of those abilities pop up again recently.”  She sighed.  “No wonder I keep having identity crises.” 

Helena ran up to her and hugged her.  Alanna approached from behind.  “On the other hand,” Alanna teased, “consistency produces boredom.”  Not that you’ve ever had to worry about boredom.

Linda chuckled at Alanna’s thought.  “I guess I haven’t.”  Kilowog and Shilandra looked at her with confusion.

Alanna grinned.  “Linda has a touch of the old gift.”  Alanna confirmed.  Faith did something.  But what?

“Ladies,” they heard Selina over their comms, “I’m breaking in.  I have an emergency.  I’m patching in Jeffrey.”

He spoke with urgency.  “Dr. Fate humbly requests assistance.  Six creatures who may be Kryptonians have dropped out of Hyperspace.”

“Alanna, Kilowog, you’re with me.”  Linda looked into the sky as Kilowog launched into space.  She tapped her comms once more.  “Kal, honey, can you look straight up and see Dr. Fate?”

She rocketed skyward with Alanna at her side.

“Linda,” they heard over her comms, “I see three men and three women attacking Dr. Fate.  He’s holding his own, but not real well.”

“Thanks, honey!”  Linda and Alanna drove through the atmosphere.  Kilowog arrived at the battle scene just before them.  He blasted the six with a Kryptonite beam with no effect.  They began to charge him. 

Daxamites!  Linda sent a thought to Alanna and Kilowog.  What are they doing here?  She fired a beam of lead energy at them.  It had no more effect than Kilowog’s kryptonite blast.  Even worse, she had attracted their undivided attention.

“There she is!”  Dirk Traga yelled.  “Kill her, we collect the bounty!”

The six Daxamites charged at the young women at super speed.  Alanna faded to shadow.  She fired dark force at the Daxamites, to no avail.  Then, she broadcast a thought to her sister.  Something is wrong with them.  They’re too far gone for me to affect.

Then it’s up to me.  Linda fired a blast at the Daxamites.  Together, the six of them blasted her with heat vision.  Linda felt her shields begin to fail.  Then instinct took over.  Brown eyes glowed red.


Linda found herself several hundred miles away.  She knew it would be only seconds until the attackers found her.

Alanna!  She broadcast her thoughts to her sister.  I can’t win here.  Combined, they’re too strong.  I’m going to where I’m the most powerful.  Tell Lyla and Kira I’m headed for the brightest light in the darkest sky!  She sensed Alanna’s acknowledgement—and her understanding.

The Daxamites watched with curiosity as Alanna engulfed Kilowog and Dr. Fate with her shadow powers.  The three vanished from real space.

BAMF!  Linda appeared in front of them.  She fired Green Flame at them and accelerated into Hyperspace.  Enraged, the Daxamites followed.


Five minutes later—above the yellow sun world of Kot’arie

Alan dropped out of Hyperspace with Amanda. 

“Look!”  She pointed to a creature approaching from an asteroid belt.  “We’ve attracted attention already!”

Alan used his Green Flame to magnify their view of the approaching creature.  Curious, he strengthened his shields but did not flee.

The creature slowed its approach.  Amanda understood the Sentinel’s gamble—this creature had come to talk.

“Oh, thank the Gods!”  A very bruised, young, dark haired man appeared in front of him.  “A Green Lantern!”

“Can we help?”  Alan asked, while his eyes reflected a curious recognition.

“Yes!”  The young man answered.  “Half a day ago ago, I was an old man dying on Daxam from a scientific experiment.  Then, just a few hours ago, I woke on the floor of a transport not far from the other six people who had taken part in the experiment.  I heard a very confused conversation.”  He shook his head.  “They were cursing some creature named ‘Jade’ who had stolen someone named Kiragee Tennan from one of them.  They believed that the Clendori Shantar could tell them where to find a planet called Earth.  The Clendori did not know where Earth was, but offered a bounty to my former friends to complete the sanction.  They were planning to trap a Green Lantern to tap its ring for the information.”

They saw regret in his eyes.  “I argued and then I fought.  Unfortunately, I was only one and they were invulnerable to pain.  I had no such protection.  As you can probably guess, I’ve just regained consciousness.”

Alan sighed.  “Sentinel to New Oa; patch me through to Corps Command.”

“Corps Command!  Greetings Green Lantern, this is Jeryll.  What can we do for you?”

“Sentinel?”  The Daxamite mouthed.

Amanda nodded.

Alan warned his friend.  “Jeryll, account for your Green Lanterns.  You should find one missing.  Track him down.”  (Elf note: Alan met Jeryll in Book 1, Chapter 4: The Menagerie).

