(Elf note: Chapters 6 and 7 overlap Chapter 5.)
Roane County, Tennesee
Kira woke up and looked at Kevin Pride. Kev is such a nice man. He and Kitty have been here for me every step of the way. She sat up and drew her knees under her chin. We can easily defend this little home. These are good people and I’m glad I know them. Good and talented! As she thought of the night before, she laughed at the pleasant memory.
I like this quiet time in the morning. She quick-brewed coffee with her heat vision. So much has happened to me. My father who wasn’t my father and Jor-El of Krypton: I wonder what kind of bargain they struck. I wonder if I’ll ever know anything more about Jor-El and Lara? What did happen to Kal-El’s rocket? I wonder.
She shook the thought from her mind. We’re going back to the beach today! I love to play in the sun! Kevin is too serious some times. Being a superhero is fun! He should enjoy it more. Kevin’s not the only one. That whole damn Shantar base is a bunch of sourpusses. Yuck! And that Green Lantern, Jeryll: she should be grateful she’s on this beautiful planet. To Hell with the Guardians! Let the Shantar clean up the mess. It’s their job, isn’t it? They’re welcome to it! I shouldn’t say that. They haven’t been very successful lately. Losers.
Her comms beeped. Leave me alone! I have plans today. She heard Commander Elise Zoldar’s voice.
“Base to Supergirl. We’ve got one hell of a problem. Alan’s off planet and I’ve got a distress call from what’s left of the Green Lantern Corps.”
“The Green Lantern Corps?” Kira Jor-El dressed as she spoke. She heard Kevin and Kitty move in the background. “That means whatever it is must be pretty ugly.” Might take me a whole ten minutes to clean up. The faster I get there, the faster I get back.
“We don’t have any information. All we have is coordinates.” Elise Zoldar recited the location she had. “It’s way the hell out there and there’s no backup. Be careful!”
“I’m on it.” She was already through the atmosphere. One second later, the barriers of hyperspace had fallen away. (Elf note – also see Terra’s Revenge - Chapter 6)
The Trallik System in the Sanik Galaxy, several hours later
I remember Elise’s stories. This area of space was captured over 300 million years ago. (Elf note - Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2). Are those idiot Green Lanterns chasing after the Guardians? After what happened to Jeryll, they should know better. What’s that over there? She approached a dim green glow. I don’t know what this is, but it’s not all here.
“Help them!” The creature pleaded. “Save the world! The Kayzik destroy the world below. Save the lives of the people!”
“Green Lantern, what are you talking about? There’s no world below you. There never was!”
“Can’t you see the Kayzik destroying it? Even now, they work their destruction.”
“I don’t see anything.” What the hell does he think he sees? I do see Kayzik ships, but no planet. Wait. Son of a bitch. No wonder I don’t see anything. It’s a trap meant for them. Move it Kira. “I’ll be back.”
Kira flew to the Kayzik ships. The attack ships were targeting glowing green forms. The glowing green forms sacrificed their own protection to protect the non-existent planet. Kira targeted the ships.
Heat vision seared one Kayzik vessel after another. Distracted from their targets, the Kayzik lasers focused solely on her. Get the hell out of here, Green Lanterns! Move! She watched in horror as the green glows simply dimmed.
No! NO! Kira charged the Kayzik vessels, destroying one after another. She used her super speed to dodge, confuse, and trick the Kayzik vessels. In moments, several dozen ships were nothing more than remains.
This can’t be happening! I’m Kira Jor-El of Krypton. I’m a hero! I’m supposed to stop things like this! She flew to the Green Lanterns. She floated among the dead and the dying.
“Is the planet safe?”
“Yes.” She lied. These people will not live to see another sunrise. She gathered the living away from where the phantom planet had been. I understand your gift, Jor-El. The Kayzik used glamour to trick the Green Lanterns. How horrible! Half a dozen and only a few survive. They won’t live for more than a few minutes. Damn! Alan Scott! This is your fault. Why aren’t you here?
“Tell me. Did we save the children? Are they safe in their caves?” A creature shaped like a gossamer butterfly asked. “Why would the Kayzik slay a world?” The creature lost its battle with death. The green glow failed. As she turned around, a creature shaped like a boulder disintegrated. Its ring faded out.
Kira turned to the surviving Green Lantern. Vaguely humanoid, Kira imagined it was female.
“Stranger, I am Illista of Kanna. I have only a few moments left. The two dozen of us were off planet when New Oa was attacked. We assembled to find the Guardians. A third of us stayed to defend this world. Help us! Find the others and protect them.” It coughed and blue fluid came out of its mouth. “We don’t know how to fight the Kayzik. We can’t beat back their yellow weapons. We can’t attack their yellow ships. Not trained to be warriors, any more.” It hacked and more blue fluid spilled out. “Follow the green energy trail. Help them . . .” It hacked a final time and quieted. The green glow ended.
“I promise. I will help them.” But I have to do something else, first. She incinerated each of the Green Lanterns and gathered their rings and batteries. She put eight rings into a pouch in her cape. She tied the batteries together with a fluid-stained belt one of the Green Lanterns had left behind. She followed the trail into hyperspace.
The Galthan system in the Sanik Galaxy
Kira burst out of Hyperspace just in time to see Zeddick Zarrow lose his battle with death. She incinerated his body and claimed his tools. So much death! Sliced off and executed one by one. I’m wasting time doing this. I need to keep going until I can do some real good. If I spend my time on the dead and dying, I can’t help the living.
Kira burst back into hyperspace and followed the Green energy trail. More defeated Green Lanterns with no one to mourn them. I can’t stop now. She accelerated.
The Phillik System in the Sanik Galaxy
Krista ran from the J’Dinn. How did I get myself into this? All I can do is run. She ducked behind a tree. The J’Dinn passed by. (elf note - her story - http://www.glcorps.org/krista.html )
“We’ll find her. The Kayzik pay well for a Green Lantern’s hide. Beautiful gambit. Those fools ran straight down Yellow Alley.”
“She’s the last one. We’ll find her soon. The next time she uses her ring, we’ll track it.”
Oh, great. I’m going to die in their hands. The ring won’t let me kill myself. Dumb design. She shifted farther up the tree. The J’Dinn passed by in their yellow suits. We were suckered and we got slaughtered for it. What the Kayzik didn’t figure out, the J’Dinn did. Guess I’m fortunate. At least a Necromancer hasn’t found me.
“There she is! Blast the tree!” They shot her and the trunk of the tree at the same time. She fell, hard. She hurt too much to move.
Well, I gave it a good run! I hope I die quickly.
She heard the J’Dinn run up to her and stop. She heard footfalls beside her. Then she heard a single emotionless word.
The J’Dinn screamed and howled. Krista smelled burning flesh. Then, she smelled more burning flesh. The J’Dinn were gone. She looked up to see a young female humanoid with a bundle of power batteries. The young humanoid stared into the piles of ashes. She seemed to have a great deal of difficulty speaking. Krista spoke first.
“I am Krista. Thank you.”
The young woman looked at her.
“I failed. I failed so many of you and you still thank me?” Tears stained her cheeks. She slowly came back to herself. “We have to leave here, now. Others are coming.” She stared blankly at Krista. “I am Kira Jor-El of Krypton. The Shantar sent me. We must go and find if any more Green Lanterns still survive.”
Kira put an arm under Krista and rose through the atmosphere.
The Trallik System in the Sanik Galaxy
“It seems so pointless. This is all we can do for them.” Kira burned the shape of a Green Lantern into the side of an asteroid. “I hope some day this marker will mean something.”
Krista watched as the symbol fleshed out. She carved twenty four smaller lanterns under the larger one.
“I know who they were.” Krista gazed at the monument. “I can at least write their names in the Book of Oa. They gave their lives for our work.”
Kira glared at her.
“Krista, their lives were wasted. They died one by one in the ambush.”
“Kira, you may be right. But they gave it all they had. They didn’t run. In the end they were true to what they believed. They deserve to be remembered.”
“You are right. I’m sorry. I don’t know how to deal with this.”
“I don’t either. We lost too many. And I have no place left to go.”
Kira stared for a second. She sighed.
“Another child for the Mother of Exiles. Come on, we have a long journey ahead of us.”
Shantar Base, Earth, the next morning
Two haunted figures appeared in front of her.
“Kira, what happened?” Commander Zoldar asked.
“I failed. Twenty four Green Lanterns died because I failed.”
“I am Krista, the Green Lantern of Jeddick Prime. The Kayzik lured us into a death trap. Kira arrived after the trap was sprung. There was nothing that could be done.”
“I’m Supergirl. I’m supposed to keep things like this from happening!”
Across the room, a head jerked up from a console. That’s Supergirl? Sounds like a spoiled brat to me! Selina Kyle watched with interest.
“Where’s Alan? His team could have helped. Maybe no one had to die.”
Elise crossed her arms.
“Alan, Mary, Alanna, and Jeryll are on the surface of New Oa. The Green Lantern burns in the skies. The Kayzik no longer walk that world.”
“Why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped.”
“There wasn’t time. You didn’t have the background. If they’d had 24 hours more, they would have brought you in. But they didn’t have it. They had to go as soon as they coordinated the battle plan with Command.”
“How could they? I should have been consulted, at least. I only wanted to help!”
Selina held her tongue. Yep. Cute, but a spoiled princess. Everything is about her. Not a single question about the fate of her friends.
“You did.” Elise answered. “Krista is here because you got there in time. You got to where you needed to be as quickly as you could. You brought home the power batteries. That’s less power for the Kayzik.” Elise turned to Krista. “I hate to ask this, but we’re a little short handed. Can you operate a command console?”
“Yes, I worked for Command for several years before I became a Green Lantern. I’d appreciate the distraction. Maybe when Jeryll returns, we’ll be able to decide our next move.”
“Shouldn’t be too long. Jeryll has helped out too. If you feel up to it, we’d appreciate your assistance!”
Selina watched Kira fidget. So much potential. Is she hopeless, or just clueless?
“Elise, how could they do that? They just killed one Green Lantern after another, just before I could get to them. What did I do wrong?” Kira almost pleaded.
I’ve had enough! She needs a reality check. At least she’s just clueless. She doesn’t think she’s omnipotent. She does want to improve.
“Commander, if you’ll permit me,” Selina stood up and approached Kira, “my name is Selina Kyle. The locals call me Batgirl. I think we need to spend a little time together.”
“Who are you?” Kira turned to face her. “I’ve never seen you before.”
“The Commander and Wonder Woman seem to have adopted me.” Selina smiled. “I’m a specialist in strategy, tactics, and alien technology.”
“I’m sure you are. What is your mutant gift?”
Selina shook her head slowly.
“I’m not even a Meta, but I know more about fighting the Kayzik than you might think. I’m looking at someone who needs a reality check and I’m going to arrange it.”
Elise smiled, but said nothing.
“Reality check? I just saw two-dozen Green Lanterns die! I don’t need a reality check!”
“Honey, that’s horrible, but it’s not the end of the universe.” Selina paused. “If I remember right, you spend most of your time either in a comfortable cave carved out by a couple of powerful metas, or at the beach working on your fighting techniques.”
“If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Kira protested. “I need to keep my skills up.”
“I don’t disagree, but you have responsibilities here. The world doesn’t need another martial arts expert.” Selina sighed. “I’m not getting my point across. Commander, . . . .”
“We’ll watch Helena.” Elise smiled warmly at her. “Take your time.”
Selina ran towards her room.
“Helena?” Kira asked.
“Her daughter. Diana fell in love with the little girl. It didn’t take long for us to realize the mother was the real prize. Just hope you don’t meet Helena’s father any time soon. He’s as self destructive as they come.”
Outside Nashville
“Kira, what do you see?” Selina pointed to Kayzik warriors below.
“I see Kayzik warriors. I’m going to go down and kill them. That’s my job.” She aimed for them.
“Princess, what do you think will happen if you kill all those warriors?”
“The Kayzik will replace them. That will cost them resources.”
“That’s not the only thing. That’s what Bruce never understood. Nashville has the highest concentration of Kayzik in this world.”
“Why is that? It doesn’t make sense.”
“Princess, the Kayzik expend resources where they think they have a problem.” She gestured towards a rooftop. They landed. “That’s why most of us run and hide. We don’t want to attract attention.”
“But I thought that we have to kill the Kayzik to defeat them. The idea is to make sure they don’t see us coming.”
Selina sighed.
“Because then they don’t know what hit them.” Kira answered confidently. “But the people know we were there to save them and that’s important!”
“Because people need heroes. They look up to us because we can save them! So that’s what we do. What we’re supposed to do.”
Little Miss Clueless from Krypton. Well, at least she’s just clueless. She has a good heart. I almost feel guilty for doing this.
“Kira, why did you go after the Green Lanterns?”
“Elise asked me to. I need to earn my place here, so I went after them.”
“Not because you wanted to?”
“Well, I was curious. They seem so diverse, but they all had the same strange idea. They thought they could save the universe with their power rings. They’re so brave, but they weren’t very bright.”
“Kira, how did you feel about what you saw.”
“So much waste. Selina, they were such good people and they tried so hard. I watched so many of them die and I couldn’t do anything. I felt so guilty and I hurt so much. They shouldn’t have died like that. They were true heroes. People could look up to them.” Kira looked away.
Selina smiled wryly. Not hopeless at all. I like her. The screws are a little loose, but they are all there. She does understand. She just doesn’t realize it.
“I wasn’t much of a hero,” Kira emphasized, “I only saved one of them.”
“Some times it’s not whether you succeed that matters, but why you did it.”
“I don’t understand. Success is the only thing that matters. People have to know that what you did was good enough.”
Selina laughed.
“You care too much about the opinions of others.”
Kira was horrified.
“I do not. Other people’s feelings are what matter.”
“Princess, you’re right. But there’s more to it than that.”
“Selina, you confuse me.”
Selina just smiled.
“Kira, have you ever been to New Oa?”
“No. Alan’s family freed it without me. There’s no reason for me to go.”
Selina smiled.
“I think you should go.”
“Maybe someday I will.” Kira scowled.
Roane County, Tennessee, the Kosmic Cave
“Kev, it was so weird. She seemed pleased with what I screwed up and displeased with what I did right.”
“Well, you got the one Green Lantern out. That was a good thing. That was important. You set an example for others by trying.”
“Did I, Kev? I wonder.”
“Kira, you always help us to keep the area free of Kayzik. Our home is secure. That’s important. It keeps the Kayzik away from us. We show our resistance by knocking those creatures off our world.”
Do we, Kev? Is it really that simple?
“Oh foo, Kira!” Kitty walked in. “We’ve still time to enjoy the beach this evening! It’s a full moon! Let’s do it before we have to train tomorrow.”
“Yes, let’s!” Kira followed her out and into the air.
The Kosmic Cave, the following morning
Two days ago I was just sitting here enjoying my coffee. Kira heat-visioned water as it soaked through ground coffee. She poured herself a cup. I’m a hero, aren’t I? I’ve killed the bad things and I help to free the people. So why do I feel so wrong?
Selina seems so spooky
sometimes, but I think she cares about me.
Why did she want me to go to New Oa?
Kira thought some more. Then
she left a note for her companions. She
buzzed the Shantar Earth base. In less
than a minute, she was in Hyperspace.
New Oa
A red and blue comet shot out of Hyperspace.
So this is the world Alan’s family saved. I’ll bet they’re singing his praises! She flew down into the upper atmosphere. She used her telescopic vision and super hearing to tune into the conversations below.
“The Guardians saved us! I wonder when they’re coming back?”
“The Guardians sent the Green Lanterns to kick the Kayzik off our world!”
They didn’t even take the credit? I don’t understand? Don’t heroes get idolized? Isn’t that the point?
“Shantar Command won’t tell us how many Green Lanterns were involved, but I’ll bet it was a bunch!”
“I still can’t believe how much it meant to see the Green Lantern blaze in the sky! I knew they wouldn’t desert us!”
“Ha! You who cowered in the basement for three weeks!”
“I have no duty to expose myself to the Kayzik.”
“So true, but let’s toast the Green Lantern Corps!”
“Hear, Hear!”
Oh my God! Could I have been so wrong? I don’t understand these people.
New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty
I’ve always felt uncomfortable around her. Kira flew to the figure floating in front of the statue. She always seems so … unfathomable. She always seems to know what to do next. Kira stopped just short of the woman.
“Oh, Kira!” “I didn’t see you coming.” Mary Marvel smiled at her. “I’m sorry, I get a little lost in thought when I come here.”
“This was where the mystic flame turned you back into Mary Marvel.”
Mary looked into the distance. She nodded.
“Yes. My husband’s family still lives below. I don’t see them very often. I’m not proud of that.” She looked over to Kira. “I spent some of the afternoon with them, but I’ve changed too much to belong with them. Not that I ever did.”
“Mary, I was hoping you could help me. I’m trying to work a few things out.”
“I know Kira.” Mary smiled sympathetically. “If you haven’t seen something like that before, it’s hard to work through it. I’m very sorry. Can I help? What can I do?”
“I need to understand something. I know that he’s a great hero, but why does everyone look up to the Sentinel so much?”
Mary smiled.
“I’ve never looked up to the Sentinel. I never looked up to the Green Lantern, either. That’s missing the point for me.”
“I don’t get it, Mary.” Kira was startled. “You of all people look up to him.”
Mary’s eyes shined.
“You misunderstand. I don’t give a hang about the Sentinel or the Green Lantern. My hero is Alan Scott.”
“Now I’m really confused.”
Mary almost glowed.
“Let’s go over to the torch. I want to brag a bit.”
They flew over to the torch and landed. They sat near the top.
“Mary, I’ve never seen you like this.”
“Hush, Kira,” Mary teased, “let me tell you about a little girl.” She winked at Kira. Then she grew somber for a moment. “Alan’s mother and mine were sisters. He was several years older than me and I was a few years older than my brother Billy.”
“It’s hard to imagine him as a youngster.” Kira smiled.
“It is, isn’t it?” Mary chuckled. “He used to tease me terribly. Alan pulled my pigtails more than a few times. ‘Miss Priss’ he called me. I thought I hated him. I never realized that the bullies at school would pick on me once, and never dared to try it again.” She flashed a grin at Kira. “Alan would probably have said ‘she’s mine to pick on and no one else’s.’”
“Sounds like he was fond of you.”
“Kira, I didn’t realize how much he cared until it really counted.” She grew serious again. “I was eleven years old and living in Egypt. Back in those days, we had ships and airplanes that could move around the globe. Travel took a while. It took us a couple of weeks to get there.” Mary grew lost in the memory.
“My father was an archeologist. He and my Mom were researching in some excavations outside Cairo. While they dug, I did school work. Then came the day they didn’t come back.”
“What happened, Mary?”
Mary grew quiet.
“My parents were murdered. I couldn’t cope. Someone tried to get in touch with my family back in the States. I had no idea whether they succeeded or not. All I knew was that I was a little girl without family in a dangerous place. Then my luck really ran out.”
“It hadn’t already?”
Mary frowned.
“Egypt truly was a dangerous place. I was just the right age to begin a short life of prostitution. I was a young, pretty girl and the men were interested. They knew I was vulnerable. They were following me.”
“What happened?”
Mary sighed.
“One of them simply walked into my hotel room and picked me up. He gagged me and hauled me out of the door. It was all over. I had no hope. And then I heard it.” She brightened. “That voice. Those words. I still don’t know how he got there. ‘Mister, I think you better put her down.’ My abductor laughed. He didn’t. Fourteen years old and strong as an ox.”
Mary’s eyes shined even brighter.
“They had gotten the telegram, but there wasn’t anything the Scotts thought they could do.” She grinned. “The next day, Alan left a note that said he’d be back and disappeared. Somehow he made it all the way to Egypt on his own. He had some friends that helped, but he did it on his own. To this day, we still don’t know how he got there.” Mary gazed dreamily. “Anyway, he slugged the jerk. The idiot collapsed under my weight. Alan came at him again. By that time the man had had enough, and he fled. Alan untied me. I was bawling my eyes out. ‘It ain’t right to pick on little girls.’ That’s what he said.” Kira saw a tear run down Mary’s cheek. “ ‘It ain’t right to pick on little girls.’ And he came halfway around the world just to tell me that!”
Kira saw Mary’s eyes blaze with pride through the tears.
“He got me home safe and sound. My father’s brother had custody of Billy, but Alan wouldn’t hear of letting me go. I remember the arguments with his parents. They finally gave in. That will force had already begun to manifest.”
“What about your brother?”
“Our uncle had both him and our money. It wasn’t until later we found that the money was all he wanted. Billy spent most of his time at the Scott’s anyway.” She smiled brilliantly. “Oh, the teasing Alan took. He was still at an age where boys aren’t too sure of girls. I tagged along almost everywhere he went. He put up with a lot, but I always felt wanted.” She was lost in her memories again. “I remember the day he found the Lantern. He was the only one that survived that awful, awful train derailment. Some man named Dekker paid for that. I remember when I found I had the Power to become Mary Marvel. I was so happy that I could help Alan do what he thought was right. I so admired that – Alan always did what he thought was right. My faith in Alan caused Billy no end of consternation.” She laughed.
“And I remember Daria. (elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2). Such a sweet woman, she had a backbone of steel. I liked her right away. They ignored each other until I set them up.” Mary giggled. “Don’t tell Alan. He still thinks it was his idea!”
“You set him up?”
“Why not? He’d done so many good things for people, I figured someone should do something for him.” She darkened. “Then came the Kayzik. I never knew about Molly. I wish I had. Damn Wizard stripped me of my power when I needed it most. That won’t happen again.”
“Did you ever think you’d see Alan again?”
“Kira, I always had the feeling things were not finished. Then, about thirty years ago, I knew he was coming back. I don’t know how. I just felt his presence again. That’s when I decided I’d live as long as it took. I know now that it was not a coincidence. We’ve just found out that was about the same time the Seltan influenced him in the other universe.” (elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 5).
“Kira, I didn’t believe in too many things. At the time I made that decision, my husband was sick and our children were dead.” She paused. “My children: I miss my children so much!” She closed her eyes. “At least now I have Alanna.” She shook her head to clear it and looked back at Kira. “But I’d lived my life in a way I could be proud of. I lived up to his ideals as much as I could. Then I knew he was going to return and that’s what mattered. For years I wondered if I was insane.”
“But you weren’t.”
“I wonder. But then it came.” (elf note – Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2). “The torch came alive with Green Flame, and the Green Flame sang to me.” She chuckled. “More than eighty-five years old and I still leaped for that flame! Her flame is the imprisoned lightening, and that’s all it took. Alan Scott was back and cousin Mary knew how to find him.”
“All that time you waited.”
“I know. But now I’m doing what I was born to do. Kira, sometimes I feel so guilty. All I want is to be with him and fight by his side. Is that so wrong?”
Kira could see how the question tore at her. Kira smiled wistfully.
“No Mary, I don’t think so. Once I might have wondered, but you’ve taught me otherwise. You’ve done nothing but good for this world. You’ve done so much for so many and you’ve never asked anything for it. You do what’s right just because it’s the right thing to do. So does he. I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you for giving me so much of yourself, today! Thank you for giving me so much hope!” Kira gratefully embraced the older woman. She thanked Mary one last time and headed skyward.
Shantar Earth Base, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
She landed in the Command Center and faced the Commander.
“I’d like to apologize for my behavior yesterday, Elise.” She spoke formally. “I was out of line and I hurt others who didn’t deserve it. I didn’t act very much like the person I know I can be.”
“We all have our bad days, Kira.” What’s gotten into her? She’s so different.
Kira smiled.
“Thank you. You’re very kind. More kind than I deserve.”
“Are you all right, Kira?”
Kira stared upward.
“I think so. How is Krista?”
“She’s making it. Alan brought back Jeryll and five more Green Lanterns. One of them was part of the Honor Guard. Krista doesn’t feel so alone.” Elise smiled. “I do tend to pick up strays.
“Could you handle another? I think I need to be here.”
“Kira, are things all right between you and Kevin?”
Kira stopped.
“I think so. It’s just that I’ve realized I’ve been doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons. I’ve been so focused on adjusting to Earth that I’ve missed the whole point. Just being here is not why I’m here.”
“I think I understand.”
“Elise, I’m glad you do. I’m not sure I do.” Kira smiled ruefully. “Where’s Selina?”
“She’s up top. I shouldn’t say this, but I think she’s fond of you.”
Kira smiled.
Above the Shantar Base
Kira looked directly at her.
“You knew what I would find on New Oa, didn’t you?”
Selina grinned.
“I knew what you wouldn’t find. They didn’t want to publicize their presence.”
Kira walked over to a railing. Selina joined her.
“Selina, after I went to New Oa I went to find Mary.”
“I met her early this morning for just a few minutes. She’s very complex. I have a hard time reading her, but there is a simple joy to her. She’s young and old at the same time.”
“She spent some time with me this morning. She gave me a lot of herself. I think she sensed I needed it. I never realized what a good person she is.”
“Isn’t she, though? Alan’s lucky to have her.”
“Odd, she said exactly the opposite – how much he meant to her. But that’s part of your point, isn’t it Selina?”
Selina smiled proudly.
“You’re a good student. I wish I had been as good. For so long, I thought revenge was the only thing that mattered. I finally realized that revenge for the sake of revenge was meaningless. That’s when Bruce and I came to a parting of the ways. For me, my daughter’s safety became more and more important.”
“Is that why you’re here?”
“Kira, it’s one of the reasons.” Selina looked directly at Kira. “These people realize that the only way we can save Earth is by fighting anywhere but Earth. We can’t fight the battle here – it just gets our fellow Terrans killed.”
“Fellow Terrans? I’m…”
“Kira, do you think you could go back to Daxam?”
Kira smiled quickly.
“No, I don’t think so. This feels right. I can count on these people to do the right thing. I trust them and I want to be part of their team.”
“Wow! You are a bright one, aren’t you?”
Kira chuckled.
“That was what Mary taught me. She told me about her favorite hero. Just a regular, fourteen year old boy who did what he thought was right.” She had a look of wonder in her eyes. “That set it right for me, Selina. I finally understood. It’s not about what powers we possess. It’s not about having people admire us. It’s all about doing what’s right because we believe it’s right. Things may not always turn out the way we want, but it’s the trying that matters.”
“Keep going Princess. I’m proud of you!” Selina smiled merrily.
“I finally understood what both my fathers had done. I understood what they believed in and what they sacrificed to bring me here. I wish my brother had made it.”
Selina turned serious.
“I asked the Commander about it when she told me your story. I don’t think there ever was a Kal-El. The Commander said that no one ever notified her that a rocket might be coming. They would have been on the lookout for it. They knew about yours. I think Kal-El was a red herring. I don’t doubt that Jor-El fired off a rocket, but there was no child inside it. He was not one to take that large a risk with a child. That would have almost guaranteed handing a Kryptonian’s life force to the Kayzik. I think they just put that story on your tapes to be consistent with other stories.”
“You know, Alan told me stories of a Superman and his cousin Supergirl. They were Kal-El and Kara Zor-El. Zor-El was Jor-El’s younger brother. Supergirl always lived in Superman’s shadow. Eventually, she was killed in battle saving his life.”
“Kira, you’re this world’s Superman – now don’t laugh so hard!” Selina grinned while Kira laughed. “Kira, you’re not meant to live in anyone’s shadow. You are this world’s most physically powerful being, bar none. Be proud of who you are, but never forget the responsibility that goes with it.”
“I won’t, Selina.” She smiled. “You know, maybe in some other universe, Kara Zor-El has returned and she fights with a Green Lantern at her side. I hope so. That thought comforts me. But you are right. While I may be female, I am the Superman of this universe. I have the responsibility and the legacy that goes with it. It’s time for me to live up to that legacy.” She turned serious. “Selina, why did you take such an interest in me?”
Selina stared into the distance.
“I don’t know.” Then she smiled. She looked back at Kira. “I think I do know. It’s just hard for me to admit. Kira, when I look you I see so much potential. I see who you were, who you are, and who you will be.”
“Who I will be?”
Selina turned her back to the rail and faced Kira.
“Kira, you always did heroic things just because you thought you were supposed to do heroic things. But you’ve changed and you can’t go back.”
“I think I understand, but I’m still a little puzzled.”
“No, you’re not, Kira. Why should you help people?”
“Because it’s the right thing to do. I don’t understand.” Kira chuckled with the sudden realization. “Ah! You’re one hell of a psychiatrist, Selina Kyle!”
“Welcome to your destiny, Supergirl.”
“I just hope I’m worthy of it.”
“You will be, Supergirl. I know you will be.” Selina looked over to a tree. “Come on! I want to introduce you to somebody special. She’s been watching us the entire time.” Selina shouted to the tree. “Come on out, Helena. I want you to meet Alan’s friend Kira.”
“Gee, Mommy. How long have you known?” Helena trotted towards them. Kira heard a bark and watched a little puppy come towards them.
“Like my puppy? Alan said I could keep him!”
Kira smiled.
“Ooh, you are a very special puppy for a very special little girl, aren’t you?”
He barked his agreement.
An hour later
“Thank you, Selina. I’ve learned so much today. But right now there is something I have to do.”
“What’s that, Kira?”
Kira smiled wistfully.
“I have to go prove myself to a fourteen year old boy.”
The red and blue streak climbed into the mid afternoon sky.
End of Chapter 7 of Terra's Revenge!