The Rock of Eternity
“Demons!” Mary Marvel shouted. “There are Kayzik demons here! What the hell are they doing at the Rock of Eternity?” She pulled her blade and aimed towards the nearest demon.
“I’ll try to scare them off!” The Sentinel blasted the nearest demon with yellow flame. The demon howled.
“Be careful, my friends, but we must hurry! Nabu is very insistent.” Dr. Fate aimed a spell.
“Easy for you to say kid. But be careful!” Kent Nelson warned his progeny.
They had distracted some of the demons, but most continued to attack the stronghold at the Rock of Eternity. There were shouts inside the stronghold.
“We must hold them off as long as we can! We cannot leave until an inheritor has arrived!”
“I’m trying Kannet, I’m trying.” The female voice paused. “Ganda, something is happening. What?”
“Xana, just hold the damned door!” Ganda shouted. “We’ll know when we can open it. Marden, what’s going on out there?”
I don’t need this! This was supposed to be a simple research trip! The Sentinel flamed a demon. It roared and disappeared. Mary Marvel tore the head off the demon next to it.
“Penny for your thoughts, cousin!” The Sentinel blasted the next demon.
“Nice to know we’re still a team! Duck!” Mary Marvel tossed a demon over the Sentinel’s head. It crashed into a demon threatening Kent Nelson.
“I thought this was supposed to be a pleasure ride for an old coot like me!” Kent scrambled to get out of the way. “Worse date I’ve ever had! Even with my grandson and old friend as the chaperones!” He got out of the way as another demon flew by him and burst into flames.
Inside the stronghold a voice shouted.
“I do not know how, but an inheritor is among them. Aid them if you can!”
“Not yet! They don’t need our help! Our duty is to keep the stronghold secure! The Kayzik could displace this magic into other universes. We must prevent that!”
Dr. Fate voiced a spell:
By the power of Tribbidon,
Unwelcome demons, be gone!
The Sentinel considered. Maybe he’s got something there!
“Mary! Get in the center of the demons and say your favorite word!”
“Here? We know it has no power!”
“Trust me cousin. I’ve got your back!” The Sentinel reassured her.
Mary Marvel saw his aura increase its golden power. He knows what he’s doing. Here goes!
“SHAZAM!” A flash of lightning hit the demons. They fried around her. She had become 18 year old Mary Batson. “SHAZAM!” The remaining demons fried and disappeared. She was Mary Marvel, in her original costume with gold trim and a lightning bolt. Her Xentronium blade retained the Green Lantern insignia, but all other decorations were gold. So much for not working! Nice to know I can do that again! They heard voices as the door unlocked. The four of them wandered to it.
Mary watched as four people held the door open for them. They look like Alanna Scott! Alan’s seen these people before! I don’t like this kind of mystery.
The Sentinel and Kannet looked at each other. They both spoke a single word.
Shantar Base, Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, two hours earlier.
“Alan, you keep asking me about the Rock of Eternity. I haven’t been there since the old Wizard took my power!” Mary Marvel was indignant.
“I’m sorry Mary, but I put him up to it.” Kent Nelson walked over to them. “Mary, we face a mystic menace and we’ve got an open vulnerability at the Rock of Eternity. We don’t know who’s running it, or if they’re pulling power from it.”
“I’m certainly tapping it!” She folded her arms. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be Mary Marvel, the Sentry!”
“Cousin, no one is saying otherwise.” Alan Scott reassured her. “But why can’t you call the power directly? Something really stinks and it’s not the mystic green flame.”
“I must agree with the Sentinel, Mary Marvel.” Dr. Fate approached. “There is a disturbance in that part of space-time and I do not know what it is. I strongly recommend that we investigate.”
“Makes sense to me.” Alan approved. “Alanna has the tough job right now and Elise is coordinating with the empire.” (see Alterverse 4) “Jeryll, Xavier, and the rest of the team can keep the facility secure while we’re gone. Kira isn’t too far away. Sounds like a good time to go! How do we get there?”
“There’s a veil that only those with mystic strength can pierce.” Dr. Fate related. “I’d suggest the four of us go. I dislike relying on intuition, but something tells me that we four must go.”
“Ok, I’ll tell the Commander. We’ll leave in an hour!” Alan went to find her.
An hour later
Mary Marvel led them to the hidden mountain. Dr. Fate showed them the portal.
“And now we pierce the veil!” He gestured. They all jumped through.
“Got you, Kent!” The Sentinel grabbed Kent Nelson before he had fallen. “I’ll have to be more careful next time. This is wild! Oxygen atmosphere in a void.”
“Cousin, are you glowing gold on purpose?” Mary watched him.
“Uh, no. Odd. If we’re not in the real universe, then I should feel like I’m running on stored energy. Something is feeding me power and it’s not the Starheart.”
Dr. Fate looked at him. He shook his head.
“Alan, you’re a conundrum wrapped inside a mystery tied together by a riddle. I think you’re being powered by the Rock of Eternity, but that’s just a guess. You and Mary are tied together in very odd ways in this universe.”
“Can’t complain. Power works just fine! Let’s get going!” They followed him to the Rock of Eternity.
How the Hell does he know where it is? He’s never been here before! I know that! Billy was so dead set against him coming here! Mary Marvel brought up the rear.
The Rock of Eternity
“OK cousin, what gives!” Mary stood next to the Sentinel.
“I met him in Len Scott’s universe!” He gestured to Kannet. “He was there in my darkest hour.”
“You cannot be here! This is not your universe!” Kannet raged. “Your difference was in the other universe!”
“Who are you? How do you tie to my children, Molly and Alanna? You must be tied to them! I see it in the color of your skin! It’s an exact match!”
“You’re related to Molly Scott?” Kannet eyed his companions. “By the Goddess, what a mess. If you’re tied to the Shantar Commander and the Kryptonian, I will scream!”
“Elise and Kira? What do they have to do with this?”
“Kannet, it’s far more than that.” Xana chimed in. “He’s the child of the Starheart of this universe. The woman is the holder of the power of Shazam. She is the inheritor. They are tied by blood and friendship.”
“Do you know what happened to Sandy after my death?” Alan asked Kannet. “She was the one most hurt by my passing, I’m sure. Will she be all right?”
Kannet looked at him.
“Both she and that universe will be fine, thanks to your choice!” He smiled genuinely.
“Are you aware the Kayzik are not native to your universe?” Xana asked the Terrans.
“Interesting.” Kannet mused. “We have really only influenced this universe once, even though we interacted with a single individual twice. Even I did not suspect who Len Scott really was. We have much to discuss.”
“Will someone tell me what is going on?” Kent Nelson was exasperated. “Am I missing something?”
“All will be explained in time, oh mighty wizard!” Xana responded cheerfully. “Let’s make ourselves comfortable. This will be a very different tale!”
5 minutes later
“All right, what tie do you have to my daughter and granddaughter? You resemble them too much.”
“Strictly speaking, both of them are your children, sort of, but far more than that. Are they both living?” Xana asked.
“No. Molly passed away recently. Had quite a career, but I missed almost her entire life!” Alan’s regret tinged his voice.
“Only the first time. Only the first time.” Kannet mused. “Enough – I will explain myself. I am a cell leader of the children of the Dark Force. We are part of the remainder of a proud race called the Seltan. We originate in a universe that is heavily slanted towards magic. We employ a Dark Force to survive. It is not an evil force, but simply a tool, much like the mystic flame. We manipulate shadows as well as use the power to escape and travel. In that state, we have no mass and can travel extreme distances. There is one limitation. We can’t truly leave our home universe.”
“Then, how are you here?” Dr. Fate asked.
“This is a place that bends many rules. That is why we could enter it and protect it directly. It is a very unusual circumstance. In fact, it costs us tremendously to act in any other universe. Normally, we can only make a minor change in another universe, and then only once. That minor change may affect the future of that universe and will invalidate prophesies of true seers. Until the cascade effects off the change cross that universe, a seer’s prophecy cannot be assured. However, affecting another universe twice is beyond our power. Somehow, we do appear to have done that. We await your story, Len Scott.”
“Alan Scott. Len was a nickname. My real name in both worlds is Alan Wellington Scott. Please continue.” Alan gestured back to them. They were whispering anxiously among themselves. Kannet finally resumed.
“Then I continue with our tale and the horror we have allowed to be inflicted on other universes. The Kayzik are native to our universe and no other. The Shantar are correct. The Kayzik did originate under an orange sun. It just wasn’t in your universe. They grew to power quite quickly in our magic powered universe. We were affected by the glamour, but not in our Shadow state. The other races in our universe were not so lucky.”
“Our home universe is almost entirely a Kayzik hive. Except for our people, they have devoured our home. We survive and hide. We warn others where we can and we prevent the calling which allows the Kayzik to eject a queen into another universe.”
“Queen?” Mary asked. “Each universe is an independent hive?”
“Yes. That is true. Only one queen is sent to each universe. The problem is that no queen has ever been displaced or killed once she inhabits another universe. The Kayzik suffer the same mystic weakness we do – they can only place a queen into another universe once and we can act to prevent it once. Sometimes we are too late and act as we can to mitigate the damage.”
He paused.
“In Len Scott’s universe, we had a bizarre situation. There was only one person in the entire universe we could influence. I suspect why – you weren’t native!” Kannet stared at the Sentinel.
“True. The Starheart put me there when my body was killed in this universe. I was returned when my body died in that universe. I had been placed into a body in that universe that otherwise would have died.”
“Interesting. By doing so, the Starheart helped to save a universe. Not to mention more than a few lives on an Army battlefield. Vietnam, was it? 1971 in that world’s frame of reference? Just after the birth of your brother’s daughter?”
“I remember. My marriage was floundering. My career was failing. My older brother was a disaster and our parents had just died. I’m still convinced he had something to do with our parents’ deaths. I was in a hopeless situation and I just didn’t know why I kept trying.”
“Alan Scott, I think your soul was damaged in transit to the other world. I could see the scars, but I did not know how they got there. All I saw was a soul steeped in despair, but still struggling for the light. The burden was crushing, but the spirit was still fighting back. All I did was to spark a small degree of hope. Once sparked, your will force did the rest.”
“I know the Starheart did some fancy footwork to save me. I’m surprised I could have been saved at all.”
“In this universe, there is an odd tie between the Starheart and the Rock of Eternity. They are not independent. I do not understand the full ramifications of that. Usually, a Starheart is a just mystic ball of energy, but it is something else here. There are mysteries surrounding both of you that we do not understand.”
“That accounts for the odd effects Mary and I have seen. I seem to be powered by the Rock of Eternity here, and . .”
“And I was changed into Mary Marvel by the Green Flame when the Shazam Lightning failed to function.” Mary Marvel added. “Tell me, what do you know about our maternal relatives? Outside of our mothers, we’ve never met any.”
“We cannot help you with that mystery. I can tell you that you are both human. Very much so. Beyond that, we only have suspicions.”
“All right. Let’s go back to a safe subject.” Alan was genuinely curious. “Why was Len Scott the key?”
“In that world, a young woman was repeatedly abused by her father. He almost beat her to death, more than once. He crippled her. She took up necromancy in self-defense. She called the hive queen. That universe had no defense against the Kayzik. It was consumed in days.”
Alan Scott looked ill.
“Instead, Jonathon Scott made a mistake. He had bullied his younger brother most of their lives. This day would be no different. He would emphasize his control by beating his child in front of that brother. The brother’s response was quite unexpected. He picked up the child and walked out the door. His first stop was child services. After a bitter dispute, custody of the child was awarded to the uncle and his wife. The father spent several years in jail. He died not long after. Despite that, the child grew into an active, happy, healthy professional. The cycle was broken. Scratch trillions of lives from the lost column.”
Xana added more.
“Sometimes it is our small victories that matter the most. No one sees the many things we prevent. I can tell you that Sandra has a strong network of friends – we know she is making it. In time, you may choose to see her again.”
“But I thought?” He was confused.
“Now it is impossible, but it won’t always be so. You’ll know when you can go. You also know you can’t stay there.”
“I know. My home is still here.”
The Andromeda Galaxy
This is going to be a bitch of a battle. The old man seemed to be confident we stood a chance. How the hell are we going to get the Guardians out? (See Alterverse 4). Why do I feel like I should be with the old man, instead of here? I miss him, but I’ll get home soon. Alanna Scott turned to the Warlord.
“Alanna, this office has been debugged.” The Warlord seemed sincere. “I need to speak to you for a few minutes as a father. I don’t think you know this. My daughter chose to become an assassin after her husband’s early death.”
“I’m sorry, I did not know.”
“There was an attack. They were researchers and artists. The Kayzik were particularly brutal. My daughter escaped. She gave up her previous life to become an assassin. I would have prevented that choice if I could have. Assassins are notoriously unstable. Their training buries their emotions and somewhat deactivates them.”
“She’s always seemed a little reserved, but I’ve found her to be very approachable. She has always watched over me. Her troops value her leadership.”
“That gladdens my heart. If you ever have reason to fear for her, please contact me immediately. I will know what to do.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I’ll do a hell of a lot more than that! Alan Scott, we’re going to talk when I get back.
“Thank you. Now back to the more mundane stuff of freeing immortals!” He winked at her.
The Rock of Eternity
“I’m having a little trouble dealing with this. Are you saying I was programmed to save her life?” Alan was clearly bothered.
“No, not at all. That was truly your choice – a moment of absolute free will. You chose your path. Do you regret your choice?” Xana queried.
He smiled.
“Actually, no. I’m just a little staggered by the effects.”
“Alan Scott, you have no idea!” Xena emphasized her point. “But you will.”
“Let’s give my cousin a break.” Mary Marvel smiled at Alan. “I’m just happy to have him back. You’ve told us how you acted in that universe. What about this one? Have you acted on this one, yet?”
“I am Marden. My specialty is Xeno-biology. By the time we found your universe, it had already been infected. There was little we could do.”
Oh, no! I know what they did! They had no right. At least he’ll love her, no matter what! Mary Marvel stepped behind her cousin and put her arms on his shoulders.
“Your universe is amazing.” Marden looked around the room approvingly. “There is a race of people called the Shantar who actually fought the Kayzik to a standstill. Had it not been for the original Guardian capture, the Shantar could have slowly won the war. These are desperate times for them, but hope certainly is not lost.”
“What could we do? In your universe, there had been a man who fought off the Kayzik glamour through will power and a tool. We knew that the Kayzik would kill him, but his existence gave us an idea.”
Mary tightened her grip on her cousin’s shoulders. She whispered.
“No matter what, we’re in this together. Got that?”
He nodded.
“Daria Scott was infertile. Her ovaries had been damaged before birth. She menstruated, but her genetic material was not viable. Her husband’s, however, was quite viable. We primed an egg. It had no genetic material, except for access to the Dark Force we call. That caused an unfortunate pigment for the child, but”
Alan Scott lost his color.
“GET OUT!” Mary Marvel raged “ALL OF YOU! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! How dare you do that to him!” Lightning strikes hit outside the stronghold. They were coming closer.
Six mortals faced the full power of Shazam. They quickly retreated.
She knelt in front of him and grabbed his hands.
“Alan, they had no right to do that to you. You feel violated and you should! A child is not a weapon!”
“We were.” He stared into nothing.
“But we chose. We all could have said ‘no’.”
“And if we had?”
“Alan, you love that young lady. No matter how she came to be, she and her mother both had a better chance than most.”
“And no wonder. She’s her mother’s clone! Not to mention mine! Not much left to chance there!”
“At least your child lived. Mine didn’t.”
“I know. I’m sorry. And now you’ll have to face those choices all over again.”
“But not any time soon. Besides, no matter what happens, I know I won’t go through it alone. I have one hell of a family!” That got him! I saw that twinkle!
“We’re probably here because Hell couldn’t hold us!” Alan’s spirit was returning.
“Probably wouldn’t want to try.” Mary felt a sense of relief. “Cousin, I lost you once. I won’t lose you again. Remember – even they couldn’t change who you were. It had to be your choice!”
“It’s going to take a while to absorb this, cousin.” His color returned. “What do I tell her?”
“Tell her that you love her.” Mary Marvel reassured him. “Let me do the rest. Alan, even you weren’t meant to carry all the world’s burdens alone.”
In another room
Kannet regarded the older man.
“You gave up the helm? You could have stayed young for many more years.”
“I had a family to raise. I’ve raised two generations. Until my friend’s return, the helm could not have made a true difference. I could raise my family, or become the latest meta dinner for the Kayzik. I’ve been defeated badly before- the last time it took me years to get back to my family.” Kent Nelson continued. “Since I made my family my priority, my children have all survived and been part of the world. Jeffrey now has the helm and powerful allies. I have few regrets.”
“However, you are one of the leading authorities on magic in this universe.”
“I suppose. I prefer to guide the users, though. I enjoy the research.”
“Just so. There is a place for that. A very needed place.”
15 minutes later
“You guessed correctly.” Marden continued. “The cloning breeds true. Except that it is not unbreakable. Only half of their children would be clones. The others would be a true mix, but without the Dark Force gift.”
“So, his granddaughter is truly his clone?” Dr. Fate needed final confirmation.
“More truly his daughter than a daughter.” Marden concluded.
“We mucked this up, but it was the only thing we thought we could do. However, they live and they wouldn’t otherwise. Now we need to explain what else has changed.” Kannet regarded them. “You’re all here because of our interference in the other universe. Let me summarize the changes:”
“Alan Scott returns from the other universe with his full will force. Here are the immediate consequences as we understand them so far:
· Originally, the reduced force of will generated a quickly failing body. Didn’t happen. The magnified will-force combining with the mystic flame generated a much more powerful body.
· Attack on Shantar after you’re found. Twenty Shantar casualties did not happen, including Garja Jenna and Jerik.
· Kira Jor-El arrives on Earth. She is captured by the Kayzik during her entry into Earth’s atmosphere. They poison her almost to death. While she is freed at high cost to the Resistance, she never fully recovers from Kryptonite poisoning. Her only goal is to fight the Kayzik. There is no shared dream under Alexander Luthor. She dies with members of the resistance within a year after setting foot on Earth. She does buy Earth some time, but loses a hopeless battle for which she is not prepared. That won’t happen. She has found a new circle of friends and she understands what good she can do. She works with a team that understands combat strategy very well. She will make her mark. The insignia of the family of ‘El’ will earn its place in this universe.
· Alanna Scott dies protecting her mother. So did several Shantar. Didn’t happen. A very dangerous hero has found herself and her family. The child of night finds the child of light and the child of Shazam’s might.
· Mary Batson dies of old age an embittered woman. You don’t seem very old or embittered.” He chuckled. “Just a little head strong.
· Wonder Woman commits suicide after hearing of Mary Batson’s death. Don’t look so surprised, Mary. You always took the time to talk to her. Most didn’t.
· Dr. Fate – the helm is lost and never worn again. Also didn’t happen.
· The Shantar Commander, ever the perfect assassin, never feels another true emotion, except a need to devastate the Kayzik. Her extremism alienates her forces. Her remaining troops finally rebel, killing her. Not likely, even though her emotions do puzzle them.
· Earth’s population is wiped clean to power the final trek through Shantar space. There is no opposition. No longer a sure thing, is it?
· The Shazam Wizard – Rock of Eternity is lost without a Wizard to defend it. The Kayzik take it and use it to increase their power in other universes. Won’t happen.”
“It won’t?” Mary was a little stunned. “Will you resurrect the Wizard?”
“No – we’ve found one you can trust.” Kannet smiled. “Kent Nelson.”
“Moi? I’m just a washed up sorceror.”
“Not exactly.” Xana smiled. “Just one who’s a little too sure of himself to wear the helm of Nabu. Your children did not survive by accident. Don’t worry, you can transit back to the real world. As well, big rocks attract Amazons!”
Kent Nelson laughed.
“Now with the Rock of Eternity secure, you’re ready to take your places in this universe. Your future is unknowable, but we wish you well. We will meet again!” The Shadows disappeared.
Shantar Base, Outlook Mountain, Tennessee
It’s great to be home. I’ve missed my family! I wonder what they’re up to?
“Hi Cousin Mary! What’s up?”
“We stepped in it. Before you see Alan, we have to have a long talk.”
Two hours later
He sat on the side of the mountain. This is too much. How can I face her? What do I say? She deserves much better than this.
“Dad?” She floated beside him.
“I’m sorry. I had no way to know what they’d done.”
She smiled and hugged him.
“Just means I can call you whatever I want. Gramps just doesn’t hack it for me. I already know my place is with you. Tag Dad, you’re it!” She took off.
I’m so proud of her! He grinned. After a moment he charged after her. A red and white streak followed.
Niagara Falls, Canada
“There’s a lot you haven’t told us Alan.” Mary looked up to him. “You’re just a little to good at all of this. What’s a Vietnam?”
“It was a hopeless battle in a hopeless battlefield. We eventually lost the country, for a while. Eventually we won the war in a completely different way. Our object is to become a Vietnam for the Kayzik. We will need to make this world a hopeless battlefield with no access.” He turned to his daughter. “What did you think of him?”
“He’s worried about his daughter.” Alanna recounted. “Seems she became an assassin after her first husband was killed. Assassins are trained not to have emotions. The Warlord told me to contact him if I ever feared for her. I did not tell him about you. The Shantar are not completely open-minded.”
“Fair enough sweetheart. I do appreciate the warning! At least I have a better idea of what I’ve gotten into.” He smiled mischievously. “What do you think his reaction will be?”
“I don’t know, but I’d love to be there to see it!” Alanna mused. “He’s a good man, but a little possessive where his child is concerned. Just like someone else I know!” She hugged him. His smile broadened for a moment. “But he’s someone we can work with. He’ll run interference for us and make sure we have access to anything we need. Just as long as we keep up our end of the bargain.”
“We’ll have to.” Mary confirmed. “If we screw up here, the Kayzik gain too much of an advantage. Still, just the magnitude of the operation scares me. We’re helping to coordinate battles that will be taking place across the universe. Speaking of which – here she comes!”
Jeryll, the Green Lantern of Glirell, approached them.
“Blessings to you all. I’m honored, but are you sure you want to do this?”
Alan looked thoughtful.
“I think we have to, if only to bury your dead. They deserve that.”
“Pardon me, Alan Scott, but what about the living?”
“The living?”
“New Oa was a primary government planet for the Shantar.” Jeryll watched him. “There are billions living on the planet. I thought you knew that?”
“No. I truly wish I had. Alanna? Any status information?”
“Dad, the Shantar transporters are firmly under Kayzik control. They’ve infested the space around the planet with their yellow ships. Their satellites are not yet complete, but they are moving building materials. They could have their transporters on line shortly. The Shantar could send ships, but they’d be spotted when they energized to make their last jump to New Oa. They’d be massacred before they could get close. If the Kayzik suspect a large-scale attack, they’ll massacre the populace and drive their demons against the Shantar rescuers. Otherwise, the Kayzik won’t start killing more people than necessary until they have a way to transport them off.”
“Their stations aren’t yet built?”
“No Dad.”
He stroked his chin and looked skyward. A dangerous smile crossed his face.
“Alan, I can see where you’re going with this.” Mary Marvel faced him. “It’s probably the dumbest idea you’ve ever had. It’s a fool’s errand.” A feral grin. “When do we leave?”
“Sentinel to base command. I need a few things, quickly!”
Shantar Base, Outlook Mountain, two hours later.
“Dad, thanks for moving so quickly. That’s everything he asked for.” Elise Zoldar faced the hologram. “It may sound insane, but it’s worth a shot.”
“I’m a little concerned. He split his forces?” Zoldar watched her.
“He said that he needed a very small team. He also didn’t want to leave Earth unprotected.”
“I see the logic. The team has power, experience, and works together instinctively. It’s one hell of a quick strike force. Also leaves Earth well protected. And if he succeeds, the Kayzik have lost a major advantage – an attack base in our space. My daughter, you’ve chosen well.” He grinned smugly.
“When it is your time, I will be honored to stand beside you.”
“That child is more protective of you than I am! I’m not a complete fool! I married your mother, didn’t I?” He eyed her. The hologram shimmered.
“Daddy? I’m losing your signal.”
“We’re two jumps away from New Oa.” He knew he’d startled her. “You’re not the only one to believe the legend of the Champion of the Green Flame. Who do you think taught it to you? Zoldar out!”
For the first time in years, Elise Zoldar found herself absolutely speechless.
New OA
Lestin was an able administrator. Her race provided expert consultant services for the Guardians and many others. How long before the Kayzik take us? The Gods only know what has happened to the Guardians. How do we fight back? She watched her child run out the door. She heard explosions.
“Rikki! Come back in here! It’s not safe!”
“Mommy, Mommy! Look! They haven’t forgotten us!”
“Who hasn’t?”
“The Guardians! Look!”
A brilliant green comet flashed through the New Oan night sky. Kayzik craft pursued and fired on it. It stopped and raised its shields.
“Rikki, I don’t want you to see this.” Some poor, brave fool is going to die up there! Please save yourself! Get out of here!
The Kayzik craft fired yellow lasers. They blasted the green comet. Another one, gone! The Guardians have lost another servant. What! That’s impossible!
Emerald shields reflected Kayzik lasers back into their own craft. Several exploded. Emerald flame destroyed the rest. The shining comet blazed through the New Oan night.
New Oa Government Center
As long as I stay in shadow, I should be okay. Undetectable shadow flowed through the former Shantar headquarters. Should be just a few levels down! Bless you Zoldar, these directions are excellent! She moved downward towards her goal.
Kayzik Spaceport Alpha
The Kayzik warrior felt a burst of wind. Then it saw dents in the spacecraft. Something picked up the craft and threw it into another. It heard a burst of laughter and a young creature appeared in front of it. It saw the blade reach its throat, then its existence ended. The young creature disappeared in a flash of green. A third spacecraft found its way into a fourth.
Above the city of New Oa
I wish I could act this openly over Earth. I can see why Kira likes this part of the job. You can see what you accomplish! Green Flame flashed. Several more Kayzik craft exploded in the air. I’ll bet these bastards never realize I’m only part of the threat. I hope Alanna’s getting close!
New Oa Government Center
These creatures are still ugly! Almost there!
A Kayzik warrior noticed a spot on a wall. It fired its blaster.
Damn! Wasn’t careful enough! Gotta grab my blade. Where is it?
The creature rapidly crossed the room. It towered over her. It aimed its blaster and prepared to fire.
No! I won’t fail you, Dad! NO!
Dark Force raged from her hand. The Kayzik warrior flew backwards across the room. She grabbed her blade, rushed over, and beheaded it. Don’t know what that was. Never done it before. I think the Seltan didn’t tell Dad everything. All I gotta do now is lock these doors and flip the transporter on. Now on to the next! She shimmered and faded away.
Above Kayzik Spaceport Beta
I could do this all day! Great idea Alan had! She grabbed a passing attack craft and threw it into one that was attempting to land. Keep my distance and let Jeryll provide cover!
“We’ve cleaned out this base. Let’s head for the next!”
“Got it Mary. This way to Spaceport Charlie!”
Above the city of New Oa
The signal. Alanna made it. Bless you sweetheart! I’ve sent it on. Now the fun begins! Green Flame intensified and burned through a squadron of Kayzik fighters. Then he increased his glow. A moon-sized Green Lantern appeared above the city.
Shantar attack fleet
“Warlord Zoldar! We’ve received the Sentinel’s signal!”
“Let’s make this happen!”
Shantar attack craft made their final jump towards New Oa..
Underneath the New Oa Government Center
Shantar transporters hummed into operation.
“Keep your distance from the Kayzik. Attack in groups – that will keep them from concentrating on you!” Shantar infantry charged into the Government Center. After securing the Center, they began flooding across the rest of the planet.
Passing through the upper atmosphere
“Let’s clean this trash off our planet!” Shantar lasers fired. The remaining Kayzik craft quickly fell to the attackers. The Shantar fleet ravaged the incomplete Kayzik satellites.
The streets of New Oa
Riots, everywhere- riots! But there’s very little looting. The Sentinel floated above the city. I knew what the Green Lantern meant to me. I didn’t begin to suspect what it meant to them! He watched as the sheer numbers of the New Oans overcame the remaining Kayzik. They found themselves buffeted by the crowds, stripped of weapons, and then delivered to the Shantar. The Shantar summarily executed all of them. At the same time, the Shantar thoroughly interrogated any J’Dinn they could identify. His comms beeped.
“Got it, sweetheart. I’ll meet you there!”
The Oan Complex
Mary Marvel winced at the devastation. There are hundreds of dead Green Lanterns here. What the hell happened? Why were they just left here?
“Jeryll, are you all right?”
“How can I be? They were just left here! Some of them may even have been alive! The Kayzik just sealed the complex and let them die! This is senseless!”
Alan Scott landed at the complex, followed by Alanna.
“Fan out! Let’s find out for sure that we don’t have survivors!” They found several shaking and gasping forms inside.
Fifteen minutes later
“They’ll sleep now.” Alan had used his flame to heal the Green Lanterns. They were safely in the dormitory.
“The Shantar will guard them, Dad. I think we’re done here.”
“I suppose so. I’m worried about Jeryll.”
They found her in the main courtyard. Jeryll was cremating her fellow Green Lanterns with her ring. She placed the remains in the Guardian’s crypt.
“I knew most of them. There weren’t that many of us to begin with. These bastards wiped out a third of the Corps before taking the rest prisoner.”
“I’m sorry, Jeryll. I wish there was something we could do!”
She grinned a feral grin.
“Don’t be sorry. Not you. I had the honor of joining a task force today. That task force destroyed the planetary occupation force that killed so many of my fellows. That task force was led by a Green Lantern.”
“Thank you, but”
“Once a Green Lantern, always a Green Lantern. Our fellows find their eternal rest because you were and are.” She made her Lantern material. “Hold this!” She handed the Lantern to him.
“In Brightest Day,
In Blackest Night,
NO Evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware my Power, Green Lantern’s Light!”
“Pacifist, Bah!” She grabbed her lantern and stormed off towards the dormitory.
“Cousin, you do have a way of bringing out the best in people!” Mary and Alanna stood at his sides. They put their arms around him. He draped his arms around their shoulders.
“Fits right in with our crowd, Dad. Just give her a little time.”
“I know. She’s been through a lot. Maybe we should go help the Shantar bed down their world. I don’t relish being responsible for the Shantar dead today.”
“Somehow cousin, I don’t think even they would blame you.” Mary Marvel tapped her comms. “Base, we made it. No team casualties. We’ll be back in the morning.”
“This is Garja Jenna. Great to hear! Take it easy out there! Base out!”
The next day
These records are amazing! Alan Scott sat on a library stool. They run almost back to the dawn of time. Interesting! They knew about me! I’m flattered. They’d even planned to contact me. Then the Kayzik hit them.
I wish I could find more on the Kayzik. The Guardians never did figure out what made them tick. The hive is brilliant, but the members seem very limited in what they can do. Odd.
“So this is what a living legend looks like!” Alan watched a large Shantar warrior walk towards him.
“Warlord Zoldar. This is an unexpected pleasure!” He waited for the Warlord to make the next move.
“Unexpected? How can you call anything ‘unexpected’? You, who coordinated a major military campaign in less than a day and stole a world from the Kayzik? There were fewer than a hundred Shantar casualties, Alan Scott.”
“Thank you, but it was an accident of good timing. Had I realized the true status of this world, we could have acted earlier. I learned much from this campaign.”
The Warlord howled with laughter. Mary Marvel and Alanna Scott both heard his laughter. Curious, they entered the room.
“You people do the impossible and he bitches because you didn’t do it earlier? Now I have the honor of explaining this mess to High Command. A man from a backwater world put together one of the most successful campaigns we’ve ever had on a whim! And he complains about it?”
I think I like this man. Elise is much too hard on him. Alan grinned devilishly.
“You don’t think we took too long to plan it?” He teased.
The Warlord sobered.
“It was brilliant. A lightning fast campaign based on deception and denial. The Kayzik still don’t know what hit them. This campaign will be taught to our students for generations. It certainly will change the way we view metas.” He nodded to Mary and Alanna. “We have tracked the Kayzik transport points. They won’t jump their ships here again. They may use the Guardians’ energy to attack us, but they won’t have any more easy victories.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” Alan looked relieved. “That buys us some time. I’ll need it to integrate the rest of my team. I know a Kryptonian who’ll be itching to join in the next campaign. If I could have waited another day, she would have been in this one. I take it your intel folks are still tracking down the rest of the Guardians?”
“We’re coming close. Then we’ll be able to figure out our next steps. We’re also watching Daxam closely. We’ll let you know. Somehow I don’t think our Intel folks will be too keen on withholding information from the Champion of the Green Flame!” Zoldar chuckled. “Even if he does ravish our women!”
“He’s never” Mary quickly realized they were being teased.
“Mary Marvel, I know he would not.” Zoldar was enjoying himself. “Certainly not with that one. We’re Andromedan Shantar and he has to sleep sometime! My daughter is no weakling.” He looked at Alan. “I see her eyes when your name is mentioned. Even before she chose to be an assassin, I never saw that.” He approached Alan Scott and held out a hand. “Welcome, my friend. Thank you for my child’s happiness.”
Alan took the large hand.
“Thank you. I’m pleased to know you approve!”
The Warlord reached to Mary Marvel.
“Elise values your friendship. I can see why.”
“Thank you!” She glowed. “She has taught me much.”
“Zoldar, I would tease you but this scene is just a little too touching.” Alanna piped up.
“Are you sure she’s not Elise’s biological child?” Zoldar inquired.
Alan laughed.
“I’ve wondered that myself. She does take after her!”
“Dad!” Alanna pretended to be hurt.
Another Shantar warrior appeared in the doorway and gestured to the Warlord.
“I must go.” The regret tinged his voice. “We’ll keep the Oan complex secure. Have a safe journey home.” He nodded to them.
“Thank you. I’m glad we had this chance to meet.” Alan smiled back.
“We will watch after Elise.” Mary beamed at him.
“And you, Sprite. I’ll see you soon!” The Warlord smiled at Alanna.
“Wouldn’t miss it!” Alanna quipped as they watched him go. He stopped and looked back at them fondly.
“Team Sentinel. When your Kayzik attack fleet absolutely, positively has to be destroyed over night!” He roared with laughter, shook his head, and left the complex.
“You know cousin, I think he likes you!”
“Help!” Alan pretended fright. Then he chuckled. He spoke with admiration, “Good man in a tough job. I’m glad we know we can count on him.”
Ten Minutes Later
“I’m surprised. I’d hoped they would be out here to see us off.” Mary was mystified at the Green Lanterns’ vanishing act. “Interesting souvenirs you’ve chosen, Alan.”
“Unless I miss my guess, they’ll come in handy later.” The souvenirs appeared to vanish. They walked into the great courtyard. “We’ve got the coordinates. I guess this is it.”
“We will join you, Green Lantern!” They turned and faced six Green Lanterns. Jeryll spoke first. “We’re what’s left here of the Corps. I know what you plan, Alan Scott. If there is to be a rescue, we will be a part of it.”
“Wouldn’t you prefer to be part of the Shantar attack force?” Alan asked.
“If there is one? I’ve seen the power you have at your disposal. We know what you’ve done here with just a fraction of your team. We know that whatever happens you and your allies will be in the thick of it.”
“What of your responsibilities here?” Alanna asked.
“Our numbers are too small to matter here. We must act as we can to rescue or rebuild the Corps. Unless the Guardians are rescued, there will be no Corps.” Jeryll paused. “You do not realize what you did for us last night. Even now, word is spreading across the Empire. The Kayzik have lost the Guardian’s world. The Shantar and the empire will never view us in the same light again. You have allowed us to bring honor back to our name.” Jeryll softened her tone and smiled. “Alan, Mary, and Alanna: with you the Green Lantern Corps will make a difference. We will make that difference.”
“Hail, Green Lantern and family. I am Arkkis Chummuck of Twoomy VI,” the largest of the group spoke. “We eat our fallen opponents, but even I cannot swallow a Kayzik. None the less, my home has no future as long as they are here. I refuse to stand here while another fights my battle.” (elf note: his story - )
“I am Kwo Varrik of Rojira,” an orange skinned bi-ped spoke. “I was retired until the Guardians called me back. I will not rest until they are returned and the people of this sector are no longer threatened. I would be honored to join you.” (elf note: his story - )
“I am Ch’p,” a small over-sized chipmunk added. “I protect the burrow world of H’lven. I can protect my people from many things, but they are easy targets for the Kayzik. We are on a front line Galaxy. If we do not stop the Kayzik, my people will be next. Allow me to keep them safe.” (elf note: his story - )
“I am Hollika Rahn of Rhoon.” A red-skinned woman with black eyes and a black mohawk spoke. “My world argues whether Sorcery or Science matters more. I think that together, we can do credit to both. My world is on the same invasion path as Ch’p’s world.” (elf note: her story - )
“I am K’ryssma of Etrea,” An older white haired and winged female biped spoke. “I am the last of the Guardian’s honor guard. I remember the story of the Green Lantern of Earth. I salute your rebirth.” She nodded to Alan. “Hollika Rahn speaks more truthfully than she knows. Only by combining forces can we succeed. You have aided us. It is now our turn to ensure your success.” She gestured to Ch’p and Hollika. “We must protect their worlds, and all the many others. You did not choose this battle, nor did we. But we can choose to make a difference together.” (elf note: her story - )
Mary and Alanna looked at Alan. They reached a silent agreement. They took his hands.
“Once a Green Lantern . . .” Mary’s eyes blazed with thunderous pride.
“Always a Green Lantern.” Alanna’s eyes blazed the fires of night.
Somewhere above New Oa
Nine children of the Mother of Exiles rose above the New Oan skies. They pierced the barriers of hyperspace and were gone.
Daxam, in a small eating establishment, sometime later
“Hey Targan, remember that young lady that used to run the little martial arts studio?”
“Yeah Dannik, I remember Kiragee Tennan. She disappeared and her father was found dead. The Kayzik must have gotten to her. I miss her.”
“Remember how she always used to tell us that even the Kayzik could be defeated? That all we had to do was bring the right forces to bear at the right time?”
Targan smiled.
“I liked being around her. She had a contagious message of hope. Kiragee believed that any one of us could make a difference. But we all know nothing defeats the Kayzik. Not us, not the Guardians, and not even the Shantar.”
“Targan, a small strike force led by a Green Lantern just blew the Kayzik off New Oa. It’s firmly back in Shantar hands.”
Targan dropped his drink.