The Search for Kal-El
© The
Elves of Alterverse
Chapter 5: Star Light, Star Bright
Tarsus IV
It wasn’t all that large, really. Not worth a second
look. It was just a bauble. The Kayzik had tossed it aside. After all,
it could only be of use to its chosen holder. And the chosen holder’s life
force had been stolen. And her father had been driven mad during the
battle. (Elf note: The Order of Oa - Chapter 2: The Parallax incident).
No sentient hands touched the bauble. It rolled this
way and that. It blew over a gravestone one last time. Then it vanished
from Tarsus IV.
A Shantar Empire
alliance world – Jakeh7
The Green Lanterns dropped out of Hyperspace. Katma Tui
followed Hal Jordan towards a battlefield.
“Hal, what do they expect us to do? If they want to
kill each other, how do we stop them?”
He smiled.
“Katma, large factions on both sides want to sue for
peace. The problem is keeping the planet together long enough to hold the
peace talks.”
They flew over a battlefield under sunny skies. The
bright orange sun provided a clear view to both sets of combatants. They
marched towards each other.
Hal Jordan grinned.
“It’s hard to believe that the Corps used to be
restricted to cleaning up after natural disasters. We’re certainly not
going to do that here.”
Katma Tui nodded thoughtfully.
“Those days are gone forever. I shall not miss
them. Shall we do this?”
Hal grinned viciously.
They fired their rings into the atmosphere. Storm
clouds began to gather. First small amounts of rain fell. The rain only
increased. Soon it flooded the intended battlefield. Creatures and
armaments washed away. The troops climbed aboard the few objects heavy
enough to resist the deluge.
The Green Lanterns kept up the pressure. The
combatants left the battlefield with what equipment they could as the rain
Katma Tui smirked.
“I will say this. I am very surprised there has
never been a Terran Green Lantern before now. You are the most dangerous
race of people I have ever met.”
Hal laughed.
“Don’t mind me. I’m just carrying on my planet’s
She scowled.
“So I’ve noticed. You never do things in a small
way. Between the three Green Lanterns of Earth, you’ve turned the
Guardians, the Corps, and the Imperial Senate upside down. None will ever
be the same.”
He grinned.
“But you’re not complaining.”
“No,” she smiled, “I am not. My service in the Corps
has never been so meaningful. How many people will survive the day because
of what we do? I am glad that ring is bonded to your world. You do not
Hal kept his grin.
“So, you’ve finally forgiven me?”
She rubbed back of her neck. (Elf note: The Order
of Oa – Chapter 2).
“Barely.” She smiled briefly. “Truthfully, my heart
goes out to you. I know what drove you. What upset the Corps most was the
Guardians’ response. I think they learned from that little misadventure.
I know I did.”
“Hal, I did read the history of the Hal Jordan who
became Parallax. Our Guardians made the same mistake those Guardians did.
I must admit the potential consequences still terrify me.”
“Katma, they terrify me, too. I still can’t believe
that the Guardians did not even defend themselves. Jade defied them to
stop me. She, who had been so hurt by that same inflexibility.”
Katma shuddered.
“I think the Guardians have learned. They operate
much differently now. Perhaps it was all for the best. Perhaps.” Katma
refocused on Hal. Katma’s eyes burned with sympathy. “Hal, we understand
what drove you. Our argument is not with you – it is with the Guardians.
Any one of us could have been driven over the edge by that loss.”
They floated in the air for a few moments more.
“Katma,” Hal asked thoughtfully, “did the Guardians
ever recover the Star Sapphire gem?”
“No, Hal, they didn’t. The Zamarons just shut off
the power they broadcast to it. They haven’t been too anxious to go back
there. No one has gone back since you, Kilowog, and Jade buried her. Kilowog
did mention that the gem was missing, but he did not search for it. The Zamarons
had no interest in tracking it down, so it will remain missing.”
“Hal, why the sudden interest?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just wonder. I’ve had odd
feelings about the sapphire itself recently.”
He looked down to the battlefield.
“I think we should shut off the waterworks.”
The bauble burst into Hyperspace. A single thought
drove it. Only chance…I sense the ring of no power. Follow ring of no
power to the Green Flame of Life.
The Planet Kalix
The old woman dwelled on the memory. I passed the
Star Sapphire to that young woman and it got her killed. (Elf note:
Funeral for a Friend, Chapter 1 and The Order of Oa, Chapter 2). If I
had continued to hold it, the Zamarons would not be free. But the young
woman would be alive.
What bothers me the most is that I feel a
corruption in the Sapphire. I can’t explain it, so I won’t report it
again. The Zamarons found it quite humorous when I reported it the first
time. They just told me to go back to my rest.
I’ve never been one to rest. Even now.
Landra Tzu found her niece Kizan, the seer, in her
“Kizan, do you have any wisdom for me?”
Kizan concentrated. She spoke.
“It’s a minor
A Guardian’s
It has no
But it shall
win the hour.
Take heart!
You have done
your part.”
Landra sighed.
Nalyd – Senator
Jade Zoldar’s apartments
Alanna walked into her sister’s room. She spied the
power ring resting on its pedestal.
“Funny little ring,” she smiled, “you do mean so much
to her. Not a bit of power to you, but you do everything else. Poor
little guy. She blew out your power circuits, but she still refuses to
trade you in. Probably for the best. All your automatic functions still
work. It’s just the will force you can’t handle.”
She grinned.
“If the Guardians themselves can’t handle it, how
could a little ring be expected to?”
Alanna walked out of the room.
Find ring of no power. Follow to the children of
darkness and light.
A tiny gem hurtled through Hyperspace. As it flew,
it lost the remainder of its form.
Something is wrong. Hal Jordan barely noticed
Katma Tui or the scene below. Why do I think Alanna Scott is involved?
He spoke into his ring.
“This is the Green Lantern of Earth. Requesting any
available information on the location of the Star Sapphire gem and the
locations of the Shade and Jade.”
The ring spoke back.
“Location of Star Sapphire Gem is unknown. Senator Zoldar
is with Shantar High Command. The Shade is in the same meeting.”
He considered.
We’ve done our part here. The Star Sapphire is my
problem, not the Corps’.
Katma Tui reappeared.
“Hal, we’ve done all we need to, here. Something is
bothering you. Take care of it.”
He smiled briefly. He spoke into his ring.
“This is Green Lantern of Earth to Corps Command.
The situation is under control here. I’m diverting to Nalyd. I need to
follow a hunch.”
“This is Katma Tui. I confirm situation. Request
backup when available.”
They heard silence for a few minutes.
“This is Corps Command. Arkkis Chummuck will
divert. He’s an hour away. What is the hunch, Hal Jordan?”
“Thanks, Tomar-Re! It has something to do with the
Star Sapphire and the Sentinel’s children. That’s all I know. On my way!”
He burst through the atmosphere. He jumped into
Earth – the
Sentinel’s Lair Infirmary
Alan Scott joined Dr. Jenna and Kent Nelson.
“Congratulations on your latest child.” Kent
guffawed. “I understand mother and daughter are doing just fine!”
Alan sighed.
“Well, at least I’m not getting lectures about the
evils of unwed mothers.” He grinned. “And Elise seems to have done quite
nicely for such a large healthy baby!”
Kent laughed.
“As much as I’ve teased you, I want you to know that
you couldn’t have taken a better approach with Krystal. I don’t know how
she’s going to work things out, but I know she feels she’s got the time and
a safe environment. I just wish I knew who she was.”
Alan startled.
“Isn’t she a clone of Kira Jor-El and Helena Wayne?”
“No, sir.” Dr. Jenna answered firmly. “She’s not.”
“What?” Alan scowled. “That makes no sense. How
can you tell?”
“It’s all Alanna’s fault.” Kent teased. “Not
really. Actually, though, she’s part of what tells us the answer.”
Dr. Jenna shook his head.
“Kent is not wrong. Let me explain. There are some
basic similarities between Kryptonians, Daxamites, and Humans. Your family
tree and that fact gave us the answer.”
He lit up display panels on a wall.
“Alanna kept a lock of her mother’s hair. She was
kind enough to allow us to examine it. I have samples from Alanna, Linda, Selina,
Helena, Mary, and yourself. Mary’s contribution has been more important
than I expected – your DNA has been slightly altered.”
“I’m not surprised.” Alan confirmed. “This body is
mortal, but I know the Starheart modified it.”
“Also,” Dr. Jenna continued, “we were fortunate to
have sampled Linda’s DNA before she became Jade.”
“Alan,” Kent explained, “we still have no idea what
Jade’s DNA is like. We can’t get through the Starheart’s shields to
examine it. Still, we have what we need.”
Dr. Jenna increased the size of the images in the
display panels.
“The problem with cloning is something called
‘genetic drift’. The genes start to break down after a few generations.”
He pointed to one display. “These are the genes of Alan Scott. Notice
these points – they are all firm and even in configuration. No gaps.”
He pointed to another one.
“Very similar here. This is Mary Batson.”
He pointed to a third.
“Take a long look at this sample. Almost looks
absolutely normal. Almost. This is the prize of the lot. I’ll explain
why in a second.”
He pointed to a fourth sample.
“This is Molly Scott. Notice that her DNA is almost
identical to yours. There are a few minor spots that seem out of
alignment, but just a few. Molly is a first generation clone.”
Alan frowned.
“I don’t think I’m going to like what you’re going to
show me next.”
“Probably not.” Dr. Jenna affirmed. He pointed to
yet another sample. “This is Alanna. Note the increase in the
discontinuities. Not anything truly substantial, but the genetic drift has
“And the other sample was Linda?” Alan deduced.
“Yes.” Dr. Jenna pointed back to it. “She’s the
daughter of a clone, but the genetic drift is almost non-existent. The
minor misalignments in Molly’s DNA have almost vanished. We wouldn’t have
found them unless we were intentionally looking for them. Her DNA is well
within in the normal range. One more generation and the genetic drift
would vanish completely.”
Kent sighed.
“Show him Krystal’s DNA.”
Dr. Jenna nodded.
“Here it is. No genetic drift. None. She’s not a
clone and she’s not immediately descended from clones. And there is no
trace of Helena Wayne in her DNA.”
Kent confirmed.
“We don’t know who she is. She’s related to Kira, we
think. We know she isn’t a Daxamite, but that’s about it.”
Daxam – The city
of Tylol
Targan waited in the park. This is not like
Captain Marvel. Usually she’s extremely prompt. I hope she is still
coming. And I really hope she has word on Kira.
I wish we could still feel free to use our
communications devices to contact the Sentinel’s team. But we don’t dare –
we’ve become too closely watched.
He felt a wind blow past. He turned around. A
powerfully built woman faced him. He pulled out his weapon. It suddenly
felt too hot to hold. He had to drop it. She spoke with an odd accent.
“I’m sorry, Targan. My invulnerability is almost
non-existent here. I don’t want to find out how easily I can be killed.”
He regarded her with suspicion.
“Who are you?”
“I don’t really know.” She smiled sardonically.
“We’re still trying to sort that out. But you can call me Krystal.” She
crossed her arms. “You are Mary’s friend Targan. Mary is missing. We’re
trying to find her.”
“Mary’s family.” Krystal frowned. “She’s been
acting rather oddly. Now, she has disappeared without a trace.”
He continued to eye her suspiciously. She cocked an
“The Sentinel did send me.” Krystal sighed with
frustration. “I can’t believe how heavy the gravity is here. I can barely
fly. I have to be very careful – the Kayzik can kill me very easily here.
I don’t have the powers under a red sun that I do under any other colored
Targan looked at her again.
“Are you a Daxamite or a Kryptonian? If you are, why
do you have any?”
She scowled.
“We think I’m Kryptonian. Why do I have any powers?
Someone altered my genes to protect me from the same mad god that attacked Kira.
He did come after me. He just didn’t win the battle.”
She turned and looked into the distance. She spied
the Deadman’s Dare.
“That’s your lead orb? Must have been difficult to
erect.” She walked towards it.
He watched her go. Targan Jadar took in the profile,
the powerful stride, and the confidence.
“Wait!” He called. “You don’t have to prove who you
are! I know who you are!”
She stopped.
He caught up with her.
“You’re Kiragee’s sister! You’re more powerfully
built than she is, but I can see it in the way you look, the way you move,
and that damned self confident attitude.”
“Self confident?” Krystal smiled in amusement. “Are
we talking about the same person?”
“I wonder, sometimes.” He walked her over to a
bench. “I’ve had this same conversation with Captain Marvel. Kiragee
could be a real bitch, but she never lacked for confidence. I just
considered her a little ditzy because she charged into things without
They sat down. He pointed into the distance.
“After the Resistance destroyed the Tennan family
medical records, they moved the family into the worst part of the city.
That kept them out of the limelight – people don’t focus on those who live
in the slums.”
“Targan, this doesn’t make sense.” Krystal scowled.
“Everything I’ve heard says she couldn’t think for herself.”
Targan nodded.
“That’s why I’ve always had so much of a problem
believing Captain Marvel and I were talking about the same person. It’s
just not the Kiragee I know.”
He sighed.
“I once watched Kiragee kill an armed man three times
her size. He didn’t give her any choice. She didn’t want to kill him, but
she wasn’t going to roll over and die. It took her three seconds. Afterwards,
it didn’t seem to bother her in the least.”
“Krystal, that’s when I became her student. She’s a
“Targan, I hear you. There is something we’re
missing here. We owe it to her to find out what.”
He smiled.
“Thank you, Krystal. Now, let’s talk about the rest
of what brings you here…”
Nylad, Oan
Senatorial Offices – Office of the Chief of Staff
Diana sat at her desk in her inner office. Once
again, she adjusted Jade’s schedule. Sometimes, I wonder why I
volunteered for this. But only sometimes.
I don’t think I really understood the sheer
magnitude of Linda’s responsibilities until I got here. Despite my words,
I had little concept of enormity of what really happens on this world.
K’rysmma and the rest have been wonderful, but
their first duty is to the Corps, not to this. They also lack the ability
to tell the Guardians to take a flying leap!
There is a great deal of posturing here. Diana
chuckled. Politicians who seek to increase their standing at the
expense of others. They play the game and they play it well.
Linda is clearly an aberration. But she is
learning the game very quickly. No mere Green Lantern could maneuver the
way she does. The Guardians chose better than they knew.
I’m glad Alanna is here. I can trust her. Krystal
is fiercely loyal to Linda, but she’s still got a lot to learn. Despite
that, she is doing far more than we could have expected. I am troubled by
her report from Daxam. But that is for Kent and Alan to sort out.
Kent. Diana smiled. I do miss
you. But I will be back to you when the session ends. Alan and Elise are
right. My true work is here.
She heard a tap on her door.
K’ryssma walked into the room. An elder Shantar male
followed. Diana stood up to her full height. He smiled as he spoke.
“Princess Diana, I am Karzan. I lead the Senate.”
Diana stood and bowed. She rose and lifted an
“I am honored. Greetings. How can we serve you,
sir? It is not every day the staff director of a junior senator receives a
visit from the Leader of the Senate.”
K’ryssma left the room. She closed the door. Diana
guided Senator Karzan to a comfortable corner of her office. They sat
He smiled slightly.
“I must admit my own curiosity. It is not every
woman who picks a Warlord up off the ground during an argument. Did you
really throw him fifty yards down the hall?”
Her eyes sparkled.
“Seventy-five yards. I had it measured. I did him
no harm.” She grinned. “We reached our understanding. He has been
remarkably civil ever since!”
Karzan laughed.
“You do understand the game. That was my one
concern.” He drew in a breath. “You have entered a very dangerous playing
field. We play the games we do because it is the only way to align
resources across the Empire. The Empire cannot be ruled by the Emperor.
It is ruled by the decisions that the Senate and the Military make. The
Senate formally runs under a strict hierarchy. Formally, anyway.”
Diana nodded.
“I surmised as much. And Jade appears to break every
rule in your book. She doesn’t fit the rules, but she’s here.” She
smiled. “But she only breaks the formal rules, not the real rules.” Diana
added confidently.
He smiled wryly.
“You do understand. The game isn’t position.
Position is merely a conduit to influence. And influence is the true
“Senator, I understood that the second we arrived in
this solar system. She called for permission to land. The Chief of Sector
Command welcomed her back. And they cleared everything from her way.
Everything.” Shirley Temple’s Revenge!
He chuckled.
“I’ll bet they did!” He grinned momentarily. “They
are a mite possessive. And with good reason. Both of her parent’s
families have earned their places. Her mother’s family has been well
established in the military for years. The Sentinel’s role in the return
of the Guardians has become well known. Of course, so has her role. We’ve
had to work hard to conceal the identity of your home world, but her odd
coloring has helped.”
Diana nodded.
“Sir, you didn’t take time out of your busy day just
to chat. How can I help?”
Karzan relaxed.
“I wanted to meet you. Jade seems to have the utmost
confidence in you. She doesn’t trust blindly. Not that I’ve ever heard.”
Diana regarded him seriously.
“And anyone Jade trusts is a potential problem for
the Senate leadership.”
Karzan smiled slightly.
“Yes. As you would expect. Understand, Diana, the
power that comes with the seat she holds.”
Diana answered quickly.
“I have no illusions. And I know how ill prepared
Jade was for the Senate assignment. She had no intention of keeping the
seat. She never wanted it. But she did not want to leave under a cloud of
disgrace.” Diana smiled wryly. “Now, it’s become impossible for her to
resign. And she’s driven by her sense of duty.”
“As are you.” Karzan affirmed. “You see this as
something that must be done well. Your primary interest is not an
attraction to power. You interest is that the power be used effectively
and well.”
Diana smiled.
“I will not lie. I have misjudged her in the past.
I have not done the best I could for her or for the peoples that Oa
represents. But I do learn. And I share a dream with her family.
Someday, I will tell you of a lady who stands in a sea harbor on our
world. She stands for the right of each sentient across the Cosmos to be.
That is also the essential charter of the Guardians.”
Karzan grinned.
“If it wasn’t before, the peoples of the Empire will
accept nothing less from them, not now!”
Diana laughed easily.
“No, I expect not. But where people have no hope,
they have no ambition. And that lessens their capability for war. Choose
to or not, you have a stake in the Guardians’ charter as well.”
Karzan’s eyes narrowed.
“You are no stranger to this game.”
Diana smiled slightly.
“I never said I was. I simply acknowledged that I
had not acted as quickly as I could have. Your protocol may not be what I
am used to, but it is not very different. Understand Senator, this child
is my responsibility. I will see to it that she has the tools she needs to
do the impossible job she has undertaken. And I will see to it that she
receives the respect she deserves for the work she does. She does this
because she feels she has to. She would rather be out there, somewhere,
with her friends in the Green Lantern Corps.”
Karzan smiled earnestly.
“You know, even an old politician has to admit a
sense of awe. One second, she’s a wide-eyed innocent somehow navigating
the impossible bureaucracy of the Empire. The next second, she’s a living
god, taking flight to places the rest of us could only imagine. Sometimes
I wonder why she takes us seriously.”
“There is that.” Diana grinned. “But her dream is
the dream of our people and the promise of the Guardians. And that
deserves the respect of the peoples of the Empire and of the Senate.”
Karzan laughed.
“And I have no doubt that you will remind them of
that, if they ever forget.” He quieted. “I see that you have no illusions
about the task you have taken on. This is a dangerous job. There are very
dangerous games played here. No one dares to soil Jade’s reputation, but
the rest of us are not immune. Be careful, Diana of Themyscira.”
Diana nodded seriously.
“I will. In our world, there is no safety. There
are only those few that you can trust. Karzan, trust does not come easily
to the House of the Wolf. Even I had to earn it.”
Karzan nodded seriously.
“And I’m sure that you did earn it. The Sentinel is
no fool. He does not choose to stand on the stage, but I see his touch in
everything she does.” He stood up. “Diana, welcome to the small group of
people that actually runs the Empire. I am relieved that you seem to have
a firm grasp of what we do here. Many of the senators I have met never
will. Again, be careful. This is a deadly place.” He approached the
door. “You can expect to hear from me frequently. We have a dream to keep
Diana smiled.
“Thank you for your time, sir.”
Karzan smiled earnestly.
“No. Thank you. And welcome to the Imperium!”
Satisfied, he nodded a farewell and was gone.
Nylad Park of
Linda sat on an outcropping of rock. She watched the
native wildlife play out its eternal cycle. Predator stalked prey.
Couples ensured the next generation. Cubs followed their mothers through
the forest.
I’m not alone. Someone with a protection detail
has blocked off the area. Well, I guess I’ll hear him out. Sure wouldda
preferred a little more time alone.
She heard footfalls on rock behind her. A young male
Shantar climbed up the rock and walked out to her outcropping. He grinned.
“So you’re the legendary Jade! I’ve heard what a
loyal subject you are to the Empire. Now here’s your chance to show it.
I’m Prince Dagar. You may bow before me.”
She looked up at him with disgust.
“Go away.” She rebuffed him. “I was here first.”
He howled with laughter.
“Do you have any idea who you are talking to?”
“Sure!” Linda sighed. “Prince Dagar. Third in line
for the throne. With about twenty bodyguards that I can count. None of
whom will save you, if you don’t go away and leave me alone.”
He smiled. He sat down beside her.
“You don’t know how refreshing that is to hear.
Anyone else on this planet would have trembled in fear at my displeasure.
They scatter just to get out of my way.”
She cocked an eyebrow.
“And how far out of your way would you like to go?
Ever visit Hell? I can arrange a trip.”
He laughed again.
“But you’re the only person I’ve ever met who has survived
the trip.”
She grinned.
“Heaven won’t have me and Hell is afraid I’ll take
over.” She looked at him sideways. “Someday, I might. I got friends in
real low places.”
He laughed again.
The Oan Senate
offices – Office of the Chief of Staff
Krystal paced.
“Diana, I don’t know what else to say. Targan showed
me Kira’s records. She’s not an innocent. Did you know she killed ten
people before she left Daxam? No one who didn’t ask for it, but still –
that’s not the Kira that Helena Wayne remembered.”
Alanna Scott fidgeted in her chair.
“I knew her longer than just about anyone else. Dad
said she went off with Kosmic and Ms. Marvel. Once she came back, she
seemed to have changed. He wrote it off to shock – she went through a
lot. Maybe it was something more.”
Diana nodded.
“I’ve passed this all back to Alan. He’s trying to
track down Ms. Marvel and Kosmic. He hasn’t had much luck.”
Her comms buzzed. She heard Sector Command.
“We have an inbound Green Lantern. He’s requesting
clearance to land.”
She shrugged.
“Patch him through.”
They heard Hal Jordan’s voice.
“Diana? Something strange is going on. It involves
the Star Sapphire gem. I’ve felt it. The previous Star Sapphire also
reported it to the Zamarons.”
Diana interrupted.
“Sector control, I’ll vouch for the Green Lantern.”
“Very Good, Ma’am!” They heard Sector Control
provide an arrival vector.
“Thank you Sector Control!” Hal Jordan responded.
Ten minutes
later, Senator Zoldar’s quarters
“I have Jade’s ring.” Alanna walked in with it.
“She usually doesn’t go too far without it. I think she’s in a park looking
for peace and quiet. What’s so special about this ring?”
“I don’t know.” Hal answered. “The previous Star
Sapphire heard a prophecy that depended on a Guardian’s ring of no power.
That could be any uncharged ring, but this one is special. It carries a
very slight charge, but it doesn’t have any real power. It’s probably also
lost some of its anti-tamper mechanisms. Despite that, I know it does what
it needs to do for Linda.”
Alanna grinned.
“Provide comms, detection functions, and links to the
Guardian’s reference materials. It is charged – she charges it every
morning.” She took a second look at the ring. She slapped her comms.
“Linda, teleport your butt back here! I need your
flame, now!”
Alanna threw the ring into the air. She hit it with
a dark force field. The dark force surrounded them all.
“Damn!” She screamed. “The ring’s been invaded!
Something’s in there!”
Krystal scanned the ring.
“I don’t see any patterns. But I can tell you that
the energy signature is wrong. It’s not all Oan energy.” She
concentrated. “Alanna, are you sure we want to shut it down?”
“No, Krys, I’m not.” Alanna intensified the Dark
Force. “I don’t think we’re being attacked. But I need something I don’t
have for this job.”
“Alanna,” Hal called, “my ring is dead.”
“I know.” She answered. “So are most of Krys’
powers. We’re not in real space-time. We’re in my shadow. I don’t dare
drop the damn shadow without Linda. I need her Phoenix powers.”
“Phoenix powers?” Hal asked.
“Later.” Alanna scowled. Move it little sister.
Use that damn brain of yours! “I have the ring in stasis.”
They smelled brimstone. The scent quickly faded. Alanna
directed her sister.
“I need your Phoenix energy. Aim it at the ring.
I’ll control it.”
Jade scowled. She fired red Phoenix energy towards
the ring. Alanna absorbed it with Dark Force. She seemed to twist it and
change the substance.
“Double it!”
Jade increased her red flame.
“What are we doing?”
“I don’t know!” Alanna focused the flame again.
“But that’s never stopped me before!” She concentrated. “This is not
working. Aim the flame at me. Let me be the conduit.” She prepared for
the onslaught of the red flame.
Red flame found itself absorbed by Dark Force. It
focused directly into the ring. A violet image formed.
“Hallie?” Hal Jordan asked. “Is it you?”
“Screw you!” The image solidified. “I’m Kira Jor-El.
Now listen you bunch of half wits!” Kira’s image scanned the assembled
heroes. She spied Krystal.
“You! Barbara Gordon and I saw you strapped to the
table when laughing boy dragged us in. Who the Hell are you?”
“I don’t know.” Krystal answered honestly. “I call
myself Krystal.”
“Great, just great!” Kira fumed. “Listen, you
cretins! I don’t have much time. Laughing boy is going to figure out what
I’ve done. Then he’s going to pull me back. Here’s what I know. Babs has
disappeared. Her look-alike has shown up instead. She calls herself Hawkgirl.
I haven’t seen Selina or her daughter.”
“We rescued Selina and Helena.” Krystal emphasized.
“We’ll come to you. Tell us how to find you.”
“How the Hell would I know?” Kira snarled. “Find
me! Prove that you have some competence after all!”
“How do we find you?” Diana asked. “Tell us
anything you can!”
“Damn! Laughing boy has found me! I’m outta here!” Kira
The Scott sisters increased their power.
Krystal focused into the ring.
“She’s gone!”
“We know.” Alanna answered. “Squirt, I need more
power. Let’s do this together!”
Linda smiled through the strain.
“In Brightest Day,”
Linda’s voice faltered. Alanna took over.
“In Blackest Night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware my Power.
Beware the child of night.”
A dark mist formed around the ring. The Star
Sapphire formed above it. An image formed above the Star Sapphire.
“Hurts.” Linda complained. “Not like Green Flame.
Have limits.”
Alanna scowled.
“I know. And we’re reconstructing a life-force from
traces. Just a little more. Jordan! Call to Hallie! But don’t use your
“Hallie!” Hal Jordan yelled. “Hallie!”
Alanna dropped her Dark Force protection. They faded
back into real space. She increased her manipulation of her sister’s red
“That’s almost got it!” Alanna grinned. “Linda?”
She watched Linda’s flame fade. Linda fell to the floor. She vanished.
“Damn!” Alanna scowled. “I knew she had limits.”
“What happened to her?” Diana asked with concern.
“Damn it! I don’t know! But I can’t stop now.” Alanna
increased her concentration. “There! That’s got it!
Krystal scanned the room. Hal scanned with his ring.
“Call your daughter, Damn you!” Alanna screamed.
“Hallie!” Hal Jordan screamed. A violet flash
rewarded him. A transparent violet being seemed to solidify.
“Daddy?” Hallie asked. “What am I doing here? I’m
dead! I was with Mom and the rest of our family.”
“I don’t know.” Hal approached his daughter. “All I
know is that I see you in front of me.” His hand passed through her.
“Alanna?” Krystal worried. “I still don’t see any
traces of Linda. What happened?”
They smelled brimstone. A man with red hair and a
trident walked out from it.
“The worst, I fear.” Daimon Hellstrom answered.
Elsewhere –
Ares’ Lab
This was too easy! Ares gloated. You’re
too predictable, Kira. He looked down at her body on the table.
I’ve had you ensorcelled for more than six months. I knew exactly what you
would do. He smirked. You finally broke loose of my spell,
just to waste your energy trying to warn them. Then that green bitch
wasted her life force trying to save you and that other worthless twit.
Lovely! Why fight them directly when I don’t have to? Divide and conquer
before the battle! I’ve won! Miss Green Genes’ life force isn’t anywhere
“Father?” Ms. Marvel interrupted his thoughts. “Is
all proceeding on schedule?”
“Yes, Eris!” He grinned. “Jade is gone. Silly twit
gave up her life force.” (Elf note: Eris – Greek Goddess of Strife)
“I don’t know what to make of it.” Daimon glowered.
“She seemed to expend a significant amount of her life force. Then she
vanished. She isn’t here. She isn’t in Hell. And Heaven isn’t talking.”
“Daimon?” Alanna asked. “If she had passed beyond,
wouldn’t there be a body?”
Daimon looked at her earnestly.
“I though you of all people would understand. Linda
Danvers is dead. She died during the Final Night. Only Gaea remains.
Gaea, who believes that she is Linda.” (Elf note: The Order of Oa, Chapter
4 – Final Night). Daimon snarled. “If Gaea has lost the illusion of
Linda’s existence, she is probably planning to end this universe. If the
universe ends, we’re all gone! I knew it was a mistake to trust Linda with
a power ring!” He vanished.
Alanna screamed.
Across the room, Hallie Jordan tried to touch her
father. Her hands passed through him.
“What have you done to me? What have you people done
to me?” She wailed. “What have you done?”
Somewhere Else??
Linda shook herself awake. She found herself
floating in an unfamiliar void. She felt weak.
“Gaea?” Linda felt for her attachment to the woman
of Green Flame.
“Yes?” Gaea
manifested as a flaming twin of Linda.
“Am I dead?”
Her other self smiled.
“In a way, little one. But
only in a way. The Starheart of the Kayzik home universe disintegrated
your original body.” (Elf note: The Order of Oa – Chapter 4 –
The Final Night.)
Linda’s eyes widened.
Her other self’s eyes narrowed.
“You do not fully
understand your nature. The Starheart of that universe destroyed your
physical form. It almost truly ended your existence. In the midst of all
that devastation, I was barely able to find enough of your life force to
reassemble. But once I found that much of your life force, it regenerated
your physical form. That’s why you were unconscious for so long. Your
life force had to regenerate so much of itself.”
“Huh?” Linda gaped.
“Yes.” Gaea
continued. “Linda, you are Phoenix
incarnate. The red flame you release as Phoenix is
part of your life force. Even if you expend almost your entire life force,
in time it would recharge on its own and restore you. That is the nature
of Phoenix. But it is not the nature of Jade.”
“Why is there a difference, Gaea?” Linda asked with
“Linda, your life force
is extremely powerful. So powerful that it can contain the part of me that
must be contained. But if you go through the cycle of renewal, you
momentarily cease to have physical form. And in that briefest instant, I
will be released in my totality. Remember, I am not native to this
probability. The complete release of my power would severely damage this
probability’s balance of Chaos and Order.”
Gaea held Linda’s gaze.
“The Starheart of the Kayzik
home probability did force my release with your destruction. But I could
not damage that probability any more than it had already been damaged.
Instead, I immediately recombined with you. In the same instant I did
that, I used the Great Portal to exit the probability. We cut it close – I
barely kept us together as we exited the Portal.”
“To put this in
perspective, Linda – we were out of that probability within five seconds of
the explosion and I still just barely survived it.”
“You barely survived?” Linda’s eyes widened.
“Barely.” Gaea
confirmed. “Even I am not infinite. There
are limits to my power. But even so, the release of all my power would be
absolutely catastrophic to the sentients of this probability. That leads
us to the current situation.”
“Current situation?” Linda’s eyes glazed.
“Yes.” Her
other self continued. “If you expend too much
of your life force, I will be freed even without your death. That was why
I was forced to bring you here. The sustained drain you experienced has
cost more of your life force than I could allow. If you ever awaken here
again, it will be for the same reason. I cannot ever allow your life force
to fail to contain me.”
“That is part of the
price you pay for my power. Your native Phoenix
abilities have been somewhat curtailed. You’ve noticed that you can now
only teleport a few miles. The psychic abilities you share with your
sister are not much affected and I make up for most of your other losses.
But you do not provide the power for those abilities – I do.”
Linda nodded.
“You may be the genie in the bottle, but I’m still
the bottle.”
Her other self smiled warmly.
“Yup! The future
champion of the Chocolate Ice Cream! I brought you to this particular area
of limbo because time runs so quickly here. I wanted you to have a chance
to recover without losing too much time in the real world.”
“Linda, there is one
more thing I must say. Alanna did not restore the fragments of Hallie Jordan’s life
force. She recreated them. Alanna used your power to raise the dead. And
she almost forced my release to do it.”
Nylad – Jade’s
Daimon aimed his trident at Hallie Jordan.
“This is your fault! Gaea has gone mad because of
you!” He fired his trident.
Alanna Scott absorbed the soulfire with Dark Force.
“You twit!” Daimon yelled at Alanna. “Only your
silly sister is more wretched than you!”
“Daimon!” Alanna yelled. “This isn’t like you!”
Diana grabbed Daimon’s trident.
“Fool!” He screamed. “I control the trident.” Diana
felt the trident heat up. “Now, I will kill you!”
Hal Jordan aimed his ring at Daimon and fired. Daimon
screamed. He snatched the trident back and prepared to fire. A fist of
steel reached for the trident before Daimon could fire it. Despite the soulfire
surging through it, Krystal held it tightly.
“No one will die here today.” Krystal spoke calmly,
forcefully. “Not today.”
They heard a voice from the darkness.
“Put it away and leave, Hellspawn.”
Daimon looked into the shadows.
“You! You will pay for this!”
“Maybe.” Jade walked out of the shadows. “But as Krystal
said, not today.”
He struggled to aim his trident at her. She smiled
with confidence. Her hands both flamed green. His eyes widened. He
Jade’s green flame pierced the Star Sapphire. She
aimed her other hand back at Hallie Jordan. Hallie solidified.
“Jade?” Alanna asked. “What happened?”
Linda glared at her.
“You know what happened. You should have told me.
You nearly released all of Gaea’s power!”
Alanna fumed.
“I did what I had to do. I brought her back!”
“Yes, you did!” Linda accused. “But Hallie Jordan
was dead! Her body was gone and so was her soul. You disrupted the
natural order!”
“And you don’t, little Linda? Or should I call you
Jade, or just Gaea?”
Linda’s eyes burned red with anger. Her body burned
“I am not Gaea. I contain Gaea. But my true name is
Linda Lee Kyle. If I were truly Gaea, you would not be here.” She turned
to look at Hallie Jordan.
“Hallie, none of this is your fault. You have been
injured by our thoughtlessness and our foolishness. We have taken you from
your final reward. Not even Gaea in her madness condones that. I am
Diana walked over to Hallie. She reached out to
touch the Star Sapphire.
“There seems to be some substance, this time. What
did you do?”
“Tell them, Squirt.” Alanna snarled. “Tell them all
about it. Tell them what you really are.” Alanna hesitated. “I’m sorry,
little one, that’s not fair.” Then she growled. “Oh, yes it is!”
“Linda?” Krystal asked with concern. “Are you all
“No, Krys.” Linda appeared exhausted. “She’s
right. I’m dead. I’m nothing more than a Spectre of the girl who died
during the Final Night. I have fought on too long. I am returning to
Hell, where I belong.”
Terrified, Alanna spun a dark force shield. She took
them out of real space.
“Not while I have my power!” Alanna screamed. Dark
Force raged. They felt it grow stronger. “I won’t lose you now!” She
aimed Dark Force at Linda and fired. Her Dark Force hit Linda full force.
Linda seemed be surprised. Then, she wavered. Then, she disappeared.
“Linda?” Alanna panicked.
Diana spun her lasso around Alanna. She pulled it
“Alanna! Stop this madness!”
“I! I!” Alanna seemed to withdraw inside herself.
She slumped to the ground.
“I…” She vanished.
“Daddy?” Hallie wavered.
Hal Jordan flashed his ring at the Star Sapphire.
“Linda tied your energies to the Sapphire. It’s an
anchor. But that’s all it is.”
Krystal scanned through the Dark Force.
“Where the Hell are we?”
“I have no clue.” Diana answered. “I’m not sure I
want to know.”
Alanna floated in darkness of the void. What will
Dad say? What if I tell him that she was dead anyway? I’m so afraid! So
afraid of what they’ll do to me. I killed the Champion of Life. I killed
the Keeper of the Starheart. I killed the Champion of the Green Flame!
She felt the terror grow. Must fight this! I’ve
allowed myself to grow afraid. Must fight this off. She found a
strength inside herself that she did not expect. A stray thought floated
through the back of her mind. How can the Phoenix die?
Remember the power of the Phoenix. Its physical form has
always been a manifestation of its flame! And if I had truly killed her, I
would have released Gaea – and that didn’t happen.
Enough. I’ve had enough. Something has been at me.
Something malicious. She aimed her Dark Force into herself. Hurts.
Must be what Linda felt when I took too much power. She felt things
die within herself. Light that should never have existed faded to black.
She evacuated her body of shadow. She aged it to death and beyond. She
sensed spells evaporating. She reversed the aging process and took her
body back to one original cell. She concentrated on the cell. Once she
was sure of what she had seen, she aged the cell back into a body and back into
her natural age. She reclaimed her physical form. She restarted her
The bubble
“What happened?” Hallie asked. “Where are we?”
Diana sighed.
“Something is wrong with Alanna. I think Linda
provoked her on purpose. I don’t know where either of them is now.”
“Alanna didn’t fully block my ring this time.” Hal
concentrated. “I can try to take us back.”
“No need.” The Shade reappeared inside the sphere.
“I’ll take you back in a minute. Linda is up to something, I can tell.
She’s a good actress, but a bit of a ham. We need to give her a few
minutes before we go back to normal space.”
“Is there any truth to what she said?” Krystal
asked. “Is Linda really dead? Where did my memories really come from?”
Alanna smiled gently.
“Krys, I could give you a philosophical answer, but I
won’t. The real answer is that it probably doesn’t matter. Not in this
family. The normal rules just don’t apply.”
Krystal’s eyes lit up.
“E=MC²! When Energy is infinite, M can be anything!”
Diana grinned.
“Descartes – I think, therefore I am.”
Alanna grinned more viciously.
“More like Heaven won’t have me and Hell’s afraid
I’ll take over.”
Outside the
Portals of Hell
Jade stood alone. She made a gesture of warning and
intent. Then she pointed to the portal.
“Master!” Hades’ servant groveled. “We have a
problem. She threatens to destroy the Portal. Should I contact Daimon?”
“No.” Hades vanished.
Outside the
Portals of Hell
Hades appeared. Jade’s shields consumed them both.
Hades reinforced her shields. She crossed her arms and scowled.
“You’ve been hit. Daimon no longer serves you.”
Hades nodded.
“I know. Ares grows bold. How did you know?”
Linda frowned.
“I know Daimon when he’s human. I know Daimon when
he’s not. I know the difference. Daimon never panics. Until today.”
Hades sighed.
“But you did not come here for this. There is more.”
“Yep.” Linda turned away. “We screwed up. We
disrupted the natural order today. We reclaimed the dead. I didn’t
understand until it was too late. I need your advice.”
Hades teased.
“That bit with Elise Zoldar wasn’t violating the
natural order?” (Elf note: The Order of Oa – Chapter 3 – Descent).
Linda glared back.
“We never let Mom’s body die. I played by the
rules. As long as the body lives, the soul is fair game.”
“And what about you?” Hades smiled. “Are you here
to cross over?”
Linda frowned. Then she laughed.
“Gee, this brings back memories! Memories I’d rather
forget. No, you can guess the Chaos my true death would bring. All of Gaea’s
power would be released. All of it. Do you really want to face that?”
“No.” He grew somber. “I know what happened in the Kayzik
home universe. Not even Ares would wish that. Of course, he might think
that he does.”
Linda scowled up at him.
“You do want your answer.” He remarked. “I do not
have one.” He looked thoughtful. “Yes, I do. Follow your instincts. You
will know what to do.”
Linda smiled.
“Not often you give that kind of direct advice.”
“Yes.” Hades acknowledged. “But she is in your
realm, not mine. The deed is done. It cannot be easily undone.” He
turned. “You are the Champion of Life. You must guide the living. I will
deal with the remaining consequences.”
“Thank you.” She answered graciously. “Hades, I gotta
warn you. Be careful who you trust. Ares isn’t working alone. We just
found out the hard way.”
He considered.
“A different mystic signature?”
She answered immediately.
“Yep. Alanna is fighting it, but I had to trick her
to face it. Who ever did it completely missed the key. That’s the one
piece of good news.”
Hades scowled.
“Ares’ children are effective, but not brilliant.
Remember that.”
“I will.” Her hands burst into flame. “Wanna make
this look good?” She grinned. “Let’s give ‘em a real show!”
His eyes sparkled with pleasure.
“I love a good deception. And Ares will eat this
Their protection dropped.
Jade fired Green Flame at Satan.
“If my time in this realm is over, then I shall rule
Hell instead! You shall be my lackey!”
“You do not have the power, Mortal!” He fired soulfire.
It forced her back. She circled around. The battle continued.
The bubble – not
long after
“Ah! Here she comes!” Alanna grinned. They smelled
“Where were you?” Krystal asked.
“Having one Hell of a good time!” Linda smirked.
“But now, we gotta deal with what we’ve done.”
“Yes.” Alanna agreed.
They faced Hallie Jordan. She smiled.
“You really are Linda Kent. I see that now. I’m
sorry I did not make the connection before.” She bit her lip. “I remember
the drawing that we found in Mary Kent’s bedroom. I asked her who it was.
She said it was her daughter. I know now that it was a drawing of you.
May I ask what decision have you made for me?”
Alanna answered honestly.
“You must make the choice. Only you can choose the
path that is right for you.”
Hallie considered and decided.
“I want to stay, but I have no body. How can I
Linda giggled. Alanna smirked.
Green flame tugged at the hidden compartment in Hal Jordan’s
ring. Dark Force surrounded a tiny hair. A single cell separated from the
rest. The hair returned to the ring.
Alanna held the cell. Linda energized it. Alanna
guided it and altered it. A field of light covered both Hallie and the
growth. The light grew and grew. Then it disappeared.
“What happened to her?” Hal Jordan asked with
worry. “What happened to Hallie?”
“What?” Hallie manifested. “Don’t you see me?
The following
Diana sat with Alanna.
“That was an unorthodox solution, to say the least.”
Alanna grinned.
“True. But it solves a lot of problems.”
“Alanna, she’ll never be able to have a normal life.”
Alanna scoffed.
“What’s normal? She’s just as normal as the rest of
“Alanna, she’s nothing more than a wraith that can
become solid. You didn’t even leave her the power of the Star Sapphire.”
Alanna glared.
“Yes I did. She’ll know how to get to it when she
has to. But not until.” She smiled. “Understand what I really did. In
astral form she’s immune to just about anything. If something happens to
her in physical form, she reverts to astral form. And she has a few more
capabilities she’ll have to discover.”
Diana smiled with amazement.
“Alanna, I never figured you for a geneticist.”
Alanna grinned.
“I’m not, really. I just know what gives me my
shadow powers and my Dark Force powers. I learn quickly when I have to.
And I had to. I had to get it right. And I didn’t want to leave a mystic
signature. That’s a weakness even I have.”
“Guess I don’t have one.” Hallie appeared. “You
didn’t spot me! Toodles! Astra’s off to New Oa.” She disappeared.
“Astra?” Diana chuckled as Hallie vanished. “It
“I think so.” Alanna looked where Astra had
Epilogue – Hell
You are not Daimon. Not really. Just who are
you? Hades marched down the hall towards his son. Why would Ares
be so interested in Hell?
He sighed.
When the time comes, I may have to really kill
you. When the time comes. He walked away from Daimon.
-- Story written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum
-- are original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse, The Realm and Shadowverse, as depicted in the
Continuum Worlds,
-- are original creations of Eldric, John P. and Jason G
-- Some characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations of Dylan
Clearbrook, Michael Liebhart,
-- Jake H., Jason Froikin,
Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl, Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of
D.C. Comics
-- Rogue, Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are
property of Marvel Comics