The Search for Kal-El
© The
Elves of Alterverse
Chapter 6: House of El
“And it all comes down to this: the courage of the Starchild.”
- The Hidden Text – The Prophecies of the Sons of Rao
Oa, the day following Astra’s return – January 2007
Once again, Zoldar cursed at
battle plans.
“This is not going to work.” He
admonished his junior officer. “If we try this, the Green Lantern Corps
will be slaughtered. We have to try something else.”
The junior officer saluted and
departed. Another junior officer entered.
“Sir, we found the comms badge
signature your mother requested. It’s on New Oa.”
Zoldar looked up.
“Find it. Find the woman who is
wearing it, but don’t interfere with her. She is extremely dangerous.
The junior officer quickly
shuttled out of the room.
Zoldar activated his comms.
“Sentinel’s Lair, this is Zoldar.
We may have found Mary.”
The Lair answered.
“Dad, this is Elise. As soon as
we have Earth-side backup, we’ll head towards you. Alan wants to bring a
mystic. He’s retrieving Kent.”
“Elise, I understand. We’ll do
what we can. I’ll see you soon.”
Oan Senate Quarters
“Krys, I’ve got a problem.” Alan
Scott’s hologram spoke to Krystal. “Mary is on New Oa. I need to go find
her. At the same time, I can’t leave the Lair unprotected.”
She sighed.
“Krypto and I are on the way. I
just need to let Diana know that I’m headed out.”
The hologram nodded.
“Thanks, Krys. I know you’d
prefer to have more time before you meet the Wayne family again, but this
can’t be helped.”
“Alan, you have a wonderful gift
for understatement.”
He laughed.
“Welcome to the family!”
Krystal smiled brilliantly.
“I’m just glad you have room for
one more! On my way!”
Oa – two hours later – the old city of Grespa
Night had fallen. They walked
down a street in a run-down section of the city. The foul smell of
rotting debris permeated the air. Alan and Elise stood with Zoldar in
front of an ancient and putrid establishment. Patrons flowed in and out of
saloon-style doors.
They watched silently.
“Well, what do you know?” A
particularly gruesome creature towered over them. “Two Shantar cuties and
an exotic!” It laughed.
“Back off!” Elise Zoldar snarled.
“Ho, Ho!” The creature taunted.
“She wants to play rough! I like my women that way!”
Alan and Zoldar shrugged. They
stepped back.
“Filthy creature!” Elise
snarled. Her Xentronium sword appeared in her hand. “Prepare to die!”
“Shantar meat!” The creature
crowed. “Always a delicacy!” Steel claws sprang from its hands. It
swiped its claws towards Elise. She let it pass. Then she kicked it
hard. The creature flew through the air. It landed with a thud.
A crowd began to gather.
She handed her cloak to Alan Scott.
He folded it neatly. She grinned fiercely. Then she charged the creature.
“I love a good workout!” She
“Then, it will be your last!” The
creature grabbed for her throat.
“I can’t bear to watch.” Alan
walked towards the bar.
“I’ll join you.” Zoldar
insisted. “I don’t like one-sided fights.” The creature flew over Zoldar’s
the establishment
“Gimme anudder!” A small woman
drank foul fluid at the New Oan equivalent of a bar. “Keep it cumin!”
Alan and Zoldar walked towards her.
“Mary,” Alan Scott sat beside her,
“don’t you think that’s enough?”
“Enuf?” She belched. “It’ll
never be enough! I always lose everyone! I lost my family! I lost Kira!
And now, Jade has stolen Diana from me! What else is there to take? Leave
me be!”
“Mary,” he implored, “you can’t
keep doing this!”
“Like hell I can’t!” She
snarled. “Shay my magic word and I’m a wonderful, sober hero. Best
hangover cure I could ask for!”
“Oh, screw you!” Mary howled.
“The Birds of Prey disappear and you write the whole lot of them off!”
“Mary, that’s not true! We found Selina
and Helena. We’ll find the rest!”
“Will you?” She snarled. “You’ve
got your planner back! You and that miserable Batman creature. You’ve
already replaced Kira with that creature you call ‘Krystal’.”
“Mary, you know that’s not true.”
He tried to reassure her. She ignored him and continued her rant.
“I hate Jade! That miserable
little bitch made Kira look insignificant. Do you have any idea how hard
it was for her? Daxam has no real history of heroism. There is no
knowledge of how to wage war! She had to start from scratch. We still
expected her to be an expert from Day One!”
She poured herself another drink
and downed it.
“You got to work with the great
Jade. Selina and I worked with Kira. She tried hard, but she never really
had a chance! Now she’s gone!” Mary spat at him.
“I guess I shouldn’t be
surprised! The whole lot of you is nothing more than ghosts from my past.
LEAVE ME ALONE!” She slapped him.
He grabbed her hand.
“Mary. We are leaving now.”
“Like Hell we are!” She
The lightning replaced Mary Batson
with Captain Marvel.
“You made me waste a perfectly
good drunk. Now, you’ll get the hangover!” She hit him with both hands.
He flew backwards through the swinging doors into the street.
above the Sentinel’s Lair
“Welcome back, Krystal.” Jay Garrick
greeted as she and Krypto landed.
“Thanks, I think.” She sighed.
“How are the Waynes?”
“Having their problems.” He answered.
Then he brightened. “Krys, I talked to Dr. Fate. You don’t have to stay
cooped up in the Lair. I’d like to have your help chasing down a mystery.”
She smiled with anticipation.
“A mystery? A good old fashioned
He laughed.
