Terra’s Revenge

© The Elves of Alterverse

Chapter 9: The Matrix



Roane County, Tennessee

Kevin Pride watched his sister clean up after breakfast.

“You know, Kitty, Autumn is falling fast.  Maybe we should consider moving to a warmer climate.”

Kitty scowled.

“I think Kira got to you.  Did she hurt your fragile, male ego?  Has my big brother been hurt by a little girl?” (Elf note:  Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 7).

“Kitty, you know that’s not fair.”   He glared at her.  “You were just as surprised as I was when she left.  Of course, we have a responsibility to this world.  But our first responsibility is to ourselves.  We’ve survived because we’ve stuck together and watched each other’s backs!”

“Kevin, are we really doing the best we can?”  Kitty wondered.  “The Commander has always treated us well.  She’s looked out for us.  Her teams have bailed us out from more than a few scrapes.  We owe them something.”

“You’re right, Kitty.  We do owe them something.  But, where do we fit in?  Alexander Luthor doesn’t want us, and we’d just be two among many on the Shantar team.”

“I know, Kevin.”  She pondered.  “But us that so bad?  Just because we won’t have the starring roles, doesn’t mean we can’t help.”

He turned to her.

“Kitty, you are right.  I just need time.”

“I know, Kevin.  I just had to make sure you knew it, too.”

          Sentinel’s Lair, Outlook Mountain, Tennessee

Alan Scott sat on a table in the corner of the conference room.  He stared at the far wall, deep in thought.  Kira Jor-El entered the conference room.

“A penny for your thoughts, old man.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

“Find my cane and my nurse and I’ll go back to bed.”  He smiled.

She chuckled.

“You know that’s not what I meant.”  She sat on the edge of the main conference room table.  “I can see you’ve made a decision and you don’t like it.  Aging it won’t make it any better.”

“True.”  He hit his comms device.  “Commander, Selina, would you join us?  Main conference room.  Thanks!”  He looked up at her.  “I’ve done a lot of thinking since we took our trip to Krypton.  We’ve been far too easy on the Kayzik.  It’s time to do something about that.”

Selina Kyle entered the room.  She programmed the conference room interface.  Command Assassin Elise Zoldar followed, locking the door behind her.

“It’s ready.”  Selina activated the display.  “Basic problem set:  the Kayzik enter a world.  They cut off all access to it from Hyperspace.  They use the Necromancers to turn populations docile and gather the populations for transport.  They cull the new worlds to limit resistance and to feed their demons.  Each year, the Kayzik also re-cull more than a few of the old worlds.  They’re firmly under control and easy pickings.”

Alan walked over to the display.

“So far, we’ve played defense.  I thought a lot about your trip with Krista.”  (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 7).  “You tore up the J’Dinn deep in Kayzik space.  They couldn’t find you to respond to you.  Neat little guerilla action.”

Elise Zoldar leaned against the table.

“Kira, we know what the Kayzik and the J’Dinn expect from us.  The J’Dinn, Kayzik, and Shantar all follow predictable patterns.  We have to break those patterns.”

“So, here’s the next little piece of Terra’s Revenge.”  Alan flashed a quick smile.  “We start harassing actions.  We look for worlds the Kayzik are about to cull and we take out their ground stations.  They have to focus resources to retake those worlds.  That slows down their offensive actions elsewhere.”

Kira smiled knowingly.

“And since you’re a Green Lantern, everything you do would get blamed on the Green Lantern Corps.  That’s the last thing we want – to give the Kayzik another reason to focus on the Guardians.  That leaves Alanna and little old me.  Since Alanna has limited offensive capabilities, I’m elected?”

Alan grinned.

“Kira, it’s your choice.  But you’re uniquely qualified to bring misery into the lives of the Kayzik.  Just pretend to act allergic to lead occasionally.”  He flashed his teeth.  “And be very careful where you lay your hyperspace trails.”

Selina projected a star map.

“Kira, Alanna has tracked some of these worlds down.”  She gestured.  “Zanik 4 seems prime for a little, ah, assistance.”  Selina winked at Kira.  “Just cover your tracks.  Zanik 4 is way out there.  Even at your speed, it will take you at least two days to get there.”

Kira grimaced.

“Well, that’s one of the advantages of being Kryptonian.  I can easily do it non-stop.  I’ll crash when I get back.  Anything else I need to know?”

Selina shook her head sideways.

“Nope.  It’s a typical yellow sun world.  Far from Krypton, so there is very little chance of Kryptonite.  Natives are bright and have some immunity.  They had been technologically advanced.  Go forth and kick ass!”

“I’m on it.  Let me just say good bye to Helena and I’ll take off.”  Kira headed out of the room.

Selina exchanged glances with Alan.

“That was almost too easy.”


The previous day, the Command Center

Selina Kyle punched her console.  Hearing a footstep, she hid her display.  She looked up to face Renik the assassin. 

“Oh, it’s you.  I’m always afraid she’ll see what I’m up to.”

“Ms. Kyle, isn’t hiding something from a Kryptonian counterproductive?  She will find out.”

“Not until I’m ready.  Let’s walk down and meet Kwo Varrick.”  They left the Command Center and walked into a small conference center.  Selina locked it.  She activated lead shielding.

“There’s nothing I can do to keep from being heard, but I’ll accept the risk.”  She set up a display.  “Kwo, thank you for coming.  I asked you to come because I need your help.  I also appreciate your ability to keep a confidence.”

The older Green Lantern nodded.

“I know you would not ask without good reason.  Everything you do is very deliberate.”

Renik seconded Kwo Varrick’s compliment.

“Indeed, Ms. Kyle, if you were Shantar you would make an excellent assassin.”

“Thank you – I think.  I want you both to take a look at this.  A shooting star crossed over Kansas twenty-two years ago.  The Shantar and the human resistance have different pieces of the same account.  Something almost slammed into Kansas, got blasted by Kayzik attack craft, and landed at Memphis, Tennessee instead.  No one found it, but that doesn’t mean the object cracked apart.”

Renik traced the pattern.

“You have other thoughts.”

“Yes Renik, I do.  We found Krypto just outside of Memphis.  He appeared to be a newborn pup.  Helena adopted him there.”

Kwo had immediate suspicions.


“Krypto is just under three months old.  That tracks to Kira’s entry on Earth and her first flight over Memphis.”

Renik considered.

“Perhaps Krypto was a preliminary test.  If he arrived successfully, they would send a Kryptonian child.  Perhaps he was sent in anticipation of Kira’s arrival.”

Selina shook her head.

“I don’t think so.  It doesn’t make sense.  Why wasn’t there any kind of separate message to the Shantar or Kira about the dog?  Yes, the Kryptonians knew about Jor-El’s animal experiments – Kira found that in their newspaper on Krypton.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge, Chapter 8).  “But why have a matrix activate and release a creature that could level the planet?”

Kwo puzzled.

“He seems remarkably well behaved.”

Selina nodded.

“He imprinted on my daughter.  You’ve also got enough Meta power here to keep him in line.  Ch’p has had a few words with him.”

Kwo Varrick laughed.

“I see what you mean.  What do you need from us?”

“Transportation and your knowledge of the Shantar language.  I also need a Power Ring that can translate Kryptonian.”  She punched a few more buttons.  “Now I need to arrange a distraction.  For that I need to talk to the man.”


An hour later, outside Sentinel’s Lair

Alan Scott leaned over the railing.  He watched birds fly overhead. The birds had begun their migration south.

“I always wondered why the dog showed up when Kira did.  Always seemed to be a bit of a coincidence to me.  We did pass over Memphis the night she came to Earth.”

Selina smiled.

“Thanks for the confirmation.  Now, I need your help.  I don’t want to investigate this with Kira anywhere near.  Something is very wrong.  I know you’ve had a lot of the same suspicions.”

“Guilty.”  He looked east towards Memphis.  “I hate to do this behind her back, but I think we’re all better served this way.  Something is not right.  We owe her an answer, but let’s make it a complete answer.”

“Any ideas?”

He nodded.

“I want to distract the Kayzik.  We need to buy time to find out what they’re doing with the Guardians.  Maybe the best way is to prevent them from feeding.  So far, they’ve only had to worry about being attacked on their front lines.  What would they do if a Daxamite seemed to be destroying their ground stations?”  He grinned viciously.

“They’d start preparing lead traps and they’d clamp down on Daxam.”  She returned his grin.  “Neither of which causes problems for us and both of which cause the Kayzik to waste resources.”

Alan nodded.

“Alanna has just finished a run.  She tracked a world the Kayzik are preparing to reharvest.  You might want to confirm her choice before we pass it to Kira.”

“I’m on it.”


The following day

Selina dressed in her costume.  Her comms device activated.

“Ms. Kyle, this is Renik.  Supergirl has entered hyperspace.  I’ve notified Kwo Varrick.”

“I’m almost ready.”  She slipped her gauntlets on her wrists.  Her costume completed, Batgirl joined Renik and Kwo Varrick.  “It’s hard to fathom how quickly she travels in hyperspace.  She’s probably half way across the Galaxy by now.”

Kwo Varrick nodded. The Green Lantern created a platform for her and Renik.  They flew towards Memphis.  The assassin turned to her.

“You have made a lot of effort to keep Supergirl away from this investigation.  What is your reasoning?”

“Hmmpph, it’s not exactly reasoning.”  She looked frustrated.  “Both the Sentinel and I have the same bad feeling about this.  I won’t expose Kira to the craft until I know what dangers we really face.”

“You’re very protective of her.  She seems to be able to take care of her self.  Why hide this from her?”

Selina hesitated to answer the question.

“I have to admit I see Kira as the younger sister I never had.  She has a brightness to her that most of us lack.  It’s born of faith and trust.  Most of us don’t operate that way – Bruce and I both rely on fear to get our message across.  Kira brings out the best in people.”

Renik considered her words.

“All of you inspire hope to some degree.  Even I felt something the day the Sentinel returned.  It was not until that day I truly understood the legend of the Phoenix.  Still, I suspect that is not what you mean.” (Elf note: way back in Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 1).

“You are right.”  Selina nodded.  “She elicits trust and hope in all of us.  Both are in short supply in this world.   All of us have to have something to believe in.  I choose to believe that she represents our future.”

They flew in silence.  Finally, Kwo Varrick spoke.

“The ring is picking up something Kryptonian ahead.  It seems to be imbedded in the rock near the river.”

“Don’t get close,” said Selina.  “We’ve got to be careful here.  It’s likely to be booby-trapped.”

Kwo Varrick smiled.

“That you didn’t have to tell me.”  He winked.  “I’ve been at this for quite a while!”  They landed.


The Odredon Galaxy Cluster

I’ve never been this far from home before.  Elise was right.  I really am alone out here.  Not a feeling I like, but I can do this.  Kira Jor-El raced ahead.



“Batgirl to Sentinel.”

“I’m here, Batgirl.  Problem?”

“I need Dr. Fate.”  Renik and Kwo Varrick nodded their agreement.  “If the original Dr. Fate is available, I need him too.  I need anyone who can read spells.  Something is so wrong here I can taste it.”

“Understood.  I’ll send Dr. Fate and then I’ll go find Kent.  If you don’t mind, I’ll tag along.  I got a good look at Kira’s rocket before I buried it.” (Elf note: way back in Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 1). 

“No problem.”  Selina nodded.  “We’ll be safer with you on site.  Just get the spell casters here.”

“Roger – on my way.”  The comms fell silent.


An hour later

Dr. Fate walked the perimeter of the capsule.

“Friend Batgirl, your instincts were correct.  Something has set a series of trap spells here.  Nothing is allowed close enough to the capsule to see it.”  He rose into the air.  “Dr. Fate to the Sentinel.”

“Here.  We’re headed your way.”

They heard Kent Nelson.

“Dr. Fate, we’ll keep our distance.  I confirm your unease.  Something is there.”

Kwo Varrick lifted Batgirl and Renik up to Dr. Fate.  The green comet appeared over the trees.  It slowed as it approached.  The Sentinel and Kent Nelson landed on Kwo Varrick’s platform.  Dr. Fate and Kent Nelson signaled the rest of the group to stay there.  They descended.  Dr. Fate pulled off his helm.

“Grandfather, this seems to be a set of interwoven spells.  Someone went to a great deal of trouble.”

“I agree.  We have enough power to protect ourselves if they trigger, but the spells might damage the capsule.”  He looked upward to the group on Kwo Varrick’s platform.  “Sentinel, I would suggest that the rest of you go home.  This is going to take a while.  We’ll report back this evening.”


The Zanik system – two days later

What a long trip!   Supergirl dropped out of hyperspace.  Yep, there are the satellites.  As always, the Shade knew what she was talking about.  That poor little world is infested with the creatures.  Since the natives have some immunity, the Kayzik made sure their technology stays destroyed.  Not like Daxam, where the population is so vulnerable to the glamour.

She thought about Jor-El.  Not for the first time, she thanked him for her genetic immunity.  Now what?  She smiled.  What else?  It’s clobbering time!!   She dove into Zanik-4’s atmosphere.


The Sentinel’s Lair

“It took us quite a while to figure this out.”  Kent stood in the conference room with Dr. Fate, Alan Scott, Selina Kyle, Elise Zoldar, Kwo Varrick, and Renik.  “There was a nasty set of spells set to destroy anything that went near the capsule.  We still don’t know what set the spells.  I just know it wasn’t anything we know.   We had to slowly unravel their weave.  It did take both of us at once – that was a good call, Batgirl.”  He nodded his approval to Selina.

“Thank you.  Does that mean you’ve completely unwoven the spells?”

“Yes.  There was one more thing you’ve probably already guessed.  The spells acted one way.  They protected the craft, but did not inhibit things from leaving.  That would explain Krypto.  The spells have now been completely removed.  Let me know what you find.  I must return to the Rock of Eternity.”  He vanished.

Alan Scott spoke.

“Batgirl, this is still your investigation, but the rest of us are curious.  Mind the company?”

“Not at all.  Just keep your fingers off the buttons.” She teased.

“Who? Me?”  Alan conjured a construct of a button floating next to a world.  He pushed the button.  The world flashed ‘You Goofed’, exploded, and disappeared.   After a few chuckles, they vanished from the conference room.



Supergirl dived again.  Those ground stations are easy to take out. The trick is to grab their weapons before they can escape.  These weapons recharge automatically.  They are also deadly to the Kayzik.  The Zanik should appreciate that!   She dove for another ground station.  The walls buckled under the force of her heat vision.  She flew in, raided the armory, and flew back out.  Another burst of heat vision destroyed the ground station.  Another Kayzik warrior fired at her.  Annoyed, she incinerated it.   She moved on to the next ground station, incinerating Kayzik along the way.



They landed by the capsule.  It had bored into the landscape.  Kwo Varrick walked up to it.

“Kryptonian rocket.  No wonder it survived the trip intact.  I can see where the puppy was ejected.”

Alan Scott frowned.

“I wouldn’t say it was completely intact.  Hang on.  I’m going to move it so we can get a better look.” He rose into the air.  He reached out with Green Flame and gently extracted the rocket from the ground.  He suspended it in the air.   “See that knobbish area with the black streak?  Dollars to donuts it got hit in a red solar system.  That’s where the comms broadcasting equipment should be.  I know – I saw it on Kira’s rocket.”

They walked under the rocket.

Batgirl inspected the exterior.

“Except for the one spot, the rocket seems to be in excellent condition.  I vote we do a once-over here and take the rocket back with us.”

Alan smiled.

“You won’t get an argument from me.  Here, I’ll set it down.”  He set it down with the main entry door at ground level.  Krypto’s escape hatch pointed skyward.  Commander Zoldar walked to the rocket.  The door opened.



Nothing left of the Kayzik on this world.  I’ll take a shot at the orbiting stations.  Supergirl rose through the atmosphere and fired at one of the orbiting stations.  No effect.  Let’s try a more direct approach.  Supergirl flew around the planet and hit it with full strength.  Ouch!  Moved it a little, but that’s about it.    The tetrahedron moved back into its original position.   Well, I had to try.  Now, I’ll cut the orbiting stations off from off-planet transport.  She jumped into Hyperspace.



The speaker blared out. 

“Life form confirmed as Shantar.  Rank insignia denotes Commander.  Identity confirmed as Elise Zoldar.”  A hologram appeared.

“Commander, I am Jor-El of Krypton.  I am thankful that you received my communications signal and that you were able to protect this rocket from the Kayzik.”  The hologram paused.  “We of Krypton have been forced to destroy our planet, lest it fall to the Kayzik.  We know what that would mean.  Once separated from Krypton, we would die a miserable death.  The Kayzik would milk us as we died.”

The hologram gestured within the cabin.

“I sent out two rockets.  If the second rocket is successful, its fate will be revealed to you in the future.  I dare say no more.   In this rocket, you will find my son’s matrix.  It should activate within fifteen minutes of your arrival.  He is a Kryptonian without the gene that binds us to this world.  He is also immune to the Kayzik glamour.  I’m sure you understand what that means under the yellow sun of this world.  By your reputation, I know that you will raise Kal-El and keep him safe.  Please remind him of his heritage.”  An image of a Kryptonian city replaced the hologram.

“This is Kryptonopolis, home to twenty billion.  It is the capitol of our world.  Our family is part of the council.  I have been authorized by the council to send out these rockets.  It is our last gift to the rest of our universe.”

“There is a second matrix on this rocket.  It contains a pet for Kal-El.  The matrix will open when it senses the genes of an El family member who has reached puberty.”  He smiled.  “The pet will resemble a Terran dog, but it will have the powers of a Kryptonian.  This is why the matrix will not mature without the presence of a Kryptonian old enough to control him.”         

“I have every confidence in you.  Here is my son’s matrix.  It will open as you approach.”  An empty bay lit up.  Broken locking mechanisms hung loose at its sides.  “Please bring him back here when he reaches puberty and I will explain more to him.”  The hologram bowed.  “Thank you again, Commander.  We salute the battle the Shantar fight.”  The hologram disappeared.



I’ve done everything I can.  I hope I’ve bought time for these people.  Kira sped skyward.  She blasted back into Hyperspace.  This world isn’t easy to get to.  It’s not a direct transport from another world.  Kira laughed.  She had replaced each of the Kayzick transport stations between Zanik-4 and the next Kayzik world with asteroids.   That should drive them nuts.  Hyperspace is dirty here.  Those critters don’t have anything capable of getting through those obstacles, and those are the only viable transport points.  Can I help it if I don’t have to make intermediate hyperspace jumps?  She giggled to herself and flew on.


Earth – Sentinel’s Lair transport storage area

Dr. Fate circled the craft.

“Friend Sentinel, Dr. Fate does not know what to tell you.  Somebody removed the matrix, but there is no trace to follow.  There is mystic interference, but neither Kent Nelson nor Dr. Fate can discern what it is.  We will both continue to investigate the possibilities, but we have nothing more to report.”

Alan Scott cursed.

“Damn.  We’re just a little closer than when we started.  Now we have to tell Kira the bad news.”

“Must we?”  Renik asked.  “There would seem to be no advantage at the moment.  Perhaps we should continue the investigation.”

Alan nodded. 

“Yes, we have to tell her.  She deserves to know.  We’ve concealed this from her and we probably should not have.  We now know that we have an unknown mystic foe.  For that reason alone, she must know.”  He grimaced.  “Even if we didn’t want to tell her, can you imagine trying to hide the rocket in the Lair?”

Selina smiled.  Uh, no, Kira, there’s nothing under this tarp!  She laughed.  A second later, she turned serious.

“Alan, I think you and I should tell her.”

He nodded.

“Yes, I think you’re right.”


Two days later

Kira walked into the spacecraft.  She watched as Selina replayed Jor-El’s hologram.

“This is only the second time I’ve seen my father.”  She frowned.  “Poor Kal-El.”  She looked up at Alan.  “It was bad enough to think that Kal-El never existed or that he had been killed.  This is much worse.”

Selina put her arm around Kira.

“I can’t think of a worse thing for us to have to tell you.  We don’t know who or what took the Matrix, or what they did with it.”

Alan walked over to the locks.

“I can tell you that there is a powerful magic at work here.  I’m not a spell caster, but I sense it through the mystic flame.  I do know that there is no sense of the Kayzik or the J’Dinn.  It’s something else.  Kent and Jeffrey are still trying to track it down.  They won’t give up until they find an answer.”

“That’s some comfort.”  She frowned.  “I just wish I knew where he is.”  She walked out of the capsule.  “I need to think for a while.”  They nodded their understanding.  In a flash, she was gone.


The Moon

Oh Kal-El!  Where are you?  What happened to you?  Are you alone out there?     Supergirl scanned the surface of the Earth for traces of Kryptonian metal.

I promise we won’t give up until we’ve found you!  She thought of her friends.  She thought of her family on Krypton and of her missing brother. She imagined the many might-have-beens.  I’ll never be alone.  I have a new family.  Kal-El, I swear I will share that family with you! 

After a while, she flew back to Earth.