“Aye, sir!”  She acknowledged.  “But Alan, you should be aware that Earth has just been attacked by half a dozen creatures who appear to be Kryptonians.  Kilowog reports they took off after Linda.  She wanted a message passed on to Kira and Lyla, something about the brightest light in the darkest night.”

“That means nothing to me.”  The young Daxamite whispered.

Alan nodded with a smile.  “Good.  Then it won’t mean anything to the other Daxamites, either.”  He spoke into his comms.  “We’re on our way.  Sentinel out.”

“Fair sailing, fellow Green Lantern!”  Jeryll answered.

“Fair sailing to you too, Green Lantern.”  Alan ended the conversation with his former teammate.  “And send my best to the Guardians.”

“We’ll keep trying to contact the Starchild and Supergirl.”  Jeryll acknowledged.  “Command out!”

Alan turned to the young Daxamite.  “Lar Gand or Mon-El?”

The Daxamite frowned.  “I’ve been called both.  My given name is Mondra Lessis.  Lar Gand was a title I held until I suffered lead poisoning.  I understand my young cousin holds the title ‘Laurel Gand’ now.”

“Sentinel?  Amanda asked.  “How did you know?”

Alan sighed.  “I met the man who gave us the vial.  His name is Lar Gand, from another probability.  The serum worked for Mr. Lessis because he is the counterpart to the person for whom it was developed.”  Alan called forth the Green Flame.  “You’re welcome to join us, Mr. Lessis.  But we’re heading back, now!”

“Call me Mon!”  He spoke forcefully.  “And I want to help unravel this mess.”


Above Earth

Kira dropped out of Hyperspace.  It would take her seconds to reach the atmosphere, where she could vocalize into her comms.

Before she could, Alanna appeared in front of Kira and drew her inside a shadow.  “We’ve got a problem.  Half a dozen Daxamites dropped out of Hyperspace and attacked.  Linda drew them away.  She told me she was taking them to the brightest light in darkest night.”

“Good girl!”  Kira almost smiled.  “She picked her battlefield.  Let’s go!”

Alanna nodded.  “Yuckville, here we come!”

Kira felt Alanna return her to real space.  The two of them aimed upwards towards the Great Portal.  Several moments later, they arrived.  As they suspected, the portal was open to the Kayzik/Seltan home universe.  They detected Linda’s signal on the other side and followed.


Twenty minutes later

Kira and Alanna found the Emerald Sun.  The Starheart blazed in the darkness of an empty sector of space.  Above it, a flash of Green held six points of light in stasis.  Engorged with the Starheart’s power, Linda could only reduce, not eliminate, her fire-green glow.

“Now, there’s the Jade we all know and love!”  Alanna smiled proudly.

Kira frowned.  She used her powers to scan the Daxamites and found her worst fears confirmed.  “Linda?  Were they losing power at the end?”

“Maybe so.”  Linda answered.  “Seemed almost too easy to trap them here.”  Her green eyes and skin glowed with power.  “But this is where I’m the strongest.”

Kira nodded slowly.  She flew up to one of the imprisoned Daxamites.  Targan, I am so sorry.  She choked back a tear.  “Let him go.”

Linda complied.

Targan began to rouse.  “Kira!  They have turned you, too!”

Kira scanned his unraveling DNA one last time.  “I’m sorry, Targan; I am so sorry.”

Too quickly to be seen, she reached behind him and snapped his neck.  Before Linda could react, she did the same to the other five.  “Drop the stasis Linda, they were dead before they got here.”

“Kira?”  Alanna asked.  “What have you..?” 

They saw the tears form in Kira’s eyes. 

Unable to reverse the damage, Linda dropped the stasis fields.  Kira claimed a lock of Targan’s hair and then incinerated all six bodies.  She put the lock of hair in her cape pocket and began to sob.  Kira did not even feel the green bubble that gently formed around her and took her home.


Several days later—Daxam, City of Tylol Park

Two young women sat against the Deadman’s Dare lead sphere.

“Mary, he just wanted to see me again.”  Kira leaned forward, placing her head on her knees.

“I’m sorry.”  Mary Batson put her hand on Kira’s shoulder.  “Who would have guessed that the Daxamites had the same problem the Kryptonians did?  In the same time the Kryptonians became attached to their world, Daxamites became attached to theirs.”

“I know.”  Kira sighed.  “The serum cured them of their lead weakness, but it drove them mad and forced them to leave the planet.”

“And as soon as they did, their very DNA unraveled.  What a horrible way to die.”  Mary massaged Kira’s shoulders.  “Both allergic to and bound to their home world.  Poor Mon-L, he can’t come back.”

“Nope.”  Kira sighed.  “But at least he lives.  And where there is life there is hope.”

Mary asked quietly.  “Forgiven Linda yet?”

“No.”  Kira answered.  “She did everything exactly right and I can’t forgive her for it.  She put the situation in cold storage and waited for the experts.  I almost wish for her earlier incarnation.  Gaea would have killed them outright.”

“Responsibility is a bitch.”  Mary answered forcefully.

“Tell me about it.”  Kira closed her eyes.  “Mary, thanks for being my friend.  I don’t think Mother even begins to understand what I feel.”

Mary smiled gently.  “You’re welcome.”  She stayed with Kira, but intruded no more on her thoughts.



Shilandra Thane debated the cruelty of her fate.  The terms of her return had bound her to Themyscira, at least for the near future.  She could not leave Earth to rejoin her beloved Corps.

She heard a noise behind her.  An Amazon she had never met stood at the doorway.  But she knew the woman’s name—Diana.

Diana smiled.  “You’re wanted down by the beach.”  She led Shilandra towards a small crowd.  Shilandra had met most of the crowd before, but she was amazed to see several males floating in the air just off shore.  One she identified immediately as her friend Kilowog.  Another was a grey-haired man in the costume of the Corps, whom she suspected was Hal Jordan.  A third, a blonde-haired man, resembled the Scott sisters—he had to be the Sentinel.  Several female members of the Corps stood on the shore:  Arisia, Katma Tui, and K’rysmma.  And one more.  Shilandra smiled at Alanna Scott and the Shantar woman who floated beside the Sentinel.

K’ryssma held a battery in her hand and beckoned to Shilandra to help her hold it off the ground.  Shilandra understood.  Her friends in the Corps were performing a small ceremony.  They had brought it here, so that she could take part.  Once a Green Lantern, she smiled, never truly alone.

Fully charged by the Starheart, Linda’s skin and hair displayed a healthy green color.  She spoke purposefully.  “I’ve spent the last several weeks trying to put my life together.  I’ve managed to shut out so many of my friends who did not deserve it.  I am sorry.”

She focused on Kilowog.  “But I saw something several days ago that reminded me of who we are, what we stand for, and why we must do what we do.  I have a gift of power, and with that gift comes the responsibility for its use.”

She closed her eyes for a moment.  Oh Kira, I am so sorry!  And I hope that someday you’ll forgive me for what I did not do.  But I didn’t know that you would have to kill them.

“But I have come to realize that of the many things I have been in the last year and a half, I have never been alone.  And that is a gift that you, my family and friends have given me.  I want to return to our Corps family.”

Linda pulled out a small ring.  “This is poor ring has served me so well.”

“She means,” K’ryssma whispered to Shilandra, “She fried most of the power circuits.”

Linda put it on her finger.  She had an almost reverent expression on her face as she placed the ring against the lantern.

“In Brightest Day,

In Blackest Night,

No evil shall escape my sight

Let those who worship evil’s might

Beware my Power,

Green Lantern’s Light.”


Linda spoke into the ring.  “Corps Command, Jade is back in business!”

“Jade,” the ring spoke, “this is Guardian Ganthet.  Welcome back!”

“Thank you!”  Linda answered.

The ring spoke again.  “And Shilandra, we wish you well.  We do not forget the new and dangerous role you have chosen, while forsaking your eternal reward.”

“Thank you.”  The former Green Lantern smiled with a tear in her eye. 

Katma Tui stood in front of her.  Katma opened her hand to reveal a ring.  “Find.”  Katma commanded.  The ring floated in the air and settled on Shilandra Thane’s finger.  “You may not be able to leave the island today, but the ring and battery are yours until you can.  And when the time comes, come join us as we deliver the shared message of peace from both the Corps and the Amazon Nation to the stars!”

Shilandra looked to Hippolyta for her approval.  Hipployta looked to Diana, who smiled warmly.  “We each serve in our own way, Sister.”

Shilandra walked towards the battery.  She held the ring for a second, seeming to draw strength from simply holding it.  Then she repeated her personal version of an Oath as old as creation, but as young as every new moment.

In Brightest Day or Blackest Night,

No evil shall escape my sight

Let those who worship evil’s might

Beware my Power,

Green Lantern’s Light.


End—Chapter Three—The Sentinel War


-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by Eldric

-- and may not be reprinted without permission. 

-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook

-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are the original creations of Eldric

-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,

-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.

-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original

-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,

-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not

-- be used without express permission of the respective author

-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics

-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics

-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are

-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and/or the

-- WB Television Network

-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are

-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions