The Search for Kal-El
© The
Elves of Alterverse
Chapter 4
Krystal Clear: The Compass
Francisco Bay, 2 January 2007
They relaxed on the edge of a
cliff. Seagulls squawked overhead. Jade sat on the ground,
cross-legged. The Sentinel lay on
one side.
“Dad, does it ever bother you that
we’re responsible for this whole damned universe?” Jade looked over to the Sentinel. “I mean, there’s no way I’d ever walk
away from who I am, but sometimes the responsibility scares me.”
Alan Scott nodded.
“Linda, I know exactly how you
feel. Exactly. From the Guardians to the Green Lantern
Corps to the Military to the Senate, it’s been just one thing after
another. And now we’re taking on
the Gods.” He sighed. “But we are the Champions of Life –
that’s what we do.”
She shot him a dirty look.
“Can’t we be the Champions of the
Chocolate Ice Cream instead?”
He laughed.
“I think that’s taken. But maybe we should go take it back!”
She giggled.
“Gee, it’s fun to think about,
isn’t it?”
He grinned. An ice cream cone appeared in her hands.
“Have a taste of destiny!” He chuckled. “Seriously, I do know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder how the rest of the
team stays sane. We have our family
and we have each other. That what
keeps me sane.”
“Mmmph.” She happily bit into the ice cream cone. “Uncle John used to make this for me in
the winter. I had to run in to the
fire as soon as I finished. He did,
too. Aunt Mary always thought we
were a little nuts. ‘course she had
us save her a bite, too.”
He smiled gently.
“I’m glad you have those
memories. By the way, I saw what
you did to Krystal. Cute.”
She grinned.
“Glad you like it. Figured out what Ares had planned for
her – probably the same as his other toy.
Just don’t tell anyone but Kent and Jeffrey what I did. ‘Course I probably don’t need to say
He nodded.
“I just needed to make sure we
were in sync. Ares is in for a rude
awakening. By the way, I spoke to
Kent. He’s very pleased with
Krystal’s work. She’s making it
easy for him.”
She flashed a smile.
“Good. I’m glad to know she’s fitting in. She deserves her chance.
She’s a good soul, but I do worry about her. Best I can figure, she’s got all of
Helena’s memories plus a bunch of junk Ares filled her head with. Sadist!”
He looked at her seriously.
“But he wasn’t the only one to
tamper with her memory. Not that
I’d call removing false memories ‘tampering’.”
She sighed.
“I’ll live with it. Why have her tortured by memories of
things that never happened? And I
have other reasons.”
He smiled approvingly.
“I bet you do. You are a dangerous woman, Linda Kyle.”
She stuck her tongue out.
“And don’t you forget it!” She giggled.
He smiled back gently.
“I wouldn’t dare!”
They laughed at each other. Then,
Linda puzzled.
“Dad, is something going on with
Mary? She doesn’t seem to be around
much. Jay seems to take any excuse
to get away from her.”
Alan sighed.
“I don’t know. It may just be the gulf of years. Mary has lived a long, hard life. Jay is only in his early twenties. Mary reset to eighteen after being in
her eighties.” He frowned. “We can’t forget that Mary Marvel is not
Mary Batson. Mary Marvel is a
magical augmentation of Mary Batson.
While she’s Mary Marvel, she can be a near god. When she’s Mary Batson, she’s just the
girl I grew up with.”
Linda nodded.
“I do forget that, sometimes. I almost never see her as Mary Batson.”
Alan sat up.
“That may be part of the
problem. Jay Garrick loves Mary
Batson, not Mary Marvel. He accepts
the Captain Marvel persona, but he wants Mary Batson.”
Linda sighed.
“And I thought I had a screwed up
life. At least Linda Kyle is
consistently screwed up.”
Alan shot her a dirty look. He decided to change the subject.
“Linda, I’m a little curious. What’s it like to have another living
being inside you?”
She looked at him. She sighed.
“Most of the time, I don’t even
think about it. I know she’s there
and I know she’s content. If I
spent the rest of my life sleeping on a beach, she’d still be
content.” She smiled grimly. “It’s the Phoenix I’m curious
about. I have its life force, but
not much else. I gotta admit it is
nice to know I’m not a creature of Hell.
I have my other abilities because they came from the Phoenix.”
Her eyes filled with wonder.
“It really made a big sacrifice
for me. It gave up itself for me.
It doesn’t exist any more.”
He nodded.
“I think it would be content. You’ve championed every cause it fought
for. And it had no soul. I like to think it traded Earthly immortality
for a chance at Eternity.”
She smiled broadly.
“I like that way of looking at
it. Wish I had its memories,
though. It sure would make planning
a lot easier.”
Alan started to reply. Then, he and Linda looked at each
other. They both grinned. Linda’s left hand glowed.
of the Chocolate Ice Cream?” Gaea snorted as she appeared. “Spare me!” She flashed a smile.
can tell you of some of the events that have occurred. I did watch over the Phoenix, but I am
not the Starheart of this universe.
Do understand that I can only tell you the facts of what I have
observed. I cannot tell you what
they mean. That is the ability I
lack. That is your role, little
Gaea began to speak of the times
gone by.
Sentinel’s Lair, 4 January, 2007 (two days later)
“I wish we didn’t have to go back
to Nalyd.” Linda looked up to Alan
and Elise. “But you’re right and
Diana’s right. We gotta make good
use of that Senate seat.”
“Very true.” Elise agreed.
Linda smiled wryly.
“Diana’s been talking to the
Guardians. They’ve agreed to
provide more staff for the office.
They’re going to have to – that little office has been flooded with
petitions for assistance.” She
chuckled. “Like it or not, we’ve
created a monster! And what a
“Part of leading,” Elise smiled,
“is knowing when to allow others to take the lead. I believe you have made a wise choice,
daughter. Diana knows what she’s
“Not only that,” Alan quipped,
“but she can put almost anyone through the nearest wall. I’d love to be there the first time some
fool tries to back her down.” He
grinned. “I see the fire in her
eyes. That’s the Wonder Woman of legend.”
“I’ve sparred with her
recently.” Elise concentrated. “She’s become much more focused. I am not used to losing our
matches. I feel like a mouse taking
on a cat. No, that’s not it. I feel like a sheep who has taken on a
Elise looked at them both. She shook her head.
“And I sleep with Father Wolf.”
She grinned.
“You operate like a pack of
wolves. You’re individually cunning
and efficient. But when you team,
you work as a pack. A cunning pack
mind orchestrated by Father Wolf.”
She flashed her teeth. “And
his daughter follows in his footsteps.
I’ve learned not to underestimate either of you, but the combination
is far more deadly. Go to the
Senate, daughter. Give the universe
a chance to catch its breath. We
will watch over Krystal. Not that
I’m sure she needs it.”
Diana walked up to them.
“It is time, little Goddess. We have work to do.”
Linda nodded. She hugged Alan and Elise. She vanished with Diana.
Alan placed his hand on Elise’s
“Be right back.”
He vanished.
The Rock of Eternity
Kent moved slowly around the
planning table. He favored his
ribs. Alan laughed at his discomfort. Kent sighed.
“It’s nice to know Diana will miss
me, but I probably won’t heal until after she gets back.”
Then Kent brightened.
“But it’s still worth it. I’ve never seen her so happy. And I do want what’s best for her.”
Alan smiled.
“I just wish Mary and Jay were
doing as well.”
Kent looked up.
“Jay doesn’t like to leave
here. Things are not well.”
“Kent, I’ve tried talking to Mary,
but she just dismisses me. I’m not
sure what I can do.”
“Alan, I know the only thing we
can do. I’ve set it up. Hopefully we’ll never have to do
it.” Kent sighed. “Please, let’s change the subject. I’ve done what you asked for Krystal. We’ve done all the mapping we can do,
so adding a slight mystic signature to her wasn’t a problem. She’s somewhere in California training
with Kilowog.”
Alan smiled.
“I’m glad the Guardians were
willing to loan him to us for a while.
She’s speeding through the Guardian’s databases, but she needs help
interpreting some of the things in it.
I remember the funny look she had when she read Jade’s
citation. Helena had never
understood what really happened on Oa.
Helena did not even meet Linda until after the incident. Krystal understands - it’s the only
time I’ve ever seen her absolutely speechless.”
Kent grinned.
“Krystal has been great to work
with. She’s a good addition to the
team. But I do share your
concern. You are correct. Now that Linda is off planet, Ares won’t
hesitate to act.”
Alan groused.
“If he hasn’t already. I keep asking myself if I’m not missing
something. Why just attack us where
it’s the most obvious?”
Kent frowned.
“I don’t know what to look
for. I won’t stop looking, though.”
Alan nodded.
“Mary should be ready to help when
Ares acts. She won’t be heading
back to Daxam for a while.”
Resistance Headquarters, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
Alanna Scott paced the halls. She looked with worry at Anna Lane and
Lois Lane Luthor.
“I don’t know what to do. Mary has never been the easiest to work
with, but she’s always been the consummate professional. I’ve asked what I’m doing wrong and she
just ignores me. I don’t know what
I can try next.”
Lois frowned.
“It might not be you, dear. I know that the two of you have always
worked well together. I know that
you haven’t changed. You’re very similar
to your Mother in most ways. You’re
not the same person, by any means, but you share basic patterns. So do Alan and Linda.”
Anna nodded.
“I spent most of my life with your
mother.” (Elf note: Interlude 4 – the Birthday Present and
Terra’s Revenge – Chapter 2). “You
are still the young lady I helped raise.
You seem a tad fearful, but that could just be stress.”
Alanna growled.
“Or maybe I just don’t like to be
screwed with. I’ve never been one
to run from my own shadow.”
Lois and Anna laughed. Alanna tried to recover.
“Um, that didn’t come out right….”
Sentinel’s Lair – several hours later
“Mary, I’ve known you for almost
seventy years.” Elise looked at her
with concern. “The part of me that
is Daria Lane Scott doesn’t understand what she sees.”
Captain Marvel growled.
“That’s because she’s been dead
for almost a lifetime. I can take
care of myself, Thank You!” She
walked away.
Elise turned back around the
“Not what you thought you’d
see?” Jay Garrick chided. “And it’s
been getting worse.”
Elise fumed.
“You’re right. I’ll take it to Alan. Maybe he can do something.”
The lookout area, above the Sentinel’s Lair
Alan Scott leaned against the
railing. He watched Bruce Wayne
manipulate his Batbot.
“I don’t know, Bruce. I think we’re being screwed with.”
“Alan, I’ve gone through what I’ve
got. I plan to spend the evening
running through the Lair’s texts on mythology.”
Bruce silently motioned
upwards. Alan raised invisible
shields. He signaled
acknowledgement. They pretended to
continue their conversation.
“I think chocolate ice cream is
the best!” Alan crowed.
“Not me!” Bruce scowled. “Only vanilla is good enough. Of course, you have to smother it with mustard.”
“I prefer relish and hot
sauce!” Alan laughed.
“Got him.” Bruce manipulated the Batbot into the
clearing. It held a winged
man. The man struggled against the
Batbot’s grip. Alan shifted both his and Bruce’s clothing into their
costumes. The Batbot ambled towards
“Let me go!” The winged man screamed. “I just want to know where she is!”
“Who?” Bruce asked. “And who
are you?”
The man first looked at the
Batman. Then he looked at the
Sentinel. His eyes widened. He ceased his struggle.
“If this is the Sentinel’s Lair,
then I’m expected. I must be in the
right place.” He looked towards
Alan Scott. “Sir, it is an honor to
finally meet you. I’m Dick
Grayson. The Newark, New Jersey
locals call me Hawkman.”
Alan looked at the captive. The first meeting of many worlds’
Batman and Robin. Interesting. I know why he’s here. Alan signaled Bruce. Bruce released his captive. Alan reached out a hand and shook Dick
“I am the Sentinel. Some still
call me the Green Lantern. What can
we do for you?”
Dick Grayson frowned.
“My partner, Hawkgirl, disappeared
without a trace. One second we were
flying over Gotham. Then she vanished.
I didn’t know what to do, so I contacted the Resistance.”
Alan clipped his comms.
“Elise? Did Alexander send a Mr. Grayson to us?”
He heard her respond.
“He’s inbound, Sentinel. Alexander thought it was part of the
Birds of Prey mess.”
He sighed.
“Confirmed. He’s here. I’ll bring him in shortly.”
Alan sighed to Bruce. “Ares
has screwed with us again.” Alan
walked over to the railing. He
leaned against it and turned to face Dick Grayson. “If I’m not mistaken, you’re here about
Barbara Gordon.”
Dick Grayson looked at him with
Alan considered the
situation. Babs used Ian’s trump card to escape – Good move. Ian’s Probability Express – Don’t leave
home without it. He turned back
to Dick Grayson.
“About so high? Flaming red hair? Brilliant mind? Disciplined warrior? Strong character?” Alan watched Dick nod repeatedly. “Bruce, our Barbara Gordon had a way out
of Ares’ imprisonment and she used it.
Ares didn’t realize there were two of them. He reclaimed the wrong one.”
Bruce nodded agreement. Dick looked confused. Alan sighed.
“Dick, how much do you know about
alternate universes?”
“Not as much as I need to.” Dick answered. Bruce’s quick expression of approval surprised Alan.
Even here. Interesting.
San Francisco Bay, California
Kilowog and Krystal took a break from her
training. They looked out over a
“See, Dat’s what makes it so
difficult.” Kilowog towered over
Krystal. “It would be easy ta just
make people do what you want, but that don’t solve da problems.”
Krystal frowned.
“So how do you know? I need to improve my judgment, but I
don’t have much of an experience base.
I will learn. I do fear the
mistakes I’ll make in the mean time.”
“Krystal, I dunno. Alan’s da best to ask dose kinds of
questions. Da hard part is trying
to figure out how people are gonna react to what you do.” He grinned. “Dis makes my head hurt.
How about we go toss around a couple of asteroids for a while?”
Krystal grinned.
“You’re..” She vanished.
Damn! Kilowog yelled into his ring.
“Kilowog to Sentinel. Krystal has vanished! No sign of her!”
Alan knowed Ares was gonna snatch her. Hope his plan works. Kilowog
flew back to the Lair.
The Portal to the Rock of Eternity
Alan stood with Jay Garrick. They
shared a worried look. Alan
activated his communications.
“Elise? Anything from Mary?”
“Alan, her comms are
off-line. I don’t know where she
“Damn. We have to execute without her. Sentinel out.” They
entered the portal.
The Rock of Eternity
Alan and Jay reached Kent’s
study. He knew immediately that
something was wrong.
“Just the two of you?” Kent stared, incredulous. “Are you sure?”
“No, but I don’t have any
choice.” Alan growled. “Can you track Krystal?”
“Yes.” Kent projected a mystic portal. “Tracking signal is load and clear. Be careful, gentlemen.”
Alan and Jay entered the portal.
Ares’ lab in a void
Kyrstal woke to find herself
shackled against a wall. She felt
the red solar rays steal her powers.
She cursed the red solar lamps shining above her. Ares reveled in her struggle.
“Welcome back, my dear!” Ares leered as she continued to
He cackled.
“You’ll have to thank the Phoenix
for this idea. It worked so well on
me that I decided to share it with you!
Aren’t you as delighted as I am?”
Ares laughed.
Krystal growled.
“Give me half a second and I’ll
rip that ridiculous grin off your face!
That smile is far too pretty to be yours.”
“My, my!” Ares teased. “Arrogant little twit, aren’t you? I shall enjoy ending your miserable little life! Aphrodite awaits this body. She will have to wait no longer!”
He gloated with satisfaction.
“You are my plaything. You have no soul.” Ares laughed. “You are but a toy for my pleasure. I am going to do this slowly, so that you can feel yourself
lose your existence!”
He reached towards her with a
spell. He grasped and pulled with
the spell. In a split second,
Krystal’s features changed. Her
features both hardened and softened.
Black hair turned blond.
“Aphrodite!” Ares crowed. “Arise, my immortal love!”
The woman’s features continued to
shift. He looked down to find a
powerfully built woman with a regal aura.
She wore a white body suit with blue boots and gloves. A red cape followed down her back. His features
reflected an unwelcome recognition.
“Artemis?” Ares backed away in
horror. “No! You!
Starchild! But I killed
“Starchild? I’m Krystal, damn you!” She growled. She spat at him.
“Immortal love? How’s this
for immortal love!” She burned him
with heat vision.
Ares screamed. He fled to the other side of the
room. He quickly cast a spell to
heal his features.
“No! You can’t have that power under a red sun!” Ares raged. “That little green bitch!
She did this!”
He felt her burn him again. He raised his shields.
Krystal flexed muscles far
stronger than steel. They
effortlessly shredded the shackles.
Bits of steel and concrete flew across the room. Ares cowered.
Krystal spotted a flash of Alan’s
Green Flame in the hallway. She motioned
it away. A breeze blew by her. Then she pulled a bow and arrow off the
wall. She fired it towards Ares.
“How does it feel to be the
hunted? Perhaps I am really
Artemis. Perhaps I will retrieve my
Silver Bow and put an end to you!”
She fired another arrow.
“You can join the rest of our family.”
Ares deflected the arrow towards
the ceiling. He destroyed the red
solar lamps.
“You lose your advantage,
Artemis! Now you die!” He charged her. She slammed into him with a two handed
fist. She hit him again. He
staggered. She hit him again. He slammed into her. She recovered immediately. Then, she grinned viciously. If he thinks I’m Artemis, who am I to
disappoint the God of Treachery?
“My advantage is simple, Brother.
I’m not afraid to die for what I believe in. And I’m battling a coward!”
She slammed another double-handed fist into him. She nailed him between the legs with a
full-strength kick. She picked him
up and threw him through the nearest wall.
She slammed into his jaw.
Teeth flew out.
Seeking his chance to regroup,
Ares flew away from Krystal. She
caught up to him, instantly.
“Well, Brother, what have you to
say for yourself, now?” Krystal
slammed him through the castle into the void. “You pollute my forests with your creatures! You have my creatures destroyed! You cause our Father’s death with no
remorse! What kind of fool are
“Master of all!” Ares growled as he flew away from
her. “Master of you.”
“Not, I think, today!” Krystal aimed her fists toward him again.
“You have not won,
Starchild!” Ares warned. “You only think you have!” He vanished from the void.
“I have not lost.” Krystal smirked. “Not bad for the first time out!” She flew back towards the castle. Once there, she aimed towards the
dungeon. She flew down until she
saw the Sentinel’s flame.
Alan’s hands glowed green. Green power flowed around a dungeon
room. Krystal landed in front of
the door.
“Keep the shields up. He might come back. I’ll take care of the door!” She grabbed the dungeon door. It easily tore loose from its
hinges. They heard it clatter on
its way down the hall. She walked
towards the occupants.
Ready for the worst, Selina
shielded Helena from Krystal.
Sighing, Krystal knelt in front of them. Selina looked up to see Alan and Jay behind Krystal. Relieved, Selina let Krystal snap off
their shackles.
“Selina, this is Linda’s friend
Krystal.” Alan spoke with
assurance. “Ares doesn’t like her
in the least.”
Selina growled.
“Any enemy of Ares’ is a friend of
Krystal smiled back, quietly.
“Selina, are you all right?” Alan asked. Behind him, Jay disappeared.
“I think so, Boss.” She reached for him. “But, we’ve lost track of Kira and
Barbara. Something strange happened
to them. Not only that, but Ares
has been playing mad scientist. He
tried to create tailor made Kryptonian bodies. Not really sure what his plans were.”
Selina let go of him.
“He had his problems. Apparently he got it right once and
someone interfered.” Selina
sighed. “I’m glad I never met any
of those creatures. No good could
come out of monstrosities like that.”
Alan started to speak. Krystal made a cutting gesture. He let
Selina’s comment pass.
Krystal dropped to the ground in
front of Helena. The little girl
looked up earnestly. Krystal
“My name is Krystal. I’m so pleased to meet you, Helena. Linda has told me so much about you!”
Helena smiled.
“You know Linda? Is she ok?”
Krystal nodded.
“She’s fine, Helena. Just fine. And you’ll be fine just as soon as we get you out of here.”
Jay Garrick reappeared.
“I’ve gone through the entire
place. This is the only room I
could not enter. I think we can
Krystal looked in all directions.
“I confirm. Nothing else is shielded.” She frowned. “This is just one lab of many. I’d recommend that Dr. Fate sweep it with help from the
Batman. This place is full of
Kryptonian tech.”
“The Batman?” Curious, Selina smiled. “Any one I know?”
Alan nodded with a grin.
“Kent came through. The real Bruce is waiting for you. It’s time to go.”
They vanished.
Lair – a short time later
Krystal watched Selina and Helena
run to Bruce Wayne. Alan stood
beside her.
“Krys, you have a place there.”
Krystal smiled a knowing smile.
“Do I? It’s nice to think so, but I don’t. I’m not Helena Wayne.
She is a sweet child. I do
wish her well.”
Alan’s eyebrow lifted.
“It seems strange that you’re
walking away from your family. Are
you really Artemis? Is that what
keeps you going?”
Krystal laughed.
“No. I’ve been reading everything I could about mythology in the
data banks. There’s quite a
bit. I do need to spend more time
with Diana. She has memories of
many of the mythic folks. I need to
learn more. Ares called me
‘Starchild’. Perhaps Diana knows
what that means.”
“Perhaps, I hope so.”
Alan frowned. “Krystal, I
like you but I don’t understand you.”
Krystal smiled gently.
“That’s easy. I’m FrankenJade’s monster. And she’s given me more than I could
ever say.” She looked thoughtful. “Call me when you find Mary. I fear for her.”
She looked into the distance
through the walls of the Lair.
“I have a couple of errands to run
and then I need to go home. Please
do call me when you find Mary.”
“I will. Home?” Alan
inquired. “I’m happy that you feel
you have one.”
Krystal grew serious.
“Alan, that’s the one thing I’m
absolutely sure of. I do have a
Krystal vanished. Alan felt wind. He walked away from the Waynes.
And that’s all that’s left of
the Temple of Artemis. Krystal
walked through the ruins. Monuments
destroyed by the mad. Perhaps
someday I’ll discover what it looked like.
Krystal took to the sky.
Kansas – The Kent farm
A silent figure walked through the
abandoned farm. The Resistance
will have a new family here next week.
I’m glad to have time alone with it today. Krystal slowly walked through each room. Her Kryptonian senses recorded each
detail. She would never
Krystal spied the tombstone. With uncertain emotions, she walked
towards it. She felt an unexpected
sense of welcome. I cannot ask
you to accept me, but I hope that you will. In just a split second, Linda has tied us all together,
forever. I know what you taught
her. I know what you have taught
me. I thank you for your gift to us
both. Thank you for helping me to
find my path. You never knew me,
but I hope you will be proud of me.
She smiled.
One split second, and it
changed everything.
Split Second – During the battle in Ares’ Lab
“You are my plaything. You have no soul.” Ares laughed. “You are but a toy for my pleasure. I am going to do this slowly, so that you can feel yourself
lose your existence!”
He reached towards her with his
spell. He yanked. She felt a sharp pain. Then she sensed a super speed message
run through her mind.
“Helena, if you are hearing this, Ares has tried to reclaim you.” She felt Linda’s presence. “That
triggered a small fail-safe I planted when I freed your Kryptonian
powers. The fail-safe activated
because you feel Ares is going to take your life. He’s probably feeding you some gibberish about being just his
soulless toy and he’s begun to torture you. It’s really not fair ‘cause you’ve had so little time to
understand who you are. But I know
this. He is lying to you. You do have a soul and you have a right
to be. You know you’re gonna have
to fight for that right.”
Krystal sensed a glowing
object. She felt Linda’s
“I know you feel kinda screwed up ‘cause you have the memories of a
seven year old and not much else. I
wanna help.” She sensed Linda’s
fear of rejection. “I got two things to give. The first is this.” Krystal felt a yellowish something. “It won’t make you completely
invulnerable to a red sun, but it will make you less sensitive. The second is this.” Krystal felt something call to her. It had no color – but she could sense a
purity to it. “It’s the most special thing I got. It’s caused me a lot of pain over the years, but it’s been
worth it. It’s my compass – the
shining light that guides my way. I
want to give it to you, but you have to choose to take it.”
“Honey, only you can choose if you want either of my gifts. Please do what’s best for you. I can’t promise you anything, but I can
tell you I’ve done the best I could.”
Linda’s voice began to fade.
“Please come back to me!”
Linda’s voice faded completely.
I love you, Linda. She reached for the objects. Thank you for not leaving me here
alone, not even at my end. She
grabbed both objects.
Memories flowed through her. Kind, loving, memories. Memories of John and Mary Kent.
“Uncle John, what’s that in the
“Aunt Mary, what’s love?
Krystal felt the warmth heal her.
“What’s love?” Aunt Mary answered with a smile. “Love is sharing your chocolate ice
cream with your Aunt Mary - even after she teases you for making it.”
Krystal felt other memories flow
through her. Then she felt Ares’
spell transform her body. The spell
reached into her mind. Then a powerful
green left hand tore the spell from her mind. Her soul locked back into her body. She felt the power flow back into her. Her full power had not returned under
the red solar rays, but she knew that she was still far more than
human. She felt a final thought. Please come home! Come help me fix the universe! She felt a final light touch.
Ares interrupted her thoughts.
“Aphrodite!” Ares crowed. “Arise, my immortal love!”
The woman’s features continued to
shift. He looked down to find a
powerfully built woman with a regal aura.
She wore a white body with blue boots and gloves. A red cape followed down her back. His
features reflected an unwelcome recognition.
“Artemis?” Ares backed away in
horror. “No! You!
Starchild! But I killed
“Starchild? I’m Krystal, damn you!” She growled. She spat at him.
“Immortal love? How’s this
for immortal love!” She burned him
with heat vision.
Kansas – the tombstone
She took her time with her
memories. She heard the footfalls
of four canine feet. Krystal knelt
down and scratched Krypto’s ears.
She stepped back and motioned.
They took to the sky.
Moments later, they entered Hyperspace.
– Jade’s senatorial apartments – personal quarters
Diana walked into Linda’s bedroom
suite. She looked fondly at the
small young woman sitting in front of the bureau. Linda sat in a huff and pouted. Diana watched her and tried to keep from laughing.
“I don’t want to wear this
dress!” Linda fussed from her
chair. “I’ve been good. I want to fly home! I want my Mom to tuck me into bed!” She stuck out her tongue at Diana.
Diana grinned.
“Let me brush your hair, little
Goddess. You don’t have to go, if
you really don’t want to. But it
will help our cause.”
Linda scowled.
“I can’t move in this silly
dress. I gotta breathe!” She tossed Green Flame towards the
window. It opened into the cool
Nylad night. Light from three of
Nylad’s moons shone through the window.
“I bet Shirley Temple didn’t have to wear dresses like this one!”
Diana brushed her hair.
“You are a willful child.” Diana teased. “I hope that all of your children as willful as you…” Diana heard footfalls across the
room. She looked up to a tall,
powerfully built woman with a dog at her side. “Artemis? Here?”
Linda turned.
“Krys? You look different.”
Krystal looked to Diana.
“May we have a few moments?”
Diana’s eyebrow rose. She nodded.
“I’ll be just outside, little
Goddess.” Diana left the room.
Krystal spoke to Linda.
“I know what you did. Sneaky.” Krystal smiled wryly.
“Your little trick worked.
We saved Selina and Helena.
They’re back with Bruce Wayne.
They’re putting their shattered lives back together. When last I saw them they were planning
Helena’s next birthday party.”
Linda looked up.
“What are you doing here? You should be with your family. You should be with the people that love
you. You should be with your Mom.”
Krystal smiled.
“I know you want the best for
me. You always have and you always
will. That’s part of what makes you
so special.”
Linda smiled back gently.
“Thank you.”
Krystal shifted closer to Linda.
“I want to say ‘Thank You.’ I took both gifts. Thank you for the second gift - that
very special gift. You were
right. They did provide a very
special compass. Thank you for
sharing your memories of them.”
Linda felt embarrassed.
“I know a lot of it seems silly,
but that was the best I had to give.
I’m sorry I don’t have more.”
Krystal sat still for a moment.
“I know why you love the Kents so
much. She was your mother. She taught you right from wrong and she
taught you that you had a good soul.
They gave you what you needed to chart your course. I can only guess what it must have cost
you to lose them. You only gave me
your memories of them.”
Linda breathed in slowly.
“I wanted to teach you. I didn’t
want to hurt you. I don’t want to
poison you with my anger at others.
It’s not fair to you, Krys.”
Krystal smiled.
“And I know how much Mary Kent
means to you. And I know what you
gave me because of her. And I know
that I will always have a home, wherever you may travel. For someone who has no right to exist,
that means more than you could ever know.”
“Thank you.” Linda smiled back at her. She reached over to Krystal. “I think
Aunt Mary and Uncle John would have been pleased. Of course, you’re gonna to have to sort out your relationship
with the rest of the family.”
“Maybe.” Krystal acknowledged.
“But not tonight.”
Hours Later
Diana spoke to the hologram.
“Elise, I have to admit this has
been one of the most unusual evenings of my life. Linda’s been such a good sport about it all.”
The hologram chuckled.
“Well, that’s to be expected. I’m sure they had a good evening at
Diana smiled.
“They certainly had every reason
to. But they went to a social
The hologram sounded incredulous.
Diana nodded.
“Yup. I spent an evening watching Senator Zoldar introducing her
friend Krystal to the high and mighty of society.” She chuckled. “One foul-mouthed bore from an associated world got a little
too inebriated. He tripped over
Linda and knocked her over. Krystal
reacted immediately. She picked him
up over her head and demanded an apology.”
The hologram chuckled.
“Wish I’d seen the look on his
Diana smiled wryly.
“And that’s not all there was to
it, Elise. The drunk broke his
ankle when he tripped over Linda.
Once Krystal realized that, she healed it on the spot. That is pure Artemis. It’s not a Kryptonian capability. And it wasn’t Linda’s doing - she only
decreased Krystal’s sensitivity to red solar rays.”
The hologram nodded.
“I talked to Alan. Krystal is not Kira, not at all. This is a dangerous, dangerous
creature. I have no idea what
drives her. Alan trusts her, but I
can’t say that I do.”
Diana nodded thoughtfully.
“I didn’t until I heard Krystal’s
story. Remember, Linda gave her
gift to the clone of her beloved friend, Helena Wayne. There were not two parts, but
three. The first altered Ares
spell. The second part reduced her
sensitivity to red solar rays. But
the third part gave Krystal all of Linda’s memories of the Kents. Krystal still has not come to terms with
the enormity of that gift. And it
is an enormous gift. It is the most
intimate gift of all.”
“I’ve read Mary Shelley’s
Frankenstein.” Diana
continued. “It wasn’t until today
that I realized the flaw was not in the creation, but in the soul of the
man who created it. Linda took
Ares’ toy and made it real. Krys is
still sorting things out, but Linda’s compass has clearly taken hold. I saw Krys’ horrified look when she
realized the drunk had actually hurt himself. She’s very quickly learning to limit the damage she does.”
“Elise, when I look at Krystal, I
see everything Alan had hoped for in Kira.
She’s that good.”
The hologram smiled.
“I’ve been too quick to
judge. I’m glad of that. I’ll admit that she can be
intimidating. There is an aura of
regal power around her that just won’t stop. She’s self assured, powerful, and confident of her
Diana looked into the
hallway. She looked back to Elise.
“Honey, this is the real
thing. We’re going to have to get
used to it. She’s not going away. Neither is that dog. Krypto is asleep at their feet.”
The hologram raised an
eyebrow. It teased.
“Their feet? Something I should know?”
Diana frowned.
“Elise, leave it be. They’ve both had a very tiring day. Besides,” Diana teased, “there was only
one Teddy bear.” She became serious.
“Anything on Mary?”
“No.” The hologram answered.
“But we did find out that Barbara Gordon’s Doppelganger has also
been taken. We don’t know what to
make of it.”
Diana turned thoughtful.
“I don’t either. I’m worried about Mary. Very worried. I thought finding Jay would help her, but it hasn’t. I fear for Mary Batson.”
The Hologram shuddered.
“I found a still in the
woods. I wonder. Could it be hers?”
Diana swore.
“Damn. It could be. Mary
never had a problem drinking anyone under the table. She’s also a Galaxy Class Meta. She could be anywhere and I mean
anywhere. Let’s hope she turns up,
The hologram nodded.
“But right now, that’s my
problem. We will find her. You have more than enough to keep busy. I’ll call you the instant we know
something. Thank you for watching
over my children.”
Diana smiled.
“The pleasure is all mine!” She frowned suddenly. “Elise, I wish I could be there. I know we’ve talked this through and
everyone agrees that I should be here.
But part of me still feels like I’m letting the team down by not
being where I can help. I have
known Ares the longest.”
The hologram answered firmly.
“You are where you can do the most
good. I know you want to be here,
but we need you there far more.”
The hologram relaxed and teased.
“Besides, someone has to help my family watch over Linda.”
Diana grinned.
“And your family does watch over
her. I did not miss that
lesson. Nor did anyone else with
half a brain.”
The hologram laughed.
“I expect not. Have to admit I was surprised when the
Clendorie Shantar took out Senator Tarnet.
My family hoped he would last long enough for his Senatorial
immunity to expire. Pity. We may never catch the scum behind that
travesty.” (Elf note: The Imperium – Chapter 2). “Enough of ancient history. Heads up! You’re about to have a full
house. Alan is sending Alanna to
Diana looked down the long
“There’s certainly room. She’ll earn her keep.”
The hologram chuckled.
Diana grinned. And
it keeps that damned key away from Ares.
“Kilowog arrives tomorrow to
continue Krystal’s training. I do
wonder who will really be the teacher.”
She nodded to the image.
“Good Night, Elise. I will
watch over them.”
The hologram echoed her greeting and
Diana walked down the hall. She looked through the doorway into
Jade’s room. Jade and Krystal slept
on the opposite sides of an oversized bed.
Krypto lay on the covers between them. Linda’s left hand glowed green.
15 December 2006
I am running out of
options. Hades glowered. Prometheus has done his part, but
Ares is soon to act. I dare not tip
my hand too quickly.
He heard a disturbance in the
“Fool!” His demon screamed.
“You will not disturb the Master! You...”
Hades heard a gagging sound. He heard a body bounce down the hall.
“Woman!” He heard another demon scream. “Leave now! This is
your last chance!”
Hades heard soulfire burn into the
intruder. Then he heard a trident
clatter down the hall. A body impacted
against a wall.
Cerberus growled. Hades grabbed its collar. The door flew off its brimstone hinges
into the far wall. A powerfully
built woman angrily marched towards him.
“Hades, the quality of your help
has gone downhill.” She
growled. “That wasn’t even a
challenge.” She crossed her arms.
Hades released the dog’s
collar. It sniffed her. Content, it sat back down.
Hades smiled grimly. He teased.
“Artemis, the Ultimate
Huntress. Never did I think I would
be your prey – not again. To what do
I owe this pleasure? I must find an
appropriately miserable way to pay back that debt.”
She laughed at him.
“I have asked for little. All I have ever desired is to be left to
my forests. I do not require the
presence of others. I miss Apollo,
but I have had my fill of both the Gods and humanity.”
“But,” she sighed wearily, “my
creatures still suffer from those miserable parodies of life above. Their demons still stalk my
forests. They destroy my nymphs. They kill for no reason other than love
of death.”
Hades sensed the dangerous
exhaustion in her tone. He looked
for a way to distract her thoughts.
He gently teased, again.
“And you killed poor Actaeon just
because he looked at you! How is
that any better?”
Artemis growled with frustration.
“Uncle, you know that is not
true. He tried to do more than
look. I warned him. More than once. He was fool enough to attack
anyway. He left me no choice. And I
did kill him quickly. Then I fed
him to his dogs. He was not
diseased. They had a healthy meal.”
He felt relief – her force of will
had reasserted itself. Wryly, she
teased him.
“Would you like to follow in his
Hades laughed easily.
“Diana, it has been far too
long! You are one of the few I
could never impress, let alone intimidate.”
Artemis smiled grimly. She ran her fingers back through her
blonde hair.
“You know I prefer Artemis. Or would you like me to call you
Pluto?” She teased gently. “After the planet, or the dog?”
He smiled fondly.
“You never were fond of the Romans
were you?”
“No.” She admitted. “They
scared too many of my creatures and enslaved too many of my innocents.”
Hades recalled the many days gone
“The protector of maidens. I had forgotten.” He spelled the door back in place. He sealed it shut.
She felt his steely gaze.
“Artemis,” he watched her walk
away. “Diana.” He watched her frown again. “Artemis, you know what you have to do. You must.”
She sighed. Her eyes flared with her exhaustion.
“Hades, I am so tired. I have fought alone too long. Not only do the Kayzik hunt us, but Ares
does as well. You know what he’s
done to me and mine!” She breathed
in sharply. “Tell me! Please!
Where do I find the strength to go back?”
He watched her fight to battle her
exhaustion. She spoke with regret.
“Our situation goes from bad to
worse. I know that we are
responsible for those we steward.
But I have not even been able to defend my charges from those
creatures. As well, the maidens
across this world have lost any hope.
I have little left. My friend,
the Phoenix, was first damaged and is now gone. I am now hearing rumors that it was your doing.”
He started.
“No, Artemis. I swear to you that I neither damaged
the Phoenix nor hastened its end. I
have done my best to preserve its final gift. This I state without reservation or deception.”
Her eyes widened.
“How very unusual for you.”
He nodded earnestly.
“Yes. But the situation is most dire and Ares is about to make it
worse. He has found half the key to
the War dimension. He thinks he has
found the rest. He is far too
close. We both know we cannot allow
him to unleash the horrors of that probability here. I need someone with the strength to
fight back.”
“Go find Heracles, then!” She scoffed. “All the muscle you need and not a brain in his head!”
“Artemis, I’ve made that mistake,
to my regret. But even I did not
realize how Zeus orchestrated his life.
Zeus set challenges with obvious answers. I managed to create a wonderful person with super
powers. Kira Jor-El knows how to
handle every weapon that ever existed.
But she is not a champion.
She’s a lost soul looking for her place. She is not you, Artemis.”
Artemis sighed. She shook her head sadly.
“I am so weary. I have lost so much. Still, you know I will do what I
can. What do you need from me?”
Hades smiled sadly.
“I want you to honor the choice of
the Phoenix. You must carry
on. You must protect the key. I want you to guard the maidens.”
Artemis smiled wryly.
“Are you going to tell me that the
Phoenix still lives? That it flies through
the heavens? It is a wonderful
fantasy, even for a Goddess.”
He called an image up in the air
between them.
“I want to show you
something. It is a mortal
soul. I did not place it. It is simply someone who tries her
Artemis looked at the girl. She sat in a forest by a stream. Her brown hair blew in the winter wind.
Artemis smiled.
“She is a sweet child. In another time I would have considered
inviting her into my troop.”
The girl walked by the
stream. She seemed distracted.
Hades gestured towards the image.
“I beg you to aid her cause. She has already done more than we could
ever have hoped. Please help her to
protect our universe.”
Artemis watched the girl.
“There is something very kind
about her. I have missed that. I have missed those who would hunt with
The girl stood down wind of a
deer. Quietly, she watched it. It saw her and approached. Sensing no danger, it resumed foraging. The girl walked farther down stream.
“Odd.” Artemis remarked.
“She is very familiar. There
is something to her. She does not
carry the key.”
“No,” Hades emphasized, “but she
protects those who do. Watch
They heard a beeping sound.
“Linda,” they heard a disembodied
voice. “We have a situation. Arisia just called. She was heading back to New Oa when she
picked up distress signals from two Green Lantern rings. They’re broadcasting from Krypton. The Boss doesn’t trust the situation one
bit. He doesn’t want her going in
alone. Can you help?” (Elf note:
Continuum 3 – Lest Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot).
Linda sighed. Her skin and hair turned green.
“I got it, Garja. Just give me the coordinates.” A tiny left hand blazed with power. Jade took to the sky.
Artemis’ eyes widened.
“Phoenix. And Gaea of elsewhere. We no longer fight alone. I would like to watch for a while
Hades smiled.
“Take as long as you’d like.”
He left her there.
December – Hell
Hades called to her.
“It is time, Artemis. We can delay no longer.”
Artemis acknowledged his call.
“I thank you for this opportunity,
Uncle. I will do what I
promised. I will defend the key and
I will protect the maidens.” She
flashed a grin. “And maybe I can
help to make all of Linda’s silly dreams come true.”
Hades saluted her. No. Damn this formality. He walked to her and held her
“Is it wrong for a God to admit
his regret? I wish I did not have
to ask this of you. Thank you for
being my hero.”
She relaxed in his arms. She smiled sweetly and made one request.
“Please do one thing for me. Please remember Orion.” She vanished.
“I shall. I promise.”
He stood there, thoughtful. Hunt
well, Artemis. Our universe depends
on it.
He turned back towards his plans. I wish I did not have to ask so much of
you. He tried to
concentrate. Memories of so many
years ran through his mind. I had always thought you to be a free
spirit, best left alone to run through the woods. But I was so very wrong.
You are so much more. So
much more.
When our last hopes were unraveling, I came to you with an
impossible task. And you didn’t
hesitate. You knew what it would
cost you and you still did it. You
have come through for all of us. I
wonder if the universe will ever understand how much it truly owes
you? And now you take on the battle
again. He found comfort in an
ancient prophecy.
‘And it all comes down to this: the courage of the Starchild.’ We are in the best of hands, Artemis -
yours. He fought his
distraction. At last, he was able
to return to his work.
-- Story
written and copyrighted (C) 2002 by Eldric
-- and may not
be reprinted without permission.
-- Otherverse
and Dark Earth, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Dylan Clearbrook
-- Alterverse
and Shadowverse, as depicted in the Continuum Worlds,
-- are
original creations of Eldric and Jason G respectively.
-- Some
characters in Continuum Worlds stories are original
-- creations
of Dylan Clearbrook, Michael
-- Jake H.,
Jason Froikin, Eldric, Jason G, or Andrew Shields and may not
-- be used
without express permission of the respective author
-- Supergirl,
Lar Gand and other DC characters are property of D.C. Comics
-- Rogue,
Jennifer Walters and other Marvel characters are property of Marvel Comics