“You could call it that. But this
is more a ‘what did she do’.” He breathed in sharply. “You see: we’ve all
been so quick to judge Mary. But only Diana knows anything about most of
her life. What she’s told me is a tale of horror and despair. She’s lost
two sets of parents, her brother, her husband, and two sons that I know
of.” He looked up.
“We sometimes forget that she
lived through all of the most terrible sixty five years this world has ever
Krystal scowled.
“As opposed to me? The woman with
no past? How many days old am I?” She quickly caught herself. “I’m sorry,
Jay. That really wasn’t fair.” She looked at him with an apology in her
eyes. “You’ve done me no harm. Neither has anyone else here. Jay, I’ll
take you up on that offer. If nothing else, I’ll get to explore the
Jay grinned wryly.
“And you put off seeing Selina
She looked up sharply.
“Not really. It’s all of them. I
know what I am. They have enough problems without a pretender claiming to
be one of theirs.” She looked into the Heavens. “I have a home, but it’s
not here. Let’s get the Hell out of here!”
Jay smiled.
“New York City, here we come!”
“Wait!” They heard a call behind
them. A winged man landed behind them.
“I’d like to go. I do no good
just waiting here.”
Jay gestured towards the newcomer.
“Krys, this is Dick Grayson. He’s
called Hawkman. His partner is the Barbara Gordon of this world. He’s
also a native of the New York area. His knowledge is a little more current
than mine.”
Krystal smiled. She looked at the
two of them together. She felt her curiosity piqued. A quick glance of
microscopic vision told her all she needed to know.
“Welcome, Dick. This will be an
interesting trip!” And how! They took off for New York City.
“You know nothing about me!” Mary
aimed her fist into Alan Scott’s shields. “You don’t even know my last
He flew backwards.
“You’re Mary Batson!” He slammed
her with an emerald fist.
“No!” Her fists pounded at his
shields again. “I’m not!”
York City – the
Statue of Liberty
They stood at the torch.
“This was where Alan’s flame
reclaimed Mary.” Jay gestured to the torch. “He had lit it to explain
what it meant to Alanna. But Alanna wasn’t the only one who saw it. Mary
Batson saw it, too. She used it to reclaim her birthright as Mary Marvel.”
(Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2).
Krystal spotted the puzzled look
in Dick Grayson’s eyes.
Jay continued.
“But I don’t know anything about
her life from 1941 to 2006. She won’t tell me anything. She just says she
wants to start again.”
“Mary!” The Sentinel pleaded.
“Stop this! This isn’t you!”
He barely blocked her next punch.
“How the Hell would you know?”
She punched at his shields again.
He flew backwards through the air. He felt his ankle twist as he landed.
She charged after him. She hit him again. He felt ribs break. He
strengthened his shields. Green Flame healed him.
The Sentinel flew out of the
ancient city.
“Coward!” Captain Marvel followed
him out of the city.
The Sentinel landed by Kent
“Are you endangering innocents,
Cousin?” She charged the Sentinel. She found herself gripped firmly by
Green Flame. She struggled to free herself.
Let’s hope this still works!
The Sentinel cleared his throat.
Lightning struck them. Mary
gurgled and shook. She spasmed as the lightning passed through them. She
fell to the ground, unconscious.
The Sentinel picked her up.
“I hated to do that.”
Kent shook his head, sadly.
“That shouldn’t have happened.”
He scanned Mary. “I see it. I just don’t know how… Yes, I do.”
He looked up
“Your hunch was right. We’ve been
Sentinel’s Lair – transport storage area
Selina followed Bruce Wayne to Kal-El’s
rocket. (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 9).
“Bruce? Why the sudden interest?”
He climbed inside.
“Something is bothering me about Krystal.”
Selina snarled.
“Outside of the fact she pretended
to be Helena?”
Bruce glared at her.
“Save your claws for someone who
deserves it. She’s done nothing to earn your ire! No. No, this is
something else.”
Bruce walked around the capsule.
He inspected where the matrix had been torn away from its moorings.
Selina shook her head.
“Can you imagine the power it took
to pull that matrix out? Can you imagine how much magic it took to damage Kryptonian
His grin puzzled her.
He walked through the other
compartments of the module. He stopped at the front windshield.
Selina followed him.
“This is identical to Kira’s
rocket. Kira flew hers to Australia. She said she had a pretty quiet
flight until she got here. Good thing – she was suffering from Kryptonite
poisoning.” (Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 1).
They walked back to the main
compartment. Bruce Wayne closed his eyes. He concentrated. An image
formed in his mind. He smiled.
York City – the
Statue of Liberty
Krystal read Emma Lazarus’ poem.
(Elf note: Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2).
“I know how they must have felt.
And now our world seeks nothing more than what Lady Liberty promised.”
Jay smiled.
“Yes. That’s what keeps us
going. The dream still lives. Alan believes it. Mary believes it. I
believe it. Diana lives it….”
Krystal grinned.
“I get your point. It drives all
of you.”
Jay nodded. And you, too.
Dick Grayson watched the conversation.
Who the Hell are you, Krystal? And why do I feel like you’re the key to
Krystal walked over to him. Krypto
followed her.
“Dick, I’m curious. Those wings
were put together by someone who knew what they were doing. I know they
give you the gift of flight. They also seem to increase your strength.
How did you come by them?”
He looked puzzled.
“Krys, that’s always been a
mystery to both Babs and I. The area of Newark we patrol has limited
resources, but we’ve got it better than a lot of other folks. Babs’
father, Jim Gordon, tries to keep order in the area. We decided to try to
help the best we could. We took on the identities of ‘Owlman’ and ‘Owlwoman’.
We only came out at night.” He smiled at a memory. “Babs had been quite
fond of the idea of Queen Hippolyta’s pet owl. She felt that whatever
happened to the Gods probably wasn’t their fault. She talked about finding
the bird someday.”
“But I haven’t answered your
question.” Dick looked back at her. “We had just chased marauders away
from a small family. We heard the footprints of a lame man behind us. We
turned and faced an odd looking, but very sturdy man. He handed us the
wings and taught us how to use them. We asked him why he gave us the
wings. He just said that he knew my family. He congratulated me for
carrying on the family tradition. When we looked away for an instant, he
Krystal smiled to herself. Hephaestus?
I’ll bet he has known your family! For at least thousands of years!
“Dick, tell me more about your
family. Are your parents still living?”
Surprised, Dick Grayson eyed her
with suspicion.
“My mother passed away several
years ago. My father is still alive. Why do you ask?”
“Trust me.” She sighed. “I’ll
explain shortly, I promise.”
Dick Grayson shrugged.
“Sure. This way!” He flew down
from the statue towards Newark, New Jersey.
Oa – Military Infirmary
Mary rocked in Alan’s arms.
“All gone.” She jerked forward
and back. “They’re all gone.” She kept up her jerking motion. “All gone.
Because I wasn’t there to save them. All gone.” Her mad eyes saw nothing.
Elise and Kent watched from
outside the room. Kent shook his head.
“There’s something she can’t
face. Something she blames herself for. Ares exploited it. The spell is
so intricate I can’t remove it.”
Puzzled, Elise inquired.
“Why can’t you do the same thing
you did for Bruce Wayne?”
Kent scowled.
“Bruce Wayne has no mystic
signature. We could remove him from the magic surrounding him. But Mary
is a creature of mystic power. She would die without her power. Mary is
the only one who can save Mary. I just wish I knew how to help.”
Elise growled.
Newark, New Jersey
Another turf war. Krystal
frowned. Wouldn’t get involved… except…
A determined older man stood
between a band of marauders and a handful of terrorized locals.
“Leave them alone. They have
nothing you want.”
The lead marauder grinned.
“We’ll be the ones to decide
that. And we’ll start by making an example of you!” He aimed his rifle at
the older man. Electricity formed on the older man’s hands.
Damn. Well, no one is going to
die today. The Kryptonian woman signaled the Flash. They moved. Krypto
followed right behind her.
The rifle fired. Lightning
flashed. Wind blew though the crowd. The marauders found themselves
several miles away. Several found teeth marks.
Krystal and Krypto returned to the
scene of the turf war to find three very confused men. The older man
looked at the Flash.
“I don’t understand. I have your
picture. But it’s older than I am.”
Krystal landed.
“But it’s still him.”
The older man’s eyes widened.
“You’re back?” He smiled. “It’s
been twenty years, but you haven’t aged a day. In fact, you look younger
than ever!”
“Excuse me?” Krystal asked.
He rushed to her.
“Thank you for saving my life.
Sentinel’s Lair – the Oracle’s console
“Well, well.” Bruce smiled. “So
I didn’t imagine it. She may not be Krystal Wayne, but we still owe her
our gratitude.”
Selina caught the look in his
eyes. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s quite pleased with himself.
Should I feel alarmed?
“You know,” he chuckled, “if Krys
wants to pretend to be Helena, she has every right. Without Krys, Helena
would not exist. Neither would I.”
Selina raised an eyebrow. She
leaned over her console.
“Bruce, are you sure Kent really
cured you?”
Bruce grinned.
“This is not fair of me, I know.
I just can’t tell you yet. But I really need your help. Here’s what I
need you to do. Look for a string of miracles. Probably starts near Memphis,
oh, say twenty two years ago. Probably ends just before Alan Scott’s
return to this universe.”
Selina felt a shiver. The Oracle
started her research.
“Don’t you remember us?” The
older man asked.
Krystal shook her head.
“No. I know your parents, but I
don’t think I’ve met you.”
He sighed.
“Forgive me. My name is Garth
Grayson. My twin brother and I were the sons of Dennis and Mary Grayson.
How have you met my parents?”
Jay watched, entranced.
“Krystal? What are you talking
She frowned.
“Garth, how long have you had the
lightning? Less than six months?”
He nodded.
“Not quite that long. Why?”
“Is your brother alive?” She
“No, he died many years ago. Why
do you ask?” Garth’s confusion grew. “And why don’t you remember the
Holland Tunnel Collapse?”
“Holland Tunnel Collapse?” Jay
“It was a terrible tragedy.”
Garth frowned. “We had been visiting my mother. We were hiking home. In
the mean time, some idiot angered the Kayzik. They bombed the damned
tunnel with us in it.” Garth pointed to Krystal. “She pulled us out,
before it collapsed.”
Dick’s eyes widened.
“I do remember you! It really is
Krystal puzzled.
“But I’m not that old. I have no
memories of any of this!”
Garth nodded.
“That may be true. But it’s you.
The same bearing. The way you move. And the sense of awe I’ve never felt
before or since.”
Jay grinned.
“He’s got you there, Krys!”
“Not you, too!” She smiled.
“Seems I do have a real past. I wonder what happened.”
“Ares.” Jay frowned.
“No doubt.” She nodded. She
caught Jay’s odd expression. Jay disappeared. She looked at Garth. “So,
you have two children?”
Jay reappeared.
“Hey!” An oddly colored bundle
struggled in his arms. “Lemme go!” It vibrated at high speed. Jay
matched its vibrations.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Jay
tried to reassure it. The bundle slowed down its struggle.
“He won’t.” Krystal spoke with
certainty. “I know what your grandfather can do when he’s angry. He’s not
“Grandfather?” Dick Grayson
asked. The bundle ceased its struggle.
“Grandfather?” The young girl
repeated. She looked up at Jay. “You don’t look old enough to be my
grandfather.” He let her go. She stood her ground: defiant.
“Iris?” Garth started to ask.
“I don’t know a better way to say
this.” Krystal walked towards them. “I’m sorry. But, this is what I
know. There is a gene that only passes from father to son. It’s called a
‘Y’ chromosome. And it’s identical in the three of you.”
She sighed.
“Here’s what I can deduce. Mary
Batson was pregnant when Shazam poisoned the lightning. That was her
hidden shame. What she’s never lived down.”
“What?” Jay stammered. “Why
didn’t she tell me?”
Krystal drew in a breath.
“Because she was ashamed. And she
did not want to add to your pain.”
“Excuse me?” Garth broke in. “We
haven’t been able to find my mother since the tunnel fell in. But even if
she were alive, she’d be more than eighty years old.”
Krystal frowned.
“Mary keeps too many secrets.
Mary Batson was Mary Marvel. The Shazam Wizard imprisoned her lightning
and Jay Garrick. But the man you remember as the Green Lantern has
returned. He freed the lightning and Jay. She has become Mary Marvel
again. But a dangerous foe has now attacked her mind.” (Elf note: The
story of the lightning - Funeral for a Friend – Chapter 2).
“Dad, I don’t understand this.”
Iris fumed.
Krystal smiled.
“You will. Trust me. We’ll have
time to sort it out. It takes a while to get to New Oa. Even at my
Jay grinned. The Graysons looked
Sentinel’s Lair Command Center
“We understand Krys.” Garja Jenna
spoke into her comms. “We’ll have it ready for you.”
Garja walked over to the Oracle’s
console. Selina and Bruce shared a display.
Selina smiled.
“Here it is. The miracles started
twenty-two years ago in Memphis. They ended just before the Sentinel
returned. How did you know?”
Bruce Wayne smiled wryly back to
“I was one of the miracles. I did
not make the connection until today.” He lost himself in a memory.
Memphis Tennessee –
Bruce Wayne shook himself awake.
The young boy smelled burning bodies. He looked up to see a face filled
with concern.
“Who are you? Where are my
She looked at him sorrowfully.
“I’m sorry. There was nothing I
could do. I could not save them.”
“The evil aliens!” He cried.
“They killed my parents! All aliens are bad! They all want to kill us!
Aliens just see us as food!”
The strength of his anger startled
“All aliens have to die! I’ll
kill them all!”
She frowned and cocked an eyebrow.
She got on her knees in front of the little boy.
“I am so sorry that I could not
help them.” She looked at the ground. Then she looked back up to him. “I
know what I’m about to say won’t make sense today, but I hope you’ll
remember it someday. Don’t hate anyone just because they are different.
Not all aliens are bad. Not all Terrans are good. You have to judge
people for who they are.”
“Lady, you’re strange.” Bruce
pulled back.
“I know.” She nodded. “I know.
But someday I hope you will remember.”
day – Sentinel’s Lair Command Center
I do remember, Krystal. I do.
And I swear that you will, too. Bruce turned to see Krystal’s party
fly past on their way to the hangar deck. You may not be my daughter,
but you have always been my friend.
He walked to the railing. Bruce
watched as Krystal pulled a small transport capsule out of the hangar. She
flew it out of sight.
Selina stood over Garja’s console.
“New Oa, this is the Sentinel’s
Lair. I’m sending you a priority package. I need landing space near
Captain Marvel’s infirmary room. Cancel that. I’m requiring it. Command
The comms squawked back.
“Aye, Ma’am. We’ll have it ready
and waiting.”
Selina relaxed her tone.
“Thank you, New Oa. We appreciate
your assistance.”
“Any time, Lair! Without you,
we’d be Kayzik crunchies. We’ll keep the travel lanes clear. New Oa out!”
Selina turned to Bruce.
“Linda’s on her way back here with
Diana. The Boss wants to make sure we’re protected. In the meantime, I
want to see that rocket again. Bruce Wayne, you are arrogant, egotistical,
and usually insufferable. But you’re also usually right. I’ve missed
something and I bet I know what it is!” She walked out of the command
center. Bruce followed with a devilish grin on his face.
“Thanks for the update Garja.”
Elise Zoldar walked back towards Mary’s room. She watched Alan hold his
sleeping cousin.
“She knows you’re there. She
turns violent the second you leave.”
Alan nodded.
“After all this time, she’s still
my little girl.”
Elise shook her head sadly.
“No, Alan. She’s not. She hasn’t
been your little girl for a very long time. She wants to be. And that’s
the problem.”
“I know, Elise, I know. But I’ll
always have those memories. I just wish someone could have saved her
Mary’s eyes opened.
“Couldn’t save Garth. Couldn’t
save Ayla. Couldn’t save Richard.” She held on to Alan.
Sentinel’s Lair – Hanger Deck
“We were arrogant, weren’t we?” Selina
clucked as she walked back through the spacecraft. She walked to the
holder of the missing matrix. She made a lifting motion where the matrix
had been.
Bruce followed her into the
cockpit. She examined the pilot’s chair and the surrounding controls.
“And that’s it, isn’t it, Bruce?”
She shook her head with disbelief. “We thought the capsule landed in one
piece through sheer luck. But it wasn’t luck, was it?”
“No,” Bruce answered, “skill. The
skill of a master pilot. A master pilot flew this craft though the Kayzik
fleet, fought several skirmishes, took a hit during re-entry, and still
landed this ship in one piece. I would love to hear Krystal’s story.”
“I wonder what she did with the
matrix.” Selina ran her fingers across indentations in the pilot’s
steering column. “I’d really like to know how an adult Kryptonian got off
that planet. They were all bound to it.”
“I don’t know.” Bruce answered.
“I really don’t. I do know that she is the last native Kryptonian. And I
won’t rest until I know the rest of the story.”
“I used to tease Alan about his talent
for recruiting.” Selina smirked. Then her eyes sparkled. “Bruce, this
story just grows more and more amazing. Elise once told me a story of her
Command. The Resistance betrayed them to the Kayzik. The Kayzik attacked
them and killed one of them. Then… nothing…”
while later - New Oa
Elise sat with Kent Nelson.
“Our weapons were gone. They were
massed against us. We were falling victim to the glamour. And suddenly
they weren’t there. A wall of water washed them away. We never saw them
again. I’ve seen few things more odd.”
“Elise, I wish we knew more.”
“Kent, it gets weirder. Part of
Mary’s pain comes from the death of her surviving son and his family. They
were in the Holland tunnel when the Kayzik bombed it. Nothing human could
have done anything to stop it.”
Kent frowned.
“I remember that. I was only a
mile away from the New York side of the tunnel.”
Elise nodded.
“Mary was even closer. She
watched the Kayzik destroy the tunnel. She saw the smoke and fire erupt
from both sides. She knew nothing human could have survived the fire.”
“I know.” Kent grimaced. “I
tried to help, but I got there too late.”
Elise drew in a quick breath.
“But there was something none of
us knew. Something far more than human entered the tunnel during the
attack. Mary’s family survived. They were saved by the same person who is
bringing them to New Oa now.”
Kent’s eyes widened.
Elise nodded.
“Krystal. She’s lost her memory,
but she certainly has a past. Selina and Bruce are going through the rocket
looking for clues. They do know that Krystal removed the matrix. Ares
didn’t find the capsule until she was long gone. I’m sure she didn’t just
give the matrix to him, if he got it at all.”
Kent smiled with understanding.
“He could take her memory, but he
couldn’t take away who she is.”
short while later – Mary’s infirmary room
Alan held Mary while she rocked.
Jay Garrick entered the room. Dick Grayson followed him into the room with
two more people Alan had never met. Alan nodded to Jay.
“She’s been like this since we
Jay kissed her lightly and stepped
“Alan, I don’t know how to say
this, so I’ll just say it. This is our son, Garth Grayson, and his
children Dick and Iris.”
Mary’s head jerked up. Awareness
filled her eyes.
“Garth? Ducky? But….”
hours later – the infirmary lobby
Alan stood with Mary by the
window. She looked out into the New Oan sky.
“I lived in terror that you would
find out. Your perfect little cousin was unmarried and pregnant.” She
warmed to the kindness in his eyes. “And it doesn’t bother you in the
He answered sincerely.
“Mary, that was a lifetime ago.
If the Kayzik had never invaded, the two of you would have married. The
date of Garth’s birth would have been a family joke at worst.”
She looked back to where her
family talked to the Sentinel’s team. She watched Krystal.
“I wonder what happened to her.”
“Cousin, I wish I knew. But I
know she’s the key to this mess. I just don’t know why.”
Mary sighed.
“And the truth shall set you free.
I’ve learned that today. It’s time to reclaim the lightning.”
Alan agreed.
“I’ll have Kent release the spell
that binds it from you…”
Mary smiled.
“No. Walk outside with me.
Please.” She led him outside. Their family and friends began to follow.
They stood alone in the
Courtyard. Krystal floated in the air not far away. Kent stood off to one
side with Garth.
Mary stepped away. She announced
for all to hear.
“I am Athena. I am the Mistress
of the Lightning. Neither Ares nor my own self doubt will ever keep me
from it again.”
Alan’s intuition flared. He knew
what would happen next.
“Sector Control, this is
Sentinel. Clear the area over my location. Things will get violent.”
Sector Command answered.
“Aye, Sentinel. You are clear.”
Alan Scott took to the air. He
floated next to Krystal.
“Thank you.”
Krystal smiled.
“You’re very welcome.”
The skies above darkened. Storm
clouds formed. They revolved in the air above Mary. She crackled with
electricity. She held her hands high. Lightning charged into her. The
air charged around her. They heard her speak.
“In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s
Beware my power, my
Purifying lightning burst forth
from the sky. It burned through the Heavens. It charged into her.
Lightning erupted across the
planet. Kayzik warriors found themselves under attack. Invincible
creatures found themselves burned. And other Dark Evils began to recede.
Chan Tzu looked overhead. Dragons
are not real. Are they?
Island of Avalon, the United Kingdom
An ancient spell shattered. The
Guardian of a dream stepped forth.
Leesburg, Virginia
A farmer and his family felt the
madness recede from their minds. Edna Danvers howled with shame.
A single cry raged from the hills
of the Amazons’ home. We are not done. We shall be avenged! Hephaestus,
hear our plea! The sound of a single hammer rang out in response.
The Shade of Hippolyta took
physical form.
“Hades! The Triad is complete!
Act now! Restore my children!”
Ares is a fool. Hades
almost smirked. He forces Athena to face the darkness in her soul.
Once more, he underestimates her courage. She purifies the lightning and
her own soul. At last I can act. And I am looking forward to it!
Hades timed his next moves
precisely. Hippolyta, that which was stolen shall now be returned. He
carefully chose three innocuous bolts of lightning to carry his gift.
the Sentinel’s Lair
Diana searched for Helena and Krypto.
Helena had bolted from her when the lightning began to strike. Diana
spotted them in a small cave and ran towards them.
“Helena! It’s not safe for you out
“Diana! I’m afraid! Aren’t we
safe in this cave?”
Diana stood just outside the cave.
“Not from th…” The lightning
struck Diana. She staggered and fell. Moments later, she rose to her
“Diana? Are you all right?” Helena
ran out with Krypto.
Puzzled, Diana turned her senses
inward. After her self-examination, she opened her eyes and smiled
“A gift of the lightning. A gift
of power.” Diana breathed in deeply. She felt a strength she had not felt
in years. “Mother, I do not know how you arranged this, but thank you!”
She picked up Helena and aimed
skywards towards the Lair. For the first time in many years, she felt the
sound barrier shatter.
Outback, Australia
An unconscious woman lay behind an
outcropping of rock. Lightning seemed to first attack her and then pour
into her. Her terrified horse struggled to break its bindings. Then, as
quickly as it came, the lightning ended. The horse found itself calmed by
the kind, though not handsome, man standing in front of it. Gently, he
repositioned her unconscious form. Satisfied, he left her several
reminders of his visit. He patted the horse one last time and vanished.
The woman groaned.
The lightning hit Krystal. She
screamed in agony and fell out of the sky.
Twin whirlwinds rushed to slow her
descent. On cue, Iris slowed her run. Jay Garrick stopped and let Krystal
fall into his arms.
Krystal shook herself awake. Jay
helped her to stand. Alan landed next to her.
She nodded.
“My memories are returning. Give
me a second.”
Mary rushed to her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt
Krys stood up to her full height.
She breathed in sharply. Her eyes burned with anger.
“That bastard. He has my
children. I will have them back.”
“Your children?”
She frowned.
“My son, Kal-El, and my daughter, Kira
Alan’s eyes widened.
“Are you Lara?”
She shook her head.
“No. I’m not Lara Zor-El. I’m
not a member of the El family. But they are my children.”
“Krys?” Alan asked.
Krystal searched the heavens with
telescopic vision.
“The family of El was one of the
great families of our world. I’m only here because of a peculiarity in my
genes. I should have died with my people. Please call me Krystal. My
real name has no meaning here.”
“Yes,” Mary emphasized, “it does!”
Krystal’s mouth hinted at a smile.
“Thank you for that.” She
breathed in sharply. “I don’t know why it matters. But I’m Lyla. Lyla Lerrol.”
Alan’s eyes lit with wonder. Even
here. True love never dies. It just takes different forms. And here, Lyla
Lerrol isn’t destined to be just a footnote in Kal-El’s history. Good for
you, Lyla, much better for us. Welcome!
– six years before the explosion of Krypton
Jor-El watched his readouts. Pesky
readings. Must be a way to alter our genes. We are trapped on our
planet. None of our trading partners are trapped on theirs. Even the Daxamites
can leave their world. But we can’t. We can go as far as our moons, and
that’s it.
He sighed. He listened to the
“In other news today, Authorities
state that the computer failure at Kryptonopolis Power was only
transitory. The Kerillian freighter did no damage when it lost control.
Planetary Defense Forces arrived to find that Kryptonopolis Power personnel
had the situation completely under control. No citizen of Kryptonopolis was
ever in danger. Repeat. No citizen of Kryptonopolis was ever in danger.
All Zencronium radiation remained fully contained.”
I’ll have to track down the
real story. Jor-El looked over to the display. That is the biggest
pile of malarkey I’ve ever heard.
“In other news, the Planetary
Defense Force denies that one of its pilots has gone AWOL.”
Jor-El scowled. Wish I had
time to check into that. He continued his research.
– three years later – the Katar Dinner Theatre.
“Ah! The brilliant Jor-El and his
equally brilliant twin sister, Lara Zor-El! The most brilliant
brother-sister research team on Krypton today!”
Lara smiled.
“Flattery will get you everywhere,
Jor-El looked around at the dinner
theatre. Rows of tables gradually sloped upwards from the stage. He held
a chair out for his sister.
“Ro? Why here? That actress has
stolen our family name! Kara Zor-El? She’s not a member of the ‘El’
family. My father should put a stop to it! She has stolen his name!” He
and Ronar sat down.
“Jor,” Ro-nar smiled despite Jor-El’s
hostility, “many actors and actresses choose stage names referring to the
Great Houses. It does no real harm. Most of the Great Houses just ignore
Ro-nar turned serious.
“But this is just a little different.
There is much you do not know. I will explain before the evening is out.
Lara fumed.
“Like why you want us to end our
genetic research?”
“Yes.” Ro-nar turned serious.
“And many other things.” He relaxed. “Enjoy the play. You can see the holovideo
anytime, but I find myself in awe of the actress in person.”
Jor-El raised his eyebrow, but
said nothing.
hours later
“Thank you for coming to see
‘Follow the Stars’.” The actress known as Kara Zor-El beamed towards the
audience. “We hope you share our dream. But remember, more than one kind
of dream matters. Treat everyone kindly. If we can’t follow the stars,
then let’s give the stars a reason to come to us!”
The crowd stood and applauded.
The cast took their bows. They walked back off the stage. The lights
turned back on. Most of the patrons departed. Ro-nar ordered another
round of refreshment.
“Ro,” Jor-El smiled, “that was a
lovely play. Thank you for inviting us.”
“What did you think of Kara Zor-El?”
Ro-nar inquired.
“Better than I expected.” Jor-El
glanced down at the stage. “She’s absolutely believable as the PDF pilot.”
(Elf note: PDF = Planetary Defense Force).
Lara smiled.
“You know, I could see her flying
off to some other world. She’d set the universe right. It would be a far
better place when she finished.”
Ro-nar looked thoughtful.
“Of all the people born on
Krypton, she’s the one who could do it. She really could fly to the
stars. And she’ll never know.”
“What!” Lara squawked. “Why
“Because people fear us and the Daxamites.”
Ro-nar sighed. “Lead can kill the Daxamites so easily that they are not
considered a true threat. That’s why they almost never leave home. But Kryptonians
are different. If we were to break loose from this planet, we could rule everything
the Kayzik don’t.”
“That might not be such a bad
idea.” Jor-El opined. “We would have the power to slow the Kayzik
threat. Let us not forget, they are in other parts of this Galaxy.”
“But our trading partners don’t
think it’s such a good idea.” Ro-nar answered seriously. “We’d be starved
to death before we could act. Remember, we no longer grow our own food.”
They looked over at the stage.
‘Kara Zor-El’ had come out to talk with a young girl. She sat on the steps
and chatted cheerfully.
Jor-El watched the conversation.
“Who is she, really? And why is
my Father so tolerant of her? He would have any other actor in court.”
Ro-nar smiled broadly.
“Because that is Commander Lyla Lerrol,
formerly of the PDF. She’s the only reason you’re still alive to fume at
her stage name.”
Kryptonopolis Power Plant – three years earlier.
The small tour group made its way
through the power plant.
“Is it anything like you thought, Starchild?”
Jac-At grinned.
Lyla smiled back.
“Starchild. I truly wish that’s
who I was.” She sighed. “Jac-At, I’ve been through several of these
plants. I almost specialized in quantum physics. But the lure of the
stars really is far too strong. I so wish we could go farther than
Krypton’s moons.”
They walked behind the rest of the
“Lyla, I understand you’re up for
Group Commander next year.”
She almost blushed.
“I’d like to make it. Then, I
could have myself based on one of the moons. That’s always been one of my
They passed the entrance to the
core. The ground began to shake as the freighter collided into the power
plant. She heard a familiar sound of warning. The plant personnel ran out
the exits.
“Save yourselves! It’s gonna
blow!” They ran past.
“Come on!” Jac-At ran with them.
“We can’t help!”
Maybe you can’t. But I’m a
qualified tech. She marched into the core.
minutes later
Radiation is killing me! Lyla
felt herself stumble. No fooling myself. I’m dead anyway. At least no
one will have to mourn me. She moved towards the console. Core has
been breached. Have to shut it down.
She walked over to the console on
the opposite wall. There. I think that’s got it. This is so damned
painful. She tugged at a panel. Oof. Got it. I can do this. I
have to do this. She felt her knees buckle.
Farewell Jac-At. You’ll be a
wonderful Group Commander. We both know I was your only real competition.
She struggled to stay upright. I’m
coming apart. I can’t feel my hands anymore. Sweat dripped from her
brow. She watched in horror as blood dripped through her skin.
Don’t think. Just move. She
marched over to a second console and made adjustments. She made her way to
a final console.
Now. She pulled the final
lever. She heard the shut down process initiate. Her legs collapsed
beneath her. She fell to the floor. She struggled to watch the core
retract into shielding. She lost consciousness.
weeks later – Kryptonopolis Hospital
Intensive Care Ward
They looked down at the mass of
flesh that had been a woman. The male attendant scowled.
“There’s no way this one’s going
to make it.”
The female attendant frowned.
“I hope she does. Unusual
specimen. Zor-El of the Science Council is very concerned about her
“A member of the Science Council?
That is unusual. Where did she wind up here?”
“Get real. Where do you think?
That’s Zencronium radiation poisoning.”
He pulled one of her hands and
placed it on her chest. The hand glowed white. That section of the
woman’s chest healed.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know. But I’m willing to
believe in miracles!” They moved her hand again. The same healing pattern
recurred with each movement.
Katar Dinner Theatre
“That’s an amazing story.” Jor-El
remarked. “As stories go.”
Ro-nar pulled out his display.
“This was her genetic print
before.” He flashed a typical Kryptonian gene pattern. “This is her gene
pattern now. We strongly suspect that she’s immune to the Kayzik glamour,
Jor-El’s eyes widened.
“It’s completely missing. The
gene that holds us here is completely gone! We’ve never been able to do
that. We couldn’t even remove a fraction of that pattern.”
Lara looked at the pattern.
“Ro-nar, this is the best fiction
I’ve ever seen.”
Ro-nar scowled.
“And her only reward for saving Kryptonopolis?
The Science Council took away her commission. They won’t ever let her fly
again. Not after what she’s become.”
He looked into their disbelieving
“You don’t believe me.” He picked
up a knife. He cut open his hand. He held up the bloody hand and screamed
in pain.
“Call a doctor! I’m bleeding!”
The actress made it to their table
in seconds.
“Let me help!” She took his hand
and placed her own above it. They watched in amazement as the white light
spread from her hand into his. Seconds later, the white light faded. He
held up his healed hand.
“Thank you very much, Miss Zor-El.”
She smiled brilliantly.
“I’m glad I could help. But I
hope our play didn’t drive you to it. You really should be more careful.”
She winked at him and walked back
to the stage.
“Lara.” Ro-nar suggested. “When
you get home, check her classified record. That’s Commander Lyla Lerrol,
PDF. Crosscheck under Science Council Medal of Honor.”
Jor-El and Lara retained their
look of shock. Ro-nar smiled sincerely.
“Do you know how she got the stage
name ‘Kara Zor-El’? Your father took an interest in her case. He refused
to let her be buried by the bureaucrats. He visited her in the hospital –
frequently. When she told him she planned to be an actress, he gave her
the name. She felt she was not worthy.”
Jor-El nodded slowly.
“Lerrol. It’s the name of a city,
not a person. That means she is a foundling. She has no family. And
probably no twin.”
Ro-nar spoke warmly.
“Yes. Something the rest of us
take for granted. We of Krypton have an elegant solution to our population
problems. Each married couple is allowed one set of twins. No child grows
up alone – except the foundlings – the mistakes of our population control
“Please be kind to her. She
refused the name. But Zor-El insisted. It was the only reason she took it
– she did not want to hurt his feelings. If you don’t believe me, ask
Jor-El and Lara watched Lyla in
stunned silence.
“Yes,” remarked Ro-nar. “This is
Jor-El stood up. He helped his
sister out of her chair. They walked down to the stage. Lyla looked up
to them.
“Can I do something for you?”
Jor-El spoke haltingly.
“We are Jor-El and Lara, the other
children of Zor-El. We would like you to know how very honored we are to
meet you…..”
day before the destruction of Krypton
Jor-El and Lara watched the rocket
roar towards Daxam. Jor-El stepped back from the console.
“Kira is off safely, my twin. Jakar
Tennan will see to her safety.”
“Jor-El. Fire off the other
rocket. The Kayzik grow too close.”
Jor-El shook his head sideways.
“No. Not yet. The rocket is not
“Jor-El, we have worked in secret
for years. We stole Lyla’s DNA to create the children. We can’t delay! Kal-El
deserves his chance. The Kayzik are coming. We have to fire the rocket,
Jor-El smiled.
“No. Kal-El will have a chance,
but it will be a real chance. Be patient.”
Lara sighed loudly.
They heard a door open.
“Jor-El?” Lyla Lerrol rushed into
the room. “You asked to see me? Why aren’t you with the rest of your
My brother does have half a
brain, after all! Lara smiled in spite of herself. Of course, if
he’d had a real brain, he would have married her.
Jor-El smiled with a gentle
sincerity. Lara did not miss the strength of his absolute confidence as he
“We have a job for Commander Lyla Lerrol,
the best damned pilot the PDF ever had. Something only the one true Starchild
can do. ‘Follow the Stars’. Come, I have something I would like to show
Puzzled, she followed him.
hours later
Jor-El held his twin as they
watched the rocket roar into the heavens. Almost immediately, they heard Zor-El,
Allura, Ro-nar, and his wife Yana Ro-nar walk into their lab. Zor-El
gestured towards the open sky.
“She’s off! Good. Krypton’s
legacy will live.”
Lara stammered.
Allura walked to the monitoring
console. Smiling warily, she watched intently.
“She’s past the moons. She just
passed the minor planet Donos. Ro-nar, you were right. Pulse rate is good
and strong. No sign of breakdown. None.”
“That’s it, then.” Yana smiled
triumphantly. “We’ve won this, at least. She has her dream. Follow the
stars, Lyla. Follow the stars.”
The console screen turned bright
with new ships on the display.
“Oh, no!” Allura shouted. “Those
Kayzik bastards have dropped out of Hyperspace! Thirty ships. They’ve
fired on her. The primary comms antenna is gone. Switching to secondary.”
“We didn’t make her dream come
true after all…” Ro-nar looked at the ground. “She can’t best them in
battle. Not at those odds.”
“Have faith.” Zor-El watched
intently. “She doesn’t have to stay close to Krypton while she fights.
That’s always been our Achilles’ heel. And you forget who she is.”
“Pulse rate is accelerating.” Allura
remarked. “Projecting battle diagram. Odds are 26 to one.” They watched
the eye-straining blurs of the high speed battle. “20 to one.” The
reflections of laser charges splattered the display. “15 to 1.” The
battle continued.
“My, my.” Lara smiled with
admiration. “Best pilot the PDF ever had, Jor-El? You do have a gift for
Jor-El blushed.
“Six to one.” Allura intoned.
“Pulse rate steady.”
“Three to one.”
“One to one.”
“One.” They started to cheer.
“But she seems to be headed back
The tiny craft flew back towards Jor-El’s
laboratory. At the last moment, it pulled out of its dive and headed back
through the atmosphere. It aimed far above the planetary plane. Engines
roared at full throttle. Krypton’s daughter charged her tiny craft into
“Complete with a salute to
Command.” Zor-El grinned. “Jor-El and Lara, you have honored us all with
your work.”
“Father?” Lara asked. “But you
told us to end our research.”
Her eyes widened with sudden
“And then you gave us the keys to
the kingdom!”
Zor-El’s eyes sparkled.
“We could only protect your work
if we were not part of it. Thank you for granting us our fondest wish.”
Ro-nar beamed.
“Krypton will end. But Lyla lives
to follow our dream. Farewell, Starchild. Farewell.”
Zor-El looked thoughtful.
“We will broadcast our family
records to the Shantar tonight. There is one more entry I would like to
Lara Zor-El smiled warmly. She
activated the communications console.
“Legal records. This is Lara Zor-El.
I am the senior female member of the House of El…”
hours later
May Rao have mercy on my soul.
Fly swiftly Lyla. Zor-El pushed a button. Every Power plant on
Krypton went critical with simultaneous Zencronium meltdown. Three minutes
later, the planet exploded.
The tiny craft passed through the
Halo of a yellow sun. Greenish dust evaporated from the tail of the
craft. The pilot concentrated as she fired on another Kayzik ship. Her
fingers indented the metal of the steering yoke as she swerved to avoid the
wreckage of the Kayzik craft. She aimed her ship back above the planetary
plane. With a burst of acceleration, she jumped her ship back into
of El - The legend begins…..
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse, The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the
Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric, John P. and Jason G
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics