Ares cursed.
“Damn! Damn! Damn!”
Charles Xavier approached.
“Father?” He asked. “What’s the problem?”
Ares growled.
“It’s the Starchild, Phobos. Her memory has returned.” (Elf note: Phobos – Greek God of Terror).
“So?” Kosmic approached. “We have both of her children and others as well. She dares not attack us. She values her children. She values them more than she values herself.”
Ares smiled grimly.
“A mistake I would never make, Deimos! Foolish woman does not realize her value.” (Elf note: Deimos – Greek God of Fear).
Ms. Marvel joined the group.
“Father, we have her DNA. Why are you so interested in her?”
“Yes, my love.” Aphrodite sashayed. “What do I lack? How could you possibly be interested in anyone else?”
“How could I be?” Ares enveloped her in his arms. “How indeed?”
The Dungeon
Barbara Gordon looked for another way out of her cage. C’mon Babs! There has to be a way out of here!
First I wake up here. Then those idiots think I’m someone else. Dick Grayson, you’ve said you need me enough to challenge Hell itself. Now would be a good time to prove it. She smiled in spite of herself. Faith, keep the faith. Dick will find a way to get to me. Nothing has ever stopped him before. She ran her fingers through her red hair. Now, if I can only find a way to help these other folks.
the Hell is a Starchild? Why does that name
scare Ares so? Starchild and
Three Cells Down
I’ve been lied to since I got to Earth. This joker has been playing with my mind ever since I got to Earth. I wonder what Kosmic and Ms. Marvel are really like?
Ares, don’t doubt that I will have my revenge. Nothing stops an Al-kai-li master!
Kira paced her cell. She cursed the red solar rays. She fumed.
Another cell
Please don’t forget me! I promise I’ll be good! Please?
New Oa
A curtain of Green Flame surrounded the little group.
Lyla Lerrol welcomed the latest arrival.
“Astra, thank you for coming. Here’s what I need you to do.” She gave Hallie
“You got it, lady. SEE YA!” Hallie vanished.
“Lyla?” Alan asked. “Are you all right?”
Lyla turned.
“I will not be all right until I reclaim my children. But I’m not falling apart, if that’s what you really mean.”
“Lyla?” Elise asked. “Who are you, really? We know almost nothing about your past.”
Lyla put her hand up to her face.
“I am Commander Lyla Lerrol, formerly of the Krypton Planetary Defense Force. I’ve spent the last twenty two years hiding a matrix and trying to raise my son. I didn’t succeed at either.”
She sighed.
“I roamed Earth for years, looking for
a place to birth my son. Over the course
of time, I found several orphans who had no home. I took them in. We made a home. I burned a large cave out of a mountain in
what you’d call
Elise looked uncomfortable.
“Who were the children, Lyla?”
“Oh,” Lyla smiled for a moment, “Charles Xavier, and the Pryde children – Kevin and Katherine. All good people and powerful in their own right. As the years went by, they all began to work with the Shantar resistance, but they kept my presence a secret. My duty was to raise the last son of the House of El. That was an honorable duty for a bastard child like me.”
“Bastard?” Alan asked with alarm. “I don’t understand.”
Lyla sighed.
“A bastard is a matrix that is either improperly activated or not born to living parents. It may be accidentally hatched, it may be defective, or the parents may not live to claim it. Either way, unless the family claims the child, the child is disinherited. I know nothing about my background. I’ve been told I did not have a living male twin. Kryptonians have always been birthed in pairs, so that is unusual - even for bastard children. Perhaps both our matrices were flawed, or perhaps only my twin’s matrix was. I don’t know.”
Elise’s eyebrows rose.
“But what about Kal-El and Kira?”
Lyla frowned.
“On Krypton, children belong to the father’s House. If the father does not claim them, they belong to the mother’s House. Because Jor-El did not survive to their birth, they cannot legally be considered part of the House of El. Legally, they are my children as well. If I was of a House, they would have that family. But because I’m a bastard, so are they.”
“Of course, none of this matters…. At this point, they could only inherit the fragments of a dead world. There’s no reason to hurt them with this.”
Elise scowled. Maybe not, Lyla. But, maybe. You do not know interplanetary law. But I know someone who does. She smiled to herself.
The Void—Ares’ lab
Ares stood next to a supine Kryptonian male form.
“I can feel it happen. The body I’m in is losing coherence. It’s breaking down.”
“We’re ready, Father!” Ms. Marvel called.
They watched his body disintegrate around him. Ares’ ugly, decrepit original form appeared. Ms. Marvel flipped a switch. Ares found himself in the reclining Kryptonian form. He stood up, pleased.
“Much better, Eris! I got three weeks of service out of that last one. At the rate we are making progress, soon we will all have much longer-lasting Kryptonian forms.”
Eris agreed.
“That’s been the only advantage to these mortal forms, Father. We can wear them indefinitely, until the Kryptonian forms are ready.”
Ares laughed.
“Deimos, Phobos, and Eris: all living in the bodies of the Starchild’s friends. Revenge is sweet.”
New Oa—several hours later
Lyla floated above the military compound. She looked into deep space. Alan floated up to her.
“Can you see Ares?”
She smiled and nodded agreement.
She looked at him. He saw the sadness in her eyes. Then he saw something more. An inner strength – a sense of resolution – the power of her force of will.
“You know,” she concentrated, “in my time, I’ve had friends and I’ve had lovers. I’ve made my way through this universe because I had to.”
She smiled back at him.
“In all my years, no one has ever made a place for me. And no one has ever cared enough to give me so much of herself. Until now.”
He felt a rush of pride.
“You’re watching Linda.”
She smiled gently.
“Yes. My little Rock of Gibraltar.”
Three hours later
Captain Kantar ushered them in. Lyla, Alan, and Elise sat in front of his desk.
“As Elise has probably told you, I am an archivist and legal researcher. As such, I do have access to the most current set of Kryptonian records. I have encountered a few problems researching your records. There are entries under the last name “Lerrol.” As you can guess, there are many, many names. In a city of that size, more than a few retained that name until death. I have their records. Yours is not among them.”
“What?” She could not contain her surprise. “I always had at least that. And now I don’t even exist? I’ve been expunged? I can’t believe it!”
She took a very long breath.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure someone had a reason.”
“Yes.” Kantar answered. “And a very good one.” He smiled. “Now, to solve the mystery. What is your legal name?”
“I’m Commander Lyla Lerrol.” She answered emphatically. “I am the mother of two children.”
“No.” He answered simply. “You may be the mother of two children. But you’re not Lyla Lerrol.”
Her eyes widened. He continued.
“Under Kryptonian law, you have every right to use the name, but it’s not your legal name.”
He smiled.
“How many children did Zor-El and Allura have?”
Puzzled, she answered.
“Two. Jor-El, his son and Jor-El’s twin, Lara.”
Captain Kantar smiled.
“I beg to differ. They claimed three.”
Surprised, Lyla answered.
“How very unusual. Under Kryptonian law, they were only allowed to have two biological children. That would mean there had been an adoption.” She smiled. “Zor-El did insist that I use the stage name ‘Kara Zor-El’ during my acting career, but that was just a stage name.” Her eyes sparkled. “Or was it?”
They heard a shrill computerized voice.
“Voice print identification confirmed. Central registry identifies Kara Zor-El, also known as the Starchild. Identity confirmed as legal heir to the House of El. Identity confirmed as Trustee for the Science Council. Identity confirmed as Commander, Kryptonian Planetary Defense Force.”
Pleased, Captain Kantar flipped a switch. A hologram of the El family appeared. Zor-El spoke.
“Lyla,” Zor-El smiled kindly, “we should have done this earlier. Welcome to the House of El, daughter. You have earned your place here.”
“Little sister,” Lara spoke, “welcome. May you find happiness in your new life. Please remember us.”
“Thank you for protecting our children.” Jor-El smiled. “They were created without your consent, but you still risk an uncertain future for them. You are a very unusual woman, sister.”
Allura spoke.
“I could not be any more proud if you had been born ours. I know that I have sometimes seemed distant, but I want you to know that I treasured the time we spent together. Fly swiftly, Starchild, fly safely, and fly straight. You honor us.”
They smiled at her one last time. The hologram faded.
Lyla stood up. Tentatively, she walked towards the far wall. She closed her eyes. She spoke almost too quietly to be heard.
“I have a name. After all these years, I have a real name. I’m not a bastard anymore.” She vanished. They felt a rush of wind.
Alan tried to stand up. Elise put her hand on his shoulder. She gently held him in his chair.
“Leave her alone. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
He nodded.
“I know. Memory or not, she does not like to share her emotions.”
Kantar leaned back in his chair.
“You know, Zor-El may have been a wonderful scientist but he knew very little about Kryptonian or Empire law.”
“How so?” Alan asked.
Kantar grinned.
“She is the heir to the House of El, one of the Great Houses represented on the Science Council. By their law, she is the inheritor of all of Krypton.”
Elise puzzled.
“But Krypton is a dead world in occupied space. That’s not much of an inheritance.”
Kantor leaned forward.
“If that’s all there was to it. That was why we did the voice print and checked her DNA.” He spoke forcefully. “Understand that Krypton was not a world alone to itself. Krypton had investments across the cosmos. It was a very, very wealthy world. As the end drew near, the Kryptonians moved their off-planet assets into a trust. That trust was to be held for any survivors among their people. Allura knew that, even if Zor-El did not. She managed the family financial empire.”
Alan frowned.
“How did you know about Lyla?”
Kantor chuckled.
“I didn’t. But I did know about the trust. And when you indicated that she was an adult Kryptonian, I looked for any voice-coded messages. Of course, my first target was the House of El. When I found the last minute adoption, I knew what had happened. And I knew who she was.”
“Kara Zor-El.” Alan smiled. “She may never use the name, but it means her children are legitimate. Bless you, Zor-El.”
“Well,” Kantor grinned. “This will send the banking community into a tizzy. They would have denied Kira Jor-El’s claim. Kira could not prove that either of her parents had lived past her birth. She had no standing. But no one can even question the claim of Kara Zor-El, the Starchild.” He laughed.
“She doesn’t have to deal with this today, or even this year. The trust cares for itself. But when the time comes, it will be there for her.”
He grew quiet.
“I’ve read her history. It’s simply amazing. I suggest you read it.” He smiled gently.
“You know, it’s days like this that make this profession worthwhile.”
“How so?” Elise asked, intrigued.
He smiled kindly.
“Because it’s wonderful to see something nice happen to someone who really, really deserves it. Read the record. If you haven’t read THE citation, you haven’t read it.”
“The citation?” Elise asked.
“The white clothing and blue accessories she wears are her PDF uniform. Normally, the cape is blue as well. The red cape comes with the citation - the one the Science Council put there. You’ll know it when you see it.”
Obsidian—the New Oan Moon—one hour later
The Sentinel approached New Oa’s largest moon. She’s been through so much. But I can’t let her just sit here forever. I can tell from her comms signal that she is up here. Ah! There she is.
He found her sitting in a crater.
She looked up in wonder.
“I really have a name! I never dreamed they would do so much for me.”
Alan smiled.
“I saw the record, Lyla. I think you earned it. Lyla, I’m curious. Starchild?”
Her eyes lost focus.
“When I was very young, a seer came to our group home – where the unclaimed grew up. She spoke of the great tragedy she foresaw. She told us all to claim our destinies—that the years would pass too quickly. She came to each child and gave a little speech about where their talents lay.”
Lyla turned towards Alan.
“She looked at me. A sweet little smile crossed her face. She said ‘You are the Starchild—the child of the stars. Of all our people, you are the Guardian of all our tomorrows. Your destiny is not here. The stars will call you. And because you alone are the Starchild, you will answer the call.’ At that moment, I decided to enter the Planetary Defense Force. Somehow, bastard or no, I made it. That was the first place I ever belonged.”
She looked into the heavens.
“The seer did not live long after that. But her family told me her last words.” She smiled at Alan. “‘I do not mind that my life or our world will come to an end. I know that is not the true end: for I have seen the Starchild.’ She died with a smile on her face. I never understood why. But it comforted me to know that I brought her peace.” She back turned towards him.
“Paydirt.” He answered.
“Good.” She grinned. “Waiting is a bitch. I want my children.”
An hour earlier—the Void
Ares scowled.
“I do not like this. We hunt. We should not be the hunted. The Starchild is coming. It’s just a matter of when.”
Eris growled.
“Is she really the reincarnation of Artemis?”
He sighed.
“Does it really matter? She knows too much. She may be able to find us here. Once we complete this round of research, we will move again.”
Aphrodite walked in.
“Ares, you worry too much. We haven’t even seen a hint of a mystic signature. Even the Starchild carries a very slight one. I do not think even the Shade could pierce the shielding we have here.”
Ares nodded.
“You may be right. But the Starchild has every reason for revenge. When we took her, we took her son and her friends. Then we used those same friends to destabilize and capture her daughter. Our magic overpowered her once. But the next time, she won’t come alone.”
“Father!” Xavier entered the room. “This body senses no unwelcome presences.”
“Thank you, Phobos.” Ares relaxed. “Then we at least have time.”
But not much! Not anymore! Astra floated down the hall. Maybe I should possess Aphrodite. That might be fun! Astra snickered to herself. ‘course, Ares’ real body is enough to make me swear to celibacy. But Deimos and Phobos look kind of cute. Pity I don’t like girls—Eris isn’t too bad, either….
Astra floated down the hall. She located the dungeons.
Yep, there’s Barbara Gordon. Kira. A few other folks I’ve never met. Oh, look! He’s so adorable! We’ll get you out of here, Sweetheart! I promise.
She floated out of the void.
The Sentinel’s Lair—Five hours later
Kent Nelson reinforced Alan’s flame. The senior staff prepared for war.
“It’s not as easy as just killing
“Oh, I have one in mind!” Alan grinned. “We just have to be able to control them for about half an hour. Then, we’ll have them on their way!” He winked at Linda. “It just takes the right kind of Green Magic.”
Mary looked thoughtful.
“The tickets have been paid for. It would be a shame not to take advantage. Astra, what can you tell us about the defenses?”
“Typical subhumans protect the complex, mostly. No flyers. Then there’s the main team. The folks you knew as Xavier, Kosmic, and Ms. Marvel and Aphrodite and Ares.”
Lyla grimaced.
“Still hard to believe I have to fight the children I raised.”
Elise frowned.
“Those aren’t the children you raised. If we can, we’ll force them out of those bodies. We’ll certainly be able to tell if they are ensorcelled.”
Alan smiled.
“Forcing them out won’t be a problem. Here’s what we do.”
An hour later—The Rock of Eternity
Alanna and Selina lay on separate examination tables. Alan and Kent stood above them. Bruce Wayne stood off to the side.
“This won’t be pleasant.”
“Trust me.” Alanna mumbled to Selina. “It will be over a lot more quickly for them than for us!”
“I’ve done childbirth.” Selina remarked. “If it’s any worse, I’ll kill them both.”
Bruce Wayne chuckled to Alan and Kent.
“Better you than me. With your powers, you might last half a second against her. Me, I run quickly.” He laughed.
Selina smiled affectionately at him.
“Yes, but I know you’ll always come back.”
Alanna grimaced.
“Stop the fun and games. Get this over with!”
Astra appeared. She held two glowing objects.
“You two aren’t any fun at all! Bitch, bitch, bitch.”
“Girls just gotta have fun! Toodles!” Astra disappeared.
Alanna sat up.
“If childbirth is that easy, I’m gonna start dating more seriously! And I know just the guy to start with!” She vanished.
“Finally, I get the last laugh!”
Several Hours later: The Alterverse-2 Universe
(Elf note: This universe was introduced in The Imperium: Chapter 2 – The Maelstrom)
Alan Scott flew out of the Great Portal. He flew towards Earth. It’s still hard to believe how much of the Kayzik home universe was nothing but Kayzik infection. The Starheart destroyed everything Linda did not protect.
One little girl did all that. I wonder how she lives with it. Probably by visiting universes like this one. This universe has even less hope than ours.
He entered Earth’s atmosphere. Soon, he found himself faced by a young woman in his original Green Lantern costume and a dark-haired Kryptonian woman.
“The Sentinel and Supergirl, I presume?” He grinned. The only difference between the Sentinel’s facial features and Jade’s was the lack of green coloring.
“That’s us, cutie.” Kira Kor-El answered, smiling. “Now, who are you?”
The Sentinel answered for him.
“That’s Jade’s grandfather. He’s that universe’s Champion of the Green Flame. He was their first Green Lantern, as my grandfather was ours. My mom, Molly Scott, had kept pictures. Alanna shared them with me.”
Alan smiled.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Linda. I’ve come to ask your help. And yours, Kira.”
Kira smiled back.
“Any cute relative of Jade’s is a friend of mine! How can we help?”
He told them.
(Elf note: In Multiverse continuity, this story follows Continuum2 and precedes Team Sentinel: Refugees, Part 1)
“Master?” Torquema called the Guardian. “We’ve detected an unusual energy in deep space. It erupted and then immediately disappeared.” (Elf note: The DCU version of his story -
The Guardian sighed.
“Keep an eye out for a recurrence.” He mused. “We have been fortunate as of late. Our most recent entrants to this universe have been heroes of strong character. However, our luck may not hold.”
“Yes, Master.” Torquema returned to his duties. I’ll cross check. I think I’ve seen this before.
Ten minutes later: Deep space, Multiverse
Jennifer Walters, the Sentinel of this realm, and Lar Gand flew with Katma Tui of Korugar and Tomar-Re of Xudar on a desperate mission—to assist the Green Lantern of sector 2815 with a fleet of refugees. But, before they could reach the fleet, the Multiverse Starheart made them aware of another presence—that of a mystic Starheart traveling through its universe attached to what appeared to be a human being.
While the Multiverse Starheart was well aware of the origins of the creature, the invading presence still warranted attention. And so, despite complaints from Katma Tui and Tomar-Re, Jenny changed course to intercept the creature. She would catch up to the Green Lanterns later.
Five minutes later—nearer to Earth
The Multiverse Starheart continued to analyze the intruder as the Sentinel and her companion drew near. While it had known of the creature, the opportunity to observe directly would not be wasted. The creature had transited from a universe outside of the Multiverse under its own power…which meant that it had mysteries and tools the Starheart wished to explore.
Jenny and Lar drew closer to the intruder.
As the Starheart had instructed, she signaled
coordinates and dropped out of Hyperspace with Lar. Within seconds, a young Green Lantern formed
in front of them. She wore a Guardian’s
ring on her right hand while burning green
“Hi, Jenny! Hi, Lar!” Jade greeted. “I’m glad I found you. I need your help.”
“You’ve come quite a ways to see us!” Lar acknowledged. “What can we do for you?”
“We got a big problem.” Jade answered. “It’s gonna take some explaining, so please bear with me. You know how hard it is to jump between universes. Ian can do it fairly easily. Alanna can do it, but she can’t carry much and she has to have a tie to a life force in the other universe. We can reach just a couple of universes through the magic of the Rock of Eternity. But there is one more way to reach most universes in this Continuum.”
Jenny sensed the Starheart’s rising interest, but she let Lar respond.
“I remember this conversation. Alan mentioned something called ‘The Great Portal?’” (Elf note: The Order of Oa—Chapters 4 and 5 - Final Night and Beyond the Final Night).
Jade smiled.
“That’s it.”
Jenny puzzled.
“But I thought it had been blocked? Alan said the Starheart of that universe would prevent anyone from using it.”
Lar’s superhuman memory provided the critical clue. He looked at Jade.
“No, that wasn’t quite what he said. I spoke to him about it for a while. He said that it could only be used with the permission of the Champion of that Starheart. You. He also said that he’s used it to visit his niece.”
Jade grinned.
“I’ll bet!” Jenny laughed. “So, tell us why you came so far to find us.”
Jade pulled out an odd looking object.
“This is a key to a distant dimension. Kent Nelson, Dad, and one of our other friends pulled the two halves from Selina and Alanna. It vibrates to a realm outside of the Continuum. Remember when Babs used her Trump card to escape to this universe? Right after that creep kidnapped the Birds of Prey? Well, that creep is a mad God—Ares. And this is what he’s really after. He wants to use this key to open a doorway between our universe and a universe of pure carnage.”
She scowled.
“Well, we’ve found him. We know right where he is. We’ve thought about simply killing him.
Jenny sensed the Starheart’s acceptance of Jade’s assertion. The Starheart immediately estimated the damage the mad God was likely to do, not only to Alterverse, but to all the realms that could be reached from Alterverse. The rescue work with the Green Lanterns would have to wait.
Jade spoke again.
“Jenny, I’m gonna do something I
should’ve done when you visited the last time.
I’m going to put you on the access list for the Great Portal. You’ve already got enough power to call
it. That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting to the universe you
want to get to. I got here bec
Jenny scowled, feeling concern although she felt extreme interest from the Multiverse Starheart.
“Sounds convoluted.”
Jade grinned.
“Not really. You can always find your way home. Always. But you have to know where you’re going if you’re trying to find someplace new.”
Lar added thoughtfully.
“So as long as you have an energy signature, you can go anywhere in the Continuum. I think I know why you need Jenny. The Portal will respond to an energy signal. But to force it out of the Continuum, you need something special. Your power is to control Chaos. You and Alan order the Chaos.”
“Yes.” She agreed.
“And,” he continued, “Jenny does the opposite. She disturbs Order by realigning it. She is the agent of Chaos acting on Order and you are the agent of Order acting on Chaos.”
“I wouldn’t put it that way.” Jade fussed. “You’ve obviously never seen my room!”
“I’ll show you Chaos!” Jenny smirked at Lar. “Just as soon as I get you to myself!”
Lar blushed. Then he smiled at Jenny and quickly raised his eyebrows several times before answering Linda.
“What I mean is that the two of you will have to combine your opposite energies to power the portal opening beyond the Continuum.”
“Yes.” Jade affirmed.
Lar considered. This means they could open the Portal back to Jenny’s home universe—or Kara’s. When I get a moment with Jade, I’ll have to explain why we don’t want to do that.
Jade grinned evilly.
“What we’re going to do is to give Ares his heart’s content. We’re going to send him and all his family to the war dimension. He just won’t have a way back!”
Jenny chuckled.
“Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.”
Jenny felt an odd sensation. She smiled in understanding at Jade. Then she furrowed her brow in concentration.
As the Great Portal opened, they looked through to the empty universe on the other side. Jenny felt an odd sense of satisfaction from the Multiverse Starheart.
“Welcome to what used to be Kayzik Central.” Jade scowled. She flew through.
“Welcome to what lies beyond Hell.” Jenny remarked. She followed Jade.
Lar considered. With great power comes great responsibility. Jenny, I hope you understand the new responsibility you’ve just taken on. As he entered the portal, Lar felt a chill. This universe is so dark—reminds me too much of Shady’s home world. He followed them in.
Outside Ares’ Lab
Two human whirlwinds worked their way though the legions of the un-dead. Grandfather smiled at granddaughter. Iris Grayson winked back.
“You know, Gramps, I could get used to having you around!”
Jay Garrick laughed. Then he turned back to his deadly chore. A winged man joined them with a deadly electrified mace.
“You don’t answer my letters. You don’t return my phone calls. Daimon, I could start to think you don’t like me!”
Daimon Hellstrom turned to see Alanna Scott.
“Beware mortal! You have no power here!”
“Don’t I?” Alanna grinned fiercely. “Don’t ever forget that I am the power of darkest night! I rule dreams! And you are half mortal. Let us find what you fear!”
He seized the opportunity to attack first. Soulfire surged against Darkforce. Soulfire lost.
Daimon screamed.
Ares’ Lab
Ares shackled his children’s bodies beside Kryptonian forms. Aphrodite lay on yet another slab.
“It is time to make the transition. We cannot allow these Mortals to interfere once you leave them behind.”
He flipped a switch. Four Kryptonian forms rose from concrete slabs.
“We are ready. Starchild, you do not stand a chance.”
Five Kryptonian forms flew back to the main lab. They powered their defenses.
Ares’ Lab—the Dungeon.
A small coin materialized within the filament of a red solar lamp. Seconds later, the coin materialized within the filament of a second lamp.
Ares’ Lab—the front door, one minute later
Aphrodite heard a tap at the door.
“Should we just escape?” She asked Ares.
“No.” He grinned. “We are five Kryptonians against one. They do not stand a chance.” He laughed. They prepared for battle.
The front door flew open. Diana of Themyscira walked through. Ares laughed at her.
“Have not you learned your lesson?” He prepared to blast her with heat vision.
“I’d like to introduce my friends.” Diana growled. She pointed to the Alterverse 2 Supergirl and Sentinel before pointing back to Lyla and Mary. “This is Supergirl, the Sentinel, the Starchild, and who could ever forget Captain Marvel.”
Linda Danvers turned Green. If this creep wants to think I’m Jade, I’ll be happy to let him.
“Hi there! Remember me!”
“Damn you,
He watched the Starchild’s eyes widen. Arrogant, Ares mistook the expression for fear. He gloated.
“And this time, you won’t have the option of a quick death.”
“Krypto. Protect!” Lyla flew into the room. She slammed into Ares. Krypto flew from behind her to charge Phobos. Mary flew at Aphrodite. Kira Kor-El flew towards Eris. Linda Danvers shifted to Demonic form. She and Diana attacked Deimos.
“Even odds, bitch!” Ares aimed a spell at the Starchild. He found himself smashed into the opposite wall.
“Nobody beats up on my Mommy!” A young Kryptonian flew towards Ares. His fist flew into the furious god. “Nobody!”
Phobos kicked Krypto. Krypto bit back as he did. Phobos prepared to kick the dog again. Before he could, he was airborne, flying across the room, courtesy of Kira Jor-El’s foot.
Kira Jor-El burned at Phobos with her heat vision. Then she nailed him between the legs. He doubled over in pain. She growled.
“How dare you attack a poor animal! Don’t kick the dog! Kick the people, instead!” Effortlessly, the young Kryptonian tossed him towards where Barbara Gordon stood with her mystically enhanced and electrified mace. Phobos crashed into the mace. Barbara knocked him off course, into Deimos.
Mary reveled in the fight with Aphrodite.
“Well, little Miss Popular, let’s find out how you do after a beauty treatment!” She slammed Aphrodite’s Kryptonian form into the wall. “Can’t say I like this body better than your original. I think Rao would be pissed. Ready, Linda?”
“Ready!” The AV-2 Sentinel answered. She menaced Deimos. Deimos missed the real danger—Diana roped him with her magic lasso.
Kira Kor-El sucker-punched Eris. She knocked the staggered Eris into Ares. At the same time, Lyla punched into Ares with a two handed fist. Eris and Ares both stumbled, dazed.
Dick and Iris Grayson and Jay Garrick ran into the room to add to the confusion.
Once more, Kira Jor-El knocked Phobos into Deimos. Captain Marvel hit Aphrodite with a two handed punch.
“Steal all the good-looking men, will you?” She slugged Aphrodite. “Well, you missed the best of the lot.” She slammed Aphrodite into the others. “Now, Linda!” “SHAZAM!”
Lightning slammed into the Pseudo Kryptonians. As it faded, Green Flame burned into them.
“SHAZAM!” The Pseudo Kryptonian forms began to crack. The Green Lantern kept up the pressure with Green Flame.
“SHAZAM!” The Pseudo Kryptonians began to shatter. Eris’ misshapen form appeared first, followed by Phobos, Deimos, Aphrodite, and finally Ares.
“SHAZAM!” Ares and his family lost consciousness.
“Remind me to stay on your good side!” Linda Danvers teased Mary.
“Mommy!” The young Kryptonian flew into his mother’s arms.
“Kal!” Lyla beamed with pleasure.
“I could use some help here!” The AV-2 Sentinel reverted to her natural coloring. Assisting, Kira Kor-El and Captain Marvel helped her to carry the members of Ares’ family. They flew out of Ares’ lab into the void and towards a glowing green portal.
Alan Scott reached towards them through his mystically created portal and pulled the unconscious gods into real space. Once he had them in real space, he charged up above the planetary plane. Better move before they have a chance to wake up! He skipped in and out of Hyperspace, before hauling his catch through the Great Portal.
The Kayzik home universe—the Great Portal.
Alan Scott floated with Lar Gand. They watched as Jenny and Jade charged the portal. The energies of Order and Chaos poured into it. The key floated in front of it.
Alan smiled at Lar Gand.
“Ever played bowling for demons?”
Lar chuckled.
“Bowling for demons?”
The Great Portal began to glow with power. Jenny and Linda soon burned so brightly that their bodies could no longer be seen. Fearsome images of an unreal place appeared in the middle of the Portal.
“Sure!” Alan grinned maliciously. He grabbed Ares with his Green Flame. He threw the unconscious God through the Portal. “STEE-RIKE!”
Lar smiled.
“I think I prefer basketball.” He tossed Deimos through the Portal. “Two points!”
Alan grinned. He picked up the remaining three gods and tossed them all through at once.
“Six points! You did it kids! We’re done!”
Jenny and Linda withdrew their power from the Portal. The images from the other side vanished.
“Took you long enough!” Jenny fussed.
“It takes time to teach a youngster the value of sports!” Alan grinned.
“Well,” Jenny regarded Lar with lust in her eyes, “I knew there had to be something he didn’t know how to do.”
Alan reached to cover Jade’s eyes. But, sensitive to her audience, Jenny floated away while Lar blushed and shook his head.
Ignoring Jade’s look of exasperation, Alan floated towards Jenny.
“Thank you. And please pass our best wishes to Babs. I know she’s happier near Kara.”
Jenny smiled.
“We will. Just be careful if you come to visit. Our Earth is crawling with tech.”
She activated the portal. She and Lar flew back to the Multiverse.
Back in Ares’ Lab
Kal-El jumped into his mother’s arms. Lyla closed her eyes and drank in his scent. Krypto stood beside them.
“Mommy, that bad man told me I’d never see you again!” Kal-El exclaimed. “But you came back!”
She kissed him.
“You didn’t think I’d leave my children to that creep, did you?”
He beamed back at her.
“No, Mommy.” He hugged her again. He held tightly. Lyla could sense both his fear and relief.
“Children?” Kira Jor-El countered. “Who the hell are you?” She walked slowly towards Lyla.
Much more heavily built than Kira, Lyla would never be mistaken for her. But, viewed from the side, impossibly similar facial features emerged. Lyla smiled gently at Kira.
Kira looked back at her and at young Kal and now at Krypto, who quickly sat at Lyla’s feet.
More gently and warmly than Kira expected, Lyla answered her.
“Kira, I know this is going to be hard to accept, but everything I am telling you is the truth as I know it.”
Kira would have thought the words harsh, but for the gentle, reassuring tone the other woman used.
“More years ago than I wish to count,
I was raised in an orphanage in the city of
Lyla grimaced.
“I did not know how much the accident had changed me until Krypton’s end. But Jor-El and Lara knew. They made use of my DNA to prepare two matrices. One was on its way to Daxam before I even knew it existed. The other, I brought to Earth.”
Kira stood, dumbfounded.
“This is so confusing. How can this be? Where have you been all my life? And these last six months have been such a nightmare.”
Lyla frowned with regret.
“And I have not been there for you. I am so very sorry for that.” Lyla seemed to withdraw into herself for a moment.” I know nightmare all to well. I know what it’s like to lose everything and have to start over. And I know what it is to be hunted by Ares. But I hope that we will have many years to overcome the nightmare, together. Kira, I know that I have not been here for you. I can’t make up for that today, but I can start to try.”
Kira looked at her, uncertain. Both Lyla and Kal-El held arms out to her. For the first time, Kira Jor-El embraced her family.
Diana walked back in, followed by three others.
“Lyla?” Charles Xavier asked. “Kal? What happened?”
Kevin Pryde looked at Kira.
“Who are you?”
Several days later—a wooded trail outside the Sentinel’s Lair
“Kal-El!” Helena Wayne fussed. “If you don’t behave, I’m going to tell my Mommy on you!”
“You will not!” Kal-El stood his ground.
Selina Kyle shook her head.
“The House of the Bat watches over the House of El. Alan said that.”
Bruce Wayne heard a slight cracking sound overhead. He watched a tree limb start to break loose above the children. Before he could move, it incinerated.
“What did you do?”
Kal-El stuck out his tongue.
“Somehow,” Bruce answered, “I don’t think that’s all there is to it.”
Selina smiled mysteriously.
But she will always watch over him.
Always. A mother knows.” Selina watched the children play, observing
Kal-El’s gentleness. She watched her
daughter find the ashes in her hair and spotted
“Always.” Selina walked back to the Lair.
Lyla and Kira floated over the bay.
“They don’t even remember me.” Kira looked to her mother. “I lived with them for several weeks and I’m just a blank to them. And my memories seem so strange.”
Lyla looked away.
“Kal and I lost six months. Ares had us in cold storage. Then he decided to play with us again.” She looked back. “I think it will take a while to recover from that.”
Kira smiled gently.
“Kal seems to have made a remarkable recovery.” She softly bit her lip. “Mom, why did you hide for so long?”
Lyla looked at her earnestly.
“I was charged with Kal’s survival. Once he grew up, we would have taken our place. Until then, I wanted to protect him. But I made a mistake. One I won’t make again.” She found herself recalling one of Linda’s memories.
Smallville, Kansas, five years prior
Linda chased after John Kent as he ran towards the Hen House. He fired his gun into the air. A fox ran out though torn chicken wire. As they entered the Hen House, they found the hens shaken, but otherwise unharmed. Linda looked at the almost one hundred chickens.
“Uncle John, I don’t understand. There are so many chickens. How can one fox scare them all?”
The old farmer looked down at her. He smiled.
“Chickens are not the most brilliant of animals. Each looks out for just itself. The foxes will simply snatch them one by one until they’re all gone.”
“I’m not going to be like that!” Linda announced. “I am going to be a smart chicken!”
John Kent chuckled.
“Mom?” Kira interrupted Lyla’s thoughts. Lyla chuckled.
“Sorry. Lost in a memory. Recalling that it is important to be a smart chicken. Speaking of which, I think it’s time for us to reclaim the Hen House.”
Kira puzzled. I don’t think I’ll ever understand you. But I’m glad you’re here.
“Hen House?”
Lyla smiled.
“Mom?” Kira asked. “Why didn’t Jor-El mention you in my databanks or the ones in your rocket?”
Lyla thought for a moment.
“Lara prepared the tapes, using a Hologram of Jor-El. You see, they really were almost identical twins. You have a little more of Lara in you and Kal has just a little more of Jor-El in him. But you’re both my children, as well.”
She smiled at the memory.
“Lara did not know what Jor-El had planned for me when she created the holograms. But Jor-El did not quite act alone. You see, as I had no family, I planned to leave the city and spend my final hours in the wilderness. But Zor-El and Allura had asked me to spend time that evening with their family. They were so insistent that I could not refuse. I later realized that they knew what Jor-El had planned, even if Lara did not.” Lyla swallowed hard. “I had no idea the risks they took for me.”
She looked into the distance, again.
“Jor-El walked a tightrope. He wanted to ensure that if they were discovered prematurely, I would not be held accountable for their actions. The welcoming sequence in our rocket was never intended to be used.”
Lyla looked back.
“Kira, there is a second set of databanks on both rockets. Just say ‘Starchild’. That’s the encryption key.”
“And Krypto?” Kira asked.
Lyla smiled.
“Jor-El created Krypto to help me safeguard Kal as a child. I had always intended to return for Krypto. But by the time I was ready to birth Kal-El, Charles sensed that the rocket had been tampered with.”
Lyla emphasized.
“The original instructions to the Shantar would have worked had I not been on the rocket. Even though the primary comms antenna did not work, the message would still have been broadcast. But I turned it off, intentionally. I did not want our presence known. That’s why I wear gloves.” She held up a hand enveloped in blue. “No fingerprints.”
Kira laughed.
“And what were Jor-El’s plans for me?”
“Truthfully?” Lyla answered. “You were both the backup plan and a gift to Daxam. Your children would have neither the weakness to lead nor the glamour. After a few generations, your descendents would have become a credible threat all on their own. Jakar Tennan knew that. But when the Starheart acted, he made an extremely heroic choice. He put you back in the rocket and sent you here. And then he covered the tracks of your escape with his own death.” Lyla sighed regretfully. “He had the right idea, but Ares was already laying in wait. When Ares saw Alan back in action, he hit us immediately. Then he laid his trap for you. And he waited for the carnage to begin.”
“Despite that,” Kira added, “I blundered my way out of his trap—mostly. When I left the cave for the Lair, I became harder for Ares to control—my behavior became erratic—not a good thing for a martial artist.”
“No,” Lyla confirmed, “but the Lair had already adopted Selina, so Ares became even more focused on its inhabitants. He had to be very careful. Kent Nelson was the real threat. Ares went to a great deal of effort to avoid his suspicion. But Ares wasn’t the only player on the field. Hades had been doing what he could to block him. Linda was Hades’ ace in the hole. Hades went to extreme efforts to keep her identity hidden.”
“Linda.” Kira mused. “I wonder if we’ll ever know the true story behind who she really is. Her origin seems just a little too ‘convenient’.”
Lyla shuddered.
“I’ve thought about that.” She brightened. “But I know her better than anyone. And I think people underestimate the importance of Shirley Temple—the ability of the human spirit to conquer almost anything.”
“There is that.” Kira grinned. ‘On the good ship Lollipop…’
From their perch atop an ancient building, Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson watched the sun go down. Dick leaned against a concrete abutment. He laughed easily.
“Owlman and Owlgirl? I’m still surprised we weren’t laughed out of the Superhero’s union.”
Barbara held her ground.
“Well, the owl is the Great Bird of Wisdom. And you are Athena’s grandchild. But I do like Hawkman and Hawkgirl better. No child of mine will ever have to be named ‘Hooty’.”
“Child?” He asked. “Are you?”
“No.” She smiled. “But you never know!” She reached for him.
Sentinel’s Lair
Jay and Mary found Linda in the observation deck.
“Linda,” Jay called, “we have to pass
along a message from the Resistance.
They’ve heard from the
Linda looked up with hatred in her eyes.
“You can’t ask me to forgive them for
what they did to me. They hurt me. They took the
“Think she’ll ever forgive them?” Jay asked after Linda fled.
“No.” Mary answered. “And I won’t forgive them either. They should not have asked to see her.”
“This isn’t like you, Mary.” He remarked. “Although I feel the same way you do.”
“They tried to kill a child.” Mary growled. “They can go to Hell for that and they can stay there.”
Jay nodded slowly.
“Somehow, I think you’ve already gotten your wish.”
An hour later
“You’re awful glum.” Iris Grayson found Linda Kyle looking out of
“Yeah.” Linda frowned. “Well, I’ve got reason to be.”
“My Grandfather has a word for people like you.” Iris teased.
“Really?” Linda took the bait. “What?”
“SLOWPOKE!” Iris charged down
In spite of herself, Linda
laughed. Emerald fire followed Iris out
of the
Jay stood with Alan and Mary. He laughed easily.
“Well, there’s only one thing I can say about that!”
“Really?” Alan took the bait.” What?”
Jay grinned.
“SLOWPOKE!” He charged down
“I get no respect.” Alan laughed. He flew after Jay.
Alterverse-2 Earth
Supergirl floated in front of the Statue of Liberty with the AV-2 Sentinel.
“Lin, I wonder what we could really do if we tried. I mean, we don’t even know if this universe has the Guardians of Oa.”
Her companion nodded thoughtfully.
“I don’t know, Kira. But I think you’re right. Our responsibility isn’t just to this world. It’s to our universe. Also makes me wonder. Do you have more family out there somewhere? The Shantar should be able to tell us.”
“Lin, I knew there was a reason I liked you!” Kira Kor-El winked. They flew towards the Shantar encampment.
months later -
An early spring rain had begun to fall. The gathering of Lyla’s family and friends moved into the barn. Mary Batson watched Kira play with her brother and Helena. She remarked to Lyla.
“I never thought I would see Kira so happy. Farm life agrees with her.”
“I’m glad.” Lyla answered. “Ares had done quite a number on her. It’s taken a long time for us to sort everything out. She still can’t believe that Xavier and the others don’t even remember her. Poor child.”
“Lyla? Why here? Why an old dilapidated farm?”
Lyla turned thoughtful.
“Mary, I’m an orphan. Linda gave me her memories of this place. It’s those memories that give me what I need to guide Kira and Kal. Their wisdom was so simple.” She smiled. “But aren’t we the ones who make life so much more complicated than it needs to be?”
An hour later
Lyla found Linda kneeling by the
“They’re not really gone, you know. As long as we’re alive, they’ll always be here.”
“But I miss them so much.” Linda’s tiny body shook violently with her tears.
Lyla assured her quietly.
“I know you do, Honey, I know you do. And I know how much. We both know how much.”
Linda could not stop crying. Lyla sheltered Linda with her cape. She held Linda tightly, while the younger woman cried herself out.
As the rain tapered off, Lyla thought of so much that might have been. Might have been and still will be, she promised herself, and still will be. John and Mary Kent, your lessons will not be lost. This is the only home I’ve ever known, and it wasn’t really mine. But it is now. It is now. And I’ll take good care of it and I’ll take good care of her. I promise. She held Linda more tightly.
After a while, Kira and Kal-El searched for their mother. They walked slowly towards Lyla and Linda.
“Yes, Kal?”
“Who are those two people?” He seemed confused.
“It’s Mom and Linda.” She answered with a chuckle.
“No,” Kal answered back. “I mean the two older people. The ones who are so worried about Mommy and Linda.”
Kira smiled at him. Wish I had his imagination.
Then she saw them. ‘Hopefully, the ghosts will be quite active.’ Mother, you have your wish. She bent down to hug her brother.
“This is a magic place for us, Kal. And those are the magicians.” She grinned. “Someday, Kal, if we’re lucky, we’ll learn how to do their magic.”
“I hope so, Kira.” He watched the couple. “They seem awful nice. Do you think they mind us being here?”
“Kal,” Kira smiled into the distance, “Maybe we’re the reason they are here. I hope so. I truly do.”
The older couple seemed to focus on her. They seemed to smile and then vanished.
“They’ll be back, Kal, I promise.” Kira watched Lyla help Linda stand. Lyla walked with Linda back to the barn. Kal followed them in. Kira walked towards the tombstone. She smiled quietly.
“Maybe you’re back because you never left. And you never will.” She felt a sense of wonder. “You will watch over all of us, all of the days of our lives.”
Kira felt a sense of acceptance. Poor Linda. I know what she’s lost. Then,Kira had an odd thought. But maybe she hasn’t really lost anything. She smiled gently. Maybe death is not the end. Not here!
know, as much as I’ve envied Linda for being the Champion of the Green Flame,
I’ve missed the point. She was Linda
Kent, first of all. She believed in the
all teased Linda for being so much like sweet little Shirley Temple. But the
when she was taken away, they seemed to lose hope and die. Their aged bodies just seemed to fall apart. They barely lasted a month. Hallie
Linda were anybody else, that would be the end of it. But she isn’t. Sweet little Shirley Temple is the living,
breathing, human incarnation of the eternal
Kira felt a shiver. Her X-ray vision found two empty coffins beneath her. I wonder when it happened. I wonder how long it took before the sheer onslaught of her life force obliterated their mortality. Kira furrowed her brow.
They must have felt so cold when she left that they thought they were dying. And so they faded. And what appeared to be their empty shells were laid to rest. Their belief in their own mortality allowed them to hide from their true reality. It allowed them to hibernate. Their life forces would have eventually disbursed and they would have truly left this mortal coil.
But, this is her true home. This is the place that holds her heart. And she has returned to them. Today, for the first time, she has been truly free to grieve them – to feel the full extent of her loss. And the clarion call of her broken heart has awakened them from their long winter’s nap. John and Mary Kent can not and will not ignore the call of their only child. They return to her. They return to guide, to cherish, and to renew. They will never leave this plane as long as she, or those she loves, inhabits this place.
She looked back at the barn. This is
my mother’s home, too. Linda gave her
the most intimate gift of all—part of herself.
It’s a natural anchor for the
“I know you are here, Mr. and Mrs. Kent.” Kira seemingly spoke to the air. “I know you’re probably confused about why you’re still here. Well, it’s because you chose to love someone whose love is truly eternal. I can’t claim that we are what she is, but I hope that you can love us, too. All we ask is a chance. All we seek is a place in your home. We ask our chance to learn from you. Can you find it in your hearts to give us that chance?”
With the lightest of touches, Kira Jor-El had her answer. Kira Jor-El, who had lost two worlds and two families, finally had a real answer. Kira Jor-El had the answer she had been searching for her entire life—the only answer that mattered. The children of Krypton had come home.
One day later—the Sentinel’s Lair Command Center
Elise watched him for a minute. Noting his look of peace, she quietly joined him.
“Penny for your thoughts, Alan?”
He grinned.
“Penny for my thoughts?”
He laughed. “You know, Elise,
when we first met I didn’t even use my real name. I was embarrassed to be associated with a
comic book character. I wanted no part
of his legend.” Alan spoke more
seriously. “But I was wrong. I have learned that legends are earned—usually
the hard way.” He turned. “I’ve learned how much heroes have to give to
inspire so. I watch the people in this
Elise grinned.
“You’re a good pack leader, Father Wolf.”
Alan laughed.
“I like to think so. I like to think so. But it’s the pack that deserves the credit. Commander Lyla Lerrol, Kryptonian PDF. Who would ever have believed that one? Jor-El sent us the best that Krypton ever had. And we have horribly underestimated Kira. They are both deadly additions to the team. Jor-El, Lara, Zor-El, and Allura. Even here, they took every risk to give their children a chance. Mary, who lived to see my return through sheer determination. Jay, who returned to a world of nightmare. Alexander Luthor, who keeps hope alive for the people of this planet.”
Elise nodded. She added.
“Selina Kyle—the best planner the Empire has ever seen,
who dared to take on a god. Bruce Wayne—the
best detective. Kent and
Alan smiled back.
“Hal and Hallie Jordan. She chose to stay even after her death. Every single member of the Green Lantern Corps. All of the Shantar who risk being here in this most dangerous place. John and Mary Kent. Molly. Just about every member of the Kyle family.”
He turned.
“It’s because of all of them that we still have hope. They’re my heroes. They’re the reason that today is a beautiful day to be alive!”
Elise chuckled. A mental image formed in her mind. So that’s where she gets it from. She imagined Alan Scott with ringlets. ‘On the good ship Lollipop’.
Elise Zoldar, Command Assassin of the Shantar, mistress of
her emotions, failed to contain herself.
She howled and doubled over
“Elise?” He asked with concern. “Are you all right?”
She nodded, bur kept laughing. Two minutes later, she finally contained herself.
“I’m sorry. But you are right. Today is a beautiful day to be alive.”
He laughed.
“I can almost picture you in ringlets when you say that.”
“Ringlets?” She grinned smugly. “I’ll show you ringlets. And I’ll show you just why today is a beautiful day to be alive!”
She led him out of the
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-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2003 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Multiverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse and The Inheritors and their associated universes, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are the original creations of Eldric
-- The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of John P. and Jason G respectively.
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics
-- Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Twentieth Century Fox, Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and/or the
-- WB Television Network
-- The Highlander and its characters, artwork, photos, and trademarks are
-- the property of Davis-Panzer Productions