Alterverse: The Sentinel War
© The
Elves of Alterverse
Chapter 2: Who Is Kara Zor-El?
of Tylol, Daxam – five days following the Birds of Prey Meeting
Targan Jadar walked through the park
alone. He sat down at his favorite bench and looked across the clearing to
the Deadman’s Dare lead sphere. He heard a familiar, but oddly accented
“Yes Mary, this is indeed the same
animal who dreams of putting his mitts on my poor, defenseless daughter.”
Hearing the voice he knew as Krystal,
he turned to face them.
“Mary!” He greeted with
enthusiasm. “You’re well! And Krystal? Kira is your daughter? You look
far too young!”
“On the other hand,” Commander Lyla
Lerrol of Krypton teased, “I suppose she could do a lot worse. Hello, Targan.
No—don’t say anything. We’re glad to see you, too. And, as usual, we need
your help.”
hours later – The North Pole, Daxam
Targan’s contacts had supplied
exactly what they needed. The underground’s premier hacker, Laurel Gand,
had offered her services if they could reach her home. The only
difficulty? She lived at the North Pole of her planet.
Lyla and Mary knew the name to be
a pseudonym. More a title than a name, it identified the woman as the lead
computer technician of her generation.
Lyla and Mary flew into the hidden
entry of Laurel’s hideaway. They heard her computers report back to her. Lyla
scanned the fort with the X-Ray vision that remained to her under a red
“Not taking any chances, is she?”
Mary nodded agreement. “She
shouldn’t. What are you seeing?”
“She’s challenging us.” Lyla
smiled. “If we want to get in, we have to find our own way. Smart woman.”
“And?” Mary inquired.
“Almost there.” Lyla answered as
she precisely triggered her heat vision. The oversized metal door snapped
open. “She’s very suspicious. I had to be extremely careful.” They
“Welcome to my web.” Laurel Gand
welcomed them. “How can I help?”
“Laurel, we seek ‘Q’.” Lyla
answered. “We have need of his assistance.”
“Doesn’t everyone?” Laurel
asked. “But we only have the same files the Shantar have.”
“You have more than that.” Lyla
countered. “You have a full set of all Kryptonian files. Daxam has
historical records that the Shantar don’t. I need to know everything that
is attached to my personal records. I’m betting that ‘Q’ left a clue for
me.” (Elf note: The Search for Kal-El, Chapter 6 - The House of El, for a
refresher on Lyla’s story.)
Laurel laughed. “‘Q’ wasn’t known
for leaving personal messages. But I’ll look.”
For several hours, they scanned
through her personal files. They found nothing out of the ordinary. Mary
tapped her chin.
“You know, I think we’ve missed
the obvious. This man followed your entire life. Why would he have
stopped at the end of your military career?”
“Good point.” Lyla smiled.
“Maybe Kara Zor-El received an interesting fan letter…”
“House of El?” Laurel asked.
“Yes.” Mary answered. “At the
Laurel nodded. “Practically
royalty for that world. Hang on…”
She applied a series of filters
and scanned through the remaining documents.
“This is it.” She said with
absolute certainty. “Has to be. But it will only play for you.”
They read the letter, dated the
hour of the destruction of Krypton.
My dearest Kara,
It pleases me no end that the
House of El has finally taken you in. I have never understood the Kryptonian
rules against recognizing the accidentally gestated children of their
There is a recording waiting
for you in Allura’s records. I believe it will explain everything.
Kara, you are both the true Starchild
and the true scion of the House of El. There are dark forces in the
universe that will seek to destroy you just because of your lineage. I do
not know the reasons. But I believe they are heavily involved in the
coordinated attacks against both Krypton and my world of Colu.
Colu is about to be
conquered. I do not expect my world will be allowed to remain intact after
the invasion. Most likely, we of Colu will be enslaved and separated.
I am a man of logic. But even
I must have something to believe in. I know what will happen to you once
you reach the little world they have chosen for you. I trust that you
will, someday, return to retrieve this message. I truly believe that you
I will stay alive until you
find me. I shall continue to hide my true identity if I can manage it.
For a man of logic, my
personal beliefs could be considered silly. But I believe in the things
that science and your history have already proven. You have never let any
obstacle stop you and you have never let anything break your spirit. And I
have learned this: you are here for a reason. Nothing will prevent you
from fulfilling your destiny. I simply ask to be part of it.
I am not known for my social
skills, so please forgive my bluntness. I believe in you, Kara. You will
find me, and we will work together to free our galaxy of the Kayzik swarm.
This I promise you.
All my love,
‘Q’ - Querl Dox
They stood in silence behind
Laurel Gand. Mary watched Lyla with concern. Lyla seemed lost in
thought. Finally, she spoke.
“And I will find you, ‘Q’. I
promise.” She smiled grimly at Mary. “Coluans are notoriously long
lived. In this universe, they live almost as long as the Shantar. This
may mean that we have to track down the entire Coluan population. But,
we’ll give it a shot.”
“How will you recognize him?” Laurel
“By how he reacts to me.” Lyla
answered. “And I have an idea of what he should look like.”
Laurel went back to work.
“I have Allura’s file. The final
recording attached to it is addressed to you. Are you ready to see it?”
Lyla smiled. “I am now. Please
play it.”
Laurel broadcast a hologram into
the room.
Allura Zor-El appeared. The image
appeared to focus on Lyla.
“Dear Kara, we have given you
everything we could, except the truth. You deserve to know who you truly
are, and why we are more alike than you could ever imagine.”
Allura began to tell her story.
“It began with a tragic accident and two miracles.”
eight years before the destruction of Krypton
Jor-El and Lara played tag in the
old growth forest with several of their friends. Allura watched with the
other parents.
“I don’t know why, Yana, but
something is not right.”
Yana Ro-nar answered with a sigh.
“We’ll keep an extra eye out
today. Who knows? Maybe you have a touch of the old gift.”
Allura scowled.
“Whatever it is won’t let up.”
She cursed. “Something’s really wrong. It may be their third birthday
party, but it ends, now. C’mon, let’s round them up and get out of this
Yana turned to speak. She stopped
when she heard Jor-El scream.
“Mom! Lara fell out of a tree!
She won’t wake up!”
Allura ran.
hours later
The doctor stood in front of Zor-El
and Allura. Zor-El held Jor in his arms. They heard the almost silent
machines inside the adjoining room – the one containing the motionless form
of Lara Zor-El.
Jor-El cried frantically. Dr. Zan-El
finally spoke.
“Zor, there’s nothing I can do.
There is too much damage. We’ve authorized a replacement matrix.”
Allura growled.
“I don’t want a replacement for
Lara. You will not disconnect my daughter’s life support.”
“Allura,” Zan-El answered. “I
know how…”
Sensor alarms tripped in Lara’s
room. Allura raced to her daughter. She watched a brilliant white light
quickly flicker across Lara’s motionless form. It stopped at her neck and
head. Her arms and legs began to move. Lara opened her eyes.
“Mommy? What am I doing here?”
The white light vanished.
seven years later—nine months before the destruction of Krypton
Allura listened to the sound of
the artificially generated rain. It beat against the windows. The dark
sky reflected her mood. She heard the comms beep.
“Open doors.” She instructed.
“End surveillance.”
She walked out onto the covered
balcony. Jor-El found her there. A quick glance between mother and son
confirmed Jor-El’s suspicions.
“You knew.”
“I’ve always known.” She stared
back into the rain. “And I will protect my child, unintentional though she
may have been. Even from you.”
Jor-El’s eye’s widened. “So
that’s why you have always opposed any kind of relationship between us.”
“Yes.” Allura listened to the
rain intensify. She welcomed the distraction. “How did you find out?”
Jor-El bit his lip. “Lyla’s
altered DNA brings us hope. But I decided that I needed to understand the
baseline. So I did what I had to—a full scope analysis on the original
DNA. It has the genetic markings of the House of El. And yours. And it’s
a blend of Lara’s and mine. And Lyla was gestated the day that Lara almost
Allura scowled. “Does Lara know?”
Jor-El’s face filled with pain.
“No. I could not bring myself to tell her. She is still inconsolable.
Ever since Jo-Nar died in the Kayzik attack last month. She is with Ro-Nar
and Yana. Their daughter Kana had to go back to her family this morning.”
