(Elf note: Chapters 6 and 7 overlap Chapter 5.)
Prologue: The Vegan System
“Father, I do not understand!”
“We know what the Psions did to you. That won’t happen again – the Kayzik solved that problem at least. We can no longer ignore that you make no attempt to restrain your warrior instincts. We can no longer take the risk of having you running wild!”
“I fight to keep our people free!”
“We are free. Our solar powers free us from the Kayzik’s glamour and allow us to escape.”
“But we have to fight back, here! Our honor requires us to fight for freedom everywhere!”
“All that does is attract attention to us on our own home world. It places our people in danger. You are a Princess. You have a responsibility to our people! You must learn when to and when not to fight.” The older man waved his massive mane of hair.
“Enough! You must be trained and guided by a true warrior! Our communications are sporadic, but I know the best of the Shantar is still nearby. I am sending you to her. She leads the Shantar resistance on a small planet that circles another star.”
“I do not understand, Father. You are a warrior and you have trained me well. I am ready to battle for our people.”
“You may, but not here! There are other places where your power will be welcome, but this is not one of them.” You make me proud, daughter, but even you cannot take the Kayzik on alone. I know you will resist, but I know you will obey me!
“I seek only to fly free, Father! I will seek to find those who will fly free with me!”
He watched her fly into the sky. You will get your chance, my daughter, but not here. Commander Elise Zoldar does not fight alone. His pride in her drove his thoughts. You will be the first of us to fly free. The torch of freedom has been lit. I pray that you add fire from our star to keep it blazing. He stood at the railing and watched until she disappeared from view.
End Prologue
Shantar Base, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
“Commander!” Jerik called to Command Assassin Elise Zoldar. “We’ve got a distress call being routed to us from Command. It’s deep in another part of Kayzik territory.”
“Why are they sending it to us?” She walked over to his console. “That’s why. Damn!” She punched the comms. “Base to Supergirl. We’ve got one hell of a problem. Alan’s off planet and I’ve got a distress call from what’s left of the Green Lantern Corps.”
Roane County, Tennesee
“The Green Lantern Corps?” Kira Jor-El dressed as she spoke. “That means whatever it is must be pretty ugly.”
“We don’t have any information. All we have is coordinates.” Elise Zoldar recited the location she had. “It’s way the hell out there and there’s no backup. Be careful!”
“I’m on it.” She was already through the atmosphere. One second later, the barriers of hyperspace had fallen away. (Elf note – this story continues in Chapter 7).
Shantar Base, a half hour later
I never dreamed I’d be here! Mary Marvel, I always believed in you. Now I know why! Diana of Themyscira sat near the entrance of the Shantar base. I watched you live your life. You never lost your spirit. Sometimes I wonder what I would have done when you died. She got up and watched the Shantar moving more supplies into the base. I’m glad I won’t have to find out any time soon. When all was said and done, you were the one to defend me. I will always remember that!
I remember the Batsons and Freddy. Billy seemed to challenge Alan in everything he did. Not exactly what the world needed from a hero. It took me a long time to understand why. Billy had thought it was all a game. Then he was so heartbroken when Alan died. He and Freddy gave up without a fight. Not Mary. No matter what they did to her, she fought on. She never gave up hope. Even after her children were killed and her husband died, she never gave up. I remember 30 years ago, when she decided that the Green Flame would return. She vowed she would be there to see it. Amazing. I wonder if Mary and Alan understand how strong their tie really is. Diana smiled ruthlessly. I wonder if she’ll ever know how many times she’s cheated death over the years.
Enough! I’m getting out of here!
“Diana to Base! I’m getting out of here for a while. I’ll be back in a couple of days. I need to get a good look at what’s happening in this world!”
“Diana, this is Jerik. Enjoy your trip!”
Diana rode the winds. I know where the Kayzik stations are – there are three hundred across this world: only 50 in North America. She stayed low, close to the trees.
The farms are coming back. The Kayzik don’t bother the farmers too much. Of course they don’t – more food means more souls. I know it’s been explained to me. It’s not really the soul they need, it’s the life force. You can’t trap the soul.
Chattanooga – what a horror. I can’t believe people live in those ruins. Ah! Look down there: a small child playing with her puppy.
“Helena, get back here! It’s not safe out there!” His mother called.
“I just want to have a little fun! We’re not hurting anyone!” The girl ran toward her.
“Be careful! I wouldn’t want the Death Bat to follow us up here! He might develop a taste for little girls!”
Bat? Diana swooped closer.
“It won’t eat me! You know that! I’m not a Kayzik! He only eats Kayzik!”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t tease you like that. He’s a good man. Just very misguided sometimes.” The child followed her across the ruins and into a shelter.
“Mommy, when are we going to see Daddy again?”
“I don’t know. I wish I did.”
Shantar Base, Lookout Mountain
“Commander?” Renik the Assassin called her. “We have an odd signal. Appears to be a craft of some kind, heading in this direction.
“Coming!” She ran to the console. “Damn, this is the last thing we need. We don’t want the Kayzik to discover this base, especially not with both Alan and Kira off planet. Options?”
“Ignore the signal.” Renik responded. “Let the Kayzik take the occupant. It’s not Shantar – it’s certainly not from the Empire. Option 2 – send out a small team and simply observe. Option 3 – take Dr. Fate and/or the Angel with you. I’d recommend Dr. Fate. Option 4 – Recall Diana and have her perform triage. Then reinforce. She’s closest and physically the strongest of us.”
“Do you recognize the signal?”
“No, Commander. Ah – here comes Jerik. Jerik, what do you make of this signal?”
Jerik smiled, then he reviewed the transmission.
“Commander, it’s Tamaran royalty. The signal asks for the Mother of Exiles.” He looked at her. “I’ve been in contact with them, but did not expect this. Two of their Princesses were tortured and heavily modified by the Psions. The King has been having problems with one of them. Her warrior nature combined with her power frightens them. He had told me she was endangering them. I had no idea Myand’r would actually send her here!”
“I do believe you. Surely he realizes she would endanger us as well. Why here?”
Jerik stared at the wall for a second.
“Because you are a warrior’s warrior. Ma’am, you’re a Command Assassin. You run in very dangerous company – as the Kayzik have found to their horror.” His eyes twinkled.
“There is that.” She smiled. “I do tend to attract strays!” She chuckled and shook her head. Jerik smiled. Renik remained aloof. “Command to Dr. Fate. We’ve got a problem.”
In the skies over Tullahoma, Tennessee
How dare they dump me here! The rocket avoided the Kayzik lasers. She regained control once the craft entered the upper atmosphere. She skillfully piloted the craft until it was near the surface. Damn them! They only gave me fuel for a one-way trip. The rocket is cracking up anyway. I have to escape! The rocket slowed and ejected her. She flew into the atmosphere. Odd taste, but at least I can breathe it. Feel that Sunshine. Energized, she destroyed the capsule.
Well, at least now I can go kill some Kayzik! Where should I start? She grinned fiercely. Doesn’t matter! I’ll kill them all!
“Where do you think you’re going?” A small woman stood on a platform in front of her. An oddly dressed man wearing a gold helmet floated beside the woman.
“I’m going to slaughter every Kayzik I can find. They’ve been killing my people for years and I’m going to even the score!” She smiled broadly.
“Like Hell you will. Not on my planet! All you’ll accomplish is to get the natives and my people killed!” The small woman glared.
“Compared to what I can do, that’s just collateral damage!” Her feral grin broadened. “You’ve never seen my kind of power!”
The small woman held her tongue for a moment. Finally, she spoke.
“Little girl, you have no idea where you are.” She stared at the Tamaran. “You have no idea who my allies are. Do not brag until you have the facts, Princess.” Doesn’t even realize Jeffrey’s altered her to understand our speech.
“You know who I am.”
“You are Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran, also known as Starfire. You are powerful. You are also young, impetuous, reckless, and dangerous to everyone around you. If it weren’t for Dr. Fate, you’d also be in a swarm of Kayzik ships.”
“And who are you to tell me anything!”
“I am Command Assassin Elise Zoldar of the Shantar. I guide the children of the Mother of Exiles. Though you know it not, she is your mother as well.”
“I have a mother – Luand’r. I do not know what you mean!”
“You will, child, you will!” Arrogant whelp! At least Alanna always understands the consequences of what she does. This one is so dangerous!
Chattanooga, Tennessee
“Base, this is Diana. Heard anything about a ‘Bat’?”
“Diana, this is Garja Jenna. There’s a Kayzik base at Nashville, Tennessee. We’ve heard snatches of conversations that something is attacking Kayzik there. They flood out and hunt whatever it is, but they never seem to catch it. The losses are not severe enough for the Kayzik to mount a larger assault. Whatever it is doesn’t seem to care about much of anything.”
“Like a Shantar assassin?”
“No, Diana. Underneath everything, an assassin still cares. I found that out the hard way.” And I’ll never doubt the Commander, again! “This creature seems to feel nothing but homicidal rage.”
“I get your drift. Elise can be so cold at times, but I’ve never doubted her character.”
“Exactly. I don’t know about this one. Seems so self-destructive. I’ll reserve final judgment. I know nothing about the creature.”
“I wonder. I think I’ll take a trip to Nashville.”
“I know what you’re thinking. I’ll be careful. I can tell when I’m getting close to the Kayzik. I’ll keep clear!”
“What’s the point of having all this power if I can’t use it?” Her frustration blazed at the Commander.
“You misunderstand. I said nothing about not using it. I simply said you would not use it here and now! Tell me, what legends do your people have?”
“Legends? Ours are all warriors: those of us who did what had to be done. They got the best results they could from the resources they had on hand.”
Elise Zoldar smiled. Not completely hopeless!
“Exactly! They didn’t just randomly attack, did they?”
“No, they had clear objectives in mind. They knew what they had to accomplish and they planned to do it. When the time came, they gave their all.”
“Koriand’r, are these legends your heroes?”
“Well, there are some that awe me. Not all were from of our world, but all were true heroes who fought against extraordinary odds.”
“Child, You stand on the world that will equal those legends and more!”
Smyrna, Tennessee
I must be getting close to the hive! I can feel some of the glamour. I must have a little immunity, after all. The glamour is turning my stomach. I’ll see how far I can go. Damn, wish I didn’t have to see this. Two groups of humans battled. They fired their rifles at each other.
“People of the Bat? Try creatures of Hell!”
“We will have this land! You don’t deserve it!”
“We’ve had it for two generations! The Bat does not champion you!”
“He would believe in our cause! Earth for the Earthlings!”
“Damn you bastards!”
This battle is driven by pure economics. There are forty people in the battle, about twenty on either side. The land will support thirty at most. The group that wins the battle gets the land: Pure and simple. I can’t do a damn thing. She flew on. Wish I had Mary’s speed.
The remains of what had been Nashville came into view. I can sure feel the glamour increase! Diana kept her distance. She saw the Kayzik warriors patrol the ground. She faded against the wall of a five-story building. She watched as a figure jumped from the shadows. It landed on top of one of the Kayzik warriors. Through sheer will, it ripped its claws through one after another. As they fired their blasters, it rolled and bounced away. The Kayzik reassembled. It attacked again.
Doesn’t seem to be a meta, but it can fight. Looks to be a man in some kind of armor. She watched the battle. Let’s see what he does. Relentlessly he slaughtered the Kayzik, one by one. Absolutely merciless: they don’t stand a chance! Where did that armor come from? Seems almost blast proof. Damn, the necromancers are coming. Have got to get out of here! Diana fled upwards to escape the glamour. She shouted a warning as she fled.
“You’ve attracted attention! Necromancers on the way!” She shot into the sky.
The figure on the ground seemed to acknowledge her. Then it headed towards the Necromancers.
Now what do I do with her? Elise Zoldar pondered her next move. Not sure I want to take her back to base, but I can’t leave her here. Need some better way to gauge her behavior. Would have been a lot simpler if we were still just roaming. Her comms beeped.
“Got it, Diana. We’ll see if we can find her. Commander to Base, get Renik to these coordinates, now! Look for a woman and child. Observe only. We’re on our way!”
Powerful wings propelled Warren Worthington and the assassin.
“Archangel, She wants us to watch, but she wants to be the one to make contact.”
“Understood, Renik. I see something over there. Damn! I’m going to stealth mode. Whoever she is, she’s attracted attention.” Archangel skimmed the treetops.
“Renik to Base. This just got complicated. There’s a patrol of Kayzik warriors headed in their direction. They’re fully armed. Contact the Commander.”
Rossville, Tennessee
“Understood! We’re almost there.” Elise Zoldar regarded Koriand’r. “Princess, you’re about to get your wish! Jeffrey, this is about to get ugly.”
“Commander,” He advised, “we will arrive in just a minute.”
“Princess, when I tell you, fire where I tell you and nowhere else. We don’t know anything about these people. Diana warned us to expect trouble from both sides. If there are necromancers among them, all bets are off!”
“Revenge! Revenge for what they’ve done to my people.” Koriand’r’s killing instinct drove her.
“Princess, you’re about to find out that revenge is a dish best served cold.”
Damn! I don’t have any real weapons! That’s what happens when you cut and run.
“Helena! Come here. Quickly! Here’s your crossbow!” She grabbed her child and the puppy. She leaped upwards. She leaped upwards again.
“Mommy! What do I do?” The child was frightened.
“Honey, if it’s ugly and frightens you, shoot it! You know how to do that, don’t you?”
“Yes, Mommy. I’ll stay here.”
“Good girl!” Powerful muscles propelled her downwards. She ran into the shelter. She emerged with a blaster and a sword. Claws were attached to her hands and feet. She jumped upwards into the tree. You’ll not have my child, you bastards! She prepared for the onslaught. Damn! They came in force! Don’t see anything but warriors, though. I do stand a chance. She grimaced.
She jumped into the Kayzik warriors. Her claws gouged the nearest warrior. Then she saw a shimmer and the warrior behind it fell.
“Now, Princess! Fate! Get them the Hell out of there!”
Koriander moved. She blasted violet starbolts into the Kayziks. They fired back with a weapon meant for Terrans. She retreated to let the blast pass and dove again.
The woman felt herself, her daughter, and their pet drawn upwards. She watched the Shantar Commander leap down and disappear.
“Welcome. My compatriots will complete this battle shortly.” They floated above with the man in the golden helm.
The Shantar Commander and Renick invisibly attacked the Kayzik. Starfire attacked any that did not appear to be occupied by the assassins. She attacked with both starbolts and sword. Archangel’s adamantium feather projectiles added to the confusion. The battle lasted only minutes.
The last Kayzik ceased moving.
“That was fun!” Starfire grinned.
“I must admit I enjoyed that.” Elise Zoldar grinned back. “Nothing like a good workout.” She cleaned off her sword and holstered it. She walked towards the woman. Now, who the Hell are you and what’s your connection to the Bat?”
“I’m Selina Kyle and this is my daughter Helena.”
“My Daddy is Bruce Wayne! Have you seen him?” The little girl chirped up.
She moves like a cat. The cat and the bat? Somehow, I can see it in this child. Her thoughts turned elsewhere. Oh, Alan, where are you now? Bring our family home! She touched her comms device.
“Diana? We got them. They’re safe and sound. Great call! Anything?”
“I’m keeping an eye out. Mostly I just see devastation. The closer I get to Nashville, the worse it gets. I’ve run across so many minor feuds. People are just killing each other out of desperation. I have seen him, twice now. The second time he killed several necromancers outright. I will keep watching, but I can’t get that close.”
“Sounds like he’s stolen their technology and he’s using it against them. I’d like to know how he gained his immunity to the glamour.” Elise watched Selina Kyle. Nothing but pride in those eyes: good call, Diana. Probably loves him, but fears for the child. Something else I can’t put a finger on – no data. All I can do is follow my instincts.
“Who are you?” Selina questioned her. “You’re obviously not human. Are you allied with the Resistance? I can tell you don’t work for the Kayzik. What’s your role in this mess?”
“I am Command Assassin Elise Zoldar of the Shantar Empire. That woman is definitely not the dimmest bulb on the porch. We resist the Kayzik throughout the Cosmos. We work with the Resistance on this and many other worlds. Speaking of which, this is Princess Koriand’r of Tamaran.” Starfire took a bow. “Just a small number of us remained on your planet after the Earth was overrun by the Kayzik.”
“She speaks truthfully.” Jeffrey Nelson removed his helm. “This is a very dangerous place for them to be. I am Dr. Fate. My friend, the Archangel and I ally with them gladly. They believe in our dream of freedom and they accept us for who we are.”
“We’ve tried to work with the Resistance before,” Selina interjected, “but they’ve never seemed very interested in us. We’re not ground troops. Alexander Luthor seeks to raise infantry.”
“And you’re Special Forces.” Elise smiled. “We’ve had that argument before. If you’re a mutant or an alien, Alexander will put up with you, but he won’t allow you a position of power in his organization. We’ve had more than our share of disagreements.” She looked at Koriand’r. “We do our best to keep a low profile while protecting the population. We don’t want to attract attention to Earth. We choose to fight our battles elsewhere. We will free Earth, but there will be an Earth to free.”
“You really aren’t just hiding here?” Koriand’r watched her smile. “You’re not like my father at all! You really are a true warrior!”
“We do what we can to make a difference. We shelter those who will make that difference. Two teams of my allies are off planet at this moment. They’re doing what must be done. When you’re ready, you may have the honor of joining one of their teams. We’ll see!” Elise smiled again. Her comms beeped again.
“Commander!” They heard Jerik’s voice. “Thought you might want to know. The Green Lantern burns bright above the skies of New Oa. The fleet is moving into light resistance and the ground forces are securely transporting! They did it!” (Elf note – Terra’s Revenge, Chapter 5)
“YES!” She screamed to the heavens. “Damn it! You did it!” Fierce pride blazed from her.
“Thank God!” Jeffrey Nelson heaved a sigh of relief. Renik seemed lost in thought.
“So their gamble paid off.” Archangel looked into the heavens. “Absolutely amazing!”
“The Green Lantern? But I thought?” Selina Kyle let her question drop.
“It doesn’t matter now, I can tell you.” Elise locked her gaze onto Koriand’r. “Did you ever hear the legend of the Champion of the Green Flame? The Terrans knew him as the Green Lantern, although he never was a member of the Green Lantern Corps.”
“I remember the Corps. Most of the Guardians were captured. Many Shantar lost their lives retrieving those Guardians they could. The Guardians’ life forces drove the capture of this world and ours.” Koriand’r grimaced.
“The Kayzik found the surviving Guardians on their new home world. They occupied New Oa and they took the Guardians. It was a tremendous loss for us! Not only did the Kayzik have the Guardians’ life energy, but they possessed a base deep in our remaining territory.” Elise radiated pride. She looked fiercely at Selina Kyle. “He’s back! Returned to us from a place even the Kayzik couldn’t reach. The Green Lantern of Earth just led a strike force against the Kayzik on New Oa. We’re actually recapturing one of our worlds!” She left them and walked into the woods. Koriand’r started to walk after her.
“Let her go.” Jeffrey Nelson stopped Starfire. “Her family has just done the impossible, but they are still in grave danger.”
“Family?” Awed, Koriand’r watched the Shantar Commander depart.
“Listen and I will tell you the tale of the children of the Mother of Exiles.” He picked up Helena Wayne and told them about his friends.
“Thanks, Garja! It’s such a relief to know. Please keep me posted! They actually made it! Mary, you continue to surprise me! I’m so glad you found your family. She praised the Gods she knew, even though she was sure they were long gone. Enough! There he is!
Diana pulled out her magic lasso. Come on! Come out of that house, you bastard! After several minutes, the armored form appeared. She tossed her lasso and yanked it tight.
“Hold! I only wish to talk to you! Who are you? How can you fight them so well?” She watched him for a moment. He nodded and flexed. The lasso fell away. He jumped above her and took off.
“Wonder Woman to Base. I think I know how he’s doing it. Ingenious.” She took off after him. No more! She knew where he was. She hovered above where he would emerge. He scanned the area for Kayzik and came out with his supplies. She grabbed him and bolted skyward.
“Oof! You’re a heavy one aren’t you?”
“Let’s try this again! I do have your mate and your daughter safe. They will not be threatened. But I need to know: your name is being invoked in the little territory wars in this region. I want to know why. Now, I’ve been nice so far but I bet if I drop you, I’ll see a hole in the ground.”
“Well armored Bat, here’s the deal. Either I get my answers or I’ll take you with me. I can whip up a mystic can opener or two if I have to, or I’ll just wait until the more powerful members of my team are available. Ever been to the moon? Let’s go now! I’m dying to find out how warm that armor really is!” She started to rise again. Her comms beeped.
“Wonder Woman, this is Base. If you find him, do not engage him. Repeat! Do not engage.”
“Base, this is Wonder Woman. Too late! I’ve already caught him. Any advice?”
“Yes, let him go and head back. We’ll explain when you get here. And Diana?”
“Tell him his family really is safe and secure. Then go.”
“Acknowledged. Out.” She put him down and started to rise. Then she settled back down. “We will keep your family safe. Be careful out there. When you’re ready, call us by punching this. I know you won’t keep it near your headquarters.” She handed him a signal device. He reached for it and nodded. She jumped into the air. What a wasted trip! All I did was piss him off and watch idiots shoot at each other. She kept low to the trees for the two hours it took her to get to base.
Shantar Base, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee
Mary Marvel spoke through the intercom. “Base, we made it. No team casualties. We’ll be back in the morning.”
“This is Garja Jenna. Great to hear! Take it easy out there! Base out!” She shut the comms off. She smiled up at her commander.
“Ma’am! They did it. I’ve been following the traffic. The Kayzik transporters were very close to operational. They were almost able to seal those satellites.”
“Can’t fault his instincts. He usually doesn’t rush into anything. If those satellites had come on-line. . .” Elise Zoldar shuddered. “Just another day until he returns, then?”
“I’ve spoken to Command. They’re confirming that New Oa is under their control. Command notes that our team is at the Oan complex. They’ve rescued survivors from the Green Lantern Corps. No reason they can’t come back tomorrow.”
The Commander turned to Starfire.
“This is what we haven’t told you.” Starfire listened intently as she explained. “When the Kayzik control a world, they first isolate and control the hyperspace paths to it. Then they set up their infrastructure. Once their satellites are in place and their transporters are on-line, their worlds are impregnable. Our team did not use a ship that had to make the standard jumps. They made several long jumps, the first from this solar system. The last was from a distant region of Kayzik controlled space, nowhere close to Shantar controlled space. That jump was well hidden and certainly not where the Kayzik were looking. There were no hops close to New Oa for the Kayzik to track. They tracked the team’s exit, but they only found one person coming out of hyperspace – that was the deception. The Sentinel imitated an Oan GL and fled the Kayzik long enough for his team to get into position.”
“Then what did he do?” Starfire had to know.
“Even when he was simply Green Lantern, his weakness was not to yellow. The Kayzik attacked him as if it was. In the meantime, the team’s real attack was underway in spaceports and in the old Shantar Government Center. He let the Kayzik chase him for a few minutes and then he simply let them catch him. Then, he did what he was born to do - what he’d done on Earth 65 years ago. He stood his ground and attacked. He destroyed their airborne attack craft. By the time the Kayzik realized they’d been had, it was far too late. Mary Marvel and an Oan Green Lantern had destroyed most of their attack craft on the ground and the Shade had provided Shantar infantry secure transport to the government center. The Shantar forces were already in position.”
“What are my lessons from this?”
“The first two lessons, Koriand’r, are that one should never rush into battle unprepared, but that one should be able to recognize a valuable opportunity when it comes along. The third lesson is to always have an escape plan. In case the satellites had been in place, they had already planned their escape route. Still, it does not make the waiting any easier.” She walked to a different console and looked at the reading. “Fourth lesson. Waiting sucks!” She smiled at the room.
“Ma’am, the meals you asked for have been prepared.”
“Good! Diana should be back very shortly. Dr. Fate, you’re with me. Everyone else, prepare for the attack. We won’t have to wait long!”
They sat around a small campfire. Smoke rose into the Tennessee night.
“I don’t want to appear ungrateful and I do appreciate the meal, but I’m not used to strangers asking for my life story. I know you’ve worked to help me, but I’ve spent too much time around the Death Bat.” Selina Kyle looked away from the commander. She watched her daughter play with Jeffrey Nelson. Helena was happily oblivious to their conversation.
“I understand, but I’ve set my fortress up for an attack. I’d like to know what’s going to hit me.” That, and I’d like to find out what YOU are.
Selina Kyle nodded in understanding.
“Bruce Wayne is a good man, but too much has happened to him. His grandfather, Edward, had been an engineer before the Kayzik. He used his considerable skills to secret the family away from those animals. Bruce’s father, Thomas, learned everything his father could teach. They also were scavengers – they looked for the junk the Kayzik threw away. They knew what to do with it, too. They had comforts few people had. They had lights at night to study by.”
“Sounds like they understood how to make the best of a bad situation.” They took advantage of the Kayzik technology. I’m impressed!
“He’s always impressed me!” Selina’s eyes were bright. “Everything went relatively well until Thomas Wayne made a mistake. He brought home something with a tracer. Bruce watched while the Kayzik abducted his parents and reclaimed their technology. He was determined. He had his father’s and grandfather’s notes. He learned and began to adapt the technology.”
They heard a swooping sound. Wonder Woman landed. Jeffrey Nelson pulled her aside. Selina Kyle continued her story.
“Bruce and I more or less grew up together. My family was more athletic. His family had been more technically brilliant. My parents taught both of us how to survive. Bruce found an old martial arts master and we learned his craft. When Bruce wasn’t doing that, he was learning from his father’s notes. I appreciated his initiative. His technology helped us to ensure our food supply. Bruce and I learned how to kill Kayzik warriors together.”
Diana entered their conversation.
“Then what happened? When did he build the robot?”
“You know? How?”
“I was able to get him off the ground, but he was too heavy to be human. The armor couldn’t have raised his weight that much. I’d already suspected the truth when I saw that the Kayzik’s glamour was absolutely useless. When I realized the creature couldn’t speak, that did it for me!”
Selina nodded.
“We had Helena seven years ago. Five years ago the Kayzik caught my parents. Something seemed to break inside him. He grew even more determined. He split his time between fighting the Kayzik and creating his damned robot. Once it was created, he spent ever more time with it. He grew increasingly distant. I finally realized he had really lost himself. He was becoming dangerous to all of us. He moved our quarters closer and closer to the Kayzik base. I knew my child was in growing danger. We fled, but the Kayzik had already associated us with him. A random patrol spotted us. That’s when you came in. I imagine he’ll take the blame for that.” She grinned. “He’d be thrilled to have the credit.” She shook her head sadly. She looked off to her side. Jeffrey Nelson chatted with Helena. The rest of them listened.
“My Daddy beats the evil monsters. I just wish he wanted us to be with him. We could help!”
“I’m sure you could. I know that you can help us. Would you like that? I’ve got all kinds of neat tricks to show you!”
“Can we come stay near you? There are bad things in these woods.”
Elise caught the look in Diana’s eyes. She nodded and walked over the child. She sat down in front of Helena.
“We won’t leave you here.” I know the Kayzik will be coming back. I’ll be damned if you’ll be here to greet them. “Would you like to stay in a place with lights that stay on all the time? Where it doesn’t get too hot or too cold? We’re a little short-staffed. We could use some help.” She smiled kindly to the girl. “Maybe your Daddy can even come to visit!”
“I’d like that! Can we go with them, Mommy? Please? Can I bring my crossbow?”
Elise saw a flash of a young woman. Dark haired, she wore blue and violet. Elise detected cunning, calculating brilliance without the father’s obsession. The child of the bat and the cat. A huntress. She thought before speaking.
“I think we will be honored to have you. It will not always be easy, and you will have much to learn. But you will have your chance to help free the peoples of this world.”
“Odd when she speaks like that” Selina whispered to Diana.
“She has what her people call the old gift. She saw something, I can tell. Take comfort – that means your child will grow up.” Diana felt her resolve grow. I won’t fail this one; I swear it! Then she noticed an odd look in Elise’s eyes.
“We can’t wait too much longer. Our base is about to be attacked and I’d like to be there for it.”
“How can you be so sure? I left his creature only a few hours ago.”
“Diana, he put a tracer on you.” Elise smiled with satisfaction. “Jerik took it off as soon as you hit Base. We’ve been tracking the receiver. I’d have done the same thing he did. We better get going. He’s less than an hour away. I know you wouldn’t want to miss the fun!” She shot a look of pure innocence to Selina.
Innocent, I’ll bet. Oh well. The blow to his ego will be good for him! She watched her daughter. Well, I’d rather throw in with these folks than stick it out alone. They do seem very fond of Helena: more fond of her than her own father.
“Let me grab just a few things. Not much I’ll really need except our tools.” They made short work of packing.
Shantar Base, Lookout Mountain
The robot leaned into the tree. The Bat creature shot his grappling hook upward and began to climb. He climbed slowly, methodically. He shot the grappling hook again. He climbed again. He stopped halfway up the mountain and looked upward.
A violet bolt severed his line. He began to fall backwards. A glowing lasso grabbed him, ending his fall. He felt himself being yanked upwards.
“Miss me?” Diana taunted. “Most boys don’t go to this kind of effort on a first date! See, Kori, I told you he liked me! No, no! Don’t struggle and keep your mouth shut! I like my men to come without a fight!” I caught the real thing, this time! The magic lasso keeps him from fighting back!
“He is cute, Diana. Thinks he’s a Bat. Think he can fly??”
“I think he likes me too much to fly away. Shall we take him inside? He does look awful silly! Cute britches, though.”
“Hmm,” Kori licked her lips. “Too bad he’s already taken.”
“I think she’s tired of him! Maybe we’ll get our chance! Come along little Brucie! Giddyap!” They hauled him up the mountain and into a Base conference room.
“Well, well, well! What do we have here?” Elise Zoldar inspected the man. “Rules are simple. Behave yourself and we get along. Screw up and you’ve got a one-way trip down Ruby Falls. Do we understand each other?”
He nodded.
“Do you intend to keep the agreement, at least for this visit?”
He nodded again. She gazed at Korand’r and Diana.
“Ladies, you’ve made your point. Now, he’s Selina’s problem. Let’s go find Helena. Jeffrey was saying something about a ‘bedtime’ story.” Wonder Woman withdrew the Lasso. They headed away from the conference room he was in. Selina Kyle entered.
“Cat got your tongue, Bruce? Pissed off because you got set up by a bunch of dumb broads?”
“Selina, I never said you were dumb.”
“That’s true. You sure as hell didn’t have the time to say it!” Come on, Bruce! Give me something! Show me you have at least one emotion left!
“I have to kill the Kayzik. They consume our world. I must keep them from killing more of our people!”
“Bruce! You don’t have that kind of power. You can’t win this one alone! You’re just not that good!”
“You used to think otherwise. Here, I even brought your costume. It is time to come back and continue the fight.” He dropped a black costume on the table. She remembered it. It had a large gold bat across the breast, with a bat-buckled utility belt. There were shields strategically located across the uniform. The cowl and its ears would hide most of her face. The cape would make her appear even more terrifying. She took it. She looked up to him.
“No Bruce, I won’t go back. I may not be quite as smart as you are and I may not be as driven as you are, but I’m a lot more effective. I know how to work with people and I will work with these people. They have the power we need to make a difference. You don’t. What’s worse is that you don’t care!” I can’t get a response out of him! He’s as stiff as his robot! “What did you think you would find here? Come on, Bruce! Show me there is still something left inside you!”
“Your duty is to come back with me and help fight our enemy! That’s the only thing that matters! We must defeat them. We must drive them from this State and then the next! I can find their vulnerable spots and we can hit them where it hurts!”
It’s just as I feared. He’s completely gone.
“You stupid bastard! Have you forgotten? You may be the king of Kayzik technology, but I’m the damn detective. The only thing you can do is to run that robot until it hits something. Even the tracker you used was something I created! You created the damned bat costume to imitate mine! Bruce, you’ve lost it! What matters to you? Tell me, please?”
“We must continue the never-ending battle! It is our charge! Captain Marvel and the Green Lantern would have wanted us to!” Madness raged in his eyes.
I know what Elise has said about the Sentinel. That ain’t it!
“Damn it Bruce, show me there’s more than the Angel of Death left to you. I can see it now! My claim to fame – I loved Azrael, the Angel of Death, the one who looks like a poor imitation of a bat.”
“Selina, if the Kayzik think of me as an Angel of Death, then I have truly aided our cause!” Bruce Wayne raged. “We must increase the pressure on the evil ones, we must! Only then can we succeed!”
“Bruce, I think you better leave. Come back when you’ve got your head screwed on straight.”
“Selina!” He was frantic. “You must come back and help with the fight!”
“Bruce, get this straight. I created Batgirl when my parents were killed. I will be Batgirl. But I answer to no one. Thank you for reminding me of that. Now I think you’d better leave!” Oh, God! He’s completely gone! I can’t find him any more! I’m so sorry, Helena! I couldn’t do it!
He grabbed her. A quick, fluid motion and he was on the floor halfway across the room. He charged again. Powerful legs pushed him against the conference room wall. He attacked yet again. She back-flipped and threw him against the far wall. He fell unconscious.
Damn it! I guess we can’t outrun our destinies. Mine is to be the Bat. She put on the costume. Then she hoisted him across her shoulders and walked towards the exit. They saw her pass, but said nothing. Helena, you certainly choose your friends wisely! She smiled at the thought. Then she resumed her grim task.
“Requesting exit. I’ll be back!” She leaped out of the shield. As she fell, she aimed the grappling hook on her free arm and fired. It slowed her fall. She retracted it and repeated the motion. Several times more, she repeated that same motion. She was on the ground with her burden.
Bruce, please find yourself! You didn’t even ask about your own daughter! She found the robot and activated it. Good boy, Sparky. Now let’s throw a little quirk in your program. He won’t be able to come within a hundred miles of this place. Take him home! She watched as the Bat robot ran down the road.
Batgirl shot the grappling hook on one arm into the side of the mountain. While she let it pull her, she shot farther up the mountain with the grappling hook on her other arm. She rose smoothly and gracefully as she alternated the grappling hooks. Soon she was back at the entrance to the base. She stood at the entrance and let the wind billow her cape. Hell of an odd Batcave! It will certainly do. They helped me to remember who I am. Thank you Jeffrey, for being so kind to my child!
Selina looked in on her daughter. Helena slept soundly with her puppy nestled in next to her. A book of bedtime fables lay on the table next to the bed. Oh Bruce, why couldn’t we have had this together? The only true peace Helena has ever known, and it’s the gift of strangers. She stepped back out into the hall. Commander, I swear I will earn my place here!
Selina walked to the adjoining room and entered it. She took off her costume and put it away. She brushed her hair in the mirror for a few minutes. She stopped, but continued to stare into the mirror. A single tear creased her cheek. Finally, Selina could no longer deny her exhaustion. She collapsed into bed. She was still crying when sleep overtook her.
Tullahoma, Tennessee
Carrying its burden, the ever-obedient robot ran towards Nashville.
End of Chapter 6 of Terra's Revenge!