Allura nodded. “Jor-El, you know
the rules. If any family were to be allowed to reclaim an accidentally
created matrix as blood kin, our society would crumble. Couples would plan
ways to force the accidental activation of matrices. I am sorely tempted
to reclaim Kara anyway, but I know what the effects would be on this
world. Your father would be removed from his chair. And our government
would disintegrate into anarchy. I am not stupid - I fully understand
council politics. And I know the crucial role
your father plays.”
“Kara?” Jor-El winced.
Allura turned to face him. “When Zor-El
accepted my proposal of marriage, there were two sets of matrices
prepared. Two sets of twins. The primary set - Jor-El and Lara. And the
backup set - Kor-El and Kara. Under our laws, a child that dies before
maturity can be replaced—if the family wishes it. Zor-El and I did not
request it. I did not know that the matrix had been activated.”
Jor-El sighed deeply. Allura
understood the meaning. He was upset—but not with her. She turned to face
“I know how you feel about Lyla.
Under our laws, your marriage would be permitted. I just can’t allow it.”
A look of defeat crossed his
features. “I do understand. I just wish things had worked out
differently. She is an extraordinary woman. Just like her mother.”
Allura reached for him. “I’m
sorry, Jor. I truly am.”
“Mother, when did you know?”
“Hmmm?” She held him. “When Zor-El
told me about the white light. It was the same white light I saw cover
Lara, just before she awoke.”
She looked back at Jor-El.
“Someone or something is acting through the House of El. And I’m going to
make sure that they get their chance.”
“Mother? Why the House of El?”
Allura sighed. She stepped back
from Jor-El. The slender woman grabbed his tunic with one hand and
effortlessly lifted him over her head.
“Do you forget so easily?” She
smiled. “This might have something to do with it.” She set him back down
“You really should check Lyla’s
records.” She grinned. “She is my daughter, after all. And she’s even
stronger than I am.”
Jor-El laughed. “Now, that’s the Allura
we all know and love.” Then, he grimaced. “You know how I feel about Lyla.
How can I walk away from her?”
“Don’t.” Allura answered. “Don’t
even think about it. Just play it less seriously.” She smiled. “I’ve
seen that look in her eye. She’ll wait for you forever.”
“Oh, really?” Jor-El asked with a
“You know the story, my son.” Allura
spoke confidently. “You’re your Father’s son, and she is my daughter. And
she loves you.”
Then Allura spoke forcefully.
“And she knows I could never turn her away just because she’s a bastard. I
have not forgotten my origins.”
Five Years Prior—Just outside Kryptonopolis
Can’t be late for my Squadron
brief. Not again! Allura Chyrra grabbed her gear and ran towards the
transport. They’ll have my ass in a sling if I’m late this time! With
deft grace, she jumped through the transport doors just before they
The automatic safety mechanisms
failed. The doors slammed hard on her ankle. She howled with pain.
The crowd stared at the curious
sight. A young man came running from the other end of the car. He
screamed into the air.
“Emergency! Conductor! Stop the
train, now!” He ran for the door and slammed his fist on the Emergency
release. “Damn! Didn’t work.” He grabbed the handles on the door and
did his best to pry them apart.
She grimaced. “Pull harder!
He redoubled his efforts. She
felt just slight relief. But it was enough. Where the closing door had
forced her to face the floor, she was now able to rotate her body to face
the door.
“Again!” She yelled. The young
man complied. Allura’s fingers found the separation between the doors.
She pushed with all her strength. Her fingers indented the metal of the
doors as if they were play-dough. They began to buckle and heave.
Finally, they broke outward into the station. Metal bits flew across the
empty corridor as the remains of the door fell away from the transport.
Finally freed, she heaved a sigh of relief. He glared at the curious
crowd. He bent down to inspect her ankle without touching it.
“It’s still in one piece, Miss.”
She winced. “Must be. Hurts too
much not to. And it’s Allura.”
He nodded. “Zor. Pleased to meet
The station personnel finally
arrived to transport her for treatment. He ignored their instructions to
stay behind and followed.
hours later
“So, what do you do, Zor?” She
asked from her treatment bed.
He laughed. “Just another silly
junior scientist. I’m trying to do predictive analysis on the Kayzik. I
believe they don’t act randomly. But as a hive mind, you can never judge just
one component.”
“Really?” Allura asked. “And
what do you think the next target is?”
He scowled. “Oa.”
hours later
“Allura Chyrra?” He asked
curiously. “I know I’m being rude, but your strength is simply
astounding. Wasn’t there a Chyrra project?”
“Yes.” She reddened with shame.
“My brothers, sisters, and I were illegally created. Standard government
reaction. Our creators were caught and imprisoned. Of course, most of my
siblings were mad or dying. There were only a few of us that were
neither. We got the standard choices. I chose to join the Planetary
Defense Force. I can’t complain - they’ve been good to me.” She
chuckled. “Of course, with my strength, they might have been afraid of the
alternative!” Allura made a squeezing motion.
Kryptonopolis University
Cafeteria – two months later
“Think you’re up to meeting my
folks?” Zor-El gently teased her. “You might get to meet my sister, Kara,
“I can see this now.” Allura
laughed. “A fighter pilot surrounded by eggheads. I’d drive the whole lot
of you nuts!”
“And an odd lot of eggheads we
are!” He laughed back. “Completely oblivious to the events of the day.”
“Not that I’ve ever seen.” She
smiled serenely. “Not that I’ve ever seen.” She seemed to reach inside
herself. She reached for his hand and took it. “Zor, I would love to
meet your family. You are the best friend I’ve ever had and I would be
honored to meet the people who raised you.”
He lost himself in the warmth of
her eyes. Note to self. He mused. Scientific fact. The sun
is no longer the warmest object in the solar system.
week later
He guided her into the transport.
It began to move as soon as they were seated. She counted the stops as
they passed through and beyond the academic housing. “Isn’t your father a
“He likes to think so.” Zor-El
laughed. He put his arm around her. She cast him a doubtful glance as he
continued chuckling. Finally, he nodded and they got up.
She followed him out of the
transport and onto the walkways. “This is Science Council housing. Do
your folks work on the staff of a Council member?”
He winked. “My mom likes to think
she does. She’ll bend your ear all night if you let her.”
Okay…. Allura kept her
grip on his hand. He’s much too smug. They walked a little
farther. He stopped in front of a gate and buzzed. An older man walked to
the gate and let them in. Allura’s mind raced. That’s Sor-El of the
Science Council…
Zor-El smiled with pleasure.
“Dad, I’d like to introduce Lt. Allura Chyrra of the PDF.”
“I’m pleased to meet you, sir.”
She saluted promptly. But even Sor-El did not miss the look of anger that
targeted Zor-El.
Sor-El laughed. “Please come
inside. Amanda is very anxious to meet you. You are the first woman Zor
has ever insisted on bringing home. We’re thrilled that you’re here.”
She smiled graciously. She felt
herself relax and watched the color slowly return to Zor-El’s face. “Thank
you, sir. It is an honor to be here.”
Zor-El led her up the walk. Sor-El
hung back for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, she whispered to Zor. “Zor-El,
I have never deceived you and I never will. You know that. Please grant
me the same courtesy.”
Zor-El nodded in agreement and
guided her in.
Sor-El chuckled to himself as he
watched them enter. Lip reading – a necessary skill for any council
member. His thoughts turned more serious. So this is the way the
wind blows. I’ve underestimated you, son. He recalled the file he
had read that morning. Allura Chyrra, first in her Academy class.
Lightning fast reflexes. High-end strength from the illegal experiment
that created her. Not known for forming attachments, except this one. Of
course, I could say that last about Zor.
months later
Allura entered Sor-El’s study.
Amanda welcomed her and guided her to a chair. They sat down and Sor-El
joined them.
“Thank you for seeing me on such
short notice.” Allura squirmed. “I need to ask your permission.”
“For?” Sor-El teased.
“I’d like to marry your son.” She
answered honestly. “I know I have a background that’s doubtful at best,
but I like to think we could be happy together.”
Sor-El looked seriously at
Amanda. “Watch closely and you’ll learn how to negotiate an unconditional
Amanda laughed. Sor-El got up and
sat beside Allura. “You did not have to do this. But I am proud of you
for having the courage.”
Amanda sat on her other side. “I
do not always understand my son, but I have always found him to be an
excellent judge of character. Welcome to the House of El.”
months later
Allura joined Zor-El for his
sister’s wedding. Kara Sor-El became Kara Ko-Zar. The happy couple
departed for their hidden rendezvous.
As the evening wore down, Allura
stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. She heard two men talking. One
of them was Sor-El. The other was also familiar. She searched for the
name and association that went with it – one of the too many people she had
met that day.
“Sor-El, are you actually going to
let your son marry that bastard child? She’s not even human! Think of the
scandal when the public finds out what they’ve done!”
She heard a pause before Sor-El
responded. “Scandals come and go—they’re a dime a dozen. They keep the
public interested in government, even if for all the wrong reasons.”
“Jan-Ar, I have no doubt there
will be a scandal. But scandals end. And when it’s all over, Zor-El and Allura
will have each other. And fifty years from now, no one will even recall
the scandal.” He laughed. “In the mean time, I’m looking forward to it.”
Seemingly surprised, Jan-Ar
asked. “You’re looking forward to it?”
“Of course!” Sor-El grinned.
“Jan, think of it this way. How often does a member of the science council
get to stand in front of the public and defend something he absolutely
believes in.”
Sor-El paused. “Jan, Allura is
simply the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I believe in her. Zor-El
could not be in better hands. And their children will be the ones who will
make the hard decisions we fear. They will be the legends of our world—and
our Galaxy.”
Jan-Ar answered slowly. “Odd. I
felt something when you said that.” He sighed. “And I heard one word. A
legend that few remember anymore.”
Allura heard Sor-El’s voice again.
“A legend?” Sor-El’s voice
queried gently. “Which one?”
Jan-Ar paused before answering.
“My friend, you can always count on my support. But whether it is true or
not, I have always believed in the old legend – the Kryptonian who would
break the bond that ties us to this world. The one who would lead her
children to the stars. The Starchild.”
Sor-El answered gently. “The Starchild.
Perhaps, one day, one of their descendents will find a way. Thank you, old
friend. I am pleased to know that you will stand by me.”
“Haven’t I always?” Jan-Ar
teased. “My friend, I sometimes take the devil’s advocate point of view,
but I truly have my nephew’s welfare at stake. Because if he’s not happy,
Amanda will kill us both!” He chuckled. “You are right! This scandal
will be the most fun we’ve both had in a long time! And she is worth it.”
The two men wandered off. Zor-El
found her there a few minutes later. Wordlessly, she reached for him and
buried her head in his tunic.
The rain stopped. The red sun
blazed through the sky once more. Allura looked back out into her garden.
“Jor, I know everything that Kara
is feeling. And we are her family, even if she does not know it.” She
paused. “I know what you plan. And I know that Lara doesn’t realize what
you are about to do. Keep her in the dark. Let her think it’s just about
the matrices.”
“She won’t know. And she is far
too heartbroken to care.” Jor-El answered. “And, I’ve altered the
databanks to hide Lyla’s identity.”
Allura nodded. “And Kara will
respect Lara’s period of mourning. She will not even consider proposing to
you until Lara has had her time. And by then it will be too late.”
Jor-El frowned. “I would rather
have that problem than watch Lara go through this.”
“So would I.” Allura answered.
“So would I.” She walked out from under their shelter. Jor-El followed
her into the rest of the garden.
“Jor, do what you need to. I will
cover your tracks and I will ensure your funding. Your father and I will
make sure we do not lose track of Kara.” She chuckled. “You have an
interesting job. Assembling a Hyperdrive on Krypton. Since no Kryptonian
has ever used one, you could attract attention.”
“I won’t.” Answered Jor-El. “I’m
not using a standard Hyperdrive. Lara rewrote the Hyperdrive equations
into something much simpler. If they work, our rockets will reach their
objectives much more quickly. We’ve used miniature rockets for our test
runs. Our testing has gone well.”
“But this is breaking your
heart.” Allura reached to touch him. “If it’s any consolation, I have two
hearts, and it’s breaking both of them. And it will break both of Kara’s.”
“I…” He started to answer. She
“Jor, I understand. You do love
her. We all do. And I know what you will do. You are Sor-El and Amanda’s
grandson. What Zor did not teach me about love, they did.”
She smiled briefly. “Let Kara
help you with Lara. Keep her close. And when the time is right, we will
set the Starchild free!”
hours before the explosion of Krypton
“Kara,” Allura spoke slowly into
the holovid, “I almost did not make this tape, but I wanted you to know the
truth. Both you and Jor-El deserve at least that. It is far too late for
any scandal to matter.”
“I have contacted Sor-El, Amanda,
and Jan-Ar. They are extremely pleased with all of us. They wish you
“I hope that this reaches you. I
will send it to the Shantar fleet and Daxam, now. I want you to know that
our last thoughts will be of you and the life you may make for yourself.”
“I do love you, more than words
can say.” Allura had to stop. A tear rolled down her face. “Please
forgive me.” Her hand went up to her face. “Please forgive me for the
many things I never did for you!”
She shut off the holovid. After a
moment’s hesitation, she transmitted the communication.
“Sweetheart?” She heard Zor-El
“I’m coming.” After a moment, she
pulled herself together and left to join the remainder of her family.
day—Laurel’s Hideaway
They respected Lyla’s silence.
Finally, she spoke again. “I always thought that Jor-El put me in that
rocket as an afterthought.” Lyla walked towards Laurel’s console. “I
never guessed that he built it with me in mind. And they all made it
happen—Jor-El, Zor-El, and most of all Allura. My mother, who loved me
more than I knew. I’ll never be able to tell her how much she meant to
Lyla sighed. For a moment more,
she did not speak. Then a grim determination came into her eyes. “But I
do have one way to show them. We are going to end this mess. No matter
how hard it is, or how long it takes, we will end this mess!”
“Yes, we will.” Mary agreed. “We
certainly will.”
“Thank you, Laurel.” Lyla added
appreciatively. “But we have to leave now. I am going to find ‘Q’.”
And God help the Kayzik swarm
when she does. Laurel watched them climb up through the atmosphere.
For the first time in her life, Laurel Gand felt real hope.
The day of Lara’s accident
Hades exited the portal in astral
form. He found Lorra, the Kryptonian Goddess of Love and the Moon, fearing
the devastation to come.
“Hades, why have you come? To
torture me again? Soon, you will have all my children from this realm.”
Hades answered calmly. “Lorra, I
do not want all your children. I am not a God of War. Death is a
necessary part of life and I deal with the remainder. But I do not cause
death. And I certainly do not want all of Krypton at once.”
“But there is nothing we can do.”
Lorra sighed. “In this universe, Kryptonians cannot leave their world.
They have that fatal gene that kills if they try.”
She shook her head sadly. “Hades,
I have been through this in so many other realms, but it never gets any
easier. This one is especially tragic. No Starchild has risen for this
world. No Kal-El and no possibility of one. No way to heal the fatal
gene—not through science.”
Hades swallowed. “Lorra, I do not
know what I can do. Mine is not the realm of the living. But I seek to
frustrate the Kayzik any way I can. If there is no life, I have no
function and I will fade.”
She smiled grimly. “Motivated
self interest.”
“Usually, but not always.” He
answered. “I may be able to help just a little. I would like to introduce
my Terran niece.”
“I may not be the best of company
for your Terran relatives today.” Lorra warned.
“I understand.” He answered
simply. “I know what will happen today. Krypton will lose a child who
would have become one of its greatest scientists. One who could have
helped to unravel the fatal gene.”
“To be replaced by a fighter
pilot.” She sighed. “Hades, I know you mean no harm. I will meet your
A young, strongly built woman
appeared before her. The young woman reached to touch her. Startled by
the warmth of the young woman’s healing touch, Lorra stared at Hades’
The young woman asked with concern.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Lorra,” Hades spoke gently,
“Perhaps we can help with Lara. I’d like you to meet my niece Artem…”
“Starchild!” Lorra cut him off.
“This is the Starchild, the legend of both our worlds! Why have you
concealed her from me?”
“What?” Hades asked with shock.
Lorra vanished with Artemis.
Two—The Sentinel War
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork,
photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant
Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network
-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions